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You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » General issues, suggestions » Diary


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prisoner, Miisa,
You've created a great forum. Thank you!
We've been chatting in facebook sometimes, many times in fact.
We have also talked about the possibility that you would write a diary of your daily life. Is it possible here?
I think many would like to know how your day is spent and what are you thinking.

Maybe this is my secret dream to be your guard. I know it is impossible but so we could participate in your life, maybe we could discuss and give opinions about your life.



Thank you Sir. It's nice that you like a new forum.

My daily life is very boring and monotonous, so I think my diary would also be like that.
basically the diary could be copied from the previous day, not very catchy in the long run



prisoner, Miisa
Perhaps in particular it would make an interesting diary.
Besides, I know you are a smart and thinking person.
You follow what is happening in the world and you have thoughts about it.

This is your chance to get your voice heard.
I know that you are following politics, economy, events, sports, fashion etc. Many things (you've given me even betting and fashion tips).
I also know that you like discussing things, not just about fetish and kink, but also about them.

I support and encourage you!




If I decide to go to a political career, I know who I contact when I need encouragement and support!
Can the prisoners have their own party?




I forgot to mention your sense of humor...


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » General issues, suggestions » Diary