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Posts 421 to 450 of 1318


Jackua wrote:

I think, Nina wants to be prisoner with you.

I’m not a psychologist but I think Nina doesn’t want to be a prisoner with me.
At least not as completely as I am, and there is no other option.

Many people have fantasies that they want to experience for a moment, but even then almost always according to their own desires.
My life here doesn’t work that way. This life cannot be tried for just a short time.

In fact, in my old place, my guard planned a prison from which a willing person could have "rented" the place.
A day, a weekend, a week, or even a month for each with a specially designed prison sentence.
It would have been easy to implement because the place was an old farm and dog kennel in a secluded location.
Unfortunately, the plan never came true.



BEP wrote:


Have you missed this writing?
We look forward to continuing ...

Last edited by BEP (Today 09:27:29)


You are right, I had forgotten to continue this writing.
I am sorry and I fix my mistake soon as possible.

If I may explain, the reason was that I was isolated because of the guards ’vacation.
I only had the opportunity for occasional short messages and so this was forgotten, I was careless and now sorry about that.

I also have other "real" daily jobs... image and video editing, web site maintenance and more. Only then will these writings come here. I ask your understanding.
Thank You

... I saw your original post before you changed it :)
Thanks for doing so because your post might have been a little rude.
I will do my best and I do not deserve that.



I've been sick for a few days. Nothing serious but today we went to see a doctor.
I have had a slight fever, and I been tired. I have a headache all the time, for a few days now but I don’t have a cough or runny nose.
A urine and blood test was taken from me, a covid-19 test was also done.
The final results will come tomorrow and then the matter will be clarified and I will get the necessary medication.
The doctor suspected that I might have inflammation in the urinary organs, i.e. some normal female problem. I have pain in my lower abdomen and have difficulty sitting.
Maybe I'm just getting old.  I'm not pregnant, that's for sure                                                                                                                                               

In Finland, public health care is in crisis due to covid-19 testing.
It is not possible to get into the test and when you finally get there, you will have to wait a long time for the results.
It is a disgrace in this kind of civilized country.

I didn’t have that problem because I have insurance and I can use private health care anyway.

Poor people are forgotten in this country too.




I had a normal flu and inflammation in my body but now everything feels better.
It is strange that where I got the flu. I live here like a laboratory rat ...
The only difference was that Nina visited here but even then we had relatively long distances, but maybe not enough.

Illness also affected routines.
The biggest change was that I sleep on my back and without a normal hood. It is very different and required getting used again.
I sleep in my bed and in the Segufix bed restraints system. It’s very weird because I think it limits me more than my normal night time arrangements.
Because of my restraints regulations, I also have chains like legcuffs and collar that are locked to the bed frame for the night ... maximum security.
The first night was hard because I didn’t have my normal hood. Due to illness, it was ensured that I was able to breathe normally and without danger.
But since my cell always has lights, I had eyelids that were uncomfortable and moved so that the light bothered me.
The next night I got a new leather hood that covers my eyes but not my nose and mouth. It also feels like a normal tight hood, I like it. It stays firmly around the head.

My outdoor activities have been canceled so far but that is not a problem. The weather is not good now though.
I was expecting last weekend to have been an Orgasm session but it wasn’t, understandably. Now I don't know if it has been canceled completely or maybe moved to next weekend ...

However, I got my normal clothes back on for the weekend. During the summer I had lighter clothes but now I have my normal "uniform" again. I already missed my long leather skirts, etc. It felt good to get back to normal.

I have made the work lazily, just necessary. Maybe soon I'm in better shape and more active.



I had a prolonged flu and other small problems associated with it. Now everything is better and I can continue my normal life.

My suspicion that Nina's visit caused my illness was confirmed when I heard that she too had been ill.
I had a stronger illness because I might have poorer resistance.

Anyway, everything is better now.
I sleep again as usual, on my stomach but not yet in the cage bed.
It’s a little awkward, it took me a while to get used to the Segufix restraint system. When it finally went well, the arrangement changed back to the old normal.
I don't know which way is better. Segufix is ​​very restrictive but it is also more comfortable than steelrestraints alone.
In order for me to sleep safely I still have a hood that leaves the lower part of my face bare.
It feels weird now because the sleeping position is back to normal. I am used to the fact that breathing is slightly restricted when I sleep. It forces me to breathe calmly and thus it calms me down too... and no, it's not dangerous. It's just a matter of getting used to.

Today is my first opportunity to go out after illness. I look forward to it!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I had a prolonged flu and other small problems associated with it. Now everything is better and I can continue my normal life.

My suspicion that Nina's visit caused my illness was confirmed when I heard that she too had been ill.
I had a stronger illness because I might have poorer resistance.

Anyway, everything is better now.
I sleep again as usual, on my stomach but not yet in the cage bed.
It’s a little awkward, it took me a while to get used to the Segufix restraint system. When it finally went well, the arrangement changed back to the old normal.
I don't know which way is better. Segufix is ​​very restrictive but it is also more comfortable than steelrestraints alone.
In order for me to sleep safely I still have a hood that leaves the lower part of my face bare.
It feels weird now because the sleeping position is back to normal. I am used to the fact that breathing is slightly restricted when I sleep. It forces me to breathe calmly and thus it calms me down too... and no, it's not dangerous. It's just a matter of getting used to.

Today is my first opportunity to go out after illness. I look forward to it!

Congratulations on regaining your health! I would imagine the Segufix system is much more work for your Guards. No doubt they will be happy that you are now back in normal restraints. Hopefully you will get your normal hood back soon, and the quality of your sleep will improve once more. Do you keep a full set of Segufix stored and ready for situations such as this, or are they rented? I can't imagine your Committee was able to just go out and buy them on the day they discovered you were sick.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Congratulations on regaining your health! I would imagine the Segufix system is much more work for your Guards. No doubt they will be happy that you are now back in normal restraints. Hopefully you will get your normal hood back soon, and the quality of your sleep will improve once more. Do you keep a full set of Segufix stored and ready for situations such as this, or are they rented? I can't imagine your Committee was able to just go out and buy them on the day they discovered you were sick.

The Segufix system has been around for a long time, already in my previous place but it has been used very rarely.
In addition to a few experiments, the use has been related to my sessions.
You are right that it slows down the work of the guards. I think they are in a hurry to get me to bed so they can live a normal life after that.



I'm a little bored here.
As the Covid-19 situation is getting worse (according to some data) my isolation continues to be tight.
It basically means to minimize my human contact.

I only face two people, my guards. They are dressed in gloves, masks and even visors. Missing only that they may have some kind of protective clothing... I can imagine them in some weird radiation safety clothing with a breathing air tank :) luckily it's just a fantasy.

All visits are prohibited, as are meetings with members of the Committee.
I miss a live meeting with my friend. I also miss Nina's visit.
Fortunately, my web connections work so I can do my job and get entertained online.
Basically everything is the same but this situation (Covid-19) gets hard in my mind here.
I chat somewhat with friends and "fans" of online chats and emails. It's nice and cheers me up. Fortunately, there are these people!



prisoner, is everything all right?
You've been quiet for almost three weeks. I (and perhaps also by someone else), I am concerned that what causes silence.
Would it be possible to present your situation now?



BEP wrote:

prisoner, is everything all right?
You've been quiet for almost three weeks. I (and perhaps also by someone else), I am concerned that what causes silence.
Would it be possible to present your situation now?

Sir, thanks for asking.
Covid 19 has mixed up my routines completely.
Some of my photographers have finished their work (or they do the editing themselves) so I now have less work to do.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean I have more time online now. On the contrary, it reduces my web time. It has been replaced by exercise and training.
Once again also "behavioral training" as the Committee considers it a good idea to combine it with insulation.

However, I am not completely isolated, I can reply to messages as before. Sometimes there can be delays.
Protecting yourself from the virus causes a lot of problems for everyone and the decisions here are not mine.



It’s been a month since my previous diary update.
I am sorry about that I have not been active here.

I can only say that I really hope COVID -19 is won soon and life returns to normal.

I always try to be positive but all the restrictions here make me desperate.

My supporter had received a drawing depicting my outdoor activities (the viewer’s view, not the real me).
It is a wonderful drawing and it will cheer me because then I know that I have some people in mind. ... and I really wish I could be outdoors now like in that drawing!


by the way .. my supporter has a lot of new products and pictures on Take a look!

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2020-11-11 18:01:17)



I'm sorry, my silence and a few occa- sions message has got some people worried for my mental health.

I can assure you there is no need to worry. My life goes on almost as before.
Some changes have affected me but the direction is upwards.
I'm used to the new changes and constraints. I even got new customers while so I have more daily work (thus potentially more web time).

My FanArt illustrator has been hardworking, he has done a few drawings again, now with a short story as well.
(drawing moved to a new topic)

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2020-12-25 10:19:49)



The forum has a new address.
Surprisingly, the old address stopped working and everything was gone.
I tried to reach them and nothing happened, I was already desperate.
Then, surprisingly, I was notified of the new address but the damage has already occurred, many Forum readers have disappeared and they cannot know the new address.

It annoys me greatly.

Many other things are bad and now this ... it feels like these forum difficulties are an addition to my isolation.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

The forum has a new address.
Surprisingly, the old address stopped working and everything was gone.
I tried to reach them and nothing happened, I was already desperate.
Then, surprisingly, I was notified of the new address but the damage has already occurred, many Forum readers have disappeared and they cannot know the new address.

It annoys me greatly.

Many other things are bad and now this ... it feels like these forum difficulties are an addition to my isolation.

Thanks to your PM which was also sent to me as e-mail, I found your forum again  :cool:

Last edited by msh (2020-12-03 20:30:23)



msh wrote:

Thanks to your PM which was also sent to me as e-mail, I found your forum again 

Last edited by msh (2020-12-03 20:30:23)

I will try to inform members about the change.
The sad thing is that casual visitors can no longer find the forum. I have received many questions about what has happened ...
I (and a few of my good friends) are trying to make the forum work again but it takes a lot of work



msh wrote:

Thanks to your PM which was also sent to me as e-mail, I found your forum again 

Last edited by msh (2020-12-03 19:30:23)

Hello prisoner

I also got a notification of the new address, thanks for that. I worried when everything seemed lost. What happened?
Your whole life's work seemed lost and it shocked me ...

You've been very quiet anyway, is there any particular reason for that?

Last thing ... The drawings (FanArt Fantasy) and their stories are great but are they in the right place in the diary?
Maybe you could make new folder for them?



Christmas 2020

I have a hard time keeping the Christmas spirit high (I’ve never been any special “Christmas fan”).
But now it is very difficult because I am a highly isolated here in my small prison. Basically, it doesn’t make much of a difference compared to the past, the time before the Corona-19.
Meetings and encounters with people are strictly forbidden, I naturally only see a few people (my guards), they have protective masks, visors, gloves and even coveralls when they are close to me. I also have to have a mask then even though I don’t fully understand why because they are completely protected.

However, I have no need to complain, there are a lot of other people who are having a hard time because of this pandemic.
Institutions, the elderly, already lonely people are in big trouble and Christmas time is straining their nerves.
Even though the vaccine was invented, people are still uncertain about the future.

I have been quiet here in the forum. I've written a little and updated the forum poorly.
... I do not even know if the forum readers no longer even, the address change was a bad thing (I could not help it), I'm sorry about that.
One of my fan / friend has even tried to make the Forum work better, he has paid for it to have no stupid Russian ads etc but nothing has changed (VIP account).
The forum administrator took the money but nothing changed ... Russian style of doing business.

I am assisting a writer with his new project.
It tells of a person who hates celebrities, especially women. He follows them, kidnaps them and holds them captive in an old farm.
He doesn’t want money from them, etc. He wants to punish them for behaving foolishly in public. Women have no hope of freedom, ever. They just disappear.
I am an "expert" because I know something about life in captivity ... but the incomprehensible cruelty and inconsolability in the book has gone into me and even depressed me.

I'm trying (again) to make the forum work better, Maybe next year is already better than the old one ...

Merry Christmas everyone, hope even someone reads this :)



Merry Christmas, Miisa. Let's hope the pandemic situation gets better. :)



BEP wrote:

Hello prisoner

I also got a notification of the new address, thanks for that. I worried when everything seemed lost. What happened?
Your whole life's work seemed lost and it shocked me ...

You've been very quiet anyway, is there any particular reason for that?

Last thing ... The drawings (FanArt Fantasy) and their stories are great but are they in the right place in the diary?
Maybe you could make new folder for them?

Thanks for the tip, sometimes it’s actually “too close” to be able to see things clearly.

...I sometimes need guidance

Thank You



New Year 2021

... This is going to be a better year than 2020. So we have to believe, otherwise this makes no sense!

I’ve had a bit of a hard time, Covid-19 has affected a lot of my normal life.
First of all, because my work was dramatically reduced, I deal with a lot of pictures of events, sports, exhibitions, etc. Last year, they were all reduced and thus also the need for my work. Now photographers have more time so they do the edit work themselves.

I have replaced the reduced photowork by doing some web maintenance ... but here too, the number of customers is limited.

I have no worries about income support, the Committee has guaranteed that my circumstances will remain the same.
Covid-19 has not affected the income of the members of the Committee, I think it has even increased it ...

Before I was busy, the days were filled with work and things to do. I was efficient and got a lot of things done.
Now there’s no rush and it feels like I’m not getting anything sensible done.

It is strange to say that I feel that I have been forgotten here, buried alive.
It’s special because this has been in my life for a long time, over a decade but now the super isolation and reduced daily work seems very heavy in my mind.

The committee’s solution is that discipline and practice have been added to my daily routine.
I have to say that it helps, Strict discipline and schedules, a clear daily rhythm is the key to surviving this disaster.

Complete isolation, a lack of social encounter, are things you can’t even comprehend if you don’t experience them yourself.
The only people that I have seen for months is in my guards and they are behind the protective suit, mask, visor and gloves. It is not a real encounter.

In addition, my monthly orgasm sessions have been canceled twice already, so it will definitely happen now, this weekend.

My orgasms and needs have been taken care of so that I can get a vibrator in the shower cell and I can satisfy myself.
It’s a bit of a Bizarre situation ... I satisfy myself with a vibrator and the guard looks at me from the end of the safety distance (wearing protective gear). It's real safe sex!
... after that I have to hand the vibrator away.

I need a decent Orgasm Session!
I need tight bondage, pain, humiliation for many hours, even days and then many forced orgasms!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

The forum has a new address.
Surprisingly, the old address stopped working and everything was gone.
I tried to reach them and nothing happened, I was already desperate.
Then, surprisingly, I was notified of the new address but the damage has already occurred, many Forum readers have disappeared and they cannot know the new address.

It annoys me greatly

I found your forum a few days ago through your DA profile, which was recommended to me by DA.  I love the concept of imprisonment but I would not want to do it as full lifestyle thing.  I would be like to do it as a holiday, for a week or two, but not in the the no compromuise way you do it.  I am finding it very interestiing to read your experiences in your diary.



My favorite artist posted this picture.
He reads my diary and discovered that I am bored. From that, he got the idea to draw this picture.

So there is no story involved ... just a bored CaptiveGirl chained to the table ...



:) :)
Now I'm really isolated!
Here (outdoor) it has snowed so much that I can't get into my outdoor area.
Sure the guards can get in and out from the normal main door but my outdoor area door is stuck. The guard said that there was almost 2 meters of snow blowing against the wall and the door!
So I am a resident of the North Pole now ... inside my igloo!

I don’t have the opportunity to go out now but I’m not sorry about that.
Tomorrow the outside temperature will drop as low as -40 degrees Celsius in Lapland, not here in the south but still here it can be over  -25 degrees.

I am like a cat who likes to enjoy the warmth indoors...

I also had a few days of problems with my internet connection, nothing worked. I was already close to panic but now again everything is working.

I am happy :)



Again, two weeks have passed since the last diary update!

I'm really sorry for my laziness!

Covid-19 restrictions around the world are increasing, vaccinations continue but nothing will get better for a long time.

Nothing will change, restrictions and isolation will remain in place.

Next weekend would be time again for my Orgasm session, I’m afraid nothing will happen though.
... last time the vibrator I used was a big joke ... it didn't work for me.
I really hope the Committee can arrange something for me!



February 2021
This will be a better month for me, I'm sure of it :)

I had a meeting with two Committee members over the weekend.
It was a good meeting in many ways.
I talked about things that bothered me, they listened to me and promised to think about change.

And I finally got my Orgasm session which I had been waiting for for many months!

I had already given up hope of getting my orgasm but they surprised me and I'm happy again.
They really know how to make a girl happy!

The session involved cages, latex catsuit, corset, armbinder and other restraints.
Also a gas mask / hood of course because of the covid-19 restrictions.
The whole thing was long, sweaty and distressing but all of it eventually led to a great and liberating outcome!

I’ve always had strong feelings for latex and rubber, I hate the tight sweaty feeling but on the other hand it excites me just because of it.

... maybe I should have more opportunities for latex and rubber. But on the other hand, it makes me perhaps too excited for a normal day.



March 2021


Lockdown and isolation continues but there are some small changes in my limited life.
The sun has been shining for many days, I can see the blue sky from my cell window. it also gives a different light inside the room ... a positive light.
Of course, I have been in the open air almost every day and it's great. I think I already heard the bird singing yesterday!

My Orgasm sessions are back again!
last weekend was again awesome, a big thank you to the Committee members who arranged it for me.

It's a little weird ... I was without Orgasm for many months. I thought it was a permanent state of being and sort of already adapted to it.
But now again, after two awesome sessions, I feel like I can’t live without them!
Life flows with great power in my body and brain again!



After a long time, something happens in my life!
The Committee has thought that my boringly isolated life needs to get something changed.

Something happened last weekend, it was one and surprising incident I couldn’t even wait for.

I was out all night, Saturday at 10pm - Sunday at 8am. I slept outside even though it was -15 Celsius temperature!

It was a little scary but the Committee had planned everything nicely.

I was surprised because during normal evening routines, two committee members came outside my cell. I wore a diaper as well as a warm underwear overalls, like skiers. Skiers don’t have a diaper though...

I tried to ask that what was going on but I was not allowed to speak.
My legs were locked in tight leather restraints, my legs were tightly together.
I was sealed inside a tight leather body bag, inside bag  had strict sleeves for my arms, they were firmly against my body.
The body bag was laced tightly so it was impossible for me to move.
My steel collar was taken out, replaced by a leather collar that also locked the bodybag around my neck.
I was horrified at the idea that I would be out like that but the Committee had thought of everything.
I was lifted inside a thick down sleeping bag. I was told that the sleeping bag is designed for arctic conditions, very cold conditions. I believed them.
The sleeping bag was a bright orange, shiny fabric. I smiled in my mind, thinking it would surely be found in the snow after a night.

A thick wool hood was put on my head, It was like a soldier's commando hat / hood. It was carefully placed up to my neck, under the collar.
The hood had holes for the eyes so I could see everything.

Outside, next to the wall, my walking area had a light temporary bed. So I didn’t have to be in the cold snow / ground / concrete floor.
I was placed on the bed on my back. The sleeping bag was closed and the hood was tightened tightly around my head. I still got a separate mask in front of my face, it was the same material as the sleeping bag. I was feeling very warm and safe.
I was tied to the bed with a few straps, plus chains were locked around my neck, waist and ankles which were also locked to the wall.

Eventually I was alone, I couldn’t move. I watched the stars that could be seen on a clear night sky.
It was magical! ... Combined with almost complete silence.
I almost wished it was even colder, then I could have heard the trees clicking in the frost.
I looked at the stars, I don’t even remember when I had last seen the night sky! I felt lucky. I may have slept for a while but then I had problems with posture.
Normally I sleep on my stomach and am able to move a little. Now I was on my back and moving was impossible! I thought it was just one night, I can stand it. It was surprisingly difficult!

However, I thought everyone should have this kind of experience. Maybe not tied and locked but still.
I slept more or less. The night was dark and I finally woke up as the day dawned again. That was great.
I don’t know if anyone went to watch me during the night, I think so.

I could do the same again :)

In fact, this was planned more than a year ago.
A warm sleeping bag had been purchased for me but then there were other problems that changed the plans. My grandmother's death and my behavioral training etc ...



My body dimensions have changed a bit from what they were over a decade ago.

More than 10 years ago my body and limbs were then made into plaster molds.
According to these molds I was made a corset, braces and collar / headrest.
They were manufactured in a completely professional manner like personal aids for the disabled.

They were made for me because the purpose was to show me what it is like to be in complete physical control.
I was studying caring for people with disabilities at the time and was very interested in physical limitations. I admire people who are able to live with big limitations.

Plans changed (due to my poor choice) and the equipment was left unused.
I didn’t know that all those devices were saved, they were stored carefully.

Now last Sunday, Committee members wanted to see how the equipment suited me now.
It was a funny surprise that gave me a variation on a normal routine. I was a little tired after a night out but it didn’t bother me.

Braces fit well on my legs. We noticed that my legs are a little narrower than before, ten years ago. It’s natural because I don’t move as much anymore as I did then.
A member of the committee, the technician who had manufactured the instruments, wondered whether the braces needed to be narrowed or whether there was another solution.
The braces are made of aluminum and steel (joints, etc.), they are completely upholstered in leather so making it narrower is a very big job.
Another option is to add material to the brace interior... or make my legs thicker, which would mean thick pants (neoprene, rubber, etc.).
I didn’t have shoes / boots to which the braces could be attached. Such should be done in order to be used.

The body part, the steel reinforced corset was also a little big. Now I had my normal corset under it. However, it can be tightened more with lacing.
The corset can be attached to a collar / headrest so the whole stiffens my body completely.
Brace ankles and knees have joints, knee joints are locked so that when the foot is straightened, the knee locks straight and cannot be bent.
Leg braces and corset can be combined. Then the hips also have locking joints.
The arms also have their own braces, they can be attached to cuffs and mittens.

The whole is very scary but at the same time it is fascinating and beautiful.
It is a beautiful craft made just for me!

I look forward to the next experiment.



April begins beautiful and warm (Outdoors).

This week has been especially awkward for me.
As I told you earlier, I was tested for old braces on my feet. As well as corset.
They are designed to support weak or even paralyzed body. They also have a very restrictive effect because they can stiffen the legs, with a corset the whole body is stiff.

They were made for me over a decade ago. They are made exactly to my body. Then the purpose was to test what effect they would have on me.
Unfortunately, the situations changed and they were never really tested or used.

A few weeks ago, they were tested to me and found to require some modifications to fit my current dimensions.

Now, changes have been made, and I used the leg braces, beginning on Monday.

It is horrible, painful and very restrictive.
Braces are two rails on either side of my foot, top to bottom, tightly shaped.
Four transverse wide and rigid sections that wrap around the back of my leg.
The braces are upholstered in leather, they are laced on the lower leg and thigh.
The ankle has joints, the ankle may work a bit so it allows for walking in some way. The ankle part locks into my boots from the outside.
The knees also have joints so I can sit “normally” but if I stretch my legs, or get up to stand, the knee joint locks straight.
Unlocking is very tricky, basically I need someone to do it.
It means I have to think carefully about when I want to stand up or otherwise stretch my legs. There is no quick return.

Because the braces are tight, I can’t move my legs other than my knee and ankle. Otherwise the legs are tightly tied in position, no lateral movement of any kind.

This week I have only been using leg braces but already that is pure hell.
I have leg and hip pain because my legs are forced tightly into one position.

I know that people who really need these can use them all day. I greatly appreciate them.

I wear cotton leggings under braces, they are relatively comfortable. They have a crotch area open so they do not need to be removed when using the toilet.

Braces are add-ons that quickly gets locked both feet together. Basically, it’s good if you use crutches when you’re moving.
I don’t have crutches because they would be hard to use with handcuffed hands.
Now the guards support me as I walk. Alone inside the cell I can take support from the walls. Fortunately, the cell is small.

Basically, a week ago I thought this was related to my upcoming Orgasm session.
It has been almost a week now and nothing has happened. It's a  frustrating.

Maybe this experiment will end now this weekend, maybe not.
It may be that a corset and handpieces are also being tried. That’s when I can really experience what it’s like to be physically helpless.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

April begins beautiful and warm (Outdoors).

This week has been especially awkward for me.
As I told you earlier, I was tested for old braces on my feet. As well as corset.
They are designed to support weak or even paralyzed body. They also have a very restrictive effect because they can stiffen the legs, with a corset the whole body is stiff.

They were made for me over a decade ago. They are made exactly to my body. Then the purpose was to test what effect they would have on me.
Unfortunately, the situations changed and they were never really tested or used.

A few weeks ago, they were tested to me and found to require some modifications to fit my current dimensions.

Now, changes have been made, and I used the leg braces, beginning on Monday.

It is horrible, painful and very restrictive.
Braces are two rails on either side of my foot, top to bottom, tightly shaped.
Four transverse wide and rigid sections that wrap around the back of my leg.
The braces are upholstered in leather, they are laced on the lower leg and thigh.
The ankle has joints, the ankle may work a bit so it allows for walking in some way. The ankle part locks into my boots from the outside.
The knees also have joints so I can sit “normally” but if I stretch my legs, or get up to stand, the knee joint locks straight.
Unlocking is very tricky, basically I need someone to do it.
It means I have to think carefully about when I want to stand up or otherwise stretch my legs. There is no quick return.

Because the braces are tight, I can’t move my legs other than my knee and ankle. Otherwise the legs are tightly tied in position, no lateral movement of any kind.

This week I have only been using leg braces but already that is pure hell.
I have leg and hip pain because my legs are forced tightly into one position.

I know that people who really need these can use them all day. I greatly appreciate them.

I wear cotton leggings under braces, they are relatively comfortable. They have a crotch area open so they do not need to be removed when using the toilet.

Braces are add-ons that quickly gets locked both feet together. Basically, it’s good if you use crutches when you’re moving.
I don’t have crutches because they would be hard to use with handcuffed hands.
Now the guards support me as I walk. Alone inside the cell I can take support from the walls. Fortunately, the cell is small.

Basically, a week ago I thought this was related to my upcoming Orgasm session.
It has been almost a week now and nothing has happened. It's a  frustrating.

Maybe this experiment will end now this weekend, maybe not.
It may be that a corset and handpieces are also being tried. That’s when I can really experience what it’s like to be physically helpless.

Maybe it will be somewhat longer term. With an objective of actually weakening your body?


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