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Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions

Posts 361 to 390 of 696


Jess wrote:

Sounds like you’re being kept busy too! Ended up cleaning his house, mainly the bathroom and toilet today, and sorted out the fridge. Love a wood fire though, lots of work to cut down wood though, can only imagine how awkward it would be in chains.

Dear Jess,

It depends on days really, sometimes I have less chores, but I am mostly allowed to move about in the cottage and outside, to a point, I am kept in a chain locked on my ankle, and sometimes leg irons in addition to that. Handcuffs and additional restraints may also be included, at my partner's will.

Today I don't believe I have any chores or orders to fulfill, but, I am a prisoner, I do as I am told by my partner.




MsHanna wrote:

Dear Jess,

It depends on days really, sometimes I have less chores, but I am mostly allowed to move about in the cottage and outside, to a point, I am kept in a chain locked on my ankle, and sometimes leg irons in addition to that. Handcuffs and additional restraints may also be included, at my partner's will.

Today I don't believe I have any chores or orders to fulfill, but, I am a prisoner, I do as I am told by my partner.


Slightly jealous! Would be nice to just be able to roam around the house and outside, and not have any jobs to do! Though it’s a nice sunny day here, and he’s got me outside to work in the garden, and have a chain from my collar back to a fence post in addition to my handcuffs and leg cuffs.

I mentioned to my guard yesterday about the end of the month coming up, and he said that we would talk more about it and he would have a think about where to go in the future. He said he would like me to have a good think myself about how serious I am about this going forwards too, and what I’d like to do too.



Dear Sophie,
Nice to see you are back. So you earned a punishment indeed, apparently nothing very serious, but still things you need to treat solemnly in your "schoolgirl" phase of training, in order to improve and progress. How much time, in total, did you spend facing the wall? I believe it might be interesting if you can (and want to) post here some questions you received, or maybe even a whole test.

Dear Jess,
You surprised me a little bit. When you talked about a farm in Australia, I imagined a single household amidst a desert, some picturesque place where you couldn't run away even without restraints because of terrain and climate. And now you say that, on the contrary, it's wet all around... Now I would guess it is on the eastern coast, at least east from the Great Dividing Range.
As for some form of lessened control after completing this experiment, have you considered making the first trial with phone tracking rather than a bracelet? It's much simpler to set up and wouldn't cause additional costs. Naturally, everything depends also on the wishes of your warden.
And you enjoy bushwalks? I heard about Australian scrub forests, reportedly one of the worst plant formations to go through - but maybe it isn't so bad if you choose marked trails? I have some experience with dwarf mountain pine forests, which many travellers say are even worse, and it's really good to avoid going off the beaten path. Also, there are many stories about dangerous Australian animals (venomous snakes in particular), aren't they a risk during bushwalks at your place?

Dear MsHanna,
It's wonderful that your relationship continues so well and you are happy in restraints again. Are you also able to participate in your lectures online, and if yes, does it still feel quite exciting, or more like your new norm?

Dear 705,
This is surely a good explanation. I see that managing this short cable isn't such a big deal for you, but you are warning other potential users that it might become a problem, which is very considerate. Thanks!

Dear Ingrid,
Welcome back! Good that your health returned to normal and you can develop your submission. The experiment with burlap clothing sounds intriguing, I'm curious if you consider it better than being naked. Meanwhile, has Ms Anja introduced some new forms of bondage in your play? A wooden washboard - I imagine the type with uneven surface, perhaps saw-like teeth - must become really painful after a while?
If you don't mind, I'd like to know your thoughts about that boredom training during the illness. Was it very difficult for you? Do you think that it helped you discover something new about yourself, become a better submissive?

Kind greetings to all of you,
the Turtle of Doom



Dear Turtle of Doom,

It usually takes a day or two to get used to being a prisoner and vice versa, but then I feel like it is normal for me, and get used to the rules and to my restraints.

I have had a few lectures and assignments to take care of this week. It is important for my partner and I, that I continue my studies even during my imprisonment.



Last edited by MsHanna (2023-10-18 06:33:43)



Dear Jess,
You surprised me a little bit. When you talked about a farm in Australia, I imagined a single household amidst a desert, some picturesque place where you couldn't run away even without restraints because of terrain and climate. And now you say that, on the contrary, it's wet all around... Now I would guess it is on the eastern coast, at least east from the Great Dividing Range.
As for some form of lessened control after completing this experiment, have you considered making the first trial with phone tracking rather than a bracelet? It's much simpler to set up and wouldn't cause additional costs. Naturally, everything depends also on the wishes of your warden.
And you enjoy bushwalks? I heard about Australian scrub forests, reportedly one of the worst plant formations to go through - but maybe it isn't so bad if you choose marked trails? I have some experience with dwarf mountain pine forests, which many travellers say are even worse, and it's really good to avoid going off the beaten path. Also, there are many stories about dangerous Australian animals (venomous snakes in particular), aren't they a risk during bushwalks at your place?

I do enjoy bushwalks, not that I’ve been able to see much of this farm, but I do love it out here and outside the city. The dangerous animals aren’t that bad really, obviously snakes are the most dangerous thing really, but just got to keep an eye out on the long grass and bushes. When I’ve been out for bushwalks, I’ve always stayed to paths or marked trails though.

And yes, I’m on the east coast of Australia. Down in Victoria. So we get all sorts of weather down here! But you’re right, even if I was left unrestrained, there would be no way I’d be able to escape anyway! I stand out pretty well in my pink scrubs though too.

My guard already has pretty strict control of my phone, and I like the idea of him keeping access to being able to monitor me on it. I can always wish for a bracelet, but I know they’re likely a lot harder to get and more expensive option.



DoomTurtle wrote:

This is surely a good explanation. I see that managing this short cable isn't such a big deal for you, but you are warning other potential users that it might become a problem, which is very considerate. Thanks!

Dear DoomTurtle,
Managing the short cable is not that big a deal. But it is very inconvenient and confining to have to be on the tether for an hour or two every day. It means that if I travel, I have to take the charger and stay on the charger in the hotel room. It adds extra confinement even then.




Dear Mr. Doom Turtle,
Thank you for checking on my health.
Everything is back to normal, I'm fine.
I love my burlap dress, even if it gets more and more uncomfortable as the hours go by, I love that kind of discomfort.
It's especially my nipples that burn like hell, the worst being the swinging of my breasts when I'm doing the jump rope which makes them rub against the burlap.
Walking also irritates my inner thighs horribly.
Fortunately or unfortunately, my heart is unsteady, I only wore this outfit during the day this weekend.
Mistress Anja does not want me to curl up against her to sleep dressed in burlaps.
Nudity never bothered me; we were often naked at home before.
The washboard in
wood is covered with small triangular grooves, you should see models of them on the web.
The advantage is that it can be moved immediately without problem, unlike rice.
For bondage, nothing new. Mistress Anja simply told me that she was not ready yet.
For the boredom during my illness, I don't know what to say, the time is very long, doing nothing except waiting for Mistress to return to the slen and solitude is not fun.
Plus I slept a lot.



It has been a busy past two days, yesterday I had some studies to do, so most of the day I spent locked inside my cell with my laptop working on a couple assignments and a lecture, and earlier today I got to spend time outside doing a little gardening, and also relaxed in the sunshine. I still have a few chores to take care of in my cell, like cleaning it and changing my sheets, but fortunately looks like it will be a nice evening mostly.

My partner is currently setting up the table for dinner, and then we are planning on watching a few episodes of a series we have been binging together. I of course will be in chains and in my prisoner uniform, but nevertheless, a romantic night tonight!





Hey everyone again, got my phone back this morning after my guard took it away. He wasn't happy that I didn't eat all my meal given to me, and that I didn't appreciate what had been given to me. The actual worst part about being in here is the food and only having water to drink.

But, we spoke about what will happen after the end of the month. He wants me to go home and at least experience freedom again, I'm not looking forward to having to search for another job, but I guess life is what it is. He has agreed to continue to monitor me on my phone and keep certain restrictions on it, but is open to the idea of me returning here again.



Hi everyone, I have been around here before, reading along on Miisa's diary and life story.

Recently I saw this thread, and during the last week or so, I have now managed to read ALL the pages of this thread  8-)  And I'm really amazed by all your experiences :blush:

I have a few times been lucky to make an arrangement of being locked up, but only for one day or night.

I would love to experience what Jess experiences right now, but being busy with a daytime job and some other stuff, it would not be practically possible.

However, I'm really intrigued by 705's arrangement, because now I keep thinking that it would be possible to do something like that.

Most questions, I came up with during reading the thread, have already been asked by others and answered, but @705, may I ask:

How far are you allowed to travel freely without prior permission or notification? You have mentioned that it is your home county and two adjacent counties, but I have no idea how far that is in miles or kilometers?
How often do you travel beyond the three counties?
And regarding notification about travelling beyond the three counties, I saw that it has recently been changed, so that it now requires permission. But before that change - did you have to notify them some time in advance (how long time?), or could you just notify them, and then leave right away? Or maybe even notify them afterwards?
And for permission, the same question. Do you have to ask some time in advance? And if not, what happens if you don't get an answer before it would be time to leave?




Dear Msh,

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for joining us. It is always good to have more people to interact with and discuss what we do (and are allowed to do for some of us). You asked some good questions. Thank you.
It the US, counties are a political subdivision of our states. The three counties that I am allowed travel without asking permission total about 1300 square miles or 3300 square kilometers. The counties form a triangle and I live about 10 miles from one point of the triangle. The farthest distance I can go from home without permission is about 50 miles or about 80 km. I live in one county, work in another, and visit the third for work often so this limit makes sense to avoid too many permission requests for normal everyday activities.
Before the recent change to require permission, all I had to do was notify (usually via SMS before I left. I could leave right away. Notifying after leaving the area was a violation of the custody agreement. Because it was so easy to make the notification, failing to do it or doing it after leaving was regarded as fairly serious, suggesting I was not paying enough attention to my restrictions. Permission requests need to be made far enough in advance of travel to allow reasonable time for the custodian to make a decision. I try to make them as soon as I know I need or want to travel to give them time to consider the request. If I don't receive an answer, I can make a second request after a reasonable time. If I don't receive an answer to the second request, I am allowed to make the trip with the understanding that there is a risk that there might be consequences. I try to use good judgement for this. If it is possible to postpone the trip or just not go, I usually do that if I can't get permission. If it was something important that I thought I could certainly justify, I would go.
I hope you enjoy our little, diverse, but growing group.




Thank you 705 for your nice welcome  ^^  Although I have been on this forum before, I'm at least new in this amazing thread :)

And thank you for clearing things up regarding the counties. Well, I rarely travel 80 km away from home anyway, so for me it should definately be a shorter maximum distance, if I should feel it as being virtually semi-imprisoned. So you travel that far for work every day?

By the way, back when you just had to notify your custodian, when you were heading out of the three counties, was it mandatory to always inform of, what the purpose of the trip was? I noticed that they knew, you were going to see a female friend on that day when they decided, that you need permission for that.

And now? What information do you have to provide, when you apply for permission to travel beyond the three counties? Purpose of the trip? Expected time frame? Something else?

And yes, I do indeed enjoy this group  :blush:  I like what I read, and I get good inspiration from it.




Greetings Msh, and glad to meet you!

For me, even 100 meters seems like luxury to me, while I am imprisoned!

But then again, I am only imprisoned at times, mostly we are just another couple with my partner, but with a twist.

Hugs, Hanna



Happy Saturday all!!

My partner took me this morning out for a drive, handcuffed and in full restraints in the car, but still, it was fun to go out driving with Him, and see the sights and the town, where He got us some coffee from a local Starbucks.

Only very rarely I am allowed outside the property, or the prison compound, as we jokingly call the cottage, so it was a nice change of pace and a lovely way to start the Saturday, as I have been given chores to clean up the patio and the upstairs balcony today, always difficult to do any cleaning in restraints as I will be outside of my cell.





msh wrote:

... So you travel that far for work every day?

By the way, back when you just had to notify your custodian, when you were heading out of the three counties, was it mandatory to always inform of, what the purpose of the trip was? I noticed that they knew, you were going to see a female friend on that day when they decided, that you need permission for that.

And now? What information do you have to provide, when you apply for permission to travel beyond the three counties? Purpose of the trip? Expected time frame? Something else?


Dear Msh,
I probably travel that far three or four days each, sometimes more. If I do not have to go to a work location, it is a much shorter distance, maybe five miles in a day to do errands. On the weekends, the curfew does not allow time to travel a long distance.
When I just had to notify leaving the three counties, there were no specific requirements but I would say where I was going, why, and for how long. Now, to get permission for that travel, I provide the same information and answer any questions that come up or provide extra details as needed. There might be other discussion about restrictions as part of the travel. Sometimes, when I have been allowed to travel to a conference, I have had to ask for specific permission to leave the conference hotel if I wanted to go to restaurant or somewhere else. There are not always restrictions like this, but sometimes.




Thank you 705 for elaborating how your permissions and previous notifications work. I become more and more fascinated with and inspired by your arrangement.
To be honest, now I have already written a lot down about how an agreement about such an arrangement could look for me. Maybe all I need now is a supervisor :D

And thank you MsHanna for your greetings and welcome! It sound like you and your partner have really found a fun way to do this  :cool:

And Jess, it's good to read that your guard will continue to monitor you, after you go back home, and that you even might come back to "your" cell again some time in the future. I hope that you will still let us know about what happens, and how things work out after october 31st.




Hey everyone. Sorry I’ve been quiet the last few days. Slowly slowly approaching the end of the month here, it’s been an experience to say the least though! I’ll be more active over the coming days, as my guard has asked me to write a few posts to put my thoughts down about this month. What I’ve enjoyed, what I’ve missed, the thoughts that have been going around my head, how I expected to return to normal life. He would like me to do a post per day, with my thoughts on each of these subjects.

I now have a new found respect for actual inmates locked away for years at a time.



Jess wrote:

Hey everyone. Sorry I’ve been quiet the last few days. Slowly slowly approaching the end of the month here, it’s been an experience to say the least though! I’ll be more active over the coming days, as my guard has asked me to write a few posts to put my thoughts down about this month. What I’ve enjoyed, what I’ve missed, the thoughts that have been going around my head, how I expected to return to normal life. He would like me to do a post per day, with my thoughts on each of these subjects.

I now have a new found respect for actual inmates locked away for years at a time.

Good to hear from you again, my fellow inmate! I look forward to being able to read about your experience in the coming future!

I have been busy beyond belief with my college assignments and lectures and then having chores afterwards this past week, but it has been fun nevertheless to live while being deprived of freedom, and lack of decisions for me to make.

Feel free to ask anything you all might be curious of.





Dear all,
this is a request for punishments, anja you don't want to understand that I want to suffer, I want severity, I want discipline...
Anja, I love you.



So, my first report as told to write is about my first day in here and how it started for me.

I'd been speaking to my guard, as I now call him, for a long time online and we'd met in person once before when he had come down to the city. After loosing my job, he offered me this opportunity and as scared as I was to accept, knew that it was likely a once in a lifetime chance to experience something I'd been wanting to since I was a teenager. So when he invited me here, after what seemed like a drive that took forever, I finally arrive mid afternoon and met him to start this month as his inmate. When I arrived, he asked me directly if this was something that I was still ready to volunteer for and completely submit to for the following month ahead, and after shyly accepting he then proceed to start his intake process. First to be handed across was my bag of spare clothes and belongings that I'd arrived with, along with my wallet/keys/phone, before being told to take a shower. After getting dry, my new uniform was the month ahead was given to me, a brand new set of pink hospital style scrub top and pants along with basic white underwear and sports bra. Asked one final time if I still wanted to leave before completely accepting the month ahead, I was then given a pillow and small blanket and then told to follow him, as he walked me across to the second older house and into finally opened a door to what showed to be a 2x4 meter room with no external light and only a basic bed frame with thin mattress, and a small sink/toilet. The most scary part was after entering the cell, he then picked up a small length of chain off the bed which he then secured around my neck and joined with a padlock to the end of another chain that was leading off to somewhere else. I was almost in a state of shock, not really knowing what to do or how to feel in this position, it was only after he left and I saw the door being closed and then heard the lock being secured from the other side that I started to actually explore my situation and almost frantically pulled on the chain to see where it was leading, finding it secured to the floor at the opposite end to the door that I'd come in through. After trying to pull on it for many minutes, and having it not even wiggle in the slightest, I'd finally given up and decided that bed looked like the best place to go and not knowing what was going to be ahead of me, that I should at least try and get some rest.

Coming from my own flat in the city, with all my own comforts and queen sized bed to myself, to finding myself now in the middle of nowhere in a small cell in what turned out to be the worlds most uncomfortable bed was a strange feeling, knowing that I as here completely of my own doing but now had very little choice of my own life for the next month ahead. Never have I felt so alone than waking up in the middle of that first night, with the dim light still on in my cell and the constant rattle of the chain from around my neck whenever I moved even slightly. What had I got myself into?




That first reaction sounds similar to my first day being locked up, I tried my chains aswell, and tried to open the door, even though I clearly heard it being locked shut, and hearing padlocks click shut aswell. I think its perfectly human reaction to being imprisoned, handcuffs and restraints on my person didn't affect me much, just the imprisonment and being stuck in a cell without a way out on your own.





Dear Jess,

Thank you for sharing this and thank you to your guard for allowing / requiring to share. I wonder if everyone experiences the same feelings when they first are placed in a cell. You describe the same feelings I have every time I go for intermittent confinement if it involves spending time in a cell. There is usually a chain from the wall to a collar or waistbelt and it is always impossible to resist pulling on the chain to test it even though there is never any give.

I am looking forward to your future writing.




Thank you MsHanna and 705, at least it’s not just me who does it! It’s a natural reaction to pull and test the limits of any confinement! At least today I’m allowed outside for a bit of a break, again on a chain but outside in an area with a bit of sun and shade. But not long now till I’m released, and going to have mixed feelings about my new found freedom again. If I’m honest, it has been nice not having a job like my old one to go to each day, but instead just following my guards orders.

I hope you’ve all been well too, this has been a great forum to follow, and really comforting to know that I’m not the only person with these feelings!



Dear Jess, thank you for sharing!

I have tried such captivity a few times, but only for one day or night each time. And I also need to try to open the door etc., even though I know that I can't :) But for me, it's rather about that I need to "feel" the captivity. I need to feel, that I wouldn't be able to get out, even if I wanted to get out right now. That makes the experience better and more intense.



Dear all!

My partner gave me my phone tonight after a couple days of not really having access to it, so a nice ending to a great weekend!

Friday we travelled back to town to be with some of our closest friends, that know I like restraints and such, and had a great time at a Halloween party with friends, and Saturday morning we traveled back, and my partner decided to isolate me from the world by confiscating my phone, handbag, and my laptop, so for Saturday and today I had no access to the internet.

But overall it was nice of my partner to do that for this weekend!





Dear all,
I'm sorry for my public revolt and for disturbing you.
Anja is furious and has decided to put our D/s relationship on hold.
I'm totally desperate, we're back to a vanilla relationship.
I, who wanted to be more severely disciplined, have won everything, I am no longer punished or subjected.
Dear Jess,
your story is interesting, I am waiting for the sequel and I hope that you will continue to come here after your release



Dear Ingrid,

I am sorry that you had such bad consequences to your need for more punishment. I hope that the D/s part of your relationship is only on hold, as you say, and will resume soon in a way that works fro both you and Anje.




Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am again Mistress Anja's submissive. We talked a lot about our future together and love won. My attitude deeply irritated and pained Mistress Anja and I understood that my masochism had blinded me and that I had done everything to transform Anja into Mistress Anja, without caring too much about what she wanted. I pushed Anja to act in haste and I was deaf when she told me she wasn't ready.
Our new agreement is clear, I obey all her orders, scrupulously without doing more or less, and whether I like it or not, she decides. We will go at his pace.
I no longer have the right to complain if I find her too nice or if I don't like her punishments.

Thanks 705.




Dear Ingrid and Anje,

This is great to hear. I am glad you have found a way forward that works for both of you. I encourage you to be obedient to what you agreed to even if that becomes hard because you want more strictness.




Dear Sir 705.
Thank you for your support.
I will scrupulously obey Mistress Anja. I have understood the lesson, I prefer a submission according to Mistress Anja's taste than no submissions at all.
I will do everything possible to please her and prove my love to her.
To make me understand who the Mistress is and to test my obedience I am deprived of orgasm until.... and forbidden to disobey.
I tell her yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.
She promised to mold me to her taste and that I might not like it.
Mistress also warned me that I would not suffer any blows, she said this is my punishment.


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Forum Talk » Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions