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Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions

Posts 91 to 120 of 684


Azureko1 wrote:

Which exact chastity belt model do you use than?

Does your custom DNS servers  block AI apps such as ChatGPT or image generating AI such as Stable difusion or Dalee 2 ?

The current belt is custom but closely resembles one of the lightweight Neosteel belts, I think. I am not able to look at their website but that is what I remember. It has a hip style waistband that curves down in the front to bolt to a front tube. The bolts are drilled for the seal wire to pass through.

AI apps are not blocked so far, either by the parental app generic block lists or specifically by my custodian using DNS or other apps. I regularly use ChatGPT and the Google product. I can access Dale-e but have not used it beyond playing around.
This was a very good question. I had not thought that AI apps might be considered worth blocking. I may have to worry about that now  :confused:

Last edited by 705 (2023-08-10 05:27:44)



DoomTurtle wrote:

Dear 705,

It is nice to know about that. I wasn't sure if your supervisors found a chastity device necessary with all the other restrictions in place. However, if it actually managed to adjust your mindset so that you can befriend women as your equals rather than try to conquest them, obviously it is a great achievement. It might show that they really know what is good for you. So - since when are you locked in a belt (almost) permanently?

I expected that your feelings about this aren't as strong as Sophie's. You are a "more voluntary" prisoner, and as far as I know, male belts are generally more convenient and hygienic than female ones. They only need to prevent erection, not the whole access to crotch area. Actually, wouldn't a simple cage be enough for your purpose? Even if some designs are possible to pull off with effort, you won't put it back without the key, and you could be obliged to send regular photos like you do with the bracelets. In any case, the only problem is that - at least according to some sources - such complete chastity might slightly increase the risk of prostate cancer. Hence, it might be advisable that you undergo regular screenings, which isn't a bad idea anyway.

Returning to the other regulations, can you apply for permission to shorten your curfew, for example when you'd like to take part in a cultural event which lasts too long into the evening or something like that? Can you invite people to your house, and if yes, can they stay past the curfew time? What are the most common punishments for disobeying your rules?

Wishing you all the best,

I think the main intention of the belt is to keep me from spending too much time self pleasuring. With or without porn (I have a good memory and imagination), it would easily possible to waste an entire weekend. You are right. I think it does show that they know what is best for me whether I agree or not.
Cages are less expensive and need not be a custom as a full belt but they are much less secure and usually much less comfortable. I do not have issues with pinching which is a frequent problem with a cage device. I have not had any issues with prostate cancer or other things people worry about. I have regular screening along with other things and there has not been any problems.
Thank you for your concern.

I can ask to have my curfew extended to a later time if needed for something that is a good reason. I have been allowed to go to meetings or presentations past curfew or to travel to something that is far enough away that I can not get home by curfew. I sometimes have exceptions denied if I don't make a good enough case or I have had too many recently or if they just decide i shouldn't be allowed to have one.
I have never tried to invite someone here so I am not sure how that would work. It has never come up. I do sometimes get a random visit from a supervisor just so they can check on things, I guess.

The most common punishments for breaking rules is temporary or permanent loss of privileges. Sometimes when I do something I shouldn't or miss doing something I am supposed to do or am late with something, my internet just goes away for a while or my devices stop working for a while. Sometimes that happens as reminder that it can happen. At one time, the curfew was 9 pm but I didn't often need to be out that late so it became 8 pm for much of the week. That was not really a punishment as such but there have been days or weeks when it was 6 pm as a punishment for something, most likely being late.
Sometimes things get more restrictive, not necessarily as punishments but just o be more restrictive.  Recently the deadline for verification photos went from 60 minutes to 45 minutes. I am not sure why I am not afraid to ask why but I don't think it is a good idea to call attention to something like that in case it gets shortened even more.

Thank you for the wished. Best wishes to you also.


Last edited by 705 (2023-08-10 06:05:43)



Dear all,
# Azureko1, I wear my bracelets all the time except outside or if they get in the way of other restraints or accessories.

#705, oops I didn't realize you were a man.

#Doom Turtle,
for shoes high heels don't bother me at all and I'm barefoot at home, which brings me a lot of misery.
Otherwise I have ballet boots, and skating shoes transformed for walking.
As far as beating is concerned, it was well deserved and since then considerable progress has been made for corporal punishment and punishment.
You ask me what I miss from my old life, almost everything.
Before I could answer no or worse when someone asked me something.
The freedom to do whatever I wanted, especially partying, smoking...
I loved to dress fashionably, very sexy, I was a fashion adict.
To pamper me.
I remember hot showers.
And of course the total deprivation of pleasure for me which gave me pleasure several times a day.
The list would be too long...

The aftermath of my punishment.
The day my bracelets arrived I was able to leave my room, I was told that my "vacation" was over, I became their naked and chained maid, I had to do all the chores and serve them and without discussing their orders . The only answer they wanted to hear was "yes ma'am".
some time later I was allowed to go out, wearing only gray tracksuit and sneakers. no socks or underwear and it was to go clean at another of my controllers.
I was ashamed of not wearing panties in public, I was afraid of staining myself.
  I begged for a long time to be allowed to wear panties, they told me that I didn't deserve it.
one day I was asked if I really wanted one, that it would cost me dearly, but I was ready to do anything to get one.
I was told it's to make you happy and that's how I found myself wearing these awful diapers. I was made to understand that asking for a favor would get me in trouble.
In addition I was punished for not having said thank you.
A few months later I was asked if I swapped my diapers for panties, I was very happy, but I thought it was probably a trap, but not having to wear these awful diapers anymore was the stronger, telling myself that it wouldn't be worse.
How I was wrong
I said yes and found out the panties were iron, it was that horrible chastity belt.
I had a little anger which was severely repressed and I was again punished for not having thanked them for my lovely gift.



Dear Sophie,

Yes, I am a man even if I am mechanically neutered most of the time. :-)
Your story is very strict and harsh. I have much sympathy for you and I am glad that as bad and strict as things are for you right now, if sounds like they are better than when you started out. I never thought of having to walk in skating shoes. That must be terrible especially when someone else is controlling the walk and deciding how long and how fast you have to go. I know the feeling of having to worry anytime you ask for something that you might not get exactly what you wanted like wanting panties and getting diapers and want out of the diapers and ending up in the chastity belt. I always worry that when I ask for some privilege like a curfew extension or to be allowed to travel that there will some consequence like more restrictions or loss of some other privilege. It always means worrying about what I am willing to risk to get some things. It is hard because I am not usually offered a choice when I ask. I only find out afterwards.
I don't think I have ever been punished fro not saying thank you but I am always very careful to be respectfully and polite. Many of the automatic coaching messages (whuch now seem to come twice as often) are about being grateful for my supervision and being respectful to the supervisors. Sometimes they require a text or email expressing that.
I hope you are working through your anger and getting better able to endure the way you have to live. I hope you are able to think it is better than whatever the legal system alternative would have been and that things get easier.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,

Thank you for your intriguing descriptions! For example, I wouldn't even think about the possibility of spending a whole weekend self-pleasuring. It doesn't seem too meaningful or satisfying. Generally, I don't even do a "quick one to take off pressure": I find that my imagination for writing stories and verses works better when I'm somewhat aroused. So, if you might tend to waste lots and lots of time like that, I believe this restriction is very good for you. For how many years are you belted by now?

Referring to your supervision rules, it is interesting that you consider asking for privileges to be risky. Does it happen often that you lose other aspects of freedom instead? Do you have some examples?

I feel curious about your automatic coaching messages, are you willing to share some of these with us? Actually, you mentioned that you might share access to your verification website where you have to post control photos and messages, is there any progress with that idea?

Dear Sophie,

Why does staying barefoot at home "bring you a lot of misery", are the floors very cold? I mean, if you're naked anyway, being also barefoot is perfectly logical.

It's really good that your educators forced you to quit smoking. If nothing else, this one achievement could be almost worth the whole effort. I have seen people dying of smoking-induced illnesses and it isn't pretty.

It appears that they considered it really important to teach you that you aren't entitled to anything. Even by tricking you into begging to make your life worse. Not something I would do, as it doesn't build trust, but you know I'm cautious as a dominant. At least it seems you learned this lesson, didn't you?

For how long have you already been imprisoned? If I'm correct, it was the beginning, then a few months in diapers, and now over 21 months in your belt - something like three years overall? I hope that, with support of our community, the next years will be at least a bit easier!

Doom Turtle



Dear Doom Turtle,

I am sure there is a large variation in people's sexuality and drive. For me, self pleasure feels good and is enjoyable. At least as I remember it. A quiet Saturday afternoon could have several peaks and valleys of enjoyment interspersed with reading favorite stories or looking for new ones (after the 'net became available). Before that, I had to search bookstores for new stories. I am a much more story focused than visual focused. I have to agree with you that this restriction is good for me even though I definitely miss the pleasure and enjoyment. I have been interested in belts off and on for a long time, maybe forty years. I have not always been a wearer or a long term wearer.

I don't have any specific examples of losing freedom from asking for privileges but I am sometimes told that allowing me a later curfew or more time on the weekend would "seem like an awful lot of freedom and maybe it will necessary to fix that". There would not be an immediate change but there might be a tightening of things later. I am probably paranoid or overly cautious about the risk but I am often made aware that things could always be more strict and it would be easy to do. The principle seems to be that I should learn to be satisfied with what I am allowed to have and to do. Asking for exceptions feels like I am not being satisfied and that might be interpreted as an improper attitude.

The last dozen coaching message so far today were: Your browser is managed by your administrator, required bracelet verification waived, Your curfew gives you time to reflect on making good choices, We will help you learn to have good thoughts, Your access to Twitter is a fragile privilege, Your curfew gives you the time to reflect on making good choices, Bark protects you from bad thoughts, The only choice is to comply, Accept that you have no power, required bracelet verification waived, Qustodio can restrict your entire world with one click, *Thank your supervisor for using Bark, We will teach you to make good decisions.  Messages that start with * (there are several) are sent to the supervisor at the same time that I get them so they can check that I am paying attention to the messages. The * messages are to be complied with within 15 minutes.

I am still working on sharing access to the verification site here. I don't know if it is possible to upload images here or if the committee or moderators would allow it. Or if my supervisor would thin that was a good idea or would be inappropriate or over sharing. I enjoy the community here and the support and teh thought provoking questions and I want to be sure not to risk losing that.




Dear 705,

Naturally, you are right about this large variation. I don't deny that self-pleasure is enjoyable on the physical level, it's obvious. However, there is always some disappointment that I didn't use this energy better. I am also "much more story focused" and, as I said, most often I like to divert it to writing rather than touching myself. If chastity isn't traumatising for you and your supervisors believe that it allows you to use your time more productively, there is probably no reason for changes.

Learning to be satisfied with your limits and permissions sounds like a great attitude. I presume you wouldn't ask for any privileges just on a whim. If there's a good reason, however, I hope that you wouldn't have to worry. For example, it would seem counterproductive to bar you from a theatrical performance, even if it ends a bit late. The coaching messages are nice, on point, shorter than I imagined, maybe they help you to stay focused and control yourself.

Uploading images here is technically possible, but I'd think that sharing the link might be simpler. No pressure here, of course, please proceed as you consider it best. In this vein, have you thought about having monitoring installed in your house? Obviously, it wouldn't be something to share with the outside world, but the supervisors could always check in real time if you're behaving well. I imagine it could be a new restriction to develop when they deem it necessary.

Doom Turtle



Dear 705 and Doom Turtle,
# 705 for skating shoes, I made the suggestion to miisa.
Walking with them is unpleasant and gives a strange gait that challenges people, they are generally used where there are very few people.
As for my omissions of thanks, I was in a state of amazement which made me forget, and I find it very difficult to have to thank them systematically for having punished me or having given me a poisoned gift. But
  I have made enormous progress in respect and politeness thanks to their inflexible discipline.
I would like to ask you a few questions, but you don't have to answer me.
When you talk about "mechanically neutered", are you talking about your chastity belt?
Do you know your supervisors personally, are they men, women or both?
Have you volunteered to be checked and since when?
Lots of love.

# Doom Turtle
For the duration of my punishment, it's 21 months, the last 15 of which with my belt
For the cigarettes, I don't think what they did voluntarily, during my stay of solitude in my room, they only gave me the bare minimum. Water and food, and I was not allowed to speak and I must say that I was a little terrified when the door opened, not knowing what awaited me, being fed or being beaten or taken to the yard with the blindfolded to be hosed down with ice cold water.
For my bare feet, this nest not the cold, although it is not pleasant when the ground is icy. In fact they use it as a "verifier" to control my household, if my plants are not perfectly clean, it means that I did my job badly, which implies punishment and starting over.



Dear friends,

@ Doom Turtle You are right. I would not ask for something just to see if I could get it. I still hesitate to ask for things that would me "treats" like a curfew to go to the movies. I might ask to be able to go to a theater with a group if they invited me. The coaching messages are effective in keeping me reminded off the supervision. They seem to come more often than they used to. They are at random times but it seems like maybe two per hour. They come from the same text source as the messages prompting for verification photos. I have a special ring tone for that number so I don't miss verification but that mean the coaching messages make the same sound. I then have to check the message to see what it is so I am constantly aware of the coaching. I am certainly focused on them but the constant repetition is a sort of conditioning or brainwashing.

There is an internet camera in the bedroom so it can be checked that I am in bed during bedtime. I don't know there are any plans to extend the coverage. The is always a security concern with these cameras.

@Sophie I think it might be interesting to try to walk in the skating shoes. I don't think I would tell anyone just to be sure the don't become part of my regular routine.
Yes, when I said  "mechanically neutered" I meant the chastity belt. It was sort of a joke.
I do know my supervisors personally. We meet in person about once a month for an in person review of how I am doing and to discuss changes or adjustments. The primary supervisor is a women. There are also two men and three other women who help and provide suggestions oversight. Sometimes when I traveled to an event there would be a local supervisor appointed that I could get permission from and get checked by.
I think you mean did I volunteer for the supervision. It sort of started twenty years ago when I did a lot of long distance driving and a friend suggested that they should have a way to see where I was as a safety measure. This was before cell phones. It seemed like a good idea so we added GPS tracking to the car (but not to me) and put the position on a map on the web. There were changes over the years and things came and went. The current supervisors suggested that I restart with better technology and a more comprehensive program. It has grown since then from something I volunteered for long ago and now cannot escape if I wanted to.
It still keeps me safe but in a much more restrictive way to make me a better person.

Respectful hugs and thanks for the company and the questions,



705 wrote:

Dear friends,

@ Doom Turtle You are right. I would not ask for something just to see if I could get it. I still hesitate to ask for things that would me "treats" like a curfew to go to the movies. I might ask to be able to go to a theater with a group if they invited me. The coaching messages are effective in keeping me reminded off the supervision. They seem to come more often than they used to. They are at random times but it seems like maybe two per hour. They come from the same text source as the messages prompting for verification photos. I have a special ring tone for that number so I don't miss verification but that mean the coaching messages make the same sound. I then have to check the message to see what it is so I am constantly aware of the coaching. I am certainly focused on them but the constant repetition is a sort of conditioning or brainwashing.

There is an internet camera in the bedroom so it can be checked that I am in bed during bedtime. I don't know there are any plans to extend the coverage. The is always a security concern with these cameras.

@Sophie I think it might be interesting to try to walk in the skating shoes. I don't think I would tell anyone just to be sure the don't become part of my regular routine.
Yes, when I said  "mechanically neutered" I meant the chastity belt. It was sort of a joke.
I do know my supervisors personally. We meet in person about once a month for an in person review of how I am doing and to discuss changes or adjustments. The primary supervisor is a women. There are also two men and three other women who help and provide suggestions oversight. Sometimes when I traveled to an event there would be a local supervisor appointed that I could get permission from and get checked by.
I think you mean did I volunteer for the supervision. It sort of started twenty years ago when I did a lot of long distance driving and a friend suggested that they should have a way to see where I was as a safety measure. This was before cell phones. It seemed like a good idea so we added GPS tracking to the car (but not to me) and put the position on a map on the web. There were changes over the years and things came and went. The current supervisors suggested that I restart with better technology and a more comprehensive program. It has grown since then from something I volunteered for long ago and now cannot escape if I wanted to.

Respectful hugs and thanks for the company and the questions,

Which changes were made over the years with your program?

Secondly do you current supervisors want to use 5g technology to track you and what would that more "comprehensive" program look like?

An escape is always possible if you wanted to, but the most fundamental question is : Do you really want to unplug yourself from your self-inflicted technocratic matrix?

Any device that is connected to the internet is a security concern and as I can tell you as a network engineer you can simply lookup unprotected IP camera in databases like

Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-08-11 19:12:29)



Azureko1 wrote:

Which changes were made over the years with your program?

Secondly do you current supervisors want to use 5g technology to track you and what would that more "comprehensive" program look like?

An escape is always possible if you wanted to, but the most fundamental question is : Do you really want to unplug yourself from your self-inflicted technocratic matrix?

Any device that is connected to the internet is a security concern and as I can tell you as a network engineer you can simply lookup unprotected IP camera in databases like

Last edited by Azureko1 (Today 12:12:29)

This started with the GPS auto tracking I described and added some requirements about needing permission for various travel. I think there was a curfew added.
Later, when I did not need to travel very much, I had a chain from a cuff on my ankle to an anchor in the center of the house. The chain was long enough to reach anywhere in the house and on a porch but not any farther. The lock at the ankle used an infrared keyfob that was protected in a screen cage. The was a button accessable on the outside of the cage to activate the fob. I could put the cuff in front of the fob and press the button to be released. The button, however, had to be activated over the internet so I needed to ask for permission to unlock. There was also a shoter chain and a magnetic door lock in the office and the bedroom. The magnets were controlled over the internet so I could be restricted in one of those spaces. During this time, there was also a strict dress code (gray sweat pants with the pockets sewn shut and a gray sweatshirt). Ther was also a very plain and monotonous diet enforced by a camera in the kitchen. That supervisor became unable to help and I had a break before the current system began.

I don't know if there would be an advantage to 5G, it has not been discussed. The GPS tracking bracelets were upgraded about two years ago from 2G to 4G when the 2G networks went away. I am not sure what could be added to be more comprehensive. They can see anywhere I go and most anything I do and control most of my existing technology. It is likely that my next car with be equipped with a remote start disable anti-theft unit but I don't know what else could be added.

Escape is indeed possible but my "self-inflicted technocratic matrix" is deeply woven into my life and past history and unplugging from that matrix would mean unplugging from a lot more. I am not sure I can do that. My "electronic cage" is just as secure as one made from steel bars, I think.

You are very right about finding things on shodan. I think you network engineers say that the S in IOT stands for security. I have been told several times that I would be subject to more cameras except for the fear of them beings accessed someone unauthorized who might be able to read screens or see other items they should not. There is also the riskj of being able to see and lot of valuable technology and be able to tell when there was noone home.

Thank you for you interest and questions. You always provide a lot of godd food for thought.




Thanks for your insightful reply.

705 wrote:

You are very right about finding things on shodan. I think you network engineers say that the S in IOT stands for security. I have been told several times that I would be subject to more cameras except for the fear of them beings accessed someone unauthorized who might be able to read screens or see other items they should not. There is also the risk of being able to see and lot of valuable technology and be able to tell when there was noone home.

Well all I can say is that IOT devices have become an easy attack vector to exploit for hackers and hence more profitable other than normal servers these days I would summise.

705 wrote:

During this time, there was also a strict dress code (gray sweat pants with the pockets sewn shut and a gray sweatshirt). Ther was also a very plain and monotonous diet enforced by a camera in the kitchen. That supervisor became unable to help and I had a break before the current system began.

What was the reason that the supervisior became unable to help if you would like to share and was your supervision agreement suspended when you had a break or were you simply waiting to have a new supervisor appointed?

And for how long did you had to cuff yourself on average with the ankle chain?



Azureko1 wrote:

Thanks for your insightful reply.

Well all I can say is that IOT devices have become an easy attack vector to exploit for hackers and hence more profitable other than normal servers these days I would summise.

What was the reason that the supervisior became unable to help if you would like to share and was your supervision agreement suspended when you had a break or were you simply waiting to have a new supervisor appointed?

And for how long did you had to cuff yourself on average with the ankle chain?

The big issue with IOT devices is that many of them are deployed and then forgotten as long as they keep working so no one ever bothers with software updates. Lots of them are deployed with known login credentials and default passwords that never get changed so they are easy targets for exploits. Once a device is compromised, it provides a staging platform inside a network for other compromises.

That supervisor needed to devote more attention to her family and to her health. She didn't feel she could continue to do an effective job. Without her ability to continue, we dismantled most of the structure. I was not sure it would be easy to find a successor but I was describing the history and the program and process at a meeting for people interested in unequal power dynamic relationship and afterwards was approached by someone interested in more information. This led to a year or so of discussion That resulted in her suggesting that I would benefit from their supervision going forward. That discussion evolved into where I am today.

When I was on the ankle, it was pretty full time. I woulsd have to ask to be unlocked to leave the house for erroands but that was severely restricted. I got an hour a week for groceries and other errands. There were very few other exceptions.

Thank you for your interest and for providing an opportunity for transparency.


Last edited by 705 (2023-08-12 04:04:41)



Dear 705.
I would like, if possible, to have some details on your detention at the time when you were chained in your house.
As for now, with a not always reliable translator, I would like to know if I understood everything about your current control.
your trips are subject to authorization and electronically tracked.
Your electronic devices are subject to restrictions.
You are subject to a curfew.
Are your activities on your electronic devices being over-monitored?
what are the curfew times at home and in bed?
Are you subject to other restrictions and controls?
For your control photos, I find the response time very long. Is there a reason?.
For skating shoes, I hope your supervisors won't see it.
Forgive me for my curiosity and all these questions.
lots of love.



Hello all! It has been interesting to read about all of your experiences and posts!

One thing puzzles me though, what is the issue with skating shoes, are they not like Converse and the such? Or are they something different?

I personally don't wear flats that often, and if I do, they usually are crocs or Ballerinas, and rarely converse, otherwise I tend to go about in heels, if I am going somewhere away from home.





Dear 705,

Thank you for explaining the situation with your monitoring. Using it to verify if you obey your bedtime (is that from 11 PM to 6 AM?) seems effective. I know a bit about IT, but I have very little experience with networks, so I will not be able to help with security issues. Actually, I thought that transmitting camera feed only to your supervisors via VPN should be really secure, but I might be mistaken or such solution might be difficult to set up, I'm not sure about that.

Making your program more comprehensive is a worthwhile challenge and point for discussion. I understand you don't believe that return to being chained in your house could be beneficial to your behaviour? Just like Sophie, I would like to hear more about that previous mode of detention. "Very monotonous diet" can be dangerous, hopefully you had all the necessary nutrients.

I took one more look at your coaching messages. If I don't count "required bracelet verification waived", there are 11 regular messages, with 10 different ones and one repeat. It suggests that there are at least a few dozen of them, or maybe there is some "pseudo-randomisation" to make it less probable that they repeat in short period of time. And well, it can feel like "brainwashing", but perhaps every regular coaching program can.

Dear Sophie,

First of all, which translator are you using?

Even if you cannot have cigarettes for purely circumstantial reasons, I firmly believe it is one of the best things that happened in your captivity. After 21 months you cannot have any traces of physical addiction left, it is enough that you understand health reasons and you will not return to smoking, even if you have an opportunity ever again.

Once again, I am sorry to hear that earliest part of your punishment was so harsh. It certainly induced many doubts and lasting trauma, although maybe you needed to be truly shaken. Hopefully, you still believe that your guardians mean well for you and want to help you become a good girl.

"If my plants are not perfectly clean" - I guess that you mean soles of your feet, and I have to say it is a nice method of verification! How many hours a day are you using for your maid duties? How often are you taken for walks or biking? How much "free" time do you have, are you able to develop some hobbies apart from writing here?

Dear MsHanna,

I am happy that you enjoy this thread! I agree, learning about all these experiences is really interesting and valuable.

A good question about skating shoes. I think their shape isn't practical for walking on firm ground, but I'm not sure about the details. On the other hand, going about in high heels all the time, as you describe, can do nasty things to your feet in long term. If I may ask, have you considered allowing your partner to make choices about your clothing?

Wishing all of you a nice weekend,



Dear MsHanna
I am happy to have you back on the forum. I hope you had a good holiday.
For skating shoes, it has nothing to do with Converses.
These are very thick and totally rigid leather ankle boots. The ankles are totally blocked and I cannot tear them down by the slightest millimetre.
Impossible to run, and walking and unpleasant. If I had to compare them to anything it would be casts rather than Converse.

Last edited by Sophie (2023-08-12 14:28:10)



Sophie wrote:

Dear MsHanna
I am happy to have you back on the forum. I hope you had a good holiday.
For skating shoes, it has nothing to do with Converses.
These are very thick and totally rigid leather ankle boots. The ankles are totally blocked and I cannot tear them down by the slightest millimetre.
Impossible to run, and walking and unpleasant. If I had to compare them to anything it would be casts rather than Converse.

Last edited by Sophie (Today 07:28:10)

Ah, I see, so its something entirely different than "skate shoes" my bad, I mistook skating shoes to them, I might have to take a look at these things at some point, first time of me hearing about those kinds of shoes.




Dear Doom Turtle,
our posts crossed.
I can't contradict you on the cigarette, but I wouldn't promise not to do it again.
For housework it depends. For the moment I only have one babysitter, the least severe there are few stains, in all no more than 2 hours, when they are all there it takes much longer, especially washing and ironing and I have to occupy 2 houses.
For walks, in general, we went to a wood not very far, but with the risk of forest fires this summer, it's canceled and replaced by long treadmill sessions to keep me busy..
For my leisure, I have the right to use my phone according to the goodwill of my babysitters. Otherwise neither TV nor computer.



Dear friends,

@MsHanna Welcome back. I think Sophie is referring to Ice Skating shoes (or boots) where the ankle is held very rigidly to be able to balance on the skate.

@Doom Turtle Bedtime (I must be in bed) is from 11:30 pm to 6 am. My tablet turns off at 10 pm, the computer at 11 pm, and my phone (except for emergency numbers and emergency texts, and a sleep monitoring app) turns off at 11:30.

We considered a VPN for the cameras but there were issues with the firewall here and it was inconvenient for the supervisor who would have to change their network configuration to switch back and forth to and from the VPN. I am sure if a solution can be found, there will be more cameras.
The monotonous diet was a bowl of lettuce and vegetables salad. two slices of multi grain bread, and four ounces of tofu. There were four feedings (for objectification, they were not called meals) 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. Water was available anytime. A dietitian looked at this and said it was a balanced diet and good nutrition but no one would ever be able to keep it up. I did this for at least two years under the watchful eye of the kitchen table camera. It was very boring but there were no health effects. Health-wise, I would be better off now if I could be restricted to home and this diet again. Unfortunately, current work does not allow that.

A quick look back at the last 100 or so messages show 3 messages that occurred twice (not counting the verification waived or verification required ones). In the last five days, there were 12 "waived" messages and five "verification required" messages. You are right. Good coaching is about brainwashing and reinforcing desired behavior whether it is fitness and health coaching or my program. A lot of the messages are quotes from messages from the parental monitoring apps and reinforce that those apps are there.

@ Sophie I think your translator is pretty good most of the time. It is almost always possible to tell what you mean. Please let me know if I translate back easily or if I need to write in a different way. Please tell me if you have questions that I need to explain better.

When I was chained in the house, it was a 50 foot long chain that let me go anywhere in the house and out onto the porch (in case of fire). I had to ask to be unlocked from the chain if I wanted to leave the house. Permission to v the house was very restricted.

Now, under the current supervision, I am allowed to leave the house without permission but my movements are tracked by GPS ankle bracelets. I am not allowed to go into "convenience stores" what you would call supérettes and I am not allowed into bars. I can go anywhere in the county (like département in France) I live in or the two counties next to it. If I need to go out of those three counties, I have to notify the supervisor. If I have to leave my state (like a region), I have to ask permission first.

My phone, tablet, and computer are monitored. My supervisor can see text messages, the websites i visit, and the phone number I call or get calls from. I don't think they can listen to phone calls but I am not sure. The websites I can go to are controlled and many are blocked if I should not see them. (Porn, gambling, dating, gaming, most social, weapons, drugs, self harm) Time on other sites is limited (Facebook, Reddit, Wikipedia). The apps watch for bad content in messages and on websites. They detect profanity and texting with strangers. Much of this is aimed at parents protecting their children so it is sometimes humiliating for me to be treated like a child.

My curfew to be at home is 8 pm on Monday - Thursday, 7 pm on Friday. I am allowed out from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday and not at all on Sunday. Curfew ends at 6 am the next day. The ankle bracelets automatically generate an alarm if I violate any of these.
I have other restrictions. I am not allowed to possess alcohol,. I am subject to random drug testing. I have to do 100 hours of community service each year. I have to do 180 hours of intermittent confinement each year. This is locked in a small cell for part of a weekend.

The control photo time is 45 minutes. This was to allow time in case I was in a meeting or driving and could not send a photo at once. I know you like to be strict. What do you think should be the allowed time? I am not sure I want the supervisor to see that also.

Your curiosity is very helpful with making me be transparent about my supervision. When other people know about the details of the custody it helps to reinforce it. I am sometimes ashamed of my restrictions and limitations and it is good to share them here with people who want to understand. You ask good questions. Thank you.

Respectful hugs to all,




Dear 705,
Thank you very much for revealing yourself and answering my questions.
For the response time for the photos, I would have said 5 minutes, 10 at the most.
As one of my babysitters says when I can't do:
Obey or you will be punished. it's not my problem if you can't, so obey."
Another thought:
When you are outside, you have
the restrictions you mentioned, but what about your behavior, your words,...
I know I'm mean, but couldn't your supervisors make you wear a microphone to listen to you and
record permanently your words or  your environement for tighter control.
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

Thank you for your kind reply. I would not say that you are mean but I think you are very strict. I don't know ifm y supervisor is reading this site. I know they know that I read here. I try to spend a lot of time on other sites so this one does not stand out in the reports and make them want to check on what I see and say here.
Five or ten minutes would be very strict. That is not a lot of time to see the prompt message and find a private place to take the photo and get it sent. But, like you, my works is also obey or be punished. There are lots of ways restrcition could be made worse as a punishment.

I think ther are ways they can listen to what my cell phone hears but it would be a lot of work to listen all the time. I have never heard of a way to record it and play it back faster. I am sure some company will eventually make an app to use Artificial Intelligence and speech regognition to flag words or sounds. The Bark and Boomerange apps already do this for text messages and social media.That would be a way for tighter control.

I thinkthat when you say "Lots of love", you mean lots of Tough Love. I am grateful for your thoughts.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
I don't know anything about informatic, but I thought that this kind of device had to exist.
As for my "lits of love" it comes from the translator, I said "gros bisous", literally big kisses.
I found this translation pretty and I did not try to change it
Lots of love.



Dear Sophie,

If such a device does not exist (i tried to look for something like that but couldn't find anything) I am sure it will soon. I know there are ways of listening to telephone calls and finding particular words.
Your translator turned "Dommage" into "Damage" or maybe that was speech to text. But I remembered dommage from studying French in school and remembered it meant shame, or, pity, or disappointment. I think it is wonderful that you are so strict to think it is "quel dommage" that my words cannot be monitored all the time. You have said you are cruel but I think it is in a good way.
I like your "lots of love" and "gros bisous".  I would say this to you but if the supervisors ever see this, they might think I am flirting or being disrespectful. SO I will say

Respectful hugs,




Thank you very much! I had a lovely few days of vacation/captivity with my partner and best friend! Nevertheless, it has been nice catching up on your and Sophie's experiences again!





Dear 705,
"damage", it was in the sense that I regret that it does not exist.
In detective films, you see people wearing a micto, that's what I was thinking.
Otherwise, you are too nice to me who dreams that you are more strictly controlled.
I enjoy it but at the same time I feel guilty for doing this to you, sorry.
lots of love



Dear Sophie,

I like your thoughts about me being more strictly controlled. It is nice that you are interested and someone who knows what it its like to live under strict conditions. I think it is dommage that your conditions are so harsh even if they are helping to make you a better person. Do you think they will ever get easier for you? Do you look forward to that?
Please do not feel guilty for wishing more strictness for me. Your ideas help me to understand that it could be more strict and I should be grateful that it is not. You should not be sorry for being helpful to me. It is okay if you enjoy it.
You may also enjoy that this morning I learned that the verification photo time is now set to 30 minutes. I asked why and was told that it was because I have been sending the photos in an average time of 20 minutes so the limit can be shorter. I asked where the idea came from and was told not to ask but to accept or it would be shorter. The penalty for being late will now be two hours earlier curfew for one week and increased verification.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,

It looks unusual that you have been under supervision for a long time, but since you arrived here, your conditions seem to get regularly tightened. It would appear probable that your controllers are reading this forum and taking inspiration. However, I agree that half an hour is still a lot of time for photo verification and the penalty is quite balanced.

An AI program paired with a microphone to look for words or phrases indicating bad behaviour will probably exist very soon, if not yet. I'm afraid, though, that there will be serious security issues, similarly as with cameras.

I am curious about your community service. You cannot (at least here) go to the authorities and say that you'd like to do some service. Did your supervisors somehow manage to make a special agreement about your situation? What kinds of tasks do you have to fulfil?

Dear Sophie,

Naturally, you don't need to promise me anything. I merely assume that you wouldn't ever like to return to any bad habits when getting rid of them required so much effort and suffering. It would be a terrible waste.

So you have to do ironing... It is a very dangerous tool, heavy and hot. I think that you should be kept in additional restraints during such a task. Maybe a chain connecting your wristcuffs either to your ankles or to your belt (if there is some anchoring point). Making you unable to raise your hands above your waist and use the iron in a dangerous way, even by accident. I hope you aren't angry that I suggest stricter approach for you when I think it can be helpful.

Two hours a day of housework and some treadmill sessions? You seem to have a lot of leisure time, even if you have to stay naked and in chains. I don't think you are only scrolling at your phone. Do you perhaps read books, draw pictures, write, play musical instruments or maybe chess?

Have a good week,



Dear 705,
you are not allowed to flirt, even from a distance?.
You have never been disrespectful to me, on the contrary.
I don't think, unlike Doom Turtle, that the response time was reduced after reading the forum, I see it as a coincidence, because if they had read it they would have noticed serious behavioral errors.
And you will have serious problèmes.
lots of love



Dear Doom Turtle,
it's only 2 hours of cleaning... currently, I only have a babysitter for the moment, when they are all there (the others are on vacation) I have a lot more work. 5, 6 hours or more For ironing, I only wear the bracelets with a fairly long chain between them. I've never had a problem so far.
For the rest of the time I watch a lot of tutorials on youtube for cooking, for certain jobs that I don't know how to do and on some forums also for cooking and others but totally vanilla
I also do my babysitter's manicure and pedicure, I also massage her feet for a long time.
I also sometimes spend long periods facing the wall or in the middle of the room with my hands on my head and without moving.
They call it meditation, me boredom


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