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A 50% donation may sound great but in reality the amounts are not big because my income is not big :)

And after all, the payer is the Committee because they will have to invest more in my expenses ... so thank them.
Of course, I can try to reduce my food costs. Heating costs may also be reduced as summer is coming.
But they are just small things.

People here are crazy, Russia's anger is rising day by day.

Even small children in kindergarten now discriminate against Russian children.
I have heard that some stores do not accept Russian customers. In some areas, neighbors fight with Russian neighbors, etc.
Cars with Russian license plates will be forced out of the driveway.

This is absolutely crazy!
Normal people here don’t even know if a person is Russian or Ukrainian (their language sounds the same) so they also bully Ukrainians.

I don’t like Russians but still I understand that a lot of them are good people. They can do nothing for their citizenship.

Something about my situation.
The authorities would like to hear from me on many issues.
One thing is that I knew who Finnish politicians, businessmen and celebrities were part of the Russian activities.
I saw them a lot at that time at parties and meetings. Citizens of other countries as well.

In other words, they now want to know which Finns then participated in the Russians' activities and how.
It is a very strange question for me, because then, for example, the Prime Minister of Finland defended and encouraged working with the Russians.
Even he wanted to promote that the Russians could occupy the country quietly.

I think questions should be asked of them, not me!
I was perhaps “at the front row” of some events as a witness but still completely innocent.

I have determined that I will not disclose persons in an identifiable manner under any circumstances. I have also informed those who asked it.

I have also made an arrangement as a precaution where I have announced that if something unexpected happens to me or my loved ones, my information about the events and participants will be provided to the authorities. Not before.

I don’t think people from my past are threatening me anymore but this is still a precaution.

I will not disclose persons other than those I have mentioned in my LifeStory.I will continue to write about LifeStory but I will not tell about anyone personally.



:( It is very sad that the Russian people are not able to clearly see the lies that they are being fed each day. Some are perhaps not willing to question the information they are given, some others are not willing to admit they have doubts. Only the very brave in Russia call out the lies for what they truly are.

Whatever their individual stance might be, I agree that discriminating against a group of people based on their appearance / language / heritage is not right or proper. But I guess people in Finland are angry and afraid, and a crisis always brings out the best in some people and the very worst in others. Perhaps you can feel lucky that you are kept inside your prison, where you will be safe.

You have explained your plans clearly, about the information you hold from past events. You appear to have given it plenty of thought and planning. I hope your committee is finding many creative ways to keep your mind focused on other things now. :)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

It is very sad that the Russian people are not able to clearly see the lies that they are being fed each day. Some are perhaps not willing to question the information they are given, some others are not willing to admit they have doubts. Only the very brave in Russia call out the lies for what they truly are.

Whatever their individual stance might be, I agree that discriminating against a group of people based on their appearance / language / heritage is not right or proper. But I guess people in Finland are angry and afraid, and a crisis always brings out the best in some people and the very worst in others. Perhaps you can feel lucky that you are kept inside your prison, where you will be safe.

You have explained your plans clearly, about the information you hold from past events. You appear to have given it plenty of thought and planning. I hope your committee is finding many creative ways to keep your mind focused on other things now.

I have basically everything well but I am completely addicted to the information I get regarding the Ukrainian war.
I have already become quite an expert on the war there. I am with it with all my soul.
I am saddened by civilians ... children, their mothers and the elderly who suffer immensely from all cruelty. They are completely innocent.

My Committee and a few experts think that I am even too deep in all this.
I don’t have to worry and suffer with them but I feel that way.

It will affect everything I do and it will happen as long as the war continues.
It’s kind of amusing because I don’t personally know any Ukrainian citizen. I met a few Ukrainian women who "worked" in Finland and were used by my "Russian friends" (there were a lot of women from other Eastern European countries as well). That's all I really know about Ukrainians.

... you're right, I'm so lucky I can feel completely safe here. On the other hand, I am sorry that others cannot experience the same ...



The old CaptiveGirl Forum address is no longer working. It was a Russian forum site ... now they have a bit of a problem there.

I don't know where the server for this forum is located now but it may work for at least a moment :)

Maybe soon the day will come when this Forum will finally disappear.

However, you can find me in many places as long as the web works :)



I hope this forum does not disappear completely. I enjoy visiting and reading about your life :)

How are you coping at present? Is there any difference in your routines? Spring is not far away, hopefully visiting your outdoor exercise area and hearing the birds each day will lighten your mood a little. Are you still able to write your report on your ice prison experience? I would very much like to read that...



I'm basically fine, thanks for asking.

Some people are worried about me and the fact that I won’t get back to my old daily life. Including the Committee and my friends.
It’s about my “mental lock,” everything in my environment is the same, routines and practices work. Practices are at a higher level because I want to feel them strongly, it calms me down.
I understand that it burdens the guards in some way compared to normal but I don’t care. This is also the will of the Committee.

This is a big house, and my space is just in the "extra wing" of the building. I suggested to the Committee that the house could easily accommodate a few families of Ukrainian refugees. Mothers with children.
I don’t think a guard couple needs that much space to live.
No one needs to know what’s in the extra wing here, this is also strongly locked all the time, understandably. Because of that, I could even give up my daily outdoor activities so no one could ever see me or get to know me.
The committee accepted the proposal but soon gave a negative answer. That will not happen. They wouldn’t need to justify the decision but I understand it could bring some form of trouble.
Maybe even so that the authorities would check the house before the refugees could move into the house ... There is a risk that they would like to see an additional wing as well.

A member of the Committee asked me how I know the house is almost empty ... maybe others are already living there, maybe the guards have a family there.
Funny, I never thought they would have kids in the house!
I don’t think so but still it confuses me. I have been told that I do not need to know anything about my guards. It is true.

Anyway, I enjoy the outdoor times now. Yesterday and today is a beautiful spring air, the sun is shining and warming up nicely!
The birds are singing and nature is waking up slowly.
There is still a small part of the ice prison left and that too will melt away quickly. That experiment was exciting but it ended too quickly.

I would like to write my thoughts on the war in Europe and the irresponsible atrocities in Russia, but the Committee hopes that I will try to limit it. This is not the right forum for that.

Anyway, everyone knows what I think about it :(



Writing out your thoughts could be good therapy, just like talking about them. It helps to just let it out. If you write them here on your forum, I'm sure others would read them. You could maybe write them in a different thread, so they have their own "place"?

Are you still in contact with your friend Nina? Hopefully she can provide some good advice on how to handle your current addiction to the news coming out of Ukraine. It is all very tragic and senseless. Such a terrible situation, it must be making you feel very low.

If you want to discuss anything, you are always welcome to send me a private message. I try not to use that, because I believe it is better to encourage open discussion here in the forum. But the facility is there if you want to share thoughts that feel too weird or personal to discuss openly.

Take care and be strong.



a few words...

I’m all basically fine but I want to write something

My “freedom” has been curtailed, practices tightened, restraints added, all this so that I can feel completely secure and safety.
Daily practices have changed so that I am aware of the limitations both mentally and physically at all times.
My life may now be a little uncomfortable because of all this, but the Committee thinks it will help me focus on myself.

I have regular times, sessions that could be considered punishments that even cause pain but they are not actual punishments. Those are the times that force my thoughts to focus on me physically and mentally.
Then I can forget things I can’t influence, even for a moment.

There are opinions that say I should not write about Russia and the Ukrainian war in public. Thus, I also feel that my opinions and thoughts are now shackled.

I'm afraid of what will happen in the coming weeks. Crazy Russians want to win and it demands more and more stupid actions from them.
They are about to have a "victory day" celebration and they want to look like heroes in front of the Russian people. It is scary.

And now some news:
I met face to face with my mom!
The committee arranged our meeting at a hotel (because my mother refuses to see me in jail / chained).
He was worried about me and wanted to see me "alive" so the Committee made arrangements and made it possible.
Nina was also involved in that very emotional moment. Now everything is fine. Maybe I’ll write something in my diary from that day.



That's so great that you met with your Mom. Were you physically restrained as normal when you are outside your prison? Were you allowed to touch each other? Was Nina there to explain to your Mom that you are okay, or was she there to provide emotional support to you? I really hope everything went well. Please tell us more about it!

I am please that the Committee has implemented more practices to help you feel safe and secure at all times. Mental anguish can be exhausting, and much more damaging than (controlled) physical punishment. Are you allowed to explain more about the additional things that have been imposed, and also what happens during your punishment sessions?

Having your thoughts and opinions shackled appears consistent with your life as a voluntary prisoner, but maybe takes it to a new level? How are you adjusting to this increased level of control/submission? Would you welcome this if it were to become a longer term aspect of your imprisonment? Are there internal battles you have to fight to adjust to this control, or is it a form of relief to you, to have limits imposed on how you think?



It’s wonderful to note that the CaptiveGirl Forum hasn’t lost all its followers!
The sudden change of address and my passivity in updating has resulted in a dramatic drop in visitors over the last three months.
I'm sorry I haven't written anything here, the image updates have also decreased (I hope that "Real Restraints" and others can still activate ...) :)

My online time is limited for the reason that I don’t have to watch nasty happens from around the world all the time. It has also reduced and changed the way I work. Anyway, I exist all the time.

I met my mother, the committee had arranged it nicely and with dignity following the rules of my restraints. The meeting was very emotional.
Nina was present at the meeting. It was a surprise to me that Nina had met my parents a few times before.
I will try to tell you more about the meeting later.

New arrangements and practices make me feel a little uncomfortable but they are not punishments for me, it is a new “normal” that will last for a while. Maybe as long as that stupid war continues.
The practice also involves enhanced sexual activity so I can’t complain. It is a mixture of discomfort and satisfaction that effectively keeps my thoughts within me.
I also have breaks where I can work almost normally. Basically, it’s like my former routines but in significantly accelerated cycles.
I will also tell you more about these arrangements later.

"Having your thoughts and opinions shackled appears consistent with your life as a voluntary prisoner, but maybe takes it to a new level? How are you adjusting to this increased level of control/submission? Would you welcome this if it were to become a longer term aspect of your imprisonment? Are there internal battles you have to fight to adjust to this control, or is it a form of relief to you, to have limits imposed on how you think?"
My practices and other things are now clearly on a new level.
At first I thought it was all too much for me but apparently I can adjust to the changes well and quickly (a few months).
I can imagine that if I go back to the level I’ve lived in for years, it feels very slow and boring. Then I have to adjust to the change again and it may be more difficult than raising the level now. I do not know.

Now in retrospect, raising the level and tightening practices have done me good.
At the same time, it means a lot more work for the guards and the Committee, but I cannot regret that.



Its good to hear from you again Miisa! If you ever wish to chat with me in Finnish if you wish to, you are more than free to message me or email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

It is pleasing to hear from your life whenever you tell us about it!



Glad to hear all is well. I finally found the new forum when you updated your profile on twitter. I would love to hear more about your new restraints and routines. Looking forward to future updates. One thing, have you ever talked much about your diet and how that is managed?

Last edited by saxrussell (2022-05-11 17:47:28)



MsHanna wrote:

Its good to hear from you again Miisa! If you ever wish to chat with me in Finnish if you wish to, you are more than free to message me or email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

It is pleasing to hear from your life whenever you tell us about it!

ohhh, i've completely forgotten that we have a common language!



saxrussell wrote:

Glad to hear all is well. I finally found the new forum when you updated your profile on twitter. I would love to hear more about your new restraints and routines. Looking forward to future updates. One thing, have you ever talked much about your diet and how that is managed?

Last edited by saxrussell (2022-05-11 17:47:28)

The change of web address was a big loss for which I could do nothing. It came as a complete surprise.

Many places now have an old address that no longer works. So the forum gets no followers and many think we are lost in something.

Nice to see you found us again!

I will answer your questions soon :)



saxrussell wrote:

Glad to hear all is well. I finally found the new forum when you updated your profile on twitter. I would love to hear more about your new restraints and routines. Looking forward to future updates. One thing, have you ever talked much about your diet and how that is managed?

Last edited by saxrussell (2022-05-11 17:47:28)

My restraints today vary slightly from day to day and depending on the situation.
That’s the difference from an “old” routine where I always had the same type of restraints. The old practice was easy for the guards to perform and I always knew what was coming.

For example, my sleep alone requires special restraint measures.
I have well secured nights because I sleep in my locked sleeping cage. Inside the cage I am attached to a bed restraints system where I am forced to be completely immobile.
I lie on my back and am fastened to a mattress with a 12 tight restraint belt. It includes belts for the ankles, legs and thighs as well as the wrists and arms. The waist and neck are also attached to the bed.
I can’t move my hands but still I often have leather mittens that force my fingers into my fists. I also have similar types of things on my feet even though I can’t walk in the cage at night.
The special feature of the footwear is that an insert (insole) with spikes against the soles of my feet can be put inside. This effectively prevents all walking attempts even when I am locked in bed. These leather shoes are also worn sometimes during the day.
I also have a leather hood at night that is open at the bottom of my face.
Steel plates have been added outside the bars of the strong steel cage. So I'm like in a bomb-proof coffin.
At first the nights were awkward but now I’m used to the maximum sense of security.

My day time restraints are almost as before. The chains are slightly shorter, etc.
The biggest difference is that I am usually locked with three different chains in the room where I am (usually my cell). The floor chain comes to my hobble chain, the wall chain comes to my back waist and the roof chain comes to my collar.
Chains can be shortened when necessary. Usually I have a time when the collar chain is shortened so that I have to stand. It is usually about one hour a day.

The outdoor time is rhythmic so that it has four 15 min times. First I stand locked in the wall. Then I am led back and forth on the leash for 15 minutes, then I stand again and finally walk again.
The difference is that I can’t now choose what I do while outdoors.

Here are instructions for my meals during the day.
It is my version of the instructions given to the guards.

I eat in the morning and twice a day, in relatively small portions.
In addition, there are light snacks in and between them. I can also drink water almost always.

In the corset, I can basically eat and drink as usual, but there are certain things to keep in mind to make me feel much more comfortable. When laced, it is not possible to eat as large portions as without a corset. I eat many small meals or snacks throughout the day so that the feeling of fullness is not surprising.
When eating, we need to keep in mind that potatoes, rice, and pasta are still expanding in the stomach, so it’s not a good idea to dispense them on a full plate. Red meat also easily causes a feeling of tightness that persists for a long time. I eat a vegetable-focused diet and prefer lighter and more easily digestible meats like chicken and sometimes rarely fish.
I do not drink cold drinks (water) before or during meals. The cold fluid numbs the saturation nerves in the stomach and the stomach does not react in time when it becomes full. I prefer to drink 15-30 minutes before eating, so I can stop in time.
No carbonated drinks. They are a problem when being laced because the body does not have enough space for carbon dioxide to pass through. The result is a sad state of being: feelings of pressure and belching.
We avoid foods that cause gas or heartburn. The most typical of these are cabbage, beans and onions. I can also get problems with peppers, strong spices, tea or chocolate (however, I enjoy tea every morning ... and chocolate when I can get it).

I hope you got the answers to your questions.

It’s nice that you’re interested in me and my daily life   :)



Thanks for the update. The night routine sounds very restrictive. Do you spend a lot of time trying to go to sleep or waiting in the morning to be released? Maybe one day we can be fortunate enough to see photos of all of this equipment. It's very intriguing.



saxrussell wrote:

Thanks for the update. The night routine sounds very restrictive. Do you spend a lot of time trying to go to sleep or waiting in the morning to be released? Maybe one day we can be fortunate enough to see photos of all of this equipment. It's very intriguing.

At first, the practice was very difficult but I am used to it already.

I sleep relatively well, I think I fall asleep fast and wake up rested.  I think it’s also affected by the fact that my days are now physically heavier, they make me tired and so sleep quickly comes when I feel safe.

I can’t promise photos of my environment. Those decisions are made by someone else.



Thanks for your description of your enhanced security protocols. I found this very interesting.

I believe that your sleeping cage is padlocked shut when you're inside. Can you confirm? Are you still securely chained and locked in place from your hobble chain and collar when sleeping?

Although you are totally immobilized with your straps and can not use your hands due to your leather mittens, it would be best for your security if you were chained head and foot and also if your straps were individually locked, before your cage is locked. I think you would feel safer that way. It could also be possible to lock your leather hood to the bed to fully immobilize your head.

Are your leather shoes and mittens also locked in place?

How is ventilation managed inside the cage, now that it is covered by metal plates? Do you have a means of communicating distress to your guards from inside there (onset of nausea etc)?

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2022-05-27 23:09:12)



correcthorsebatterystaple wrote:

Thanks for your description of your enhanced security protocols. I found this very interesting.

I believe that your sleeping cage is padlocked shut when you're inside. Can you confirm? Are you still securely chained and locked in place from your hobble chain and collar when sleeping?

Although you are totally immobilized with your straps and can not use your hands due to your leather mittens, it would be best for your security if you were chained head and foot and also if your straps were individually locked, before your cage is locked. I think you would feel safer that way. It could also be possible to lock your leather hood to the bed to fully immobilize your head.

Are your leather shoes and mittens also locked in place?

How is ventilation managed inside the cage, now that it is covered by metal plates? Do you have a means of communicating distress to your guards from inside there (onset of nausea etc)?

Last edited by correcthorsebatterystaple (2022-05-27 23:09:12)

The walls of the cage are covered with steel plates which are locked in place with vertical bars. The bars are locked in place but they can be removed quickly if necessary.
There are small gaps in the corners, etc. so the cage is not airtight. Breathing inside the cage is not a problem.

When I am inside the cage, behind the steel plates, I have a very safe feeling.
I am safe from all physical threats, I cannot be taken away except by Trusted Persons and I cannot be harmed from the outside.
I know it’s impossible anyway, but this is all just special assurance for it.

My “basic rules” include that I’m always chained to steel restraints so I also have handcuffs and legcuffs at night. They effectively lock my mittens and soft leather shoes.

I like to think that tight restraints inside a cramped cage also protect me from the fact that I can’t hurt myself.
It is very possible that for some reason I would have a panic reaction and I would try to move so that I could hurt myself.
That’s why I feel safe every moment, I know I’ll be taken out of the cage unharmed in the morning.



Terrorism and killing by the Russians continues in Ukraine, even increasing all the time.
It is now 100 days since the attack, tens of thousands of people have died, hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed and people have been driven out of the country.

I think it's awful I can't do anything ... and no one else.
I have received some messages regarding my reaction.Some wonder why I react this way? why am i teasing myselfwhy don't i just go on with my normal life?

I have no answer to it, I can’t live my “normal” life until the situation calms down and the attackers are banished.
The free world must learn something from this!

In any case, I still live under tightened security rules.
I will live like this for as long as the war in Ukraine continues, it may be called my private statement (which has no meaning in any sense, I know).

One person, a blacksmith, contacted me. He would like to make me strong, custom steel restraints that would also be suitable for long-term use.
It is a very interesting offer, I told the Committee about it and they have discussed it with the blacksmith.
I have something custom made restraints but this feels like a very interesting idea.
The manufacturer thinks he can provide a modifiable entity that is always locked in some way.

The idea fascinates and flatters me. It's kind of nice to know that some people really think of me...
The Committee has a person who has done almost all the metal work here. I was surprised that they are also interested in this offer.



I told you that one person wants to make restraints that are designed for me. I thought it was just a matter of planning but things are moving fast.

I was able to try out the first part of this set yesterday.

They have rigid steel handcuffs combined with a steel waist belt.
The wrist parts are oval in shape and lock tightly to my wrists. inside the oval is a thin neoprene that protects my wrists but at the same time they are very tight. I can’t turn my wrists inside them. They may be 5 cm wide. There is a fixed bar between the wrists that is about 30 cm long. The wrists are bent so that they are in the ergometrically correct position.
The neoprene pad can be detached from the wrist so my hands can have mittens, if required, then the mittens wrist will lock under the steel cuff.
The waist belt is also steel and it comes on top of my corset. There is basically nothing new in it other than the fact that there is an anchor point in front to which the fixed intermediate bar of the handcuffs can be locked. The waist also has attachment points on the sides and back.

I was locked into new handcuffs yesterday and it was a new, shaking experience. I’m used to a lot of limitations but the fact that I can’t even turn my wrists was very frustrating!
Also, the fact that my hands are all the time close to my waist makes me very helpless. I couldn't even eat normally! I also couldn't do my toilet things on my own ...

My exact dimensions were taken for add-ons so the project will continue.

Luckily, I still have some daily work so my hands are free for that time.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I told you that one person wants to make restraints that are designed for me. I thought it was just a matter of planning but things are moving fast.

I was able to try out the first part of this set yesterday.

They have rigid steel handcuffs combined with a steel waist belt.
The wrist parts are oval in shape and lock tightly to my wrists. inside the oval is a thin neoprene that protects my wrists but at the same time they are very tight. I can’t turn my wrists inside them. They may be 5 cm wide. There is a fixed bar between the wrists that is about 30 cm long. The wrists are bent so that they are in the ergometrically correct position.
The neoprene pad can be detached from the wrist so my hands can have mittens, if required, then the mittens wrist will lock under the steel cuff.
The waist belt is also steel and it comes on top of my corset. There is basically nothing new in it other than the fact that there is an anchor point in front to which the fixed intermediate bar of the handcuffs can be locked. The waist also has attachment points on the sides and back.

I was locked into new handcuffs yesterday and it was a new, shaking experience. I’m used to a lot of limitations but the fact that I can’t even turn my wrists was very frustrating!
Also, the fact that my hands are all the time close to my waist makes me very helpless. I couldn't even eat normally! I also couldn't do my toilet things on my own ...

My exact dimensions were taken for add-ons so the project will continue.

Luckily, I still have some daily work so my hands are free for that time.

I find it a very good thing that you are locked in custom made steel.It must be an awesome experience when you have something that is made just for you. I look forward to seeing how the project continues!
You need to remember that well-done restraints won’t hurt you. They only cause pain if you don’t adjust to them and you’re trying to get rid of them.



Real Restraints wrote:

I find it a very good thing that you are locked in custom made steel.It must be an awesome experience when you have something that is made just for you. I look forward to seeing how the project continues!
You need to remember that well-done restraints won’t hurt you. They only cause pain if you don’t adjust to them and you’re trying to get rid of them.

It’s true that it feels special when I know restraints are made just for me.
You’re also right that a well-done restraint doesn’t hurt me, I just have to adjust to them.

At first, the stiff, ridig handcuffs seemed impossible to wear for a long time but get used to it relatively quickly (they are locked to me for 5 to 6 hours a day so it’s not full time though).
Actually, it can be said that when the steel wrists are tight and shaped, it prevents me from hurting myself.
It severely limits me but also protects me in its own way.

Handcuffs were only the first part of the restraints ensemble so at some point more is coming, maybe as early as the weekend.
I think it’s good that I’m getting new steel restraints gradually so I’ll have time to get used to them.
If all new things came at once, it might be too much of a shock.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

product of the day. Snake Skin Collar! Skin.JPG Skin and Black collar.JPG

These links don't work because the space between Snake and Skin truncates the URL (address) short of .JPG

I tried some workarounds, but they didn't work. Maybe an underline [ _ ] is missing.

Last edited by RenegadeSpirit (2022-06-12 20:48:39)



RenegadeSpirit wrote:

These links don't work because the space between Snake and Skin truncates the URL (address) short of .JPG

I tried some workarounds, but they didn't work. Maybe an underline [ _ ] is missing.

Last edited by RenegadeSpirit (2022-06-12 20:48:39)

maybe the pages and addresses have changed in some way, I don't know.

In any case, many products and pictures can be found at

I highly recommend them, I also hope to be able to design something for them again or at least give ideas to them!



I’ve had a special week, in many ways.

First of all, I have had a nice time because my friend Nina has been with me every day. Sometimes she has visited shortly but there are days when she has been with me for many hours!
She has a summer vacation and so she has the opportunity to spend it this way too. Of course she has other lives too but I appreciate that she wants to remember me too.

We have talked a lot about our friendship.
It started with her study work and has now developed into a deep confidence so that I can tell her all the things that are on my mind and she will help me deal with them.
Of course, we are also discussing many other issues. I consider her my friend even though I understand that she may not tell me everything about her life.
However, I must remember my position as a controlled prisoner.
Since she is my friend, my rules of conduct do not apply to talking to her, meaning I can talk to her completely freely, as friends talk.
I have to behave respectfully towards her but I would do so even without the rules.

Meeting routines have also changed for her. Normally we would meet here in the guest room. I would sit in my chair inside a locked box, or I would be locked in a table.
Nowadays, Nina can be next to my cell. She has her own comfortable chair, she can sit and drink coffee while spending time with me.
Stricter safety rules are, of course, always in place.
I have three chains that keep me from getting close to cell’s door. A floor chain that is locked to my hobble chain, a chain that is locked to my waist at the back, and a roof chain that comes down to my collar. When Nina is next to cell, all the chains are shortened because of safety. However, I can move inside the cell.

I wish Nina could be outside with me too but that’s not possible, at least not yet.
The committee and the guards were wondering how to do it safely. They say there would be no problem if I had a big, own cage for outdoor activities that would isolate me from the guest.
Now there is no such thing, I am always fastened to the wall or the guard guides me in the chain.
I hope that a solution can be found.

I was introduced to add-ons to my personal restraints system a week ago. I already had stiff handcuffs attached to my waistband.
Now I got a new collar, behind it descends a rigid bar that is attached behind my waistband. It keeps my posture straight (nothing new because I already have a corset for that).
The new thing is also that above my elbows, around my arms are steel bands with a rigid bar between them. This bar is attached to a vertical bar so my entire upper body, including my hands, is completely stiff.

New restraints are locked for 4 to 6 hours a day and getting used to them is sometimes tough. Nina's presence has helped a lot.

I have been told that restraints are designed so that they can be worn for long periods of time so this is only maybe an exercise for the future.

More restraints are coming at some point, I can say that the blacksmith who makes them is very enthusiastic about his work ...



We (I) got a nasty reminder about the safety of restraints on monday.

I was locked in my stiff upper body restraints (collar, waist, wrists and arms combined with steel bars).
I was inside my cell, all three of my security chains were locked (floor, wall and ceiling). The chains had been shortened because Nina was with me, outside the cell.

I don’t know what happened, I may have forgotten that the chains have been shortened during the visit. I walked too far and the chain clicked tight. I staggered and was close to crashing to the floor. Of course, that wasn’t possible because I had a collar chain that hung from the ceiling. It limited me so that I was left on my knees, hanging from the chain.
The surprising pull on my neck was pretty hard because the steel chain and collar didn’t flex at all.
I was scared and startled because my body restraints didn’t let me move at all. I hung there paralyzed for a moment.
I was scared but I think Nina was even more scared! There was nothing she could do to help me because she was outside the cell and I was locked in the middle of the cell.
However, it was good that Nina was there. She was able to alert the guard almost immediately. However, I was already standing when the guards came so the situation was already over.

We had an evening discussion with the members of the Committee, they wanted to know exactly what had happened.
They were very interested in what had happened, at the same time they checked my rigid restraints.
They think this accident was a good indication that my restraints need to be well planned. Because the ensemble includes a tight waist belt that is rigidly connected to the collar, it received the shock as I fell so that my neck was not overstressed.
It is an indication that everything must be strictly and well designed and used.

Already yesterday a change was made to my restraints system. Now the roof has a strong steel spring to which is attached a chain that comes to my collar.
This means that if I fall again, the fixed chain will not hurt me, the spring of the chain will stretch somewhat and thus soften the impact and strain.
It is also possible if more accidents happen then I need to be locked so that I cannot stand, walk or move inside the cell.
It’s one chance to guarantee my safety but I don’t want it. I will try to be careful in the future.

Here are a few great days to come, Midsummer party!
I remember how I got to be a part of the party in previous years and I hope so now, I don’t know what will happen during the increased security now.
... and it's also my birthday time, it would be nice to celebrate it :)



I assume the Committee (and the blacksmith) has read JG-Leathers ’writings?

For example, "Chained Convict" gives a lot of ideas, also other books he/she has published are also very useful if they want to find new ways.

You have to remember that a prisoner's life must not be too easy!

Happy birthday anyway.



There was basically a nice Midsummer party here. I got to be involved for a while and it was nice.
It was even too hot outside, an hour in the open air was enough for me.
I had my “new” stiff upper body restraints and it made me feel a little uncomfortable in the hot weather.

I was in the shade, chained to a wall. Because of the strong steel restraints, I couldn’t eat without help and it made me helpless and it was a little hard mentally because there were more people there than in normal situations.
Nina had been invited to the party too, it was nice.
She took part in the discussion and celebration with the Committee, I felt a little outsiders.
People had fun, they chatted and laughed at the table while I was further away, next to the wall. Like a dog connected to a chain.
It may be silly to tell here but I felt abandoned and I was even jealous that Nina didn’t pay more attention to me.
She’s my friend but still she had more fun with other people than near me. It hurt even though I know I have no right to complain about it.

In any case, there are other, temporary changes in my practices.
The guards started the holiday and now I am under the daily care of the members of the Committee.



I can understand why it must have felt difficult for you, being separated from the main group as you were. It's natural to want to be involved, although you can recognize why you were kept separate, as Nina is not a guard and must be kept at a distance from you physically. However, you should also remember that you are the sole reason why they were all together in that place on that day. Without you, this group and this party would not have existed. Even if not physically in the middle of the celebration, you are 100% at the center of it all in a practical way. Also, you can be thankful that you are being kept locked safe and secure in your restraints and practices. It is what you want, and it's good for you. Not everyone is so fortunate to have a lifestyle that suits them so well.

I don't mean that everything has been given to you on a plate. You and your Committee have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to achieve this level of control over you. It seems like the celebrations were very appropriate, and you behaved well, as usual. Be proud of your achievements and celebrate who and what you are - a fully controlled prisoner.


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