Dear friends,
@MsHanna Welcome back. I think Sophie is referring to Ice Skating shoes (or boots) where the ankle is held very rigidly to be able to balance on the skate.
@Doom Turtle Bedtime (I must be in bed) is from 11:30 pm to 6 am. My tablet turns off at 10 pm, the computer at 11 pm, and my phone (except for emergency numbers and emergency texts, and a sleep monitoring app) turns off at 11:30.
We considered a VPN for the cameras but there were issues with the firewall here and it was inconvenient for the supervisor who would have to change their network configuration to switch back and forth to and from the VPN. I am sure if a solution can be found, there will be more cameras.
The monotonous diet was a bowl of lettuce and vegetables salad. two slices of multi grain bread, and four ounces of tofu. There were four feedings (for objectification, they were not called meals) 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. Water was available anytime. A dietitian looked at this and said it was a balanced diet and good nutrition but no one would ever be able to keep it up. I did this for at least two years under the watchful eye of the kitchen table camera. It was very boring but there were no health effects. Health-wise, I would be better off now if I could be restricted to home and this diet again. Unfortunately, current work does not allow that.
A quick look back at the last 100 or so messages show 3 messages that occurred twice (not counting the verification waived or verification required ones). In the last five days, there were 12 "waived" messages and five "verification required" messages. You are right. Good coaching is about brainwashing and reinforcing desired behavior whether it is fitness and health coaching or my program. A lot of the messages are quotes from messages from the parental monitoring apps and reinforce that those apps are there.
@ Sophie I think your translator is pretty good most of the time. It is almost always possible to tell what you mean. Please let me know if I translate back easily or if I need to write in a different way. Please tell me if you have questions that I need to explain better.
When I was chained in the house, it was a 50 foot long chain that let me go anywhere in the house and out onto the porch (in case of fire). I had to ask to be unlocked from the chain if I wanted to leave the house. Permission to v the house was very restricted.
Now, under the current supervision, I am allowed to leave the house without permission but my movements are tracked by GPS ankle bracelets. I am not allowed to go into "convenience stores" what you would call supérettes and I am not allowed into bars. I can go anywhere in the county (like département in France) I live in or the two counties next to it. If I need to go out of those three counties, I have to notify the supervisor. If I have to leave my state (like a region), I have to ask permission first.
My phone, tablet, and computer are monitored. My supervisor can see text messages, the websites i visit, and the phone number I call or get calls from. I don't think they can listen to phone calls but I am not sure. The websites I can go to are controlled and many are blocked if I should not see them. (Porn, gambling, dating, gaming, most social, weapons, drugs, self harm) Time on other sites is limited (Facebook, Reddit, Wikipedia). The apps watch for bad content in messages and on websites. They detect profanity and texting with strangers. Much of this is aimed at parents protecting their children so it is sometimes humiliating for me to be treated like a child.
My curfew to be at home is 8 pm on Monday - Thursday, 7 pm on Friday. I am allowed out from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday and not at all on Sunday. Curfew ends at 6 am the next day. The ankle bracelets automatically generate an alarm if I violate any of these.
I have other restrictions. I am not allowed to possess alcohol,. I am subject to random drug testing. I have to do 100 hours of community service each year. I have to do 180 hours of intermittent confinement each year. This is locked in a small cell for part of a weekend.
The control photo time is 45 minutes. This was to allow time in case I was in a meeting or driving and could not send a photo at once. I know you like to be strict. What do you think should be the allowed time? I am not sure I want the supervisor to see that also.
Your curiosity is very helpful with making me be transparent about my supervision. When other people know about the details of the custody it helps to reinforce it. I am sometimes ashamed of my restrictions and limitations and it is good to share them here with people who want to understand. You ask good questions. Thank you.
Respectful hugs to all,