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Posts 541 to 570 of 1298


correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

How did you cope with having your hands free while you were in public? It was necessary, but it must have felt very strange. Were you uncomfortable, having this level of freedom? Did you have your hands cuffed again when you were back in the car? If so, was there a sense of relief once you were back in full restraint?

An interesting question.
It is a very strange situation that is difficult to get used to. it gives conflicting thoughts.
On the other hand, I am aware of the extra, momentary freedom but at the same time I also know that I am very closely monitored all the time.

It’s all different from my routines and I’m very dependent on them. Everything else makes me nervous.

It’s part of institutionalization and getting used to the same routines.
I know that in a psychiatric sense it’s reportedly very interesting but I’m not going to talk about it any more now.

It is part of my nature.
It has been found that some animals, e.g., some dogs, are calmer when they have a collar (and maybe a leash as well).
:) I am not a dog but I recognize the same thing in myself.

When I am restrained in a proper way, I feel secure. All facilitating changes will affect negatively.

I will give an example.
I have a friend with whom I exchange e-mails.
He is a nice person, we talk about many things in private.
We had one "imagination play". That’s where I was in his car, we drove together somewhere.
I told him that if we keep playing, we have to think that I am under the rules of my restraints all the time, he has to adapt to it.
He wanted to present an imagination where I would be less restrained, he wanted to be affectionate to me.
In my mind, it caused panic because I can’t think of a situation like that.

:) I don't know if anyone understands this but that's how my mind works.

I had to stop writing for that good friend because he didn’t understand me. It was sad, I felt like he was trying to force me into something I didn’t want (even if he just wanted good for me).

My hands were immediately locked in the car and the handcuffs were attached to the leather belt at my waist.

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2021-06-07 16:10:05)



An equally interesting reply  8-)

I like that you can't tolerate ideas of being under less control, even in imagination play. It proves that you are living true to your nature, and that being a maximum security prisoner is entirely right for you.

So, if I am understanding correctly, you are now sufficiently institutionalized that you are always very nervous when you are not in your usual locks, chains and routines, and being in public is very much outside of your comfort zone. These situations are therefore always unwelcome, but knowing that you are being very closely monitored, and so you still feel totally controlled and helpless, you are able to get though it even if you don't like it. Close monitoring is not nearly as good as being properly imprisoned by your physical locks and procedures, but it provides a form of "temporary breathing apparatus" that helps you to survive outside of your natural environment. Is that a reasonable summary?

How was it for you in the voting booth? There you were alone behind the curtain, not monitored, and had access to a sharp implement (voting pencil). I am surprised you were able to focus your mind on the voting paper, you must have been extremely frightened by this brief, but inevitable, abnormality. Were you given any warning in advance, any time to prepare yourself for this ordeal? Did your guards stay close by?

I imagine that any change that takes you outside of your prison must be very stressful and quite exhausting for you. When you are returned to a more physically secure and safe environment, are you sometimes given extra restraints to help calm you down and reinforce your feelings of being a maximum security prisoner once more? How do you respond to that, emotionally?

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2021-06-08 00:28:27)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

An equally interesting reply  

I like that you can't tolerate ideas of being under less control, even in imagination play. It proves that you are living true to your nature, and that being a maximum security prisoner is entirely right for you.

So, if I am understanding correctly, you are now sufficiently institutionalized that you are always very nervous when you are not in your usual locks, chains and routines, and being in public is very much outside of your comfort zone. These situations are therefore always unwelcome, but knowing that you are being very closely monitored, and so you still feel totally controlled and helpless, you are able to get though it even if you don't like it. Close monitoring is not nearly as good as being properly imprisoned by your physical locks and procedures, but it provides a form of "temporary breathing apparatus" that helps you to survive outside of your natural environment. Is that a reasonable summary?

How was it for you in the voting booth? There you were alone behind the curtain, not monitored, and had access to a sharp implement (voting pencil). I am surprised you were able to focus your mind on the voting paper, you must have been extremely frightened by this brief, but inevitable, abnormality. Were you given any warning in advance, any time to prepare yourself for this ordeal? Did your guards stay close by?

I imagine that any change that takes you outside of your prison must be very stressful and quite exhausting for you. When you are returned to a more physically secure and safe environment, are you sometimes given extra restraints to help calm you down and reinforce your feelings of being a maximum security prisoner once more? How do you respond to that, emotionally?

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (Today 00:28:27)

It feels like you understand me very much. Usually people just find me weird ... :)
Is the desire for extreme security strange or wrong?

I have a need to be locked and supervised in every situation, and I have people around me who enjoy the fact that I am firmly under control. It is a win-win situation.

I’ve sometimes said that maybe my life is weird but I don’t hurt anyone.
There are a lot of people with things getting worse. Drug users, alcoholics, people with all kinds of addictions, narcissists ...
They destroy their own lives but they also destroy the lives of their loved ones. It is very sad.

Anyway ... you're very much right. I am very nervous in situations that deviate from my normal routines.
I am so deep in my life that I do not know / want to fantasize about other kinds of life. Or of course I can but also in them the basic premise is strict controls / restraints.
I can imagine I’m out there somewhere but even then there are my rules involved. So I can't imagine that "I'm running free in nature towards the rising of the sun."

So. That day I was fastened to a wheelchair with a leather belt that was partly hidden under my clothes. It is basically a normal belt that secures it that a weak person (or with involuntary movements) sitting in a chair properly. The belt was noticeable but not disturbing.
The belt was so tight that I was constantly aware of it. It basically calmed me down, as did the feeling of legcuffs.
Also, I had my collar now hidden under the scarf. The scarf was mounted so that it was also under the collar. I don't know but it felt like the collar was a little tighter so, however not too tight.

To vote, a voter had to have their own pen (Covid-19 rule). I was given a pen and pushed behind the curtains.
The assistant pushing the wheelchair could not come in. I was asked if I need help. If I had needed help, an official election assistant would have come to help me.
The guard held on to the chair all the time but basically he couldn’t see me because of the thin curtain.
When I was done, he pulled me out from behind the curtain and took a pen from me.

The funny detail was that I had to prove my identity in order for the vote to be official.
The guard gave me my passport which I presented to the election officer. I hadn’t held my passport in my hand before (during prison)!
It was a strong experience ... I really exist!

I wasn’t really given any separate instructions for voting or vaccination. I knew them in advance.

It is possible that after a stressful experience of the outside world (or the like), some additional restraints are used.
The most common way is that I have more of a chains inside the cell.

Normally I have a chain between the legcuffs hobble and the floor but there can be three chains. between my waist and wall, and collar and wall / ceiling.
The chains in the cell really tell me where I belong.

... long writing again :) I'm sorry



Hi miisa,
first i like your longs answers.
I am starting to understand you better and as you say, you are a kind of junkie of links and constraints.
I think freedom scares you and would make you very miserable and releasing yourself would be the worst punishment for you.
A person saying "normal" would find you in this predicament would think that you are in hell at the hands of sadistic bullies and would want to do anything to save you, not realizing that it would be the worst thing he could do to you.
Most people do not understand that we can take pleasure in this way and will think that you are crazy.
I am happy for you that you can live the life you dream of.



brit wrote:

Hi miisa,
first i like your longs answers.
I am starting to understand you better and as you say, you are a kind of junkie of links and constraints.
I think freedom scares you and would make you very miserable and releasing yourself would be the worst punishment for you.
A person saying "normal" would find you in this predicament would think that you are in hell at the hands of sadistic bullies and would want to do anything to save you, not realizing that it would be the worst thing he could do to you.
Most people do not understand that we can take pleasure in this way and will think that you are crazy.
I am happy for you that you can live the life you dream of.


I am heavily dependent on limitations in many forms, physical and mental. It means "freedom" to me.
Some have told me that it is foolish to throw a "normal" life away. They claim I'm losing something because I'm in captivity.

The idea of freedom scares me a lot. It doesn’t fit my thoughts on normal life.
If I were free, I would still live in isolation, afraid that someone would find me and use me and do bad things.
My personal history in life as well as my dreams as a child clearly show what my place in life is. I accept it.

I have been told that psychiatric treatment and medication would allow me to lead a “normal” life.
But still many psychiatric experts say there is nothing wrong with me :)

My life is also of interest to some people who want to think about it through sexual desires.
I don’t mind if I and my life are thought of from a sadistic or bdsm perspective. There are many people who would like to control me and even affect my daily life.
I will be happy to talk to them as well. I read a lot of different ideas in private messages.
Of course, if someone wants to share their thoughts in public as well, there is nothing to stop it... Actually, that would be nice!

I know that the diary is followed by many readers, very few still write here in public.
A large proportion of readers are not even members of the Forum.

I like long writings and I don't even care that my writing is full of silly mistakes :) :)



I take great pleasure in reading you.
In your case, I think treating yourself with drugs would be a shame, a crime against you, but maybe a few days in a straitjacket, seclusion might be a treatment that would suit you best. Lol
But not being your dom and I never will be, I cannot afford to interfere with your life, but it would be nice for me to correspond with you if you are allowed to.



brit wrote:

I take great pleasure in reading you.
In your case, I think treating yourself with drugs would be a shame, a crime against you, but maybe a few days in a straitjacket, seclusion might be a treatment that would suit you best. Lol
But not being your dom and I never will be, I cannot afford to interfere with your life, but it would be nice for me to correspond with you if you are allowed to.

I have been told that when I was a child, my “desires” came to light already then. My parents took me somewhere to see some person, maybe psychiatry.
A psychiatrist discussed with me and then with my parents. They had been told that I was completely healthy, even wiser and more advanced than others my age :)
... the same was said by the psychiatrist when I met him before the pandemic.
People can have different thoughts and goals in their lives. Not everyone needs to be the same.

Your idea of a straitjacket is not bad :) but I am also very dependent on my computer and the web.
Maybe the keyboard can be used on toes ....?

In fact, my current weekend sessions are tough just because I’m isolated from the web. Physical restraint is much easier to endure.

You (or anyone) can reach me by private message here or by
Everything is confidential if you wish.



Those who do not know and understand the submissive mind struggle to grasp the idea of external controls bringing freedom. Yet it is a fact. It is an undeniably satisfying form of freedom to give yourself over to the strict control of another and to live within the confines of that control.

It is a freedom from uncertainty, a freedom from the burden of choice, and a freedom to apply yourself fully to a singular purpose. There is much to be said for it.

On the flip side of the coin, there is freedom for the controlling party too. Freedom to know another person completely, freedom to walk alongside someone truly remarkable and to shape their success, freedom to pour your will into a worthy recipient, and see them thrive on it.

I do not attempt to be an armchair psychologist but I understand that freedom comes in many forms, and we each have a right to live on our own terms, so far as it does not harm others, and to seek to share it with those who appreciate what we have to offer. I applaud you for being true to yourself, for your creativity in shaping a life that suits you so well, and for submitting fully to a team of individuals who are capable of taking such good care of your needs.

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2021-06-08 15:26:42)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I have been told that when I was a child, my “desires” came to light already then. My parents took me somewhere to see some person, maybe psychiatry.
A psychiatrist discussed with me and then with my parents. They had been told that I was completely healthy, even wiser and more advanced than others my age
... the same was said by the psychiatrist when I met him before the pandemic.
People can have different thoughts and goals in their lives. Not everyone needs to be the same.

Your idea of a straitjacket is not bad  but I am also very dependent on my computer and the web.
Maybe the keyboard can be used on toes ....?

In fact, my current weekend sessions are tough just because I’m isolated from the web. Physical restraint is much easier to endure.

You (or anyone) can reach me by private message here or by

Hi miisa,
For your problem accessing your computer, i don't think using your toes is an easy solution.
I see 2 solutions to your problem,
the first is a voice control of your computer, I think you can find this kind of software easily.
The second is eye control which is used for the very disabled, but I don't know if they are easy to find and install.
So you could have access to the web by having your hands unusable and even being gagged.
Everything is confidential if you wish.



One of my wise friends said that in such a relationship and  lifestyle, "the strap binds both parties."
It means that the dominant also has a great responsibility for the well-being of the submissive.

In my case, responsibilities have been shared because there are many members of my Committee. It feels good because I don’t want to be too big a burden for anyone.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

One of my wise friends said that in such a relationship and  lifestyle, "the strap binds both parties."
It means that the dominant also has a great responsibility for the well-being of the submissive.

I agree 100%



So your full immobility training is to progress again this weekend?  8-)

How are you adjusting so far? How do you feel about it?



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

So your full immobility training is to progress again this weekend?  

How are you adjusting so far? How do you feel about it?

I don't know what's going on over the weekend. I usually don’t even know if something special will happen the next day or the like.

I have been told that it is some kind of security thing. Because I know nothing, I can’t tell about it in advance and maybe endanger my safety and the safety of others.
At least that’s part of the control I’m under.

So sometimes there are surprises in my life that I may not even like.

If you ask me, now there has been far too much activity here on the weekends ...



Hello miisa,
How are you?
Did you have a nice weekend?



brit wrote:

Hello miisa,
How are you?
Did you have a nice weekend?


the weekend was full of work.
Here in Finland was the election and the photographers produced a lot of pictures that I dealt with.
There were also a few photographers at sporting events. They also took thousands of pictures.

Now the rush is over and I can live my normal daily life.




Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I don't know what's going on over the weekend. I usually don’t even know if something special will happen the next day or the like.

I have been told that it is some kind of security thing. Because I know nothing, I can’t tell about it in advance and maybe endanger my safety and the safety of others.
At least that’s part of the control I’m under.

Of course, that makes perfect sense. You have no control over the future direction of your life, you have handed that to your committee. It would confuse matters to involve you in the planning. Your job is to adapt to the controls they impose and to report honestly and clearly on how that is going for you. Please accept my apologies for my silly question.

Which leads me to ask, how are you adapting to the experiments with your full body restraints?When were they last used on you, to what extent and for how long? It is an intriguing experiment to the outsider and no doubt a huge challenge for you. It warrants further discussion here, if you are permitted.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Of course, that makes perfect sense. You have no control over the future direction of your life, you have handed that to your committee. It would confuse matters to involve you in the planning. Your job is to adapt to the controls they impose and to report honestly and clearly on how that is going for you. Please accept my apologies for my silly question.

Which leads me to ask, how are you adapting to the experiments with your full body restraints?When were they last used on you, to what extent and for how long? It is an intriguing experiment to the outsider and no doubt a huge challenge for you. It warrants further discussion here, if you are permitted.

You don’t have to be sorry for your questions, there are no “wrong” questions.
I think it’s a normal conversation and I like it. No need to worry about asking or saying something that is difficult for me. There are none.


"Full body restraints" is special in the way that it is able to use elements separately.

It is able to use only leg braces. Or just a corset. Or a corset and neck. maybe corset and legbraces, or armbraces and mittens.
It is also possible to wear a corset and legbraces so that they are not combined.
There are several options.

Full, stiff body restraints I haven’t had since the last report.
Today I have legbraces that are attached to each other. I don’t have a rigid metal / leather corset so I can work behind my desk almost normally.
The immobility of the legs can get used to quickly, the big problem comes when the corset is attached to them but now that is not the case.

I sit in my chair and basically I can get up to stand. The problem and the biggest limitation is that if I straighten my legs, the knee locks snap shut so that my feet stay straight, meaning I can’t sit after the guard releases the locks.

Since I’m here alone, I can’t know exactly when the guard will come here, so I don’t want to take the risk of standing here for long. Basically, then there is also the danger that I would fall and I don’t want to take that risk.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

You don’t have to be sorry for your questions, there are no “wrong” questions.
I think it’s a normal conversation and I like it. No need to worry about asking or saying something that is difficult for me. There are none.

Your situation is not new to me. I have been aware of it for several years. So it was a silly question, because I knew better than to ask it, if I had stopped to think about it.  :rolleyes:  But I am glad that you enjoy our conversations, and that you are open to all questions.

It seems like you are quickly adapting to your leg restraints. If you are sat at your desk, I would imagine it would be difficult to stand without moving back first. Are you in a wheelchair, to allow this?  Are you put in your leg braces on a daily basis these days? And for how long each day, so far? Is a pattern of training emerging, that you can see? Do you still get daily exercise time in your yard?

I presume you still have your hobble chain tethered, regardless of the leg braces, while you are working. You must be locked and restrained in multiple ways every minute of the day to be totally secure.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Your situation is not new to me. I have been aware of it for several years. So it was a silly question, because I knew better than to ask it, if I had stopped to think about it.    But I am glad that you enjoy our conversations, and that you are open to all questions.

It seems like you are quickly adapting to your leg restraints. If you are sat at your desk, I would imagine it would be difficult to stand without moving back first. Are you in a wheelchair, to allow this?  Are you put in your leg braces on a daily basis these days? And for how long each day, so far? Is a pattern of training emerging, that you can see? Do you still get daily exercise time in your yard?

I presume you still have your hobble chain tethered, regardless of the leg braces, while you are working. You must be locked and restrained in multiple ways every minute of the day to be totally secure.

I sit in my office chair. It’s rotating so it’s easy to sit on and then turn my legs under the table.
The chair is much more comfortable to sit on than a wheelchair (I hate wheelchairs).

I didn’t have any braces or related for many days. Today I have leg braces.
There is no actual formula for when I wear them. At least I haven't figured it out yet.

Anyway, today was the first unhurried day so maybe that's why it's time to go back to using them again, I don't know.
Maybe tomorrow I won't wear any of them ...

The use of braces etc does not change my basic rules of using restraints.
So I still have legcuffs to which the floor chain is attached. It’s a little amusing and pointless but the rules are the rules.
The use of handcuffs is also in accordance with the rules.

Outdoors today, I sat in a wheelchair.



Hello miisa,
when you wear one or more of these bodily constraints, is it only during the day, or can you be forced to wear them also at night and or for several days?



brit wrote:

Hello miisa,
when you wear one or more of these bodily constraints, is it only during the day, or can you be forced to wear them also at night and or for several days?


In my last O-session, I had full body restraints for a longer period of time, even at night.
So it is possible. It does add a lot of guard work and inconvenience to everyone but as I said, it is possible.

Immobility is a major challenge for muscles and joints. They are created to move and it causes problems that are difficult to deal with mentally as well.
Body functions and other practical matters are also all difficult to take care of. It is difficult, painful and also very humiliating.

Basically, those things are the same as, for example, a person who is completely paralyzed.
Of course, they are also moved and turned, they don’t lie still all the time (hopefully).
I can understand the frustration and humiliation they are experiencing.
But still, they can go on with their lives for a very long time and create new ways to bring themselves up.
It is interesting. I have always been interested in how the mind reacts to strong limitations.

I don’t think my full body restraints are used for long periods of time continuously.
It would cause permanent changes in my body and musculature, etc.

However .... because I am me, it’s an interesting idea ... but maybe just on a thought level.



Have you ever thought of being forced by a  body plaster?



brit wrote:

Have you ever thought of being forced by a  body plaster?

When this “Full body restraints” was done, a plaster model of my body was first made. To do this, plaster molds were made, they were tightly around me and then cut off so that the model could be made with them.
So I have experience of how it feels. It feels like a very heavy material.
I have no experience with long-term use of plaster.
My “full body restraints” do the same thing but it also has joints that can give movement if desired.
Body maintenance and body functions are also "easier" than the plaster version in the long run.



I'm almost halfway through your diary now, and I'm very impressed,
the texts you have here are a treasure and I'm very happy to have found them.
I look forward to reading more.



There is hot weather here at the moment, a real summer which is a bit unusual here in Scandinavia.
Today it will be as high as 33 degrees Celsius, it has been going on for almost a week and will continue for another week.

Midsummer is the end of the month. Normally then it is cold and rainy weather even if the people celebrating wish for something else :)

It's also summer vacation time here. Very many people are on vacation this month or next. Several workers start their holidays from midsummer.
So do my guards. I do not know (of course) the details, but the members of the Committee take turns and do the work of the guards during that time.
... maybe I should not say, but I fear embarrassment when routines change even though they of course are trying their best.

We had a meeting on Saturday in my outdoor area, I met a representative of the Committee.
It was nice, there was a table in the shade in my area and we ate and talked casually. It was very pleasant.
He asked me to be patient for the time to come. They do their best, he said.

I trust them but still the upcoming changes in the routine make me nervous.
I try to be brave and take this as an adventure!



Mr_Captivity wrote:

I'm almost halfway through your diary now, and I'm very impressed,
the texts you have here are a treasure and I'm very happy to have found them.
I look forward to reading more.

Nice to hear you like my diary!

As you can see, it can be a little confusing to flow my thoughts and feelings sometimes.
I know it may not always be easy to read :)

I try to talk about things in my life (which is sometimes very boring), but I also tell about moments of joy, similarly I also try to share my feelings when I might be a little depressed.

I always think that I will tell my friends things but I know that some readers are also people who think that my life should be more tighter and limited.
That's ok, everyone can think what they want. It's nice that I will raise thoughts :)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Ravi de vous entendre comme mon journal!

Comme vous pouvez le voir, il peut être un peu déroutant de couler mes pensées et mes sentiments parfois. Je sais qu’il n’est pas toujours facile à lire

J’essaie de parler de choses dans ma vie (ce qui est parfois très ennuyeux), mais je raconte aussi des moments de joie, de même j’essaie aussi de partager mes sentiments quand je pourrais être un peu déprimé.

Je pense toujours que je vais dire des choses à mes amis mais je sais que certains lecteurs sont aussi des gens qui pensent que ma vie devrait être plus serrée et limitée. Ce n’est pas grave, tout le monde peut penser ce qu’il veut. C’est bien que je soulève des pensées

Hello miisa,
your messages sometimes seem boring to you, but to me they are allways interesting.
Regarding certainly of your readers who think that your captivity should be harder, I would join them if it was short, but for a very very long captivity like yours, I find this one rather well organized and just severe enough to be able to be tolerable day to day for years, with a few harsher episodes, like for example wearing your braces from time to time.
There is one thing that bothers me, it's your night gagging, i find it quite dangerous and i would rather know you gagged with a ring gag or something that doesn't fill your mouth, maybe a custom made mouth opener ??.



brit wrote:

Hello miisa,
your messages sometimes seem boring to you, but to me they are allways interesting.
Regarding certainly of your readers who think that your captivity should be harder, I would join them if it was short, but for a very very long captivity like yours, I find this one rather well organized and just severe enough to be able to be tolerable day to day for years, with a few harsher episodes, like for example wearing your braces from time to time.
There is one thing that bothers me, it's your night gagging, i find it quite dangerous and i would rather know you gagged with a ring gag or something that doesn't fill your mouth, maybe a custom made mouth opener ??.

Gag use at night was stopped immediately at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
If I had difficulty breathing or nausea at night it would be very dangerous or at least uncomfortable.
Fortunately, I have not had any symptoms but can never know in advance.

The ball I used before was not "over size", it kept my mouth open and weighed my tongue but I was able to breathe.
It was a constant reminder of my position even at night, nothing more.

I was also done other gag experiments, e.g. the dentist made me a device that held my teeth together and my mouth closed.
It was interesting but not very comfortable.



I have read almost your entire diary now, and I must say I am very impressed with the approach to your captivity. I also think you are a very lucky girl, who has these people around you who take such good care of you, it requires intelligence, effort and resources. And of course good values, not to take advantage of the power they have over you.
I can not remember reading anything about any exercise equipment to keep you in shape and in good health, has it ever been a topic? According to the doctor you visited, it could perhaps have been an advantage? It was just an idea, not a critique of the committee's arrangement. You may get what you need when you have your outdoor activities.



Mr_Captivity wrote:

I have read almost your entire diary now, and I must say I am very impressed with the approach to your captivity. I also think you are a very lucky girl, who has these people around you who take such good care of you, it requires intelligence, effort and resources. And of course good values, not to take advantage of the power they have over you.
I can not remember reading anything about any exercise equipment to keep you in shape and in good health, has it ever been a topic? According to the doctor you visited, it could perhaps have been an advantage? It was just an idea, not a critique of the committee's arrangement. You may get what you need when you have your outdoor activities.

My physical condition and exercise have been talked about occasionally.
Exercise would be important and staying physically healthy would require it more for me.
There is an exercise bike and a treadmill in the meeting room here but I think they are used more by guards.

For me, their use is very rare and I am not forced to do so.
Their use can even be dangerous with restraints. I know that with good planning, that problem would be gone.

I also had various training programs combined with bondage but they too have been on a break for a long time now.
It’s a shame because I found those exercises fun and even exciting. The effort under bondage is always a good body exercise.
My "problem" about it is that I always I will try to adapt to bondage, I do not fight against it. I did not try to escape because I know that it's impossible.

Sometimes, at the beginning I was very interested in the fact that the continuing restraints do physically.
What happens after using legirons for 30 years? Or hand restraints?
I can't know because I've  tried it for less than that time ...

I already know that rarely when I don’t have legirons, I still have a chain length step, or a little shorter. I also hold my hands in my lap even if I don’t have handcuffs, as if they were locked to my waist.
The body gets used to different things over time.


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