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I agree with Mr Captivity,
a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your long-term health. Since members of your committee are more often by your side during the holidays, you should talk about it to force yourself to do daily physical exercises that would be compatible with your restrictions.



brit wrote:

I agree with Mr Captivity,
a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your long-term health. Since members of your committee are more often by your side during the holidays, you should talk about it to force yourself to do daily physical exercises that would be compatible with your restrictions.

Committee members will also read this diary for discussion. They will raise the issue if they consider it important.
I appreciate you all being worried about my health.  :)



Finished reading :) I think you are a very good writer. And you describe your situation and thoughts in a very good way that makes it easy to understand and read. You are also an exemplary inmate who does not make the job of your guards more difficult than it is, I like that. I look forward to reading more. Have a nice day today everyone.



Mr_Captivity wrote:

Finished reading  I think you are a very good writer. And you describe your situation and thoughts in a very good way that makes it easy to understand and read. You are also an exemplary inmate who does not make the job of your guards more difficult than it is, I like that. I look forward to reading more. Have a nice day today everyone.

Thank you for liking my writings. A big thank you must also give Google Translator  :)
I use it a lot to help because my English is very poor. Therefore, it is also perhaps a simple read. I hope so...

I’m a little sorry that my LifeStory is still in progress. Writing it has stopped at the point where everything in my life changed.
An innocent young girl's play becomes true although I did not even realize it at the time.
I try to keep writing it all the time.
When I get something published, I guarantee that those who like harder action will also enjoy reading.



Funny story from yesterday .... :)

I had a birthday and the Committee wanted to surprise me. There was a table in my outdoor area with a table setting for me.
Tea for me, coffee for two Committee members. A small beautiful cake with strawberries., Cookies, etc. There were even flowers on the table!

I knew nothing about the surprise to come!
When we went out and was fastened to my place it was very hot weather, the sun was shining but there were also dark clouds in the sky.
The table is in the shade next to the wall, under the canopy so the sun was no problem.
But in ten minutes the weather developed so the sky turned dark, as if someone had turned off the lights!
It rained water and came a fierce thunderstorm. The wind was so strong that if the table had not been attached to the ground (and I attached to the table) we would have flown away!

The table was emptied and the goods were taken into the house.
I laughed and enjoyed the situation, the Thunderstorm rose so fast. I have never experienced such a thing!
I would have liked to stay out even  the temperature changed very drastically. I could see even small pieces of ice among the rain!

However, I was moved in to my cell, I got a piece of cake and I enjoyed it there.

Still ... nature gave me a great show and I eagerly received it.
The best birthday party ever!



Nice that you got to experience a show organized by nature for your birthday. I think you should have gotten to stay out and experience it completely!
How were you dressed right then? I think your tight neoprene catsuit would have been perfect for this situation!



BEP wrote:

Nice that you got to experience a show organized by nature for your birthday. I think you should have gotten to stay out and experience it completely!
How were you dressed right then? I think your tight neoprene catsuit would have been perfect for this situation!

:) Neoprene would have been the perfect material for dressing in that situation. I would have been like a surfer in a storm!
Admittedly, the situation changed so quickly that no one could have expected it.

I don't know if it would even be safe.
I was told that I have to go back to my cell because there is thunder and lightning. I don’t know if it would be really dangerous, many people are outside in a thunderstorm.
Admittedly, I understand this from the Committee's point of view. If something happened, it would be hard to explain why I was chained out in a thunderstorm ...

Safety first  :)

I still got to experience that great event for a while!



Hi miisa,
happy Birthday. :cool:
Yes it is very dangerous to stay under a thunderstorm and your committee has reacted very well for your safety. :rain:
There are no windows in your cell to look outside ??



brit wrote:

Hi miisa,
happy Birthday. 
Yes it is very dangerous to stay under a thunderstorm and your committee has reacted very well for your safety. 
There are no windows in your cell to look outside ??

Thank you :)

I have a few windows but they are narrow horizontally and high, near the ceiling of the room. I can only see the sky and the clouds. and the sun if it shines :)

I read in the news that big trees have fallen and broken here near this place ... maybe 10km away from here but still. I don’t know if anything has happened in the nearby forest.

However, the storm was pretty fierce and surprising.



Today was a wonderful day!
I can be outside for 40 minutes more than normal.
It was a time I lost due to a thunderstorm a few days ago. It was given to me completely by surprise!
Now it was great weather to be outside, real Midsummer air. The sun was shining, a light wind cooled the air. It was perfect!

I may not have to say but I enjoy the fact that the guards are on holiday and the members of the Committee do their job.
They have the right to change some routines and I think I like it!



I am glad to hear you are having a wonderful day. It is nice here too.
Did you sit on your bench or did you walk along the railing system today?
(Is it ok that I write here and ask you some questions?)



Mr_Captivity wrote:

I am glad to hear you are having a wonderful day. It is nice here too.
Did you sit on your bench or did you walk along the railing system today?
(Is it ok that I write here and ask you some questions?)

Of course you can write and ask what you want!

This was a special outdoor activity because it was so long. I didn't know it in advance. I wanted to walk and stand today because I sit a lot inside.

Then came the surprise when I was told that the outdoors could continue. That’s when I chose to sit on the bench.
So it was maybe half and half the time, I don’t know exactly because I can’t see the clock outside.



Now is a wonderful summer!

This is only the third day of my “summer vacation” and I fully enjoy it.
I think that I am on vacation now, when the guards are in their own holiday.

I still have my rules, routines and practices. Everything works basically as always but now it is different. I can see new people as Committee members do the work of the guards. I haven’t seen all the members yet, hardly that happens, but still.

This is different because now my daily routines are run by people who are genuinely interested in me and my life. I am not just an object as with the guards. It feels good!

I had a long discussion with one member of the Committee. It was a "safe conversation", I was inside my cell and he was outside. He brought a chair with him.
He drank coffee, I tea. We discussed my life and living environment. He was very interested in many things. About practical things but also about how I experience them, mentally and physically.

He said that the members of the Committee are much in agreement with my treatment.
However, he also said he could think of stricter rules and practices for me. He had read a post by a forum member on this forum.
He did not justify his thoughts any further. He just said that. However, he is only one member of the Committee, and even a minor change requires a majority decision on the Committee.

I'm not worried about these things. I trust they will only make good decisions.

I found it nice to talk to him. The main topic may have been a little difficult but we discussed in a good spirit.

He also said that the Committee is very pleased with my attitude :)

The committee member also said that they appreciate this time when they can really get to know me and my life on a daily basis.



I am sure they are very pleased with your attitude, you seem like a very good prisoner.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Now is a wonderful summer!

This is only the third day of my “summer vacation” and I fully enjoy it.
I think that I am on vacation now, when the guards are in their own holiday.

I still have my rules, routines and practices. Everything works basically as always but now it is different. I can see new people as Committee members do the work of the guards. I haven’t seen all the members yet, hardly that happens, but still.

This is different because now my daily routines are run by people who are genuinely interested in me and my life. I am not just an object as with the guards. It feels good!

I had a long discussion with one member of the Committee. It was a "safe conversation", I was inside my cell and he was outside. He brought a chair with him.
He drank coffee, I tea. We discussed my life and living environment. He was very interested in many things. About practical things but also about how I experience them, mentally and physically.

He said that the members of the Committee are much in agreement with my treatment.
However, he also said he could think of stricter rules and practices for me. He had read a post by a forum member on this forum.
He did not justify his thoughts any further. He just said that. However, he is only one member of the Committee, and even a minor change requires a majority decision on the Committee.

I'm not worried about these things. I trust they will only make good decisions.

I found it nice to talk to him. The main topic may have been a little difficult but we discussed in a good spirit.

He also said that the Committee is very pleased with my attitude

The committee member also said that they appreciate this time when they can really get to know me and my life on a daily basis.

When you had a conversation with a committee member, you were inside the cell and he was outside.
Are you locked in a chair?     I think that should have been the case.



Hi miisa,
the holidays seem good for you, you have more people to talk to and your routine is slightly different.
I hope you will not be subjected to stricter captivity or that at least this will be in a sense that you will appreciate.



BEP wrote:

When you had a conversation with a committee member, you were inside the cell and he was outside.
Are you locked in a chair?     I think that should have been the case.

I was inside my cell, as always at the time. I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the cell, not next to the table as usual. I had my normal legcuffs and floor chain so I wouldn’t have reached the wall or the door.
I wasn’t locked in a chair but I was told that if I get up to stand or something else, the conversation is over.

I had no reason to get up, on the contrary I enjoyed the conversation. All went well.

I understand your thoughts, they are familiar to me from our private conversations.
It’s nice that you share your thoughts here too.



brit wrote:

Hi miisa,
the holidays seem good for you, you have more people to talk to and your routine is slightly different.
I hope you will not be subjected to stricter captivity or that at least this will be in a sense that you will appreciate.

I hadn't thought before that it could be like a vacation for me :)
This is now the second summer in this way. Last summer, I could not enjoy because everything was new and strange. Now I'm used to it.

I don’t want tougher practices for me but I understand that things can be discussed.
There are also forum members who think so, it is good that they also get something to think about.
I want the CaptiveGirl forum to serve all members and followers.

Thank you that you said your opinion, it is important!



I had an interesting conversation with one person yesterday. Chats was more but this got me thinking.

He said he admired me because I am able to live in a very limited living environment, I have been doing so for a very long time.
He even compared me to space travel where a person is isolated for a long time in a small space. All functions and routines are carefully thought out and must be followed.
... the comparison made me laugh because I was reminded of the first astronaut, the Russian Laika dog.

But this conversation made me think about a lot of things.
What if the living space really was very small and limited?
All functions would be automatic so the need for guards to work would be very minimal. They would just make sure the automatic policies and mechanisms work.
That would be a very practical prisoner storage system!
Of course, this is just an imagination and I don’t wish it on anyone. But in principle, it would be possible.

Because of this, I began to think about the arrangements for my habitat here also on an ecological level.
I am not a fanatical environmentalist but I am also thinking about consumption and the evolution of the global climate.

I don’t consume a lot of natural resources.
I move (travel) very rarely and only for short distances. It is clear to everyone that I cannot use public transport so private cars are used for it. But like I said, it is very low consumption.
My clothes are durable, many of them are already used when I get them.
I eat little and my diet is well planned, however I am not vegan, I also eat meat etc. I eat healthy.

But then there is one big thing.
I have a very large space where I live.
The room is heated in winter and cooled in summer.

As this is an additional wing of the building where there has been a swimming pool, gym, sauna and other facilities it is clear that this is a very large space.
Inside the large space there are three cells, the cells are surrounded by empty space on the sides of the room. There is also a guest area / lobby.
All of this is for one person, for me.

I know the building is heated / cooled anyway, not just for me so I don’t add much consumption.
The consumption targeted at me doesn’t affect anything in the big picture but it’s a matter of principle.

... maybe I just have too much time to think now :)



Hello miisa,
I think you have the right to minimum comfort,
your prison temperature is one of them.
For your travels, there are now electric cars.
Another way to participate would be an exercise bike adapted to your constraints with a dynamo to produce electricity. This would have a double advantage, to produce energy (for your computer for example) and to make you do physical exercise.



brit wrote:

Hello miisa,
I think you have the right to minimum comfort,
your prison temperature is one of them.
For your travels, there are now electric cars.
Another way to participate would be an exercise bike adapted to your constraints with a dynamo to produce electricity. This would have a double advantage, to produce energy (for your computer for example) and to make you do physical exercise.

For my comfort, a smaller space would suffice. This current space, if well designed, would have space for ten people.
In other words, ten times less space would be enough for me, the rest is a waste if you want to think so.

Car travel is not a problem, they are so rare nowadays.

An exercise bike that generates electricity is a fun idea! Basically at least, I don’t know how it would work.

Electricity brought me a new thing to think about. There are always lights on here, it also consumes electricity!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

For my comfort, a smaller space would suffice. This current space, if well designed, would have space for ten people.
In other words, ten times less space would be enough for me, the rest is a waste if you want to think so.

Car travel is not a problem, they are so rare nowadays.

An exercise bike that generates electricity is a fun idea! Basically at least, I don’t know how it would work.

Electricity brought me a new thing to think about. There are always lights on here, it also consumes electricity!

Hi miisa,
Search on google: home traîner  and electricity,
You will find many modèles.



How big cell do you think could be suitable for you?
I think an inmate needs a bed with proper equipment for restrictions, a suitable workstation with a good chair and attachment points,  a toilet and a small space for exercise. Everything here can be connected to a rail system that allows her to use everything in the room if she is not locked by the guard to certain places, or restricted from an automatic locking system on the rail system that provid different access according to a time control.
Assuming she is taken to other rooms for cleaning and one for a possible visit, I believe the cell does not have to be very large.



Hello miisa,
I think reducing your living space would be a good idea. Too large an area is not compatible with the feeling of confinement.
The problem will be the works, and how to "protect" yourself during them. For me the addition of a small solitary cell would be good, otherwise a room where you sleep and work and another where you would do sports and where you could be "punished" would be sufficient
One can imagine an adjoining bathroom with water control (temperature, force) out of your reach.
A good insulation would allow the removal of the heating and the air conditioning, your comfort being done only with more or less warm clothes.



Mr_Captivity wrote:

How big cell do you think could be suitable for you?
I think an inmate needs a bed with proper equipment for restrictions, a suitable workstation with a good chair and attachment points,  a toilet and a small space for exercise. Everything here can be connected to a rail system that allows her to use everything in the room if she is not locked by the guard to certain places, or restricted from an automatic locking system on the rail system that provid different access according to a time control.
Assuming she is taken to other rooms for cleaning and one for a possible visit, I believe the cell does not have to be very large.

You told us what kind of cell is enough. I have nothing to add to that.

Don't get me wrong. I don’t want that kind of little cell for myself but it’s the minimum standard a prisoner can live with.
I am very happy with my current living conditions :)

You mentioned the rail system.
Here I have a roof rail system that allows just that kind of use.The system has never really been really used. It was built here right from the start.
In practice, it is easier to  guide me from one place to another by escorting.
It would be a different matter if I behaved dangerously or otherwise.

Basically, a rail system can be used so that the guard does not have to go into the cell. That is security.

it is also possible that the prisoner would have e.g. a waisbelt which would be chained to the wall (It can also be a collar etc).
The length of the chain can be adjusted from the outside of the cell. When the prisoner is inside the cell, the chain may be long but before the door is opened the chain is shortened so that the prisoner must stand close to the back wall.



brit wrote:

Hello miisa,
I think reducing your living space would be a good idea. Too large an area is not compatible with the feeling of confinement.
The problem will be the works, and how to "protect" yourself during them. For me the addition of a small solitary cell would be good, otherwise a room where you sleep and work and another where you would do sports and where you could be "punished" would be sufficient
One can imagine an adjoining bathroom with water control (temperature, force) out of your reach.
A good insulation would allow the removal of the heating and the air conditioning, your comfort being done only with more or less warm clothes.

the current space is designed for effective guarding but in a way that provides tolerable living conditions.
That’s a great starting point and I appreciate it.

Of course, "Effective guarding" could also mean a single small space, a cell.
The Committee has wanted to think more broadly and with long-standing practice.

One person told me that it has made a lot of sense to build this entity into an old space and thus take it into a new use.
Modifications have been cheaper than building a new one.

He also thought that the energy consumption of this space has been higher before because the space has had an electric sauna and a swimming pool which has also been heated somehow.

:) Energy economics has never been the most important idea for me but of course I think about it too. I don't want to spend too much.

As I mentioned earlier, this space is precisely air conditioned / heated.
If I didn’t have outdoor activities I wouldn’t even know if it’s summer or winter (basically). The conditions inside are always exactly the same. Like in some lab.
On the other hand, it would be great if I could feel the seasons and weather variation somehow. Like that winter would be cooler, it would affect dressing. On the contrary in summer.
It would bring variation to my very stabile life.



I respectfully disagree with the need or desire to reduce the physical size of your living quarters. They are hardly extensive and it seems to be a lot of expense and disruption for little gain.

Better to continue with the body cage and to progress more with the mental aspects of imprisonment. Control over more aspects of behaviour and bodily function, increasing the feeling of permanence, deeper institutionalization and developing a heightened sense of agoraphobia when outside of the cell and exercise area.

Perhaps conbined with greater physical restraint during visitor sessions, when visitors are allowed once more.

All of these place tighter chains on the mind, deepen the sense of submission to your goal of permanent maximum security imprisonment and are more effective in the long term.



It’s great to get opinions on my prison conditions.
All opinions are welcome.
I spoke to a member of the Committee today and he too thought that the public debate was a good thing!



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

I respectfully disagree with the need or desire to reduce the physical size of your living quarters. They are hardly extensive and it seems to be a lot of expense and disruption for little gain.

Better to continue with the body cage and to progress more with the mental aspects of imprisonment. Control over more aspects of behaviour and bodily function, increasing the feeling of permanence, deeper institutionalization and developing a heightened sense of agoraphobia when outside of the cell and exercise area.

Perhaps conbined with greater physical restraint during visitor sessions, when visitors are allowed once more.

All of these place tighter chains on the mind, deepen the sense of submission to your goal of permanent maximum security imprisonment and are more effective in the long term.

I agree. The environment and conditions are well created and built. They are also functional. There is no blame for changing them.
Everyone agrees that a prisoner needs strict restrictions.
The next issue is permanence. Is it good that everything is always the same? Same practices and routines every day, same schedule, etc.?
Would it be better to vary practices so that safety is still maintained at a high level at all times ?
Some practices could change, for example, every week. It might mean different shackles and restraint styles. Maybe something else so that the prisoner couldn’t always get used to the same. The prisoner would face new challenges.

I support the idea that the air conditioning is switched off as the internal heating is adjusted so that the temperature in winter is max 16 Celsius. In summer, nature determines the temperature. Thus, the prisoner stays up to date with the seasons and weather conditions.
Of course, in the winter she can dress more warmly, summer clothing must be in accordance with the rules at all times.
I also think that dressing must be correct in every situation. It certainly is already now, I think (The prisoner could report to us the current attire).



I found a drawing, I think it interests you too.
the artist is Osvaldo Grego


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