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Today is the last day of 2021.

This has been a pretty difficult year for me personally, as it seems to all people under a pandemic.
Maybe it’s been easier for me than for people living a "normal life". They have had to get used to a variety of restrictions and regulations that sometimes seem pointless.
On the other hand, I have a long experience of all kinds of restrictions so I’m used to them.
So I have no need to complain, some might think ... maybe they are right.

Something is going to happen here today, in my little world.
I still have a job today because a lot is happening in the outside world today and the news wants pictures.
However, I have been informed that my outdoor time has changed today. I don’t go out at normal times but it happens later in the evening.
...Because I am me, that kind of inform makes me immediately stressed ... what’s the reason for changing my routines?
Basically, it can’t be anything permanent because I can continue on call after that. I think so.

However, all of you, enjoy the last day of the year. It will never come back :)

Take care of everything you love. The world is a good place to live!



The first day of the year is bright and sunny, temperature -5 celcius, no wind (weather report).

I was just outside and the weather is perfect and wintery. Just like nothing bad could ever happen ... a stopped world :)
There was a little hard snow in my walking area, about 1cm. It made a nice sound under my boots, I liked it.
The area is in such a quiet location, next to the forest that I could imagine deers behind a fence, of course I didn’t see it but I have been told there are a lot of traces of deer and other animals there.
It would be nice if a food point was made there for the animals. It would also be super great if I could see it work!

Yesterday I got a surprise that I couldn’t even think of!
My outdoor time was postponed so I wasn’t out until 6:00 PM. It was completely dark outside, of course the lights in the yard but now they were turned off when I was caught in the restraint cables .. It was very dark.
I wondered what was going on until suddenly fireworks exploded in the sky!
By law, fireworks may be used after 6:00 PM for children and special groups: Now the Committee had organized  own fireworks show for me! It wasn’t big but I think it was the finest in the world!
I saw that there were two committee members in the yard in addition to me and the guards.

Committee members had glasses of champagne in their hands and they raised  glasses for the new year.
I also had a glass of some non-alcoholic drink. The members of the committee helped me taste it. In fact, I couldn't do it because of mittens and restraints.
It was a very emotional moment for me. It was a really surprising indication that they really care about me.
We talked for a moment after the fireworks. I was so surprised I didn’t get the words out for a long time.

After the event, the members of the Committee left and I returned to my normal routine.

However, this had a big boosting effect on my self-esteem and I felt like 2022 couldn’t start better!



Happy new year !!



What a nice end for 2021 and start for 2022 for you, I belive you have deserve it, happy new year miisa.



New year, new beginnings. :-)

I hope your Committee continues to help you feel special and well cared for throughout 2022.

Best wishes to you, and to all readers here.



This year has not started well.
There has now been confusion and change in my little world that I don’t like. I even recognize some kind of panic around me.

I think one (or both) of my guards has contracted Covid-19.
I haven't seen them in over a week.
This means that they have had to be replaced by members of the Committee. The members of the committee also have their own responsibilities and day-to-day work, so this is all very difficult now.
I know it’s hard to find a replacement for them for this job. No rental work company would understand a search for "a guard in a private prison with complete secrecy."

Everyone has full protective gear and I am taken for a Corona test every day, my fever is monitored too.
It feels ridiculous because I'm fine.

All of this means that my close contact with people near me has been reduced to a minimum. and so on.
Daily activities have also been reduced, I can only go outside every three days. Even my showers have been reduced so that my human contacts are minimal.

This is a little stressful for me. I wouldn’t want to see any more protective suits, masks and visors. I want to face real, normal people!

While everything is miserable now, I believe things will get better.

I also hope my guards are all right. I am not given any exact information and it annoys me because however, they are the people closest to me in my life and I care about them.
That last one must not be misunderstood. They are close to me because of their daily routines and that’s why I’m worried about them. They are important to me but still I don’t want to say I “like” them.

Stay there all of you, my friends and followers, healthy, you are important to me!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

This year has not started well.
There has now been confusion and change in my little world that I don’t like. I even recognize some kind of panic around me.

I think one (or both) of my guards has contracted Covid-19.
I haven't seen them in over a week.
This means that they have had to be replaced by members of the Committee. The members of the committee also have their own responsibilities and day-to-day work, so this is all very difficult now.
I know it’s hard to find a replacement for them for this job. No rental work company would understand a search for "a guard in a private prison with complete secrecy."

Everyone has full protective gear and I am taken for a Corona test every day, my fever is monitored too.
It feels ridiculous because I'm fine.

All of this means that my close contact with people near me has been reduced to a minimum. and so on.
Daily activities have also been reduced, I can only go outside every three days. Even my showers have been reduced so that my human contacts are minimal.

This is a little stressful for me. I wouldn’t want to see any more protective suits, masks and visors. I want to face real, normal people!

While everything is miserable now, I believe things will get better.

I also hope my guards are all right. I am not given any exact information and it annoys me because however, they are the people closest to me in my life and I care about them.
That last one must not be misunderstood. They are close to me because of their daily routines and that’s why I’m worried about them. They are important to me but still I don’t want to say I “like” them.

Stay there all of you, my friends and followers, healthy, you are important to me!

This time requires the ability to adapt.
You have to understand that you are a prisoner, that is, you are the last in the "chain of command".
I think you will be taken good care of but you have to be patient.
The option could be worse, full lockdown and isolation for you.

Last edited by Real Restraints (2022-01-10 15:23:10)



Real Restraints wrote:

This time requires the ability to adapt.
You have to understand that you are a prisoner, that is, you are the last in the "chain of command".
I think you will be taken good care of but you have to be patient.
The option could be worse, full lockdown and isolation for you.

Last edited by Real Restraints (Today 15:23:10)

I understand my position and situation, of course.
I'm sure I'll be taken care of. It’s mainly that I am annoyed that now people have to change their own routines because of me. It can have long-term effects.

Everything has gone well when things have worked out routinely. Now I feel that there are so many problems with me because of how things are handled. I can’t influence things and it annoys me.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I understand my position and situation, of course.
I'm sure I'll be taken care of. It’s mainly that I am annoyed that now people have to change their own routines because of me. It can have long-term effects.

Everything has gone well when things have worked out routinely. Now I feel that there are so many problems with me because of how things are handled. I can’t influence things and it annoys me.

What do you mean by "long-term effects"?
I understand that you are a long-term prisoner.  For the rest of your life.



Real Restraints wrote:

What do you mean by "long-term effects"?
I understand that you are a long-term prisoner.  For the rest of your life.

This situation raises questions in my mind.
- What if the situation gets so bad that the Committee cannot take care of me?
- What if they don't want to keep me in captivity anymore?
- if the guards do not return, there will be great difficulty in maintaining prison routines.

I know that the members of the Committee are all important people with their own responsibilities and urgency in business.
They can't sit here and make sure my prison life goes smoothly.

I have already been told that if the situation does not get better, new arrangements will have to be made.
It means that in the morning I will be transferred to the daytime / working cell as always but the difference is that I have to stay there all day (08:00 AM - 21:00 PM).
In practice, that means I get meals all day in the morning that I personally dispense for the whole day.
It also means I couldn’t take toilet breaks or go out.
A bucket would be brought into the cell for my feces. Maybe it could be a modern dry toilet but still the idea scares me!

In that case, monitoring would only take place on the mobile phone's video connection during the day. I don't think that's a good idea.

The key question is what happens if the Committee finds everything too difficult to organize?



This is just a momentary problem, believe me. In any case, you need not stress because you can’t influence the situation.
The world changes and people’s lives always change sometimes but I am very convinced that you will remain a prisoner. Now and always.
Maybe your living environment will change, maybe it will become more modest (one prisoner may not need a system as big as you have). Basically a prisoner like you needs a strong closed and locked space as well as the necessary restraints. The end is adaptation and acceptance of the situation.
One strong person is able to keep a prisoner with other activities. Maybe your "princess life" will end and turn into the real punishment the prisoner needs.

I do not hope for a big change in your life but I know they would find you a new Captor / keeper if the Committee decides to give you up.



Real Restraints wrote:

This is just a momentary problem, believe me. In any case, you need not stress because you can’t influence the situation.
The world changes and people’s lives always change sometimes but I am very convinced that you will remain a prisoner. Now and always.
Maybe your living environment will change, maybe it will become more modest (one prisoner may not need a system as big as you have). Basically a prisoner like you needs a strong closed and locked space as well as the necessary restraints. The end is adaptation and acceptance of the situation.
One strong person is able to keep a prisoner with other activities. Maybe your "princess life" will end and turn into the real punishment the prisoner needs.

I do not hope for a big change in your life but I know they would find you a new Captor / keeper if the Committee decides to give you up.

It’s easy to say I shouldn’t stress.
I’m stressed and that’s when I think too much and eventually I get my head messed up and panicked.

I know your intention was to reassure me and tell me that everything is fine.
But at the same time, you made me think of something bigger change and its different forms!

I'm institutionalized, I know. I like it when things are standard and everything works as before.
Or at least I'm told things.

Now I see that everyone is nervous, busy and even angry because things are not working.

It all affects me.



There have been prisons that confined only a singular, solitary life prisoner, such as Rudolf Hess (after the Nuremberg Trials) in the last years of Spandau Prison in Berlin.

But obviously such prisons require inordinate amounts of labour and effort just to punish, confine and care for only one person.

Which made me think of your visit to another solitary prisoner (a man): were it possible to find or build and staff another cell (solitary or not) in the same building, it might be possible to spread the burden on your captors more efficiently and effectively. A new prisoner would have to learn and obey different rules, practices and procedures, but a transferred prisoner should never expect to have much say about changes in conditions and obligations — he or she should just adapt and comply.

Were such a sharing feasible, then I could think of small ways that conditions for every prisoner (even one sentenced to solitary confinement for life) could be made less damaging physically and psychologically.

The staff would have more flexibility in arranging their schedules, so that one illness, mishap or break need not cause total disruption. And one cook could prepare meals for more than just one inmate at a time. And so forth.

But, of course, my knowledge of your needs and circumstances is necessarily extremely limited, so none of this might make sense for you and your guards.

I hope your new year improves,

Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit



Things are better again, in a way.
After my writing yesterday, there was a discussion here with me tonight and I was clarified about something about this situation.

One of my guards has been found in Corona in some form and thus the other is also in quarantine.
The guard is in good condition, this is a relatively mild version.

However, this means that special arrangements are needed to protect me, for which the Committee may not have been fully prepared.
In a hurry and rapidly changing situation, things were not explained to me enough and it led to my overreaction and panic.

I have already had a long chat with my friend Nina today. She can calm me down and she also had time to listen to me.

Today there are some changes in my daily routines. I got my breakfast but at the same time I got food and drink all day.
That means I don’t have a hot meal but that’s not a problem, I’ll get over it.

The biggest change is that inside the cell there is now also a bucket that I should use for peeing (to poop on that I don’t agree!).

To make my case work on my own, I now have a shorter, loose leather skirt. It makes things a lot easier, with a long skirt it would be impossible to do things neatly.

Basically, this could be fun. I don’t even remember when I would have seen my own knees when fully dressed. I am so used to a long and protective leather skirt!

This is also kind of scary and I now feel lonely differently.
Before, I knew that because I was being monitored by cameras and the guards were in the house, help would be close if something happened to me.
Now I am being monitored via mobile phone from somewhere far away.

I don't know what could happen. I have crashed inside the cell twice but even then it has been a matter of various restraint experiments.
I don't think anything bad will happen now ... or maybe I'll pour a bucket when I practice peeing on it!



RenegadeSpirit wrote:

There have been prisons that confined only a singular, solitary life prisoner, such as Rudolf Hess (after the Nuremberg Trials) in the last years of Spandau Prison in Berlin.

But obviously such prisons require inordinate amounts of labour and effort just to punish, confine and care for only one person.

Which made me think of your visit to another solitary prisoner (a man): were it possible to find or build and staff another cell (solitary or not) in the same building, it might be possible to spread the burden on your captors more efficiently and effectively. A new prisoner would have to learn and obey different rules, practices and procedures, but a transferred prisoner should never expect to have much say about changes in conditions and obligations — he or she should just adapt and comply.

Were such a sharing feasible, then I could think of small ways that conditions for every prisoner (even one sentenced to solitary confinement for life) could be made less damaging physically and psychologically.

The staff would have more flexibility in arranging their schedules, so that one illness, mishap or break need not cause total disruption. And one cook could prepare meals for more than just one inmate at a time. And so forth.

But, of course, my knowledge of your needs and circumstances is necessarily extremely limited, so none of this might make sense for you and your guards.

I hope your new year improves,

Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit

I've been thinking the same thing. This built system and environment could be used extended to include multiple prison units in the same context.
The house and the area around it is big, maybe it could be expanded further.

Maybe that's what's been done, I don't know. I only know my own living environment, maybe there is a similar unit on the other side of the building.



It's good that you were able to talk about your thoughts with Nina. I have experience managing an anxious submissive and I know that telling them they don't need to worry is ineffective and often counter-productive. In my experience, they need to be given time and support to process their thoughts and concerns, and it helps talking them through, once they feel ready. Also the 5-4-3-2-1 method of grounding yourself to deal with anxiety can help. Have you heard of this technique?

Practically speaking, I know everyone is having to make adjustments in their lifestyle to accommodate the impact of the coronavirus. Even in ways we might not consider at first. I recently read of people who normally cycle to work or for pleasure, they are adjusting their routes where possible to avoid traffic, to minimize the risk of being injured, because the wait times in hospital are now so long and the medical staff are so overworked that the quality of medical care is being impacted in all areas.

Perhaps you notice the changes more clearly, as your life is very much governed by routine. Your anxiety is valid and natural. However I am confident that your committee will always prioritize your security, even if they have to find slightly different ways to do it. They care about you, and about keeping you controlled, chained and institutionalized. It's a passion of theirs and a duty they take very seriously.



As for the slop bucket versus a flush toilet (W.C.), Miisa, that just seems to be undeserved and easily-avoidable humiliation.

It was considered something of a scandal (even a violation of European human rights) that prisoners were still “slopping out” in some of the older British prisons as late as the last decade, but that is apparently no longer true (although it apparently continues in at least one Irish prison). See:

The reason that I call it “easily avoidable” is that I can see no good reason why the inner gate between your working & eating space and your bathroom can’t remain open in those 13 long hours between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., so long as the gate to the foyer leading to recreation and visiting space remains securely shut and locked.

Insofar as I can tell, you are not being punished for some transgression or omission, but merely being required to adapt to a staffing shortage that is none of your fault. Some of your adaptations deprive you of things (like hot meals or exercise in the sunlight), so I don’t think it would be unreasonable to temporarily adjust any chains or restraints that would keep you away from the bathroom.


Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

It's good that you were able to talk about your thoughts with Nina. I have experience managing an anxious submissive and I know that telling them they don't need to worry is ineffective and often counter-productive. In my experience, they need to be given time and support to process their thoughts and concerns, and it helps talking them through, once they feel ready. Also the 5-4-3-2-1 method of grounding yourself to deal with anxiety can help. Have you heard of this technique?

Practically speaking, I know everyone is having to make adjustments in their lifestyle to accommodate the impact of the coronavirus. Even in ways we might not consider at first. I recently read of people who normally cycle to work or for pleasure, they are adjusting their routes where possible to avoid traffic, to minimize the risk of being injured, because the wait times in hospital are now so long and the medical staff are so overworked that the quality of medical care is being impacted in all areas.

Perhaps you notice the changes more clearly, as your life is very much governed by routine. Your anxiety is valid and natural. However I am confident that your committee will always prioritize your security, even if they have to find slightly different ways to do it. They care about you, and about keeping you controlled, chained and institutionalized. It's a passion of theirs and a duty they take very seriously.

I don't know the 5-4-3-2-1 method ... maybe Nina knows something about it.

I’m happy to have friends like Nina (of course others are important too).
She knows how to listen to me and present the right thoughts to me, she kind of steers me in the right direction.
I trust her because I think she has no dominant thoughts about me. She wants to understand and listen me.

You mentioned people who don’t want to burden health care with potential accidents (and other illnesses).
I understand that idea very well.

It’s not related to this but I was wondering if I got sick, what would be the practice for me?
In principle, I and the Committee are committed to keeping me under strict control at all times ... how would that work in a busy hospital?
... another stress issue for me to think about!



RenegadeSpirit wrote:

As for the slop bucket versus a flush toilet (W.C.), Miisa, that just seems to be undeserved and easily-avoidable humiliation.

It was considered something of a scandal (even a violation of European human rights) that prisoners were still “slopping out” in some of the older British prisons as late as the last decade, but that is apparently no longer true (although it apparently continues in at least one Irish prison). See:

The reason that I call it “easily avoidable” is that I can see no good reason why the inner gate between your working & eating space and your bathroom can’t remain open in those 13 long hours between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., so long as the gate to the foyer leading to recreation and visiting space remains securely shut and locked.

Insofar as I can tell, you are not being punished for some transgression or omission, but merely being required to adapt to a staffing shortage that is none of your fault. Some of your adaptations deprive you of things (like hot meals or exercise in the sunlight), so I don’t think it would be unreasonable to temporarily adjust any chains or restraints that would keep you away from the bathroom.


Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit

The same thing was here in Finland.
Only when the new women’s prison is completed will all inmates have access to the toilet. It was introduced a year ago.
Before that, the old prison had some cells with no toilet facilities. It has been complained to the European Committee many times.
Basically, however, it was when the cells doors were closed for the night, inside the cell there was a bucket for a possible need. During the day, prisoners had access to a normal toilet.

I would be more than happy if the inner doors of my cells were opened and I could walk the way I want.
In principle, it would even be possible, but I do not think the Committee wants to reduce my restrictions.
Things in my life are carefully considered and difficult to change constantly.
Perhaps the Committee thinks that temporary discomfort is a better option than increased freedom ...



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I don't know the 5-4-3-2-1 method ... maybe Nina knows something about it.

If you want to find out more before speaking to Nina, there are lots of articles about this on the internet. Here's one:

Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I was wondering if I got sick, what would be the practice for me?
In principle, I and the Committee are committed to keeping me under strict control at all times ... how would that work in a busy hospital?

I don't know, but I think that, if you are sick enough with COVID-19 to be taken to hospital, your immediate health must come ahead of the requirement for strict control. I would imagine the Committee would take a similar view, and would wish to avoid anything that makes it harder for the medical people to care for your health. In this case you would probably be too sick to present a security risk to anyone and most likely too sick to care about anything other than how bad you feel physically.

Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Perhaps the Committee thinks that temporary discomfort is a better option than increased freedom ...

I think that, while you are healthy and functioning well, this principle should always be followed. Your committee must always take the long-term view of your care and remain true to its purpose and principles, which is ever increasing security, control and restraint. You did not choose this lifestyle for its luxuries and conveniences. Months from now, you will look back on this period and be comforted to know that your security was their priority, and that they did their very best to keep it that way rather than taking the easy path. If it were otherwise, it would present a much bigger threat to your lifestyle.



This is a happy day.
I was able to use my toilet today, I was also able to go outside, for only half an hour but that was a good thing anyway.
Today two members of the Committee had the opportunity to visit here during the day and so things went well, I am grateful to them!

I had to use a bucket yesterday and the disaster was very close!
Since I am wearing a corset and my legs are locked legirons it is clear that basically a simple thing becomes very difficult!
I arranged it so that I was in the corner of the cell so that I could take support from the walls on both sides with both hands. At the same time, I had to keep my skirt up so I noticed I had too few hands!
However, I succeeded in that, I didn’t even pour the bucket even though it was very close to happening.
A heavier dry toilet would be a much better option if this situation continued for a long time.

Today, however, I was told that my guards are now only in quarantine and they can start work again next week.
Then we return to normal practice, I hope.



Hello Prisoner,

First of all, I wanted to wish you a happy and productive New Year.

Secondly, I wanted to ask you about body modifications.

You are extremely tightly restrained in a permanent basis but inside the restraints , your body appears to remain (unless I’m mistaken) as fundamentally untouched.

I wonder wether the subject of bodmods has ever come up for you.
It could be symbolic things like removal of all hair or more insignificant ones like rings to restrain you with or even modifications that would organically limit your movements.

Anyway, interested on reading your take on this subject.



liev wrote:

Hello Prisoner,

First of all, I wanted to wish you a happy and productive New Year.

Secondly, I wanted to ask you about body modifications.

You are extremely tightly restrained in a permanent basis but inside the restraints , your body appears to remain (unless I’m mistaken) as fundamentally untouched.

I wonder wether the subject of bodmods has ever come up for you.
It could be symbolic things like removal of all hair or more insignificant ones like rings to restrain you with or even modifications that would organically limit your movements.

Anyway, interested on reading your take on this subject.

Hello Sir

I wish you a happy new year too.

This topic is discussed with me many times, often in private but it is nice to write in public as well.

It is true that I have no external signs of my limited life in my body.
Basically I could step out on a busy street and no one would know my prisoner status if I didn’t have any restraints / chains.

I have my marking tattoo behind my left ear, it is very inconspicuous and already my hair has grown on it. No one can see it if they don’t know where to look.

Maybe someone who would watch me closely (and know my history) could see that I was walking as if I had legirons locked even if I didn’t have them.
I am also so used to handcuffs that if my hands are free as if they were cuffed together. The wrists are always close together.

Basically, those are just practical things that would disappear over time.

Perhaps the biggest thing is the “mental lock” that has formed for me over ten years.
In my daily life, I am instructed and told exactly how and when I can move and what I can do.
I'm being tethered or I'm in a chain. I have no control over myself and I am very used to it. It could be called complete institutionalization.

If we talk about an example of a still busy street ... if I got into a situation like that then I don’t know how I would act or what would happen. I would probably freeze and the end result would be a big panic.

I need my chains so I can feel safe. That's all.
If I’m locked, I know my locker will take care of me in all circumstances.
Someone may think it’s sad and pathetic but I disagree.
I don’t like stress, I panic easily and that’s why I trust people who are close to me and take care of me. I don’t have to panic when I’m under control.


This may not have been the answer to your question.
I have my steel collar which is almost permanent. It's lockable but it is very rarely removed.
I could think of permanent steel rings on my wrists and ankles (maybe elsewhere), it wouldn’t be a problem for me if the committee so decided.

Hair and other things are a sensitive thing to me but the same principle applies to them. If the Committee wanted to remove them, that would be the case.



I had a guest right this morning, it was nice.
Nina came to visit me, she has been a little worried about my diary writings and she came to discuss and make sure I am all right.
It was nice that the Committee allowed this even though, in principle, quarantine still exists.

Nina had come here even though there was a creepy driving outside, she said. There was a lot of snow at night and not all roads were in good condition yet. She doesn’t like to drive in slippery winter conditions but still she came here. I appreciate it.
In fact, this was the first time she had come here driving herself. Before she was transported here so that she did not know where she was. Now she knows the location.

It says that the Committee also trusts him. I have trusted for a long time.

So I sat fastened in my chair, the box locked around me.
I had a breathing mask and also a ridiculous visor mask, I felt like I was sitting in it with a transparent bucket on my head!

Nina also had a mask and visor even though our distance was more than three meters.
Nina looked good, I noticed that she has also started wearing leather clothes. Maybe she had used them before but I hadn’t seen it.
She wore black, loose leather pants, very casual as might expect, decent winter boots. She also had a light cardigan.
I could imagine her looking good and convincing when she sits at a psychiatrist’s office and talks to her clients. Dignity, matter-of-factness and trust are reflected in her in a good way.

She is also a very modern woman. She drives an electric car. Actually, it's her work car. She said he was scared to go on a long drive in bad weather because she did not trust that the car had enough electric capacity to get there.
She prepared for the trip with warm clothes and even a thermos with hot coffee! So she could wait for the tow truck calmly. She normally only moves in the capital area and now this trip is like a big adventure for her (the distance is less than 100 km).
I was amused that he was preparing for an Arctic trip even though the journey is so short. But wisdom is never a bad thing.

I felt good to see her and it was nice to talk freely about all things, even her car ride.

Nina said she wanted to come visit so she could see that I was all right during this difficult time. The Committee had also recommended it.
My writing and other behavior had given cause for concern.

I think everything is fine, basically. I understand these special arrangements and know that everything will be restored when possible.
Maybe I’ve been a little down-to-earth but I think a lot of people around the world are in the same position.
I have everything secured and I don’t have to worry about it ... maybe I’m so empathetic that I’m depressed because of the rest of the world.
In fact, after all my safety measures, I am certainly the only person in the world who does not suffer from Covid-19!

It was very invigorating to meet the wise and listening Nina who got my thoughts back on track!
I haven't contacted her yet but I think she's already got back to his office    :)



Normal routines are back!

The guards have come back and the routines are back to normal.
I (once again) got nervous and worried too much.

It was wonderful to notice in the morning that the guards came in the cell. I was also happy that I got my long leather skirt back.

I could basically adapt to a shorter leather skirt even though it felt difficult.
The short skirt made my activities easier but at the same time they made my cuff and chains more real to me because I was able to see (and hear) them all the time.
I know it sounds silly but when they are hidden under a skirt, I don’t even notice them. I am so used to restrictions on movement.
I also felt that the chain would make a louder sound when they are visible, this is perhaps just my own conclusion.

The most important thing in the morning was that when I realized I was getting my long skirt back again, I knew the horrible bucket practice was over!

For some reason, even though I knew the reason for the practice, it all felt very humiliating and at the same time scary.
Although I am always monitored in the bathroom as well, it seemed particularly humiliating that someone might have been looking at the camera as I struggled with my skirt and chains and tried to pee neatly in the bucket.

Now I have a kind of “winner feeling” because I survived the challenge without messing myself up!
I am happy that I did not have to do that every day, the members of the Committee tried their best to make my isolation easy. Thank you for that.

I think I also have normal outdoor time today, I’m looking forward to it. The weather outside looks good!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Normal routines are back!


It was wonderful to notice in the morning that the guards came in the cell. I was also happy that I got my long leather skirt back.


Now I have a kind of “winner feeling” because I survived the challenge without messing myself up!


I think I also have normal outdoor time today, I’m looking forward to it. The weather outside looks good!

Congratulations on getting back to normal! Does this also mean no more "bucket head" when receiving visitors? :-)

Are you enjoying fully normal sleeping routines also? Full hood and on your front? What of your sleeping cage system? Is it still in use?

So happy that you are feeling less stressed. It's also great that you have the support of Nina!

Best wishes for some happy days ahead!



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Congratulations on getting back to normal! Does this also mean no more "bucket head" when receiving visitors?

Are you enjoying fully normal sleeping routines also? Full hood and on your front? What of your sleeping cage system? Is it still in use?

So happy that you are feeling less stressed. It's also great that you have the support of Nina!

Best wishes for some happy days ahead!

My routines and practices are normal again and I am happy about it :)

There were elections here in Finland last weekend, I had a lot of work with news photos in recent weeks.
Fortunately, that job is easier now and I can enjoy my peaceful daily life again for a while ...

There are still strong restrictions on the pandemic here.
It also means I haven’t had any visitors so I haven’t had to sit in a box “bucket in my head”  :)

My night time hood is open in front of my mouth. That practice has been throughout the pandemic.
It’s part of safety because if I have trouble breathing, I’d be in trouble with the tight Hood that restricts my breathing.
... and no one knows if a possible illness would cause nausea and I would have to vomit ... I don't even want to think about what would happen then.
But on the other hand, I miss that feeling when breathing is restricted.
I don’t mean that breathing would be impossible but that breathing has to be focused all the time.
It helps me focus on being in the moment, not thinking about anything else and it can be very liberating!

I sleep position varies, I often sleep on my stomach, hands behind my back but sometimes I also sleep on my back, arms crossed in front of me.
The sleeping cage has not been used, it may also be part of the safety of Covid-19. I do not know.

Have a nice Wednesday to all of you too!



Did you get a chance, prisoner k, to vote in those Finnish elections (in person, on line, or through the postal system)?

In most of the United States, long-term convicted and imprisoned criminals lose the right to vote together with many other rights and freedoms.

On the other hand, I think that some Scandinavian countries consider this right to be one of the tools that keeps a prisoner connected to the normal rights and duties of a society’s members.

Respectfully submitted,

Renegade Spirit



RenegadeSpirit wrote:

Did you get a chance, prisoner k, to vote in those Finnish elections (in person, on line, or through the postal system)?

In most of the United States, long-term convicted and imprisoned criminals lose the right to vote together with many other rights and freedoms.

On the other hand, I think that some Scandinavian countries consider this right to be one of the tools that keeps a prisoner connected to the normal rights and duties of a society’s members.

Respectfully submitted,

Renegade Spirit

I would have had the opportunity to vote like any adult in this country, including prisoners.
I did not want to vote because it would have required moving to a controlled place. online voting is not possible here.

There would have been several possibilities.
For example, I could have voted so that I would have been in the car, accompanied only by an election officer. That, too, would have broken my rules because I had to be under control all the time.
I could have voted in a wheelchair as well, that would have been perhaps the easiest way. I would have been alone behind the curtain and the guard / member of the Committee would have been on the other side.

The subject of the election was the reorganization of the activities and financing of the public health care and rescue services.
That’s an important thing but I felt that even the candidates didn’t know what it was all about.

I was interested in the subject but not so much that I would have voted. I am not proud that I did not vote.

the turnout was less than 50%, so many others thought so too ...

I don’t usually talk about these things but I think this is such a big and uncontrolled reform that there will be a catastrophe a few years from now.  :(



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I would have had the opportunity to vote like any adult in this country, including prisoners.
I did not want to vote because it would have required moving to a controlled place. online voting is not possible here.

There would have been several possibilities.
For example, I could have voted so that I would have been in the car, accompanied only by an election officer. That, too, would have broken my rules because I had to be under control all the time.
I could have voted in a wheelchair as well, that would have been perhaps the easiest way. I would have been alone behind the curtain and the guard / member of the Committee would have been on the other side.

The subject of the election was the reorganization of the activities and financing of the public health care and rescue services.
That’s an important thing but I felt that even the candidates didn’t know what it was all about.

I was interested in the subject but not so much that I would have voted. I am not proud that I did not vote.

the turnout was less than 50%, so many others thought so too ...

I don’t usually talk about these things but I think this is such a big and uncontrolled reform that there will be a catastrophe a few years from now.

I too heard that the turnout was low, and watched the election coverage from my home in Florida, but didn't vote as I would have had to travel to either Los Angeles or New York consulates or to Washington DC to the embassy to vote, but didn't have the time, but I am glad you are also doing good, even though the pandemic caused you a bit of a hassle!

Much love from me, Miisa!


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