Dear Miisa,
It's always interesting to read your posts. I will still look here from time to time, it's a pity that the forum activity has mostly died down.
Is there any follow-up with that criminal investigation? It strikes me as pretty weird, an expert opinion should be asked from someone with academic experience in sexology and related fields, not from someone whose only "qualification" is practising a given lifestyle.
All the best wishes,
Posts 1201 to 1230 of 1318
Share12012024-07-01 03:15:41
Share12022024-07-04 09:22:47
Hello prisoner
The proposal to organize heavy bondage session appears as a very good opportunity for you to break the routine and experiment new practices. I fully support this idea which respect your identity and safety and at the same time open your possibilities to enrich your practices.
Share12032024-07-23 08:52:37
Hello everyone
It has been very quiet in my diary, as well as on the Forum in general.
The reason for that is in the contract I made with a private person. The contract obliges me to be his "online private prisoner" for a fixed period of time.
He has quite strict ideas about how to keep, punish, monitor and restrict maximum security prisoners.
We, the three parties (the Committee, the client and me) have an agreement that also defines financial matters. I can even donate part of my income.
This is an experiment that maybe continues in this form, maybe not.
If you ask me, I'm not completely satisfied with my life now.
My life is now much more controlled, restricted and strict than my previous "normal" life as a prisoner.
However, I am not leaving you and the Forum.
Contracts can be renegotiated when time runs out, situations change.
I hope they get better.
Share12042024-07-23 15:47:20
I am sure most of us here hope things will become more to your liking. Although you have a very restricted life, I think it is best when it is on terms that are good for you. Hopefully, things will get better for you soon. We will be here.
Share12052024-07-24 10:26:02
Dear Miisa,
I didn't think your life would take this turn.
So many changes since the start of your incarceration.
I would like to know what predicaments you are subject to now.
I wish you a good day
Share12062024-07-27 01:31:24
Hello everyone
It has been very quiet in my diary, as well as on the Forum in general.
The reason for that is in the contract I made with a private person. The contract obliges me to be his "online private prisoner" for a fixed period of time.
He has quite strict ideas about how to keep, punish, monitor and restrict maximum security prisoners.
We, the three parties (the Committee, the client and me) have an agreement that also defines financial matters. I can even donate part of my income.This is an experiment that maybe continues in this form, maybe not.
If you ask me, I'm not completely satisfied with my life now.
My life is now much more controlled, restricted and strict than my previous "normal" life as a prisoner.However, I am not leaving you and the Forum.
Contracts can be renegotiated when time runs out, situations change.
I hope they get better.
What are the new restrictions and changes? How long is the contract?
Share12072024-07-30 12:27:01
What are the new restrictions and changes? How long is the contract?
The contract we made with this person means that I am imprisoned, restricted and locked away according to his wishes for a predetermined period of time.
This started when I had a conversation with one of my followers and I told him that I am sad that I cannot help financially (or otherwise) a nation that is at war against a violent invader.
I have been donating part of my income for a long time now, for more than two years, but it is a very small amount.
So he had a suggestion on how I can donate more. I would be his online prisoner, he could influence my circumstances and follow my imprisonment and punishment in real time online.
I told the Committee about this proposal. They thought about it for a long time. They discussed the details with this person.
The biggest problem is that no one here wants video or picture material to be made public. Therefore, the background of the proposer had to be checked carefully.
It guaranteed that he is serious and able to guarantee all matters from confidentiality to financial matters.
I have to say that the money I get is not big but it is still more than what I would get from my normal photo editing job. Some of the money still goes to my living expenses here.
Erin has done a good job negotiating the contract to be legal. Thank him for that.
One option would have been to do this publicly, e.g. through the paid OnlyFans site, but there would be a great risk of leaking the material elsewhere.
Due to the security of the committee, even now, their identities cannot be seen from the material that is shown. It is important.
Security guards have bodycams, like police officers. They show my processing in real time, but the moments when another guard could be seen in the video have been cut off.
The time to be videoed can be from a day to a week, after that there is a "rest period" when I return to the normal prison routine. It is at least as long as the session was.
The contract is renegotiated every quarter. It will be renewed if all parties still want it.
Share12082024-08-09 12:08:01
I am a little worried about the prisoner's situation. She is too isolated from her "normal" life, which is already isolated anyway. I would recommend some kind of arrangement where a larger group could also follow the prisoner's life.
Now long periods of time pass when the prisoner does not even update her diary and does not even say that she is all right!
Share12092024-08-10 09:16:33
Real Restraints and all the other…
You don't have to worry, everything here is done through the Committee and they look after me and my well-being.
It is true that my special max security periods are tough, but nothing bad can happen.
At the same time, I think that it strengthens me in my strict confinement and helps me adapt to it more and more.
The problem is maybe that when I get used to the special arrangement, everything changes again and I'm back to my normal routine.
I think that a person can get used to many things, but sudden changes cause unnecessary additional stress.
However, I am not disappearing into some kind of secret dungeon permanently.
...I can tell you that the other side of the agreement also has a lot of ideas that he would like to see happen to me, but the Committee refuses them. I know I'm safe.
Things change, maybe the deal we made isn't renewed and I can go back to my normal prison routine, time will tell...
Real Restraints: the picture you show is very good, it hits closer than you can guess..
Share12102024-08-10 11:43:00
Thank you for being able to answer and explain it to us. I have to admit that I might be a little jealous of that person you made a deal with. We have had some great private conversations in email and in the messages section of this Forum.
Maybe I've become addicted to them and when you're isolated I worry. I feel like you have abandoned this Forum and all the members
Share12112024-08-14 12:34:25
Dear missa,
I'm glad you're okay.
I have the impression that you are starting to like rubber again, or is this just one of the constraints that your temporary owner imposes on you.
I wish you a good day.
Share12122024-08-15 09:47:38
I'm ok, at least after I've rested for a while in my normal and safe lifestyle.
As I said before, the difficulty is how to adjust to the changes in the sessions and then back to my normal life.
It might be funny, but in a tight session I feel like I'm part of a movie that someone outside is watching. That's the way it is, the difficulty is to understand that it is still part of my real life.
The strange part is that even the guards have difficulty distinguishing between a special session and a normal routine.
I mean, even though the session is over, the guards still treat me roughly for a while.
I have discussed the matter with Ilona and Nina (the guards do not discuss with me other than necessary orders and instructions).
It's hard for the guards to change their attitude towards me after a long session.
This is reminiscent of the Stanford prison experiment of 1971, the brutal guard role takes away power and humanity and kindness are shared away.
The Committee has promised to discuss the matter internally. I'm not sure if I want to renew the contract when the time comes.
I still don't like rubber/latex even though it's sometimes a part of my life now.
I can understand its punitive use, but I will never like it. It makes me feel sweaty, dirty and uncomfortable. It's not nice to be locked inside it.
Share12132024-08-16 04:35:58
Dear Miisa,
Thank you for sharing with us these new developments. Naturally, I'm curious to hear more when you're able to write again. For example, maybe you could provide some more details how these special sessions differ from your regular conditions?
In my opinion, it's impressive that you're willing to put your effort and adjust to discomforts in order to help a just cause (as you understand it). On the other hand, I understand that a regular, predictable routine used to be the most important feature of your life for many years now. I didn't expect that the Committee would agree to experiment with it.
Generally, I think you have a lot of "free" time. Since you're motivated to make charity donations, using this time to improve and learn new online job qualifications should eventually be more cost-effective than making private prisoner contracts. With the added bonus of not messing up your normal lifestyle.
Another option is that you could try to join a NGO specialising in white intelligence as an online volunteer. If you're good in analysing pictures and verifying sources, it is sometimes possible to make real difference by such activity.
Obviously, I'm not insisting on anything, just offering ideas.
Best wishes,
Share12142024-08-27 09:36:37
I have been thinking about my current life and its arrangements.
I am in a privileged position because I am able to slightly change my controlled life with my own decisions.
We have talked with the Committee (and Nina) and we all agree that I will not extend the agreement on the special punishment prison arrangements.
The arrangement and experiment was very interesting, but still it felt a bit contrived because the situation always changed so quickly.
It was like a challenge that had to be solved, after that I could get back to my "normal" life, for a while.
It was very stressful, mentally and physically.
I will continue as before, but now I am trying to increase my workload and customer base again. I can trust that I will have the opportunity to work daily as before.
I have limited my life by my own actions for two and a half years already. It hasn't led to anything, I've just been punishing myself for things that aren't even related to me.
I thank the Committee that they have understood me, I also thank that they want to continue on the original line and thus ensure my maximally secured, effectively limited life here.
Punishment prisoner contract arrangement will end in a month, after that I will be a special max security prisoner again... there is only a small difference in the designation but in real, daily life the difference is big!
Share12152024-08-27 14:54:27
Dear Miisa,
It sounds like you learned somethings, especially about yourself, from the special punishment prison arrangements but I have felt, since you first announced it, that it was a big difference from the life you and your Committee have built.
When the contract arrangement ends in a month, it will be good to know that you are back to your traditional, "normal" life and I hope you will continue to share views of that life with us here. You are an inspiration to many of us and I am grateful for what you share.
Share12162024-08-28 07:52:50
It is really good news that you are ending your contract. It felt unreasonably taxing mentally, especially with the constant big changes in your life. Maybe now you can find peace and accept back your own routine limited life.
Who knows, maybe then you will be able to remember your followers again and also focus on this forum.
I miss your routine updates about your regular life in prison.
Share12172024-08-28 14:03:03
I have somewhat mixed feelings about all of this. It feels like I've given up.
In a way it's true, I didn't know how hard it is to constantly change your emotional state.
Maybe I thought it would offer me a change and "adventure" from my normal, maybe boring routine.
It would have been better if I had no choice.
I would have gotten used to solitary confinement and punishing bondage. In a way, it fulfilled some of my secret fantasies.
It should have been clear then that there was no going back.
Now that I had the chance, I always went back to my safe, calm environment and routine. I always thought that.
...if it had been impossible, I wouldn't have bothered myself with thinking about it.
If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever.
Now the problem is how to get income again when I start living my normal life here.
I'm trying to revive my old business relationships, but I don't dare to trust it.
I know that the Committee was not unanimous about my return to my old life.
The guards are already used to the fact that I can be punished, now we can only wait to see what happens when I return to my old "Princess life".
Share12182024-08-28 16:35:54
I have somewhat mixed feelings about all of this. It feels like I've given up.
In a way it's true, I didn't know how hard it is to constantly change your emotional state.
Maybe I thought it would offer me a change and "adventure" from my normal, maybe boring routine.It would have been better if I had no choice.
I would have gotten used to solitary confinement and punishing bondage. In a way, it fulfilled some of my secret fantasies.
It should have been clear then that there was no going back.
Now that I had the chance, I always went back to my safe, calm environment and routine. I always thought that.
...if it had been impossible, I wouldn't have bothered myself with thinking about it.If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever.
Now the problem is how to get income again when I start living my normal life here.
I'm trying to revive my old business relationships, but I don't dare to trust it.I know that the Committee was not unanimous about my return to my old life.
The guards are already used to the fact that I can be punished, now we can only wait to see what happens when I return to my old "Princess life".
Honestly I was surprised you accepted that proposal in the first place, it seems to go against your philosophy. At the same time though, I fully understand the desire to try new things and break out of a "routine."
If you did want a similar arrangement in the future, I'm sure the committee will be more than willing. They certainly seem to invest a lot in various equipment for you.
You saying "isolated and forgotten forever" really stands out too. (In my opinion) it's very important that your "voice" is never silenced, at least not in here.
If you don't end up returning to your old business, do you have any new ideas? There's lots of opportunities online, although many do take a lot of work to be successful at them.
Share12192024-08-28 17:08:18
Hello missa,
you seem very troubled. I think you need some time to take stock.
To earn money you could perhaps do sessions where the "punishments" would be chosen by your sponsors, but accepted by you and the committee, of short duration, a weekend for example.
Share12202024-08-29 08:45:12
I have somewhat mixed feelings about all of this. It feels like I've given up.
In a way it's true, I didn't know how hard it is to constantly change your emotional state.
Maybe I thought it would offer me a change and "adventure" from my normal, maybe boring routine.It would have been better if I had no choice.
I would have gotten used to solitary confinement and punishing bondage. In a way, it fulfilled some of my secret fantasies.
It should have been clear then that there was no going back.
Now that I had the chance, I always went back to my safe, calm environment and routine. I always thought that.
...if it had been impossible, I wouldn't have bothered myself with thinking about it.If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever.
Now the problem is how to get income again when I start living my normal life here.
I'm trying to revive my old business relationships, but I don't dare to trust it.I know that the Committee was not unanimous about my return to my old life.
The guards are already used to the fact that I can be punished, now we can only wait to see what happens when I return to my old "Princess life".
I find it funny you calling your life "Princess life", although, it has a shade of it, you're well taken care of, but also a lot of it has nothing to do with it, haha!
I wish you well returning to your old life, and I think you are better off with that!
Share12212024-08-29 09:55:04
I have somewhat mixed feelings about all of this. It feels like I've given up.
In a way it's true, I didn't know how hard it is to constantly change your emotional state.
Maybe I thought it would offer me a change and "adventure" from my normal, maybe boring routine.It would have been better if I had no choice.
I would have gotten used to solitary confinement and punishing bondage. In a way, it fulfilled some of my secret fantasies.
It should have been clear then that there was no going back.
Now that I had the chance, I always went back to my safe, calm environment and routine. I always thought that.
...if it had been impossible, I wouldn't have bothered myself with thinking about it.If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever.
Now the problem is how to get income again when I start living my normal life here.
I'm trying to revive my old business relationships, but I don't dare to trust it.I know that the Committee was not unanimous about my return to my old life.
The guards are already used to the fact that I can be punished, now we can only wait to see what happens when I return to my old "Princess life".
It is good that you have recognised the reasons why it doesn't work so you can ask that it doesn't continue. When you have had time to think about this, perhaps there will be aspects of this different, more harsh treatment that you have been enjoying which could be introduced to your regular schedule - like a "special max security prisoner v2.0". Those kinds of small intensifications and changes, seem to have worked ok for you over the years, and perhaps they help keep your life interesting. They would be out of your control and there would be no switching backwards and forwards.
I am glad you will not continue with regular isolation in the long term - it means that you cannot make an income and it is hard to keep up with your relationships online and with the committee. Even though it would be an interesting experience for a while it would get very boring over time no matter what treatment was going on.
Share12222024-08-29 13:11:29
Honestly I was surprised you accepted that proposal in the first place, it seems to go against your philosophy. At the same time though, I fully understand the desire to try new things and break out of a "routine."
If you did want a similar arrangement in the future, I'm sure the committee will be more than willing. They certainly seem to invest a lot in various equipment for you.
You saying "isolated and forgotten forever" really stands out too. (In my opinion) it's very important that your "voice" is never silenced, at least not in here.
If you don't end up returning to your old business, do you have any new ideas? There's lots of opportunities online, although many do take a lot of work to be successful at them.
You are right, I went into this experiment too gullible.
I wanted to do good by donating funds and this was a good way to earn it because my own actual income has collapsed.
None of us knew where the contract experiment would lead.
The Committee (some members) have also regretted the matter.
You say it beautifully when you say that it is important that my voice is not silenced, thank you for that
I'll try to go back to my old jobs if that's possible. I can also try to increase the maintenance of web pages for customers, etc.
Time will tell how it goes.
The committee says that I don't have to worry about income, although I may have to stop donating.
Share12232024-08-29 13:17:45
Hello missa,
you seem very troubled. I think you need some time to take stock.
To earn money you could perhaps do sessions where the "punishments" would be chosen by your sponsors, but accepted by you and the committee, of short duration, a weekend for example.
We are considering different options.
The problem is that the "customer" would have to be a completely trusted person so that we can be sure that the material would not spread outside.
The current client does not want short sessions, on the contrary, he would have liked them to be harder and longer.
Share12242024-08-29 13:29:56
I find it funny you calling your life "Princess life", although, it has a shade of it, you're well taken care of, but also a lot of it has nothing to do with it, haha!
I wish you well returning to your old life, and I think you are better off with that!
"Princess life" is the term the guards give me for my normal life here.
They were sometimes tired of the fact that I need them in almost every matter when I live my limited life here.
They have to "wake me" out of bed, even help me get dressed. They have to escort me everywhere and carry me food etc. They even put me to bed at night.
To an outsider's eyes, it can be called "the life of a princess".
....It would be nice to know what the "Queen's life" would be like!
Share12252024-08-29 13:37:51
It is good that you have recognised the reasons why it doesn't work so you can ask that it doesn't continue. When you have had time to think about this, perhaps there will be aspects of this different, more harsh treatment that you have been enjoying which could be introduced to your regular schedule - like a "special max security prisoner v2.0". Those kinds of small intensifications and changes, seem to have worked ok for you over the years, and perhaps they help keep your life interesting. They would be out of your control and there would be no switching backwards and forwards.
I am glad you will not continue with regular isolation in the long term - it means that you cannot make an income and it is hard to keep up with your relationships online and with the committee. Even though it would be an interesting experience for a while it would get very boring over time no matter what treatment was going on.
The Committee is thinking about different options on how to make my life more interesting so that the security level and practices are not reduced.
I think the guards have some ideas about that, they were so enthusiastic about my special punishments.
"Special max security prisoner v2.0" may be the beginning of a new era...
Share12262024-08-29 13:39:28
I miss your routine updates about your regular life in prison.
I'll try to do things better in the future
Share12272024-09-02 00:02:00
Can you elaborate restraint settings in "special punishment prison arrangements" and max high security setting... and what type of punishments there are.
Based on above writings, I would guess and you are sleeping in some sort of segufix restraint system inside a cell.
I want to learn things since similar interests.
Share12282024-09-02 17:38:45
Can you elaborate restraint settings in "special punishment prison arrangements" and max high security setting... and what type of punishments there are.
Based on above writings, I would guess and you are sleeping in some sort of segufix restraint system inside a cell.
I want to learn things since similar interests.
"Special punishment Prison arrangements" and max high security setting mean in this case enhanced restriction of movement and activity.
prisoner (in this case me) is confined to a certain space so that he / she can be easily controlled and monitored at all times and the prisoner cannot pose a danger to her-/ himself or others.
Our contract with the "subscriber" prevents me from giving details of the current arrangements... I guess we could call them SPP - arrangements. According to the contract, he has exclusive rights to them.
However, I can tell you that there are various fixed stocks and other heavy limiting devices in use.
Various metal restraints and wall mounts are also in use.
I also often wear a leather protective helmet that protects my head but also my face, like a boxing helmet.
The helmet protects me from fatal accidents and prevents the possibility of hurting myself.
My punishments do not involve violence, whipping, etc.
I face strong force only when I oppose orders or measures. Things happen anyway, with or without crying...
Share12292024-09-02 18:53:28
Miisa, Thank you for your reply
Share12302024-09-03 11:24:28
I miss your routine updates about your regular life in prison.
Today is a very normal day here, at least I think so.
It's the beginning of September, normally it would be time to move on to the routines of autumn and the coming winter.
It would practically mean a return to my "normal dressing", I would be able to wear my beloved leather skirts again!
I've often also received some new clothes (or Ilona's slightly used ones). It has always been the highlight of the year for me
Now the situation is a little different because according to the contract I still have one month left of the SPP arrangement.
I have now been able to relax in normal routines for a few days now and it has felt great!
According to the agreement, the new SPP session doesn't start until tomorrow, so I can enjoy my life now.
The weather here is a little cooler than before, but normal in a good way, the summer has been really hot.
I would have liked to be outside more, but on the other hand, the air-conditioned indoor space is always nice.
The funny thing is that the weather has been great in the summer but I have been locked inside and here is a sunlight stimulating bright light lamp that gives me energy for many hours a day under normal conditions.
So it's been great, sunny hot weather outside the wall... and I'm in the artificial light on the inside of the wall.
It sounds silly but it is a logical arrangement. It's always a nice temperature inside here, thanks to the air conditioning, and it's easy to keep me under control and secured in one place.
Outside in the heat, it would be much more work and a challenge for the guards.
in any case, summer is almost over and I don't have to think about these things anymore