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today is the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They have slaughtered countless numbers of ordinary people...old people, children, women and men...civilians whose lives and futures have been destroyed.
A brave nation is still fighting back, even though it seemed impossible at the beginning. They need the help of other countries so that the beast does not crush them.

This is something that won't change if I discuss it with someone. I can't influence the facts.

The world is broken.



There to talk if you'd like.

Have a good day.

Last edited by Anondude74 (2023-02-24 12:23:09)



Dear miisa,
sorry for not having answered you for some time, I was deprived of telephone.
As for your physical training, I'm glad it's starting to pay off, congratulations.
As for your hobbled skirt, I don't understand why you're complaining, this form of restraint is perfectly normal, I think your committee must adding thigh restraints to prevent your knees from moving apart.
You say that your committee is thinking about increasing your resstraints or modifying them, I allow myself to make a few suggestions
-hobble chains for thighs
- sleep in tight sleep sack.
- a pillory or a scavenger's daughter.
-chastity belt
Finally I am like you in favor
totally to Ukraine and I hope the civilized world does everything for what wins.
But I hope that on this occasion your committee will decide not to lighten your resstraints.
Sorry, I'm mean



Doing physical work is the best means for a prisoner's health. In this case, the prisoner can't carry stones or do yard work, but maybe something could be invented.
On the other hand, I have read the prisoner's writings and I have understood that sometimes it was intended to make permanent restrictions on the prisoner so that her body changes according to them. I think it's very interesting. What happened to that idea?
I understand that physical well-being is important, but here we are dealing with a prisoner who is meant for strict punishment.
You could think that it is like a horizontal cup... a strong and healthy prisoner is dangerous and therefore must be strictly limited and monitored. Her sentence also requires it. A prisoner who is forced to strict restrictions and practices is safer and easier to control.
I agree with the prisoner about the war in Europe. It's horrible suffering and it should stop.
Nor can it affect the practices and rules of our prisoner. Whatever happens, the prisoner must be kept in the strictest possible confinement, however, so that she can report to us followers what is happening. So I'm not in favor of complete isolation!

I love BDSM art and in my opinion, prisoner Miisa's life is perhaps the greatest possible art. I hope it can continue for a long time!



Something strange has happened here.

The male guard has disappeared, he has not been seen for many days, more than a week.
It affects my daily life a lot because according to the rules there must always be two guards when they come to my cell.
The female guard has done all the routine work, the Committee member has been helping her. During this week, an unknown person who has no training/experience in this task has been helping. It makes things very difficult!

I've tried to ask what happened but I don't get an answer. I'm told it's none of my business.

In practice, these things affect me so much that I am more and more locked up alone in my cell.
Erin and Nina have been visiting me but they can't help the guard in the daily work (touching rule), they can only meet me when they are outside the cell.

Thus, my daily routine has become stricter, physical exercise has decreased and locking/restraints have increased.
...I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my morning and afternoon exercise!

Members Sophia and BDSM ART can calm down, I'll stay locked tight the whole time here.

...and I liked that BDSM ART said that my life here is like the greatest possible art. In a strange way, it felt good!



Dear miisa,
I think you misunderstand my posts. I think it's not your fault or mine, it's probably a google translation problem, because English is not my native language.
I hope things work out in your environment and I wish you a good day.



This could be an interesting evolution for the future



Rubberjohn1 wrote:

This could be an interesting evolution for the future

The collar should be made of steel. Text on the head and the nose ring are a matter of taste, I don't think they are necessary.
Anyway, I also like the strong leather collars. It can be used if the prisoner is under supervision all the time.
Is that Finnish manufacturer (BEP)? I have ordered mine from there. They make great products to order! … lar+bw.jpg

Last edited by BDSM ART (2023-03-10 17:37:23)



The nose ring in the previous picture made me remember part of the writing I've read. It is from the book "Secret Fantasies Fulfilled" (JG-Leathers, 2013)

"The straps that had immobilized my head were speedily undone, and I lifted my head cautiously, feeling the drag of the chains and bells on my ears, then looked down to see that Jessica held a wide, thick, silvery plate, with a distinct curve at the back in the palm of her hand. It wasn’t flat though, but shaped like a shallow, upside down trough into which my tongue would slide, with its sides so-designed as to curve down and around the edges of the muscle and under it a slight distance and thus isolate it. The five holes through the upper surface were aligned so that the studs would pass through them and there were also raised loops at the front and two others at the back on either side. On the under side at the front was a deep pocket into which the end of my tongue would fit, and it was then that I saw the array of small, sharp spikes that , when the plate was fastened in place, press painfully into the upper surface of my tongue. She looked me in the eyes and spoke.

“This is what you’ll soon wear at all times, my dear. As you can see, it nearly encases your tongue and it will silence you very effectively, thanks to the back part, here and the spikes.” Her finger pointed at the rearmost, down curving portion of the plate and along the rows of sharpened posts. I shuddered with fear because I knew precisely what it was and what it would do, but she gleefully continued to explain. “When the plate is fitted, this narrower, curved portion will go partially down into your throat and you won’t like it even a little bit. If you try to move your tongue even the littlest bit, it’ll make you retch ... as is intended. That reaction is designed to make you hesitate before even attempting to speak. You’ll eventually get used to it, I suppose, but the first couple of months you wear your tongue plate will be unpleasant in the extreme I’m afraid. If you never get used to it ... well, that’s a good thing too, because then you’ll always remain silent and I’m beginning to like that a great deal!

“I mentioned Stage Two a moment ago. What’s going to happen is that when all of the piercings have healed fully, Juli is going to thread some smooth, half centimetre diameter, snake-like chains through your nostrils and sinuses so that they emerge at the back of your throat. The ends of those chains will be temporarily connected to the studs at the back of your tongue, then tightened so that they pull it back slightly. That will make you feel as though you’re going to swallow it, as is intended. Once she’s got the length right, she’ll remove the chains for a moment, shorten them appropriately, and add opened locking links to the ends. The chains will then be re-threaded through your sinuses and the locking links will be connected to the fittings on the bar of your nose shackle, inside, and permanently closed. When that’s been done then their other ends will be locked onto the back-of-the-tongue posts. What this all does is to conceal them completely so that they won’t be visible to anyone who looks at you. A side benefit of this arrangement is that when tension is placed on your nose U shackle, it will be instantly transmitted deep into your head and also pull on your tongue ... a lovely arrangement, in my view! The fact that your tongue is chained will be our little secret, but you’ll be aware of those chains all the time, and, you won’t be able to get at them or escape their sensations no matter what you try to do."

I find it very interesting. The book and other JG-Leathers productions give a lot of good ideas for complete control of a person!




In my opinion, a prisoner imprisoned for eternity should be buried this way.   In any case, I wish our known prisoner good health and a long life!



Real Restraints wrote:

The nose ring in the previous picture made me remember part of the writing I've read. It is from the book "Secret Fantasies Fulfilled" (JG-Leathers, 2013)

"The straps that had immobilized my head were speedily undone, and I lifted my head cautiously, feeling the drag of the chains and bells on my ears, then looked down to see that Jessica held a wide, thick, silvery plate, with a distinct curve at the back in the palm of her hand. It wasn’t flat though, but shaped like a shallow, upside down trough into which my tongue would slide, with its sides so-designed as to curve down and around the edges of the muscle and under it a slight distance and thus isolate it. The five holes through the upper surface were aligned so that the studs would pass through them and there were also raised loops at the front and two others at the back on either side. On the under side at the front was a deep pocket into which the end of my tongue would fit, and it was then that I saw the array of small, sharp spikes that , when the plate was fastened in place, press painfully into the upper surface of my tongue. She looked me in the eyes and spoke.

“This is what you’ll soon wear at all times, my dear. As you can see, it nearly encases your tongue and it will silence you very effectively, thanks to the back part, here and the spikes.” Her finger pointed at the rearmost, down curving portion of the plate and along the rows of sharpened posts. I shuddered with fear because I knew precisely what it was and what it would do, but she gleefully continued to explain. “When the plate is fitted, this narrower, curved portion will go partially down into your throat and you won’t like it even a little bit. If you try to move your tongue even the littlest bit, it’ll make you retch ... as is intended. That reaction is designed to make you hesitate before even attempting to speak. You’ll eventually get used to it, I suppose, but the first couple of months you wear your tongue plate will be unpleasant in the extreme I’m afraid. If you never get used to it ... well, that’s a good thing too, because then you’ll always remain silent and I’m beginning to like that a great deal!

“I mentioned Stage Two a moment ago. What’s going to happen is that when all of the piercings have healed fully, Juli is going to thread some smooth, half centimetre diameter, snake-like chains through your nostrils and sinuses so that they emerge at the back of your throat. The ends of those chains will be temporarily connected to the studs at the back of your tongue, then tightened so that they pull it back slightly. That will make you feel as though you’re going to swallow it, as is intended. Once she’s got the length right, she’ll remove the chains for a moment, shorten them appropriately, and add opened locking links to the ends. The chains will then be re-threaded through your sinuses and the locking links will be connected to the fittings on the bar of your nose shackle, inside, and permanently closed. When that’s been done then their other ends will be locked onto the back-of-the-tongue posts. What this all does is to conceal them completely so that they won’t be visible to anyone who looks at you. A side benefit of this arrangement is that when tension is placed on your nose U shackle, it will be instantly transmitted deep into your head and also pull on your tongue ... a lovely arrangement, in my view! The fact that your tongue is chained will be our little secret, but you’ll be aware of those chains all the time, and, you won’t be able to get at them or escape their sensations no matter what you try to do."

I find it very interesting. The book and other JG-Leathers productions give a lot of good ideas for complete control of a person!

:) I too have read JG-Leather stories.
They are very interesting and they always start well. They are also written so that even I can read them!
Usually the stories progress in such a way that they are impossible in real life in the end.
I understand that stories have to develop, otherwise it would be like my stagnant and boring life here. No one wants to read that all the time.



BDSM ART wrote:


In my opinion, a prisoner imprisoned for eternity should be buried this way.   In any case, I wish our known prisoner good health and a long life!

Nice grave!
I think of it as giving the opportunity to rest in peace...



I have had to be quiet here because the arrangements have changed a bit here.

I've been told it's only temporary, once my normal guard comes back everything should be back to normal.
I don't know how long it will take because I am not being told all the things. It's about our safety, I've been told. I don't understand how :(

There are already more than a thousand replies in my diary, maybe that says something about our activity :)
It could be celebrated somehow...but i don't know how :(



There are elections here now, the citizens are electing a new parliament.

I spoke about it to the Committee, in my opinion I have the right to vote, just like all the other citizens here.
The committee didn't like it very much because we still have a small problem with the guard here.
But yesterday morning Ilona came and told me that we are going to vote, as I want. I have my rights.

Here you can also vote early, before the actual election day...I don't know if that's the case elsewhere.

In any case, the Committee had thought that Monday morning would be a quiet time to vote in a nearby library.

So a wheelchair was brought into my cell right after breakfast and I was told to sit on it.
I didn't know that in advance so I was a little surprised but at the same time happy that we are going out of here. I have been very monotonous here lately.

At first I didn't like the fact that I'm dressed in my "prisoner uniform", i.e. an orange leather skirt and a top with a black stripe on the side.
Ilona calmed me down and said that it is not visible when I sit quietly in the wheelchair.
She was right, When I sat in the wheelchair, my legirons were locked to the frame of the wheelchair and my waist belt was locked tightly to the seat of the wheelchair so that I could only sit firmly in the chair.

A kind of cover was put on my feet, from the toes of my shoes to my waist, like a sleeping bag that was closed with a zipper. Such is used by wheelchair patients for outdoor activities also usually sometimes.
I was handcuffed with a long chain between my wrists, the chain went through the O-ring of the belt.
I was confused when I was also locked in other, rigid handcuffs where the wrists were close together. Ilona explained that they are security for the car journey, they are taken off when we are at the polling place.
My collar was locked to the back of the chair with a loose chain.
Finally a woolen robe was placed over me, it effectively covered everything from my neck down. Finally, I got a colorful wool scarf around my neck, it completed my style (and covered the steel collar).

I was pushed out of the cell, through the guest room and into the garage.
The big outer door of the garage was opened and I was amazed, there was snow everywhere!
The last time I had outdoor activities, a few days earlier, almost all the snow was gone and spring was already far away, now winter had come back with force.

The  guard (assistant) had difficulty pushing my wheelchair to the car. I felt like saying that the chair moves better in the snow if he pulls me, not forcefully pushing me into the snow, but I thought it was funny that way. I'm not his teacher.

Finally, I was lifted into the car with a wheelchair lift and the chair was attached to the floor of the car. I was fitted with a normal seat belt, as it should be.
The car started moving. Ilona sat next to me.
"You don't have to say anything at the polling station, I'll take care of the talking if necessary," she specified.
""So I'm forbidden to speak there? no matter what happens?” I asked.
"Yes, you have to remember the rules of conduct" Ilona said.
I basically knew that rule without specifying it, but maybe it was important to hear it again. I was a little excited to get out and see other people.

The drive was not long, the polling place was at the library of a nearby school, maybe 10 minutes away.
It was nice to look at the winter scenery while the car was moving.

There was also a lot of snow in the library yard, because it was morning and the snowfall had caught the maintenance by surprise, there was no time to do the work yet.
When the car had stopped, Ilona opened my tight and stiff handcuffs and took them off.
"When you go to vote, you can slide your right hand out of the hole on the side of the Robe. When you put your left wrist on the O-ring in front of your waist, the chain is enough for you to write with your right hand".

The Warden's Assistant started pushing me again in the snow, the small wheels of the wheelchair in front.
I was afraid that we would fall, I didn't want that and that's why I looked at Ilona in alarm. Ilona understood what I meant and instructed the pusher on how to do it safely.

As the polling station had just opened, there were only a few elderly people and officials.
We stopped and Ilona helped my hand out of the hole in the cloak, she was careful that only my hand came out so that the wristcuff is not visible.

I was pushed in front of the election worker, she gave me a ticket to vote and started to guide me clearly, slowly speaking in a loud voice, as if I was having trouble understanding the matter.
She also asked if I needed help with the ticket. I smiled at him beautifully and tried to tell him by moving my head that I don't need help.
There was one voting place in the room with a low table, the worker moved the normal chair away from the table so that my wheelchair could fit it.
Ilona checked the voting table so that there were no items forbidden to me, she also looked at how many pens were on the table. Then the curtains were drawn and I was alone.

I heard when Ilona was talking to an employee. They agreed that it is important that people belonging to special groups can also vote.

I already knew in advance who I was going to vote for, so it went quickly. However, I stayed sitting and wasting my time for a while because I assumed that the employee thought I needed more time.
Finally, the curtain opened and Ilona pulled my chair out from behind the curtain.
When I was outside, Ilona went behind the curtain to the table. She checked that I had not drawn, written or otherwise left any forbidden message behind me.
Next, we moved in front of a long table, behind which sat election workers.
Ilona gave my identity card to the employee, also my voting ticket.
The employee checked that everything was in order and gave Ilona a paper that I had to sign. The wheelchair couldn't get close enough to the table for me to write, so Ilona held the paper in my lap and I tried to write my signature.

It was all over quickly and we returned back "home" and the day continued as before. Boringly.

However, the voting has now been done and I hope it has some significance!



Voting is important. What did you think when it was made possible for you?
You were very secured and monitored all the time, but did you feel humiliated in that situation, in a public place?



Nice report on the prisoner's journey to vote. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I, and maybe someone else, would like more reports on the prisoner's daily life and routines.

By the way, I like that the security guards check things and are careful. As an example, the voting space check before and after the prisoner's vote.
I notice that prisoners are trusted a lot, but still attentiveness and strict rules/practices are very important.



BDSM ART wrote:

Voting is important. What did you think when it was made possible for you?
You were very secured and monitored all the time, but did you feel humiliated in that situation, in a public place?

Voting is everyone's right and I think it's important to do it. I am grateful to the Committee for making it possible. I know it wasn't easy.
There is now a very tight competition between the political parties here and every vote counts, that's what I think.

I am always under strict control and policies, there is nothing new in that.
The committee will do its best to ensure that my public appearances are as inconspicuous as possible.
I didn't feel humiliated sitting in a wheelchair. I also have to remember that some people live like that every day.
Perhaps the most humiliating thing was that the election official yelled at me and acted like I was deaf or stupid, I know that people in wheelchairs still have to experience that. It is sad.

... and I think that Ilona's beautiful clothes, long leather jacket, leather pants and long boots will be remembered better than the silent woman in the wheelchair :)



Real Restraints wrote:

Nice report on the prisoner's journey to vote. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I, and maybe someone else, would like more reports on the prisoner's daily life and routines.

By the way, I like that the security guards check things and are careful. As an example, the voting space check before and after the prisoner's vote.
I notice that prisoners are trusted a lot, but still attentiveness and strict rules/practices are very important.

Good preparation is important.
I know that the Committee/Ilona had already visited the day before to check that the place is suitable for me to vote and is safe in all respects.



Even though I don't live in Finland full time, I did still cast my vote as a citizen, just had to travel by plane to vote in the embassy of Finland, but I'm glad to hear you also got to vote!



dear miisa
I appreciate your willingness to vote, and I commend your committee for making this possible safely.



Dear miisa,
another question. Are you subject to a body search when you return to your prison?



Sophie wrote:

Dear miisa,
another question. Are you subject to a body search when you return to your prison?

a body search is always possible, but in this case it is rare because I did not have the opportunity to be in close contact with anyone.
Ilona also checked all the items I used (pen) before and after.



I had an interesting and exciting weekend. It was also very tough but ultimately satisfying.

It was a very strange combination. It included my interest in politics, election events and watching the vote count. It was made special and unique by the fact that it was combined with a tight bondage that culminated a few times in great orgasms.
It's very hard to explain but I can say that it was a very satisfying way to watch the elections!
Even when the result of the election ended with a result that almost satisfied me, everything went great!
It was great to end the evening with a great orgasm!
...I know it sounds strange but I can say that it was not my invention. The committee had planned everything very well!

I don't know what would have happened if the voting result had been different, disappointing for me... Then maybe my orgasm wouldn't have felt so great... I don't know.

But now it's good like this.



Some news:
My guard (male) is coming back to work at the beginning of next month. Maybe then normal routines will come back.
I was eventually told about this because I was worried about him. It might be hard to admit because our relationship is very "official" and according to the rules.
He had some problem with his arm caused by the accident and it has taken time to fix it. He could return to work now, but the Committee wants him to fully rehabilitate himself.
His job requires full operational capability in all situations, I was told.

I also want to tell you what happened at Easter here.
We had a sort of "girls day" here, mostly in the meeting room. It was a fun and nice time together.
My current friends, Nina and Erin, were there. Ilona and another female Committee member were also present. As well as a female security guard in the distance.
I was secured and locked to the table and floor, as the rules dictate, but I was not inside my security box.
We had some Easter goodies and other things to eat. We enjoyed being together and giggled like little girls.
I was also pleased that all of us (except the guard) were dressed in leather in some way. It was fun and so I felt like one of them.

Erin was very excited about her leather dressing experiment. She kind of lost her virginity in that matter and found sexual pleasure in it :)
She also confessed that she is very interested in things related to my life, such as strict bondage and related issues. She has tried to approach things like a professional lawyer should, but now she wanted to tell us all.
Suddenly the conversation turned to Ilona asking if Erin wanted to try something.
It was very surprising in my opinion, but still I playfully suggested that Erin could test how it feels to be in my bigger cage. I thought that the Pichard cage was too much for the first try.
Erin hesitated but Nina said that she too has tried the cage and how it feels. In fact, she said that she has tested it more than once. It was a surprise for me!
Erin said that she might be interested in a short trial, but she is shy about being watched while she is helpless inside the cage.

Everyone said there's no need to be afraid because we all know what's going to happen.
Finally, Ilona suggested that she put a leather hood on Erin's head. This way Erin can't see us and thus not know if we are looking at her or not.
The hood seems to isolate her in her own world. I understand that idea very well.
Ilona said that Erin can undress and get ready in peace, she will get the hood and other equipment from the storage closet in the meantime.
It was exciting to watch Erin's reactions when she "fought" with herself in a surprising situation. I saw excitement on her face, but at the same time, horror and even fear.
Ilona came back and placed the accessory bag on the table. She opened it and took out a leather hood made for me.
It was a beautiful insulating hood with three parts. An actual, lace-up tight "open face" hood with a long neck. Then a separate, buckled eye patch and a part covering the lower part of the face (nose, mouth and chin), also buckled. The hood also had additional cushioning at the ears.
The bag also had leather ankle and wrist shackles and a strong chain.

Erin was blushing as she looked at the tools, she touched them and tested the hood's soft leather.
She was silent for a long time and finally said "I think I just wet my pants".
"That's why panty liners are used with leather clothes" Ilona said "to prevent further damage you need to take your clothes off now."

Erin was very excited as she got up and took off her clothes.
"You can leave your panties and bra if you want" Ilona said calmly "the purpose is not to humiliate you".
After Erin had taken off her clothes, Ilona ordered her to get on the chair on her knees, with her back to Ilona.
Ilona placed the leather shackles on Erin's ankles, with a chain maybe 30 cm in between. Next she buckled the wrist cuffs behind her back, with only an O-ring between them.
It was interesting to watch Erin's reactions during this time. Her body trembled and vibrated but she didn't fight back.
Strange that I was almost jealous of her. It was great to watch how she accepts the bondage and waits for the next step!
I may have already lost those feelings because bondage is everyday for me.

Ilona helped Erin stand up and then sit down on the chair.
"is everything okay?" Ilona asked.
Erin was excited but nodded silently.
"I'll put earplugs for you, they complement the insulation of the Hood so that nothing disturbs you in your privacy".
Erin nodded quietly and Ilona put on the earplugs. Erin kept her head down in submission.

Ilona took the hood and loosened its strings. She then placed it on Erin's head. She was careful that the hood fit well on the head.
She tightened the strings and the hood tightened nicely, it fit Erin's head perfectly. The black leather brought out the open face beautifully.
When Ilona tightened the strings in the neck, Erin held her head up and I could hear how her breathing quickened. She was close to panic, her locked hands behind her back moving desperately.

"Not too tight" she said desperately "I can't breathe!"
"You can talk so you can also breathe" Ilona said decisively and tied the strings.
"You get used to the tightness quickly" I said soothingly "it just feels tight at first".
"It has to be tight so that the steel collar that comes over it can be locked in place," Ilona said calmly.
Erin couldn't hear what we were talking very well, we were talking loudly because the soundproofing in the hood is not perfect. However, she gradually calmed down.

Ilona took the blindfolds and fastened them to the hood with buckles, they covered the eyes perfectly.
Ern's gaze was horrified before they were covered but she was able to keep herself almost calm.

Next came the lower part of the face. It covered everything so that the end result was just a nice, tight leather head.
At first, Erin had trouble breathing, but since the hood combination is not airtight, she succeeds when she calms down and concentrates on breathing.

Erin was in a very sensitive state, she vibrated at the slightest touch. It felt like she had some instinct that told in advance if Ilona was going to touch her.
Ilona locked the steel collar around her neck and that's when it happened, the first full orgasm and it was to knock Erin off the chair. She got terrible cramps and couldn't control her muscles.
Fortunately, Ilona had a tight grip on the collar chain so she didn't hurt herself.
It surprised us all. It was amazing to see...and again I felt envious of how she can experience new things.
Ilona took the lower part of the hood off so that Erin can breathe a little more freely. She was very grateful for that.
Se was breathing heavily and gradually the tremors in her body leveled off.

Ilona went close to the hood and asked loudly "do you want to continue?".
Erin noticed but maybe didn't understand the question, she was quiet and try focused.
Ilona asked again, even louder, and finally Erin nodded. I was sure that she wanted to end the experience, but I was wrong.

After a short break, Ilona helped Erin to stand and led her to the front of the bigger cage. She opened the cage door and forced Erin to her knees and into the cage.
Once Erin was inside, Ilona placed a collar chain through the top of the cage so that the hands behind her back could be connected to the chain.
Erin sat on her knees and tested the restraint system, which was new to her (like many other things).
She quickly learned that she had to sit upright if she wanted to move and lean forward, she had to raise her locked wrists straight up behind her back.
Finally, Ilona locked the cage door. She looked at us and asked "1 hour?"
We thought it was the right time.

We tried to focus on being together but Erin stole our attention.
Although she was almost silent, she kept making noise. She mumbled to herself, even cried at times. The sound of the chain was also almost constant.
I wonder if I produce that much sound during my Orgasm session? of course the sounds of the chains are normal to me.

Almost an hour had passed when Ilona stood up. She stepped next to the cage.
"Do we agree that Erin deserves the award?" She asked.
We agreed.
She took the bottom part of the hood and grabbed Erin's collar chain tightly. She held on to it and buckled the bottom part shut. Erin woke up as if from sleep and tried to protest and scream but it was useless.
When the head was finished, Ilona took a massager from the wall, a Hitachi with a ball head.
She placed the device between Er's legs and began using it carefully.
Because Erin was forced to her knees and the position was very limited, she had to accept the treatment perfectly.
The orgasm was like an explosion, I thought it was good that Erin was restrained and locked so that she can't hurt herself. However, I was a little worried about her shoulders because I have experienced the same thing many times.

Erin had to calm down for a moment before Ilona opened the cage door.
Ilona removed the chain from her hands and helped Erin out.
Finally, she helped Erin to the couch and helped her lie down. Sweaty Erin got a thick and heavy blanket over her.
I noticed that Ilona locked the collar chain to the floor next to the couch so that Erin can't get up. Ilona saw that I was surprised by this measure.
"Routine procedure" she told me with a smile.

Nina moved to the couch next to Erin. She hugged and gently touched the still trembling Erin.
Erin still had her arms and legs locked but was very calm.
Nina took off the lower part of the hood but left the eyepads still in place.
Erin was very calm, I felt like she was purring like a cat.

That was actually my last memory of Easter because after that Ilona told the guard that I could be taken to my cell.

When I was alone I thought about the events of the day.
It was surprising and it was strange that I was like an audience and couldn't/had to participate in the session.

I would have liked that.



That was a beautiful passage to read. Somehow it showed great tenderness. It sounds like Erin really enjoyed her experience.



Glad to hear from you, prisoner Miisa!! And what Erin went through, that sounded amazing, and certainly felt a lot of my memories from reading that too!




Some news:
My male guard is back at work. He was away for a long time because he had an accident and had to have an operation on his shoulder.
Now the shoulder is rehabilitated and completely healthy. It is a good thing.
The matter could not be told to me earlier because the Committee thinks that it is security information that I (and you) did not need to know.
But now the guard has come back.

A funny detail is that the other guard (the male guard's wife) didn't like that I was worried about her husband.
It's some stupid jealousy even though it's very clear that I was just worried about what's going on here.
The matter has been discussed with the guards, me and the Committee. The committee hopes that this matter has been dealt with to the end.
It all amused me. It's like watching some silly soap opera on TV..... Prison life's The Bold and the Beautiful!

I also want to tell you about an happen a week ago.
Last time I told you about a surprising event where during Easter my friend Erin had to experience a produced orgasm in a cage.
My thoughts were a little confused after that because on some level I felt that it was all gone from me.
Childishly, I thought that the tools and accessories were meant only for me.
A leather hood, shackles, a cage, a massager... I thought they were just for me and it hurt me when I saw that they were being used to give someone else pleasure.

I didn't see Erin after that. I would have liked to talk about what happened with her, but she didn't come here to visit like she normally does. She didn't respond to my messages either.

Anyway, a week ago on Saturday afternoon, Ilona said she wants me to take a shower.
It didn't surprise me because it was the last weekend of the month and thus possibly my O-session time. I was really looking forward to it!

The guards took me to my cell where I was undressed for a shower.
I was in leg irons and my hands were locked behind my back as usual when I was escorted naked into the toilet/shower room. I was directed to sit on the toilet seat and I knew it was time to empty myself.
My hair was tied up on top of my head so it wouldn't get wet. My collar chain was attached to the wall and my hands were freed so I could enjoy the shower and wash myself.
When I got to wash myself I was handed a towel, it was luxuriously soft, as always... life's little luxuries.
I dried enjoying myself until I had to give the towel away and my hands were locked behind my back again.
My collar chain was removed from the wall and I was taken back to the cell.

When we got to the cell, I noticed that Ilona was outside the cell behind the steel mesh wall, waiting for me.
"Hello prisoner" she smiled at me "I think you know what's going to happen now".
"I have a strong guess" I said. I felt that I was already excited because I had been waiting for the O-session for a very long time.
"I think you're ready to move into our lounge" Ilona said "you don't need clothes now".
The guard opened the front door of the cell and we moved out, the guard held my arm tightly. It was clear that his hand strength had returned.

Outside the cell Ilona reached out her gloved hand and grabbed my collar chain.
I don't know why it had such an arousing effect on me. Usually Ilona (or another member of the Committee) just watches from a distance when the guards work.
Now she wanted to hold the chain and lead me from one room to another. Although I was used to Ilona's presence, it felt very intense and exciting.
I was restricted, shackled and led by a woman dressed in beautiful leather as if I were some kind of slave... maybe in a way you can think like that now. In this case.
It was like in some romantic erotic movie!

In the lounge, we came next to the table. I saw that there are strong leather belts on the table and a leather hood that I am very familiar with.
The collar chain was attached to the table so that I could stand, then the handcuffs behind my back were opened.

"Turn your back to us and put your hands behind your back, arms crossed" I was ordered.
My crossed arms were tied tightly together using three leather straps. Then a tight belt was attached to the upper arms and over my chest, it was secured so that there were short belts under my armpits with which the long, horizontal belt could be tightened.
My upper body was secured and in a very tight package.
I was given water from a bottle.
"You should drink now because soon it will be impossible" Ilona said kindly.
The female guard cut a piece of strong elastic tape, the size of the piece was maybe about 10 c 15 cm. She placed the tape over my mouth so that it didn't interfere with breathing through the nose.
Basically, the tape is more comfortable with the hood than the ball gag.
I was fitted with earplugs, secured with tape.
Finally, the hood was pulled over my head. It tightened very efficiently and securely.
I wasn't given much time to get used to the situation as I was guided to the front of the cage and forced to my knees so I could enter the cage.

There was some kind of padded mattress on the floor of the cage, it felt comfortable.
I wasn't attached to anything inside the cage and it felt very spacious now. I'm used to the fact that I'm on my knees and my hands are chained to the roof of the cage, etc. Now this was a luxury for me.
I found a tolerable position and sat in the cage, half lying down.
It was confusing when I couldn't see anything and my hearing was very limited, I couldn't speak either. I didn't know the passage of time. I didn't even know if I was alone in the room.
I was already having a hard time. I had been in a cage for a very long time, I think. The floor was pleasant, but the vertical bars of the wall weighed me down when I tried to lean on them.
Finally I found a position where it was good to be for a while, I was on my knees and put my forehead on the ground. I was like a ball in a cage. Immovable ball.

Suddenly I felt something, the cage moved a little. The cage has wheels underneath so it can move easily if someone touches it.
Then I felt someone grab my collar chain. I'm being pulled inside the cage to the very other side, opposite the door.
I imagine that I know that the door will be opened, of course I can't do anything because my collar chain is kept tight.
I'm surprised when my feet hit something inside the cage. to something soft and smooth, it's warm!
I have to move my legs closer to me and the space next to me gets smaller.
Finally I realize that there is another person in the same cage as me!
Our skins touch each other. It confuses and even scares me.
I haven't touched another person's skin in years... and no one has touched me!...of course the guards touch me every day in their routines but they always wear gloves.
This is really different and confusing.

I keep trying to pull away, to go further but the bars stop me. I try to pull my legs under me to protect myself from this sudden attack.
I feel another person next to me. He/she moves awkwardly and we can't avoid each other's touch.
I want to scream but it's impossible because of the tape and the hood. I even have trouble breathing.
I feel when someone touches me from outside the cage. The touch is tender and calm, as if I should understand that I have nothing to worry about.
The touch is on my skin, then on the hood's tight leather. It remains soothing and calm. I'm already breathing more calmly.
The hand touching me is inside a leather glove, or so I think. It feels soothing, normal to me.

The outside gloves try to move me, get my legs out from under me. I give in a little even though the cage feels cramped.
I touch the creature next to me with my fingers behind the back.
The tight belts have already made my fingers numb, but still I think the person next to me is bound the same way I am!
I feel how my touch is answered, finger hits finger. even the fingers of the person next to me try my straps.

Some kind of great relief hits me, that other person is not in a cage to do something bad to me!

I continued my cautious and timid research. I tried to change my position so I could use my legs to feel more.
Moving around in a cramped cage with your upper body tightly bound is not easy, especially when you can't see anything.
I was already a bit frustrated and tried too hard, I hit my head on the bar and drifted into a dead end position.
A hand from outside the cage helped me to get a better position. I could now move my other leg and get to know my surroundings more.
I now felt another person's foot. Toes, lower leg, knee and part of thigh. That's all I could touch. It was very frustrating!
I thought that the person next to me also had a leather hood like me, limited senses.
I took some kind of break because all of this was very heavy also physically.

I felt that the other person moved, he/she came, if possible, even closer to me. Our heads collided, first perhaps in harm's way but then also again.

It was basically a beautiful moment together. We were in silence (or at least I was) and in a tight shared hug that we made ourselves.
We couldn't get to know each other any further, we were very closely tied, but I felt a great togetherness.

I felt how a thick blanket was put inside the cage, under which we were able to spend our warm moments together.

Maybe I even slept a little, I noticed it when the cage moved again, the door was opened and my companion was taken out of the cage.
That was it, suddenly I was alone again.
I stayed lying under the blanket.

My emotions were on a big rollercoaster as I tried to figure out what had happened.
At first he had been afraid, then horrified. It had changed through shyness to curiosity and then to courage. Finally, great togetherness.
...and then it's all gone.

What the hell happened?

Finally I was taken out of the cage. I was on my knees in front of the cage and the hood was taken off me. The tape was still in front of my mouth.
The leather belts were opened and taken off, the handcuffs were put behind my back again.
"You look very frustrated and tired now" Ilona said "I suggest we move your orgasm session to the future.

"We'll let you think and deal with what happened now in peace this evening and night, maybe we'll come back to it tomorrow" she finished.

"the guards will now take you to your cell where you can return to your normal routine in peace. Good night, prisoner" Ilona nodded to the guards and they started to take me away.

"Remove the tape from in front of the prisoner's mouth only in the cell, we will deal with what happened tomorrow together with the prisoner".

My head was full of questions that I couldn't get an answer to now, it was frustrating.
I was not at all disappointed that there was no orgasm session. I had lost track after everything that had happened!



That must have been a rather exciting and mysterious experience, even though it didn't lead on to an O session. I'm sure you could hardly wait to find out more about it.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I felt that the other person move…

It was basically a beautiful moment together.

What the hell happened?!

I think it is Erin. I hope it is. It’s like some bizarre love story at the hands of Ilona who is pulling all the strings - always has.

Please update soon Miisa. I am hanging on your every word, I hope you don’t get hurt from this.



Hi missa,
thank you for this wonderful story. I have the impression that things are changing in your world and I look forward to the sequel.
For your companion in the cage, I'd go for Ericn, but I'm often wrong.
Good day.


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