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I too hope that these crises would be over and that my life would stabilize without extra stress.

This is not all. I got a new problem this weekend.
Actually, the problem had already developed earlier. I'm usually in my "cage treatment" naked, it also means I don't have a corset supporting my back like  normally.
Difficult, long-term positions inside the cage or outside, restrained in many ways strain my weak back and it is now very painful.

I didn't mention it to the Committee because pain is part of my sessions, I'm used to it and can handle it quite well.
The problem goes away when I get the corset tightly around me again... so actually it's not even a problem.

The idea is kind of interesting: My corsets restrict me, I feel it all the time, it restricts my movement and even breathing to some extent, but I can't be without the support it gives!

In any case, the Committee is now working on the matter of us going to see some expert and hearing his opinion on the matter.

Basically, Ilona is this kind of person because she also makes corsets for disabled people and people with weak backs and other movement problems. Perhaps, however, the doctor's opinion is also good.


I have promised that I will not write much about the war in Europe, but I will still say that I am very satisfied with the current development there! the same time, I'm scared of what will happen if a cornered psychopath decides to do something really stupid...
Russian honor cannot stand defeat.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I too hope that these crises would be over and that my life would stabilize without extra stress.

This is not all. I got a new problem this weekend.
Actually, the problem had already developed earlier. I'm usually in my "cage treatment" naked, it also means I don't have a corset supporting my back like  normally.
Difficult, long-term positions inside the cage or outside, restrained in many ways strain my weak back and it is now very painful.

I didn't mention it to the Committee because pain is part of my sessions, I'm used to it and can handle it quite well.
The problem goes away when I get the corset tightly around me again... so actually it's not even a problem.

The idea is kind of interesting: My corsets restrict me, I feel it all the time, it restricts my movement and even breathing to some extent, but I can't be without the support it gives!

In any case, the Committee is now working on the matter of us going to see some expert and hearing his opinion on the matter.

Basically, Ilona is this kind of person because she also makes corsets for disabled people and people with weak backs and other movement problems. Perhaps, however, the doctor's opinion is also good.

I have promised that I will not write much about the war in Europe, but I will still say that I am very satisfied with the current development there! the same time, I'm scared of what will happen if a cornered psychopath decides to do something really stupid...
Russian honor cannot stand defeat.

dear miisa,
The problem with the corset is, even though I'm not a doctor, your back muscles no longer work.
I think you'll have to re-muscle your back muscles and probably your abs, if you don't want to be doomed to suffer every time you're not corseted.
but I think that a rheumatologist will be able to treat you as well as a physiotherapist.
i'm afraid you have to make an exit from your cozy nest shortly.
If I can give you any advice, it is high time your committee took steps to force you into daily physical activities.
idleness is very bad for your health, I think you have to move seriously, even if I know that playing sports while carrying constraints is more difficult, it is not a reason for your committee which takes care of your security in the strictest way does not do the same for your health.

have a good day



This problem has been known. Also the fact that it gets worse but I have accepted it as part of my life imprisonment.

Over time, there have been various attempts here to maintain my physical training. I've had a treadmill where I could walk, I've also had a stationary exercise bike.
Those devices have now been moved to the guards quarters, I think. There might be more use for them there.
I have also had different gymnastics programs that we tried to do in the morning and in the evening when getting dressed. I also had an exercise program that was combined with strict bondage, it was quite challenging but I liked it... maybe too much in the sexual sense.

I have received some worried messages that something needs to be done to my back or it will get worse.

I'm not afraid of it because I'm very used to the support that a corset gives.
The corset may make me stiff, slow and clumsy, but at the same time it also makes me easy to manage and control. Just like my other restraints.

I kind of like that feeling.

I agree that my back will be examined, maybe then I will also get a new corset that will make me even more satisfied.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

This problem has been known. Also the fact that it gets worse but I have accepted it as part of my life imprisonment.

Over time, there have been various attempts here to maintain my physical training. I've had a treadmill where I could walk, I've also had a stationary exercise bike.
Those devices have now been moved to the guards quarters, I think. There might be more use for them there.
I have also had different gymnastics programs that we tried to do in the morning and in the evening when getting dressed. I also had an exercise program that was combined with strict bondage, it was quite challenging but I liked it... maybe too much in the sexual sense.

I have received some worried messages that something needs to be done to my back or it will get worse.

I'm not afraid of it because I'm very used to the support that a corset gives.
The corset may make me stiff, slow and clumsy, but at the same time it also makes me easy to manage and control. Just like my other restraints.

I kind of like that feeling.

I agree that my back will be examined, maybe then I will also get a new corset that will make me even more satisfied.

Dear miisa,
you worry me a lot.
I have the impression that your love of constraints comes at the expense of your health.
Your back pain is for me only the tip of the iceberg, but a sedentary lifestyle has other consequences such as diabetes, osteoporosis.....
I hope that your committee imposes a complete and regular medical follow-up on you..
There are several sports devices that I think would be suitable for your discipline without any effect on your security.
Finally, you seem to want a new corset, I hope this one will be very restrictive as you seem to wish
I wish you good health.



Yesterday I had a conversation with Nina and the members of the Committee (Ilona and one other).

We discussed my thoughts on the corset and other tight restrictions. We also talked about the importance of exercise.

Nina said that she has consulted people who have more experience in these matters as well.
In their opinion, my thoughts about strict physical control are "ordinary" if we are talking about people who have an equally strong need to face strict control and care.
There is no problem with this if there is a "support network" around this person who takes care of the person's needs and well-being.

The experts (and Nina) think that the recent happens this year have caused my thoughts to be modified in such a way that I feel that I need additional protection and care.
I also need a complete feeling of their permanence.

Thus, my physical and mental need for my tight corset is very understandable, as well as all my restraints use and practices in them.

The use of the corset is emphasized in such a way that I feel a personal touch every time when it is tightened around my body. Then there is a person near me who touches me and leaves behind a feeling of a very tight hug that lasts the whole day.
I feel it in my every movement and even in my breathing. It might make my life painful and difficult sometimes, but it's worth it.

This is why I consider it quite natural that without a corset I feel weak and vulnerable.
It might sound a bit strange, but it is completely understandable that I am firmly locked in my "bed" in many ways during the night. The position gives the best possible way for my back and body to rest without a corset without me hurting myself.
I am protected all the time.

The importance of exercise is still important, the Committee is thinking about solutions to improve it.

Restraints practices remain unchanged, nothing has happened to change my high level max security routines. I accept that, I didn't even ask for them to be changed.

Ilona talked about the future. If I need a more supportive corset, that's no problem.
I now usually have "normal" corsets that are reinforced with steel (corset bones and some other parts).
In the future, the corset can be a stronger, steel-reinforced leather version, it can also be made of plastic exactly to my body.
A neck brace can also be attached to the corset, which keeps the head firmly in the right position. Corsets like this are used, for example, in the treatment of scoliosis or due to serious spine problems. Then the user can wear it for many years without problems, maybe until the end of their life and still the user can live a normal life.

Ilona was attracted by the idea that a variety of restraint attachment points can be added to a steel-reinforced corset already in the design phase.
That sounded like a good idea.

People in the outside world have many problems, bigger than my back problem (which isn't even a problem now).
Eating disorders, various mental issues, drug use, obesity, poverty, stupidity, narcissism and many other things are more of a concern than my problems.

Our conversation was good and I felt good about it.

Finally, the obligatory "leather update" ... Ilona was dressed in her normal leather pantsuit, which always looks enviably good on her. The boots also fit the ensemble well.
Nina had basic black leather pants and a long sweater. It's nice to notice that she also likes wearing leather more and more :)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Yesterday I had a conversation with Nina and the members of the Committee (Ilona and one other).

We discussed my thoughts on the corset and other tight restrictions. We also talked about the importance of exercise.

Nina said that she has consulted people who have more experience in these matters as well.
In their opinion, my thoughts about strict physical control are "ordinary" if we are talking about people who have an equally strong need to face strict control and care.
There is no problem with this if there is a "support network" around this person who takes care of the person's needs and well-being.

The experts (and Nina) think that the recent happens this year have caused my thoughts to be modified in such a way that I feel that I need additional protection and care.
I also need a complete feeling of their permanence.

Thus, my physical and mental need for my tight corset is very understandable, as well as all my restraints use and practices in them.

The use of the corset is emphasized in such a way that I feel a personal touch every time when it is tightened around my body. Then there is a person near me who touches me and leaves behind a feeling of a very tight hug that lasts the whole day.
I feel it in my every movement and even in my breathing. It might make my life painful and difficult sometimes, but it's worth it.

This is why I consider it quite natural that without a corset I feel weak and vulnerable.
It might sound a bit strange, but it is completely understandable that I am firmly locked in my "bed" in many ways during the night. The position gives the best possible way for my back and body to rest without a corset without me hurting myself.
I am protected all the time.

The importance of exercise is still important, the Committee is thinking about solutions to improve it.

Restraints practices remain unchanged, nothing has happened to change my high level max security routines. I accept that, I didn't even ask for them to be changed.

Ilona talked about the future. If I need a more supportive corset, that's no problem.
I now usually have "normal" corsets that are reinforced with steel (corset bones and some other parts).
In the future, the corset can be a stronger, steel-reinforced leather version, it can also be made of plastic exactly to my body.
A neck brace can also be attached to the corset, which keeps the head firmly in the right position. Corsets like this are used, for example, in the treatment of scoliosis or due to serious spine problems. Then the user can wear it for many years without problems, maybe until the end of their life and still the user can live a normal life.

Ilona was attracted by the idea that a variety of restraint attachment points can be added to a steel-reinforced corset already in the design phase.
That sounded like a good idea.

People in the outside world have many problems, bigger than my back problem (which isn't even a problem now).
Eating disorders, various mental issues, drug use, obesity, poverty, stupidity, narcissism and many other things are more of a concern than my problems.

Our conversation was good and I felt good about it.

Finally, the obligatory "leather update" ... Ilona was dressed in her normal leather pantsuit, which always looks enviably good on her. The boots also fit the ensemble well.
Nina had basic black leather pants and a long sweater. It's nice to notice that she also likes wearing leather more and more

I just saw your response.
you really seem addicted to constraining corsets.
In your case a neck brace seems a good idea, it would be perfect if it could be connected to the corset.
Another good idea is shoulder pads that will pull your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades and force yourself into a very straight posture.
To finish there existed in the old days of the disciplinary corsets very rres long which encloses each thighs.
this could give ideas for ilona to make you an infernal corset.
Finally, to do a bit of sport without changing anything in your restraints, except perhaps a small adjustment in the length of your ankle chain, it's a simple stepper.
A link for longs corsets



I would like to tell one more detail about our last meeting.
Both Ilona and Nina wore gloves on their hands throughout the meeting.
They were, of course, normal, tight leather gloves. The beautiful ones. I had my leather mittens on and my handcuffs were attached to the sides of my waist chain.

I asked why they were wearing gloves, they were sitting outside my cell, far away from me.
They said they want to wear gloves because they want to support me in solidarity.

It was a beautiful thought and it made me feel good even though I knew that my mittens restrict me and their gloves are just beautiful and comfortable gloves.




Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I would like to tell one more detail about our last meeting.
Both Ilona and Nina wore gloves on their hands throughout the meeting.
They were, of course, normal, tight leather gloves. The beautiful ones. I had my leather mittens on and my handcuffs were attached to the sides of my waist chain.

I asked why they were wearing gloves, they were sitting outside my cell, far away from me.
They said they want to wear gloves because they want to support me in solidarity.

It was a beautiful thought and it made me feel good even though I knew that my mittens restrict me and their gloves are just beautiful and comfortable gloves.

Dear miisa,
I'm an idiot, I didn't realize you're a leather addict.
Your 2 girlfriends made you the pleasure of wearing leather gloves to get you a little excited,
I think if they could have touched you a little with you would have been in heaven, but I think your rules strictly forbid it.
I now understand why you lied to me by telling me that you weren't wearing a prisoner's costume because you weren't in humiliation
In fact, I think it's more because it's fabric and not leather.
I'm pretty sure if the prisoner costume was orange leather you wouldn't mind at all.
Maybe I'm wrong as it often happens to me, but I think I'm right.
I wish you a great weekend.



Sophie wrote:

Dear miisa,
I'm an idiot, I didn't realize you're a leather addict.
Your 2 girlfriends made you the pleasure of wearing leather gloves to get you a little excited,
I think if they could have touched you a little with you would have been in heaven, but I think your rules strictly forbid it.
I now understand why you lied to me by telling me that you weren't wearing a prisoner's costume because you weren't in humiliation
In fact, I think it's more because it's fabric and not leather.
I'm pretty sure if the prisoner costume was orange leather you wouldn't mind at all.
Maybe I'm wrong as it often happens to me, but I think I'm right.
I wish you a great weekend.

You're not an idiot :)
I know that my writings are sometimes difficult to read and understand.
My love for beautiful and comfortable leather is so obvious to me that I don't always even mention it. The same thing is my restraints, I don't always mention them in my writings because they are a "permanent" part of me and my life.

Dressing in leather is also mentioned in the agreement we all accepted regarding my limited life :)
Usually my leather clothes are black, I don't know why. I've never thought about it
Your idea of an orange, leather prison uniform sounds like a great idea, I don't know how I would get used to it but still.
Black leather kind of calms me down and in my mind it makes me inconspicuous.
Orange or some other bright color would emphasize my status as a prisoner (of course that would also be its purpose...)
An interesting thought.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

You're not an idiot
I know that my writings are sometimes difficult to read and understand.
My love for beautiful and comfortable leather is so obvious to me that I don't always even mention it. The same thing is my restraints, I don't always mention them in my writings because they are a "permanent" part of me and my life.

Dressing in leather is also mentioned in the agreement we all accepted regarding my limited life
Usually my leather clothes are black, I don't know why. I've never thought about it
Your idea of an orange, leather prison uniform sounds like a great idea, I don't know how I would get used to it but still.
Black leather kind of calms me down and in my mind it makes me inconspicuous.
Orange or some other bright color would emphasize my status as a prisoner (of course that would also be its purpose...)
An interesting thought.

Hello miisa,
thank you for kind answer.
When i said orange it was because it is the color generally used for prisoners. I think it's a showy color allowing easier identification of escapees.
In your case, I think we can leave the choice of color and shape (dress, jumpsuit...) to your committee.
I think for you they will have to make it lockable which will be a plus for your restraints.
have a good day.



I want to tell something that I witnessed about my past. It's about accepting limitations.
We discussed it with Nina and she said that it would be good to write it here as well, for Forum members to read.

As you know, I was involved in several bdsm-themed events that Yuri organized for his international guests.
The events always had the same basic theme, restricted and submissive women who were used in many ways.
The "normal" basic setup was that women who were entertaining guests were restrained in such a way that they could not use their hands.
It meant steel restraints, binding with leather or ropes, armbinders and other similar ways.
I understood that the restraints style was agreed upon between the woman and the guest, the guest could make a request and the woman agreed to it because she received a monetary payment for it.
In my opinion, everything was acceptable, even in some sense a beautiful activity. Everyone got something.
One of my tasks was to "assist" these women, for example, with the toilet, make-up and cleanliness. I made sure that the girls looked as beautiful as possible.
I only realized much later how stupid and naive I had been, but this writing does not tell about it.

In this article I want to tell about a woman whom I saw at events several times, at least 4 different times.
The first time I saw her was when she got out of the car and walked in the front door.
She had a very straight posture and she was remarkably beautiful, like royalty. She came in, she wearing a long coat with a fur collar, high heels on boots.
Beside her was another woman, she was not that impressive but she was holding a short leash in her hand, the other end of which was attached to the beautiful woman's high collar.

Yuri told me that she is an important guest at the event and she doesn't need my help. She has her own supervisor and helper nearby at all times.

The woman had her hands in the side pockets of her long coat all the time. Yuri guided them to a separate room upstairs.

I continued to guide the other guests. At some point, Yuri came to pick me up and we went to the door of this important guest room. Yuri knocked on the door and we got an answer from inside. We entered.
A beautiful woman stood straight in the middle of the floor. Another, shorter woman was behind her and was tightening her corset, a high collar was around her neck and the leash was hanging loose from it. The high collar forced her to hold her head slightly up. Her face was very nicely made up. The hair was beautifully tied up on top of the head.
I looked at her tight corset that molded her body very tightly, it even seemed supernaturally tight. I stared at her like a statue, I was completely dumbfounded by what I saw.

The woman said something to the other woman and they both laughed a little.

A sound of disbelief came out of my mouth when I finally realized why he had such a captivating look. He had no arms!

I looked at her confused, then looked at Yuri and finally saw her beautiful coat hanging on the wall. It looked like the empty coat still had full sleeves, as if the hands were still in the coat pockets!

"Don't be ashamed of your reaction" the woman smiled and said in a low voice, in weak English "everyone reacts to me like that".

"They are Malina and Alina, sisters from Tsetsenia" Yuri introduced them to me.
"Malina is a brave person who experienced a terrible drama in the war. She was a young girl who picked up a self-made pipe bomb from the ground. The bomb exploded and mutilated both her hands and much more" Yuri said "Alina is her sister. They live and move together all the time".
I was speechless. I couldn't believe that the beautiful woman in front of me had to experience something so terrible!
I was looking at her bare shoulders, or really where they should have been. The skin was smooth and only light scars were visible. Both shoulders were the same.

"I didn't look like this after the accident" Madina smiled "But still I was alive. The right arm was completely gone, the left was severed above the elbow. There were injuries on the stomach, chest and neck. I was lucky and the doctor from the aid organization was able to save my life".
I still looked at her in disbelief.
"I was a young girl then and I learned to live without hands, my sister helped me but I still hated my life" Madina said "I was useless. After many years, I got lucky when, through an aid organization, I had the opportunity to meet a plastic surgeon who had to repair me. My broken arm was removed and my face was somewhat repaired, maybe I didn't look so much like a monster anymore".
I listened and tried to imagine how terrible that woman's life has been.

"Then I met with luck" Madina smiled "a plastic surgeon wanted to take me on as a project where he made me better. He wanted to learn different techniques and I had nothing to lose. My face was repaired more, it was made even more beautiful than the original! The marks of my hand amputation were repaired with skin grafts, the skin was taken from my thighs. Some of my ribs were destroyed in the explosion, now the same bones were removed from the other side to make my body look balanced. That's why I always have to wear a tight corset now. There are also problems with my neck that couldn't be fixed".

"...and now you're here" I felt stupid and couldn't say anything wise, I was so confused.

"I'm not stupid though" Madina said "I know what I look like now and I know there are people who are interested in this kind of specialty. That's why we're taking advantage of it now. We travel all over the world for events like this and we get paid fairly for it".

"I wanted you to meet before tonight's party" Yuri said "As I told Miisa, you don't need her help with normal activities because you are together. But I want Miisa to be aware that you are not like the other women of the evening. I want to know right away if you experience inappropriate behaviour, etc. Miisa's job is to observe that as well and immediately report her observations to me".

"Now we will leave you to prepare for your performance tonight" Yuri said politely and we left the room.

I wrote this memory here now, referring to our previous conversation about the use of my corset :)



Dear miisa,
thank you for your story.
this brings me to a question:
how was it the first time you were corseted, hope it doesn't remind you of a painful time.



Sophie wrote:

Dear miisa,
thank you for your story.
this brings me to a question:
how was it the first time you were corseted, hope it doesn't remind you of a painful time.

My wearing a corset came little by little, actually after what I wrote above.
At first I only had experiences with light corsets and little by little their use increased and the corsets (and lacing) became tighter.

Meeting Madina and getting to know her actually helped me get used to the idea of corsets.
I somehow admired her endurance and the way to turn bad things into a win.
Corsets have never been a bad thing for me.



Sophie wrote:

Hello miisa,
thank you for kind answer.
When i said orange it was because it is the color generally used for prisoners. I think it's a showy color allowing easier identification of escapees.
In your case, I think we can leave the choice of color and shape (dress, jumpsuit...) to your committee.
I think for you they will have to make it lockable which will be a plus for your restraints.
have a good day.

the web is a wonderful place :)

I got a message from a couple who said they have the perfect leather prison uniform for me!
They were on vacation in Tenerife about five years ago and ordered clothes for the wife in a special and spectacular color (orange) from a local leather clothing manufacturer.
The outfit includes a long leather blazer, a long (below the knees) leather skirt and a "gentleman's" vest. The outfit is business style, so not so much fetish style.
When they ordered it, the idea felt good, but still the outfit has not been worn :)
Since then, the wife gave birth to children and now the outfit is already too small for her... it's a shame.
They follow my forum and also read the conversation where we talked about prison-colored leather clothes.

They hadn't thought about it that way before but now they wrote to me and wanted to offer me these clothes!

The clothing size is very close to my size, so this idea appeals to me.
I gave their contact details to the Committee, now I can only hope that they will discuss whether I can get this donation.
They say they might have some other leather clothing they could give me. I usually get Ilona's and others' clothes used, so this would be a really nice surprise!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

the web is a wonderful place

I got a message from a couple who said they have the perfect leather prison uniform for me!
They were on vacation in Tenerife about five years ago and ordered clothes for the wife in a special and spectacular color (orange) from a local leather clothing manufacturer.
The outfit includes a long leather blazer, a long (below the knees) leather skirt and a "gentleman's" vest. The outfit is business style, so not so much fetish style.
When they ordered it, the idea felt good, but still the outfit has not been worn
Since then, the wife gave birth to children and now the outfit is already too small for her... it's a shame.
They follow my forum and also read the conversation where we talked about prison-colored leather clothes.

They hadn't thought about it that way before but now they wrote to me and wanted to offer me these clothes!

The clothing size is very close to my size, so this idea appeals to me.
I gave their contact details to the Committee, now I can only hope that they will discuss whether I can get this donation.
They say they might have some other leather clothing they could give me. I usually get Ilona's and others' clothes used, so this would be a really nice surprise!

Dear miisa,
sounds like good news and I'm glad you like my idea, thank you very much.
something else
I also have a suggestion for your shoes.
skating shoes can easily be transformed into a kind of foot corset. as i think you know they are thick and rigid leather which totally blocks the ankle and makes walking difficult and running totally impossible.
Just remove the skate, stick anti-slip soles so they are sleek  and slippery and maybe add a closure system to prevent them from being removed, which can easily be done.



Sophie wrote:

Dear miisa,
sounds like good news and I'm glad you like my idea, thank you very much.
something else
I also have a suggestion for your shoes.
skating shoes can easily be transformed into a kind of foot corset. as i think you know they are thick and rigid leather which totally blocks the ankle and makes walking difficult and running totally impossible.
Just remove the skate, stick anti-slip soles so they are sleek  and slippery and maybe add a closure system to prevent them from being removed, which can easily be done.

Skates are a good idea :) They keep the ankle in a somewhat "healthy" position.

However, I have my boots, they are safe and a good solution for me, I am sometimes a bit clumsy because the restraints...



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Skates are a good idea  They keep the ankle in a somewhat "healthy" position.

However, I have my boots, they are safe and a good solution for me, I am sometimes a bit clumsy because the restraints...

Gosh I haven't worn a corset in a long time, haha! I have one in my closet though, so maybe I will use it at some point again!

I have always loved wearing heels, instead of regular shoes, I go to university in heels, and everywhere else too really, only rarely I wear flats, and thats usually cause I'm out exercising.

And happy autumn/fall to you Miisa! I am back home in the United States, but would love to catch up with you at some point on PMs!



MsHanna wrote:

Gosh I haven't worn a corset in a long time, haha! I have one in my closet though, so maybe I will use it at some point again!

I have always loved wearing heels, instead of regular shoes, I go to university in heels, and everywhere else too really, only rarely I wear flats, and thats usually cause I'm out exercising.

And happy autumn/fall to you Miisa! I am back home in the United States, but would love to catch up with you at some point on PMs!

I hope the weather is nicer there than here in Finland now :)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

the web is a wonderful place

I got a message from a couple who said they have the perfect leather prison uniform for me!
They were on vacation in Tenerife about five years ago and ordered clothes for the wife in a special and spectacular color (orange) from a local leather clothing manufacturer.
The outfit includes a long leather blazer, a long (below the knees) leather skirt and a "gentleman's" vest. The outfit is business style, so not so much fetish style.
When they ordered it, the idea felt good, but still the outfit has not been worn
Since then, the wife gave birth to children and now the outfit is already too small for her... it's a shame.
They follow my forum and also read the conversation where we talked about prison-colored leather clothes.

They hadn't thought about it that way before but now they wrote to me and wanted to offer me these clothes!

The clothing size is very close to my size, so this idea appeals to me.
I gave their contact details to the Committee, now I can only hope that they will discuss whether I can get this donation.
They say they might have some other leather clothing they could give me. I usually get Ilona's and others' clothes used, so this would be a really nice surprise!

:( This didn't go well... The offer was too good to be true.

The committee was in contact with the couple and the donation included a condition that this couple could come here to give the leather clothes in person.

And that's not all.
The couple wanted the woman to stay here as a prisoner for a few days, maybe a week. Same security level as me.

The committee could not agree to this idea and thus the entire offer has now been voided.
I understand that.

Of course, it would have been nice if such a plan had come true. It would have been nice to meet a person who is really interested in my life and who could share it with me in a moment.

The committee says that it could crumble the whole idea of my isolated life and thus even endanger everything that has been created for a long time.
I have nothing to say to that.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

This didn't go well... The offer was too good to be true.

The committee was in contact with the couple and the donation included a condition that this couple could come here to give the leather clothes in person.

And that's not all.
The couple wanted the woman to stay here as a prisoner for a few days, maybe a week. Same security level as me.

The committee could not agree to this idea and thus the entire offer has now been voided.
I understand that.

Of course, it would have been nice if such a plan had come true. It would have been nice to meet a person who is really interested in my life and who could share it with me in a moment.

The committee says that it could crumble the whole idea of my isolated life and thus even endanger everything that has been created for a long time.
I have nothing to say to that.

Dear miisa,
I'm sorry for this bad news, but I completely understand your committee. The good news, I think, is that they seem interested in my idea.
Another thing, I would like to know how you deal with boredom,
it must be difficult to be alone and strickly restrained 24 hours a day.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I hope the weather is nicer there than here in Finland now

Weather is quite nice, but I always miss the Finnish weather!



Sophie wrote:

Dear miisa,
I'm sorry for this bad news, but I completely understand your committee. The good news, I think, is that they seem interested in my idea.
Another thing, I would like to know how you deal with boredom,
it must be difficult to be alone and strickly restrained 24 hours a day.

I don't think I'm bored.
I have my job (online and offline), I can communicate with the outside world in writing almost every day. I can see news and entertainment.
Physical restraints do not limit my thoughts or my mind.

I have some sessions when I am completely restricted from the outside world, but during that time I have other strict challenges or even sexual satisfaction.

I don't meet people face to face but otherwise I live a good life in my limited life.

I'm not locked in some dark basement without connections :) , at least not forever.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I don't think I'm bored.
I have my job (online and offline), I can communicate with the outside world in writing almost every day. I can see news and entertainment.
Physical restraints do not limit my thoughts or my mind.

I have some sessions when I am completely restricted from the outside world, but during that time I have other strict challenges or even sexual satisfaction.

I don't meet people face to face but otherwise I live a good life in my limited life.

I'm not locked in some dark basement without connections  , at least not forever.

Locked in a basement is fun sometimes! I enjoy being locked away sometimes, but not often!



Autumn is fast approaching here, the weather is quite cold already, especially at night.
Today the first car crashes of the winter happened here in the south because of the slippery road in the morning commuting traffic. It always comes as a surprise to some.

I feel the weather getting colder now for the first time here, so the indoor temperature in my rooms has been lowered. Only a few degrees (Celsius) but I can still feel it clearly.

There's nothing dramatic about it, it's just different from what I'm used to here.



Hopefully there will be a little bit of snow in Finland this Christmas and new years like last year, travelling to spend the holidays over there this year too!! Happy new week to Miisa!



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I don't think I'm bored.
I have my job (online and offline), I can communicate with the outside world in writing almost every day. I can see news and entertainment.
Physical restraints do not limit my thoughts or my mind.

I have some sessions when I am completely restricted from the outside world, but during that time I have other strict challenges or even sexual satisfaction.

I don't meet people face to face but otherwise I live a good life in my limited life.

I'm not locked in some dark basement without connections  , at least not forever.

Dear miisa,
this is good news for me. I thought you were more isolated than that.
For the weather in my aera it is still 25°C, a little grey.
I wish you a good day.



I am not a person who enjoys autumn or winter.

:) there's no need for me to complain because I've been confined indoors for most of my life.

In principle, it saddens me that I lost the opportunity to see the colors of nature again when autumn started. It would have been nice to have experienced some kind of "nature trip" where I could have felt the nature and weather changing in real conditions. practice it could have been different if I had tripped with my shackles and chains on a muddy path in the rain :) , but it's a dream anyway.

At the weekend there will be a meeting (and maybe a session) with some of the Committee members.

The purpose is also to discuss my future here.
I was a little worried when I heard about the topic of discussion, but Ilona messaged me that I have no reason to worry.
The purpose is just to discuss small changes that are just fine-tuning to the already used routine.



Glad to hear Ilona takes care of you and sets your thoughts at ease!



I had visitors on Saturday and Sunday. It was nice.

It was especially nice that I was visited by a person whom I don't see very often, although I know her existence very well almost all the time.
The guest was Stine, some of my readers know her from my LifeStory posts.
Basically, Stine was the influence that got me interested in limited, controlled life. I already had thoughts about it before, but she was the one who gave me the first real experiment.

Some of my followers know that Stine is one of the Committee members. The committee has two women as members, Stine and Ilona.
Ilona is often in contact with me, but Stine stays further away.
She actively participates in the Committee's activities and decisions, but we have agreed that I will not meet her often.
I know that she is a member who takes care of me and my rights in the Committee's decisions, of course Ilona too.

We have made an agreement with Stine, whom I trust completely.
It is based on the fact that I have given birth to a child for Stine. It was his suggestion and I agreed to it. In principle, it did not affect the agreement between me and the Committee, but of course it has some personal effects.
We sometimes talk about things over the web but we never mention the child. In my opinion, it's a good arrangement because the agreement about giving birth was completely clear, other things are not my business.
The reason why we met was that Stine wanted to talk with me about permanent disability and the limitations it brings.
...she has a lot of experience with it because she has been sitting in a wheelchair for a very long time.

She told me about the importance of physical health and maintaining the best possible functioning.

I think that meeting her and talking to her was very important and it reminded me of how I should think about things.

However, we all understand that the already made decisions about my practices, routines and restraints will not change until the related war crisis in Europe ends.



dear miisa,
  I'm glad your committee realized that they need to take care not only of your safety but also of your health and fitness.
I fully understand that the practice of sport and your state of constraints is difficult to reconcile, but we will have to find adequate solutions and I am counting on the imagination of your committee and your friends to achieve this.
I am ready, and surely many of your readers to find solutions to this dilemma
you can contact me directly if you want to talk about it.
I wish you a good day.


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