I have noticed that some of you are concerned about my well-being because I have been quiet here.
The reason for that is that I have received worrying comments and even threats because I have shared my opinions about the development of the modern world and the behavior of some parties in conflicts and world politics.
There has even been a discussion that I should change my location and disappear "underground" somewhere.
The committee assures me that my imprisonment and secure life are not going anywhere.
The committee has not yet been able to confirm whether the threats I received are real, but some changes have been made to my normal daily life.
Like, for example, my outdoor time varies randomly, there is no logical schedule.
The fence of the outdoor recreation area has been raised so that it is even more difficult to see the yard from the outside. In addition, the yard area is mostly covered so that from above, for example using a drone, you cannot see what is happening in the yard.
These are of course good changes to security, but at the same time they isolate me more and more.
It feels like I could just as well sit inside in the fridge or freezer when I'm now in a cage outside for an hour a day.
Erin continues her own confinement, we are no longer in the same space all the time, she has her own work space built in the former lounge. She is here sometimes for several days.
We no longer have outdoor time together, for safety reasons.
The routines of our captivity are no longer equal.
Being locked up and secured is very important to Erin. A sense of security is very important to her.
I, as you may know, have the same desire, but I combine it with a very strong need for bondage and physical restrictions. Those things are less for Erin, so the practices have been changed for her.
Of course, Erin has the required restrictions whenever she is here, but they are lighter than mine.
Finally... The Committee did not want to limit the discussion here in my diary. They just wanted a conversation that doesn't concern my life to go under another heading.