After a long time, something happens in my life!
The Committee has thought that my boringly isolated life needs to get something changed.
Something happened last weekend, it was one and surprising incident I couldn’t even wait for.
I was out all night, Saturday at 10pm - Sunday at 8am. I slept outside even though it was -15 Celsius temperature!
It was a little scary but the Committee had planned everything nicely.
I was surprised because during normal evening routines, two committee members came outside my cell. I wore a diaper as well as a warm underwear overalls, like skiers. Skiers don’t have a diaper though...
I tried to ask that what was going on but I was not allowed to speak.
My legs were locked in tight leather restraints, my legs were tightly together.
I was sealed inside a tight leather body bag, inside bag had strict sleeves for my arms, they were firmly against my body.
The body bag was laced tightly so it was impossible for me to move.
My steel collar was taken out, replaced by a leather collar that also locked the bodybag around my neck.
I was horrified at the idea that I would be out like that but the Committee had thought of everything.
I was lifted inside a thick down sleeping bag. I was told that the sleeping bag is designed for arctic conditions, very cold conditions. I believed them.
The sleeping bag was a bright orange, shiny fabric. I smiled in my mind, thinking it would surely be found in the snow after a night.
A thick wool hood was put on my head, It was like a soldier's commando hat / hood. It was carefully placed up to my neck, under the collar.
The hood had holes for the eyes so I could see everything.
Outside, next to the wall, my walking area had a light temporary bed. So I didn’t have to be in the cold snow / ground / concrete floor.
I was placed on the bed on my back. The sleeping bag was closed and the hood was tightened tightly around my head. I still got a separate mask in front of my face, it was the same material as the sleeping bag. I was feeling very warm and safe.
I was tied to the bed with a few straps, plus chains were locked around my neck, waist and ankles which were also locked to the wall.
Eventually I was alone, I couldn’t move. I watched the stars that could be seen on a clear night sky.
It was magical! ... Combined with almost complete silence.
I almost wished it was even colder, then I could have heard the trees clicking in the frost.
I looked at the stars, I don’t even remember when I had last seen the night sky! I felt lucky. I may have slept for a while but then I had problems with posture.
Normally I sleep on my stomach and am able to move a little. Now I was on my back and moving was impossible! I thought it was just one night, I can stand it. It was surprisingly difficult!
However, I thought everyone should have this kind of experience. Maybe not tied and locked but still.
I slept more or less. The night was dark and I finally woke up as the day dawned again. That was great.
I don’t know if anyone went to watch me during the night, I think so.
I could do the same again 
In fact, this was planned more than a year ago.
A warm sleeping bag had been purchased for me but then there were other problems that changed the plans. My grandmother's death and my behavioral training etc ...