Dear Ingrid,
It is sometimes difficult to be under constant surveillance. I have always felt that sometime I will get used to it but that hasn't happened yet. I now it is not possible that I am watched all of the time but it is possible that bedroom video can be reviewed later and the tracking records can also be reviewed later, It is always a shock when I get called out on something I am doing or have done. The other day, I received a text asking what I was doing in Home Depot ( a large store that sell home repair and construction items). I had walked of of the store abbout three minutes prior to the text.
I might try the boring diet for the next few weekends. My regular diet is now pretty healthy most of the time but has some variety from day to day. The boring diet would be the same thing at each meal for the whole time.
Dear DoomTurtle,
I am glad I shared that I posted here and was allowed to continue. Because I committed to be transparent, posting here will allow the supervisors another view at my life. I hope this was a good idea.
I try to do the verification as quickly as I can partly to try to show that I am not resisting the requirement and partly to be sure that I don't get distracted by something that makes me miss the deadline. Sophie's advice to always be ready to meet the requirement has been helpful in keeping focused on the tracking so I think that is good for me.
I mentioned the idea of restraints while I am at home and they saw the discussion here but nothing was said about implementing something, I am sure if they think it will help with the supervision, something will be imposed.
I am also curious about how the next in-person meeting will go.