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Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions

Posts 301 to 330 of 696


Dear Doom Turtle,
Ingrid is doing much better, she returned to work on Monday.
The “routine” is here again.
I am happy with this new form of relationship, we are even more in love.
Ingrid sincerely reveals her most secret desires to me and she sometimes scares me a little.
I am taking more and more pleasure in my role as Mistress, I have the impression of becoming "perverted", it is pleasant to order her everything I want and to see her obey me without complaint and in general with a big smile.
Afterwards I still have a little stress knowing that I have to pay close attention to her and finally I have to learn certain techniques such as the use of ropes and knots to please her as she deserves.
Dear 705,
Often people don't prefer to talk too much about the behavior of others in front of them, or are not as curious as me.
For the belt I understand better, thank you for your answer.





DoomTurtle wrote:

While your situation might not be so fundamentally different from being in AA or any other self-improvement support program, the social stigma is still very strong. I imagine that telling any of your friends about it must have been a difficult moment. Or perhaps some of your friendships predate your submission and they have witnessed it develop, maybe even offering their own pieces of advice?

I remember how you mentioned that having no chance of a one-night affair causes you to treat women more respectfully, does it also work the other way round? Do you find that your female friends treat you somewhat differently if they know that you are belted?

Dear DoomTurtle,
I had not thought of what I do (or have done to me) as being like AA or NA, but you are right. And I think there is social sigma about being in those programs so I suppose there would be similar stigma about my case. It is sometimes difficult to talk about what I do but that is mostly because I do not very often describe the whole program but only the specific part of it that applies to whatever issue is at hand. I tell people that I have to leave somewhere because I have a curfew. I think some people this that is just an excuse to leave and not a real thing with consequences for me if I am late. I am sure some people think I am strange because I don't have (because I am not allowed) access to Instagram or Reddit or other apps. I usually do not tell people why. Close friends know more details and most are understanding and do not seem to stigmatize my situation. But as Anje points out many people are too polite to say something or ask questions. Some friend who have watched this evolve have been understanding and helpful. I think some are amused. I sometimes carpool with a friend and we meet at a convenience store (sort of a bodega for non-US folks). It is a easy place to meet with safe parking to leave one of our cars. I am not allowed into that chain of stores so they will offer to bring be something when they go in to get coffee for the trip.
Female friends do treat me or regard me differently because I am belted. They seem to feel that I am "safe" and they can be more relaxed in my company. I think it must be difficult to be feamle in today's world where the norm seems to be not a lot of respect.

Dear Anje,
I am glad to hear that Ingrid is recovering weel and that you are so much enjoying your new role and the growth of your relationship. As always, thank you for your questions and thought.




705 wrote:

Azureko1 wrote:

    Hi 705 which kind of problems does the airport security raise concerning the GPS ankle bracelets because they think you are a felon or something?

I don't think they have ever considered that I am a felon. They show up on the metal detector or the newer millimeter radar as suspicious objects and they need to examine them. Sometimes they are not sure exactly what they are. I tell them they are GPS trackers and I have learned to tell them will want to swab them. They do a test for explosives which is, of course, negative and I am able to continue. I am sure some of the people in line know what they are and I am sure wonder why I am wearing them but noone has ever asked.

How do you apply to have permission to travel by plane to your supervisor generally speaking?

And secondly how did you apply to be wearing voluntary ankle monitors in the first place was it via contract or was it court ordered?

Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-10-05 15:07:19)



Azureko1 wrote:

How do you apply to have permission to travel by plane to your supervisor generally speaking?

And secondly how did you apply to be wearing voluntary ankle monitors in the first place was it via contract or was it court ordered?

To travel by plane or to travel anywhere out of state, I send a text or email to the supervisor explaining what I want to do and why. In this case, it was for a work conference which are usually allowed but I still have to ask. Sometimes, they will impose restrictions such as not leaving the hotel or setting an earlier curfew during the trip.
A long time ago, I worked on several locations tracking projects when GPS first because available to the general public. One of the projects was tracking vehicles and I did a demo in my car and fed the location information to a website that showed my location on a Google map. Friends thought it was fun to know where I was.
Later, I was asked to evaluate one of the parole/probation ankle bracelets. That turned out to be better than the car tracker in that it tracked me rather than the car
I have been wearing one tracker or another,.sometimes two ever since.
It is not court ordered and the wear and restrictions are enforced by my supervisor.


Last edited by 705 (2023-10-05 23:19:39)



705 wrote:

To travel by plane or to travel anywhere out of state, I send a text or email to the supervisor explaining what I want to do and why. In this case, it was for a work conference which are usually allowed but I still have to ask. Sometimes, they will impose restrictions such as not leaving the hotel or setting an earlier curfew during the trip.
A long time ago, I worked on several locations tracking projects when GPS first because available to the general public. One of the projects was tracking vehicles and I did a demo in my car and fed the location information to a website that showed my location on a Google map. Friends thought it was fun to know where I was.
Later, I was asked to evaluate one of the parole/probation ankle bracelets. That turned out to be better than the car tracker in that it tracked me rather than the car
I have been wearing one tracker or another,.sometimes two ever since.
It is not court ordered and the wear and restrictions are enforced by my supervisor.


Last edited by 705 (2023-10-05 23:19:39)

Dear 705

Do you work as a contracter for the DOJ or the DOD something if I may wonder since you work on a lot of IT projects since you had early access to these technologies early on?

And secondly how is the experiment with your new ankle monitor going on?

Best regards


Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-10-08 17:19:34)



Dear Azureko!,

I am not with the DOJ or the DOD. My IT work these days is as an independent consultant. I have had a variety of customers, including the FBI and the FAA but not government agencies at this time. My early access to GPS technology was just from being aware of the concept as a replacement or follow on to a US Navy project called TRANSIT. When the first consumer GPS units became available, I purchased one and began to explore the capabilities. The early units could be connected to autopilots and plotters for boaters and I was able to use this output to feed the position data into other systems. I had no special access to the technology beyond having kept track of a lot of the research and development and being willing to spend a lot of time reading manuals.

The new monitor testing went well. It is very secure, probably the best we have seen. We prepared a report on the accuracy and made some suggestions for the website. As sson as they are available (we only had a test unit), I am told we will get one and it will rotate with the other two I have to wear as an added security measure.




Dear Azureko1,

I was not sure about posting in the other forum but I am also interested in hearing how Erin is doing with her ankle bracelet. I suspect they leave it in place even when she spends time in the prison. They are sort of a pain for the supervisor to remove and install. I am curious about how well she is doing with the need to charge the bracelet every day. It is not very convenient to have the charging cable connected for an hour or two every evening. There are many hard things about having to wear the trackers and that is certainly one of them that a lot of people don't consider.




705 wrote:

Dear Azureko!,

I am not with the DOJ or the DOD. My IT work these days is as an independent consultant. I have had a variety of customers, including the FBI and the FAA but not government agencies at this time. My early access to GPS technology was just from being aware of the concept as a replacement or follow on to a US Navy project called TRANSIT. When the first consumer GPS units became available, I purchased one and began to explore the capabilities. The early units could be connected to autopilots and plotters for boaters and I was able to use this output to feed the position data into other systems. I had no special access to the technology beyond having kept track of a lot of the research and development and being willing to spend a lot of time reading manuals.

The new monitor testing went well. It is very secure, probably the best we have seen. We prepared a report on the accuracy and made some suggestions for the website. As sson as they are available (we only had a test unit), I am told we will get one and it will rotate with the other two I have to wear as an added security measure.


Thank you for your intresting response. Which kind of programming languages do you use as a IT consultant in your career?

705 wrote:

Dear Azureko1,

I was not sure about posting in the other forum but I am also interested in hearing how Erin is doing with her ankle bracelet. I suspect they leave it in place even when she spends time in the prison. They are sort of a pain for the supervisor to remove and install. I am curious about how well she is doing with the need to charge the bracelet every day. It is not very convenient to have the charging cable connected for an hour or two every evening. There are many hard things about having to wear the trackers and that is certainly one of them that a lot of people don't consider.


Do you personally also have to wear your ankle monitor when you have to your intermitent confinement? Secondly which kind of other (hard) aspects don't a lot of people consider when they have to wear an ankle monitor?



Hello everyone, its been a very interesting read so far and I would like to introduce myself a little. I'm relatively new to this lifestyle, and found this forum while doing research into it.

I'm Jess and I'm a 22 year old girl from Australia, I've had an interest for years in what it would be like to spend time imprisoned as an inmate and have finally had the opportunity to experience this for real. I've now spent almost two weeks at the farm, as I'll call it here, which is where I've now been locked in my cell for at least 12 hours a day and started to very much learn what its like to suddenly loose a lot of my normal rights. I've agreed to be here until the 31st of October, so not even half way yet, but can feel that it's only going to get harder as it goes on. I've been given permission to post on here, and at least have access to my phone, though it's been heavily restricted to only allow me access to a small number of apps and anything that I do is being monitored.

705 - I'd love to hear about your ankle monitor! I'd also like to know, just like Azureko, what are some of the harder aspects of wearing it that wouldn't normally be considered? Surely it makes wearing normal clothes hard though?



Jess wrote:

Hello everyone, its been a very interesting read so far and I would like to introduce myself a little. I'm relatively new to this lifestyle, and found this forum while doing research into it.

I'm Jess and I'm a 22 year old girl from Australia, I've had an interest for years in what it would be like to spend time imprisoned as an inmate and have finally had the opportunity to experience this for real. I've now spent almost two weeks at the farm, as I'll call it here, which is where I've now been locked in my cell for at least 12 hours a day and started to very much learn what its like to suddenly loose a lot of my normal rights. I've agreed to be here until the 31st of October, so not even half way yet, but can feel that it's only going to get harder as it goes on. I've been given permission to post on here, and at least have access to my phone, though it's been heavily restricted to only allow me access to a small number of apps and anything that I do is being monitored.

705 - I'd love to hear about your ankle monitor! I'd also like to know, just like Azureko, what are some of the harder aspects of wearing it that wouldn't normally be considered? Surely it makes wearing normal clothes hard though?

Great question for 705.

Hello Jess   how did you find a facility to be locked in a bdsm dungeon for to be imprisoned 24/7?



Hello Azureko, I met a man a year or so ago and got talking to him online. I won't say too much detail, but we kept talking regularly and when I ended up loosing my job a couple of months back, he made me an offer to come and experience this for a period of time. My cell is basically an old bedroom in an old house on his large farm, which he has made into a secure cell to be left in.



Jess wrote:

Hello Azureko, I met a man a year or so ago and got talking to him online. I won't say too much detail, but we kept talking regularly and when I ended up loosing my job a couple of months back, he made me an offer to come and experience this for a period of time. My cell is basically an old bedroom in an old house on his large farm, which he has made into a secure cell to be left in.

Do you wear restraints 24/7?



When I'm outside my cell, yes always wearing restraints. When I'm inside my cell, I've always got a chain locked to a bolt in the floor from my collar. I'm only allowed to wear my uniform which is plain white panties and sport bra, with pink nurse scrub pants and top.



Dear Azurko,

Yes, my ankle monitors stay on when I am in the cell. They are only removed for some medical visits if there might be an issue with the medical personnel or procedure.
There are several challenges to wearing them. Jess (welcome Jess. We are glad you are here) is correct. They limit clothing choices if I don't want them to be too visible. It makes it hard to wear shorts. But not impossible. I wear shorts to go running but pull a sock up over the bracelets so they are too noticeable. It is also not possible to wear boots or high topped shoes. They will not fit over the bracelet.
The daily requirement for charging is the hardest. One needs at least two hours of charging each day. The other just needs to be kept above 50% charge. This means I am tethered in one spot by the charging wire for two hours every day. This is mentally hard for me.

On another note, my requirement to notify my custodian when I leave my local three county area has been changed to require permission to leave. I don't know why the change was made. I don't think it was in response to anything I did wrong.

Dear Jess,
Welcome to the group. We hope you will be able to exchange ideas with all of us. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to help.




Jess wrote:

When I'm outside my cell, yes always wearing restraints. When I'm inside my cell, I've always got a chain locked to a bolt in the floor from my collar. I'm only allowed to wear my uniform which is plain white panties and sport bra, with pink nurse scrub pants and top.

When was your first BDSM experience?



The first thing I remember doing was wearing a set of handcuffs that I'd bought off ebay around the house, always enjoyed the feeling but knew I needed someone else to hold the key.



Azureko1 wrote:

On another note, my requirement to notify my custodian when I leave my local three county area has been changed to require permission to leave. I don't know why the change was made. I don't think it was in response to anything I did wrong.

Dear 705

Has it been changed because you mentioned earlier that you notified your supervisor that you write about your experiences here?

Best regards


Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-10-12 14:50:04)



Jess wrote:

The first thing I remember doing was wearing a set of handcuffs that I'd bought off ebay around the house, always enjoyed the feeling but knew I needed someone else to hold the key.

What do you do all day at the farm currently doing chores and such ?



Azureko1 wrote:

Has it been changed because you mentioned earlier that you notified your supervisor that you write about your experiences here?


I don't know. They did say they checked on what I write here and so far have no objections. They may have just thought is was time to better control where I go.




Azureko1 wrote:

What do you do all day at the farm currently doing chores and such ?

Sorry I couldn’t answer last night, my phones screen time locked me out. But yes, so far on Monday to Friday’s I’m taken out to do work during the daytime. Yesterday was mainly cleaning and scrubbing around his house. I’m currently eating my breakfast in my cell, and waiting to hear him coming to get me.



Jess wrote:

Sorry I couldn’t answer last night, my phones screen time locked me out. But yes, so far on Monday to Friday’s I’m taken out to do work during the daytime. Yesterday was mainly cleaning and scrubbing around his house. I’m currently eating my breakfast in my cell, and waiting to hear him coming to get me.

What do you do than during the weekend mostly?

Secondly do you get paid to stay in the BDSM dungeon?



Azureko1 wrote:

What do you do than during the weekend mostly?

Secondly do you get paid to stay in the BDSM dungeon?

On the weekends, I spent longer hours locked in my cell, but am taken out for a few hours to spend time out in the fresh air in a small fenced area.

I don’t get paid, I was offered this chance after I lost my job, and at least while I’m here all my needs are taken care of.



Jess wrote:

On the weekends, I spent longer hours locked in my cell, but am taken out for a few hours to spend time out in the fresh air in a small fenced area.

I don’t get paid, I was offered this chance after I lost my job, and at least while I’m here all my needs are taken care of.

Which kind of employment did you have if I may wonder, besides do you plan to stay into the dungeon after the 31th October?

Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-10-13 01:31:14)



Azureko1 wrote:

Which kind of employment did you have if I may wonder, besides do you plan to stay into the dungeon after the 31th October?

Last edited by Azureko1 (Today 09:31:14)

You may ask, I was working in an office as a receptionist.

I don’t know to be honest, after this month ends, as I’ve still got my house to get back to and adult things I need to take care of. My phone, although limited, is my only window to the outside world right now. I’m very much looking forward to proper food and drink again though, have only had water to drink since I’ve been here.



Welcome, Ms Jess! Nice to meet you, and read about your experiences in the lifestyle, and I look forward to hearing more about you!




Hello everyone,
welcome Jess nice to meet you.
Dear 705,
I was wondering, wouldn't there be other places to wear your bracelet like on your belt?



Thank you MsHanna and Anja, nice to meet you all! Just finishing up my work for the day, its been a hard day and hopefully be able to be on again more this evening.



Random thoughts for the night, as much as I'm glad to be let out each day and not looking forward to being locked back in again, once I hear the door actually locked shut there is a sense of feeling safe in here. Theres no external things to worry about, and while I'm still able to keep connected to a few friends from back home (who don't know my actual situation in here), it just kind of feels more simple.



Anja wrote:

I was wondering, wouldn't there be other places to wear your bracelet like on your belt?

Dear Anje,

Thank you for your question.
The bracelets are designed to be worn around the ankle. The strap contains wires to detect if it has been cut or otherwise removed. The idea is that it cannot be removed without sending an alarm to my custodian.
This is one of the devices I have to wear.




Dear 705,
OK I understand.
For your comfort, I hope that one day these bracelets will be miniaturized.

Dear Jess,
Are you monitored by video in your cell?
Do you have the right to please yourself?
How is your food?
Do you receive punishments?
I know, I'm an inveterate curious person.



You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Forum Talk » Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions