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Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Everything is fine but I've been very busy because I have some web site updates to do. I am sorry that I did not say this in advance in my diary. Then you shouldn't have wondered about my "silence."

That's perfectly okay with me. You don't need to apologize. You have absolutely no choices about any aspect of your life now. You are a totally controlled prisoner. It could often be the case that you "disappear" for a little while, with no advance warning. We should accept that as normal, IMHO, and trust your committee to take good care of your needs and ensure maximum security at all times. This is their priority.

I am glad that you enjoy your work. That's good for your mental health.



Wonderful day coming!

I see a blue sky from the window, the sun shining from a completely cloudless sky.
It's fun because last week was "officially the grayest day of the year" ... I think it's an advertising campaign for an alcoholic beverage here but maybe that's the truth :)

I think (I know) it’s not warm outside but still I’m looking forward to my outdoors today. Work stress has eased a bit :)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

That's perfectly okay with me. You don't need to apologize. You have absolutely no choices about any aspect of your life now. You are a totally controlled prisoner. It could often be the case that you "disappear" for a little while, with no advance warning. We should accept that as normal, IMHO, and trust your committee to take good care of your needs and ensure maximum security at all times. This is their priority.

I am glad that you enjoy your work. That's good for your mental health.

I don’t usually know things in advance so I can’t report them either.
Of course, I knew about this job, but according to my rules, I can’t say things like that.
I can usually tell  what has happened but I can’t tell  in advance what will happen in the near future even if I know it.

That is my prison rule that I have to accept.
It is a rule of principle that is always followed even if it seems completely pointless.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I can usually tell  what has happened but I can’t tell  in advance what will happen in the near future even if I know it.

That is my prison rule that I have to accept.
It is a rule of principle that is always followed even if it seems completely pointless.

Not pointless. If I understand the rule correctly, it has an important purpose in keeping you safe and minimizing potential disruption to the plans of your committee. Especially with regard to visitors, and to your rare journeys outside your prison. It is not impossible that you might have a stalker, either now or at some time in the future. If they were able to know in advance your movements, or the movements of your visitors, this could potentially be used against you.

Also, it possibly reduces debate and discord here on your website. If you were to tell here in advance the plans that your committee have shared with you, and someone here objects or raises concerns, it might de-stabilize your thoughts in advance of the event, making it harder for you to submit and adapt.



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Not pointless. If I understand the rule correctly, it has an important purpose in keeping you safe and minimizing potential disruption to the plans of your committee. Especially with regard to visitors, and to your rare journeys outside your prison. It is not impossible that you might have a stalker, either now or at some time in the future. If they were able to know in advance your movements, or the movements of your visitors, this could potentially be used against you.

Also, it possibly reduces debate and discord here on your website. If you were to tell here in advance the plans that your committee have shared with you, and someone here objects or raises concerns, it might de-stabilize your thoughts in advance of the event, making it harder for you to submit and adapt.

You could be the Committee's spokesperson explaining things to the public!
In exactly the same way the Committee has justified this rule to me many times :)

You understand my life and the decisions of the Committee terribly well!



Today is the snow here in ground for the first time this winter.
The air temperature is about 0 degrees Celsius, the snow disappears yet but still, one day it will stay on the ground.

Hopefully today I can see the white snow when it’s my outdoor time!
... honestly I'd rather see green grass and flowers :)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

You understand my life and the decisions of the Committee terribly well!

I find the decisions of the committee easy to understand. I guess my brain is wired the same way. :)

Looking forward to reading more of your visit to the dentist, when you have time to share it...



Good morning

A new week is about to begin, now is a quiet week and maybe I can get back to my normal routine, so I think.
Sure, I’m on call for work on pictures, but at this time of year, there are no major events.
There’s just nasty news like Corona transformations, etc., people’s lives are again severely limited and it’s sad.

My “Black Friday” job as a member of the web-team went so well that I was offered a more important role in this job.
Unfortunately, part of it would also be personal meetings and office work. Now everything went great with email and headset / microphone.
That is, I had to reject a job offer. I don't think my employer would provide me with their own safe cage in their office, my chains could also raise questions :)
The head of the office said that their office is modern and “barrier-free” meaning I can also work there in a wheelchair ... They know that my mobility is limited but they don’t know why.
They don’t know my restraints and prisoner rules, they think I have some kind of disability that restricts my movement. They are very considerate and kind to me.
My job requires quick thinking and fast fingers, nothing more :)

I am proud that my work was appreciated but it is time to get back to normal now. It suits me well.

I have written a little more report on my dental day. I am amused that for some reason I am now writing such detailed happens, things and thoughts that the story progresses very slowly.



Congratulation with the job offer, it means you are doing great work. You can of course not take it, I guess (and hope) your life is perfect as it is, but its very nice to be asked. You should be proud.



Mr_Captivity wrote:

Congratulation with the job offer, it means you are doing great work. You can of course not take it, I guess (and hope) your life is perfect as it is, but its very nice to be asked. You should be proud.

Thank you for the congratulations  :)

This is a big deal for me! I know it won’t lead to anything but it will raise my self-esteem significantly.
I was told that I am an accurate, conscientious and trustworthy employee who also strives to develop in her work. I can adapt to quick challenges and give help to others.
Quite a compliment to a person sitting locked in a cell, of course they don’t know it.
It’s nice to be treated as an equal member of the Team.
Now it’s Christmas campaigning but I’m not (at least not yet) so strongly involved in it.

However, there are things here that are impossible to reconcile.
My rules and routines are always in place. They come first and then work and other things. The order cannot be changed.
The committee has understood me well and may even be a little more flexible in the rules, but it cannot go on forever.

I understand that and I’m not trying to change my world too much.



Today seems to be very cold weather here, the computer says it is -16 Celsius outside. Tomorrow will be even colder.
I am happy that I am not in the northern part of the country, Lapland can be up to -30 degrees.

When I go outside, the problem is the coldness of the steel restraints.
Although the chains and are not against the skin they produce a cold even through clothing.
Neoprene is placed between my neck and collar which protects my skin and basically also warms me. I also have a thick warm scarf that keeps my neck warm but after less than half an hour the cold feels bad.

It’s also good that my waist chain / belts have been replaced with a wire that runs inside the corset.
That, too, is metal, but it reserves much less cold than thick and wide steel (or chain).

Now my outdoor time has been reduced to half an hour, that’s a good thing.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

DENTIST, part 2

I tried to be calm to think good things, to meditate in silence.
My knees hurt, as did my ribs and shoulders. The hard floor was not comfortable when I was in a restricted position on my stomach.
I was very effectively tied and chained, my cuffed wrist was lifted up, it was impossible for me to change my position.
The triangular pillow under my waist were not comfortable, I was wondering why it has to be such a hard material?
I was able to bend my hips a little and move my knees forward. It eased the pressure exerted by the triangular pad. When I did, my stomach made sounds of fluid moving in my gut.

It quickly hurt my knees so I had to return to my original position. I felt pressure in my stomach and rectum.
I amused myself by thinking what would happen if I now pushed with full force. The hose and the part inside me would come out and at the same time the liquid would burst out of me with full force.
I calculated that I am relatively close to the wall, my butt is a little up thanks to the pillow ... How far would the liquid and waste fly? Up to the wall? How high?
The thought was funny in my opinion, it might say something about me and my weird humor.
I was sure the guards and Ilona wouldn’t understand my practical humor. That’s why I focused on keeping everything inside me.

So I get into the outside world today. That might explain a little bit of what is happening now.
But on the other hand, I don’t need such practices because we only go to the dentist.
Why did Ilona make a hairless spot on my head, behind my ear? A normal dentist does not require such ...
Could it give me some anesthetic, I thought. I had never heard of such a thing. There's just a bone, a skull. I was already starting to imagine some horror story where a hole is being drilled in my skull. Basically, it would be possible, with dental tools.
I also thought of a lobotomy but it is done on the frontal lobes, not behind the head.
I should find out more but now it is impossible!

When thoughts rise to a sufficient level, panic results. It was happening now. I wanted to get off the floor. I wanted to get out of this position!
I tried to work hard and get rid of it but the chains were too strong, of course so.
The guards had watched me from the monitor as they came in quickly. Ilona also came with them.
"Calm down" Ilona said calmly "There is no reason to rage now"
I had a hard time breathing with the gag, I could feel the saliva splashing from the edges of my lip.
The guard detached my hands from the chain and lowered them onto my back. Also the ties on my legs were opened, the legcuffs remained locked but I was now able to move my legs again.
My ballgag was taken out of my mouth.
Ilona squatted beside me and placed a soft towel under my head. It felt good between the floor and my cheek.

The triangular pillow was also taken out from under my stomach, I was now lying on a flat floor. I tried to smooth my breath.
"What happened?" Ilona was still next to my head, she even touched my head and shoulders soothingly.
"I don't know what's going on" I cried "Don't drill a hole in my head!"
The room was quiet for a long time. Then Ilona laughed, I also heard the guards laughing quietly.
"No one will hurt you and no one will drill a hole in your skull," Ilona said.
I still felt his glove on my shoulder and it calmed me down.
"Your imagination amazes me sometimes," she said. "Why do you think we're drilling a hole in your head?"
"You shaved my hair from the area behind my ear," I explained quietly, "I couldn't think of any reason for that other than drilling a hole."
"Why would we make a hole in your skull?"
“I don’t know, maybe it would be some weird experiment, a kind of lobotomy where my personality would change,” I cried.

"We're not drilling a hole in your head, and we're not touching your brain," Ilona said. "We really don't want to change your personality because you're perfect for us now."
It was very reassuring to hear, I believed her.
"Do you know that lobotomies are performed on the frontal lobes of the brain?" Ilona asked with a smile.
"I know" I said "but I thought about it and panic took over."
"Maybe we need to think about what kind of movies you're watching." Ilona laughed "No more weird horror movies for you anymore!"
I, too, laughed at her jokes I realized how stupid I had been when I gave too much space to the imagination.
“But why did you shave that place?” I finally asked.
"It was supposed to be a surprise to you" Ilona explained "That place is for tattooing. You will have a small tattoo that can be identified by an outsider. "
"The dentist does it while you sit in her chair," she continued, "Of course we can't cut your hair at her office so we did it now."
That was a very sensible explanation. Of course it could have been told to me earlier so we would have avoided this panic.
After that, the tattoo didn’t feel scary.

My mind was relieved but my gut was not, the pressure was already almost unbearable.
Ilona got up to stand next to me and moved towards the cell door, the guard opened the doors for her and she walked out.
I stayed in with the guards. They were wearing rubber aprons and gloves.

I hoped the action wouldn’t become very messy.

DENTIST, part 3

I will now publish a very brief continuation of my report.

The male guard detached my collar chain from the floor anchorage point.
The woman helped me to my knees and then to stand up.
"Now be careful," she said, "we don't want the enema hose to fall now!"
I didn’t want that either, I squeezed my butt together even though I knew the hose wouldn’t come off easily. Its head is shaped like a mushroom. As usual but plug but a hole in the middle.
They led me backward  to the toilet seat, the distance was just a few steps. Leg irons jingle against a hard floor.
I sat on the seat and the man attached my collarchain to the wall, behind the seat.
"Spread your legs," the woman said. I did that.
She put her rubber-gloved hands between my legs and grabbed the hose.
"Now push lightly," she ordered, "but stop as soon as the plug slides out. We don't want any shit storm now!"

I know that sometimes frustrated prisoners behave strangely, they can mess up their surroundings with feces, etc. it’s a way to rebel. I have heard (read) of a prisoner who messed up the whole cell with his own shit, from floor to ceiling. The guards call it a "poop game."
I'm not doing that. I love cleanliness and tidiness ... and I'm not frustrated.

So I pushed lightly and the plug went out to come out. The guard resisted it for a moment so that it would not come out at a rapid pace. I tried to restrain the fluid outlet and I did pretty well.
Operating with the plugin can be thought of in some way even as a sexual experience. It feels good to feel the anal stretch and the subsequent contraction.
Basically, the situation could be very humiliating but it is not new to me.
I sat shackled, legs spread out, hands behind my back, naked in front of them. I didn’t want to show them that on some level I enjoyed it all. They knew it anyway.

"Good, now you can empty yourself," the guard said. Both guards moved further away from me.
I relaxed the muscles in my anus and felt the fluid and waste shower out of me. After a long effort, it felt good, like a mini orgasm.
Liquid spilled into the toilet seat, it flowed along my buttocks but I didn't care. I knew it would be shower time soon.
The guard came closer and flushed the toilet seat, it was thoughtful.
I held my back straight, then leaned forward as far as I could, the collarchain restricting my movement. My stomach cramped.
After each movement, fluid flowed out of me until it finally ran out.
I felt out of breath, it was physically hard.

The guard rinsed and washed all the enema instruments and left them to dry on the wall.

"Shower time" woman stated and helped me stand up. She held on to my arms.
The man moved my collar chain to the anchor point under the shower. After that, my handcuffs were opened and they moved further away.
The shelf in the recess in the wall contained my shampoo, conditioner, and soap.
I washed my hair, it was a little hard because my hands had been behind me for a long time, now it was hard to lift them over my head and wash my hair.
"Do you need help?" the woman asked.
"I don't need help, Ma'am," I said. I wanted to wash myself. The female guard is always effective but not very affectionate in such matters. I wanted to enjoy the warm water.
“We have a tight schedule so try to hurry,” she said.
I had no reason to question her saying. I tried to be as quick as possible. Finally, I got a toothbrush and brushed my teeth thoroughly.

Eventually the water came off and I got a towel. I dried myself and eventually wrapped my hair in a towel and left it on my head.
I turned my back on the guard and put my hand behind my back. He locked my handcuffs and then took the collar chain off the wall.
I was led back to my night time cell.
My breakfast was on a tray that was on my bed.
I was directed to sit on the bed and the collar chain was attached to the wall next to the bed. The handcuffs were then opened.
Ilona stood outside the cell and looked at me.
"Today you are not enjoying breakfast in a daytime cell because we are leaving for a car trip," Ilona said.
"Please enjoy your breakfast quickly because we have to hurry," she continued.
Breakfast was very simple, just a sandwich and orange juice.
I ate it as prescribed.

"This time the trip is a little different than the last time," Ilona said. "This time I'm not lending you my clothes, you're wearing yours. Only the jacket is new to you ".
"My friend, the dentist, hopes to see you in your normal clothes. She also wants to see your leg braces." Ilona smiled, "She is very interested in your restrictions."
I was disappointed. I enjoyed last time very much. The gorgeous clothes I was able to borrow then greatly affected me and I had secretly hoped the same thing would happen again.



Yesterday was a nice day, sort of.
It was a little different and thus also perhaps invigorating after my long busy period of work.

I had a guest, it was nice to meet her and talk to the "real" person face to face. I of course had restrained in my chair / box but it didn't bother because the guest knew what to expect.
It would be nice, of course, for me to drink tea and enjoy biscuits with my guest, but that’s not possible.
I can't get everything but it's good that way. I got tea and treats later in my cell.

The day was also different in that I was "out of work" all day, my computer didn't even open all day. It was strange and rare. So I also couldn't listen to the radio / music, and especially not watch any TV show.
I had a magazine as well as one book but mostly I just spent time meditating on things. I relaxed, so I guess other people are also trying to do it in their free time.

Today is a normal day again, it is a bit quiet at work now, but tomorrow is Finnish Independence Day, when everyone is waiting for new pictures.
Some celebrations have been canceled since covid-19 but something is still happening. I have a “normal” basic job again and look forward to seeing some great pictures of the party.



I was satisfied of being able to read more of the dentist's story this weekend.
I hope you will have a nice day today and happy independens day.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

DENTIST, part 3

I will now publish a very brief continuation of my report.

The male guard detached my collar chain from the floor anchorage point.
The woman helped me to my knees and then to stand up.
"Now be careful," she said, "we don't want the enema hose to fall now!"
I didn’t want that either, I squeezed my butt together even though I knew the hose wouldn’t come off easily. Its head is shaped like a mushroom. As usual but plug but a hole in the middle.
They led me backward  to the toilet seat, the distance was just a few steps. Leg irons jingle against a hard floor.
I sat on the seat and the man attached my collarchain to the wall, behind the seat.
"Spread your legs," the woman said. I did that.
She put her rubber-gloved hands between my legs and grabbed the hose.
"Now push lightly," she ordered, "but stop as soon as the plug slides out. We don't want any shit storm now!"

I know that sometimes frustrated prisoners behave strangely, they can mess up their surroundings with feces, etc. it’s a way to rebel. I have heard (read) of a prisoner who messed up the whole cell with his own shit, from floor to ceiling. The guards call it a "poop game."
I'm not doing that. I love cleanliness and tidiness ... and I'm not frustrated.

So I pushed lightly and the plug went out to come out. The guard resisted it for a moment so that it would not come out at a rapid pace. I tried to restrain the fluid outlet and I did pretty well.
Operating with the plugin can be thought of in some way even as a sexual experience. It feels good to feel the anal stretch and the subsequent contraction.
Basically, the situation could be very humiliating but it is not new to me.
I sat shackled, legs spread out, hands behind my back, naked in front of them. I didn’t want to show them that on some level I enjoyed it all. They knew it anyway.

"Good, now you can empty yourself," the guard said. Both guards moved further away from me.
I relaxed the muscles in my anus and felt the fluid and waste shower out of me. After a long effort, it felt good, like a mini orgasm.
Liquid spilled into the toilet seat, it flowed along my buttocks but I didn't care. I knew it would be shower time soon.
The guard came closer and flushed the toilet seat, it was thoughtful.
I held my back straight, then leaned forward as far as I could, the collarchain restricting my movement. My stomach cramped.
After each movement, fluid flowed out of me until it finally ran out.
I felt out of breath, it was physically hard.

The guard rinsed and washed all the enema instruments and left them to dry on the wall.

"Shower time" woman stated and helped me stand up. She held on to my arms.
The man moved my collar chain to the anchor point under the shower. After that, my handcuffs were opened and they moved further away.
The shelf in the recess in the wall contained my shampoo, conditioner, and soap.
I washed my hair, it was a little hard because my hands had been behind me for a long time, now it was hard to lift them over my head and wash my hair.
"Do you need help?" the woman asked.
"I don't need help, Ma'am," I said. I wanted to wash myself. The female guard is always effective but not very affectionate in such matters. I wanted to enjoy the warm water.
“We have a tight schedule so try to hurry,” she said.
I had no reason to question her saying. I tried to be as quick as possible. Finally, I got a toothbrush and brushed my teeth thoroughly.

Eventually the water came off and I got a towel. I dried myself and eventually wrapped my hair in a towel and left it on my head.
I turned my back on the guard and put my hand behind my back. He locked my handcuffs and then took the collar chain off the wall.
I was led back to my night time cell.
My breakfast was on a tray that was on my bed.
I was directed to sit on the bed and the collar chain was attached to the wall next to the bed. The handcuffs were then opened.
Ilona stood outside the cell and looked at me.
"Today you are not enjoying breakfast in a daytime cell because we are leaving for a car trip," Ilona said.
"Please enjoy your breakfast quickly because we have to hurry," she continued.
Breakfast was very simple, just a sandwich and orange juice.
I ate it as prescribed.

"This time the trip is a little different than the last time," Ilona said. "This time I'm not lending you my clothes, you're wearing yours. Only the jacket is new to you ".
"My friend, the dentist, hopes to see you in your normal clothes. She also wants to see your leg braces." Ilona smiled, "She is very interested in your restrictions."
I was disappointed. I enjoyed last time very much. The gorgeous clothes I was able to borrow then greatly affected me and I had secretly hoped the same thing would happen again.

DENTIST, part 4

"Get your back on the bed," the female guard said. I did so and the man moved the chain of my collar so that it prevented me from getting up.
"We'll wear you neoprene pants," Ilona said, looking at us "They are pleasantly warm and protect the skin of your feet under the braces."
"Keep your hands behind your neck, fingers crossed," the guard said. He locked the handcuffs on my wrists under the collar chain, I couldn’t lift my hands up anymore.
I did, all these routines were very familiar to me. They wouldn’t even have to say them every time. Maybe they wanted to be especially accurate now because Ilona, a member of the Committee, was present.

The neoprene pants were new, I hadn’t seen them before. I was amused that their color was orange ... the color of the prisoners.
"We're now opening the legcuff from your left leg," the woman explained. This explanation, too, was directed more at Ilona than at me.
The legcuff was attached to the bed in the middle of the hobblechain so the right foot was still locked.
The woman rolled the leg of my neoprene pants and assisted my leg inside the pants. The pants were tight but when rolled, it worked.
Next, the leg was changed. the left legcuff was closed and the right was opened for dressing.
The pants were now below the knees and both ankle cuffs were locked. Next, the woman pulled my pants up my body.
"Lift the butt up" she ordered and lifted the pants up to my waist.
I found there were zippers on the bottom of the legs of the pants, so it had been relatively easy to put on. When the zippers were closed, the pants were also tight at the ankles.
The crotch area of the pants was open, so there is no need to take them off, for example during a toilet visit.
I was still lying on the bed, hands behind my neck, looking at Ilona. She followed my attire closely.

“Ma’am, if I could dress myself, everything would be easier and it would happen a lot faster,” I said.
"We all know it," Ilona said. "But we all know, too, that you're under maximum security. We're all committed to it, and so are you."
"Maybe some rules and practices could be changed and adjusted ..." I said quietly.
"This is not the time to discuss these issues," Ilona said. I was surprised to hear the nervousness in her voice.
She signaled to the guard and he opened the cell door.
Ilona stepped into the cell, I couldn’t see clearly as I lay on the bed and my gaze was towards the ceiling.
"I'll put a catheter for you during the trip," Ilona said calmly, "So you stay clean all the way and we don't need to think about these things anymore."
"But it's not a long journey," I said quietly, "I don't have that kind of problem."
"This, too, is not a matter of negotiation," Ilona said sharply, "If you can't be quiet we must use a gag for you now. I don't want to listen to your objection now!"
I was a little shocked. Ilona has generally behaved very restrainedly towards me. We’ve had a time when she didn’t like me but I’ve thought it’s already over.

Ilona had thin gloves on her hands. She opened a sterile plastic bag with a permanent catheter.
"Bend your knees and spread your legs," she ordered.
Because I had legcuffs and chains, I couldn’t do much but I tried my best.
She sprayed a disinfectant into my urine orifice. the catheter tubing contained lubricant and anesthetic. The hose went inside me slowly, it stinged for a moment but then the feeling passed.
"Cough" she ordered and I did.
She then gently pumped air into the ball around the hose and it expanded so that it could not come out accidentally. She folded the hose coming out of me and locked it with rubber thread.
"Finally, we'll make sure nothing inappropriate is poured out of you," she said, showing me a black rubber object. It was a pumpable butt plug!
I was horrified, I didn’t like the idea.
"Nothing comes out of me, I've been washed and rinsed inside and out. I don't need it!"
I felt how my anus was treated with a lubricant.
"I know it but sure is always sure" Ilona said slowly "..and this is the last warning to you now. No more useless speech!"

I felt her gently push the plug into my anus. First a little, then a little back and then in again. My already stretched anus was delicate but accommodating.
There was a small sound from the opening as air came out. It wasn't really a fart .. just a small breath from a clean gut.
She pumped air into the plug, not too much, just so it would definitely stay inside me.

"We will now open your legcuffs and put your socks and boots on you. First left and then right," the female guard said.
Actually, though, she put me in socks before she opened the cuff.
The boots were familiar to me, I had them in use before they were modified for braces. They now feel tight because the neoprene was between them and the skin of my feet. Not too strict though.
"Then there will be braces," the woman said. The man had retrieved them from the outside cell.
Ilona came closer to follow the practice. She showed her hand my cuff free ankles to the male guard. The man moved to the end of the bed and grabbed my ankles.

... Security ... what could I have done if my legs were free? However, I was chained to bed effectively. Of course, one might think that a prisoner could rebel and seek to harm the guards who do their job.
I wouldn’t do that but still I’m under effective maximum security practices, always.

The man twisted my legs so that I had to turn almost to my side.
Meanwhile, the woman placed the brace on my right leg from behind. Then the same on my left leg.
While I was lying on my back, my legs were inside the braces, a male guard fastened them to my boots.
Ilona came closer and looked carefully at the fit of the braces. then she began to tighten the cords. First from the thighs, then below the knee.
She opened my knee locking system and bent my legs. When she had found that everything was fine, she forced my legs straight again into the locked position and tightened the cords more.
Finally, a leather cuff came to the front of the knee to prevent the knee from bending forward. My legs were like glued inside braces.
"How do they feel?" Ilona asked and looked at me.
"Tight," I replied, I didn't want to annoy her anymore.
"Good, that's right. Strict and absolutely secure!" she said with satisfaction.

Ilona nodded to the man and he put short chain legcuffs on my ankles. Again one thing that was completely unnecessary, I can’t walk without help because my legs are completely stiffened, why do I need legcuffs?

The man detached the chain from my collar. I was able to raise and move my cuffed hand in front of me.
“Now we’re helping you sit on the edge of the bed,” the woman said.
She grabbed me by the hands and pulled me into a sitting position. The man moved my legs outside the bed.
My legs were now straight in the air, like on an invisible table.
Ilona came and lifted my legs from the ankle a little up, then she clicked the knee lock's open and so I was able to bend my legs almost normally.

"Now we'll open your handcuffs so we can dress up the top," the woman said, "stay calm, don't make any quick movements."
I know what would happen if I did something unexpected and sudden now. It would be interpreted as an attack on the guards, which I don’t want because it would make my life miserable for a long time.

"Hands up," the woman said and put on a cotton tight tub top.
On top of it came a corset that was loosely tightened over me.
I was assisted to stand and moved under a rack. It is simply a transverse bar to which my wrists are attached and lifted up. My hands are in a slightly spread position.
Ilona watched beside me as a female guard tightened my corset. She tightened it to normal levels, not extreme tight. the steel wire at the waist inside the corset was locked behind my back, over the laces.
The bar was lowered and cuffs from my ankles were opened.
"Spread your legs," the guard said, but I needed help to do it.
The crotch part of the corset was attached to the back, it had penetrations for the plug hose and catheter, it was new to me.
Next, my wrists were removed from the bar and the shoulder straps of the corset were fastened. My posture was now locked straight.

"Your next new outfit is a neoprene shirt." Ilona smiled. "As you can see, it's the same color as your pants, so it's the perfect prisoner outfit for transportation!"
This must have been some joke I thought. They can’t think I’d be in public in a bright orange, tight outfit!
The shirt looked very small, It had a zipper on the back as well as on the hands, elbows down. It can't be for me, I thought.
"We don't have time to waste now," Ilona said and ordered "Hands straight ahead."
I did that and he put a shirt on me. It was very tight but still fit over me and the corset.
It completely hid the corset. The zipper was closed behind my neck, I have no way to open it.

"Soon we're ready," Ilona said, "don't be afraid, you'll also wear a skirt and jacket, they're plain, black leather like you always have."
It was a great relief for me. I already thought I would have to be featured in an orange, tight outfit. With the restraints it would be clear that I would be a tightly controlled prisoner.

The female guard brought me my familiar, long leather skirt. It is an ankle-length, A-model cut, meaning it widens downwards beautifully.
Wearing it with braces was awkward but it was successful when I was first assisted to sit, then my ankles were lifted up and a skirt was threaded into my legs from below.
Finally, it was attached to the waist as always.

A male guard brought a wheelchair to the cell. It was slightly smaller than used before. This was a more sporty "active model."
Before I was moved to the chair, Ilona came close to me and lifted the hem of my skirt.
She attached a urine collection bag to my leg and connected it to the hose that hung me down on my crotch!
It was made of transparent plastic, I didn’t like it. My urine was draining into it now without hindrance. Although the bag was hidden under the skirt, I was ashamed of it.

Eventually I was assisted in sitting in a wheelchair.
There was a soft air-cushion in the seat that made it easier for me to sit. The upper parts of the braces still felt beneath my thighs. I also felt the butt plug hose but it wasn't a big deal.
I was sitting in a chair, my legs were raised to their right places on the footrests.
Between the braces was placed an appendix, below the knees. it locked the braces together and at the same time somehow also the frame of the chair. All the attachments were hidden under my skirt.

"Reach out," the woman said. She put my leather mittens in my hands. They were locked with individual handcuff on the wrists.
"And finally the jacket," Ilona smiled at me. "I think you like this. The jacket is basically not designed for you, It's designed for the active wheelchair user. We both know such a person."
"It's basically a normal jacket but it's tailored so that the back is shorter than normal," she explained. "Thus, it is easier to wear in a wheelchair and it also looks good in use. Often a normal jacket accumulates poorly behind the back in a wheelchair.
The sleeves of the jacket were narrow and even tight, with long zippers.
I realized that tight sleeves are practical if you operate the wheelchair yourself. Dirty wheels also give dirt to the loose sleeves of the jacket.

I got a scarf around my neck. It covered my collar and also neoprene with a terrible color.
I was directed to sit as far back in the wheelchair seat as possible. then I was locked with a steel wire to the chair from my hips. The wire was coated in black, it was locked very tight.
My arm was placed crosswise in front of me, like a straitjacket, and wrist cuffs were attached to the chair frame. both sides.

Finally, the woman brushed my hair and put them on the ponytail.

"Good" Ilona said "We may be a little late on schedule but not significantly!



Thank you for writing and sharing this latest part of your dentist visit report. It is beautiful to see how much care is taken over your preparation and treatment, and how helplessly bound you became in your wheelchair. I applaud the efforts and thoughtfulness of your committee and guards, for always ensuring you are given maximum security protocols, without exception. You are very fortunate to have such attentive caregivers.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

DENTIST, part 4

"Get your back on the bed," the female guard said. I did so and the man moved the chain of my collar so that it prevented me from getting up.
"We'll wear you neoprene pants," Ilona said, looking at us "They are pleasantly warm and protect the skin of your feet under the braces."
"Keep your hands behind your neck, fingers crossed," the guard said. He locked the handcuffs on my wrists under the collar chain, I couldn’t lift my hands up anymore.
I did, all these routines were very familiar to me. They wouldn’t even have to say them every time. Maybe they wanted to be especially accurate now because Ilona, a member of the Committee, was present.

The neoprene pants were new, I hadn’t seen them before. I was amused that their color was orange ... the color of the prisoners.
"We're now opening the legcuff from your left leg," the woman explained. This explanation, too, was directed more at Ilona than at me.
The legcuff was attached to the bed in the middle of the hobblechain so the right foot was still locked.
The woman rolled the leg of my neoprene pants and assisted my leg inside the pants. The pants were tight but when rolled, it worked.
Next, the leg was changed. the left legcuff was closed and the right was opened for dressing.
The pants were now below the knees and both ankle cuffs were locked. Next, the woman pulled my pants up my body.
"Lift the butt up" she ordered and lifted the pants up to my waist.
I found there were zippers on the bottom of the legs of the pants, so it had been relatively easy to put on. When the zippers were closed, the pants were also tight at the ankles.
The crotch area of the pants was open, so there is no need to take them off, for example during a toilet visit.
I was still lying on the bed, hands behind my neck, looking at Ilona. She followed my attire closely.

“Ma’am, if I could dress myself, everything would be easier and it would happen a lot faster,” I said.
"We all know it," Ilona said. "But we all know, too, that you're under maximum security. We're all committed to it, and so are you."
"Maybe some rules and practices could be changed and adjusted ..." I said quietly.
"This is not the time to discuss these issues," Ilona said. I was surprised to hear the nervousness in her voice.
She signaled to the guard and he opened the cell door.
Ilona stepped into the cell, I couldn’t see clearly as I lay on the bed and my gaze was towards the ceiling.
"I'll put a catheter for you during the trip," Ilona said calmly, "So you stay clean all the way and we don't need to think about these things anymore."
"But it's not a long journey," I said quietly, "I don't have that kind of problem."
"This, too, is not a matter of negotiation," Ilona said sharply, "If you can't be quiet we must use a gag for you now. I don't want to listen to your objection now!"
I was a little shocked. Ilona has generally behaved very restrainedly towards me. We’ve had a time when she didn’t like me but I’ve thought it’s already over.

Ilona had thin gloves on her hands. She opened a sterile plastic bag with a permanent catheter.
"Bend your knees and spread your legs," she ordered.
Because I had legcuffs and chains, I couldn’t do much but I tried my best.
She sprayed a disinfectant into my urine orifice. the catheter tubing contained lubricant and anesthetic. The hose went inside me slowly, it stinged for a moment but then the feeling passed.
"Cough" she ordered and I did.
She then gently pumped air into the ball around the hose and it expanded so that it could not come out accidentally. She folded the hose coming out of me and locked it with rubber thread.
"Finally, we'll make sure nothing inappropriate is poured out of you," she said, showing me a black rubber object. It was a pumpable butt plug!
I was horrified, I didn’t like the idea.
"Nothing comes out of me, I've been washed and rinsed inside and out. I don't need it!"
I felt how my anus was treated with a lubricant.
"I know it but sure is always sure" Ilona said slowly "..and this is the last warning to you now. No more useless speech!"

I felt her gently push the plug into my anus. First a little, then a little back and then in again. My already stretched anus was delicate but accommodating.
There was a small sound from the opening as air came out. It wasn't really a fart .. just a small breath from a clean gut.
She pumped air into the plug, not too much, just so it would definitely stay inside me.

"We will now open your legcuffs and put your socks and boots on you. First left and then right," the female guard said.
Actually, though, she put me in socks before she opened the cuff.
The boots were familiar to me, I had them in use before they were modified for braces. They now feel tight because the neoprene was between them and the skin of my feet. Not too strict though.
"Then there will be braces," the woman said. The man had retrieved them from the outside cell.
Ilona came closer to follow the practice. She showed her hand my cuff free ankles to the male guard. The man moved to the end of the bed and grabbed my ankles.

... Security ... what could I have done if my legs were free? However, I was chained to bed effectively. Of course, one might think that a prisoner could rebel and seek to harm the guards who do their job.
I wouldn’t do that but still I’m under effective maximum security practices, always.

The man twisted my legs so that I had to turn almost to my side.
Meanwhile, the woman placed the brace on my right leg from behind. Then the same on my left leg.
While I was lying on my back, my legs were inside the braces, a male guard fastened them to my boots.
Ilona came closer and looked carefully at the fit of the braces. then she began to tighten the cords. First from the thighs, then below the knee.
She opened my knee locking system and bent my legs. When she had found that everything was fine, she forced my legs straight again into the locked position and tightened the cords more.
Finally, a leather cuff came to the front of the knee to prevent the knee from bending forward. My legs were like glued inside braces.
"How do they feel?" Ilona asked and looked at me.
"Tight," I replied, I didn't want to annoy her anymore.
"Good, that's right. Strict and absolutely secure!" she said with satisfaction.

Ilona nodded to the man and he put short chain legcuffs on my ankles. Again one thing that was completely unnecessary, I can’t walk without help because my legs are completely stiffened, why do I need legcuffs?

The man detached the chain from my collar. I was able to raise and move my cuffed hand in front of me.
“Now we’re helping you sit on the edge of the bed,” the woman said.
She grabbed me by the hands and pulled me into a sitting position. The man moved my legs outside the bed.
My legs were now straight in the air, like on an invisible table.
Ilona came and lifted my legs from the ankle a little up, then she clicked the knee lock's open and so I was able to bend my legs almost normally.

"Now we'll open your handcuffs so we can dress up the top," the woman said, "stay calm, don't make any quick movements."
I know what would happen if I did something unexpected and sudden now. It would be interpreted as an attack on the guards, which I don’t want because it would make my life miserable for a long time.

"Hands up," the woman said and put on a cotton tight tub top.
On top of it came a corset that was loosely tightened over me.
I was assisted to stand and moved under a rack. It is simply a transverse bar to which my wrists are attached and lifted up. My hands are in a slightly spread position.
Ilona watched beside me as a female guard tightened my corset. She tightened it to normal levels, not extreme tight. the steel wire at the waist inside the corset was locked behind my back, over the laces.
The bar was lowered and cuffs from my ankles were opened.
"Spread your legs," the guard said, but I needed help to do it.
The crotch part of the corset was attached to the back, it had penetrations for the plug hose and catheter, it was new to me.
Next, my wrists were removed from the bar and the shoulder straps of the corset were fastened. My posture was now locked straight.

"Your next new outfit is a neoprene shirt." Ilona smiled. "As you can see, it's the same color as your pants, so it's the perfect prisoner outfit for transportation!"
This must have been some joke I thought. They can’t think I’d be in public in a bright orange, tight outfit!
The shirt looked very small, It had a zipper on the back as well as on the hands, elbows down. It can't be for me, I thought.
"We don't have time to waste now," Ilona said and ordered "Hands straight ahead."
I did that and he put a shirt on me. It was very tight but still fit over me and the corset.
It completely hid the corset. The zipper was closed behind my neck, I have no way to open it.

"Soon we're ready," Ilona said, "don't be afraid, you'll also wear a skirt and jacket, they're plain, black leather like you always have."
It was a great relief for me. I already thought I would have to be featured in an orange, tight outfit. With the restraints it would be clear that I would be a tightly controlled prisoner.

The female guard brought me my familiar, long leather skirt. It is an ankle-length, A-model cut, meaning it widens downwards beautifully.
Wearing it with braces was awkward but it was successful when I was first assisted to sit, then my ankles were lifted up and a skirt was threaded into my legs from below.
Finally, it was attached to the waist as always.

A male guard brought a wheelchair to the cell. It was slightly smaller than used before. This was a more sporty "active model."
Before I was moved to the chair, Ilona came close to me and lifted the hem of my skirt.
She attached a urine collection bag to my leg and connected it to the hose that hung me down on my crotch!
It was made of transparent plastic, I didn’t like it. My urine was draining into it now without hindrance. Although the bag was hidden under the skirt, I was ashamed of it.

Eventually I was assisted in sitting in a wheelchair.
There was a soft air-cushion in the seat that made it easier for me to sit. The upper parts of the braces still felt beneath my thighs. I also felt the butt plug hose but it wasn't a big deal.
I was sitting in a chair, my legs were raised to their right places on the footrests.
Between the braces was placed an appendix, below the knees. it locked the braces together and at the same time somehow also the frame of the chair. All the attachments were hidden under my skirt.

"Reach out," the woman said. She put my leather mittens in my hands. They were locked with individual handcuff on the wrists.
"And finally the jacket," Ilona smiled at me. "I think you like this. The jacket is basically not designed for you, It's designed for the active wheelchair user. We both know such a person."
"It's basically a normal jacket but it's tailored so that the back is shorter than normal," she explained. "Thus, it is easier to wear in a wheelchair and it also looks good in use. Often a normal jacket accumulates poorly behind the back in a wheelchair.
The sleeves of the jacket were narrow and even tight, with long zippers.
I realized that tight sleeves are practical if you operate the wheelchair yourself. Dirty wheels also give dirt to the loose sleeves of the jacket.

I got a scarf around my neck. It covered my collar and also neoprene with a terrible color.
I was directed to sit as far back in the wheelchair seat as possible. then I was locked with a steel wire to the chair from my hips. The wire was coated in black, it was locked very tight.
My arm was placed crosswise in front of me, like a straitjacket, and wrist cuffs were attached to the chair frame. both sides.

Finally, the woman brushed my hair and put them on the ponytail.

"Good" Ilona said "We may be a little late on schedule but not significantly!

DENTIST, part 5

The door of the cell was opened and I was pushed through the day cell to the actual door of the cage complex.
We walked through the meeting room to the garage. There were many locked doors on the way.
I noticed many feelings in myself again. On the one hand, I was excited to get out for a while to see “new” things and people, but on the other hand I felt anxious, for the same reason.

The garage was now empty but there was a minivan outside the garage.
The rear of the car was down, the door was open up, and a wheelchair ramp came out from behind.
I was pushed straight into the car. There were anchor points on the floor of the car and strong fastening devices were ready. Attaching the wheelchair to the floor was quick and easy, I couldn’t see it because I was pretty stiff in the chair.

The guard manually lifted the ramp and closed the back door.
He came in through the side sliding door and installed some kind of extra backrest behind me. It clung to an upright ramp.
"The active wheelchair is easier to handle but it is quite unsafe for the passenger in the car," Ilona explained at the side door on the other side of the car which was also open. "That's why you have a back and neck support behind you that protects you in a rear-end collision".
The guard also put on a standard seat belt for me. It was a tight belt that he adjusted very tight. Maybe even too tight, I thought.
"The seat belt must be very tight because the wheelchair's frame is firmly attached to the floor of the car and you are locked to the chair with a wire," Ilona explained.
"If a car crashes into something or has to stop quickly, that wire will cut you off your hips or otherwise injure you. No one wants that. That's why you have to put up with the discomfort now, the journey isn't long," Ilona continued.
The reasoning was basically good and understandable but still I felt they enjoyed being able to tie me tight.

There was an extra passenger seat in the car behind the driver’s seat, close to me. Ilona sat on it and put on the seat belt herself.
The male guard sat in the driver's seat and the woman next to him. The car started to move quietly and steadily and we headed towards our destination.
First a small road after which I looked at the countryside and the beautiful houses and gardens.
The funny contrast is that although the distance to the center of the capital is only an hour, there is a lot of rural and even uninhabited area on the way.
The scenery was a bit gloomy, it was autumn and nature was no longer very green. It was a little sad but it is part of the cycle of nature.

"It was great that we were able to quickly arrange an appointment with the dentist." Ilona smiled. "The dentist was almost ready to see you right away."
I remember how interested she was in me last time. It was even scary.
"She also wanted you to be locked in the foot braces and the new restraint corset." Ilona continued "She wants to see how they work for you".
"Why is she so interested in me?" I asked.
"She's interested in a lot of things related to BDSM," Ilona said thoughtfully, "She's ready to help us so it's only right that we do things she gets happy with."
"So she knows the rules and practices of my life?" I asked.
“She knows a lot about them and she’s very interested to know more,” Ilona said.

We were quiet for a long time, I looked at the scenery next to the highway and tried to ease my position but it was difficult, even impossible.
"I may not need to tell you this now but she, the dentist, has told us she would like to be a member of the Committee," Ilona said seriously.
I didn't say anything but Ilona saw me wondering at the idea.
"You don't have to worry. There are five members on the committee and no more are coming. Everything will remain the same." Ilona reassured me "But sometimes something may change in the future. Maybe something will happen that the current member of the Committee will have to quit ... Illness, a changed life situation, even death can be the cause.
"It's wise to prepare for that," Ilona continued "There has to be some kind of plan for the future so that your tightly controlled life continues. As we know .. we've made an agreement that you're never free."

Such sudden news got my brain in overdrive. Basically, it was good to know that my future has been thought of and nothing is changing.
I was trying to think about it. The Committee shall consist of five members. they are permanent members.
All their decisions require a majority decision, meaning at least three members must agree.
Now I know that two members of the committee wanted to be tougher on me but three members are strict but in favor of ‘softer’ practices.
What happens if the dentist is in favor of a tighter prison term?
If a "soft" person leaves the Committee and is replaced by a "tight" member, the whole situation is in danger of changing!

Ilona sat close to me and looked at me. She put her hands on my thighs, her leather glove stroking the leather of my skirt. I couldn’t feel it because the leather under the skirt braces was laced and closed with tight cords. I would have liked to feel it. I felt that a human touch would be a good thing now.

I wouldn’t have needed a game of thought like this now. I am sensitive to change and stress about things easily. Now it felt like suddenly my whole world was just full of questions I wouldn’t get answers to.



Reading about all the elaborate precautions that are taken to transport you, as though you were a highly dangerous maniac who might escape and cause mayhem at the slightest relaxation of the guards' attention, is almost a little comical. I understand it is more to satisfy your own sense of total helplessness, and the committee's desire for control, than for averting any real risk, but it strikes me that you are probably transported with as much, if not more care than the most monstrous of serial killers!

If the balance of the committee should tip more toward toughness, who knows what further restrictions might be introduced? I can appreciate your concern.



Very exciting and detailed written. I look forward to the continuation.



I had a similar reaction to Oompah’s:  Miisa has so far written over 7,000 words (around 13 pages) about preparations, limb by limb, joint by joint and restraint by restraint, and we still haven’t reached even the door of her dentist’s office.

Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit

Last edited by RenegadeSpirit (2021-12-17 18:17:18)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

DENTIST, part 5

The door of the cell was opened and I was pushed through the day cell to the actual door of the cage complex.
We walked through the meeting room to the garage. There were many locked doors on the way.
I noticed many feelings in myself again. On the one hand, I was excited to get out for a while to see “new” things and people, but on the other hand I felt anxious, for the same reason.

The garage was now empty but there was a minivan outside the garage.
The rear of the car was down, the door was open up, and a wheelchair ramp came out from behind.
I was pushed straight into the car. There were anchor points on the floor of the car and strong fastening devices were ready. Attaching the wheelchair to the floor was quick and easy, I couldn’t see it because I was pretty stiff in the chair.

The guard manually lifted the ramp and closed the back door.
He came in through the side sliding door and installed some kind of extra backrest behind me. It clung to an upright ramp.
"The active wheelchair is easier to handle but it is quite unsafe for the passenger in the car," Ilona explained at the side door on the other side of the car which was also open. "That's why you have a back and neck support behind you that protects you in a rear-end collision".
The guard also put on a standard seat belt for me. It was a tight belt that he adjusted very tight. Maybe even too tight, I thought.
"The seat belt must be very tight because the wheelchair's frame is firmly attached to the floor of the car and you are locked to the chair with a wire," Ilona explained.
"If a car crashes into something or has to stop quickly, that wire will cut you off your hips or otherwise injure you. No one wants that. That's why you have to put up with the discomfort now, the journey isn't long," Ilona continued.
The reasoning was basically good and understandable but still I felt they enjoyed being able to tie me tight.

There was an extra passenger seat in the car behind the driver’s seat, close to me. Ilona sat on it and put on the seat belt herself.
The male guard sat in the driver's seat and the woman next to him. The car started to move quietly and steadily and we headed towards our destination.
First a small road after which I looked at the countryside and the beautiful houses and gardens.
The funny contrast is that although the distance to the center of the capital is only an hour, there is a lot of rural and even uninhabited area on the way.
The scenery was a bit gloomy, it was autumn and nature was no longer very green. It was a little sad but it is part of the cycle of nature.

"It was great that we were able to quickly arrange an appointment with the dentist." Ilona smiled. "The dentist was almost ready to see you right away."
I remember how interested she was in me last time. It was even scary.
"She also wanted you to be locked in the foot braces and the new restraint corset." Ilona continued "She wants to see how they work for you".
"Why is she so interested in me?" I asked.
"She's interested in a lot of things related to BDSM," Ilona said thoughtfully, "She's ready to help us so it's only right that we do things she gets happy with."
"So she knows the rules and practices of my life?" I asked.
“She knows a lot about them and she’s very interested to know more,” Ilona said.

We were quiet for a long time, I looked at the scenery next to the highway and tried to ease my position but it was difficult, even impossible.
"I may not need to tell you this now but she, the dentist, has told us she would like to be a member of the Committee," Ilona said seriously.
I didn't say anything but Ilona saw me wondering at the idea.
"You don't have to worry. There are five members on the committee and no more are coming. Everything will remain the same." Ilona reassured me "But sometimes something may change in the future. Maybe something will happen that the current member of the Committee will have to quit ... Illness, a changed life situation, even death can be the cause.
"It's wise to prepare for that," Ilona continued "There has to be some kind of plan for the future so that your tightly controlled life continues. As we know .. we've made an agreement that you're never free."

Such sudden news got my brain in overdrive. Basically, it was good to know that my future has been thought of and nothing is changing.
I was trying to think about it. The Committee shall consist of five members. they are permanent members.
All their decisions require a majority decision, meaning at least three members must agree.
Now I know that two members of the committee wanted to be tougher on me but three members are strict but in favor of ‘softer’ practices.
What happens if the dentist is in favor of a tighter prison term?
If a "soft" person leaves the Committee and is replaced by a "tight" member, the whole situation is in danger of changing!

Ilona sat close to me and looked at me. She put her hands on my thighs, her leather glove stroking the leather of my skirt. I couldn’t feel it because the leather under the skirt braces was laced and closed with tight cords. I would have liked to feel it. I felt that a human touch would be a good thing now.

I wouldn’t have needed a game of thought like this now. I am sensitive to change and stress about things easily. Now it felt like suddenly my whole world was just full of questions I wouldn’t get answers to.

DENTIST part 6

A wheelchair is not comfortable to sit in for a long time, and especially not to travel in a car.
I felt uncomfortable. Part of the reason was that I couldn’t change my posture. My legs and lower body were like welded to a chair. My muscles, even though I don’t have them much, wanted to move. Actually, I was only able to move my toes inside my boots ... just a few millimeters. I was happy even for that freedom.
My hips were firmly attached to the chair and since I had a corset fitted with shoulder straps, my upper body was also stiff.
It didn’t help that my arms were crossed in front of me and my wrist cuffs were locked in the wheelchair’s frame.
Mittens were typical leather models where my fingers were only loosely fisted. I couldn’t open my fist but still my fingers could move a little. I was even a little triumphant. My toes and fingers were able to move a little!
The seat belt held my upper body tightly in a straight position. As I leaned back, I immediately felt an extra backrest behind me.
I was also able to move my head! I was able to turn my head to the sides, look out the windows, I was also able to lower my chin and look down.
I amused myself by wondering if there was a mistake for Ilona and the guards. I wouldn’t have wondered if my neck had been stiffened with some kind of heavy neck support.

Basically, it would have been possible and agreed if I was in a wheelchair but then maybe the type of wheelchair should have been different.
Now it is a sporty active chair where you can assume that a person has some kind of exercise ability.
I entertained myself by pondering such a completely useless matter because I wanted the thoughts out of the difficult matter of being a member of the Committee.

We were already at the end of the highway and I knew there was only a very short drive left. We turned and arrived at the mall parking garage.
The driver parked the car in a marked place for a disabled car, near the elevator.
Ilona picked up the phone and made a short call, she just announced that we were coming.
The guard opened the door and unfastened my seat belt and lowered the ramp down the back door of the car.
"One last piece of equipment," Ilona said, taking the bundled fabric next to the chair.
It was a kind of robe, a slippery, waterproof fabric. She put it over my head and spread it over me so that it covered my knees and descended from the sides and behind my back.
It hid my crossed arms and anyway I was protected from sight, only my head was visible.
"There's a hood for this model too, but it may not be needed now," Ilona smiled.
I understand that robe is very practical in the open air, in the rain but now we were inside the mall, not even raining outside!
"Don't worry," Ilona said, "this is just a precaution. Usually no one looks at a person sitting in a wheelchair but we still can't take the risk of someone seeing your restraints."

We waited next to the car as the man lifted the ramp in and locked the doors. We went to the elevator, we didn't have to wait long because it is a small shopping center and at this time there are not many people on the move.
I was looking at myself in the elevator mirror, I was just a head in the middle of a gray blanket.
I can’t say I’d be a “talking head” because I was very quiet. There were two reasons. I didn’t have permission to speak but the biggest reason was that I was very tense.
A normal visit to the dentist ... as normal as it could be in my case had now turned into a very tense and even scary event.

We reached the third floor. The door to the dentist was open and she was waiting for us at the door. We went through the door into the waiting room which was empty.
The dentist and Ilona greet each other with a gentle hug. They seem to be good friends, I thought.
With “antennas upright,” I observed the nature and performance of the dentist and tried to deduce what she would be like if she were a member of the Committee.
She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt that landed down over a black leather skirt. The skirt was a nice looking, casual skirt that was knee-length. I wonder if she often wears a leather skirt at work or if there is a special situation now. It doesn’t matter because leather is a very clean and practical material. I had never thought before that a dentist would have it at work ... why not.

The dentist didn’t pay any attention to me. She chatted happily with Ilona.
They could be sisters, I thought. Both looked fit, they were almost the same age, it was hard to tell which one was older.
I could imagine them spending time together in their spare time. Maybe they go to play tennis or do other exercise together.
They are somewhat older than me but I found myself admiring their good fitness and athleticism. A person in good shape is beautiful.
I smiled as I looked at them, they looked good in leather clothes. Ilona wore brown leather pants and a jacket, the dentist wore a black leather skirt.  She now had work sandals on her leg but I was sure she had beautiful boots waiting in the closet.
I also had a leather skirt and jacket. One would think that I belonged to the same group with them ... but that would be an illusion, they are at a different league level, I thought.

The dentist opened the room door and the guard pushed me in.
My robe was taken off me.
The guards removed my wire and leg lock from the chair. I saw that the Dentist followed the work closely and with great interest.
The zippers on my jacket were opened and the jacket was taken off, it was a bit tedious because the mittens stayed in my hands and the sleeves of the jacket were tight even with the zippers open.

The dentist took a deep breath as he saw the bright orange neoprene "beautiful and effective color. Just as I suggested to you!"
I was confused if she had suggested this horrible neoprene suit to me? Are things so far advanced that the Committee is listening to her wishes!

The guard locked the chain on my collar. The woman helped my feet off the footrest. The braces were still locked together but still detached from the chair.
Guards lifted me to a standing position. The braces knee locks snaped instantly and so my legs were locked in the straight position.
"Put your arms crossed behind your back, horizontally," the man ordered.
I did so and he locked my hand with two short leather straps.
The woman opened the fastening and zipper of my skirt. She lowered my skirt down to the floor and the guards simply lifted me out of the skirt.
The dentist stood next to Ilona and looked at me. She looked very pleased.
"Have you thought the skirt could be completely openable from the side?" She asked Ilona, "So it would be easier to put on and take off."
"... it would make the job of the guards a lot easier," Ilona said thoughtfully "good idea!"

Next to the door of the room was a narrow long mirror from which I could see myself. The sight was crushing.
The top was, of course, a bright orange neoprene suit that followed my corset body. Basically I was able to accept it, the top looked tight and good if you don’t take color into account.
My legs and lower body looked awful!
The braces were tight, they looked like they were strangling my legs even thinner. Braces black leather and color were strongly emphasized against the color orange.
However, my attention was drawn to the urine collection bag that was attached to my lower leg. The bag was already half full of yellow liquid. I hadn't even remembered the catheter!
When I looked more closely I also saw a hose in a hand pump that hung down my naked crotch, anus plugs the hand pump.
The guards stood on either side of me, they held me upright. I was like some pervo doll being introduced. I would have liked to have disappeared somewhere.
Guards have seen me in many humiliating situations before but that dentist never did. She was an outsider!
I tried to move but it was impossible, my legs were like welded together. I tried to twist away in front of the gaze and the mirror but it was ineffective.
"You have to calm down," Ilona said, "Everything will be fine as long as you stay calm."
"I don't think I can do this!" I cried. I felt very uncomfortable.
Ilona nodded to the guards. They moved me to the dentist's chair. The man took the leather straps off my hands.
"As you know, no quick moves now!" he warned me.
They lifted me up so that I was quickly in my seat in the chair.
Woman held on to my feet. She was half lying on my feet. It was useless because I couldn’t move them, though. The man quickly attached the collar  chain to the chair so I couldn’t get up anymore.
I was shocked because the action was very efficient and clearly oversized.
The woman attached my already locked legs to the chair somehow, I don’t know how. i think he use a simple leather belt etc
Next, she locked my wrists in the frame of the chair so that my arms were crossed. She used some straps because they could be tightened steplessly. The end result was very tight.
The guards moved further and everyone watched the end result.
I was out of breath and agitated. I didn’t shout and say anything because I knew what would happen then ... I would be forced to ballgag until I calmed down.
"It went well and efficiently!" the dentist said "Now we will take a short break until the prisoner has calmed down."
Ilona came closer to me and put a dark cloth on my face. "without bright lights it's easier to calm down."
I didn’t want it, I looked at Ilona but she smiled reassuringly and covered my face.
"Can I?" i heard the dentist ask.
I didn’t hear any response but suddenly I felt how the plug in my butt expanded. The dentist pumped air in there!
“That way maybe the prisoner’s thoughts will move elsewhere and he can focus on calming down,” I heard her say.

I heard the door open and close. They had left the room.
Had the guards also left or were they still in the room? I didn't hear any sounds, just the hum of the air conditioning.
I tested my locks. Since I wasn’t trying to break out, I just wanted to know my range of motion. They were very small. I was firmly in the chair. I was able to lift my head a bit, the collar chain wasn’t that tight.
I thought if I turned my head back and forth, the fabric might fall off but what would it do.
"Don't try to move," I heard the female guard's voice, "It's useless and you're just hurting yourself."
Now I knew I wasn't alone in the room.
I felt my butt plug but it was by no means special, it mostly felt like I would be a fart but it didn’t come out ... an unpleasant feeling.
Perhaps the biggest impact it has is humiliation because I know it’s visible all the time. And a stranger dealt with it. But on the other hand, the same stranger will soon treat the tooth in my mouth ...
I already felt relaxed. Eventually, though, I get my teeth fixed, that’s why I’m here, I thought.

After a while, the door opened and I heard Ilona come in with the dentist. I heard a happy conversation but they fell silent as they came close to me.
The cloth was taken off my face.
"Let's see," the dentist said, "Damaged tooth being repaired now."
"Has the prisoner been told she has pain in her tooth," the dentist asked.
So it wasn’t a question for me but for Ilona and the guards. The dentist is apparently not talking to me.
"The prisoner has not complained about the pain," Ilona said.
She grabbed me by the chin and I opened my mouth. The tooth crack was clearly visible.
"Looks very insignificant," the dentist said, "repair is a quick procedure."
She took a dental gag from desk in a plastic bag and installed it in my mouth. I wonder if she will use that instrument with "normal" patients as well.
"It's nice that I can sometimes use the right tools," she told Ilona, apparently she heard my thoughts.
She spread my chin and locked the gag tightly. My mouth was so open that a collar hurt my chin.
She blew water and air into my teeth, it didn’t feel bad.
“Okay, I’ll drill some edges and then fill it with plastic,” she said. I don't know if it was for me or Ilona.
The operation went quickly, he cured the plastic with light and finished it a bit.

"Now that everything is ready and the prisoner's mouth is open, I could tattoo the prisoner's identification on the inside of his lower lip as well," she said, looking at Ilona questioningly.
It came as a surprise to me and I was horrified, trying to turn my head away.
"It's not necessary yet," Ilona said calmly, "Now we're doing what's planned in advance."

The dentist looked a little disappointed. She moved the dental equipment off and took the device from the side for tattooing.
“I haven’t used a tattoo machine in a long time, it’s nice to remember study times,” she smiled.
"Do you still have the tattoo I did for you ... and you for me?" she suddenly asked Ilona.
"It's with me forever, hidden in a place that not everyone can see," Ilona said, a little embarrassed.It was clearly something Ilona didn’t want to reveal to my ears.
"Yeap, same here," the dentist said. She realized she had talked too much.

"I'll take the dental gag off now and replace it with a new ballgag," the dentist said.
I didn’t even have time to close my mouth after the replacement gag was inserted into my mouth. She fastened the strap behind my neck.
"Tie his head so that it is turned to the right and that it stays firmly in place," she told the guards.
A small pillow was placed under my head and then tied to the headrest with a leather strap. The posture was uncomfortable, the collar hurt my neck.
She put on her rubber gloves and tried a spot that was hairless.
"You've done a good barber job," she said quietly.
She adjusted the machine for a moment and tried it. I couldn’t see anything because my head was turned away.

I felt her take the right hand grip from my head. So she’s left-handed, I thought I hadn’t thought before but of course she was because he worked on my left.
She applied some ointment to my shaved skin spot. The first touch of the tattoo gun was like an electric shock, I didn’t expect it to hurt so much. Now I realized why my head had to be tied effectively.
"This hurts a bit because at this point the skin is very thin," she explained to Ilona "Right behind the skin is the skull bone and the prisoner doesn't have much adipose tissue in between.those"
The pain was almost unbearable and there was nothing I could do to stop it! I wonder why he has chosen just that spot for the tattoo. It felt like my skull had been drilled without anesthesia,
"This doesn't take long," she said, "but maybe we can try to share the focus a little bit."
"Can you pump more air into her butt plug, please," she told the guard.
The guard looked at Ilona, I tried to tell that I didn't want it but still Ilona nodded to the guard.
I felt how the plug expanded further, it was very uncomfortable!
The tattoo went on mercilessly but it was true that it didn’t last long, or maybe I was unconscious for a while.
Eventually it was over, she put more lotion on my skin. the spot felt very timid.
“As you know, the skin in the area needs to be treated and moisturized effectively,” the dentist said "It shouldn't be touched otherwise, so I suggest that the prisoner's hands be shackled down for at least a week, maybe two."
How can I work and act otherwise if my hands are locked for two weeks? ... so also inside the cell!

The guards took me off the chair, the pillow under my head was wet because I had drooled during the tattoo, I hadn’t realized it.
Butt plug was way too big now that I had to sit down. the guards understood it and let air out of it, it was a great relief.
The guards worked effectively and I was quickly dressed and attached to a wheelchair.
"I could visit the prisoner in a couple of weeks and check the healing of the tattoo," the dentist told Ilona, "At the same time, you could introduce the prisoner's daily living conditions to me."
"I need to discuss it with the Committee," Ilona said, "I can't say anything sure before that."
"I understand that, of course," the dentist said.

I sat in a chair and the guard put a robe on me. We went to the elevator and from there to the garage. Ilona was left to say goodbye to the dentist for a moment.
Eventually we were on our way back to the starting point.



Oompah wrote:

Reading about all the elaborate precautions that are taken to transport you, as though you were a highly dangerous maniac who might escape and cause mayhem at the slightest relaxation of the guards' attention, is almost a little comical. I understand it is more to satisfy your own sense of total helplessness, and the committee's desire for control, than for averting any real risk, but it strikes me that you are probably transported with as much, if not more care than the most monstrous of serial killers!

If the balance of the committee should tip more toward toughness, who knows what further restrictions might be introduced? I can appreciate your concern.

Someone has said that my restraints practices are tougher than Hannibal Lechter was...

The idea of changing the balance of the Committee is frightening, but I will try not to think about it.

Maybe I'm stressed in vain.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

DENTIST part 6

A wheelchair is not comfortable to sit in for a long time, and especially not to travel in a car.
I felt uncomfortable. Part of the reason was that I couldn’t change my posture. My legs and lower body were like welded to a chair. My muscles, even though I don’t have them much, wanted to move. Actually, I was only able to move my toes inside my boots ... just a few millimeters. I was happy even for that freedom.
My hips were firmly attached to the chair and since I had a corset fitted with shoulder straps, my upper body was also stiff.
It didn’t help that my arms were crossed in front of me and my wrist cuffs were locked in the wheelchair’s frame.
Mittens were typical leather models where my fingers were only loosely fisted. I couldn’t open my fist but still my fingers could move a little. I was even a little triumphant. My toes and fingers were able to move a little!
The seat belt held my upper body tightly in a straight position. As I leaned back, I immediately felt an extra backrest behind me.
I was also able to move my head! I was able to turn my head to the sides, look out the windows, I was also able to lower my chin and look down.
I amused myself by wondering if there was a mistake for Ilona and the guards. I wouldn’t have wondered if my neck had been stiffened with some kind of heavy neck support.

Basically, it would have been possible and agreed if I was in a wheelchair but then maybe the type of wheelchair should have been different.
Now it is a sporty active chair where you can assume that a person has some kind of exercise ability.
I entertained myself by pondering such a completely useless matter because I wanted the thoughts out of the difficult matter of being a member of the Committee.

We were already at the end of the highway and I knew there was only a very short drive left. We turned and arrived at the mall parking garage.
The driver parked the car in a marked place for a disabled car, near the elevator.
Ilona picked up the phone and made a short call, she just announced that we were coming.
The guard opened the door and unfastened my seat belt and lowered the ramp down the back door of the car.
"One last piece of equipment," Ilona said, taking the bundled fabric next to the chair.
It was a kind of robe, a slippery, waterproof fabric. She put it over my head and spread it over me so that it covered my knees and descended from the sides and behind my back.
It hid my crossed arms and anyway I was protected from sight, only my head was visible.
"There's a hood for this model too, but it may not be needed now," Ilona smiled.
I understand that robe is very practical in the open air, in the rain but now we were inside the mall, not even raining outside!
"Don't worry," Ilona said, "this is just a precaution. Usually no one looks at a person sitting in a wheelchair but we still can't take the risk of someone seeing your restraints."

We waited next to the car as the man lifted the ramp in and locked the doors. We went to the elevator, we didn't have to wait long because it is a small shopping center and at this time there are not many people on the move.
I was looking at myself in the elevator mirror, I was just a head in the middle of a gray blanket.
I can’t say I’d be a “talking head” because I was very quiet. There were two reasons. I didn’t have permission to speak but the biggest reason was that I was very tense.
A normal visit to the dentist ... as normal as it could be in my case had now turned into a very tense and even scary event.

We reached the third floor. The door to the dentist was open and she was waiting for us at the door. We went through the door into the waiting room which was empty.
The dentist and Ilona greet each other with a gentle hug. They seem to be good friends, I thought.
With “antennas upright,” I observed the nature and performance of the dentist and tried to deduce what she would be like if she were a member of the Committee.
She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt that landed down over a black leather skirt. The skirt was a nice looking, casual skirt that was knee-length. I wonder if she often wears a leather skirt at work or if there is a special situation now. It doesn’t matter because leather is a very clean and practical material. I had never thought before that a dentist would have it at work ... why not.

The dentist didn’t pay any attention to me. She chatted happily with Ilona.
They could be sisters, I thought. Both looked fit, they were almost the same age, it was hard to tell which one was older.
I could imagine them spending time together in their spare time. Maybe they go to play tennis or do other exercise together.
They are somewhat older than me but I found myself admiring their good fitness and athleticism. A person in good shape is beautiful.
I smiled as I looked at them, they looked good in leather clothes. Ilona wore brown leather pants and a jacket, the dentist wore a black leather skirt.  She now had work sandals on her leg but I was sure she had beautiful boots waiting in the closet.
I also had a leather skirt and jacket. One would think that I belonged to the same group with them ... but that would be an illusion, they are at a different league level, I thought.

The dentist opened the room door and the guard pushed me in.
My robe was taken off me.
The guards removed my wire and leg lock from the chair. I saw that the Dentist followed the work closely and with great interest.
The zippers on my jacket were opened and the jacket was taken off, it was a bit tedious because the mittens stayed in my hands and the sleeves of the jacket were tight even with the zippers open.

The dentist took a deep breath as he saw the bright orange neoprene "beautiful and effective color. Just as I suggested to you!"
I was confused if she had suggested this horrible neoprene suit to me? Are things so far advanced that the Committee is listening to her wishes!

The guard locked the chain on my collar. The woman helped my feet off the footrest. The braces were still locked together but still detached from the chair.
Guards lifted me to a standing position. The braces knee locks snaped instantly and so my legs were locked in the straight position.
"Put your arms crossed behind your back, horizontally," the man ordered.
I did so and he locked my hand with two short leather straps.
The woman opened the fastening and zipper of my skirt. She lowered my skirt down to the floor and the guards simply lifted me out of the skirt.
The dentist stood next to Ilona and looked at me. She looked very pleased.
"Have you thought the skirt could be completely openable from the side?" She asked Ilona, "So it would be easier to put on and take off."
"... it would make the job of the guards a lot easier," Ilona said thoughtfully "good idea!"

Next to the door of the room was a narrow long mirror from which I could see myself. The sight was crushing.
The top was, of course, a bright orange neoprene suit that followed my corset body. Basically I was able to accept it, the top looked tight and good if you don’t take color into account.
My legs and lower body looked awful!
The braces were tight, they looked like they were strangling my legs even thinner. Braces black leather and color were strongly emphasized against the color orange.
However, my attention was drawn to the urine collection bag that was attached to my lower leg. The bag was already half full of yellow liquid. I hadn't even remembered the catheter!
When I looked more closely I also saw a hose in a hand pump that hung down my naked crotch, anus plugs the hand pump.
The guards stood on either side of me, they held me upright. I was like some pervo doll being introduced. I would have liked to have disappeared somewhere.
Guards have seen me in many humiliating situations before but that dentist never did. She was an outsider!
I tried to move but it was impossible, my legs were like welded together. I tried to twist away in front of the gaze and the mirror but it was ineffective.
"You have to calm down," Ilona said, "Everything will be fine as long as you stay calm."
"I don't think I can do this!" I cried. I felt very uncomfortable.
Ilona nodded to the guards. They moved me to the dentist's chair. The man took the leather straps off my hands.
"As you know, no quick moves now!" he warned me.
They lifted me up so that I was quickly in my seat in the chair.
Woman held on to my feet. She was half lying on my feet. It was useless because I couldn’t move them, though. The man quickly attached the collar  chain to the chair so I couldn’t get up anymore.
I was shocked because the action was very efficient and clearly oversized.
The woman attached my already locked legs to the chair somehow, I don’t know how. i think he use a simple leather belt etc
Next, she locked my wrists in the frame of the chair so that my arms were crossed. She used some straps because they could be tightened steplessly. The end result was very tight.
The guards moved further and everyone watched the end result.
I was out of breath and agitated. I didn’t shout and say anything because I knew what would happen then ... I would be forced to ballgag until I calmed down.
"It went well and efficiently!" the dentist said "Now we will take a short break until the prisoner has calmed down."
Ilona came closer to me and put a dark cloth on my face. "without bright lights it's easier to calm down."
I didn’t want it, I looked at Ilona but she smiled reassuringly and covered my face.
"Can I?" i heard the dentist ask.
I didn’t hear any response but suddenly I felt how the plug in my butt expanded. The dentist pumped air in there!
“That way maybe the prisoner’s thoughts will move elsewhere and he can focus on calming down,” I heard her say.

I heard the door open and close. They had left the room.
Had the guards also left or were they still in the room? I didn't hear any sounds, just the hum of the air conditioning.
I tested my locks. Since I wasn’t trying to break out, I just wanted to know my range of motion. They were very small. I was firmly in the chair. I was able to lift my head a bit, the collar chain wasn’t that tight.
I thought if I turned my head back and forth, the fabric might fall off but what would it do.
"Don't try to move," I heard the female guard's voice, "It's useless and you're just hurting yourself."
Now I knew I wasn't alone in the room.
I felt my butt plug but it was by no means special, it mostly felt like I would be a fart but it didn’t come out ... an unpleasant feeling.
Perhaps the biggest impact it has is humiliation because I know it’s visible all the time. And a stranger dealt with it. But on the other hand, the same stranger will soon treat the tooth in my mouth ...
I already felt relaxed. Eventually, though, I get my teeth fixed, that’s why I’m here, I thought.

After a while, the door opened and I heard Ilona come in with the dentist. I heard a happy conversation but they fell silent as they came close to me.
The cloth was taken off my face.
"Let's see," the dentist said, "Damaged tooth being repaired now."
"Has the prisoner been told she has pain in her tooth," the dentist asked.
So it wasn’t a question for me but for Ilona and the guards. The dentist is apparently not talking to me.
"The prisoner has not complained about the pain," Ilona said.
She grabbed me by the chin and I opened my mouth. The tooth crack was clearly visible.
"Looks very insignificant," the dentist said, "repair is a quick procedure."
She took a dental gag from desk in a plastic bag and installed it in my mouth. I wonder if she will use that instrument with "normal" patients as well.
"It's nice that I can sometimes use the right tools," she told Ilona, apparently she heard my thoughts.
She spread my chin and locked the gag tightly. My mouth was so open that a collar hurt my chin.
She blew water and air into my teeth, it didn’t feel bad.
“Okay, I’ll drill some edges and then fill it with plastic,” she said. I don't know if it was for me or Ilona.
The operation went quickly, he cured the plastic with light and finished it a bit.

"Now that everything is ready and the prisoner's mouth is open, I could tattoo the prisoner's identification on the inside of his lower lip as well," she said, looking at Ilona questioningly.
It came as a surprise to me and I was horrified, trying to turn my head away.
"It's not necessary yet," Ilona said calmly, "Now we're doing what's planned in advance."

The dentist looked a little disappointed. She moved the dental equipment off and took the device from the side for tattooing.
“I haven’t used a tattoo machine in a long time, it’s nice to remember study times,” she smiled.
"Do you still have the tattoo I did for you ... and you for me?" she suddenly asked Ilona.
"It's with me forever, hidden in a place that not everyone can see," Ilona said, a little embarrassed.It was clearly something Ilona didn’t want to reveal to my ears.
"Yeap, same here," the dentist said. She realized she had talked too much.

"I'll take the dental gag off now and replace it with a new ballgag," the dentist said.
I didn’t even have time to close my mouth after the replacement gag was inserted into my mouth. She fastened the strap behind my neck.
"Tie his head so that it is turned to the right and that it stays firmly in place," she told the guards.
A small pillow was placed under my head and then tied to the headrest with a leather strap. The posture was uncomfortable, the collar hurt my neck.
She put on her rubber gloves and tried a spot that was hairless.
"You've done a good barber job," she said quietly.
She adjusted the machine for a moment and tried it. I couldn’t see anything because my head was turned away.

I felt her take the right hand grip from my head. So she’s left-handed, I thought I hadn’t thought before but of course she was because he worked on my left.
She applied some ointment to my shaved skin spot. The first touch of the tattoo gun was like an electric shock, I didn’t expect it to hurt so much. Now I realized why my head had to be tied effectively.
"This hurts a bit because at this point the skin is very thin," she explained to Ilona "Right behind the skin is the skull bone and the prisoner doesn't have much adipose tissue in between.those"
The pain was almost unbearable and there was nothing I could do to stop it! I wonder why he has chosen just that spot for the tattoo. It felt like my skull had been drilled without anesthesia,
"This doesn't take long," she said, "but maybe we can try to share the focus a little bit."
"Can you pump more air into her butt plug, please," she told the guard.
The guard looked at Ilona, I tried to tell that I didn't want it but still Ilona nodded to the guard.
I felt how the plug expanded further, it was very uncomfortable!
The tattoo went on mercilessly but it was true that it didn’t last long, or maybe I was unconscious for a while.
Eventually it was over, she put more lotion on my skin. the spot felt very timid.
“As you know, the skin in the area needs to be treated and moisturized effectively,” the dentist said "It shouldn't be touched otherwise, so I suggest that the prisoner's hands be shackled down for at least a week, maybe two."
How can I work and act otherwise if my hands are locked for two weeks? ... so also inside the cell!

The guards took me off the chair, the pillow under my head was wet because I had drooled during the tattoo, I hadn’t realized it.
Butt plug was way too big now that I had to sit down. the guards understood it and let air out of it, it was a great relief.
The guards worked effectively and I was quickly dressed and attached to a wheelchair.
"I could visit the prisoner in a couple of weeks and check the healing of the tattoo," the dentist told Ilona, "At the same time, you could introduce the prisoner's daily living conditions to me."
"I need to discuss it with the Committee," Ilona said, "I can't say anything sure before that."
"I understand that, of course," the dentist said.

I sat in a chair and the guard put a robe on me. We went to the elevator and from there to the garage. Ilona was left to say goodbye to the dentist for a moment.
Eventually we were on our way back to the starting point.

DENTIST part 7

We were all quiet in the car on the highway. Only the radio heard soothing music. The tension and stress may have subsided in me a bit and I felt tired.
"What thoughts do you have about this day?" Ilona asked.
"This was all very surprising," I thought out loud, "Or, of course, I knew we were going to the dentist to fix my teeth. Everything else was more than uplifting and weird."
"Had the dentist prescribed my restraints and even clothes?" I asked. The idea felt very strange.
"She wished you had braces, etc." Ilona explained patiently, "She didn't demand anything special in advance."
"What about my ridiculous neoprene suit? I realized it was her idea," I asked.
"You have other clothes too, we made this orange neoprene suit before she even knew about such a possibility," Ilona said. "Let's talk about it more ... how does it feel? You've been inside it for almost five hours now."
I think Ilona deliberately turned the conversation away from my question. I think the dentist said the orange suit is her suggestion. Of course, I cannot argue about that.

"Neoprene is a surprisingly comfortable material, even in the long run" I said "It's soft and warm but not sweaty. It's tightly tailored for me but it's even too tight, I can't say. It feels good on my feet and softens the pressure from the metallic braces, that’s a good thing. The upper body is also very tight. I can’t say more about it because I also have a corset tightened under it. I think the top would be good when there was no corset under it. It would still be strict but not so restrictive".
Ilona listened to my review with great interest.
"I don't like the color, 'I continued,' it's a very aggressive color. It screams attention to itself and would make me very visible if it wasn't hidden."
"That's the purpose of it," Ilona said calmly. "I think it's a good idea that a prisoner is easily identifiable if something surprising happens."
"What could be such a surprising happen?" I laughed.
"There are many opportunities," Ilona said thoughtfully, "A prisoner may try to escape, she may have helpers. In theory, it could even be possible for us to have a car accident, for example. We could all get hurt. Even then, rescue personnel must recognize that you are a prisoner. "
"What would that actually mean in an accident?" I asked.
"Since you are a Max Security prisoner, it is important to first ensure safety and check that the prisoner cannot harm others or herself. Only then can she be examined and treated medically," Ilona explained.
"So if an accident happens, rescuers will first check my restraints and only then my health?" I asked.
"You understand correctly," Ilona replied "That's why you have to be easily identified as a prisoner in every situation."
"How can rescuers and officials surely identify me as a prisoner?" I asked in amazement. I was a little shocked.
"Of your prisoner documents," Ilona said, "We all have a copy of the agreement you signed, your prisoner agreement, they're always there when we move out with you."
"Will the authorities approve it even in the happen of an accident?" I think aloud.
"It is as valid as a ban on treatment or resuscitation, for example. It can also be compared to an organ donation contract," Ilona said. "Once you have signed the prison agreement, you have given the Committee decision-making power in these matters as well."
I was very upset, this was very shocking news for me. Ilona saw my shock.
"You don't have to be upset," Ilona said calmly "It doesn't mean you won't be treated in the best possible way in every situation. It just means that your Max Security status must be taken into account in every situation. That's why you have to be identifiable in every situation."
"If, in theory, there is an accident, will I be the last to receive treatment?" I asked, I was still upset.
"Of course it's not so!" Ilona said, "It doesn't affect your treatment in any way. If you're badly injured compared to others, of course you'll get help right away. The only thing is that your prisoner status and the restraints that come with it will be taken into account."
"This is a silly conversation anyway," Ilona said, "There's no reason to think anything bad would happen!"
I had confused thoughts again. I had never thought of such a thing. But basically it was all understandable and clearly related to what I agreed on, I just hadn’t identified it so precisely.
Now that I thought about it, I was restrained even when I gave birth. I was chained and locked in but got the best treatment possible.
I decided to let it be, it wouldn’t affect my life now and hopefully ever.

We were quiet again for a while.
"Do you and the dentist know each other well?" I asked.
"We were friends already at school" Ilona replied, she might not like the question but she still went on "Then she specialized in dentistry and I in orthopedics and aids for the disabled. We've still been in touch through our interests and hobbies."
"Do you play tennis together?" I asked.
Ilona looked at me in amazement.
“I watched as you chatted and thought you might be playing tennis or have some other hobby in common” I smiled.
"We used to play tennis, no more," Ilona smiled back. "Now we're riding, we have horses and a common stable," she explained.

"What kind of tattoos do you have?" I asked surprisingly. "I understand that you have made tattoos for each other ..."
"You hear and notice a lot of things," she replied seriously "It was just the stupid things in our youth that don't need to be talked about by anyone."
"... especially with me," I finished.

"I don't know what was tattooed on my neck," I said
“It’s nothing important or relevant,” Ilona said, “It won’t affect your daily life, and in a few weeks, your hair will have grown on top of it.
“It’s just one way to identify you when needed,” he concluded.

Our conversation ended when we were already on a smaller road.



Christmas Eve is about to turn evening.
This is perhaps the longest day of the year for me mentally even though I should already be used to this.

There will be no visitor today, and apparently no other Christmas days either.
I try to maintain a good mood but it’s a little difficult because all the media make it clear that now is the time for love and good mood. Everyone is happy if you believe in the media.

Nothing has changed, this day is no different in practice than a normal everyday life.
I don’t think the next days are either because we’re back to Covid-19 rules again.
It means only necessary contacts, nothing more.

I have a few people who send me messages and remember me. I really appreciate it.
I try to meditate and imagine I’m somewhere else. Maybe I fantasized about me being in the spa. One person told me to do that and I would like to be with him now ...
Maybe I'll write a fantasy story about "Prisoner in the Spa" :)
Maybe I'll let you read it sometimes, or maybe not ...

However, I would like to wish Merry Christmas to everyone!



Prisoner Karlsson

As I have told you privately, you are not alone. I think there are people outside who think of you now, including Christmas.

Now may be a difficult time but it is important that you keep your mind clear. You are an important person and a role model for many in how a person adapts to even very strict rules and conditions.

Enjoy the peace of Christmas and gather strength for the future!



My Christmas may have been a little different than before but still it was a good time.
The guards are on vacation somewhere, the members of the Committee have replaced their work as well as they can.
I have had a little different than on a regular days because almost all the members of the Committee have been with me on their turn.
I've been inside my cells all the time but the committee member is sitting outside the mesh wall, not all the time but a lot. I had good conversations with them and I’m happy about that.
They have served me food and drink from an opening in the cell's wall, I have been missing nothing.

The Covid-19 rules prevented all normal visits but the Committee took care of things well and I felt good and I didn’t feel lonely.

But it’s still nice that tomorrow is a normal day again and the guards are back (I can’t believe I said this).



Nice, it's real winter here.
It has snowed so much that my little narrow window on the top wall is almost completely clogged!

I was also outside admiring the scenery, Everything was wonderfully white! The temperature was completely tolerable, about -4 degrees Celsius.
It is a pity that by this time of day the sun has gone away and darkness is replacing it.

Soon the year will change and we will be getting closer to summer all the time!



Nice to follow your daily life, as always.
I think its nice that you have your daily trip outside. Of course, in strict restraint.



Mr_Captivity wrote:

Nice to follow your daily life, as always.
I think its nice that you have your daily trip outside. Of course, in strict restraint.

I agree with Mr. Captivity, it is lovely to follow your life and what kind of daily activities you get into! It spices up my own captivity fantasy sometimes when reading yours!



:) I'm interested in people's "ordinary" lives outside.
I enjoy reading stories about ordinary shopping in a store, or sitting in a cafe, for example. I especially like clothing store stories!

I don't really have anything going on here and everything has already been told but it's nice that you want to hear my "weather reports" :)


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