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Posts 1231 to 1245 of 1245


It's nice to see that you are in a cheerful mood and look forward to the future. Have you moved on with your work matters, have you found new customers?
Autumn will come at some point, it's good to get the basics in order before the darkness of winter :)



"The "Ceiling Rail System" was an ambitious system whose ultimate purpose was that guards needed to enter the cell's very rarely.
Iidea was that the prisoner (in this case me)  collar connected to the chain up to the rail system. Chain would be so long that I could sit in my daytime cell and even lie on my bed.
The guard would be able to electronically control the Rail System intersections as well as the cell's slide doors.
Hatches in the walls would be able to provide the necessary things such as food and toiletries and clothing.
Thus, all personal touch would be gone. The prisoner would be like a robot controlled from outside the cell.
It is a terrible idea and I'm happy that things did not evolve in that direction."

Now I am reading in that part... holy moly....
That sounds so awesome... so far, it is sad it has not been used...

Heck if I ever get to try cells similar like these, I would hope it would have one of these...
ok, I have to admit... the dream cell thing, it would be underground... everything build in maxium overkill in mind... and final entrance with elevator, which would always lock up and powered down... and another extra cell door slides underneath the elevator...



LOL, I was like, ok they need to get that bigger cage locked in the cell wall too... and now I am reading somewhere in page 14 that you have cage there... heck my mind would have put cattle prods on both sides of the cage and upside where the buttocks are so if try move the buttocks up, one gets shocked or move sideways... sorry about my kinky evil little mind.. :D



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

My O-sessions are indeed a big and significant exception from all the institutional routine that I normally live.
I experience it as a break from everything and an adventure in all its forms. That's why the thought of turning it into the same routine every time terrifies me.

The current sessions are usually attended by two members of the Committee. They decide how things go.
I think that they often have some kind of initial idea/theme which then takes shape during the session. They rarely have a perfect plan, so I think that my actions during the session can also affect it, I don't know.

I have experience with chastity belts in the past, their constant use. Today, using a belt can be part of waiting for a session, etc., but it is not a continuous daily routine.

Usually, it's enough for the Committee to know that since they don't want me to touch myself, I won't.
In addition, my wearing a long leather skirt etc. and the use of hand restraints, especially under elevated high security routines, prevent it effectively.

The idea of a chastity belt appeals to many, but I can tell you that it is not pleasant.
You can feel it all the time, it limits movement. Sitting is difficult, even impossible, etc

It is a very impractical device that constantly announces its existence and mission.
I admit that using it in some situation is sexually stimulating, that is its main purpose.

I know that even among my followers there are people who would like to lock me in the belt, I also know a member of the Committee who strongly thinks so, but I hope that it will not happen.

However, I am not in a position to make a decision about this.

I think the purpose of the chastity belt is to remind you it is there...  Other purpose is, that your genitals are locked away and you should not be able to touch them without "permission" and remind you, about who is holding your key. If asked me, yes, the chastity belt should be locked 24/7/365. If you are prisoner, you should not have part to deny it. It's part of the restraints systems, in a way.

Thou this is where the male and female difference come to play. You should be able to be pleasure yourself, even with the belt on. It only prevents "direct" access to genitals...
Males on the other hand...well no access, no pleasure...
(deleted link)

But it is funny how things in the early days affects things now...

the way to use the chastity belt, is burned into my mind... 1998 irc time... I wondered into chastity belt chat group...
There one male person shared his story... he had already been locked into neosteel belt 1½ years, without release...  he had big collar also locked around his neck, thou it was big and heavy, even thou it  was made from alumium. Alumium collar
But anyways, there were 3 belts from which 1 belt was spare, if one belt needed to be send to get fixed. When belt needed to be changed, he was blindfolded and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Lady took away the belt. Washed him and inspected him that everything was ok. Then locked a clean belt on him.
Then release him and he could clean the belt that he was wearing...
But that action, prevented him, seeing his genitals so it brought that aspect there too.
Have you wondered what chastity belt and chastity bra, 24/7 might affect... you might have used to see your breast and genital in a mirror even if prisoned, but that way even that is taken away. With those, you no longer have that right.

Last edited by Brahma (2024-09-09 21:37:49)



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I have often dreamed that one day I could be out here, in public bondage. Maybe only for a short time.

I don't mean any shocking session. I mean one where I would be secured and protected but I could be with other people in the same place, for example in a cafe or shopping center. Traveling by train would be great

It would be great if the outside world accepted a person who wants to be maximally protected at every moment. Then maybe I wouldn't have to be locked in a cell all the time.

A long time ago, before the actual prison, I was with my personal guard sometimes outside, my restraints were hidden under my clothes.
We went to the movies and even to my friend's wedding!

It was a wonderful time, I understand that it will not come back.
I wanted to share this dream with you

You can't be taken out in a wheel chair, where you are strapped with hospital style restraints like segufix?

Those realistic silicone masks might be handy too... wear gag underneath that mask... (ok blindfold too)...  like you have a bit room a movement and you get temper tantrum and those restraints could easily be tightened etc.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

The contract we made with this person means that I am imprisoned, restricted and locked away according to his wishes for a predetermined period of time.

This started when I had a conversation with one of my followers and I told him that I am sad that I cannot help financially (or otherwise) a nation that is at war against a violent invader.
I have been donating part of my income for a long time now, for more than two years, but it is a very small amount.

So he had a suggestion on how I can donate more. I would be his online prisoner, he could influence my circumstances and follow my imprisonment and punishment in real time online.
I told the Committee about this proposal. They thought about it for a long time. They discussed the details with this person.

The biggest problem is that no one here wants video or picture material to be made public. Therefore, the background of the proposer had to be checked carefully.
It guaranteed that he is serious and able to guarantee all matters from confidentiality to financial matters.
I have to say that the money I get is not big but it is still more than what I would get from my normal photo editing job. Some of the money still goes to my living expenses here.

Erin has done a good job negotiating the contract to be legal. Thank him for that.

One option would have been to do this publicly, e.g. through the paid OnlyFans site, but there would be a great risk of leaking the material elsewhere.

Due to the security of the committee, even now, their identities cannot be seen from the material that is shown. It is important.
Security guards have bodycams, like police officers. They show my processing in real time, but the moments when another guard could be seen in the video have been cut off.

The time to be videoed can be from a day to a week, after that there is a "rest period" when I return to the normal prison routine. It is at least as long as the session was.

The contract is renegotiated every quarter. It will be renewed if all parties still want it.

Thank you for making me laugh, Prisoner Miisa.

I have been reading this diary now for a few days and now I am here at the end.

Having similar thoughts... and then reading out, what you have been doing... dang... I hope there is mouth opener in the dentist... was the first thing that came into my mind when I saw word "dentist" and so many other... and now heck, around two weeks ago, before I started reading your diary I was wondering if something like this could be and stream it and make videos to pay the costs and "toys".


Reading your diary in the last two days, I have learnt a bit more of myself too. I wonder if you have had similar effect on other people's too.

I remember I have somewhere in fetlife seen a link to this forum, but never started investigating and reading until this was linked in finnish bdsm forum.

Now I will follow up this forum and hope one day soon I might be able to experience these things.

You need to get the house of gord style training systems there... that treadmill and two dildo's attached to  seat of exercise bike. Or crosstrainer, with this with some mods you could shackled to it... and guards should have cattleprods to keep you moving... 
I would think, it is pretty nasty to walk with high heels and legcuffs, espesially with short chain...on treadmil, but practice with small distances... then longer and longer....

oh and quards should keep you plugged and gagged  too :D



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

I have somewhat mixed feelings about all of this. It feels like I've given up.
In a way it's true, I didn't know how hard it is to constantly change your emotional state.
Maybe I thought it would offer me a change and "adventure" from my normal, maybe boring routine.

It would have been better if I had no choice.
I would have gotten used to solitary confinement and punishing bondage. In a way, it fulfilled some of my secret fantasies.
It should have been clear then that there was no going back.
Now that I had the chance, I always went back to my safe, calm environment and routine. I always thought that.
...if it had been impossible, I wouldn't have bothered myself with thinking about it.

If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever.

Now the problem is how to get income again when I start living my normal life here.
I'm trying to revive my old business relationships, but I don't dare to trust it.

I know that the Committee was not unanimous about my return to my old life.
The guards are already used to the fact that I can be punished, now we can only wait to see what happens when I return to my old "Princess life".

I wonder this too. I try to analyze things way too much, but have you thought about your starting point of this prisoner life of yours. The level on what you started is it now the same?
What if, the first year of imprisonment would have been this "If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever"  maybe added force feeding or just simply that.

How would that had shaped your world of view.... you would have done that for years and then it would have changed to that level... would this your normal level feel not that safe? and you would want to escape it back to the more stricter version of life.

For me "punishing bondage etc evil things" would be the thing, what I go for a starting level (I bet I would regret that) since actual experience does not exists... only what kinky little perverted mind develops and can read from the net. I wonder how that would shape things like talking with a person what kind of chastity belt life he had... and it is branded in my mind... and that was 26 years ago.

and I now wonder, if the new agreement would have been much much longer...



Brahma wrote:

I wonder this too. I try to analyze things way too much, but have you thought about your starting point of this prisoner life of yours. The level on what you started is it now the same?
What if, the first year of imprisonment would have been this "If I didn't want to end the contract, the alternative would have been that I would have lived the punishing bondage, isolated and forgotten forever"  maybe added force feeding or just simply that.

The beginning of my imprisonment was different, it was a light beginning which gradually became tighter and safer.
At first, in the old place I had designated locked spaces where I spent my time.
Many things were applicable, I could even go outside with the guard, in some cases we could even go to the movies, etc.
I even went to my friend's wedding, discreetly and with special arrangements, but still.

Then it was even possible that I had visitors, outsiders who wanted to meet me "in my natural environment"

It was a great time, I remember it fondly. I can also say that my guard and I were lovers :)

But things changed, I was transferred to a new place and under new rules and arrangements.
When I came here I was already used to my limited life so it wasn't a big step.

Of course, you could think that things will progress step by step and maybe I will disappear once and for all, but at the moment I don't hope for that.
I'm happy with my life... at least after this month, I think.



Today is another great day, I was outside in my yard and enjoyed it very much.
The weather was sunny but very windy. I can feel autumn coming even though the weather is still warm.
The news said that there have been about 70 hot days here this year, in normal years there are fewer. Summer has been this hot maybe 20 years ago, I don't remember it.

I'm not too worried about climate change, in my opinion there should be hot summers every twenty years :)

I had a "quiet time" yesterday, after the SPP days I wanted to recover in peace and I was given the opportunity to do so.
Ilona visited me during the day and Nina talked with me in the evening.
It was nice to be able to share my thoughts with them and release the stress caused by the SPP session.
Knowing that SPP ends after this month causes surprising problems for my mind. It's hard for me to think that it will continue for almost three more weeks.
I would like to end it right now, but I understand that the contract must be completed as agreed.

Perhaps the lesson in all of this is that I have to think about myself as well, I can't carry and heal the problems of the whole world.



A member of the Forum has sent me pictures, which I now shared with you in the relevant topic areas.
He wanted to encourage me to do the work I know...



I deeply disapprove of mixing ai pictures and real photos in same topic areas.

Last edited by Cuffsy (2024-09-10 21:37:25)



Now I wonder two things.

1. What happens in SPP, what kind of punishments...

2. Somewhere in the diary, you mentioned about the plastic bag being put on your head. Threat was, that they would allow you to pass out, but I wonder if they would have actually allowed it to happen... ok it would have been done something that you caused, but still...



Cuffsy wrote:

I deeply disapprove of mixing ai pictures and real photos in same topic areas.

Last edited by Cuffsy (Yesterday 21:37:25)

I've received other similar messages as well.
I will try to share them better in the future.



Brahma wrote:

Now I wonder two things.

1. What happens in SPP, what kind of punishments...

2. Somewhere in the diary, you mentioned about the plastic bag being put on your head. Threat was, that they would allow you to pass out, but I wonder if they would have actually allowed it to happen... ok it would have been done something that you caused, but still...

1. SPP (Special Punishment Prisoner) means that the prisoner is particularly effectively secured in his/her condition.
It is not intended to cause pain to the prisoner, but of course the tight physical restrictions/positions cause difficulties in the long run.

So I am not punished by torture, No violence, no whipping, no punches, no extra physical or mental bullying.

The prisoner's own attitude and attitude towards restrictions is important.
Arguing and resisting complicate matters, they only lead to additional pain caused by restrictions.

2. A plastic bag on the prisoner's head is a very simple and effective way to get the prisoner to cooperate in, for example, transfer.
When used correctly, it is not a means of torture but an incentive.

For example, if you want to move a prisoner to another room.
Guard tell the prisoner what is going to happen (so that he/she understands it clearly), he put the bag over the prisoner's head and tighten it around his/her neck.
The plastic bag is so big that there is air to breathe.
Guard detach the prisoner for transport (wall mounting or chair etc).
Prisoner knows that breathing air will decrease and even run out at some point, so she/he wants to make the transition easy and quick. Prisoner knows that he/she can breathe freely again when the transfer has taken place.
So it is completely the prisoner's choice how difficult he/she wants to make it.

This method is not used here because I am willing to cooperate, but the possibility of it always exists in connection with possible resistance.



Miisa Karlsson wrote:

1. SPP (Special Punishment Prisoner) means that the prisoner is particularly effectively secured in his/her condition.
It is not intended to cause pain to the prisoner, but of course the tight physical restrictions/positions cause difficulties in the long run.

So I am not punished by torture, No violence, no whipping, no punches, no extra physical or mental bullying.

The prisoner's own attitude and attitude towards restrictions is important.
Arguing and resisting complicate matters, they only lead to additional pain caused by restrictions.

2. A plastic bag on the prisoner's head is a very simple and effective way to get the prisoner to cooperate in, for example, transfer.
When used correctly, it is not a means of torture but an incentive.

For example, if you want to move a prisoner to another room.
Guard tell the prisoner what is going to happen (so that he/she understands it clearly), he put the bag over the prisoner's head and tighten it around his/her neck.
The plastic bag is so big that there is air to breathe.
Guard detach the prisoner for transport (wall mounting or chair etc).
Prisoner knows that breathing air will decrease and even run out at some point, so she/he wants to make the transition easy and quick. Prisoner knows that he/she can breathe freely again when the transfer has taken place.
So it is completely the prisoner's choice how difficult he/she wants to make it.

This method is not used here because I am willing to cooperate, but the possibility of it always exists in connection with possible resistance.

1.2 reply to your comment. Yeah, I am not fond of whippings, but I so hoping for pain... clamps... ointments like capsicam (People in U.S, you know these as sports cream like Icy hot. These are excellent stuff hurting muscles. Really bad in genitals and armpits... When rubbed outside the genitals, it will feel like your genitals are literally on fire. On  Icyhot, this feeling last around 10-15 minutes. Capsicam and the un-named even worse burn product, the burn effect lasts around 1-2 hours). Not to mention e-stim units.

2.2 Yes, air runs out strangely fast. Especially when you are moving or exhausted, body uses more air. You are in a good position that they have not used it again. I would suspect, if I was in your place. Bag would be permanent and non-negotiable. But the answer to the question remains open, since it has not happened to you again and there has not been need to fulfill the threat...It was also nice from the guards that you were not gagged and you were able to beg mercy and air. (ok I think you should have had a gag. Gag that prisoner can not beg air and mercy so prisoner would be more compliant) :D

(edit: I need to start using different type of emoji. the  : and D which should be big happy face looks like I would be rolling on floor with laughter, I will try to avoid using it and use : and ) )

Last edited by Brahma (2024-09-11 13:47:33)


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