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You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » CaptiveGirl Diary » The Beginning of a Diary

The Beginning of a Diary

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Some people have asked me to write a daily diary about my normal life and thoughts.

It feels difficult to think, the main reason is that my English is very bad and poor (if someone wants to fix my mistakes, it's ok). Errors are not mine, you can blame google translator...   :)
I also feel that I do not have much to share. I can not tell all things in my life. I need to protect the people involved.

If you want to understand me and my writings, I would recommend that you first get to know my blog.
It has been a long time without updating and many things have changed but the main principle is still the same.



You did it! You started a diary, I'm proud that I was one of those who encouraged you to do it.


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