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Continuation of the previous diary (2023.05.09)...

When I was returned to my cell, I had been given clothes and normal restraints, everything was outwardly like a normal day.
I got food and drink. The intention was that I would do the evening work, but it was very difficult.

Many things were going through my head, I was still confused and wondering what had happened in the cage.

It had all been surprising and far too personal. My emotions were still somewhere on a roller coaster and I couldn't make the wagon stop.

I thought it was very brutal that the situation had been interrupted so quickly and without warning.
I had already had time to adapt to the closeness and warmth of another person and suddenly the other person was gone!

I tried to analyze myself in what happened. I was startled and even scared, but as the situation progressed, I adapted and even enjoyed it all for a while.
In the end I was relaxed and enjoying myself. Me and the other person had been like one person under a warm blanket.

I had perhaps felt pleasure, but it was not sexual arousal, so it was good that the O-session was cancelled.
It might have been too much for my feelings at the time.
Maybe if I can prepare my mind for this in advance, it can be arousing and lead to the desire to orgasm....if there is a next time.

After the evening activities, when the guards were preparing me for bed, Ilona came behind the mesh wall to look at me.
She said she wanted to come make sure I was okay before they put a leather hood over my head and strap me in and lock me in a cage bed.

I had many questions, but Ilona said that those things can wait until tomorrow. I was a little disappointed but I had to settle for that.
Finally, the cage bed was locked and the guards left the cell. I heard when the cell doors were locked. I was alone with my thoughts.

I'm still thinking about the things that happened.
I noticed that when I was in a cage with another person, I don't remember that I even thought about who he/she was.
It was just "someone" who penetrated my private bubble where I had always been untouched before. I had been so shocked at first that I hadn't even thought about who she/he is... and why she'/hes in the cage with me!
In the end, we had kind of merged together, and even then identity didn't matter.

Now, when I was on my back in my caged bed, bound and locked, In the darkness of the hood I tried to recall my observations of that other person.
Our first touches were finger touches, they were tender and groping. So I concluded that that person had fingers. I amused myself with stupid conclusions…
Had I seen anything? ...just black darkness.
Had I heard anything? ... just my own breathing and heartbeat.
Had I smelled something? ...only the smell of the hood's leather because I had to breathe through my nose, the hood's small nostrils.
What else, I thought.
In my opinion, the person was not big, maybe my size.
I had touched her/him with my foot. I hadn't felt the hair on his/her legs. It might not say anything clear, men can shave their hair too.
Due to our position and the crampedness of the cage, I couldn't touch her more than maybe the knee, not above.
I couldn't come up with any more physical clues.

I was also thinking about alternatives in another way.
I sometimes get inquiries about whether someone could come here as a prisoner with me.
People may suggest just a regular visit, to meet a prisoner, or some may suggest that they are prisoners like me.
I was wondering if this could be the case. Perhaps the Committee has "rented shared cage time" with the prisoner and because of private personal security has come to this solution?
Before, such requests have led nowhere. I have taken the contact information of the questioner and given them to the Committee, even though I knew (hoped) that they would lead nowhere.
Maybe the Committee has financial problems and they want additional income this way!
...and again the roller coaster of my mind went wild!

It took me some time to calm myself down again. I was happy that my night time hood was open from the lower part of my face, so I could breathe in my self-inflicted panic.

I tried to think of a more pleasant explanation.
Maybe the person was Erin?
She was very interested in some things in my life and she had her own cage experience which I witnessed myself.
But I hadn't seen her since then, and she didn't answer my messages anymore. Maybe she was so freaked out by the experience that she didn't want to be in contact with us anymore.

Who else could it be... and why?

I had a very long night.



Continuation of the previous diary (2023.05.11)...

The next morning, Sunday.
I had my normal morning routine and dressing. When it was time to move to the day cell, the guard put a chain on my collar.
The guards escorted me straight to the lobby. It was a bit unusual because in normal practice I am transferred to a cell for a day, the wall and floor chains are locked and the handcuffs are opened, after that I can have breakfast.

When we entered the lobby, I could smell the coffee. Ilona and Nina sat on chairs next to the table. They had coffee mugs in their hands and were talking to each other in a relaxed manner.
On the other side of the table was a tray with breakfast, I assumed it was for me.
"Good morning Miisa" Ilona said happily "How was your night?"
"Fine, thanks for asking" I replied "at first I had trouble falling asleep because so many strange things happened yesterday. In the end I probably fell asleep because I feel rested now".

Ilona pointed with her gloved hand towards the empty seat next to the table.
I knew that the place was reserved for me but I didn't move until the guards moved the collar chain leash.
...sometimes I think that I'm like a trained dog, etc. When I'm on a leash, I only move on command. A spontaneous move can lead to misunderstanding if it is interpreted as an attack or resistance.
It's routine for me, the result of training. Sometimes I wonder how I could attack or resist when my hands are locked behind my back and my legs are shackled.

I sat on the chair, the guard locked my leg cuffs hobblechain on the floor. My waistbelt was locked to the chair and at the same time my right hand was released. The left hand remained cuffed and it was moved to the table and locked to the attachment point.
I am effectively but relatively comfortably locked and secured.

Ilona followed the practice closely, everything went efficiently and according to the rules.
"Please enjoy your breakfast" she said with a smile.
A cup of tea, light bread with ham and egg, salad too. a small cup of yogurt and orange juice. A bottle of water. My normal starter kit for the day.
"The reason why we are here now is that I want to inform you about some changes that are going to happen" Ilona said seriously.
My heart almost stopped... now it's happening, I thought. Panic set in very quickly and I felt uncomfortable.
"I asked Nina to come with me because she understands more about psychology and she might be able to explain things to you better than I can," Ilona continued.
I looked at Nina, then at Ilona. I felt like my steel collar was starting to tighten around my neck even though I knew very well that it was impossible.
"Everything is fine" Nina said calmly "You know that I am your friend now and always. Nothing special or bad is happening to you. Maybe it's the other way around".

I felt like I was a deer in the headlights of a car, frozen with terror! Tears streamed down my cheeks from the shock.
"You are upset for no reason now" Ilona said patiently.
"Maybe I'll tell you this calmly now and then you try to eat your breakfast" she continued "you're too upset now".

We sat quietly for a while, Nina looked at me encouragingly.

"The upcoming change will not affect your routines and practices in any way," Ilona explained.

"By the way, what did you think of yesterday's session?"
A quick turn from the conversation left me confused again.
"It was very confusing" I said quietly. So quiet that Ilona had to move closer to hear me.
"It was a kind of test where you were involved, as an assistant," Ilona said.
I didn't understand anything.

"This is very confusing but let Ilona explain it to you" Nina said calmly.
I tried to calm myself down and concentrated on listening.
"You know that Erin, your legal assistant and your friend, was very interested in your way of life" Ilona said "Erin wanted to gain experience so that she can form her own opinion on things. She also follows up on your daily practices".

...and now she's made up her mind and disappeared, I haven't heard from her in a long time" I said sadly.
"She freaked out about the cage experience and the orgasm there" Nina said "It was a very impressive experience for her and she had to think about things".
"You met her yesterday, inside that cage" Ilona said and showed me a very familiar cage.
I thought about what I heard, actually I wasn't even surprised.
What I didn't understand was the purpose of all this.

"Erin is still very interested in your life and somehow she would like to experience something similar" Ilona continued "She is also clear about your sexual Orgasm rules and she accepts them as well. Yesterday was an exception to all the rules"
"How does this affect me?" I wondered silently.

"This all leads to you getting a prisoner friend," Ilona said emphatically, "but there are strict rules that everyone must understand.
I must have looked very surprised because both Ilona and Nina smiled at me.

"All this is just being planned, but the gist of it is that Erin... or should I say prisoner Erin spends 2 days a week here in prison, under the same rules as you" Ilona said "Because Erin has an important job and career she can otherwise live a normal life but he always shows up as a prisoner at the agreed time and is locked up here under maximum security".
This entity that has been built for you is so spacious that it can also withstand the maintenance of another prisoner," Ilona said, "of course some changes must be made and daily schedules created, etc."
"Would we be in the same cell" I asked in disbelief.
"Prisoners have no possibility of physical contact. You always have a steel mesh/wall between you or you are otherwise effectively restrained," Ilona specified.
"Basically, you can be in the same space but still be isolated from each other," Nina said to make sure.

"All this affects your basic life very little, after the changes" Ilona said "You both do your own work during the day, etc. Nothing important basic things will change".

This was all very surprising and I need to think about things. On the other hand, I was not asked anything. This was only an announcement of what was to come.

"You can now eat your breakfast in peace" Ilona said and got up from the chair "Your tea may have cooled down but there's nothing you can do about it".
Ilona stood up and took a long brown leather coat from the couch. She gave Nina her short leather jacket. They got dressed.

"When the prisoner has had her breakfast, she can be moved to her own cell," Ilona said to the guards and left the room without looking back. Behind her, Nina turned with a smile and waved as she left. Then they were gone.



Wow. I would never expect the committee to allow another prisoner in. Even if this is just for the weekends. So many questions arise now.
I guess you are going to write more about this, so I will wait for that. Also, I hope Erin agrees for you to share her "outsider" view of your way of life through your writings. For you, many of your restrictions will become normal after many years. But how the new person will react?

Anyway, have a nice day.



I hope the other prisoner was Erin, so far she and Ms Ilona from your committee seem to be very nice ladies!! Hugs for you Miisa!




Some Followers have asked what is going on here, they are waiting for the continuation of the diary.

I have to say that nothing really new has happened.

I can't contact Erin, she doesn't answer me.
When I ask the Committee about it, they say that I have to understand that Erin is also now a prisoner under the rules.

I have heard the sounds of work from outside, from the lobby. Changes have been made/something has been built there.
I don't know more, I'm being kept in the dark. It's nothing new.

So we all just have to wait.



After taking a few moments to think about it, I see that your lack of contact with Erin is rather understandable right now. I believe that it is mainly for emotional reasons: the Committee probably thinks that communication might be mentally distressing for one or both of you. Erin might for example ask many new anxious questions about your captivity, try to confirm that she is making the right decision - maybe even back out entirely. The Committee certainly wishes to avoid that. And there are also security concerns - if there is some construction work in the lobby, perhaps they don't want any discussion between you about that - very small risk if any, but "better safe than sorry".

However, these reasons will not be important once Erin really begins her adventure, so I'm sure that you will be back in contact then. At least by writing: I don't know how often you will be allowed to talk directly. And certainly there is a whole lot of new possibilities for O-sessions! Very interesting times ahead - thank you once again for inviting me to the forum, Miisa!

In particular, it is intriguing that (as you say) Erin isn't a part-time prisoner. If I understand it well, she is "imprisoned" all the time, and even if she is let out five days a week for professional work, she stays bound by the prison rules. I'm really curious to see how the Committee will govern this complex situation, especially as it is, in fact, much more relevant to what I'd like to learn. I have a few thoughts about these rules, but I don't really feel ready to share them. For now I will rather look and take notes.

I wouldn't say that "nothing really new has happened". You certainly have many new thoughts and feelings about the situation, and that's already worth sharing. All these things can be very interesting for us, the readers; all the little details can be valuable. By the way, there is much more to discuss, I would like to mention some earlier entries of the Diary - when I find time...

Have a good day, Miisa!



Dear miisa,
I think things are changing in your world.
I find it logical and normal that a prisoner under high security does not have contact with another prisoner, even if this one is her friend.
It's true that it's frustrating both for you and for those following your detention, not to have details of Erin's detention.
We have to wait for the goodwill of the committee and hope that Erin will one day be allowed to post on the forum her conditions of detention and her feelings about becoming an inmate, for now on a part-time basis.
On the other hand, you don't give news of your fitness that if you continue to follow it should start to bear these fruits?
I wish you a good day



Nice to meet you on the forum, Sophie! I have seen some of your earlier comments.

I think we pretty much agree about this situation. Of course you are right that this website couldn't exist without the Committee's permission, and in this sense we can be grateful not only for what they do for Miisa, but also for our whole community. The difference in our approach, perhaps, is that I'm trying to understand what decisions could be taken and why, while you are perfectly willing to wait for their "goodwill" and any development (which is just as fine).

Having said that, you make an important point about physical exercise. It is obviously necessary in some form, for long-term health safety, so I've seen adding it to Miisa's life as a very good and much needed decision. And now regular fitness sessions with Erin could just be written into daily procedures. I'm curious to learn if the Committee will do that - or find some other solution.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



Last weekend was the first time another prisoner, Erin, was also here.
It was very confusing, especially for her. She had to learn a lot about a controlled and restricted life.

Last week, a smaller cell, actually a cage, was built next to my cell. It entered the space that is intended for the guard to move, so this space is now more cramped than before.
The change work doesn't affect me other than that the attachment point for my wall and floor chain was moved so that I can't go near that wall behind which is the new cage cell.
There is a steel mesh wall between my own cell and the new cell, so I can see there... and from there can see here.
The new, small cell is very simple and it was easy and quick to make.Only two steel mesh walls were needed, one of which has a lockable door.
The walls were bolted between the cell steel wall and the inner wall of the building.
Inside, the small cell has a table and a chair, they are bolted to the floor. There are some attachment points on the walls.
During the construction work (a few hours) I was on the floor of the shower room on my stomach, hogcuffed position. I didn't see the installers and they didn't see me.
The installation work was quick because all the necessary components had already been made elsewhere.

Everything was ready for a few days so nothing happened, maybe my excitement leveled off and everything became a normal routine again.

On Saturday afternoon, before my meal, the door of the prison ward opened and I saw Ilona and two other members of the Committee enter, they came behind the steel mesh of my cell.
"Hello prisoner" Ilona greeted me.
I answered the greeting happily, it was nice to get the change I had been waiting for.
"Today you will get another prisoner here. We may need to go over some rules before that," Ilona said seriously and nodded to one of the Committee members.
The man came closer to the wall and looked at me, he even tested the strength of the steel wall with his hand.
"prisoner, you are well used to this life but we have a problem we have talked about before" he said seriously.
"It's about discipline and following the rules" he continued "You have certain rules of behavior that you've been told many times but you still have problems with them. They're just simple rules though".
"For example, the rules say that the prisoner has to stand up when other people enter the same space," the man said calmly.
"But you are now outside the cell" I said quietly.
“We were in the same space as soon as the door opened and we saw you… and you saw us” You didn't even try to stand up. In fact, you're still sitting there even though we're here!" The man said angrily, "according to the rules, a prisoner must always stand when meeting a guard if the restraints don't prevent it.
"You also didn't greet properly when the Committee member greeted you when we arrived!" he continued.
"Please stand up and put your hands in the basic position behind your back, please," Ilona said in an almost gentle voice.
"Yes ma'am" I answered in an enhanced loud voice and did the assigned things.
"Thank you" Ilona said "You have no reason to rebel. We don't demand too much from you, just the basics".
"...we understand that things can be forgotten and modified so that they are easier to follow, that happens to both sides, on both sides of this steel mesh, but now we all have to improve, we can't set a bad example for the new prisoner!" Ilona explained patiently.

"So you know that a new prisoner is coming here" Ilona explained "she is not here all the time, she is here in special max security two days a week. The two of you have common facilities which of course you use at different times, under strict supervision. The other prisoner has also her own, isolated space, like you have now. But you are also sometimes together in the same space, only a steel wall etc. between you ".
"Ma'am, may I ask. Where is she the rest of the time, five days a week?"
"It's none of your business" The man next to Ilona said firmly.
"You can ask her herself when you two are together. She can tell you if she wants to," Ilona said calmly.

"Back to the topic ..." Ilona said "We now expect you to fully respect the rules and behave according to them. We have told the new prisoner all the rules and she has said that she understands them. However, it is very important that you act as a good example so that everything goes smoothly! "

"You will get your meal soon and after that, in the afternoon we will bring the new prisoner to her own little day cell next to you" Ilona said calmly.
"Have a nice day prisoner" she said and they all turned and walked to the door and out.

to be continued...



An attentive follower of the forum noticed that I have been writing a diary here for five years already :)

It's a long time but only a short moment in the overall journey...however, the diary now has 1028 replies and 74 582 views.

That's a respectable amount, I think!

What will happen in the next five years, no one can know... hopefully the world will have more peaceful times.




The guard brought me a portion of the meal. Since the new cage is now built close to my cell, the guard cannot give me a meal from my cell hatch, it has remained behind the new cage and therefore cannot be used.
When I heard the steel door of the big room open, I remembered what the Committee members told me so I stood up.
I stood with my hands behind my back and my legs spread as far as the skirt and legcuffs would allow.
"Move to the wall, turn around, face the wall" the male guard said.
I did as I was told, it's basically the "new normal" practice.
In principle, I could do that as soon as they enter the great room, but the rules state that I have to face the guards first and then turn around only when they tell me to.
When I had moved and turned, cell's door opened and the female guard placed my food tray on the table. The man was close to me but did not touch me.
They left the cell and I heard the door lock. I stood still until I heard them also leave the big room.
This practice was easier before the new cell. Then my food tray was put on the small table in the mesh wall hatch, I took it from it and ate my food. Now this matter has become more difficult and complicated.

I sat and ate my meal. It contained minced meat and mashed potatoes, salad too.
There were also three small water bottles, one I used for meals and the other two I left in storage for the day.

After half an hour the door opened and the guard entered. I stood up and took the basic position again.
"Turn and look at the wall" the guard said.
I did so and the guards entered the cell.
The male guard locked the handcuffs behind my back. He removed my long waist chain from the wall and wrapped it tightly between my handcuffs so that my wrists were locked tightly against my back. The rest of the chain dangled from his hand and acted like a leash.
Then he removed the floor chain from the intermediate chain of the leg irons and the chain from the collar.
He guided me by the hand to turn to the door and thus he led me out of cell. The woman was waiting in the doorway when we were outside, she got my food tray.

We walked to the door of the outdoor area, the chain of leg irons made noise as always.
The guard placed me next to the door, facing the wall, and opened the door. He always had a grip on the chain with which he was leading me.
The sun was shining outside when we stepped out.
"Standing or sitting?" the guard asked me.
"Standing" I replied.
I knew that when I choose to stand, it also means that I can walk short distances back and forth next to a horizontal bar attached to the wall.
If I had chosen to sit, I would have been locked in a chair where I would have sat the entire time outside. is full of choices.

Guard directed me to the side of the wall where a horizontal bar is attached to the wall.
The pole has a big sliding ring to which the guard locked the chain behind me. He adjusted the chain quite short.
However, I was able to walk a little, even if the bar is not long, a few meters here and there.
The weather was sunny but not very warm. However, the difference from yesterday was considerable, yesterday it rained and the wind was very cold.
The guard was sitting on a chair near me and browsing the web on his cell phone.
Then the door opened and Ilona stepped out of the house, she nodded to the guard and the guard went inside the building.

Ilona moved the chair a little closer, but so that she was sitting in the sun, it was nice and warm in the yard now because there is no wind there.

"How are you, Miisa?" she asked me.
Since she used my name, I understood that it is an informal conversation where there is no need to observe the official rules.
"I'm a bit puzzled by all of this" I replied "Maybe even a bit scared of what's going on. I see clear changes in practices and routines and I'm not sure I like them!"
"I understand very well," Ilona said thoughtfully, "We've had, as it were, a solid community where things have progressed according to the routines brought by habit".
"You have to...however, we all have to understand that now that a new member comes to the community, we have to sharpen our rules" Ilona said "otherwise the end result will be a complete disaster".

"please, walk a little. You need exercise because you sit so much" Ilona said worriedly.
I was standing in a somewhat difficult position because my wrists were very effectively locked at the narrowest point of my waist, behind my back. It was not a relaxed position.
I told Ilona about it. She got up from the chair and came to look at my hands and my difficult position.
"I can see the problem" she said "the guard used a very strong technique to lock your arms. Unfortunately I can't help with this now, I don't even have the keys... and the rules don't allow restraints to be opened suddenly for no reason. I'll talk to the guard ".
"Do you feel this?" She squeezed my fingers with her gloved hand".
I nodded painfully.

She moved back to the chair to sit. She looked good, once again. Black leather motorcycle jacket, Dark brown leather pants and sweater, black leather boots and gloves. Stylish sunglasses.
"It's almost the end of the month" she said calmly "That means you get clothes that are more suitable for summer. Leather is beautiful and practical but it's not always suitable for hot summer" She laughed.
That was nice news. I like my clothes, but a summer change is important to me. It breaks the usual routine.
We were silent for a while. I was silent because my position was a bit painful. Ilona seemed to be enjoying the summer day.
The door to the outdoor area opened and the guards stepped out of the building.

"prisoner, you will now be transferred back to your cell and to your own routine" Ilona said seriously, also so that the guards could hear it.
"The other prisoner is already in her own cell, so you can talk freely and you can guide her in the routines," she finally concluded.
"Yes Ma'am" I said obediently.
"I will also talk to the guard about the matter you mentioned" Ilona added and left the place.
The guard looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything, he untied me from the wall bar and guided me towards the open door.



I’m curious about what rules apply to Erin when she is paroled for work and what rules apply to you both when she is incarcerated. Max security usually limits prisoner interaction.

Also curious how you will deal with your jealousy Miisa - It’s understandable, but seems to be an issue. I hope you get plenty of support from the committee.




We entered the building. The guard leads me directly to the door of the cell combination.The woman opened the doors so that we went straight to the toilet/shower room. The guard attached my collar to the wall chain and I waited for him to open my handcuffs but he didn't.
The woman lifted my skirt up and pulled my panties down. The man directed me to sit on the seat.
It was different from the normal routine. Now my hand was painfully locked up behind my back and I had to pee in an awkward position.
After I finished that, the woman wiped my crotch area dry again.
I didn't say anything, I just wondered why a simple and functional practice was now so difficult. Usually, normally my hands are free when I'm locked in the wall chain, that wasn't the case now.
I was helped to stand, the woman put my clothes properly and the man removed the wall chain. I was taken to my day cell where I was placed facing the wall and attached to floor and wall chains. Then, finally I got my hands free again.
I waited until the guards left the cell and locked the door.

My arms and wrists were so sore that I could hardly move them.
I was so focused that I hadn't even noticed to think that Erin was sitting behind the mesh wall, in her own little cell.
She was looking horrified and crying. I looked at her and noticed that she looked different than usual.
Then I realized it was because she doesn't have any makeup on, her hair was in a simple ponytail.

"I think this is a terrible mistake" she cried "I shouldn't be here!"
"It can be difficult at the beginning" I tried to reassure her "things will get easier once you've gotten into all the practices".
I watched her through the mesh wall. She sat on the chair looking miserable, she looked out of shape and small.
She still had handcuffs on her wrists, they were attached to a tight leather belt around her waist.
On her arms, above the elbows, were leather cuffs that were connected by a belt behind her back. They didn't force the elbows together, they just prevented the arm from moving forward.
Around her neck was a steel collar, similar to mine. Between the collar and the wall was a shiny chain.
I didn't see it but I assume she also has legcuffs.

"They forced me into an internal body examination" she cried in shock "They put their fingers inside me! They even examined my mouth and my hair..."
"Did they find anything?" I tried to ask matter-of-factly, although I was even a little amused. How had she assumed he wouldn't be checked?
"It's normal practice when a person enters the prison" I told "A prisoner coming in could bring something forbidden inside. That's why the inspection is an important part of the routine".
"It's humiliating!" she cried.
"In some, larger prisons, it may be a practice that a prisoner who enters defecates in a transparent bucket from which the guard can check that there is nothing prohibited among the excrement. If the prisoner does not agree, she must wear overalls that are locked at the neck and wrists. Then just wait for nature to does the job!" I told.
"I know that" she sobbed "It's a topic that has been appealed to the European Court of Humanity, I've read about it at school".
"What you're experiencing is a much easier way" I said cheerfully "It's not a big deal, it's just routine".
"It wasn't done before I came here to see you," she said quietly.
"You weren't a prisoner then, and we didn't have a chance to be close to each other, so you couldn't have given me anything," I explained.
"Do I have to submit to an examination every time I come in here" she was still crying.
"That decision is made by the Committee/guard, but I think it's a permanent routine for you," I said quietly.
This thing seemed to upset Erin a lot, she has a lot to deal with, I thought.

"Tell me" I asked "why are you here?"
"I admired your lifestyle, the way you have given away all the stress, someone belongs to a stressful life" she answered quietly.
"It might not be like that" I chuckled.
"During our meetings and shared moments with everyone, you are very relaxed and seem to be enjoying everything that is part of your prisoner life," Erin said.
"My life has been stressful studying, my parents expect a lot from me. I was crushed under it! When I finally graduated and almost immediately became an assistant in a law firm. It meant that I had no free time, my bosses expected me to be available all the time, I worked incredibly work but nothing was enough!" she continued.
"When I'm a young lawyer now and everyone assumes that I work even more" she still continued "in addition, I'm expected to be available for evening meetings and other client meetings at any time!"
"I talked about my situation to Nina and she understood me. After some time, Ilona and the rest of the Committee said that they have a solution to my problem". she explained "they emphasized that this requires a complete commitment from me".
"So they created a system where I have to let go of the work pressure, even for a moment" she continued "I am committed to the full control of the Committee 24/7/365".
I thought about what I heard, basically I understood it but maybe I didn't really want to believe that she would completely throw away her career.

We were silent for a long time, I thought about what I heard. Even I found it very strange!.
"What kind of deal have you made?" I asked.
"I am here two days a week under full max security supervision. Five days I am out of here, but I have electronic supervision to ensure that I carry out the predetermined schedule and plan". she explained.
"It means that on a normal day I can go to the office at 8:00 in the morning and return home at 6:00 in the evening. During the day, I have to notify the upcoming movements in advance, which can be monitored electronically".
"What kind of electronic surveillance?" I asked. I was interested in that.
"An anklet and a mobile phone that locates me all the time, they have to be in the same place all the time"
"So you can do your work normally and even meet customers and people," I stated.
"Yes, within the set times" she replied "but I can't go out in the evening to meet people or party. That's a good thing. Now I have a reason to refuse all of that".
"You won't miss it?" I answered. I still miss my free moments more than fifteen years ago, I think...
"My evening meetings were often related to my work and I didn't like them. Sometimes they also led to uncomfortable sex with a person I didn't even know properly!" Erin said "Now I have a good reason to say no to them!"
"Are you going to tell your bosses and clients that you are a controlled prisoner?" I was amazed.
"Of course not" Erin even smiled a little "A private person has the right to decide her own affairs, there is no need to explain them to anyone. This all just strengthens me to act as I should".

"what happens if you can't follow the rules outside?"
"There are penalties for that, maybe my time here will be longer. I guess it depends on the case. That won't happen!"
"So you're here every weekend?"
"The rule is two days a week, they can be any day, although weekends are easier to organize. I have the opportunity to work remotely here, just like you".
"It's hard for you to work because your hand is strongly restrained now" I laughed.
"It's just getting used to it" Erin said "Once I prove that I've settled in here and I'm not a danger to myself or others, I'll just have the same restraints as you!"
I felt that Erin was already starting to cheer up after the initial shock.

"You said your contract is 24/7/365. Can't it end?" I asked.
"The contract has a clause similar to yours, the 3-month rule. For me, it's 1 month initially". Erin explained.
It sounded like a reasonable solution, so Erin had time to get used to it and think about the reasonableness of her solution.

"We've also agreed that every two-day period here ends with an Orgasm session. It helps me settle into the rhythm here!" Erin said happily. was the time when my world collapsed... I had understood that we are basically equal prisoners, but that news shocked me.
My Orgasm interval is a month, sometimes much longer. Now I heard that the new prisoner can orgasm four times more often!



A lot of interesting news here. I'm following the entries closely!

First of all, it was a good read. It's great that everything seems to work for now. Of course, some jealousy is perfectly natural here, but you will certainly enjoy having a cellmate to whom you can regularly talk and relate to each other's experiences. And I'm convinced, Miisa, that the Committee will give you at least as much attention as before.

I think that you write "my world collapsed" half-jokingly, but this decision is surely painful. However, you know that fairness isn't "everyone gets the same", fairness is "everyone gets what she needs". I remember you writing a few times that one O-session a month is just enough for you, and the Committee has probably decided that Erin needs more. At least for now - perhaps it will be gradually lowered to your level. I see a more interesting question here - is Erin expected not to orgasm during her days outside - and if so, will the Committee attempt to enforce such regulation in any manner?

In any case, it is visible and very understandable that adjusting will not be easy for Erin. If she needs voluntary imprisonment to have courage to limit unwanted personal obligations, finding determination to stay in such imprisonment might be tricky. In this way or another, I wish her all the best, though! Maybe the most important thing here is to ensure that any decisions will not affect your friendship too much. So, in particular, it should be guaranteed that, if Erin ever uses her escape clause, she will remain in the "inner circle" of visitors. - Such is my opinion.

Enough about that. I noticed your hesitation: "I just wondered why a simple and functional practice was now so difficult". Of course, I cannot know for sure, but I can guess possible reasons. Maybe the Committee believes that all the changes will be easier for you to accept if you feel particularly controlled and cared about at all times. Maybe they want you, through more troubling practices, to have more understanding for the new prisoner's difficulties. And maybe they simply decided that this situation requires a special level of security. Anyway, you know that the members of the Committee mean no harm to you. I believe that you are able to adjust perfectly well to any decisions they might take. It's a reassuring thought, isn't it?

So many things to tell: you are still writing about the previous weekend, and here is already the new one approaching. I wish you a lot of inspiration and determination to keep up with the diary, Miisa - it is a truly fascinating read! I have also noticed the five-years anniversary, and you will reach 75000 views very soon, too.

Kind greetings from Doom Turtle!



Dear miisa,
thank you for telling us about the latest events.
As far as you are concerned, we would say that the procedures are becoming even stricter in view of the new rules for going to the bathroom.
I understand that this is extremely humiliating.
I have the impression that this has only just begun and that the committee has other surprises in store for you.
In regards to Erin, she begins to understand that there is a huge difference between fantasy and reality.
She must have thought your life was a  sinécure and saw only the side of it where you were happy.
But this world is only suitable for you and your desires.
the body search, probably done in a professional manner without the slightest compassion, must have shocked and humiliated her
and she had to understand that life as a prisoner was not rosy.
I hope that she will finally find pleasure in her detention.
on the other hand, I'm a curious misunderstanding, what was her dress, denied, a "civilian" outfit or a prisoner's outfit?
I would also love to know her limitations when she is outside, mainly on her sexuality, if there are any.
I wish you a pleasant weekend to both of you.



I think that Erin’s current situation is only experimental: for both her and the Committee to decide whether she fits and this (with all its privations, restrictions, requirements and humiliations) is what she really wants.

I can't see that confinement just on weekends (as if she were serving out some token sentence for drunk driving or disturbing the peace) would satisfy anyone in the long run. Eventually, I suppose that if she can’t work all of her job (or another job) remotely, she might qualify for work-release, spending every night and every weekend in prison and only leaving prison for work.

But to do this, she would have to make all kinds of arrangements (just as Miisa once did) about her current residence (selling it or terminating a lease), property, possessions, finance and outside commitments. And before she does this, she and the Committee would have to know if she fits in prison and if imprisonment suits her.

Respectfully Submitted,

Renegade Spirit

Last edited by RenegadeSpirit (2023-05-27 17:05:06)




I was a little surprised that there was such a big difference in the time intervals of the O-sessions. I definitely have to talk about it to the Committee, practically to Ilona.

"Doesn't anyone miss you when you're here?" I asked "outside your limited life also makes friendships difficult".
"I don't really have many real friends" Erin said quietly "I've already led an isolated life because my parents demand so much from me to study. It didn't get better when I graduated and entered the working life".
"You said something about work meetings and evening parties with clients and colleagues..."
"Ahhh... those are things my father forces me to do. He thinks it's part of networking with colleagues and developing my career" Erin said "I have to please everyone to maintain the company's reputation".
"Your father?" I asked confused.
"My dad owns the law firm where I work" Erin explained "He thinks he's going to make me some kind of big shot follower and now he's making me work hard so I can grow into my position. I HATE all of that".
"Does he force you to have sex with customers?" I asked shocked "you said something like..."
"Of course not" Erin laughed "He wants me to please important clients and sometimes it's very difficult to keep boundaries so that the client is not disappointed. Sometimes it's easier to agree than to refuse and cause harm to the company".
"Sometimes I've consciously looked for sex in restaurants and nightclubs, without commitment," Erin continued, "but those are very sad stories where I run home before morning."
"Why don't you want to commit?" I asked
"It would hinder my career and everything my parents expect from me," she replied.
"you are a young woman, have you thought about children and family for you?" I asked.
"My parents must have thought of that too" She was now very anxious "Perhaps they have planned to find a groom who will be useful for the company. We would make the child so that I would give birth to it during the summer vacation and thus I could immediately return to work. It is easy to hire a nanny for the child.. .".
"The most important thing in everything is the company's interest and reputation," she cried.

I felt sad when I listened to Erin.
If I understood, she had been living a strongly controlled life for a long time, since she was a child, which she has not been able to influence. She had done everything to please her parents.
She had certainly experienced happy moments, but her path is strongly different from mine.
And now we sit in adjacent cells chained....a strange world.

"Are you sure this is the right solution for you?" I wondered "Have you talked to anyone about these things? I think you could talk to Nina first, think about the future together".
Erin was close to breaking point and I don't want that to happen. In my opinion, a good therapist would be able to give her a new perspective.
"Maybe so" Erin said "But I am a person trained to make inferences and risk assessments. This is the change my life needs and I want to try this!"
"Do you take any medication? for depression or something... or do you use drugs? alcohol?" I asked.
"The committee asked me exactly the same questions" Erin laughed "Don't be afraid, I'm not addicted to any external medicine or drug".

"I'm sorry but I have to focus on doing my work for a while" I said.
Although my clients and computer time have been reduced, I have to make sure that I do the agreed work tasks. Now a sports event was about to start, the photos of which I will pass on to the media.
I thought that I also need to talk to the Committee about how I can focus on my work when Erin is in the cage next to me. I'm not used to full-time company.

"Try to get used to your surroundings and your restrictions. It will make you feel better" I said kindly "Remember that restraints won't hurt you as long as you treat them sensibly".
"A good way to get to know the limitations is to test how they allow you to move" I advised "you get up and carefully test how you have opportunities and space to move. Then you adapt to it".
Erin wisely began to survey her surroundings. She stood up and quickly noticed that the wall chain attached to her collar was effectively limiting her movement.
She walked a few steps, all that was possible in the small cell. eventually the floor chain limited the mobility of her legs.
She tried to move her arms but it was almost impossible. Her wrists were locked in handcuffs and the handcuffs were locked in front of her in a tight belt that went around her waist. Above the elbows were leather cuffs that were reasonably connected to each other with a leather strap, with a reasonable gap in between.

I watched her for a while. She was wearing a denim dress. The sleeves were up to the elbows and the hem was at knee height. A tight belt around the waist looked good, highlighting her waistline.
She looked like a proper prisoner. I thought I would get a similar prison outfit for the summer. Thus, we would have matching uniforms.



Sounds like Erin is talking control of her life - breaking away from her parents - by ceding control to the committee. Sounds like a very complicated situation, especially if Erin has not shown a predisposition to BDSM and power exchange before now.

In the meantime, I hope Erin will be placed in chastity when on parole - although that’s one major humiliation (cavity search) in exchange for a more latent one 😀 I think it will help her settle on the outside. Orgasm control is a pretty serious incentive.

I look forward to hearing about how you feel about the disruption to your rules and routines Miisa. I’m also curious as to why you think you should have more O sessions now, when in the past you have abandoned them for some time because they weren’t working?



I am sorry that I have not been able to write a follow-up to my diary report.

Erin has already been here for 3 two-day periods, but I think it's important that I also tell exactly what happened in the first days.
It takes more time than I thought :)
I hope you can be patient.



tempestwood wrote:

I’m curious about what rules apply to Erin when she is paroled for work and what rules apply to you both when she is incarcerated. Max security usually limits prisoner interaction.

Also curious how you will deal with your jealousy Miisa - It’s understandable, but seems to be an issue. I hope you get plenty of support from the committee.

Jealousy is a strange thing. I thought it didn't apply to me, mainly because of my lonely life.
Now I've had to learn new things about myself, I've also had to rethink things.

I realize now, after talking with the Committee member, that I have no reason to be jealous.
They assure that prisoners here are treated equally and no one has reason to question that.

It is clear that the education of a new prisoner involves different things than the life of a prisoner who has been a prisoner for a long time.
Someone may ask if I'm jealous that Erin can be "free" 5 days a week... she can basically do whatever she wants, under supervision of course.

Of course, I would also like a similar opportunity, but I understand that there are different types of imprisonment!



tempestwood wrote:

Sounds like Erin is talking control of her life - breaking away from her parents - by ceding control to the committee. Sounds like a very complicated situation, especially if Erin has not shown a predisposition to BDSM and power exchange before now.

In the meantime, I hope Erin will be placed in chastity when on parole - although that’s one major humiliation (cavity search) in exchange for a more latent one 😀 I think it will help her settle on the outside. Orgasm control is a pretty serious incentive.

I look forward to hearing about how you feel about the disruption to your rules and routines Miisa. I’m also curious as to why you think you should have more O sessions now, when in the past you have abandoned them for some time because they weren’t working?

This decision is big for Erin, but at the same time it gives an "acceptable" reason for her to break away from the life her parents have created for her.
I can probably tell that he is still (after three weeks) struggling with these things.

You're not the only follower who thinks Chastity would be good for Erin.
I can't comment on it, but your opinion will find the Committee through this as well.

In comparison to our O sessions, I got nervous too quickly and spontaneously said/wrote my opinion about it.
Maybe you can call it jealousy, which now seems a little unnecessary.
The funny thing here is that Erin has said that she finds the O-sessions scary and even a bit violent for her, but she has to endure them (she is trying to talk to the Committee about them).
On the other hand, I am satisfied if my O-session periodization remains unchanged and as effective and surprising as before. my outburst was a bit thoughtless and pointless. I'm sorry about that.



Miisa Karlsson wrote: my outburst was a bit thoughtless and pointless. I'm sorry about that.

No need to apologize. I didn't see it as an outburst - your comments all seemed reasonable to me.

I really look forward to the updates about the past few weeks. I enjoy your writing very much. Thank you for sharing.

Last edited by tempestwood (2023-06-06 16:55:44)




I was doing my routine, Erin was silent, only the clink of her chains could be heard as she walked back and forth inside her cell. If can say walking because the distance was only maybe 2 m and even that was limited by chains.

The door to the big room opened and the guards entered.
Erin was already standing and I stood up too. I put my legs as wide as the legcuffs would allow and put my hands behind my back.
The guard walked near the cell's and pointed at me with his hand.
"Move further away, next to the wall" he ordered.
The order seemed amusing to me, I was locked in my cell and also secured with chains. I don't think it mattered if I stood in the middle of the cell or next to the wall.

After I had moved, the Female Guard went to the door of Erin's cell.
"Turn around, face the wall" she ordered.
Erin looked at me, I saw confusion in her eyes, maybe fear too. However, she did as ordered.
The woman opened the door and the man entered the cell. He removed the collar chain from the wall, then the woman crouched down and removed the floor chain from the legcuffs hobble chain.
The man held tightly to the chain, he lifted it up a little so that Erin had to stand very poised. He then led Eri out of the cell and towards the door to the outdoor area.
Erin looked at me alarmed, I nodded to her and smiled encouragingly.
I understood that now is Erin's outdoor time.
When they had left the room, I sat down on the chair again and continued my work. I was kind of relieved because now I had at least an hour of time to work without interruptions.

I worked efficiently and accomplished many things.
Finally I heard when the door to the outdoor area was unlocked. I stood up and took the basic position again next to cell's back wall.

The male guard ushered Erin in, they went straight to my big cell door and from there through the night cell to the toilet/shower area.

I had a strange feeling again, I was offended that my cell area was used for passage... and my toilet was used by someone else!
That's when I realized the ridiculousness of my thoughts. Of course, another prisoner uses the same facilities as me, even though they were originally built for me.
During all this time I was here, I was used to the idea that they are only meant for me... I now realized the childishness of my thoughts.

Because the cells only have steel nets and walls, I heard noises when they were in the toilet. I heard strict orders, I think I also heard Erin's muffled sobs. I heard the sound of the shower and the toilet flushing.
I had never thought that there is no real privacy in my area. However, it has not been necessary because all this was intended only for me.
I knew they were coming out so I moved to stand in my place again, the basic position.

The guards came with Erin, they walked out of the cells and moved from their side to Erin's cell door.
I saw that Erin was walking painfully and looked very upset. She had been crying and was now visibly sobbing. She still had her elbows locked behind her back and handcuffs on her wrists. The handcuffs were locked to the belt in front of the waist.
The female guard opened the cell door and the man ushered Erin inside. He immediately locked the collar chain to the wall again. The woman locked the legcuff in the floor chain.
"Stand there, face the wall!" the guard ordered.
The woman placed a small plastic water bottle and a wide, deep plate on the table.
The guards moved out of the cell and without a word walked out of the area. We heard the doors lock.

Erin looked at me and burst into tears.
"I can't stand this!" she said quietly "This is too much for me. This is completely different than I thought!"
"Sit down and calm down" I said calmly "Then you will tell me what happened".
"I knew the outdoor area and the routines there" Erin said "But I didn't realize how it feels to be locked in a short chain where I can only walk a few steps. Also, the guards ordered me to move all the time, I wasn't allowed to stop and only stand!"
"It's good to move when you're otherwise restricted and sit a lot" I said "You yourself told me that when we discussed the importance of exercise".
"My ankles hurt terribly, the legcuffs are somehow locked incorrectly" Erin cried.
I looked at her ankles through the mesh wall. Only then did I realize that she only has low tennis shoes and not even socks to protect her ankles.
"Are the cuffs too tight?" I asked
"Basically no, I don't have a problem when I sit but when I walk or stand they hurt the back of my ankle" Erin complained.
"Achilles tendon" I knew "When the ankle is at rest, everything is ok but when you stand without shoes...or with low shoes like now, the Achilles tendon comes out more and the cuffs hurt it".
"That's why you have boots with heels" Erin looked at my boots.
"My boots are also modified to have stronger protection under the cuffs" I explained "they prevent all pain, I only feel the restrictions given by the chain".
"Why don't I have any?" Erin asked in pain.
"You'll have to ask the Committee about that," I replied.

"What happened in the toilet?" I asked.
"They didn't release my hands when I was sitting on the seat!" Erin said angrily "They locked my collar chain to the wall and the lady lifted my skirt up. I had to pee while the guards were watching me!".
I understood his indignation, but I couldn't be upset by it. It's basic life here.
"Did you wash yourself after you peed?" I asked
"She washed and dried me carefully" Erin replied quietly.
Then everything is fine" I stated.

"I'll tell you something about the history of prison service," I said "Before, a long time ago, prisoners had no rights. Often a prison sentence was started by treating the prisoner badly, there was humiliation, abuse, physical punishment, starvation and discipline. The prisoner could be beaten many times and if it went well, the prisoner learned her/his position and thus the treatment could be changed for the better. Sometimes the prisoner achieved a good position and a life inside the prison, but she/he knew all the time that mistakes or resistance could make things worse again".

"Is it the same principle here?" Erin asked shocked.
"Of course not so brutally" I reassured him "But I think it's a kind of sample of what imprisonment here can be at its worst. I'm sure that things will change for you too when you've internalized the basics.
"Have you experienced the same?" she asked quietly.
"In practice something similar and I'm basically happy about it" I said "Now I know my limits and how I have to behave in order to live a happy but disciplined life".

"You've been crying so much now it would be nice if you could drink some water" I said nodding towards the water bottle on his desk.
I can't!" she got nervous and tested the movement with her hands.
"You can when you calm down and think" I said reassuringly "Take a water bottle, open it and pour the water on a plate. Then you can drink it directly from the plate without the help of your hands".
"It's humiliating, I can't drink like an animal! Erin was shocked.
"I guess you have no choice now" I said "Of course you can not drink but no one recommends it!"
As if for an example, I opened my own water bottle and took a long gulp. I of course could use my hands now.
Erin fought back at first but then thirst won, she took the water bottle and opened it, then she moved closer to the table and the plate. He emptied the bottle onto a plate.
She looked at me miserably and I gave her an encouraging nod.
Finally he drank water from the plate, he seemed very thirsty.

I looked at her and at the same time I wondered how she could bear all this. Maybe this is too much for her.
Should I try to talk to the Committee?

After drinking, Erin already seemed to calm down a bit. She sat quietly, her nose and chin still wet from drinking.
She looked at me and even smiled a little.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

Should I try to talk to the Committee?

Preferably let Erin do it.

But something definitely needs to happen quickly for Erins' leg irons to protect her tendons. Speaking from experience it's quite easy to suffer nerve damage from police style cuffs. Are there neoprene cuffs to go under the steel ones to protect her tendons in the immediate short term until fit of everything settles down for Erin? (IIRC you have used them in the past)

Also, as a part time prisioner and a newbie, I hope Erin has plenty of opportunity to give and get feedback on how the process is working for her with the committee - she's just out of the starting gate, not a marathon runner like you Miisa  :smile:

[edit for typos, I really should try the preview function]

Last edited by tempestwood (2023-06-08 05:19:12)



I'm reading your updates with real pleasure! I also think that it's a good idea to tell the complete story of that first weekend with Erin, step by step.

I didn't see your feelings about O-sessions as an "outburst". I believe these thoughts were perfectly understandable, just needing to be considered and reworked - and it seems you did it great! Actually, at least the concern about sharing the toilet is somewhat legitimate. Your lifestyle obviously reduced your immunity against infections, so strict hygiene protocols should be observed here.

Anklecuffs causing pain behind the ankle when standing or walking? Yes, Achilles tendons, almost certainly - I'd say that a fitness instructor should have known it herself. They were probably too tight, more loose-fitting cuffs might cause some skin abrasions, but no tendon damage risk. It was three weeks ago, I guess the Committee found the solution to this problem by now. If Erin isn't going to wear high boots, then maybe some wider leather cuffs?

Actually, the problem is well-known, probably since there were manacles in use. I recall reading that even in tsarist Russia, as they were exiling convicts to Siberia in chains (more of them patriots than criminals), they gave them some form of leather "under-shackles" to avoid serious injuries and risk of death from infection. - Perhaps the best Russia has to offer in the way of humanitarian traditions. Which reminds me...

I hesitate to mention this sensitive topic, but it needs to be said: your courage in testifying against these Russian residents can be admired. I am deeply sorry that the authorities didn't listen to you back then, and that they recently forced you out of your controlled environment to ask these questions again. I know it had to be traumatising for you, and it was the saddest part of the Diary.

Hence, it's great that these troubles appear to be behind you by now. And that they allowed you to build the friendship with Erin, so it wasn't completely in vain. I wonder if it wouldn't be a good moment to continue "The Life Story", maybe now it might help you to clear your head from these past events?

My best wishes to you, Miisa, and to all the community and forum readers!



Dear miisa
I don't think you're jealous, but your world has obviously changed. you are no longer the only one to benefit from everyone's attention, you are no longer the center of the world you must share.
I think that for this to happen for the best, you have to support each other morally.

For erin, for her achilles heel problem, some time ago i suggested that you wear skating shoes. these ankles will be protected and its movement rendered difficult.
As far as its external control is concerned, I allow myself to make a few suggestions.
Even if I am a fan of wearing the chastity belt, I think it would not be suitable for his job which must require him to go to places secured by metal detectors.
I rather suggest wearing a tight boned corset that will remind her at all times of her prisoner status.
I also suggest that the committee decide on the clothes she will wear each day with the rule that all buttons must be closed, the belts closed at the last hole, the laces tied as tightly as possible.
My last suggestion is the strict control of its expenses, which will have to be approved by the comitee.
If interested I can elaborate.
Have a good day.



To clarify what I meant by the word "jealousy" in my previous comment. I used it in it's broader meaning of feelings of insecurity due to perceived threats to one's self esteem, not its narrower sense of envy or romantic jealousy.

My reason for mentioning it is previously Miisa has struggled with possessiveness (e.g. the cages being used by others) and she derives a sense of satisfaction that her environment is built for her. While understanderble, I think the cages thing was a manifestaion of jealousy.

In a previous comment Miisa mentioned being annoyed that access to the bathroom area passes by (through?) her night cell but corrected herself. This shows a healthy approach to dealing with issues arising from radical changes to her environment.

I didn't mean "jealousy" in a negative sense, more that it was worth noting because it is a pretty common emotion. Having lived alone in her prision for a long time, it may be difficult to process these thoughts and feelings that arise due to Erins arrival. Thankfully Nina is there for support, and Ilona is there to represent the committee.



This is a terrible situation.

More than a week ago, the Committee informed me (us) that the guards' summer vacation starts earlier than usual, i.e. already a week ago.

I haven't had a chance to talk about it publicly until now.
Finally, after talking with the Committee through Ilona, they understood that I must also be able to inform the members of the Forum about this unfortunate change.

I don't even know how long this "vacation time" and special arrangements here will last.

I am really sorry that I have not been able to inform the parties before.
This all now affects my Forum participation but also my normal work online.

All I can do now is wish you a nice summer, I don't know when I can continue my normal life here again.
The committee says that everything will return to normal, but they don't give a date for that.

Goodbye for a moment, I love you all!

According to the committee, I might have an opportunity to write here at some point, but I don't know when.
In any case, I hope that I will still be able to follow the forum and other channels and my e-mails during the summer.

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2023-06-19 12:53:36)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

This is a terrible situation.

More than a week ago, the Committee informed me (us) that the guards' summer vacation starts earlier than usual, i.e. already a week ago.

I haven't had a chance to talk about it publicly until now.
Finally, after talking with the Committee through Ilona, they understood that I must also be able to inform the members of the Forum about this unfortunate change.

I don't even know how long this "vacation time" and special arrangements here will last.

I am really sorry that I have not been able to inform the parties before.
This all now affects my Forum participation but also my normal work online.

All I can do now is wish you a nice summer, I don't know when I can continue my normal life here again.
The committee says that everything will return to normal, but they don't give a date for that.

Goodbye for a moment, I love you all!

According to the committee, I might have an opportunity to write here at some point, but I don't know when.
In any case, I hope that I will still be able to follow the forum and other channels and my e-mails during the summer.

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (Today 12:53:36)

Did Erin stay longer than 2 days a week already in prison outside of her electronic monitoring?
Secondly does she wear the anklet also while she is in the prison?



Nice to read you again! It doesn't seem so terrible - we all understand that your lifestyle can cause such unexpected experiences and we will wait patiently. At least, I have already been guessing that something of this kind might be going on. Hopefully, it will go much better than last year and the special arrangements will not cause you any more troubles than absolutely needed.

Perhaps, you might be able to write the Diary offline and save it, so that you could show us the complete story of Erin's introduction or other worthwhile stories when you return?

Best wishes for the summer!


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