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Thank you for relating your story.
I had interest in the beautiful wooden dildo you mentioned so I looked it up.
As it turns out the name is not Teatiamo, but Teatiamo. The website is:
They make dildos, butt plugs, coffee scoops, sauna water dippers, and sunglasses.
I am happy for you that you were able to experience a good orgasm with the combination of Hitachi vibrator and wooden dildo. You certainly do suffer quite a bit. Part of me wants to feel so sorry for you while another part of me revels at the thought of you being held in such rigorous captivity because that is your calling.
When I think of all that I do in the fullness of my free life and hardly have time to write about it while you spend months telling the story of one day’s events I really have empathy for you.
I look forward to your next post.



Captivitysympathizer wrote:

Thank you for relating your story.
I had interest in the beautiful wooden dildo you mentioned so I looked it up.
As it turns out the name is not Teatiamo, but Teatiamo. The website is:
They make dildos, butt plugs, coffee scoops, sauna water dippers, and sunglasses.
I am happy for you that you were able to experience a good orgasm with the combination of Hitachi vibrator and wooden dildo. You certainly do suffer quite a bit. Part of me wants to feel so sorry for you while another part of me revels at the thought of you being held in such rigorous captivity because that is your calling.
When I think of all that I do in the fullness of my free life and hardly have time to write about it while you spend months telling the story of one day’s events I really have empathy for you.
I look forward to your next post.

Thank you for correcting the information I provided, I was inaccurate.
Now I also looked at their web page. The products are great and insightful, I recommend them.
They are sold worldwide so anyone can buy them!

I prefer Finnish quality products and product development in many things, such as the Lunette Reusable Menstrual Cup
The above is a good example.
Definitely worth mentioning is Blind Eye Production with whom I also cooperate.

I would also like to support Finnish clothing manufacturers, but I use so little new clothes.
I know that in Finland are a few talented leather clothing designers and manufacturers ...
Of course, there are a lot of great manufacturers around the world, but nowadays you should look closely if you want unique products and inventions... and beware of cheap copies, they will not benefit anyone.


Now you got consumer instructions from behind the locks.
Worth listening to, I have time to think!

I see that Outdoor is sunshine ... this will be a good day!



Oh, I forgot to write this.

I have discussed online with the above-mentioned psychology student.
She has not visited here because the Committee imposed some conditions on her visit here.
The conditions were, for example, that she should not know the location of this place, ie in practice she would be picked up from somewhere and she would travel here blindfolded.
In addition, she would be treated like a prisoner (like me) i.e. she would have to use restraints during the visit.
In this way, the visit would be a "prisoner meeting" and would not eliminate my normal visitors visits.

She has not agreed to the terms so she has not visited here.

But we have had several meetings with online has been discussed, for example in my childhood and growing up as a young teen age girl.

Now I wonder if I should write in this diary about our discussion sessions?
Would it be here interested readers, or whether it is just a useless reflection ...?

Anyway, my next real job on this forum is to write the next episode of my CaptiveGirl LifeStory



It's already like summer outside! just a few days ago it was snowing lightly. It’s great to feel how nature grows again, I can smell it. I walked for an hour and enjoyed the sun!

When I was out I was thinking about my web and social media. I have constant trouble with it.
Now there are problems with the Pinterest site I maintain.
The Pinteret CaptiveGirl page has had about a million views / month and now all of a sudden the number of visitors has collapsed. Only a few visitors a day for almost a week.
Pinterest changes settings all the time and makes experiments that don’t work. That's silly.

Facebook works fine now, I have a full 5,000 friends, I can’t take more now.
My fb group, Friends Who Like Steel Restraints is also strong, with 7,776 members at the moment.
The problem with the fb group is that I have to "clean up" it often because members upload pictures that I and fb don't like.
I also have another fb group, Friends Who Like Female Prison but it’s smaller, about 2,000 members.

I also had several tumbrl groups but with them there were even more problems, they didn't work anymore.

Now I'm wondering if I'm creating a CaptiveGirl Leather Forum because I like leather so much ...

It looks like Covid-19 is also reducing my work, so maybe I would have time for that too.
I want to work on the web because I have the opportunity to do so.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I have discussed online with the above-mentioned psychology student...

...we have had several meetings with online has been discussed, for example in my childhood and growing up as a young teen age girl.

Now I wonder if I should write in this diary about our discussion sessions?
Would it be here interested readers, or whether it is just a useless reflection ...?

I would be interested in reading this, as it would give insight into your thoughts and motivations for living your current lifestyle. I think that would be fascinating.  :-)



Yes, I am interested in the interaction between you and the therapist. With both of you being in restraints, she might be experiencing feelings that she herself finds either difficult or exciting. Either way, she will certainly be in a position to experience empathy toward you.



Captivitysympathizer wrote:

Yes, I am interested in the interaction between you and the therapist. With both of you being in restraints, she might be experiencing feelings that she herself finds either difficult or exciting. Either way, she will certainly be in a position to experience empathy toward you.

She has not visited here, we have only chatted online and via email.

She wants to "negotiate" with the Committee on the rules for the meeting, but I already know in advance how it will end.
The committee thinks it has no need to negotiate, I think.

She says it would be an interesting experience to be a limited prisoner for a short time but the step to do so is very big.



I promised to tell something about my psychiatrist student discussion.

She gave me a "task" where I had to remember my childhood.
I have also discussed this in my e-mail with my parents. These things do not have much talked about ever again. Basically, my parents are happy that now I’m trying to remember things.
My mother said that as a small child, I loved cramped places, tight blankets, and a variety of similar situations.
The student says it is normal but at some point the tendency should decrease and usually the child wants to expand into his world.
When I was a small child at home there were small harnesses, the harness could be used eg wild children in public places, traffic area etc. It was for the safety of the child that she would not run under the car or anything like that.
The harness had simple leather straps, a strap went around the chest and over the shoulders, the fastening buckles were at the back as well as a D-loop to which the leash could be attached.
My mother doesn’t remember why the harness had been purchased, maybe they had been obtained from somewhere. Anyway, she remembers how I always wanted to dress them. It was weird for my parents because usually kids hate such restrictions and fight them.
I was able to bring them to Mom right away in the morning and demand that they be put on me. I wanted them to always be on me. I don’t remember those harnesses but I can imagine that happened.
I don’t remember that time but sometimes afterwards I found those harnesses in the attic, I thought they were my brother’s harness.
By the time I found them, they were already too small for me. I remember how it bothered me. Basically, they were a model for my first self-made harness later, years later.
I don’t remember that at home I would have thought much about captivity (as a small child) but on my grandparents ’farm I was already a prisoner in my imagination. I spent many childhood summers there.

There was a basement in the main house with many small rooms for storing groceries and other things. I took one room where I always wanted to play.
The room was concrete, maybe 3 x 3 meters, a small window was up near the ceiling. The basement was below ground level so that the window was almost at ground level outside the house.
Room was always completely quiet, the door was a massive wooden door. Inside room was always dim and a little cool.
It was my first "Cell".
At first, for many years, I just played there during the day.
Grandparents may not have realized that I thought it was my "Prison Cell." They thought I so want to play home games like girls in general. They brought more light and some furniture there, I had dolls and other supplies.
Sure I also played outside like the other as a kid but inside the house I always wanted inside my room. Grandparents thought I wanted to be independent, they didn’t consider it a bad thing.
Eventually I also slept inside my "Cell".
The door had a large, old-fashioned lock that could also be locked from the inside. I always locked it and decided that the lock should not be opened until Grandma upstairs calls me. That was my first "prison rule".
At some point, Grandpa took the key out and built the door so that it wouldn’t lock, it was a big shock to me. Grandpa thought it would be dangerous.
Last at one point, I got the key back when I explained that I didn’t want my brother to come to my room without calling. Grandparents believed it, so I was able to lock my "cell" door again.
My grandparents started to doubt my thoughts at some point, I was maybe about 10 years old. They couldn’t think of my tendency to imprisonment. They thought it was abnormal to isolate too much voluntarily.
They discussed the matter with my parents, for them the matter came as a complete surprise.
Anyway, we had a discussion with a child psychologist but the psychologist found nothing suspicious in my behavior. I was good at cheating, I made everything look normal.
I may have known that it is not normal to “be born a prisoner”, I was not a stupid child, it was my secret. That’s why I didn’t talk about it even though it was perfectly normal for me.
I was a normal child, good interaction skills, I was not shy, fearful and not depressed or hyperactive. My parents were also happy because of course they had the idea that they had done something wrong.

It’s unfortunate that my grandmother died last summer. It would have been nice to discuss this more. Now it is too late and many thing has been forgotten.

to be continued...



A week ago, I praised how spring and summer are coming here.
Well ... now it looks like rain, or heavy water. There is a lot of snow in the north.
The weekend had beautiful and sunny weather, I enjoyed my outdoor activities and how the sun warmed my long leather coat.
Now I wouldn't even want to get out ...

I have some news:
The psychiatry student has agreed to the terms of the Committee and will visit here at some point.
That’s nice news, we’ve come closer during our conversations and it’s nice to meet her face to face.

Another thing is that I have been informed that my guards are entitled to summer vacation at some point.
It somehow affects my daily routines during that time.
The Committee did not say the exact time when the holiday would take place but it did give advance notice, nor did the Committee say how it would affect me.
It may not affect anything or it may be complete insulation. Maybe even in a different location. I don’t know and it makes me nervous. In any case, it will not happen now but sometime in the future.



A few short news:

I am now working on a new CaptiveGirl Leather Forum. That is why I have now been silent in this forum.
It was founded a week ago, its subject is my more normal, easier fetish.
There are now 34 forums, 89 topics / 281 posts so it's just the beginning :)
If you want to check it out then

I also looked at my Captive Girl Yahoo group.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work anymore, Yahoo has gone down on that.
I founded it over 10 years ago (May 10, 2010), in the early days of my captivity.
It worked well for about five years but then it slowly died. Rest in peace...



I received mail from a person who has been thinking about prisoner status and life.

He writes:

"A prisoner is socially below a slave or even a puppy or other animal. Slaves and puppies live to serve their masters. They can be trained. They are sometimes given rewards for their service.
Prisoners are incapable of serving as a slave. They are too lazy and selfish to serve a master. They lack the mental capability to be trained. They are usually poor at following orders. They are so fixated on being confined that they are simply untrainable.
Imprisonment is all they desire in life. They are often mentally unable to function in a free world. Thus, they are totally useless to society and need to be locked up.
Unlike slaves, prisoners should never be rewarded for good behavior. They should be punished for bad behavior or just because they are so useless. Prisoners should loose all of their rights and freedom.
Once a prisoner has consented to his fate, he should be allowed no safe words or way to be free until he has served his time. After all, the whole idea of being a prisoner is that they loose all rights and there is no way out no matter what they say.
The imprisonment doesn't really get to be real until the prisoner really wants to be free and can't. It is up to the captor to figure out how much is too much. Prisoners should be locked up in a cage, or cell, or attatched to a fixed point securely and left to serve time. Prisoners love the idea of being sentenced to prison.
Most prisoners are are wannabe scumbag criminals, or actual criminals, and should be treated as such. Prisoners should be secured against escape at all times and should be considered as if they were very dangerous felons. Prisoners should spend long hours confined alone in isolation and boredom so they can think about what assholes they are for wanting to be imprisoned.
The only thing that should be given to a prisoner to lesson his boredom, is additional restraints, and a variety of restrained positions. But he should never be allowed a break from his captivity.
I think that a prisoner should also be given punishment restraints sessions. (Such as making the prisoner stand and handcuffing him through the bars and making him stand there for hours).
I also think prisoners should be denied all sexual contact since they are lower than slaves and deserve no sexual pleasure.
I feel that prisoners should wear a uniform that identifies them as a prisoner or inmate. Like slaves, prisoners should also wear a collar. But for a slave, it is the proud mark of being owned. A prisoners collar should be of metal, locked, and is not a mark of honor, only a means to further restrain him.
Many prisoners are not only mentally challenged, but severely mentally ill. Those prisoners should be segregated from other prisoners, kept in restraints, and strapped securely to their bed 24/7 in an isolation cell to protect themselves from self injury or attempted suicide.
Now all of this may sound severe to many people, but someone who wants to be a prisoner has unique needs. This is what they want! Probably the most humane thing that you could do to a true "Prisoner" is lock them in a tiny secure cell and permanently weld the door shut".

It’s a very interesting point of view about how a prisoner should live.
The writing is good and has a lot of ideas even though they sound cruel
I understand writer's thoughts but at the same time I'm happy that my life in captivity is even a little bit different.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I received mail from a person who has been thinking about prisoner status and life.

He writes:

"A prisoner is socially below a slave or even a puppy or other animal. Slaves and puppies live to serve their masters. They can be trained. They are sometimes given rewards for their service.
Prisoners are incapable of serving as a slave. They are too lazy and selfish to serve a master. They lack the mental capability to be trained. They are usually poor at following orders. They are so fixated on being confined that they are simply untrainable.
Imprisonment is all they desire in life. They are often mentally unable to function in a free world. Thus, they are totally useless to society and need to be locked up.
Unlike slaves, prisoners should never be rewarded for good behavior. They should be punished for bad behavior or just because they are so useless. Prisoners should loose all of their rights and freedom.
Once a prisoner has consented to his fate, he should be allowed no safe words or way to be free until he has served his time. After all, the whole idea of being a prisoner is that they loose all rights and there is no way out no matter what they say.
The imprisonment doesn't really get to be real until the prisoner really wants to be free and can't. It is up to the captor to figure out how much is too much. Prisoners should be locked up in a cage, or cell, or attatched to a fixed point securely and left to serve time. Prisoners love the idea of being sentenced to prison.
Most prisoners are are wannabe scumbag criminals, or actual criminals, and should be treated as such. Prisoners should be secured against escape at all times and should be considered as if they were very dangerous felons. Prisoners should spend long hours confined alone in isolation and boredom so they can think about what assholes they are for wanting to be imprisoned.
The only thing that should be given to a prisoner to lesson his boredom, is additional restraints, and a variety of restrained positions. But he should never be allowed a break from his captivity.
I think that a prisoner should also be given punishment restraints sessions. (Such as making the prisoner stand and handcuffing him through the bars and making him stand there for hours).
I also think prisoners should be denied all sexual contact since they are lower than slaves and deserve no sexual pleasure.
I feel that prisoners should wear a uniform that identifies them as a prisoner or inmate. Like slaves, prisoners should also wear a collar. But for a slave, it is the proud mark of being owned. A prisoners collar should be of metal, locked, and is not a mark of honor, only a means to further restrain him.
Many prisoners are not only mentally challenged, but severely mentally ill. Those prisoners should be segregated from other prisoners, kept in restraints, and strapped securely to their bed 24/7 in an isolation cell to protect themselves from self injury or attempted suicide.
Now all of this may sound severe to many people, but someone who wants to be a prisoner has unique needs. This is what they want! Probably the most humane thing that you could do to a true "Prisoner" is lock them in a tiny secure cell and permanently weld the door shut".

It’s a very interesting point of view about how a prisoner should live.
The writing is good and has a lot of ideas even though they sound cruel
I understand writer's thoughts but at the same time I'm happy that my life in captivity is even a little bit different.

A forum such as this will inevitably attract extreme viewpoints. Personally, I disagree with this viewpoint. It seems to me to be the sort of thing sadists might think to themselves while masturbating. Thoughts like these are dangerous if they are acted upon, and I would imagine there are careful background checks when employing prison guards and governors, to ensure people who hold these views never get to be in contact with real prisoners.

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2020-05-14 17:34:35)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

A forum such as this will inevitably attract extreme viewpoints. Personally, I disagree with this viewpoint. It seems to me to be the sort of thing sadists might think to themselves while masturbating. Thoughts like these are dangerous if they are acted upon, and I would imagine there are careful background checks when employing prison guards and governors, to ensure people who hold these views never get to be in contact with real prisoners.

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (Today 17:34:35)

I understand that thoughts like that can upset some.
There are different points of view.
For some, extreme discipline and practice may be what they need. I know such people too.

But I think the difference between slavery and imprisonment is that a prisoner’s life is precisely delineated and planned while slave treatment can be arbitrary.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I understand that thoughts like that can upset some.
There are different points of view.
For some, extreme discipline and practice may be what they need. I know such people too.

But I think the difference between slavery and imprisonment is that a prisoner’s life is precisely delineated and planned while slave treatment can be arbitrary.

I respect and admire your lifestyle choices. They work for you. That is why I visit here and read your diary. From what is written in the email you have shared, I don't think this person is describing an individual's needs. They are grouping all prisoners together as a sub-species of humanity and describing what, in their opinion, they deserve. This is wholly inappropriate, in my view. A prisoner is somebody whose personal freedom has been constrained and the control over that is not in their hands. That is all. If a person needs humiliation and punishment beyond that to find their place in the world, that is their choice and I support that choice. I support people's decision to live alternative lifestyles. I believe people should be allowed to live as they choose, in so far as it doesn't harm anyone else, and I support those who have the compassion and strength to provide that treatment to the people who request it. Love comes in many forms.

But I do not believe that arbitrary cruelty to a section of society, no matter what they are imprisoned for, is appropriate in these times.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

I respect and admire your lifestyle choices. They work for you. That is why I visit here and read your diary. From what is written in the email you have shared, I don't think this person is describing an individual's needs. They are grouping all prisoners together as a sub-species of humanity and describing what, in their opinion, they deserve. This is wholly inappropriate, in my view. A prisoner is somebody whose personal freedom has been constrained and the control over that is not in their hands. That is all. If a person needs humiliation and punishment beyond that to find their place in the world, that is their choice and I support that choice. I support people's decision to live alternative lifestyles. I believe people should be allowed to live as they choose, in so far as it doesn't harm anyone else, and I support those who have the compassion and strength to provide that treatment to the people who request it. Love comes in many forms.

But I do not believe that arbitrary cruelty to a section of society, no matter what they are imprisoned for, is appropriate in these times.

I totally agree with you.
For example, I have a Committee to prevent arbitrariness.
Every decision and act requires the approval of the committee, it needs more than half of the members.,that is, a single person can not do "stupid things" on me.

Every decision about my daily life is carefully considered in the Committee and everyone (the Committee, the guards and me) follows these rules.
It gives me security.



More chatting with psychology student.

I don’t remember much about my early childhood.
Maybe because I considered normal the idea that some, like me, should be a prisoner.
It was a very normal thought to me when I got a little older. I remember wondering why others didn’t understand it, they didn’t think like me.
I remember moments when I tried to talk about it with my parents. They didn’t understand me, they said that when I get older I realize that not everything can always be a prison play.
It was an obsession with me, but they gave it to be, they thought that it goes past when I have the company of "normal" people.

I had friends, schoolmates and other connections. I did normal “girls” things but was also very interested in technology and “boys” things.
I loved being in the garage where Dad repaired and built cars, etc. I was his "assistant" until my little brother became so big that he took my place.
I sometimes tried to discuss prison ideas with my friends but they didn’t understand me.
That’s why I tried to be like them, play with their games. I hated it.
I might have been anxious because in a way I was alone, even though I was among others.

Then I found selfbondage.
I was maybe 13-14 years old when I realized that tying calms me down.
It was very small and unobtrusive for a long time. I had my own little room in the house. At night I could tie a thin rope around my ankle, I tied the other end of the rope to the frame of the bed.
Then I could feel a sense of security and my mind calmed down.
The rope was usually so long that it didn’t bother me but I felt it every moment. It was important to me.
The ankle rope was enough for a long time, it became a routine for me. During the day I was already waiting for me to get to my own bed where I would tie myself.
I got permission to lock my room door, the excuse was that I wanted my “stupid little brother” not to be bothered by me. The parents agreed.

The tying of night time continued, it increased as I developed new methods.
The next step in tying  that I tied my both ankles. Usually I tied them so that the legs were spread out and the ankles were tied to the bed frame on both sides. Thus, I could not turn or change position during the night.
It was very challenging. At first, my hips were very sore during the day because they were not used to a motionless night.
I decided in advance what time in the morning I could take the ropes off. it was an hour before my parents woke up.
The first nights, maybe a week were hard because I only slept for a short time but then I realized I was able to get used to it.
I was able to easily change the practice so that I sometimes slept on my stomach. It was another challenge again.
After a while, I get more rope.
Now I first tied my legs spread as usual. Then I tied a rope around my waist and lay down. I then tied the short ropes between my waist rope and the bed frame, on both sides.
I could no longer get up to sit on the bed. I imagined that I am tied to a bed, in a locked cell. I will be released in the morning on schedule.
I was in heaven every night!

Over time, I found that the ropetie at the waist wasn’t good, I was able to slide in bed during the night and my lower body got too much freedom, I thought.
The solution was that I took a longer rope and tied the rope between the waist and the bed frame higher, up to my head level.
Now I couldn’t run down, towards my feet. It was a good idea but it required that the rope at my waist had to be extremely tight, otherwise, I was able to slide inside the waist rope loop.
I thought I could get used to the extreme tight waist rope but I noticed that it left traces on my waist skin, I didn’t want my parents to be able to see them, maybe they wouldn’t understand...
I figured out a solution to the problem. I needed more rope.

So in the evening I told my parents good night and went to my own room. I would lock the door carefully.
I left the key in the door lock because I knew that this way the lock could not be opened from the outside with another key. I was now alone inside my private cell.
I took the ropes from the box under the bed and placed them on the bed.
I took off my nightgown. My parents thought I was sleeping in a nightgown like all good girls. I think it’s a security risk, a prisoner can’t have that kind of dangerous clothes. I still left the panties on.

First the waist rope, I tied it tightly to the narrowest part of my waist, tightly but not too tightly. The rope was new to me, it was much longer than what I used before.
I tied it as usual, twice around the waist, a knot behind my back but now the rope was much longer, the ends of the rope hanging on the floor. I took the ropes and lifted them up in front of my legs. I wrapped them around the waist rope at my navel and carried them again between the legs to the back where I tied them tightly.
It was my first crotch rope binding. It was relatively tight and I was excited that the idea seemed competent.

I put the side ropes attached to the bed frame, next to the pillow. I bind my waist using ropes when I'm ready.
First I sat on the bed and tied my ankles to the bed with my legs spread.
I landed down on my back and moved myself towards the end of the bed as much as possible. I placed the blanket over me carefully.
Eventually I tied the ropes attached to my waist rope. I tested my movement.
I was very pleased with my invention. I was very carefully secured to the bed.
I was annoyed that I had no way to tie my hands but I was sure that I figured out a solution to it.

I had a very secure and safe feeling in my mind when I started sleeping.
I was just a little girl, I didn’t even have sexual thoughts when I started sleeping that night.

But I woke up to them ... or I didn't know what it was but I woke up after I had slept for a while.
I had moved while I was sleeping and the waist rope had moved up, it tightened the crotch rope and weighed on me.
I woke up to the fact that I was sexually aroused even though I didn’t even know what it meant!
I was very confused and maybe even scared. The feeling was completely new and strange.
For a moment I thought I had to open the ropes and release myself but I denied myself ... the prisoner can't do that before a predetermined time.
So I waited, moved my body against the rope, and learned new things about myself.

It was worth it, I'm still on that road ...



I had an appointment with a psychology student today.
It didn't go well :(

I'll tell you more about that later.
Now is my outdoor time ... there is thunder outside now, I can see that the sky is very dark. Thunder is unusual here at this time of year, I think.



Today's meeting ...
We had a plan to discuss more closely the time of my childhood, not so much the events but what my mind is dealing with. From a psychological point of view.
The committee had arranged a meeting with a psychology student on Sunday morning, apparently the meeting was in the same hotel as where we last met, or not, I don’t know for sure.

The student had arrived, she had been directed to a hotel room where someone was waiting.

She was explained security issues like that she could not get to know the location of the destination etc. She was also committed to prisoner rules in her own right.
She had been very upset in the room when she was ordered to undress and take a shower, to wash perfectly, including her hair. The person who was in the room supervised what she was doing all the time.
After the shower, she was allowed to dry himself. She was given new clothes, starting with panties and socks. She wasn’t allowed to wear any of her own clothes, not even touch them anymore.
Once she had dried her hair and dressed she had to leave all the items in the room, including the cell phone, laptop. She was not allowed to take even a small handbag with her.

They had boarded the car in front of the hotel, she could not see the license plate of the car.
She had been unsure already at that point but after a short distance the driver demanded that she put a cloth hood on her head. The hood was made of strong fabric and could not be seen through it. She had been surprised and shocked but had acted as required.
After a while, the car had turned into a side road and driven for a while. Then the car had had stopped. She marveled at the short journey because she had assumed it would take longer.
She was told to keep the hood on, she was not allowed to touch it.
The car door was opened and she was helped out, right next to the car was another car whose rear seat she was directed to.
She sat on a car seat and her ankles were locked with leg irons to floor.
Straps were held around the seat to hold her upper body in place, then a normal seat belt and handcuffs. The handcuffs were locked to something so she couldn’t raise her hands.
I think the car and routine were the same as in my normal transportation. Nothing special.

Anyway, she didn’t take it well, she was terrified and wanted away.
She was explained that if she wanted to, she would be taken back to the hotel. She is not forced into anything but after that my meeting is impossible. She had been thinking for a long time but eventually she decided to continue.
Before leaving, the hood on her head had been tightened around her neck, not much, just so that it stayed on her head. It had caused some sort of horror scene in which she imagined she was choking. However, that did not happen and she eventually got used to it.
So they drove here and she was taken into the lobby where I can meet my guests.
She was led into a chair in front of my heavy table. Legcuffs were locked to the floor and handcuffs to the table. She waited with the hood on her head.

I was picked up from my day / work cell, I was surprised because the day was just beginning, normally I have all morning before the outdoor time alone in a cell.
I was taken to the lobby, as soon as the door opened I immediately saw someone sitting next to the table. I looked like she was a woman, loose hood on, she couldn't see anything.
Her clothes were weird, they were like being bought from some discount store. I didn't immediately understand who she was.
She was locked on the table and on the floor, it was very strange. Usually only I am locked that way.
I saw that she was very nervous. Every sound and movement made her startle, she was like a rabbit in a cage.
Since I’m not stupid, I was able to quickly deduce who she is.
I was also locked to the table, as were my legcuffs on the floor. I noticed that an addition has been made to the table. Before there was only one D-ring on the table, handcuffs for fastening, now the other side was similar to which her handcuffs were locked,
I saw that she was uncomfortable, her hands and shoulders were tense, she was trying to pull her hands free. She breathed excitedly.
Eventually, the guard took hood off her head. She blinked her eyes and tried to get used to the light.
She looked at me, she looked at her hands and handcuffs. She said nothing. Her gaze circled the room, she looked at my cages next to the wall.
She couldn't really see anything else, the couch, armchairs and fireplace were behind her.
I smiled encouragingly at her.
I looked at the member of the Committee.
"Sir, can we talk freely?" I asked.
"Oh, yes," the man replied, "you and your guests can talk completely freely. Do you want something to drink?"
"It seems to me that my guest may need something to drink," I smiled.
The guard brought two tall mugs with water to the table. the mugs had a straws for drinking. He placed the mugs near us.
"This is horrible," my guests said, "I couldn't imagine what this is like, I feel so humiliated and scared!"
"Welcome to my life," I said with a smile, "This isn't so bad when you get used to this."
She was still testing handcuffs and I heard how she did the same with legcuffs.
"Don't do that," I said reassuringly, "you just hurt yourself, steel is always stronger than your flesh."
The glass of water was next to my hands, I was able to move it so I got a straw in my mouth and sucked the water. I wanted to set an example for him. She eventually did the same.
She calmed down a bit, she looked around the room.
"What room is this?" she asked.
"This is a room where I can meet guests, sometimes there are also occasional special events 'I explained' I call this a lobby. Looking with your eyes to the right, behind me is the door you came in from, it takes you to the garage. On the left, in the corner, are two doors, one leading to my outdoor area and the other to my cell department ”.
"This is a very comfortable room" I continued "you can't see now but behind you is a nice fireplace, sofas and armchairs. It's cozy there."

We tried to talk normally. She told how she had been transported and she was still very upset.
She stared at the cages that were next to the wall.
"The cages look scary," she said quietly. "One of them is very small, is it made for you too?"
"It's a Pichard-cage," I replied, "It's made for me but it's not a unique idea. The like has been used for centuries."
"For torture," she stated, as if in a whisper.
"I don't think of it that way," I said thoughtfully, "the cage can also be used for transportation, training, storage as well as sexual rewarding."
She looked at me in disbelief.
"Of course it can also be used as punishment or torture," I added, "there are many kinds of views."
"Are you used to it?" she asked.
"It's familiar to me," I said. "You can't get used to it, it's always just as awful ... I find it hard to explain, but I have all of this combined with sexual gratification. It's a very rewarding thing."
"What about that other cage, bigger?" she asked.
"It's the same thing but it's a luxury hotel compared to Picherd Cage," I smiled.
"However, that too is small," she watched. "You can just sit there, it's also so short that you can't lie straight there."
"Normal practice is that I'm  there on my knees. My hands are chained back behind it starts a chain up the cage in the ceiling from where it comes down to the back of my collar," I explained, "The chain moves freely so if I want to stoop or lowered my head down, I am forced to raise my put my hands up ".
"I know," she said, musing, "I've read your writings."
“I spent long times like that a year ago,” I said, they weren’t nice times.
“As you can see, Pichard Cage can fit inside a big cage.Large cage can be bolted onto the house outside the wall of my outdoor activities in the area. So I can spend time outdoors in a double cage that is fixed with the house" I explained quietly "And as you can see, the Pichard cage opens upwards and the bigger cage from the end wall. So the small cage can't be opened inside the big cage. When finally the big cage is bolted to the wall so its door is against the wall it can't be opened. It requires very big work . I am inside the cages well secured. "
The student's eyes were like plates. She was very upset.
"Sounds like you're even proud of how you're treated!" she said in horror, "What if there comes a special situation, you get a panic attack or something like that. You're completely stuck and can't get away!"
"It's been years of practice," I said, "it sometimes feels awful and boring, but I need it."
She still looked at me in disbelief.
"I need these things" I tried to explain "discipline, tight control, restraints, rules, practices and even pain are the key to my well-being, there is no other way."
I saw that it was hard for her to come up with words, she was so confused.
“That’s why I have restraints, corsets and many other things so I can feel them every moment,” I kept trying to explain.
"You're a very extreme person," she said quietly, "I need to think things through from a new perspective. Maybe I need to talk to the professor, too."
"We may not be dealing with your childhood from a psychological point of view now," she said thoughtfully, "I'd like to interrupt the meeting and get out of here now. I have to think things through."
"I am sorry if you're upset, "I said," but I understand your reaction. Anyway, I am glad that you came to see me".
I saw a member of the committee get up from the couch. He had a familiar cloth hood in his hand.
He stepped behind the student and placed the hood on her head.
The student’s hands fought against handcuffs and she tried to resist but it was futile. I looked at her wrists and thought they would definitely be sore tomorrow ...

The guards escorted me back to the cell, the outdoor time would be soon, I wouldn’t even have time to start work, just a quick email check.
The student was transported back to the hotel, so I think.

That's all about the meeting



Although your lifestyle is extreme, and certainly not for everyone, I don't think you are an extreme person. You just have certain needs that are important to your well-being. It's perfectly natural to have specific needs.   8-) 

I was talking to someone recently about the social distancing measures implemented in their country due to Covid-19, and the effect they were having on this individual. This person was having a very miserable time, even though they were able to use technology to see and chat with their friends just as often, perhaps more often, than usual. Their problem was the lack of physical contact, and they were very fearful that after the controls are lifted, this "no touching" society would become the new normal. This person said they need frequent physical contact with others in order to feel alive and to feel comforted and safe. They felt it would be very hard to go on if this was no longer available to them.

I imagine this is how you must feel about the disciplines, routines, locks and restraints that hold you and control you, mentally and physically. It must feel very comforting and safe to feel them all the time, and very scary to imagine them being absent. Over time, as you adjust to your rules and procedures being more intense, it must feel very unsettling when they are relaxed, even slightly.

Thank you for sharing.



The student, her name is Nina, wrote to me today.

She said she regretted her own behavior, it wasn’t “professional,” she said. She said she was shocked by the way she was treated right from the hotel.
Now that she’s thought about it, she says she kind of understands it. It was all about my safety.
The shower and the change of all clothes ensured that she did not have any tracker with her. It is a natural security measure. She understands it now.
She was wearing a leather skirt for the meeting because she had found that leather is an important element in my life. She had been so eager to show respect for my lifestyle, but she had been forced to leave her own clothes out and exchange them for cheap, new clothes. It was disappointing for her.

She was on her way back to the hotel talking to the driver. The driver had said that, in principle, they should also have done an internal examination to make sure she was not carrying anything inside her body.
In any case, she was very surprised at the thoroughness of how the matter was handled.
She now realizes that this is not a game.

I replied to her that there was no reason to apologize. Her reaction was very natural. I understand her.

She also said that she would like to continue our cooperation, now she is wiser in many ways.
Now that she knows the practices, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore and she could adapt to it better.

I told her that I am glad if she thinks so, I am ready to continue the meetings.
The problem may be that the Committee may have to think carefully about what to do next.
Nina has indicated her willingness to continue to the Committee.

Nina also talked about her feelings about restraints.
It had been a horrible experience at first but on the way back she had already felt calm and adapted to them, perhaps because she knew and trusted that the experience would end soon ...
She said that maybe on some level she even understands me after all the shock.

...and yes. Her wrists are now heavily bruised (I told her that it was not worth fighting against steel ...).



I look forward to more meetings.



One person who follows my diary posted a question about my childhood.
He asked what kind of discipline I had as a child? Is it possible that I would have embraced prisoner thoughts from there? Did I have a strict parents / grandparents?

I pondered the matter and I have to say I had no influence because of my parents.
They were always very gentle and understanding to me, I even think I have been pampered more than children in general.
I had a good and safe childhood.



Miisa have your restraints or sleeping arrangements changed from what is on your website? It looks like the entries are a few years old so I am wondering if you still have to wear the corset every day and if you are still hooded every night with mittens.

Also will there ever be any pictures? Surely the committee can find a way to share some photos which do not give out any identifiable information.



saxrussell wrote:

Miisa have your restraints or sleeping arrangements changed from what is on your website? It looks like the entries are a few years old so I am wondering if you still have to wear the corset every day and if you are still hooded every night with mittens.

Also will there ever be any pictures? Surely the committee can find a way to share some photos which do not give out any identifiable information.

You mean my website? It has been inactive for five years.
The reason for that is that it was maintained by my friend (he also corrected my typos). Unfortunately, he is no longer able to do that and so the page is without updates.
It's a shame, I liked his work ... This forum is now replacing that page, something is still only there.

I still wear a corset almost every day, it’s part of my daily “uniform,” my back also needs it because I sit very much at my desk.
Sure, it also has a limiting element and I can feel it every moment but I don’t think so. It's part of me.

My night routine is still the same as before.
I sleep on my stomach, hands behind my back. Often, I have a loose mittens on my hands, I have found that it is a good thing when the mittens are not too tight.
Mittens wristbands come under handcuffs so they soften the steel grip. They protect my wrists but still the cuffs can be tight.
Also the fact that if I don’t have mittens, my blanket presses my fingers and makes sleeping sometimes uncomfortable. Mittens protects my fingers too ... and anyway my hands are useless when they are cuffed behind my back.
I also have my normal legcuffs, their hobblechain locked in bed for the night. I can move my legs, change position somewhat but I can’t get up from the bed.
Of course, there is also a chain that is attached to the collar to prevent it.

I always have a hood at night, it has openings in front of my nose so breathing is no problem.
The hood is tight, it doesn’t move while I sleep. It is a safety issue as it ensures that the breathing holes are always in the right place.
I can't see anything through the hood, that's a good thing because inside the cell there are always lights on (due to surveillance / camera).

Over the years, there has been frequent talk of photos and even videos.
Before the current Max Security era, there was also the idea that we would create a paid site where members could watch videos and photos of my life. It would be possible to stream material directly from surveillance cameras, etc.
That plan is still pending. One obstacle was the fact that I did not want that for my relatives see this material.
It is about my safety anyway.
There is also a thing the Committee wants to keep some things hidden,  all people not understand what we are doing. The members of the committee also have a public life that cannot withstand such publicity.
The committee is very determined and strict in its decisions and they have provided that all images and material are prohibited. I can agree with that decision.
My life is also financially independent so I don’t need extra income from this kind of activity.

Anyway, I would somehow be fascinated by the idea of "publicity."
A few years ago there was a speech that I could visit BoundCon in Germany, for example.
It was thought out and planned but that time it was found to be too difficult to organize ... maybe sometime in the future, who knows.



"Anyway, I would somehow be fascinated by the idea of "publicity."
A few years ago there was a speech that I could visit BoundCon in Germany, for example.
It was thought out and planned but that time it was found to be too difficult to organize ... maybe sometime in the future, who knows."

In fact, my friend JG-Leathers then suggested that I visit the BondCon event.
He had an idea where I would have a long leather cloak like a burgha etc. Face covered and gagged. My restraints are hidden under the cloak. A collar with at least two steel straps / chains, two escorts that would protect me all the time.

It was a great plan ...



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

saxrussell wrote:

You mean my website? It has been inactive for five years.
The reason for that is that it was maintained by my friend (he also corrected my typos). Unfortunately, he is no longer able to do that and so the page is without updates.
It's a shame, I liked his work ... This forum is now replacing that page, something is still only there.

It would be good to transfer your "Rules, Procedures and Lifestyle" info to this site, and to update them. It's a long page, but you could maybe create an area here and put each section of that page under its own topic. I am sure it would be a great addition to this site to have a place with that information, and it might prompt some interesting discussion.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

It would be good to transfer your "Rules, Procedures and Lifestyle" info to this site, and to update them. It's a long page, but you could maybe create an area here and put each section of that page under its own topic. I am sure it would be a great addition to this site to have a place with that information, and it might prompt some interesting discussion.

I moved that the writing to this forum. CaptiveGirl – Rules, Procedures and Lifestyle (Writing from 2014)

The writing is from 2014 and was made by my friend based on my interview.

Many things have changed a bit in the last six years.
Some practices have been relaxed and something has become more.
Practical experiences shape routines.

Perhaps the biggest change is that a member of the Committee is no longer my guard. Now I have two people in charge of my daily life, They are not members of the Committee, they work for them.



I have been following you for many years so I am familiar with the previous Wordpress information.
I just read your account of the visiting psychologist student and how she was required to accept the rules for her visit.
A couple of things have me a bit confused:
Why would you think that you need to speak to someone about your self imposed life structure? I have always thought you to be squarely where you want to be, although wanting the locked-up life must be difficult; particularly when you are at the mercy of a committee who can increase your burden and even exceed your original desires.
The second question is about whether or not you ever become overwhelmed by your life’s calling to the point that you simply cry. Do you ever just cry? Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you ever think of how the world goes on with people socializing and looking forward to tomorrow’s events while you are wired to be an eternal prisoner? Do you ever become depressed? Do you ever daydream about initiating the protocol that would set you free?
Finally, how do you think you would fare if you were to opt out? While you do have incredible mental discipline to endure, do you think your mind could take the pressures of outside life?
I do not mean to second guess your life’s path as I respect your strength.
Please take my comments and questions as they are meant.
I look forward to your postings.



Captivitysympathizer wrote:

I have been following you for many years so I am familiar with the previous Wordpress information.
I just read your account of the visiting psychologist student and how she was required to accept the rules for her visit.
A couple of things have me a bit confused:
Why would you think that you need to speak to someone about your self imposed life structure? I have always thought you to be squarely where you want to be, although wanting the locked-up life must be difficult; particularly when you are at the mercy of a committee who can increase your burden and even exceed your original desires.
The second question is about whether or not you ever become overwhelmed by your life’s calling to the point that you simply cry. Do you ever just cry? Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you ever think of how the world goes on with people socializing and looking forward to tomorrow’s events while you are wired to be an eternal prisoner? Do you ever become depressed? Do you ever daydream about initiating the protocol that would set you free?
Finally, how do you think you would fare if you were to opt out? While you do have incredible mental discipline to endure, do you think your mind could take the pressures of outside life?
I do not mean to second guess your life’s path as I respect your strength.
Please take my comments and questions as they are meant.
I look forward to your postings.

The initiative to meet the psychologist and the student came from them. They are interested in this area in the human mind.
I am told by my life publicly, and they thought that I am a suitable "area of study". I thought that it is a good way to explore myself ... why I opted for this kind of life.
...I am perhaps even flattered by the fact that my thoughts are of interest to them in the study. I think that the same may be found the reason why I'm different from the others in this regard.
Also, I'm curious and I want to know why I am me.

Do I cry? ... I cry sometimes, I think all people should cry sometimes.

Do I ever feel sorry for myself? ... this is a difficult question. Basically, I'm happy in my small world. Small environment, small worries. There are times when I’m not happy but who would always be?

Do I ever think of how the world goes on with people socializing and looking forward to tomorrow’s events while I am wired to be an eternal prisoner?... This is a very interesting question. Now we must also remember that there is another point of view here (in prison isolation). I haven’t talked about it much in public but my life drifted into having to be isolated in order to be saved from real, life-threatening inconveniences.
Back then, isolation and tight imprisonment was the fulfillment of my dreams, I had dreamed of it for a long time and now it was possible.
Over time, the real danger has diminished but I was already used to this life. The committee wanted to continue and I signed an agreement with them.
Back to the question ... I follow very closely how the world is progressing and people are living their normal lives. I am already outside of such a life. I am the observer and I'm used to it.

Do I ever become depressed?... I must have also been depressed at some point. When you give up everything and completely change your life then it will surely happen. But still you have to remember that this was sort of already my childhood dream, may not be this way, however.

Do I ever daydream about initiating the protocol that would set me free?... I haven’t thought about it in many years. That possibility is just a remnant of the contract. It is recorded there to make the contract legal. That's what I think.
Basically, when I think about it, I was free as an adult for only a few years, during that time I got into trouble, I experienced violence, crimes and brutality, I almost died ... I don’t even have a picture of what a “normal” life is. Therefore, this is normal for me. And very safe.

The last question is easy to answer. I am sure that I will not be able to live a "normal" world. That would be too stressful.
It’s unfortunate to admit that I wouldn’t know what to do, I’ve never really spent money on my own idea, I haven’t run a household, I haven’t lived alone like a very short time in my life. I would be completely helpless outside of prison. That is why my place is here.

I hope you got the answers to your questions :)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

In fact, my friend JG-Leathers then suggested that I visit the BondCon event.
He had an idea where I would have a long leather cloak like a burgha etc. Face covered and gagged. My restraints are hidden under the cloak. A collar with at least two steel straps / chains, two escorts that would protect me all the time.

It was a great plan ...

I have noticed that you often refer to being closely controlled, tethered and restricted as being protected and safe.

In the situation of being in public, such as BoundCon, what are your escorts protecting you from? Is it from others, or from some possibly unpredictable behaviour of your own?


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