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Hi prisoner,
I hope you had a nice weekend.
To continue my questions, I would like to know if you knew in advance that you would be treated more severely and strictly in your new prison.
I would also like to know what regulations have been put in place.



brit wrote:

Hi prisoner,
I hope you had a nice weekend.
To continue my questions, I would like to know if you knew in advance that you would be treated more severely and strictly in your new prison.
I would also like to know what regulations have been put in place.


Basically I knew in advance that I would be transferred but i didn’t know when and where.
My previous place was an old farm very close to the airport. The buildings were not worth renovating as it was known that the airport needed more space and the farm buildings would be demolished in the future.

In addition, the farm was managed by a member of the Committee. He was also my personal guard and we had some kind of love relationship.
But the situation changed and that person wanted to end our relationship and thus his membership of the Committee.

Things had been prepared for a long time, I think. The construction of such an entity does not happen in an instant.
Then one day, to me, all of a sudden everything happened and I was moved to a new place.

I was introduced to my new guards and a considerable number of new rules and regulations. Things became "more official."

Everyone had a lot of new learning.



Thanks for your answers, I hope I don't bother you with my curiosity?
I noticed that I am the only one of the 2 to ask questions, so if you want to ask me something, please do not hesitate.
I continue with my questions:
hHow is your manicure and hairstyle going, i guess this is done by your guards, with your maximum safety i guess you can't use "dangerous" instruments.
Are your fetters increased during these activities?



brit wrote:

Thanks for your answers, I hope I don't bother you with my curiosity?
I noticed that I am the only one of the 2 to ask questions, so if you want to ask me something, please do not hesitate.
I continue with my questions:
hHow is your manicure and hairstyle going, i guess this is done by your guards, with your maximum safety i guess you can't use "dangerous" instruments.
Are your fetters increased during these activities?

Sometimes those things, like shaving, are related to the O-session weekend.
It can be done by Committee members during a session or if there is no session then the guards will do it.
It involves additional restraints etc although I think it is unnecessary, why would I try to prevent it? It happens, however.

I can’t do them myself because all kinds of tools are forbidden to me.



Something crazy is happening
My facebook group "Friends Who Like Steel Restraints" got 850 new members in one day.
Now we already have almost 16,000 members!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I can't take part in the cleaning and arrangement.
I’m like a princess and I’m waiting in the meeting room when that happens  
Sometimes it can be done during my outdoor activities. One guard is with me outside and another to check and clean the interior.

I have often thought of you as a sort of princess, like maybe Rapunzel locked in her tower, but not wanting a prince to rescue her! Quite happy to be chained up and secure... dreaming of ways to feel even more restricted and less in control of her life. 8-)

When you are put in the meeting room during cell cleaning are you secured in your meeting chair as usual? If so, are you given anything to pass the time, like maybe a magazine to read? Or must you just stare at the walls?

Are you back to sleeping in your cage bed and full hood with gag now? If not, have you requested to return to that arrangement?

How are the experiments with the locking body frame going? Have you been put inside it since your last O-Session? Are you still excited about the process of being restrained and immobilized like this? Do you think it would ever feel "normal" to be inside it?

How is work these days? Are you busy, or is Covid-19 still affecting your workload?



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

I have often thought of you as a sort of princess, like maybe Rapunzel locked in her tower, but not wanting a prince to rescue her! Quite happy to be chained up and secure... dreaming of ways to feel even more restricted and less in control of her life.

When you are put in the meeting room during cell cleaning are you secured in your meeting chair as usual? If so, are you given anything to pass the time, like maybe a magazine to read? Or must you just stare at the walls?

Are you back to sleeping in your cage bed and full hood with gag now? If not, have you requested to return to that arrangement?

How are the experiments with the locking body frame going? Have you been put inside it since your last O-Session? Are you still excited about the process of being restrained and immobilized like this? Do you think it would ever feel "normal" to be inside it?

How is work these days? Are you busy, or is Covid-19 still affecting your workload?

Some think I’m a “pampered princess,” it’s no secret that my female guard has told me so many times.
I don't think there's a prince who can save me ... I don't dream about it. It would only bring difficulties.
I am relatively happy with my life like this.

Basically, it would be fun if I could do something on my own, with my own hands.
When I was a child I was good to do with my hands, I was even considered by some to "technically skilled". Now those skills are gone but I’m still good at imagining things   :)

Normally in the meeting room I am attached to my chair, in front of the table.
I can read magazines, watch TV or listen to music. I find that room a very relaxing place. I could say it's a small vacation when I'm there, even though it's basically the next room :)
Sometimes I can eat there while cleaning.

There are also my cages in the room but they don’t bother me, they are usually only used in special situations and the moment of cleaning is not like that.

Recently, I have slept "normally" in my bed, the cage under the bed has not been used.
At night I have a laced hood that is open at the bottom of my face meaning my mouth is free. Gag has not been used for a long time.
This is because if I became ill with COVID-19, I could have difficulty breathing at night which could be dangerous (I consider the illness to be very unlikely).
The hood is tight and keeps me in complete darkness, that’s a good thing because inside the cell there are lights always on. The hood calms me down and I sleep well.

The Corset / braces ensemble has been under construction. Its alterations were a big job, the locations of the rails and joints were changed so that everything works even while sitting.
"Normally" such a device is used more for standing and sitting is short-lived. Now it is the opposite.
Originally, the idea is that a paralyzed person can stand so that his or her blood circulation and organs function as normal.
In my case, the situation is different. Movement is severely restricted but is not intended to cause pain.
I don't know ... maybe the device can be used for long periods of time. It’s an interesting and real challenge. I am openly interested.

My daily work has changed a bit.
There is not much image processing now but I have "expanded" my field of work.
I archive the material, send it to subscribers. I also have a few web pages that I maintain.
The work is still interesting and it fills my day... but not so much so I can't write long answers to your questions :) :) :)



I have an question about your prisonment, might u have any possibility to quit, if you feel to quit?

and might they use a straitjacket for restraint you if you are violent?



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I don't think there's a prince who can save me ... I don't dream about it. It would only bring difficulties.
I am relatively happy with my life like this.

Recently, I have slept "normally" in my bed, the cage under the bed has not been used.
At night I have a laced hood that is open at the bottom of my face meaning my mouth is free. Gag has not been used for a long time.
This is because if I became ill with COVID-19, I could have difficulty breathing at night which could be dangerous (I consider the illness to be very unlikely).
The hood is tight and keeps me in complete darkness, that’s a good thing because inside the cell there are lights always on. The hood calms me down and I sleep well.

The Corset / braces ensemble has been under construction. Its alterations were a big job, the locations of the rails and joints were changed so that everything works even while sitting.

I don't know ... maybe the device can be used for long periods of time. It’s an interesting and real challenge. I am openly interested.

I agree, you don't need to be saved. You have dreamed of being a prisoner since you were a child and now you are fully conditioned to be a prisoner and are making a success of it.  It would be a waste of your life's work to be saved and hence to give up all you have achieved. It would also be going against everything that you want and need most. Better to walk the path designed by your committee, and continue to go deeper under their control and care. I think you will be happier that way.

Is your Committee actively seeking to have you vaccinated against Covid-19? I'm not sure how Finland is progressing with vaccination but I think it would be wise to have you protected as soon as possible. I agree that you are very low risk, but I would expect it is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that you are safe under maximum security at all times, and that would include returning to a fully hooded and caged sleeping arrangement as soon as it can be arranged. If Covid-19 is an obstacle to that, it must be removed.

For vaccination to happen, would a healthcare professional come to your prison or do you think you would have to travel to a clinic?



KDX wrote:

I have an question about your prisonment, might u have any possibility to quit, if you feel to quit?

and might they use a straitjacket for restraint you if you are violent?

Basically, I have a "3 month rule".
That means that if I want to quit, I will notify the Committee.
Everything will continue normally for the next three months and then I am free to leave. I can't come back after that.

The rule is made because thus our contract is legal, I am not, in principle, forced to do anything, everything is based on my own choice and voluntariness.

Straitjackets etc can be used if the Committee so decides, quick decisions can also be made by the guards if the situation so requires.
It doesn’t necessarily require violent behavior from me. It can also be an “educational or reminder” way to show my position here.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

I agree, you don't need to be saved. You have dreamed of being a prisoner since you were a child and now you are fully conditioned to be a prisoner and are making a success of it.  It would be a waste of your life's work to be saved and hence to give up all you have achieved. It would also be going against everything that you want and need most. Better to walk the path designed by your committee, and continue to go deeper under their control and care. I think you will be happier that way.

Is your Committee actively seeking to have you vaccinated against Covid-19? I'm not sure how Finland is progressing with vaccination but I think it would be wise to have you protected as soon as possible. I agree that you are very low risk, but I would expect it is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that you are safe under maximum security at all times, and that would include returning to a fully hooded and caged sleeping arrangement as soon as it can be arranged. If Covid-19 is an obstacle to that, it must be removed.

For vaccination to happen, would a healthcare professional come to your prison or do you think you would have to travel to a clinic?

I think it’s great that you have understood a lot about my life and thoughts. It warms my mind. I don’t have to explain to you why my life is this.

Here, vaccinations for my age group are almost possible. Progress has been made here in strict order of age.
I don’t know how it will be handled for me, I don’t know how it will be done in practice.
I will then be told when it is time and it will happen.
It is perhaps another indication of my stress-free life here. I don’t have to worry about the practicalities of a normal life.

Of course, it can also be called institutionalization.



Hi prisoner,
today I would like to talk about your sexuality.
If I read correctly, you are entitled to a only monthly orgasm during your e-sessions, and this one is given in a hard way.
Is it the committee which decided on this, and what it is between two e-sessions, have you the right to make yourself come or must you remain chaste with prohibition to touch yourself.
I was also surprised that you rarely wear a chastity belt.



brit wrote:

Hi prisoner,
today I would like to talk about your sexuality.
If I read correctly, you are entitled to a only monthly orgasm during your e-sessions, and this one is given in a hard way.
Is it the committee which decided on this, and what it is between two e-sessions, have you the right to make yourself come or must you remain chaste with prohibition to touch yourself.
I was also surprised that you rarely wear a chastity belt.


I usually have an "Orgasm Session" once a month.
Its standard time has always been at the turn of the month on the weekend. Now it’s been in the middle of the month for some reason, I don’t know why.
An O-session can last a few hours or a few days (the whole weekend) I can’t know that in advance.
The session can start so that I am “warmed up” first, e.g., some strict changes to my restraints the day before, etc.

Sessions are strongly associated with bondage, with some degree of pain and humiliation at times. It is long lasting. It is usually accompanied by many long-lasting forced orgasms.
Action is different every time and I can’t know in advance what will happen.
The session can be so tough that it takes me two weeks to recover after that. During that time, I don’t even want to think about sex.

So the happens progress in cycles ... After a tough session, I spend time recovering and then start waiting for a new session. I'm used to that rhythm.

I might try to touch myself (masturbation) but it would be hard to implement because my clothes and restraints prevent it.
Basically, it’s not forbidden to me but it’s not worth it. I need a lot more than my own fingers.

The use of the Chastity Belt is special. When I wear a belt I am more aroused because it keeps me aware of my desire all the time. Its discomfort is also reminiscent of itself all the time.
I find it very difficult to concentrate on the normal daily rhythm when I have a CB.

Because I need to be able to “normally” sit here and work daily so the belt is not normally used.

It would be a different matter if I were just a permanent sex object. But I am not.
I am much more.




Hi prisoner,
I understood that you were not a sex object  :)

I continue with my questions:
Is there a disciplinary cell in your prison and do you sometimes wear an orange jumpsuit type prison outfit?



brit wrote:

Hi prisoner,
I understood that you were not a sex object  

I continue with my questions:
Is there a disciplinary cell in your prison and do you sometimes wear an orange jumpsuit type prison outfit?


I basically have 3 cells.
A day cell where I work and spend the day. Night time cell where I sleep and dress etc as well as a toilett / shower.
All of these are inside a large isolated room which can also be thought of as a kind of cell.

For me, there is no separate discipline cell.
On the contrary, here is a large pleasant room where I can enjoy and even experience great moments sometimes. It has a visitors room which is completely different from my normal day facilities.

There is no actual prison uniform like an orange jumpsuit or anything like that. There is only one prisoner here and everyone knows who it is about us without the orange overalls.

I have a certain kind of "dress code" in use every day. It tells me my position here and reminds me of it every moment.

I also understand the purpose of prison clothes mentally but fortunately for me I can wear different clothes and thus feel even a little feminine.

I'm happy about it.


Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2021-05-28 12:39:35)



Hi prisoner,
a new, more intimate question.
What are the procedures during your periods?



After a difficult weekend, I can tell that I have been vaccinated today. I don’t seem to have any problems with the vaccine (at least not yet) so all is well.
At the end of the summer I will get another vaccine. Hopefully the pandemic has already been tamed around the world by then!



brit wrote:

Hi prisoner,
a new, more intimate question.
What are the procedures during your periods?

There are no changes in my practices during my period.
I usually use a "menstrual cup". It is a cup made of silicone that is inserted into the vagina.
It provides very safe protection against leaks and is easy and hygienic to use.

Plus, I always have thin panty protection. It prevents a little damage if there is a situation that I can’t get to the toilet right away when I have a need.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

After a difficult weekend, I can tell that I have been vaccinated today. I don’t seem to have any problems with the vaccine (at least not yet) so all is well.
At the end of the summer I will get another vaccine. Hopefully the pandemic has already been tamed around the world by then!

Welcome to the club! :-)

I found the symptoms to be very mild, starting about 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. They were gone the day after. Hopefully it will be no worse for you.

Please share with us what made your weekend difficult. I am interested to know more.

Also, did you travel to receive the vaccine?



I am sorry that the answer is late.

I had a slightly heavy weekend.
We tested my corset / brace combination again. We traveled to the workshop, there it is easier to dress it up and make the final changes.

Now I can say that it really suits me in every area! The manufacturer has done a very careful job.

I had a normal car trip to the workshop. I was restrained and attached to the car according to all the rules. It was nice again to travel by car and see the scenery and people.

At the workshop I was stripped and then dressed in a neoprene outfit. It was a pretty tight, body-hugging "catsuit," like a diving suit, but it was also openable from the crotch. Basically, it was nice to put on.
Next I was dressed in my leg braces. They fit my legs perfectly and were laced tightly.
I had boots on my legs because the braces attached to them.
It was nice, I was able to sit with my knees bent almost normally.
Then I stood on the floor, hands up on a trapezoidal bar. A corset was placed on me and it was laced tightly at the front.
The corset was tight and stiff but it followed my body nicely.
Next corset and braces were attached to a hinged rail on each side.
It made me feel awkward because I could no longer twist my body. I was like a statue. Only my hands and head moved.

I was helped to sit in a chair, tested various problem situations but nothing big appeared.
The braces were also made in my hands. I was surprised at how small and thin they looked!
They still fit perfectly around my arms. The elbow had joints that could be adjusted so that they were completely locked in the desired position or else they allowed a small movement (adjustable).
They were also able to attach mittens that kept my fingers in a tight fist. hand braces were able to lock in front of me across so that I was like a straitjacket.

The latest outfit was a high, tight headrest, like a laced corset around my neck. It was also attached to the steel frame of the corset so that I could no longer move my head.
The tightness of the whole surprised me strongly, I couldn’t move even one millimeter!
Perhaps the most freedom was on my big toes which I was able to move a little inside the boots. Maybe just that millimeter but it felt good!

I lay on the table again and a catheter was placed on me. The hose went into a plastic bag that was attached to the lower leg of my right leg. I was very helpless in many ways, I couldn’t even hold my pee.
I wore a normal, big hoodie that covered all the equipment underneath. My hands (braces) were put in the front pocket of the hoodie and locked there crosswise.
The braces were attached to each other below the knees and I was lifted into a wheelchair.
I got a leather skirt that was thicker and stiffer leather than my normal skirt. It was also bigger because it had to cover everything. I was attached to a wheelchair with a few extra straps.

We returned home with a car equipped for the disabled. It had a high interior, an elevator in the back door and my wheelchair was securely fastened to the floor, I also got an extra seat belt.
I couldn’t move my head because I had a tight headrest. I just stared ahead, I couldn’t enjoy the scenery.

Inside the building I was pushed into the guest room where I was offered lunch.
My neck support was removed because it is so high that I can’t open my mouth. Then I was fed, after which I got the neck support back.

I was pushed into my day / work cell and left to sit there, in the middle of the floor in my chair.
I couldn’t move, I was just staring at the mesh wall. I think it can’t be that I sit in it all day!
Eventually the guard entered the cell. He regretted that he had forgotten the matter but according to the rules I have to be chained inside the cell so that I cannot reach the cell door.
He locked the floor chain on my foot braces.
It was basically hilarious but for me it made me feel very hopeless at the moment!

I always try to adapt immediately to any new constraints but now I wanted to get away from it all.
I tried to wriggle out of my tight new “prison” but it was hopeless. It could not even be noticed outward. The whole is made of steel, aluminum, leather, etc ... it doesn’t give up on me.

I was sweaty and I was hurt. My joints and muscles ached. I had not made any progress.

Eventually, I don’t know how long after, the guard came and pushed me back to the guest room.
Three committee members sat on the couch and looked at me with interest.
"Hello prisoner" one of them spoke "how does your new, very personal prison feel?"
I tried to answer but the high neck support still prevented me from opening my mouth.
"No need to talk," he said, "show with your eyes ... one blink is no and two blinks are yes."
"Do you like what has been built for you now?" he asked.
I blinked twice.
"Oh, so you like it?" he asked in amazement.
I blinked once.
"I'm getting a little confusing communication from you now," he said. "Do you have to move back to the cell to think about it?"
I blinked my eyes once and stared at him tightly, I didn’t want to blink any more by accident.

Basically, I liked everything they have prepared for me.
I like it because it’s made for me. Only for me. They have thought only of me and it is a great honor for me.
At first, everything had felt good and exciting, but after just a few hours, everything had turned into a painful hell.

"We know that getting used to all this new takes time," another man said, "That's why we're moving slowly and calmly."
“You can get used to your new devices now this weekend, then we’ll go back to our usual days again,” the man said.

What all that meant, I wonder. It cannot be true that I would have to get used to immobility so that in the end it would become almost permanent!
I stared at him and blinked my eyes once.

"No worries" the man said "you might get a prize tomorrow if all goes well"
"You can now go back to the cell. The guard will turn on the TV for you so you can watch it until the evening." The man said and nodded to the guard.
"Lock her with two chains inside the cell," he instructed the guard.

I almost panicked, there is still a long time to go, I can’t just sit still!

Nothing changed, soon I sat in my cell again.
This time the floor chain was locked and also the wall chain. It was locked to something in my corset.
I didn’t know where and I didn’t care. This was silly.
I can’t move in a wheelchair at all, the chair doesn’t move anywhere because it has brakes. Locked chains are ridiculously useless but still had an insurmountable mental impact!
Now I no longer fought back, I no longer wanted to feel futile, self-inflicted pain. I tried to get used to the situation.

Sitting basically did not cause any pain. The problem was that I couldn’t change position.
The braces on the back of my legs felt bad all the time and I couldn’t ease the feeling.
I was trying to do mental relaxation. I imagined relaxing with my right leg, then my left. I tried to breathe casually but it was hard because the corset was pretty tight. I relaxed my hands, fingers too but it was hard too because of the tight mittens.
I was able to relax my neck a little. I stretched it up, got it moved a few millimeters, then again lowered my chin to rest against the support. that little movement was a big win for me!
The TV channel was bad, I would change it but of course I couldn't. So I watched some cooking program that didn’t interest me at all. The next program was a boring political debate.
I was waiting for the guard to pick me up for the evening activities. I really wait it, it would be great to get “free” and go back to my normal routine. Take a shower and sleep in my own bed normally, as always.

Eventually, the guards and one member of the Committee entered the cell.
I was very happy, I felt like I had overcome today’s challenge. I was proud of myself!
The guard removed my headrest and replaced it with my normal steel collar. Blood Rush in my head and ears, it felt awesome.
“The guard will give you some soup and water before you go to bed,” the committee member said.
"Sir, can I take a shower?" I asked "I feel very uncomfortable now".
"No, prisoner. You can't get a shower now," the man said, "you sleep locked in these same gear."
It was crushing information, I collapsed mentally for a moment. Tears welled down my cheeks. I had a hard time breathing, I felt like a corset and everything else around me would have tightened more! It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore!
"You have to calm down," the man said in a serious voice, "You obviously didn't listen to what I said before. I said this is going to last for the weekend."
"Sir, I can not do it. I can not stand such a long time!" I cried.
"I don't think you have any options," the man said coldly and nodded to the guards.

The female guard gave me a few spoons of soup and some water to drink.
They then detached the cell chains and pushed me into the cell next to me, my night time cell.
I was removed from the wheelchair and raised to stand.
The braces on the knee locks snaped into the lock metallic loudly, as did the hip locks between my corset and the braces.
I was like a robot that turned into a still statue again.
I felt blood flowing in my body as the posture became standing. I was afraid I would faint.The guard kept me firmly upright. I was happy about it. I myself could not prevent the fall in any way.
They took my heavy skirt off. The hoodie can stay on, the man said. That way, the restraints of my hands don’t have to open even for a moment.

I was turned to the side of the bed, my knee and hip locks were opened and I was lowered to sit.
Then I was turned and lowered to the supine position, on my back. Locks snaps again automatically closed and I was  forced to be immobile.
The lock between my leg braces was removed and my left leg was bent from my knee.
I felt my neoprene suit open from the crotch.
“I hope you don’t need a toilet before tomorrow,” the man said "For safety's sake, we'll put you a buttplug that might prevent small leaks."
I’m used to a lot of things but this now seemed particularly humiliating.
Yes, I realized it could also be a good thing, I didn’t want to mess myself up. Admittedly, I had no need to get to the toilet though.
The female guard greased my butt hole and calmly pushed the plug inside me. Super humiliating!
She then inspected my catheter and changed the collection bag. she hung it on the bed frame.

After that, the zipper was closed and my leg was straightened, my knee and hip locks snapped closed.
The leg braces were combined with the add-on again. I was completely stiff again.
I got my leather hood that covered my eyes. The hood was laced up and the cords were left in the neck so that they remained under the steel collar. The collar chain was attached to the bed. I also felt like I was put on leg irons that were attached to the bed.
I was again attached to the bed according to my rule, although I was also strictly restrained anyway. That was normal for me.

Everyone left the cell and I heard all the doors locked.

I tried to relax again, I wished I could sleep even a little before the next day.

I'm sorry, this is a longer than expected report for my weekend.
The second part is coming ...



The rest of the part

The night was hellish. I felt like I wasn’t sleeping at all even though I sure was always asleep at times, for short and longer moments.
Everything around me felt tight and inflexible.
I knew it was pointless for me to fight but my nervous system and muscles didn’t believe it.
I got some kind of cramps, I felt a tremor in my body as the nervous system tried to fight it.
Also, I was on my back now. It was a weird posture for me because normally I sleep on my stomach, hands behind my back.
Normally I am able to move during the night, limited but still enough so that my body can relax.

Breathing was easier when lI ying down, I did not really even notice the corset now. Sitting in the corset is familiar with all the time, perhaps because of that I then instinctively tried to move. Now I just focused on resting without moving.
My hips hurt. The posture was perhaps medically correct but because it was forced completely straight and stiff it caused pain. I would have liked to move ... 1 cm would be awesome!
Since the legs were also stiffened I felt them all the time, I would have liked to turn the legs so that the toes were outwards, now they were firmly forward.

My arms were fine. The shoulders gave a little pain but very little.
The fingers were in fists inside tight mittens, I was able to live with that thing.
I was glad I didn’t have a headrest. I had my normal steel collar, it allowed me to move my head and it felt awesome!
The neoprene outfit was actually comfortable, not too hot.

I had no knowledge of the passage of time. Maybe I was lying there for an hour or for the whole night, I could not know.
At some point I heard when the cell doors opened and someone came in to the cell.
I was very happy about it, I thought I would get free now. I tried to say something but I immediately felt the latex glove on my lips. It was a sign that I had to not speak.
I felt how the glove touched my cheek and then went away. I felt my crotch zipper open and my catheter inspected. Then the zipper was closed again.
Then I heard how the cell doors opened and closed. I was alone again, nothing had changed.

Again, I was alone in the complete darkness caused by hood.
However, I now had a better mind. I felt taken care of, nothing bad could happen to me.
At some point, because I am me .. I thought of it all in a sexual sense.
This all excited me in some strange way. Somehow all the frustration and pain turned the other way. It made me wait for a new day.

Finally the morning came. I don't know the time but again I heard when people came in the cell.
I was lifted out of bed and moved to a wheelchair to sit. Now I just felt the plug in my butt. It had to be pretty big.
The plug also caused me that I couldn’t feel if I had a need for a toilet but I have a clear rhythm, I normally defecate two or three times a week and now it wasn’t that day, so no worries.
I still had my hood on.
I was fastened to the chair with straps and given a "breakfast", fruit soup and water.
After that I was pushed into the toilet and my teeth were washed, it was nice to freshen my mouth, it felt good.

We moved to the guest room. I still had a hood but I know the places here very accurately, I knew where I was.
"Good morning prisoner" I heard the committee member's voice "How has your night gone?"
"Sir, good morning" I replied "The night was not nice but I survived it. However, I would like to get back to normal already."
"Not yet," the man laughed. "We have plans for you. But after this day, you'll get back to normal ... if all goes well."

"We're eating breakfast now," the man continued, "You can wait in the corner for that time and enjoy Sunday morning."
I felt when the wheelchair was moved, maybe I was actually moved to a corner.
"Open your mouth," the guard said.
I did so and felt like a gag was put in my mouth. It was a kind of penisgag that went deep into my mouth and otherwise was like a ball gag.
It was surprising and caused at first a gag reaction but eventually I got used to it even though it was very unpleasant.
The gag strap was fastened tightly behind my head.
In addition, I still felt an extra mask that came over my lower face and chin. My head and face were now completely covered.
The mask had some kind of holes in my nostrils. The material was latex or thin rubber. It was tightened tightly around my face. It pressed the gag deeper into my mouth.
All of that was very uncomfortable, the holes in the mask were so small that it forced me to focus on breathing.
My steel collar was removed and I again got a tight neck support that locked my head motionless.
Finally I got the headphones on my ears, they were big and tight, they effectively covered the area of my ears through the hood.
I heard some calm classical music, nothing else.

The situation was very strange!
I sat in a wheelchair, I didn’t know  if I'm facing the wall or am I so that they can watch me all the time.

My mouth was full of saliva, I tried to swallow it but it was impossible, a tight latex mask caused the saliva to drain from somewhere down. I felt it very humiliating.
Sometimes I had strong gag reactions that increased the amount of saliva. It was very uncomfortable, especially when I couldn’t move at all.
It was completely sadistic for someone to watch that!
It seemed to me that I need to concentrate on perfectly that I even stay alive!
Time seemed to stand still. I tried to focus and outline time ... how long does a classical music performance take? How many performances have gone? ... no matter what the time is now, I can't influence anything!
Suddenly I felt something in my crotch, some sort of vibrator vibrating on top of my beoprene suit, it was pressed tightly against me.
It did not feel good, it caused utter panic. I was choking on my own saliva, I felt how much saliva was already in my nasal passages, it was impossible for me to breathe!
A complete feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me. I couldn't do anything, I didn't even breathe!
I feel like I lost consciousness, however, I vaguely felt that my mask and gag were removed. I was able to breathe again even though I didn’t immediately realize it.
"Breathe!" the man said and slapped me on the cheek.
I went back to life, it was hard. i felt really miserable.
"Open your mouth!" he ordered. I didn't want to do that. I didn't want the same thing again!
He squeezed my nostrils and forced my mouth open. Quickly I had a gag in my mouth again. It was another gag, a smaller normal ballgag that also had holes.

I am weird.
Surprisingly, I found once again that I wanted this, I wanted to feel extreme experiences with sexual arousal.
I was still very excited.
It was a very arousing addition that I couldn’t see anything, everything happened in complete darkness.
As if my body and environment were not under my or my control, of course it was also true. It was very exciting.
The same Vibrator was attached between my legs. The space was cramped, it was somehow fastened between the braces and it weighed on me all the time, it rubbed me evenly gently, not violently.
Despite all the restrictions, I had to feel good and calm.
I was amused when I tried to think about what I look like now.
A statue sitting in a wheelchair. leather hood, stiffened neck and body. a gray hoodie that is definitely wet with saliva. black neoprene suit and braces. black boots that look weird with braces. I may not have looked fashionable topmodel now.

The vibrator felt tenderly and basically pleasant but the catheter tube was not a good thing in this case. It caused an uncomfortable feeling.
Maybe they weren't thinking about it ... men, they can't know everything.

"Do you want water" the man asked and I nodded.
He took my gag off and gently gave water. it flowed from my mouth but it didn’t matter.
"Sir, the vibrator feels uncomfortable," I said.
"Ohhh" the man laughed "just that?"
"Can I get the catheter out?" I asked
"Sure" the man thought for a moment "It's better to take off when you're lying down, so you have to wait."
However, he took the vibrator off but put the ballgag back.
The music was put back on and so I just just sat and waited again.

It felt strange to sit in it, I couldn’t realize what was going on around me. I didn’t even know if I was in the room alone, or how many people are inside.
I tried to meditate myself outside my body so that I would be a guest in the room.
I know the location of the furniture, I knew where I am now, in the corner. I tried to imagine that where people are, what they do.
There is at least one Committee member in the room, maybe two. Maybe they sit on the couch and drink coffee ... they always drink coffee.
I’m sure there’s a security guard in the room as well, he might be sitting next to a table, or standing near a door.
It was a fun thought game and feels very real. Maybe I have meditation skills!

Suddenly the music stopped, the headphones were taken off.
I was pushed into cell space again, my night time cell.
I was lifted out of the wheelchair and moved to bed. I felt how the rail and joints between the corset and the braces took off. The braces interlock was also removed.
It was an awesome feeling of freedom! I was now able to rotate my legs.
Basically, now in bed I got more movement for my legs but I lost my head movement because of the headrest.

My knee locks were released and my knees bent slightly, my legs spread.
I felt the crotch zipper open.
"OK, this can pinch a little," the man said and took the catheter hose out.
It pinched more than a little, the urine opening was perhaps a little irritated by the use of the vibrator.

I felt when my legs were somehow attached to the bed frame.
My knees were still hooked and my crotch "open".
A latex glove rubbed my vagina, fingers went inside me and brought moisture out.
"Oh my, prisoner," the man said with a laugh, "You never disappoint expectations, you are really wet right now!
I felt when some kind of dildo went inside my vagina. Now I really felt like plug my butt!
In this position, the dildo rubbed thin partition wall between the rectum and the vagina.
It felt unusually good. Plug also forced the dildo to rise upward when entering.
I was already close to orgasm at that moment.
The dildo moved calmly back and forth, the feeling it caused was added up and down.
It was annoying that I couldn’t move, so I could have increased the enjoyment.
The gag in my mouth caused saliva to enter my mouth. Since it was impossible for me to move my head I had to "cough" to spit out the gag through the holes. I couldn’t see anything but I can imagine how awful it looked!

My first orgasm came easily. It felt weird because the body couldn’t participate in it in any way. Only my vagina was "free".
Then it all ended.
"We're taking a short break now," the man said, "Don't go anywhere."
Everyone left the cell.
I was feeling very empty, I was abandoned. An orgasm was still felt in my body. I wonder how the statue can tremble?
After a while, they came back.
"Ok, prisoner ... Round 2!"
I was treated with a dildo and a vibrator, it was warming up and I was excited again.
The man then pushed two (or three) fingers inside me. he looked inside for a suitable spot and began to stimulate me with short back and forth movements. It quickly led to another orgasm but he didn’t stop, he continued across borders, I would have liked him to stop but he continued ... and continued.
Eventually came a massive explosion “I felt the liquid squirting out of my inside, I got an explosive orgasm over and over again!
I felt like all the metal around me was exploding open and I was flying away!

Then it was all over.
I felt like someone was cleaning me and my bed.
My legs were moved back to the locked position, the corset and braces were joined together.

The ballgag was taken away and I was given water.
Heavy, warm blankets were put on me. I wasn’t cold but they felt good, like a tight, warm hug.

"Sir, could I already get rid of this corset ensemble?" I asked.
"Not yet, we said this will last for the weekend," the man replied, "In the evening you get in the shower and return to your normal day rhythm."
"This was an experiment that might continue next weekend. Now you have to rest," the man said.
"and the prisoner ..." the man continued "I have to say that you are doing a good job, we are very happy with you!"

Those words warmed me even more than the blankets that were on me.

I was left in the dark waiting for the evening and returning to normal.



Last weekend’s narrative became quite long.

It’s certainly unclear and full of typos, but try to endure.

:) :)



Respect Miisa,
even if there was nothing you could do about it, you had a hard weekend.
They pretty much created a body cage, binding you from head to toe, and I like that.
All of your bodily functions are under strict control, that's fine, and I hope they'll use it more and more often.
Thank you for this delicious story.



brit wrote:

Respect Miisa,
even if there was nothing you could do about it, you had a hard weekend.
They pretty much created a body cage, binding you from head to toe, and I like that.
All of your bodily functions are under strict control, that's fine, and I hope they'll use it more and more often.
Thank you for this delicious story.

I had to rest for a few days before I wrote this report.

I was barely able to do normal daily routines in the first few days of the week. Fortunately, there was no rush during the work week.
I was very physically tired but now everything is fine again!



I know how excited you can become from being totally controlled, helpless and bound. I expect your committee will use this effectively to help you adapt to your new full body lockdown device. I am very interested to know if the experiment was continued this weekend as suggested. Please don't hesitate to report when you are free to do so.

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2021-06-05 21:59:12)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Welcome to the club!

I found the symptoms to be very mild, starting about 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. They were gone the day after. Hopefully it will be no worse for you.

Please share with us what made your weekend difficult. I am interested to know more.

Also, did you travel to receive the vaccine?

My vaccination a week ago happened so I sat in a wheelchair. We used the same car as the day before.
My legirons were locked in a chair so that the cuffs and chains were hidden under my long leather skirt. I also had a leather belt on my waist that held me in a wheelchair.
I had a light, sleeveless top and a leather jacket on my shoulders so vaccination was easy. My collar was hidden with a silk scarf.

Vaccination took place in the gym of a school and thus was easy and unobstructed access. I had time reserved so we didn’t have to queue.
The vaccinator was an old lady, a retired nurse, I think.
She was very friendly and competent. She wondered why I hadn’t been vaccinated somewhere else because I belong to a special group, she thought so because I was in a wheelchair.
After vaccination, I had to wait 15 mins for possible symptoms.
The waiting time was in the public lobby and it was a little nervous. fortunately there were few people.
After the wait, I got on my jacket and we got in the car.
The handcuffs were locked and the chair was attached to the car.

Surprise was the fact that we went into the vote.
Now is the pre-election voting time. The committee wanted to do this at the same time so that there was no need to travel again to the outside world.

The polling place was in a library.
When I was taken out of the car, a member of the Committee went in advance to announce my arrival.
The disabled had their own queue which was very short. the vote went quickly. I was pushed into a small space between the curtains, there was an opportunity to vote in private.
Then my identity was verified and I was able to officially cast my vote.

I was still very tired after the weekend at the time, I didn’t fully enjoy the trip to the outside world.
But now my duties have been fulfilled as an official citizen!



What are the rules for speaking when you are out in public? For example, when the lady who gave your vaccination wondered why you hadn't been already included before, who responds? You or your guards? Are you allowed to say thank you after receiving the vaccine, small polite things that don't invite further conversation? Or must you remain silent?

Also, I am glad you got to vote. In some countries, prisoners do not have that right.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

What are the rules for speaking when you are out in public? For example, when the lady who gave your vaccination wondered why you hadn't been already included before, who responds? You or your guards? Are you allowed to say thank you after receiving the vaccine, small polite things that don't invite further conversation? Or must you remain silent?

Also, I am glad you got to vote. In some countries, prisoners do not have that right.

In such cases, I am required to participate in the debate.
Any other kind of behavior would arouse suspicion, no one wants them.
I will answer questions asked to me, etc.
My escorts are very close to me all the time and monitor my behavior but the idea is that I show up as normally as possible.

The fact that I sit passively in a wheelchair would, of course, allow me to be silent. No one can know what a "disability" I have. I could be mute too ... who knows.

I have the right to vote, I am proud of it  :)  I also have the right to work and pay taxes.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

In such cases, I am required to participate in the debate.
Any other kind of behavior would arouse suspicion, no one wants them.
I will answer questions asked to me, etc.
My escorts are very close to me all the time and monitor my behavior but the idea is that I show up as normally as possible.

The fact that I sit passively in a wheelchair would, of course, allow me to be silent. No one can know what a "disability" I have. I could be mute too ... who knows.

I have the right to vote, I am proud of it    I also have the right to work and pay taxes.

Finland is an amazing country where convicts are allowed to vote while in custody.

I love Your diary! Its so lovely, I have a similar fantasy as to how You actually live Your life! Thank You for everything You do, prisoner!



How did you cope with having your hands free while you were in public? It was necessary, but it must have felt very strange. Were you uncomfortable, having this level of freedom? Did you have your hands cuffed again when you were back in the car? If so, was there a sense of relief once you were back in full restraint?


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