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Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions

Posts 511 to 540 of 696


Azureko1 wrote:

Hello 705

How did the intake procedure proceed at this private location and how many hours do you still have to do untill you meet the required 180 hours?
And how do you cope with charging 3 ankle monitors instead of 2?

Best regards


Dear Azureko1,

The intake was pretty straightforward. I changed into the designated uniform, basically orange shirt and orange scrub pants and was locked in the cell. I was some time on a laptop but the parental controls had been increased significantly so internet use was pretty restricted.
As I have been reminded several times since leaving, I still have 157 hours to complete in the remaining 8 months of the year. I am hoping to be able to do longer than 23 or 24 hours next months to try to get ahead in case there are scheduling issues in the future.
Charging the 3 monitors is difficult and inconvenient. One has a clip on charger and I can move around while charging. The is a programmed requirement to charge that one at least two hours a day. The other two have charging cable that plug into the wall so I am stuck in one place while they charge. One of the cables is about six feet long so I an stuck in a chair while it charges. It has a light to indicate a full charge. The other cable is about ten feet long so I can get a bit more movement. I try to charge the two cable ones at the same time. They take about an hour and a half each day tethered in the one spot.
The hardest part is not being stuck in one place. The hardest part is knowing I will have to do this again tomorrow and the next day and over and over again.

Thank you for your interest and your questions.




Hi all,
sorry for my long absence. I'm back.
I am happy. I am free, free.... I left my family's house, I wanted to forget this very hard period of my life, even if I know that I fully deserved this punishment.
I hope everyone is doing well.
lots of love



Sophie2 wrote:

Hi all,
sorry for my long absence. I'm back.
I am happy. I am free, free.... I left my family's house, I wanted to forget this very hard period of my life, even if I know that I fully deserved this punishment.
I hope everyone is doing well.
lots of love

Welcome back, Sophie! Good to hear that you are happy  :cool:
This thread has become quite quiet, but I also hope that everyone are doing well, and I hope that we will hear from everyone again.



Good morning,
thank you Msh, yes freedom is only happiness.
It’s true that it seems very calm here.
Big kisses to all



Hi Sophie,
Nice to hear from you again! Good that you are happy now: of course I still don't know how much your punishment was really deserved. What does your life look like now? Are you keeping contact with your family? Do you have some other friends who you can trust and count on their support?
Take care and don't return to smoking. Be a "good girl". Best wishes,



Dear kind turtle,
I honestly believe that my punishment was deserved. I'm not sure it should have been so severe but I had made a very, very stupid mistake and I had really made them angry.
I have not had contact with them since I left, but they remain my family.
For now I am enjoying my newfound freedom and enjoying life.
I'm not going to start smoking again, but I'm not making any promises.
lots of love



it's really dead here, what a shame.
lots of love



Jess wrote:

Thank you for sharing your update, I can say that one bracelet on my ankle was hard enough to wear and to hide when dressing, let alone having multiple like you do! How do you explain them to people who see them all?

I really like the unpredictable and random checking, you can’t get into a routine and it keeps you very aware of your position now. But I’m very keen to hear more about your upcoming weekend confinement!

Jess, it's been almost 4 months without any update from you? How is it going?



It is good to see Sophie again. I am happy for your progress. It is good to hear from Doom Turtle. I am glad you are still around. I have not had much to report. I am still enrolled in my supervsion program and it is more restrictive than I wish but it is good for me, I think. Schedules have finally aligned for me to do some of my required intermittent confinement this weekend. I am behind on the required 180 hours for the year and I hope to be able to make good progress on that. I will report more soon.
I hope everyone else is doing well.




Dear 705,
I'm so happy that you're still here, your disciplinary regime is tougher so I'm free to do what I want, and freedom is so good.
I read that you now wear 3 bracelets.
Why are they different and do they have different functions?
What would happen if you didn't do your 180 hours of detention.
A thousand kisses.



Dear Sophie,

I am glad you are free to do what you want and I agree that freedom is good and also precious.
The three bracelets do mostly the same thing. They report my location and enforce my daily curfew and report if I go places I am not allowed. There is some difference in accuracy under different conditions so they act as backups for each other. Sometimes, one with say I have violated a rule but the others say I did not so I am glad to have to wear all three even though the are sometimes a pain.
I am not sure what will happen if I don't complete all 180 hours. That is not specified in my supervision agreement. I think what might happen is that there would be increased or additional daily restrictions and the amount of hours would be increased for next year. I hope I don't get to find out.




Dear 705,
I therefore understand that your location is flawless, your supervisors know exactly where you are at all times and the slightest deviation will be detected. It really is a strict and implacable control.
Another thing, do you always wear your chastity cage at all times?
Despite your strict discipline, I wish you a good day.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

You are right. Implacable is a very good description. I try to put the bracelets out of my mind but almost always I am aware of how much they limit me. Because the software keeps a record, the supervisor does not need to be watching all the time. They can go back whenever they want to review my history to be sure I am following the rules.
The chastity belt ( a full belt, not a cage) is required anytime I am out of the house except for medical visits. There are breaks allowed at home unless I am observed abusing the freedom by too much self pleasure time. Then it is full time use again for a while until they think I have learned the lesson.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
I'm glad we can talk more often, I was worried you might be restricted.
For your bracelets I suppose that an alert must be sent in real time as soon as an anomaly is detected.
I thought you were wearing a cage, not a belt. Is there a difference between the 2?
I'm happy that you have moments of freedom, being able to have fun is so important.
Me, I was forced into permanent chastity, or when I was not belted,
I was tied up in such a way that I couldn't do anything.
But now I'm making up for lost time.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

I am glad we can talk often, also. My supervision reads the post here but so far they have not placed any restrictions.  You are correct. The bracelets send an alert the supervisor within a few minutes of any violation with a map of where the violation occurred and what it was.
The big difference between a chastity belt and a cage is that a belt included a waistband to help keep the tube in place. A properly fitted belt is much more secure even though they are usually slightly less comfortable to wear. My belt has had a lot of customization work so it is comfortable enough that I can not notice I am wearing it except that it is doing what it is meant to do.
I am lucky to get breaks when I do but I have to ask for them which is sometimes hard because it is humiliating. I need to always keep in mind that breaks are privileges that have to be earned with good behavior so they help with that.
I am happy and excited for you that you are able to make up for lost time. Please be careful with whatever you are doing to be sure it does not have bad consequences for you.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
You are a good boy.
Thank you for your explanations.
For my part, I am “wise”!!!
An acquaintance jokingly told me when I was young and going to party:
be wise... but not too wise. lol
I take great pleasure in my freedom again, a cozy bed, hot showers.... I found a job. Everything is fine for me.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

Thank you for the compliment. I am glad you think I am a good boy.
I think it is good to be wise. I am glad that you are. I am not sure your acquaintance had good advice to not be too wise. You do not want to get into trouble that you can't fix.
I am so, so glad you have your freedom and can take pleasure in it. A good job, a cozy bed, hot showers are all wonderful things. I am so glad you have them now. I am especially glad you have freedom. I have the other things but have lost my freedom in order to make myself a better person. I hope I can become "wise" like you.
What will you be able to do with your freedom this weekend while I am home all weekend on curfew? I hope it will be something fun. I am happy for you to have that opportunity. Please make the best use of it.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
Yes you are a good boy.
You have a lot of compassion and you are very kind.
I'm sorry you're stuck at home
this weekend.
What are you doing during this time?
I work during the weekend, but it's okay, the boss is nice.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

Thank you for saying such nice things. It makes me thing that my supervision is helping to make me a better person. That makes it worth following all of the rules and living with all of the restrictions. Thank you for the feedback.
It was not too bad to be stuck at home this weekend. My curfew rules allow for me to go the local running track for exercise so I was able to do that. The rest of the time, I stayed stayed at home and worked because the bracelets would report if I went out.
I am glad you have a nice boss for work. If you have to work on the weekends, do you get other days off during the week?
I learned today that future weekends, I will have to wear a prison uniform while I am kept at home to keep more aware of the restriction. It will be the same style uniform that is required when I do the intermittent confinement in the cell. So far, it will be orange but might change to pink in the future. The was a sheriff in a state in the western US who made his inmates at his jail wear pink uniforms as humiliation. I think that will make me feel that way also.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
I was afraid that your confinement at home would be more severe, even if having to stay alone all weekend is not fun.
A pink prison jumpsuit might be humiliating, but if no one sees it, it should be fine. But imagining a prisoner dressed in pink makes me laugh.
I would pity you if you were accompanied by other prisoners who could imagine inflicting the final outrages on you.
Today is my day off.



Dear Sophie,

The confinement was okay but I am glad it is over for this week. My supervisor is aware that it was intense and I think that means there will be other changes in the future. I know it will be harder to get curfew exceptions on weekends in the future and they will require more justification. A while ago, someone here suggested that I should have to wear shackles during weekend curfew but that does not work well with the ankle bracelets. I am sure that if they can find shackles that will fit with the bracelets, I will end up with those.
It is good to know that the pink prison uniform will make you laugh. That is the intention, I think. Just knowing it would make people laugh is humiliating. The is video surveillance here so I sure some people might see it. I don't know how much the supervisor shares that video.
I hope you have a good day off and get to relax and do something fun.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
chains and bracelets are rather incompatible, but there must be solutions.
Exercising is a good thing, but I think since you are confined, you should do it at home with a treadmill or home trainer.
I think I would come up with many ideas to make your detention more difficult, but I will refrain, you do not deserve to have an even more difficult life and I remember your compassion towards me.
lots of love



Dear Sophie,

Thank you for your kind input. Because you had a life similar to mine in the past, your opinion and ideas are very valuable.
Yesterday, there was time to do some experimenting and we discovered it is possible to wear standard police leg irons without having to remove the tracking bracelets. This will now be the requirement during weekend confinement.
My supervisor agrees that exercise is a good thing. That is why it has been allowed during confinement but based on your suggestion, it will be allowed only one day during weekend curfew, not both days. The other day, I can exercise at home as much as I can with the leg irons. The supervisor thinks this is a good compromise with your suggestion and will use this as the rule for now. They said it may be adjusted in the future based on my behavior.
Because of your experience, your ideas to make detention more difficult could be useful because you understand how it is to be under detention. Detention is part of the program to help me learn to become a better person, however long that takes. Sometimes it is necessary to do difficult things to get good results. If you have other ideas, the supervisor asks that you please share them. They may not use them but it will help them make other necessary adjustments in my program. They explained that they only want to help me to be better.

Lots of respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
I'm glad the foot chains are compatible with your bracelets.
I think the home trainer or treadmill does not have chain adapters. Against a stepper seems perfect.
If your supervisor wants to tighten your confinement, I am thinking of a sort of virtual cage.
Let me explain, it involves being forced to stay in a narrow place without moving.
You could spend several hours there depending on the orders of your supervisor
I am thinking of a plate under which is placed a presence detector of the kind found in car seats to detect a passenger for the seat belt.
An alarm would go off as soon as you leave the board.
For you, it should be easy to configure.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

Thank you for your interest and your kind suggestions. I don't think there is room here for a treadmill or a stepper. I will have to do my weekend exercise just using weights or resistance bands.
The smaller confinement is a good idea. We have a button that is mounted on the wall at the height of my nose and two more buttons to the sides. The are connected to a timer so I have to push each side button with each and and the center button with my nose. The timer measures how long I stand there holding the buttons. Usually it is just for 30 minutes to an hours for punishment. I am not sure if I could do it for longer.
Something like this or something like you suggest could certainly make the confinement time on the weekends more meaningful in reminding me to be more mindful of my life and the need to control myself better.
I will see what happens with these ideas. Thank you for your help.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Many respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
my gibberish must have been illegible.
for sport, I offered a stepper, the only device compatible with chained ankles.
it's small and easy to store

For my restraint system, it's simply a rather small board with a presence detector underneath.
no need to button up, if you get off the board it's immediately detected.
You can move as much as you want but you have to stay on the board.
This allows you to stay much longer.
It's also easy to store



One stepper. … 0CQSZCVBZ#



Dearest Sophie,

Thank you for these two great explanations. I think these are very good ideas even if they do make my confinement more strict. I know the more strictness will be good for me. The mini stepper will be helpful even on days that I am allowed to go out or if the weather is not good. The confinement board should be easy to make (but maybe not in time for this weekend) and will be a way to add extra confinement during the weekend either a a punishment or just to to help with self reflection and and to enforce time to focus on better thoughts and better behavior.
I will let my supervisor know about both of these today instead of waiting for them to read here when they get the chance.

I am very grateful for your feedback, your ideas, and your help to make me a better person.

Many respectful hugs, and chaste kisses,



Dear 705,
I'm glad you like my ideas.
For the stepper you can use your foot chains without problem.
A few details, the narrower the board, the more difficult your situation will be, staying in place without being able to move much is difficult.
A large board where you can stretch your legs, or even sit or kneel, will be for long periods.
Another possibility to make it more or less disciplinary is the choice of covering.
I suggest you have several boards to vary the “pleasures”
I'm thinking of another way to make your detention very difficult.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

Your ideas are very good and will help make my confinement more meaningful and more strict.
I think the stepper will be okay with the leg chains. I should be able to test that this week so it could be used for one of the exercise periods next weekend.
The board that I proposed to my supervisor is about 1/2 meter on each side and is just painted. That seems to be big enough to stand but not to sit or kneel. What sort of different coverings are you thinking about.
I hope your work this weekend is easy and not stressful. I will be stuck at home on curfew all week. I am glad you have your frredom.

Respectful hugs,


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Forum Talk » Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions