Azureko1 wrote:I meant by setting up a private supervision agreement more about the legal fees for setting up the contract and the legal custodian frameworks and such things.
Now that we are on the subject of private bracelet monitoring solutions which kind of open source software solutions do exist on the market for such instances?
Dear Azureko1,
It is difficult to give a specific amount for setting up a supervision arrangement. It would depend on legals costs, usually hourly, in you area and the extent of the legal work needed. There are costs or subscriptions for some of the parental control software that we are using. That will depend on which ones you would chose.
The primary, and best, I think, open source tracking solution is Traccar. It is well support and robust. You can use one of their servers at a fairly low cost or download the software and host your own server. It has grown to cover a lot of devices and protocols and is easily extensible.
Another choice would be to develop you own. The second or third tracking solution I used was a database of position that were displayed on a Google map using the Google API. This worked well.
Jess wrote:That’s not as expensive as I thought they’d be, but obviously there is the ongoing cost for the actual tracking. If I’m honest, the idea of it very much intrigues me.
So far I've been given a couple of books that I was allowed to read, but boredom has been one of the hardest things to learn to deal with so far.
Dear Jess,
This may be in the category of "be careful what you wish". Being tracked gives the person doing the tracking a lot of knowledge about you and with that knowledge comes very intrusive power. Coupled with any sort of control they can exert over you remotely such as that provided by some device parental controls apps will put you in an invisible cell as secure as the one you are in now. That warning aside, it may be something to consider when your current time in lockup is over. If I can answer any other questions, please let me know.
Boredom when confined is always hard. Sometimes, I am allowed a book or to read on the computer but it is always hard when I am told that time's up and I have to stop. The boredom is much worse after that.
DoomTurtle wrote:I would be inclined to think devices that allow using one's own server are outright better, not only to avoid an additional monthly fee, but also for safety reasons. Is there any practical consideration behind using the other ones?
I also wanted to ask the same question as Jess, she was faster. I believe that a 30 ft extension cord should be an adequate solution. Sure, it could require some disentangling after a night, but with such spare length it would be hard to unplug by rolling in your sleep.
Dear DoomTurtle,
Running you own custom server is probably the best solution. However, the amount of work necessary to add all of the features found in the commercial offerings may be extensive and will require programming and design expertise. Another factor is that this will work for devices that you purchase and are able to adjust where the tracking data is sent by the device. I don't you could do that with the solutions that provide their own tracking software.I don't know how you would change the programming in the device.
The 30 foot extension would not help very much with the charging in bed. The biggest issue is that for the devices that charge with a tether cable, the cable clips to the device either magnetically or using a quick disconnect clip. Both of the are easily dislodged when I move around during sleep. I have tried wrapping the ankle with an elastic bandage to hold the cable in place but that did not work as well as I had hoped.
As with many of the things that can be done to try to defeat even some small part of all of the systems, it is best to just resign myself to doing what I am told and deal difficulties. Learning not to constantly fight the system (whatever system that is) has been helpful in making me a better person.
Dear Ms Hanna,
Happy Sunday. It is good to hear you are well and back as prisoner. I hope it is a great two weeks that are fun and educational for you.