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Miisa Karlsson wrote:

One new thing.
I started a new "work", my friend sells used leather clothes, etc. on the net.
  My job is to maintain web site: I will add pictures and information there, delete them, etc.
:) I have a lot of work today, sometimes the days are full.
I am maybe cheap worker  but it's fun.
I like that here are things to do!

as long as you are not only sitting on a desk ... a prisoner should always be forced to work out hard every day ..

i like the victorian prison concepts like the crank or the treadmill



agricola64 wrote:

"as long as you are not only sitting on a desk ... a prisoner should always be forced to work out hard every day ..

i like the victorian prison concepts like the crank or the treadmill"

Fortunately, time has gone ahead.
Now work can be meaningful.
It is also true that I do very little exercise during the day.
Morning and evening physical training replaces it a bit.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

agricola64 wrote:

"as long as you are not only sitting on a desk ... a prisoner should always be forced to work out hard every day ..

i like the victorian prison concepts like the crank or the treadmill"

Fortunately, time has gone ahead.
Now work can be meaningful.
It is also true that I do very little exercise during the day.
Morning and evening physical training replaces it a bit.

i will have to see if i can find that thing again - it was a pedal powered generator to be put under the desk to power a laptop ..

so we could have the prisoner furiously pedalling away under the deask while "playing" with the prison mouse on top of the desk



agricola64 wrote:

"i will have to see if i can find that thing again - it was a pedal powered generator to be put under the desk to power a laptop ..

so we could have the prisoner furiously pedalling away under the deask while "playing" with the prison mouse on top of the desk"

hmmm. maybe I need to get a few strong man prisoners to produce me electricity.
It would be a reasonable solution, although I am not a dominatrix.

Of course, here can be strong female prisoners, too



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

agricola64 wrote:

"i will have to see if i can find that thing again - it was a pedal powered generator to be put under the desk to power a laptop ..

so we could have the prisoner furiously pedalling away under the deask while "playing" with the prison mouse on top of the desk"

hmmm. maybe I need to get a few strong man prisoners to produce me electricity.
It would be a reasonable solution, although I am not a dominatrix.

Of course, here can be strong female prisoners, too

there is at least one strong prisoner there .. 8)

and i found it again ..

there are cheaper solutions as well .. but i think they are less well designed ..



Now is the last Friday of the month and the weekend.

I feel maybe I'm a little nervous.
Basically, according to the calendar, it would be time again for my O-session.

It makes me nervous that I'm not sure it will happen these days or maybe a week later.

It causes confusing thoughts.
I can never be sure. I can not prepare for the session.
It's part of this "game" and I understand it. It even feels good so, nervousness is normal.
I recognize the change in myself. Normally nothing upsets me but this time I'm nervous and maybe a little jumpy.
... I'm looking for signs of the future, my imagination developing strange thoughts. I can not focus on the normal routine.

I am designed face a harness and a kind of mask.
The manufacturer put some images out. … ,+plan.JPG

He also made a new collar which is equipped with quick lock. It is beautiful.
I find it a great invention that he now has "In The Works" gallery.
From here you can see almost directly what he is working on right now. … the+works/

Outdoors is pretty cool weather, normal autumn here now.
The sun was shining but still was cool when I was outdoors today.
I hope my O-session is not in the open air ...



We had a gag test on the weekend.
I tried a new type of harness gags during the weekend.
Actually, the type was not new, they only had some changes compared to the normal, traditional model.

The first was the normal ball gag, the strap on the neck, under the jaw. Side straps between the eyes and over nose, then over the head to back neck strap.
There were small differences in "normal".
the hole in the ball was not symmetrically centered, it was designed so that the ball goes deeper into the mouth. The good thing is that then the side straps do not hurt the mouth corners so much.
The biggest difference from the normal was that the steel O-rings (on the forehead and the cheeks) had been replaced with elastic rubber (perhaps silicone) O-rings. They were strong rings, and when the harness was firmly attached to the head, it was always very tight thanks to the stretching rubber.
The normal harness gag "adjusts" for a while and becomes comfortable or at least tolerable.
Now the harness feels tight all the time, it gives a whole new experience.
It feels like it shrinks all the time. It is difficult to adapt to it.
It can be compared to ongoing torture.
I was locked up all day Saturday and it was not nice.

In another model, leather belts were replaced with rubber straps. Also, the straps compressed for a little bit and kept the harness very tight.
I feel like it crushes my head.
Very unpleasant.
Once my hands are locked out I just have to endure, I can not do anything else.
Real torture.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

We had a gag test on the weekend.
It feels like it shrinks all the time. It is difficult to adapt to it.
It can be compared to ongoing torture.
I was locked up all day Saturday and it was not nice.

In another model, leather belts were replaced with rubber straps. Also, the straps compressed for a little bit and kept the harness very tight.
I feel like it crushes my head.
Very unpleasant.
Once my hands are locked out I just have to endure, I can not do anything else.
Real torture.

are these gag types for your new producer?

but the essential question is: by how many dB do they damp your sound emmisions? did someone do some proper calibrated tests .. ? ("for science!") … 346s4c.jpg



agricola64 wrote:

"are these gag types for your new producer?

but the essential question is: by how many dB do they damp your sound emmisions? did someone do some proper calibrated tests .. ? ("for science!") … 346s4c.jpg "

Gag versions are experimental models.
Such was not the standard so the Committee wanted to try something special. They order these pieces for the experiment.

I do not know about noise (dB).
I am usually very quiet. Noise and crying is pointless because it does not lead to anything, it does not work.

Same with restraints. is useless to fight, to struggle, or try them out.

I can only try to adapt and maybe learn new things from myself.



The first picture of the "pony" series.
Face harness. … +ready.JPG



New pictures! … C_0560.JPG



Strange things happen.
deleted images from the forum have come back!

It is a good thing.
The bad thing is that I have already changed many galleries in such a way that images are displayed only via imgbox.

Such things are very nasty.
I can not rely on the fact that the operations will continue as I have planned and it is very frustrating.
I am sorry about that you are confused, I am also.



My design work is on show again tomorrow!

It is not entirely true but sounds good.
There are some things with my ideas will be on display at tomorrow's event in Jyväskylä, Finland.

The manufacturer goes to the event and takes some products to the show.

I think it's great, I'm proud of my work and especially for his work.

From there he gets new ideas and also tells me what's going on.

Almost as I would be there :)

Another thing:
Sometimes I told you that I will help a person in his second hand sale.
"Shop" is still small and informal, but this is a start. -  for sale/

He may be moving to in the future

We'll see it then.



I had a slightly different day yesterday.
I was waiting a long time that I get to meet my prisoner colleague.
Yesterday, that day came suddenly. These things always come as a surprise so I can not know them in advance, it is some kind of security issue (so I can not arrange any nasty surprises for the guards).
This time it was disappointing that we used a car that did not have windows behind it.
It was a normal van and I was locked in the back.
I always enjoy driving because then I can usually see out and watch the scenery, sometimes even people.
It was very annoying :(
I would have liked to see the colors and scenery of autumn.

I met my friend. I think he liked our meeting even though he did not much to show his feelings.
In addition, I think he is somewhat depressed. I have to try to come up with something to make her cheerful ...
I can see him too rarely, and for too short time.

But hey!
Kimi Räikkönen won  F1 race yesterday.
I was very happy in the morning when I heard it,
"Ice Man" shows who is the real Champion!



I made a new topic for MY LIFE STORY OF CAPTIVEGIRL.
From there you can find all my writing about my life.
New writings come, I have had difficulty telling the story (chapter 6 ahead) because there are a lot of unpleasant memories and happenings.
But I do it because my story deserves it.
After that you know all about me, its also why I have made my choice.
Story continues...

I have also received suggestions that I create new topic in my O - sessions.
I'm thinking about it.

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2018-10-25 10:23:10)



Now is the O-session weekend.
I know it because it basically started already in the daytime, after my outdoors time.
Fortunately, I do not have to do any extra outdoors. There is a chilling autumn air there.

When I came in, a member of the committee was waiting in the lobby. It was a surprise because basically I waited for them until tomorrow.

My outdoor restraints, mittens and coat were taken off as usual and I was escorted in a toilet as usual.
I did my toilet routines and I was brought back to the lobby, It was different than usual, usually I stay in the day cell to eat and work.

I had my hands locked in front of the waistchain as usual.
I was brought next to the lobby table, there was only one chair and a member of the committee sat there.
There were three different sized Buttplugs on the table and a bottle of cream
The smallest plug was a normal, tolerable tool. The next one was much bigger and the big one was already worrying big.
"Hi Miisa, you almost already know what's coming" The man said to me.
... it was not very difficult to guess.

"Please bend over on the table, put your chin and your breast against the table."
It was a bit difficult but the guard helped me. The guard also locked my collar to the table. At the table there are a few binding point (sliding up the O-ring) which is usually my handcuffs locked.

I was locked at the table, my head very close to the table and ass up. My hands were locked to the waist, the position was uncomfortable.
The man nodded to the guard and the guard lifted my skirt up, he put my long skirt twin on my back so that the ass was naked, then he lowered my panties down.
A member of the committee placed latex gloves in his hand and took a smaller plug. He moved behind me and I felt how he put cream on my butt hole and around it. His hand also "got lost" and he also gently treated my other parts.
It did not feel bad, I had even hoped for something like this.
I just wished that I could have prepared for this better, I could have been a more careful toilet if I knew ...
He pushed the plug lightly into me. Carefully and calmly. He pushed it in and gave it to come out ... then again inside the anus adapted to it quickly and almost sucked into it.
At the same time I watched the biggest plug that was right next to my head on the table. I could smell the strong aroma of rubber.
I knew it was not that easy with it ...

"Good, it's there, it's like done to you!" he said cheerfully. He took the gloves out of his hand and sat down on the chair near me.
"Do you know Greyhound ?, They have a web site at" He asked
"Yes, I know," I answered, "I have seen pictures and some videos of her!"
"Okay, good," he said. "We have thought that we are going to have a weekend with influences of her lifestyle.
You will get a new small cage tomorrow, actually two different cages! "He looked at my reaction.
"Another cage is a little bigger, you've seen some videos with the Greyhound inside the cage and her hands are behind the back. Between the hands and the collar has a chain which circulates through the top of the cage roof.
So if she is upright, her hands may be low, but if she leans down, her hand is forced to rise up.
We made such a cage for you. it is not exactly the same, there are some changes we wanted to try.
In addition, there is another cage, a Pichard - style cage that also works in transportation. It is smaller and more efficient, we will also try this model "
I knew Pichard's cage. It's very scary. In it, the victim is forced into a very small cage and his movement is effectively prevented.

"Well," he said and took new latex gloves. "it's time to switch to bigger plug". He moved back to me and I can feel how he moved the plug. "Push it out slowly," he said.
I pushed very gently, I was afraid that out will come also be more than just a plug.
the plug came almost out, he blocked it and left it for a moment to stretch my hole.
Eventually, he took it out and nearly pushed for a new, bigger one. Again he patiently moved it back and forth, adding a little cream. The time of the job was a few muffled farts and he laughed. "Fortunately, you do not eat much meat, then your gases would smell a lot worse!"
I was embarrassed.
Eventually the plug slipped inside.
He put the used plug on the desk. I could smell it again and it was disgusting me. It did not look cool either.
"This is our joint work that's been done," he said. "Now you can return to the cell and continue your normal day." We continue our session tonight or maybe tomorrow. "
The guard put my panties back and lowered my skirt. Then he unlocked me from the table and escort me in the cell.

Now I'm back here, I sit maybe a little taller than usual but I got used to plug quickly.
I can not say that the plug arouse me, it's inside me and reminds me of the future, that's all.
I may be having a difficult weekend.



It is Saturday morning.
Nothing happened after yesterday. The normal routine continues.
The only difference is that I have buttplug inside me and it irritates me.
In some positions, it gives perhaps something sexual feelings but the general feeling is that I would need to defecate it.

I slept poorly.
I sleep in my stomach and in that position the plug pushes forward inside me .
Because I can not change the position, I tried to sleep like that.
Sometimes I woke up to make movements in the hip like sexual intercourse. I felt like I was somehow thrilled but at the same time very frustrated because I can not touch myself. My hands are cuffed behind my back, as always at night. And I'm locked into bed.
So I was awake and frustrated all night.

Earlier today morning, as I sat here, I heard metallic voices through the door in the lobby.
The cages have been moved in so something is happening.

It feels stupid to sit here and try to do some work when I know what's coming.

I was annoying ... and I'm tired.
The day has been normal, the only difference is that I sit on the plug.
I have been outdoors, eating and toilet things taken care of.
On the toilet visit I got a new, bigger buttplug. I was also given a few electric shock pad near my butthole. They give a schedule of shocks to my butt muscles and it is very annoying.
It feels like the plug moves back and forth with every pulse.
It is a very effective and inconspicuous torture. It is a sadistic invention.
The plug is not terribly big, it does not splatter me but it's very annoying ... and I walk like Daisy Duck.
It's strange to say so, but I want something to happen, waiting so is not nice.
I can not focus on anything.

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2018-10-27 16:09:02)



Eventually, something happened on Saturday.
Two committee members came to my cell together with the guards. In practice, the guards came first and put the handcuffs behind me, it is some kind of security issue. Then members of the committee came in cell.
Members visit very rarely within my cell combination. Now they watched and studied it closely. They also asked me about my views on practices.
It was surprising, usually they do not ask me about these things.
I was surprised, and perhaps too tired and annoyed that I could have said anything wise.

Members wanted to see how our day-to-day activities work.
They wanted us to make the evening routines, such as undressing, etc. even though it was not the time for it.
So the guards moved me a night-time cell.
They locked a wallchain on my collar and opened my handcuffs.
They opened my waistchain and took it away.
Next, shirt, corset and tube. Then skirt and panties.
Again the handcuffs behind the back.
I moved on my knees to my bed and the guard pushed my forehead against the wall.
Another guard opened my legcuffs and took off boots and socks. Then the legcuffs came back. That is a practice that prevents me from kicking, etc. I've never tried it.
Electro pads were removed, it was reassuring. I knew the shocks were over.

I was moved to a shower / toilet.
Again my collar was locked in the wall chain.
I got permission to take buttplug out. it was very difficult!
As I said before, the plug was not a huge big one, maybe a man's fist size but still it was hard to get out. It was well-formed, that is, it was thin on my butthole and then  expanded inside me.
It was almost like giving birth to a child through the other hole.
It would have been much easier if my hands were free but now they were cuffed behind my back.
I am in this situation before and I know that they will enjoy it in some strange way.
I also knew that I have no choice.
I was on the floor with my knees, I bent myself back so my fingers would stick to the edge of the plug.
I was struggling with and helped with my fingers while I can. Sometimes I was so that my face was on the floor, I struggled hard.
Slowly the hole "stretched" so that eventually the plug slipped out. It felt good to great! at the same time also came with something else which I do not really liked.
I do not like that I feel dirty or something.
Also, members of the Committee also grew tired of the show. My effort was fun to follow but the end result  not.
"Okay, the show is over," the member said, and went on to the security guards, "Wash it well and in peace, when you are ready, bring the prisoner to the lobby.
The members of the committee left the cell.

The guard took a water hose and sprayed me clean. The water was warm. Always it is not.
They locked me in a hog-cuff position for washing.
They treated me with soap and sponge and spraying water again.
Usually I can stand in the shower and wash myself but now it was not. I was just an object that was treated.
Finally the washing was over and I was left on the floor. No towels, nothing.
I was alone on the floor, hogcuffed and wallchain locked in a collar.
Actually, it was good to be, I was happy that this is a modern Scandinavian house with floor heating.
Things could be much worse, I thought.

Now it's just a session. A short time that I know will end soon.
I remember the time when I was also in a similar situation, tied in a cold room, dirty concrete floor.
Then it took days and I did not know how it ended, there was violence and torture. Great fear. It also involved very nasty psychological issues.
(I will also tell you this about my CAPTIVEGIRL LIFESTORY when it's time).
The time now came into my mind, and I cried silently ... I'm not crying for the past but I was crying because I am that I am happy now. I do not need to worry anymore.

After a while the guards came back. I had already dried up, I did not need a towel. My hair was still a bit damp, the guard just lifted them up and tightened them tightly with thin leather strap over my head.
Now, no exact hairstyle or fine makeup was needed.
"If you need to do your toilet things, do it now" the guard said and opened my hogcuff lock "Later it may be difficult".
It felt good to get my legs straight, my hands were still behind the back and legcuffs on the ankles.
He grabbed me from the hair and "helped" me up and took me to stand.
"This hair style is very practical," he said laughing.
He was right, tightly bound  hair  give a good grip and it does not give me much pain.
Basically, well done it is possible that I could hang in the air only by the hair tied. But it would require careful preparation ... or it would be very painful.

I had already emptied myself on the floor with a plug, I had no great need for it now, but still I decided to try to pee.
I sat on the loo and I did a little pee.
"done?" the guard asked, I nodded and he gently wiped me dry

The guard removed the chain from the wall and pulled me out of the toilet / shower.
He used the chain as a leash and we walked through the cell compartment and went straight into the lobby.
There were three members of the Committee in the lobby, sitting comfortably on the couch and armchairs. The fireplace had fire and the room was nice and warm.
"It's nice to see you again," said the female member of the committee. "We have a place for you where you can enjoy the atmosphere for a start"
Near the fireplace was a sheepskin on the floor. The guard escort me there and told me to kneel. Then he locked my chain next to the fireplace on the floor. It was so short that I could not stand, I had to stay on the floor on my knees.
"As you already know, this is a slightly different weekend" The woman said and came a little closer. "Our blacksmith, Rolf, has been diligent and manufactured a variety of devices for us ... or for you."
I watched a woman, I have always secretly admired her style.
She always has a completely contemplated entity, now a leather, a pencil skirt, and a blazer. white shirt and waistline corset. Beautiful tights and smart high heels. She has beautiful, dark hair and always thoughtful makeup.
Now she also had a perfect and beautiful manicure.
She came close to me, I enjoy it. It is very rare that anyone other than the guard comes so close to me.
I felt her feminine scent, she knew it, and therefore maybe teased me.
She's a lot of what I'm dreaming but I can not get it.

"I need to remind you of the fact that we have the behavioral rules. I have heard that you do not always want to remember it." she said, and touched my cheek.
"The rules have never been removed, I know some members of the committee do not necessarily care about them, I think it is important, I hope you keep it in mind.
with all members of the Committee and guests. Also the guards. "
She is right. I am deliberately and systematically "forgotten" some rules and I have not been noted or punished for it.
That is why it has become as though it were allowed.
The fact that they have observed and discussed it overwhelmed me. I was trying to be clever, but it was not successful.
"We will not punish you for this. You just have to remember. During this weekend, you get to know things  that can also be used as punishment."
She lifted my head up and looked at me in the eye. "Did you understand?" I looked at her tears in my eyes, I felt humiliated. I was caught up in stupid things and it was my fault.
"Yes, ma'am. I will try my best so that does not happen in the future, I'm sorry," I said quickly. It seemed silly but still I said so.
"You've really forgotten things ... this was a simple question, the answer is either yes or no, one word, no other words are needed." She looked at me "do you understand?"
"Yes Ma'am" I replied and tried to look away.
"Look directly at me when you talk to me," she said patiently and I did so.
She moved a few steps further and looked at two other committee members.
The men sat on the couch and watched the show.
"I should not say this to you in the presence of the prisoner, but I still say. You're not the prisoner's friends. You are the dominant, leading persons that requires respect in every situation. That's why behavior is important every moment !. That's the basic thing. "
Men were like little boys who were caught up in the apple the theft. They were very embarrassed. There was no doubt that who is the leader of the room.

to be continued...

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2018-10-29 14:47:48)




The atmosphere was a little bothered.
Everyone was silent. I looked at the room. Everything was otherwise normal but next to the wall was a new big box.
It had small wheels below so it could be moved.
The walls appeared to be a gray sheet metal or the like, at the top was small, maybe a finger-sized holes.
Its height was perhaps 1.20 m maybe a bit more.
length maybe 1.50 m.
It looked like it was a wild animal transport box. The idea amused me.
"I'll show you our blacksmith's latest work," the woman said.

She moved the box closer to me. its heavy but still moved fairly lightly.
The men got up and moved near the box.
"As you can see, here are enclosed walls but a great invention is that all walls can be removed, one part at a time, as needed.
The side wall can also be cut in half. "
The man opened one of the steel plate lock from the top and lifted the plate up from the lower edge of the groove.
He took out several sheet metal plates and underneath revealed a cage with vertical  steel bars.
The cage roof and floor were thicker steel plate.
The whole thing looked very, very strong and secure.
There was a door at the end of the cage, it had strong hinges, and in the vertical and the opposite there were three strong locks.

There was a smaller cage inside the big cage. The men opened the door and raised the smaller cage out. It looked very heavy, the power of both men were needed to lift it.
Pichard Cage ... I knew what it is, I've seen a lot of pictures of it. It was scary.
the smaller cage opened upward, inside it there were a few cardboard boxes that were also heavy. The men lifted them out of the cage.
"Accessories" said the woman, smiling.

Men lift chains, shackles, locks, etc. from a box. A wide range of stuff, I did not know all purpose.
That was too much for me. I had slept badly, I was not drink and eaten enough today.
"This is too much, you all are crazy!" I said anxiously.
The woman looked surprised. "You quickly forgot the rules of behavior!" She continued, "I understand your reaction, but now it is important to calm down. Do you want to drink something?"
The man went out of the room and the woman introduced to me something of the goods.
"You will recognize these products. They are designed and made for this use."
"We have carefully considered these things and the blacksmith Rolf has prepared them according to our instructions" She showed me some irons.
"For example, here are your new wrist and ankle shackles, which are considerably wider than the standart police type cuffs you usually wear." She weighed them in her hand, "They are much heavier than normal cuffs but they are shaped just for you. And their wide width is a good thing because then they will not hurt you as thin and sharp iron can do."
She took bigger iron in her hand.
"This is your collar, it's also wider than your normal collar, the reason is the same, it may seem uncomfortable, but it's safer to use." We do not want your neck to cut or you're choking. "
She looked at the collar in her hand. "Well, maybe it is also thicker than your normal collar but it does not matter. Basically you are using these new shackles inside the cage so you do not have to move a lot. "
She looked at me tightly. "Basically, there is nothing to prevent us from taking these for everyday use ... It depends entirely on your own behavior." She clearly enjoyed the fact that she got to tease me.

The man came back into the room, he had a few small jar with juice.
He opened one and put a drinking straw  on it.
He gave it to her and she came to sit next to me on the chair.
She put a drink straw in my mouth and served me some juice. It was apple juice.
"Drink in peace, no hurry," she said, "I'll tell you about the features of a bigger cage.
There's plenty of room for you. You can not stand but you can be on your knees ... you may not be quite straight but still. The cage roof has a long oval hole and above it there is a steel bar transversely.
The steel bar is surrounded by rubber tube. Very simple. When you are in a cage you have your hands behind your back, as it is now. Between hand irons and the collar is a chain that rotates over that steel bar / rubber tube. It is dimensioned so that when you are straight up, your hands can be down but if you will bow down, you must lift your hands up behind his back. Rubber tube absorbs sound chain so it does not bother us or guards. It's a great and simple invention!
While there are several holes on the bottom of the cage, there are a few bigger ones in the middle. They are there for you so that your waste can come out of the cage. Under the cage can put a collection container for it. So you can be in a cage for long periods of time".
This was already a big madness! My heart beat and no longer the juice tasted good. I can not be in that cage for a long time! Maybe a few hours but that's already torture!

to be continued...

Last edited by Miisa Karlsson (2018-10-31 18:28:59)



i think i have seen that kind of chain arrangement in a cage somewhere ... i think it was a cage for a Greyhound 8)



agricola write:
"i think i have seen that kind of chain arrangement in a cage somewhere ... i think it was a cage for a Greyhound 8)"

Well observed!
Also ... if you read my last Friday diary, it's been said before.
The principle of cage is the same but there are some changes. The Committee thinks and develops things with great heart.




"You certainly have noticed that the cage door is very strong, as is the whole cage, which is not a weak part." She smiled "As you can see, there are three strong locks on the door. The door can not be opened until all locks have been opened.
We, the three members of the Committee, have each key in one lock. This means that we all need to be here to open the door. The guards have no keys to this cage. "
I felt sick. This was full madness. No one can be locked in that cage!
"The cage also has other small details that you will learn in the future." She say and threw an empty juice carton out.
"Next, I'm going to introduce another cage, and there are some great ideas!" The men brought the cage closer. The cage looked really small!
It was made of square iron, There were regular bars that formed squares. The squares were so big that a big hand could fit through them, no more.
She grabbed the cage door and lifted it up.
"As you can see, the cage door opens up, it's practical. The floor has a steel plate with holes, you already know why.
The steel plate is to be able to remove, underneath it is the same steel square as elsewhere, it is very unpleasant to be on your knees". She looked sad, as if she imagined how it hurt me.
"So ... your place is inside the cage on your knees, your ankles are locked in a cage corners and you bend you chest to your knees, your collar is locked down to the short chain so that you can not lift your head.
Behind your back, above the back comes the steel bar through the cage, it prevents you from rising up. Your arms come from the steel bar above and they are locked there. Steel bar is locked"
Then this heavy steel door is lowered down and locked. If you're getting easier then here's just one lock." She smiled comfortably.
She moved behind the cage. "Here, behind you is the possibility of additional accessories. For example, dildo- / buttplug combination that goes  inside of you and keep you firmly in place."

Basically, that was not new to me, I had watched pictures of that cage, for the first time I saw that kind of thing in front of me.
When viewing pictures I had been very interested in it, it was fun to imagine what it would be like inside it. Now that thought did not seem fun!
The woman came again closer to me, she sat back on the chair.
"As you've already noticed, Pichard cage can fit in a bigger cage.
This means that when we want to maximize your security, we can lock you into a small cage with all the features and locks. Then we can move a small cage into a large cage. The smaller cage can also be bolted and locked to the bigger cages floor. As you can see, a small cage can not be opened inside a big cage, the door can not open upwards.
The cage set can also be moved, for example, to your toilet / shower cell. "
She seemed to be focused.
"Let's think about the situation ... You are in a small cage, cuffed, collared and locked with many locks, a small cage is locked in a larger cage with several locks, the bigger cage is bolted / locked into your cell, Cell is the last in your combination, there are three locked steel doors before we're in this lobby, after which there are a few strong locked doors. " She counts locks and doors with her fingers. "I think it sounds very secure.

I can not believe this is true! I really was hoping that this is only for this weekend. On the other hand, they have done a lot of work for a few days.

"One more thing," she said,
" I read from your diary that you were upset when you could not see out of the car on the last trip. There were no windows in the car .
In my opinion, Pichard cage is just perfect for transportation. In the closed and dark side of the car."

to be continued...



That cage sounds overwhelming! And I think I've seen pics of it in the BondageLife site. :)



the comittee seems to plan to ramp things up severley



What if the cage(s) were lifted up by one to three metres (say 3-10 feet up), and perhaps allowed to sway (oscillate) a bit ?

There isn’t much that the prisoner closely confined inside could do to affect her position.



RenegadeSpirit wrote:
"What if the cage(s) were lifted up by one to three metres (say 3-10 feet up), and perhaps allowed to sway (oscillate) a bit ?

There isn’t much that the prisoner closely confined inside could do to affect her position."

That's possible, I think.
I'm not very excited about the idea ... :(
I think that the oscillating and rotating cage should quickly feel bad.
I've never experienced such a thing, so I can not say anything wise ...

some changes need to be made in the cages anyway.
There was something trouble getting the Picherd-cage inside a large cage.
Basically it is easy but when the cage has almost 60 kg of extra weight, it is difficult.
Thus, under the small cage need to design some kind of transmission mechanism that the cage slides inside another with ease and then be locked.
It makes the guards and others work easier.
No one wants that their back becomes sore.
It is also easier for the one who is in the cage.



RenegadeSpirit wrote:

What if the cage(s) were lifted up by one to three metres (say 3-10 feet up), and perhaps allowed to sway (oscillate) a bit ?

There isn’t much that the prisoner closely confined inside could do to affect her position.

actually lifting it only a few cm off the ground would allow for much wider and thus slower swings (pendulum swings gets longer with pendulum length)

and if the prisoner can not look out of the cage it can guess its height only be a length of a swing ...

possible musical score:




agricola64 wrote:
"RenegadeSpirit wrote:
What if the cage(s) were lifted up by one to three metres (say 3-10 feet up), and perhaps allowed to sway (oscillate) a bit ?

There isn’t much that the prisoner closely confined inside could do to affect her position.

actually lifting it only a few cm off the ground would allow for much wider and thus slower swings (pendulum swings gets longer with pendulum length)

and if the prisoner can not look out of the cage it can guess its height only be a length of a swing ...

possible musical score: "

A spooky horror atmosphere ...
Actually, I can imagine what it would be, perhaps hooded, music does not have to be even sound loud noise.

For me personally, mental issues are a bit drastic.
For example, the last session was mentally very hard.
I have scars I do not want to open ... It's more difficult to recover mental things than physical ones.

But on the other hand, now afterwards, I do not feel it bad.



(1) If my arithmetic is correct (and 1 kg ~ 2.205 lbs), then nearly 60 kilos of cage would weigh about 120-125 pounds, which is certainly not an uncommon weight for a woman. Put that woman in the cage and you have 120 kilos ~ about 240-250 pounds, which is closer to the weight of a (male) wrestler, ice-hockey player or  American/Canadian Football player.  Rather a cumbersome load to move around easily.

(2) While I certainly don’t want to plant the tiniest seeds in the minds of the malicious and while no one here wants permanent or serious damage (definitely Gord rather than Gestapo) — let alone anything approaching terror — a cage suggests some variants with electricity, liquids or percussion. For example, striking the metal with rubber, metal or wood to reawaken a drowsy prisoner, or immersing the part below her head in water to increase her sense of helplessness.

[A rather diabolical (if perhaps impractical) form of percussion would be to adapt a ball-shooting machine used in sports practice to fire random shots at the cage with varying force over irregular intervals.]

All, of course, with the unchallengeable purpose of improving the inmate’s attitude and behavio[u]r.  8-)



RenegadeSpirit wrote:
"(1) If my arithmetic is correct (and 1 kg ~ 2.205 lbs), then nearly 60 kilos of cage would weigh about 120-125 pounds, which is certainly not an uncommon weight for a woman. Put that woman in the cage and you have 120 kilos ~ about 240-250 pounds, which is closer to the weight of a (male) wrestler, ice-hockey player or  American/Canadian Football player.  Rather a cumbersome load to move around easily.

(2) While I certainly don’t want to plant the tiniest seeds in the minds of the malicious and while no one here wants permanent or serious damage (definitely Gord rather than Gestapo) — let alone anything approaching terror — a cage suggests some variants with electricity, liquids or percussion. For example, striking the metal with rubber, metal or wood to reawaken a drowsy prisoner, or immersing the part below her head in water to increase her sense of helplessness.

[A rather diabolical (if perhaps impractical) form of percussion would be to adapt a ball-shooting machine used in sports practice to fire random shots at the cage with varying force over irregular intervals.]

All, of course, with the unchallengeable purpose of improving the inmate’s attitude and behavio[u]r.  8-)"

I want to specify that I said that my weight is less than 60 kg :) :)
After a few kilograms less than it but still ... (I'm vain woman)

You have very sadistic thoughts. Unfortunately, the Committee also reads my diary. :) It was humor, all the opinions and ideas are welcome.

In my past I been a few parties / events where men had paintball guns.
They shot some naked girls who were hands tied and tried to escape.

The girls ran around a large area, and the men hunted them.
The man who had the most hits at the end of the game got the girl.

It was a great feast for men.
Grilling, drinking and hunting.
The girls got very painful hits, big bruises around the body.

I will also tell this in my memoirs when it is time.


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