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Other people's experiences and thoughts about restrictions

Posts 151 to 180 of 684


Just a few more words about communicating ideas...
Let me warn you, Sophie. The way you are handled gives you a lot of insight how to make someone's life harsher. However, you should give such suggestions only when you are sure (and able to explain) that it can improve their behaviour or bring them enjoyment. Not for your own forbidden pleasure of discussing someone's misery. You see, this warning is for your own good.

Ingrid wrote:

I did not realize that being a mistress could be more difficult than being submissive, how?

When you become a mistress, you can hardly allow yourself a moment of weakness. Even in temporary games, your partner offers you a whole lot of trust. Causing your loved one pain or humiliation, even if it excites you, can also be a real mental strain. It is a huge responsibility too, you need to have a plan ready for any possible unfortunate events. And when it is 24/7 power exchange, you actually become the foundation on which your submissive builds her view of the world, her feeling of safety, allows her personality to be modified. Whenever anything goes wrong in such a relationship, it is basically your fault.




Dear Doom Turtle and 705, hope you are well.
Thank you again for your kind words of support.
DoomTurtle, I don't quite understand what you mean to have access to my belt to clean it, I don't have to take off my diaper, I have to wait until the shower the next morning to clean myself.
As for milk instead of water, firstly I very rarely drink milk, and my babysitter knows perfectly well that milk eases the pain, whereas water does not, and the more you drink the more you feel thirsty.
I think my babysitter planned it all.
For my nasty advice, do you think that a prior warning, the person's agreement and that it would be useful to him, would make it acceptable to my guardians?
For example I could explain my proposal to "rot" the Sundays of 705 specifying that it will be a real pensum, if he gave me his agreement and that he thought it was for his good. Do you think this could pass with my babysitters?

Dear 705, you have understood the principle of the chair perfectly.
For my proposal ⁸ for Sunday refuse it, sincerely, it will be very unpleasant and could become a routine and which could be associated with other prescriptions like that of Doom Turtle.



Dear Doom Turtle, thank you for your explanations, I understand a little better.
Our conversation continued last night.
To sum up.
It was especially her who questioned me,
She wanted to know my youth, and in short she was happy.
then she wanted to know why.
Why I wanted to become submissive. Difficult question I told him that it was an irrepressible urge that increased day by day and that our little games were beginning to be a little bland.
But I have no idea how this desire came to me, mystery?
She asked me why her, there easy because I love her and I have total confidence in her.
She asked me how I thought I could bear corporal punishment when I never received the slightest spanking apart from hers, which were more erotic caresses.
I replied to him. When we want we can, I know more or less what I am committing to and I will ensure even if I understand that it will be difficult but I am sure that I will take pleasure in it
Then there was a question that nearly broke everything.
Did you think of me, what do I gain?
  And I spun the biggest nonsense I could say.
Do you want me to pay you???
She gave me a real slap, it was the first time. I apologized profusely, I asked for forgiveness...
She too was sorry for her bad reflex.
We explained each other, and we reconciled on the pillow, and the answer remained in suspense.
As for her coming here, I showed her, she's not against it but she doesn't want me to be able to read it. It might be complicated, do you have a solution?
Thanks again.



Sophie wrote:

For my nasty advice, do you think that a prior warning, the person's agreement and that it would be useful to him, would make it acceptable to my guardians?

Well, prisoner Sophie, I cannot speak for your educators, but my best guess is as follows: if you want to use your experiences to help others, you are a good girl. If you want others to suffer like you do, you are a bad girl and will be punished. Nobody is going to assume your good will, so you should share ideas only when you can explain how they will improve someone's behaviour AND when you have that person's permission.

Sophie wrote:

DoomTurtle, I don't quite understand what you mean to have access to my belt to clean it, I don't have to take off my diaper, I have to wait until the shower the next morning to clean myself.

My question was about your normal use of toilet, without a diaper. Are you able to clean your chastity belt reasonably well with toilet paper, or do you need to wash yourself every time? As far as I know, paper might be enough if the belt has a "second shield" design, but I might be mistaken.

And yes, I also think your babysitter planned it all very well!

Ingrid wrote:

Do you want me to pay you???

Dear Ingrid,
That was a stupid question indeed. If my sub told me such nonsense, I would have to make sure that she regrets it. Sincerely though, what does Anja gain? In short term: she can fulfil any her erotic fantasies that aren't your hard limits. In long term, if you actually progress to 24/7 D/s relationship: she gains the perfect partner of her dreams, who she will be able to shape like a piece of art. You will learn to express your opinion politely but never discuss with her orders, you will probably do all house chores for her. I'd say at least 50% of people can grow to like being dominants in spite of the difficulties. However, you cannot force it upon her.

Ingrid wrote:

As for her coming here, I showed her, she's not against it but she doesn't want me to be able to read it. It might be complicated, do you have a solution?

For regular topics, you can have a "ladies' agreement" that you try not to read her posts. For you, it will be a good training of submissive mind discipline. However, when Anja really needs to keep something in secret from you, she can use the "private messages" feature and discuss anything directly with any of the forum users.

Thank you too,

Last edited by DoomTurtle (2023-08-18 15:20:05)



Dear friends,

@ Sophie I would hope that your guardians would understand that one of the reasons that I am here is to be open to other people suggestions and opinions on how I can be better and how my program can help with that. I hope that my prior agreement (really my request), prior warning, and any ideas and help would be good for me would make it acceptable to your guardian.  I am sorry that they punished you  for helping me and I hope that they will allow you to help me in the future,. You have special knowledge that makes your advice valuable.

I would hope that  your babysitters would allow you to tell me of the plans for the weekend. Because I have decided that it is the right thing to share this group with my custodian, I would tell them you idea and they would decide if it would happen.They have their own ideas about what my program should be but I am sure they would carefully consider ideas that come form you and the rest of the people here.

Some people use a bidet to clean after the toilet or carry a spray bottle of water to clean themselves and their belt.

@Ingrid I think that DoomTurtle is right about the importance of good communication. I am glad that you are continuing to talk to Anje about how you feel and what sort of things you want. I very respectfully disagree with DoomTurtle that a mistress cannot allow themselves a moment of weakness. People are only human and no one can be expected to perfect and strict and completely in charge all of the time. (We do expect Sophie to be strict all of the time. That is why we love her.  8-)  ) If you expect your mistress to be perfect and never have weakness, you will disappointed. The most important thing is to always communicate about how each of you feels.
Asking abouyt paying Anje was not a good idea because people think that means paying money. But it is important to think about what Anje will get from being in charge of you. Some people like to be in charge. They like that they can tell you to do something and you will just do with the ability to say no whether is is something like clean the floor or make dinner or if it something like we are going top the movies and I will pick which one. Some people like the idea of being in charge so they can make you better whether it is making you eat the right things or exercise more or not do things they don't think you should.
You know what you need from this connection or, at least, you are trying to figure that out. The two of you also need to find out what Anje wants and can get from this.
I am sure the two of you will be able to work this out. Please keep talking (and asking questions here). That is more important that hurrying to start doing things before you are more sure about what you want to do.

Respectful hugs to all,



Dear Doom Turtle, thank you for your advice, I am not so stupid to think that Anja will become the perfect mistress overnight, nor am I the ideal submissive.
Also for now she's just my girlfriend.
We will continue to communicate, and I will try to think before talking stupidly.
For what she has to gain from it, you are right, I will make her read your answer if she has not already done so.
my regards.



705 wrote:

I very respectfully disagree with DoomTurtle that a mistress cannot allow themselves a moment of weakness. (...) If you expect your mistress to be perfect and never have weakness, you will [be] disappointed. The most important thing is to always communicate about how each of you feels.

Dear 705,
Thank you for calling me out on this point! I may have written it too carelessly. Of course I agree that discussing each partner's feelings and needs is the most important part of any successful relationship. And it is good to explain your choices and admit your mistakes, it improves mutual trust and respect. I think, though, that when you take your partner as 24/7 submissive, promising to make choices for her and shield her from the world... you really shouldn't bring her out of this safe subspace then. She accepts your care, guidance and your punishments, so it would be awkward to give her additional worries or cry on her chest. At least, this is the standard I'd like to hold myself to; I don't claim that it's universal.

Ladies and gentlemen, read 705, he really knows what he's talking about!




Ingrid wrote:

Dear Doom Turtle, thank you for your advice, I am not so stupid to think that Anja will become the perfect mistress overnight, nor am I the ideal submissive.
Also for now she's just my girlfriend.
We will continue to communicate, and I will try to think before talking stupidly.
For what she has to gain from it, you are right, I will make her read your answer if she has not already done so.
my regards.

This week I have been spending time with my partner, so only really been allowed time enough to read messages here, but not answer them, but it has been great to get to know you Ingrid, and learn about your interest in potentially starting a power exchange relationship with your girlfriend, Ingrid!

And in my opinion, communication is key, in any relationship, but especially in a power exchange relationship!

Time for me to hand my phone back to my partner though, and have some dinner, and sit outside and enjoy the sun for a bit longer today, at the end of my chain.



Last edited by MsHanna (2023-08-19 01:11:25)



Dear DoomTurtle,

Thank you for the kind vote of confidence. I only try to share what I know so other people don't have to make the mistakes I have already made. I tell people, "Life is too short to make all the mistakes yourself. Learn from other people."

The point I wanted to make most was that life is complicated and no one is perfect or right all of the time. If you are the person in charge and you let the people you are in charge of think you are perfect, you will eventually encounter a situation that will disappoint you both and have both of you disappointed in each other. I think my supervisor is smart, knowledgeable, and strict but I do not expect that they will be exactly right all of the time. Things will happen that they cannot control that will affect the supervision. That is just something I have to expect. We expect that they will make decisions for me or help me make them for myself but that may not be able to happen. I may ask to do something that needs permission and may not get an immediate answer because they were busy with something else. It is not good for me to expect they will be there all the time for things like this. They are there almost all the time but that is different. If they are unable to make a decision for me because they are unavailable, I will have to do the best I can to do what they would think would be the right choice. Later, if they feel it was not the right choice, I may have consequences. The fact that they were not available to make the choice for me is not a defense against the consequences. They may even have not answered as a test although I don;t think that has ever happened but, I guess, it could. As another example, if I received an internet or device timeout, they may not be able to end when they planned to for whatever reason, their phone failed, they had some emergency come. I would be alone, isolated, and cut off for potentially hours and would just have to deal with those consequences. People expected me to call them or meet them, I will just have to apologize to them later. This is just something I have to deal with because I am part of this sort of custody program. It is not easy but it would be a lot harder if I counted on the supervisor to be perfect all of the time.

I agree this may be different for a Dom/sub relationship that is not (or not yet) 24/7. That needs different understanding and communication. It is also different if you are both together and experiencing the same situation. That can change expectations.

Dear MsHanna,

It is nice to here from you but even nicer to know that you are with and under the control of your partner who has a tight leash on your phone. The image of the two of you sitting on the porch enjoying the sunset while you are on your chain is a quite delightful one.

Respectful hugs,



Dear 705,
if I understood correctly, you agree that I explain my pensum to you. Before, I would like to apologize to your supervisors if I interfere with their vows.
My pensum is simply to make you write lines for hours to occupy yourself, idleness being the mother of all vices.
It can be used not only for the weekend but also whenever you are unoccupied. Before I was punished there was also software to control this practice. I think you're pretty good with computer ato findi them if they still exist.

Dear Doom Turtle
to clean my belt I wash quickly on the bidet with a hand shower and I dry myself with a hair dryer.
According to my guardians I am classified in the category of very bad girls who must be strictly punished.



Dear Doom Turtle, 705, MsHanna,
we talk a lot with anja, but she hides her game, she stubbornly refuses to tell me what she intends to do. The wait is unbearable.
Yesterday she asked me to list my limits, which made me a little more confident. Then she added that I should give it to her in 8 days. I still have at least 8 days to wait "cry"
I asked her if we could play, she told me of course, nothing has changed. It changed my mind
Forgive me for telling you my silly stories, but it does me good to talk about it.



Dear MsHanna,

Enjoying your dinner and evening sun at the end of your chain, together with your Dom, looks like a very romantic picture. Your subtle descriptions make a nice counterpoint to more extreme styles of relationship that are regularly discussed here. I'm happy that you had a good week, and I hope to read more from you soon!

Dear Sophie,

At least you are becoming a better girl by trying to help others. And of course, we know that you will be punished severely for any failure or wrongdoing, so you need to be as careful as possible.

As for your suggestion, it was certainly worth sharing. I am under impression that 705's supervisors would rather want to make him more productive and develop his skills, rather than give him simple tasks just to avoid idleness. Do you have some experiences of your own with writing lines or other similar repetitive tasks?

Dear 705,

I agree respectfully with your observations. Your view of the supervision seems very balanced and healthy. Also, you bring up an important point: that a submissive needs to retain the ability to make their own choices and be responsible for them. A responsible master cannot allow their partner to become addicted to domination and unable to decide about anything. Perhaps it can be eschewed in very rare cases like Miisa's, when there's a committee which will certainly be able to control her as long as needed. To one person, however, anything can happen - and the submissive will have to live on. Naturally, it is even more important in online relationships.

Dear Ingrid,

Please don't hesitate to write your thoughts or ask questions whenever you need. If you manage to prepare your list of limits faster than expected, you might try to ask if you can give it earlier. For now, I hope you will have some wonderful play together and gradually work everything out.

Wishing you all a great weekend,
the Turtle of Doom




It has been an enjoyable week for me, as usual, though I do like how I have been allowed access to my phone on a more regular basis this past few days, then compared to usual, where I am only allowed access to my phone if someone calls me.

Though I have noticed that with that, my security has somewhat increased this week, my legs are secured in leg irons, as well as a chain going from irons to a pillar where its locked, and my wrists are locked in leather cuffs with a 10-20 centimeter chain connecting them together, but overall it has been fun! Especially not being kept in a belt this week.

I look forward to hopefully being allowed to have access here later this weekend too!





Doom Turtle,
That's a good idea, I'll try that. I have no idea why she gave me such a long leash.
Thanks again.
thank you for your return, you seem very happy to be permanently chained, isn't it hard sometimes. Do you have any other constraints?



Ingrid wrote:

Doom Turtle,
That's a good idea, I'll try that. I have no idea why she gave me such a long leash.
Thanks again.
thank you for your return, you seem very happy to be permanently chained, isn't it hard sometimes. Do you have any other constraints?

Oh no, I am not permanently chained, only when I am with my partner, we don't live together full time, yet anyways, and both of us have real life commitments, we are both students in university, but when we have some time to hang out together out of town, we spend time at his cottage in the countryside, and there I am in captivity and chained.

We are just a regular couple when we are in town akd hanging out with our families and friends, we just have a little bit of a twist in our relationship, haha!



Last edited by MsHanna (2023-08-19 16:26:16)



Thank you Shanna,
it's nice to answer me. After university, do you hope to have a more continuous relationship with your partner, taking into account the constraints of a professional and social life?



Dear friends,

@ Sophie Thank you for your idea. You did understand correctly. I think it is good that you share things like this with me. DoomTurtle is correct that I am expected to be productive and I usually have enough things to do to keep be busy almost all of the time. But you idea is a good one and has been used in the past when I said that I was busy and worried about doing all that I had to do. I was sent to the website and had assignments to take up time (about an hour) every day for a week. It made me a lot more content with the amount of work I have to do normally.  Because you have suggested this again, I will let the supervisors know so they can decide if it should be used more often. Please tell your guardians for me (if you think it is okay) that I appreciate your suggestions because you have good experience and a good viewpoint and have a strict mindset. This should count in your favor to not be such a bad girl.

@ MsHanna I agree with the Turtle of Doom. Your descriptions sound very romantic. I know how busy students are so I am glad that you are able to get this kind of time away to enjoy each other and the things that you are doing. The memories of a week at the cabin on the chain should be good to help you with your studies. The wrist and ankle cuffs should make nice additional memories. Even though you may look like just a regular couple when you are in town to other people, you are very special people to each other because you share this special time. Maybe your partner would be able to make you a gift of something like this: … ::129.html that you could wear all the time to have a physical reminder of the memories. It looks like just nice jewelry so it won't  cause questions with friends or family or reveal your twist. The Axsmar one is just an example. There are lot of manufacturers of this like this.
It is nice that you were allowed more phone access so you could follow along with us.

@ Ingrid It sounds like you are make positive progress with adjusting your relationship with Anje. It is good that she has asked about your limits. I like DoomTurtle's idea of approaching her if you are finished with the list early.

@ DoomTurtle You are exactly correct about the responsibility of a master to keep their partner able to make basic life decisions for themselves. Although I suspect that it might not be possible to keep a partner from becoming addicted to domination by a good master (which you seem to be). I think that if my supervisor were unable to continue for some reason that the others they rely  on for suggestions and advice would be able to maintain my control while a new primary could be determined.

Respectful hugs for all and I echo DoomTurtle's wishes for a great weekend. (for those of you not on a curfew for most of it, or on a chain only able to look at grass and not touch it, or stuck inside washing and cleaning)



The last closing was intended to be humor and was not a complaint about my situation or anyone else's. It was meant to be light hearted and not a demonstration of bad attitude.




705 wrote:

Dear friends,

@ Sophie Thank you for your idea. You did understand correctly. I think it is good that you share things like this with me. DoomTurtle is correct that I am expected to be productive and I usually have enough things to do to keep be busy almost all of the time. But you idea is a good one and has been used in the past when I said that I was busy and worried about doing all that I had to do. I was sent to the website and had assignments to take up time (about an hour) every day for a week. It made me a lot more content with the amount of work I have to do normally.  Because you have suggested this again, I will let the supervisors know so they can decide if it should be used more often. Please tell your guardians for me (if you think it is okay) that I appreciate your suggestions because you have good experience and a good viewpoint and have a strict mindset. This should count in your favor to not be such a bad girl.

@ MsHanna I agree with the Turtle of Doom. Your descriptions sound very romantic. I know how busy students are so I am glad that you are able to get this kind of time away to enjoy each other and the things that you are doing. The memories of a week at the cabin on the chain should be good to help you with your studies. The wrist and ankle cuffs should make nice additional memories. Even though you may look like just a regular couple when you are in town to other people, you are very special people to each other because you share this special time. Maybe your partner would be able to make you a gift of something like this: … ::129.html that you could wear all the time to have a physical reminder of the memories. It looks like just nice jewelry so it won't  cause questions with friends or family or reveal your twist. The Axsmar one is just an example. There are lot of manufacturers of this like this.
It is nice that you were allowed more phone access so you could follow along with us.

@ Ingrid It sounds like you are make positive progress with adjusting your relationship with Anje. It is good that she has asked about your limits. I like DoomTurtle's idea of approaching her if you are finished with the list early.

@ DoomTurtle You are exactly correct about the responsibility of a master to keep their partner able to make basic life decisions for themselves. Although I suspect that it might not be possible to keep a partner from becoming addicted to domination by a good master (which you seem to be). I think that if my supervisor were unable to continue for some reason that the others they rely  on for suggestions and advice would be able to maintain my control while a new primary could be determined.

Respectful hugs for all and I echo DoomTurtle's wishes for a great weekend. (for those of you not on a curfew for most of it, or on a chain only able to look at grass and not touch it, or stuck inside washing and cleaning)

Maybe if you were to let your submissive wear a shock collar with a gps tracker that might be also a solution to keep the subject in check such as this one : … ing-collar

Last edited by Azureko1 (2023-08-19 19:31:17)



Azureko1 wrote:

Maybe if you wear a shock collar with a gps tracker that might be also a solution to keep the subject in check … ing-collar

In principle, this is a good idea. Being able to remotely enforce rules makes the rules harder to disobey. In practice, this would work well if the person with the controller has visual line of sight with the wearer and is able to determine that the only effect of the shock will be to correct whatever the infraction was. If the controller cannot see the wearer, there is the risk that the pain of the shock or the startle of the shock might cause the wearer to do something dangerous. Consider driving a car in traffic and being shocker or carrying something messy or fragile and being startled by the shock. An improvement to the device would be to include cameras so the controller could see the surroundings of the wearer and determine if a shock would be safe. Given the creativity of the folks at Fancy Steel, this is not out of the question.
One of the ankle bracelets that I have to wear has a 90db siren that can be activated by a supervisor but even with that, there is an issue an issue of startling me or someone nearby.
A much more useful remote punishment is to simply disable all of my electronics devices. This does not affect the people around me (much - it I am looking up something for them on the phone or tablet, I am unable to do that) but it creates a significant hardship for me until the punishment is over.

Thank you for for your interest and the suggestion. I hope that someday this sort of correction may be practical.





We have thought about getting something like that, but so far we haven't got anything yet, but maybe somewhere down the line we might!

Otherwise, it has been a pleasant day today, did some gardening earlier in the morning, and went out for a walk in the woods, I of course was kept in tight leash, and my wrist cuffs, but not leg ironed, for my safety, as it is quite steep uphills and downhills, but nevertheless, it was fun and romantic to go out for a walk together!

And later tonight we will be sitting together by a bonfire watching the night sky and relaxing, me of course without my phone, and fully secured in my leg irons, and listen to music!

Life can be so great!





Dear Hanna,

It sounds like you have had a wonderful day. A walk on a leash in wrist cuffs and a bonfire in leg irons with music sounds like a very special day. I hope the rest of the weekend is just a special.




Dear Hanna,

Thanks for reminding us that life can be great! I expect that you are sitting by that bonfire as I'm writing to you now. If you have already discussed a semi-permanent symbolic bracelet and you enjoy the idea, I hope your partner will give you such a gift soon. And indeed, after finishing the university and moving in together you will be able to make more ambitious decisions. Whether you will prefer to continue with intermittent submission or aim for something more constant, I trust you will manage to eke out the lifestyle of your dreams. You certainly deserve to be happy!

Dear 705,

I appreciate your kind words. Regarding the above discussion, I think I wouldn't dare to use a shock collar on anyone without being physically there. The siren seems interesting though, has your supervisor ever used it? As for writing lines, I believe it is more memorable (although more difficult to verify, of course) when done manually rather than with software. Is your normal amount of work strictly related to your job and improving your IT qualifications, or do you also receive other kinds of self-development tasks?




Dear DoomTurtle,

The shock collare without a way to see the wearer is not a good idea. In addition to activating it at a time that might have bad consequences, there is also the possibility of having it activated by some other random signal rather than the controller it is designed for and used by the master of the wearer. O doubt that even the Fancy Steel device has any kind of authenticated handshake to the sure the activation is valid.

My supervisor occasionally test the siren. It is sometimes used to get my attention if I have missed a text message that needed attention. I have been told that it would be used if I violate one of the GPS exclusion zones. The thought of walking into a convenience store with the siren blaring from my ankle is a good deterrent even if it has not been used so far.

Manual writing is probably more memorable but is harder to verify when done remotely. It is possible to require photos of completed handwriting to be sent. The verification of handwriting can be somewhat subjective. How neat does it have to be to be acceptable? A good punishment (or time wasting task) has to have a clear standard for completion. The writeforme program has features that can make it memorable. It can penalize the use of backspace or incorrect writing by increasing the number of line required for each mistake.

Normally, my workload is from my job or, sometimes, volunteer work. Some self-development is oriented toward work or health related and is mostly self assigned. I don't think I can remember any self development ever being assigned.




Dear all
my babysitters have returned from vacation and we will have a meeting during the day. it doesn't feel good to me..
#sHanna, I imagine this charming romantic walk, being by the fireside in the arms of your partner, what a romanticism, but aren't you afraid of being surprised. I hope your hands were tied behind your back.



Good morning,
MsHanna you live a beautiful love story, I am very happy for you.
I would love to do this with anja, but I don't know of a place where we can walk without meeting someone every hundred meters.
I guess I'm also going to have to wear a collar in public, I'm not sure if it will be a pride or a shame, I don't want my submission to be public, maybe I'll see with my limits.
Regarding the shock collar, isn't it dangerous to be shocked at the level of the blow. But a remote control would not displease me at all, it would be like a virtual leash.
My regards.



How can I write such nonsense, I'm crazy.
Of course I will be very proud to wear Anja's necklace, how could it be otherwise.
If I start wanting to put a limit to this kind of trifle, I might as well stop right away.
All my excuses.




I would be more surprised about the fact if there was anyone else near us, we are in the countryside, so not seen anyone else lately, haha!

And no, my hands were cuffed to the front yesterday, I would imagine it would be rather dangerous to walk in the forest with hands behind my back, if you fall down.





Dear Ms Hanna,
  I had forgotten that you live in a huge country with large uninhabited areas.
At home, that doesn't exist apart from a few places in the mountains and again, you meet people all the time, it's really difficult to find a quiet place.



Dear all,
the meeting was more of a court. My 3 guardians were dressed and comfortably installed in armchairs and I was on my knees, naked and chained. They found me guilty.
They told me that you have good lawyers but that I am incorrigible and that my education must be started from zéro.
I didn't quite understand what they meant.
I just had permission to let you know I was not here and they said they would let my friends know about me from time to time.
I have no idea of the duration, but I understood that it would be long.
See you soon.


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