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Posts 181 to 210 of 1318


I am sorry about that I behaved badly.
I nervous and overreacted when I thought I was being harassed.

In reality, this is a person who is worried about me and "cares" about me very much.

Everything is fine in my life.
My life is limited and minimal, under strict rules and routines but so is good.
I want it to be so. It is smooth, secure and safe.

I have "special needs" that I get here. I'm satisfied.
... although I guess person can not always be satisfied all the time, even I have a difficult time. It's part of life.

I try to be open and friendly to everyone and sometimes it leads to someone caring for me too much, they may want to "save" me or "heal" me or the like.

Sometimes a person does not want to believe that I am happy here.
It is not right for me because I myself have chosen this life.

I ask you to respect my choice and life.

Thank You

Life returns to normal again soon, I hope.
I have gotten many kinds of messages during this difficult time. thanks for all of them.
I have been supportive and understanding messages but I have also received messages who think that my life should be made more difficult.
I read them all and they are interesting thoughts.
I want to hear your thoughts.

One writer suggested that I should be bricked into the wall.
It would only have a small hole for me to give a daily food dose.
Shackled so I could not hurt myself or property.
Only then I could feel like a real prisoner.

Also there are many other ideas I've read :) cellar dungeon, and other great ideas ...

Then there are messages that want to give physical pampering and understanding to me, "real caring and love".

... If I could choose those options I would take a brick wall or basement dungeon.
I can't take "real care and love," it scares me more.

The only messages I don't want to read are "I fuck your every hole" type messages.
They are tedious and only tell about bad imagination.



Some have asked me about my last O-day report and the surprise that was planned for me.

It didn't come.

This weekend's session was canceled because there were unpleasant happens and bad behavior from me.

That's a little annoying to me but I'm looking forward to the next time.
Then nobody (hopefully) behaves badly.



A friend of mine wants me to help him tell about his experiences and thoughts about life in prison.

He himself does not want to write here so I'll try to tell you what I have discussed with him.
We have had a long "relationship" in these thoughts.

He has a lot of sensible (in my opinion) thoughts about a hard prisoner life and he is good at justifying them.
They are not mere thoughts, he has also gained practical experience so he knows what he  talking about.

Our first writing is a report of his visit to a new private prison.

You can find this topic in the Writing's menu



My fb ban is over now. But obviously my pages are under special control.
It is expected that it will happen again and again until it is finally closed.
It's sad because I haven't done anything wrong.

For example, I share these two beautiful pictures in fb.

They were removed because "they violate fb rules" ... They are public promotional images but I can't show them!

I feel that I am being persecuted ...



Some of my friends have asked me to write something here so people know that everything is fine.

Everything is fine.
I have had a little "dark mind" and it has been better for me not to write here any foolish thing that should be removed later.

Now the sun is shining again :) Literally.
I was out today and there was wonderful winter weather!
Good frost and fine sunshine.
My cheeks stinged and my breathing was visible in cold air.
Genuine Arctic Weather ... It was a very long time to be outside but it was nice to walk slowly back and forth.

My friend creates an Instagram account for his products and photos. Take a look!

There's also something about my design :)

My previous O session is now six weeks ago.
It's a very long time.
I don't even know when it's next time. I hope that in two weeks' time. I do not know.
Something may have happened to my sexuality.
The rhythm and schedules are mixed. My physical training caused some problems in my sexual thinking but it is not a problem now.
Maybe a person does not need sexual activity ... I know some people live for a long time without sex. Maybe their whole life.
Maybe it's just a question of attitude.
Maybe I have had withdrawal symptoms and that is why I have been troublesome.

Also the person who "haunted me" has stopped.
it was a misunderstanding where the fault was perhaps just in me. I'm sorry about that.
Now I have again spoken with him.
He was just worried about me. That's all.
I reacted too strongly.
Everything is good now.



It's been a long time since my previous writing.

I've been very quiet.
I have not irritated anyone.
I am just done for the day routines and adapted to it, it is actually very soothing.

Facebook is closed again, I don't understand why but they don't have to explain.

It annoys me because I have friends there, I talked to them every day.
Now I can't do it!

I thought I would have had an O-weekend but it didn't happen.
Life is pretty heavy now  :(

I write more when I have a better mind. Maybe tomorrow.



The sun is shining again.
I was outdoors, there was great weather!

Only now I realize how much snow is here, it has been all the time but only now I thought about it.
The yard area is pristine, just my space is cleaned of snow.

The height of the snow is certainly over 1.5 meters, some places even more.
:) I thought it was a very effective way to prevent the escape ... and the other coming here.
I am like the inside of Alcatraz - prison. It would be impossible to escape here. A large amount of snow ensures max security.
Of course Alcatraz it is a dangerous water, not snow like here.
Someone like that could be a "Siberia version" of it.
Maximum Security Prison in the middle of snow and cold. Far from all civilization.
This is the thing which I have sometimes spoken with one of my friend (prisoner FI61-83-X). He likes that idea.

You have perhaps noticed that my mood fluctuates constantly.
It should not be worried. It's normal for me every year the same thing in the dark autumn / winter.
I have spoken about it with my psychiatrist and all is well.
... and we are going again towards the summer and light :)



Big change in weather.
It has rained water for two days, now it's not so beautiful outside.
Snow has disappeared, or half of it, and it is no longer pure white.

I had a short O session yesterday, after a long wait.
I can not say that I am disappointed but I expected something longer term.
This is good.

Maybe something has changed here.
The guards do their own routines as they always do, running the day.
They are not my friends but I can live with it.
The committee is very aloof. I haven't been told the reason, but just as if they were not happy with me.

Everything is basically unchanged.

Something changed when I became nervous to someone who disturbed me.
I shouldn't have done that.

Maybe this is part of some "training". The future will show it.



I am sorry.
I have had a difficult time. My mood has changed and there are also other difficulties.

I haven't told you the real reason, but now I can do it.
An important person to me has fallen seriously ill.
Probably she won't see next summer.
The disease progresses slowly but surely.
She lives almost 400 km from me.
I had already thought that I could not see her any more and it was very sad and hard to think.
I was very sad and angry.
There are no choices in my lifestyle, so I didn't even think I could meet her anymore. I left my long farewell in my mind.

But the Committee surprised me.
They asked if I wanted to go on a trip where I could meet her one more time.
They said it would be a long and difficult journey for me because my rules and practices cannot be changed.
I didn't have to think for a moment, I wanted to go!

They ask it on Friday, afternoon.
After a few hours I already sat in the car and we left long-distance drive.
It is a typical activity and practice.
So I can't tell what's happening online because I don't know it in advance.
Fast decisions are communicated to me only after I am outside the web network.

When it was decided I ate and went to the toilet.
After that I got the diaper, just in case.
The drive is long, maybe six hours, and I have no chance of a toilet break.
It seemed very humiliating but but it is understandable.
In addition, I got tight long rubber pants, they were very tight and uncomfortable. I hate that feeling.
The rubber was quite thick, not thin like the beautiful latex outfits. They prevent any leakage of the diaper.
It was uncomfortable, I wasn't going to dirty the diaper. I was disappointed that they didn't trust me.
... but on the other hand, I understand that things must be ensured.

I sat in the back seat of the car.
My legcuffs chain was locked into something, it slid so I could move my legs a little. When one foot was behind, the other was able to be more in front, and so on.
The car seat had 4 - points harness for me. Like a child seat but bigger and stronger. Harness locks were behind my seat back.
I had my normal waischain.
When I sit in the seat, the normal safety belt was attached to everything and my handcuffs were locked in the waist.
I had tight leather mittens in my hands.
The waist belt of the harness seemed to me unnecessarily tight.

They told me they trusted that I would respect the rules of speech.
They reminded me and  put my ballgag hanging on the back of the front seat so I saw it all the time.
I didn't want it in my mouth so I decided not to talk.

The journey started, the driver drove and Ilona sat next to me.
Radio played nice music, it was a pity that it was already dark but I enjoyed it that it was possible to see the scenery.
They talked about common, normal things. Sometimes it was quiet. Sometimes they took me into the conversation, it was nice.

I told them that I am surprised by the fact that they suggested this trip, and do it for me.
"We are not brutal, we want you to be well and you have everything well" Ilona said "the rules and constraints in your life are strong but we can still try to make you feel good".

A few hours went well, I enjoyed the trip.
My dry diaper even seemed comfortable to sit on.
I always have panty protection in place, it's like a very small diaper but not the same thing. Actually, I understand people who want to wear a diaper ... as long as it is dry and clean.

I didn't like rubber pants, they were very tight and uncomfortable, especially when I sat stiffly and couldn't change the position.
I felt my cold sweat on my feet.
I was pleased that I had my normal long leather skirt that hid those horrible pants.
I could even smell the rubber aroma, or maybe I just imagined it.

The rigid posture tired me and I asked politely if my waist belt could adjust slightly.
She looked at me and answered briefly "It's not possible, you know it".
The conversation was over.

At some point we stopped at the gas station. The driver drove the car to a quiet location with only high snow.
He got out of the car and went somewhere, I think in the toilet. He came back and had big mug coffee in his hand.
Ilona did the same thing, she also had water for me.
We started to move again.
Ilona gave me water, I drank only a little.
"No more to me, thank you" I said "I want to stay dry".

to be continued



a continuation of the previous writing

We had been driving for a long time, over three hours.
The direction of the trip was almost straight towards the north.
Even though it was already a dark evening, it was fun to see how the gloom of the starting point and the water rain changed to a clean white winter.
Finland is a long country and the weather can change quickly.

I was thinking about my journey, I remembered the time I was a child.
My grandparents lived there far away.
We visited there many times at Christmas and also on a summer vacation.
I have a lot of good memories from there.
I remember they had a house with a basement.
I was playing there when I was a child, I thought that small cellar room would be a good prison cell. Even then I wanted to sleep there in the summer.
There were concrete walls, a small window and a strong door.
Like a medieval dungeon. It attracted me.
I remember how my brother locked the door from the outside and I was left in my "prison".
... it didn't bother me but my parents didn't like it.

Now grandfather has died many years ago and grandmother has lived alone for a long time.
She has relatives and children close by, she has not been alone in this way.
Now she lives in a smaller apartment. I've never visited there before.
The residence is in the center of a small village. The village lives mainly in winter tourism. Nearby there is a ski resort and ski slopes. At other times, the area is very quiet and peaceful.

I was very sad when I got to know that she was ill with cancer.
Also grandfather had cancer, and he died of it.

Me and grandmother have written a lot to each other.
She is a fighter but she does not want radical treatments for her illness.
She has seen how it worked with  grandfather and she doesn't want it.
She wants to go fast, not be weak in the hospital bed for a long time.
I respect her decision.

We had already dealt with everything, I was sad and disappointed with life.
Everything feels unfair, even though I understand this is all part of life.
The committee noticed that something was wrong with me. They asked it and I told my sorrow.

I didn't even think the meeting would be possible. It didn't even come to my mind.
I wasn't even at the grandfather's funeral.
Grandmother understood and accepted it. She always says that the past person can be remembered in many ways, funeral is not important.

So I was very surprised that we are on way now. Everything happened very quickly.

I'm wondering if she knows we're coming ... we're arriving late at night.
Are we going straight to her, is she already sleeping?
I was a little worried about the idea, it can't be done to an old and weak person!
I asked Ilona about this.
"We've organized everything," she said, "you don't have to worry. We spend the night in one place and then we go to meet your grandmother".
Ilona sounded even friendly, it is rare. She even touched my thigh with her hand, as if to calm me.
"Whether you otherwise all right?" she asked
"This position is killing me," I said, "I can not move because of the harness and the corset makes the position of the painful" and I continued, "my fingers hurts, many hours a tight mittens is a pain, I can not move my hands and  feet. I'm like a statue....statue inside sweating rubber pants ".

Ilona looked at me. She gave me some water and said "You know we can't do anything now, we can't reduce security, this is pre-planned and decided".
She went on "Besides, I also have a corset, I know that sitting in the car is not nice".
She looked at me ... "It would also be possible that you would be in transport cage all the way, do you want it?". She touched the ballgag that hung in front of me. It was a remark that I was talking too much.

I was quiet, I didn't want a gag in my mouth.

I watched Ilona, she was sitting in good posture, she had a casual leather pants and a sweater. She was able to enjoy the trip. She could change her position and move her hands and feet, I didn't.
I was also sure her corset was not as tight as mine.
Also leather pants are certainly more comfortable than sweaty rubber pants and diapers.
I was jealous of her leather pants.

to be continued



a continuation of the previous writing

I was tired and annoyed.
It was already a late day, normally I would already have evening activities and I would be in bed.
I was annoyed that I was tightly locked, my hands were tightly attached to my waist, in my lap.
Extreme tight mittens were totally too much ... what could I do when the wrists have locked steel cuffs?

I was crying.
I cried because I was tired, my position was painful. Maybe I also cried that my grandma was sick.
At the beginning of the trip I was excited to get out of my cell / prison but now I would have wanted to be back there.

I cried and I couldn't wipe my tears.
It felt awful and humiliating.
I couldn't even turn away because I had a tight harness in the seat.

Ilona noticed my suffering.
She wiped my tears, she held her hand over my thigh and calmed me down. She gave me water.
"The distance is not very long anymore," she said, "when we arrive, you will have a better feeling. But you know that safety and security are important to us".

I understand safety and security. I have adapted to them and they are normal to me.
But sometimes, like now, everything seems to me to torture and bullying.
I understand also that they are people who want to subjugate and dominate me very strongly.

That's why we have this special relationship and the way to live.
I need strict control and I accept it. I get peace and satisfaction from it.
I must also remember that they take care of me in every way.
I have to be grateful even though it is sometimes very difficult.

We turned away from the big road. The road sign indicated that the distance to the village is only 36 kilometers.
The road was very calm, there was no other traffic.
I was trying to look at the scenery but it was difficult, dark darkness surrounds us, only the car lights showed way and white snow.
I think I saw a familiar crossroads. It was the junction where the road went to the house where the grandparents lived before. It may be that I was mistaken, I have been there a long time ago ..

Finally we came to the village center.
There were houses and a few slightly bigger houses with many apartments.
There was also a shop in the village that was now closed today, some other stores were closed forever.
It was a sad and dead sight.
I was looking at bigger houses and wondering where Grandma lives.
I didn't know the exact address, I had never asked it.

We drove a few more kilometers. There was a ski resort with small cottages for rent.
We had a cottage that was behind the area, in a quiet place.

We drove next to the cottage.
He got out of the car and went into the cottage.
The key was ready at the door, I saw how the lights lit up inside, he covered all the windows with curtains.

He came back to the car and took goods and bags from the tailgate.
He took them into the cottage.
Ilona sat beside me and waited.
He came back a moment, opened my door and unlock my handcuffs "calmly now, don't move your hands" he said.
He opened my seat belt and Ilona removed the harness of my seat.
The man pressed me hard against the seat all the time.
When the belts were gone, he again locked the handcuffs in front of my waist.
He then opened the lock which held my hobblechain on the car floor.
Eventually, after many hours I can even move a little!

He turned me sideways and help my feet out of the car.
I was so stiff and numb that I couldn't do it myself.
I had feet on the ground and I leaned into the car seat. Now I began again to feel the discomfort of rubber pants.
At the same time, I felt the need for peeing.
The locked position had made me numb, I had no longer felt these things.

"This is a quiet place, no one can see us but still, don't make it difficult," he said, "We are now putting the coat on your shoulders.
I'll help you stand and then we walk together into the cottage. Slowly and peacefully ".

I understood that the coat covers all my restraints and chains. No one could see them.
If somebody looks at us, he sees the only poorly moving person that others help.
He helped me stand and patiently waited that I could walk, it was difficult.
When we reached the door of the cottage, I saw that there was a big blue sign next to the door, "an unobstructed cottage for disabled people".
I smiled, they really think everything.

to be continued



a continuation of the previous writing

The cottage was surprisingly big. Actually it was more than a small house.
The front room had a door to toilet and sauna.

There was a large living room with a fireplace. The kitchen was in the same room. In addition, there were 2 rooms, apparently bedrooms, and upstairs there was some room.
I was taken directly to the bedroom. Inside the room was a massive wooden bed.
A chain was already attached to the head of the bed beside the wall.
The man ordered me to sit on the bed and locked the chain in my collar. The chain was so short that I could sit but I couldn't stand up.

"Can I get to the bathroom?" I asked. I already had a discomfort.
"Of course, but you have to wait for a moment," the man said, "we must make sure a few things. You can wait here".
He left the room and closed the door. I heard he locked it.
There I was ... forced to sit on the edge of the bed. In restraints and chains. tight mittens in hands, heavy rubber pants and diaper in use.
I was so tired.

I waited a long time, I don't know how long.
Eventually the door opened and Ilona stepped in.
"are you dry?" she asked.
I understood that she meant my diaper and I nodded, I had kept the diaper dry. But I wasn't sure how long I could do it.

"We have been thinking about the evening program and we have a surprise to you!" She said.
The day was already long, I was not very excited about the idea that we would still play with some kind of surprise.
I just wanted to empty myself and get to sleep.

to be continued



a continuation of the previous writing

"We've checked the security of the cottage and now we have a surprise to you," Ilona said, "we didn't talk about it before because we weren't sure it was possible".
"Now, next we'll take off your clothes and restraints. We make preparations to get you to the sauna! "

I was really surprised. It is many years since I have had the opportunity to sauna.
In Finland, almost every house has a sauna. In fact, there are over 3 million saunas here. The country has a population of less than 6 million so saunas are quite a lot.

I have never been a fanatical sauna person but this idea seemed fun even though I was already very tired.

He said that clothes and restraints are taken away.
I couldn't believe ... Can I be "free" in the sauna?

"Now we open your handcuffs and waistchain. As you know, it's very important that you don't move and that you stay calm."
The man came to my front, he stepped over my hobble chain and held his feet firmly in it. I couldn't move my legs. He opened my handcuffs. Ilona detached my waistchain and chains from my back.
Although it's a routine, it's always a catchy moment. I am for a moment freer than usual.
When  chains were gone, my shirt  could be opened. There was a problem  because I still had mittens in my hand.
"Wait" said Ilona and left the room. She came back with scissors and simply cut the shirt off of me. "This is an old shirt anyway, you get a new one".
I was wondering why the mittens could not be taken out of my hands. They were uncomfortable and I hate them. My hands forced tightly in the fist for several hours. The whole day I think.
When the shirt was gone the man grabbed my collar and helped me up.
I could not stand straight because the chain prevented it.
"Stand calm and keep your hands down," he said.
Because of the corset, my position was difficult.
Ilona opened my skirt behind my back and slid the skirt down, it easily came because the rubber slipped well.
"Kneel, facing the bed," the man ordered, "Put your hands on the bed so that we see them, do it slowly and calmly."
I did so, rubber pants gave creak sound, they were difficult to move.
Ilona opened my corset laces and straps and took it off, it felt good and liberating.

I was on my knees next to the bed, a collar and a short chain around my neck, mittens in my hands. I had a diaper, rubber pants, boots and legirons. And I was tired.

Still, I was amused by the way they were doing these things.
For committee members, this is rare.
My normal guards make things much faster and more efficient. For them it is normal work and routine.
In principle, it is fun that the members of the Committee think and try things, it makes me important.

"OK, next we'll tie your hand and torso, we'll use a natural rope so it doesn't burn you in the heat of the sauna," Ilona explained.
... that's what I thought. So I can't be free in the sauna ...

The man took the rope, put it tightly around my arms and behind the neck. Then he tied the ropes to my wrists, each separately. He was precise that the rope was not too tight on the wrist.
They moved my hands behind their backs and lifted their wrists up, towards the neck. They tied the ropes from the wrists to the rope behind my neck.
Now my hands were forced to stay tight behind my back, fists up.
"This is a kind of Chinese tradition of tying. Sometimes, prisoner are tied in this way, they can be tied for a long time".

This style wasn't new to me, in fact I had previously experienced similar sauna sessions but I didn't say it to them.
I was even interested in how they do this.
He secured the binding, he tied my arms from elbow to stick tightly to the body.

"Now we can move to the sauna," he said, and disconnected the chain from the bed.
He helped me stand and we walked together in the sauna shower / toilet.
"Can I get the lower body naked before the sauna?" I asked.
I didn't want to get inside a hot sauna in rubber pants and boots.

"Of course, we do the rest of the preparations here," the man said.
Inside the shower room was a wooden bench. He directed me to it and ordered me to sit.
He opened my steel collar and replaced it with a strong rope. Ilona held on to it.
He opened my legirons and took them away, and also boots.

I was a little laughing at the comedy situation. I was like a princess that is prepared to take a bath.

Finally came the turn of rubber pants.
They were very tight and when they rolled them off my skin "scream" sweaty when it finally reached clean air.
At the same time, they sprayed water on my feet, it felt good.
I finally got the diaper out. I was proud that it remained dry.

I wanted to clear myself but the man said I had to wait a moment.
It was very difficult!
He took the rope again and tied my ankle, he tied them so that maybe 15 cm between the ankles.
Eventually they helped me sit in the toilet seat and I could pee. It was awesome!

"kneel down on the floor" the man said "now we can take the mittens off".
It was funny, I had already forgotten the mittens. I was already accustomed to them and the fact that I can't use my fingers. Especially now that I couldn't see them.

The man sat on the bench behind me and began to open the mittens. Ilona left the room.
Strict mittens did a lot of work but eventually he got them off.
I was surprised when he took a slightly thinner rope / string and tied my thumb up towards the neck. It was not pleasant.
"I'm sorry but this must be done," he said, "in this way we can replace mittens".

When he finished her job, the door opened and Ilona came back in.
She was completely naked. It completely surprised me. I had never seen her naked, I was even a little confused.
She looked fresh and beautiful even though she had removed all her makeup. Her body was beautiful though she was not young anymore.
Long-term use of the corset has shaped her nicely.
She came to stand close to me and caught my neck rope.
I could sense her femininity.

The man stated that everything was well and left the room.

to be continued...



oh my ... I'm surprised
I just noticed that my diary now has over 10,000 views!

I think it's pretty much thinking that I write very bad english.
...Or maybe people read it just because of it :) :) ... crazy world.

It's nice to notice I'm not alone :)



Facebook is attacking me again.
There are 3 321 members in my group.
I'm trying to control it and remove images from it (downloaded by others) but it seems impossible.
All members do not understand or want to comply with the regulations.
It is sad.

The upcoming consequence is that my Facebook account will be closed.
It's unfortunate because I haven't done anything wrong.

"Because Friends Who Like Steel Restraints has content that goes against our Community Standards on fraud and spam, it's been disabled. Using misleading or inaccurate information to artificially collect likes, followers, or shares is not allowed. Contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent is also not allowed.
The group is only visible to you and any other admins right now so you can review our Community Standards and remove anything that violates them. You might need to:
Edit the group's name and description
Change the cover photo
Delete posts
After you've made these changes, you can request a review of the group. You can only do this once.
If we find that it meets our Community Standards, the group will be restored. If not, it will be permanently deleted."



a continuation of the previous writing

Ilona stood next to me, her fingers touched my hair. She released my hair ponytail.
My cheek touched her thigh.
I was a little scared of it because, in principle, it can be interpreted as an attack by the rules.
Ilona didn't care about it. She straightened my hair calmly.

"How are you?" she asked "is everything fine?"
I was a little surprised that she asked.
"I will be all right," I answered, "the day has been a very long and I'm tired but otherwise everything is okay".

"Indeed, the day has been long. It is also completely different from your normal day, it may also make you tired" She said and even touched my cheek
  "In addition, the reason for the trip is heavy for you, I understand it. We have no intention of tempting you any more, but maybe the sauna will even relax you and your mind ".
"Are we going to the sauna together?" I asked " and me?".
"We go all three together" she replied "because this is a rare special situation, according to the rules we must be two dealing with you. He will surely come in a moment and then we can go on. You must not move before it ".
I was still on the floor on my knees beside her. She held my neck rope in her hand and with another hand stroked my hair soothingly.
She left his hand to rest on my head.
It felt good ... very abnormal but good. I'm not used to getting endearment, especially from her.
I wonder if I dare touch her thigh again, maybe just my cheek ... or lightly on my lips...

I didn't have to think about it for a long time because the door opened and the man stepped in. He was also naked now.
He had towels and shower accessories, shampoo and soap, etc.
He put them on the bench. On the towels he put something I wasn't excited about ... my ballgag.
I quickly fell back to normal life.
Even just seeing ballgag made me realize the realities again.
"Sir," I said, "I will not need gag inside the sauna," I said quickly, "it makes breathing uncomfortable hot. I'm very quiet and I do not say anything the whole time!"
"Don't worry," Ilona said, "this is your relaxation time and you have permission to speak freely. Gag is just a security measure and you only use it for a short time if everything goes well".
I couldn't understand what she meant. I was now confused and nervous.

"Go ahead, under the shower," she said, and also stepped in there.
The distance was not long, less than 2 meters.
She pulled lightly from the rope.
I was trying to get up, but it was difficult because of ankle ropes.
"Stay down, use your knees," She ordered.
I slowly moved under the shower and she opened it.
The water was initially cool, but it quickly became pleasant.
She sprayed me carefully with water everywhere.
She also watered herself. My neck rope was all time in her hand.
"Go back" she ordered and we returned to the starting point. The man went under the shower.
I looked at them with interest. I haven't seen a naked person for many years.

The man took two big towels inside the sauna. I did not see, but I knew that he put them up high on the hot wooden bench.
So it's nice to sit there.
"Everything is ready" man said with a smile "now we can move inside the sauna".
He came to my side, Ilona was on the other side.
They caught my elbows and raised me up to stand.
They still lifted me up, "lift your feet up so they don't hit the floor," the man said.
They simply carried me into the sauna. It was fun! I laughed.

They lifted me up on the bench. It seemed a bit dangerous, but it had no problems.
There was a thermometer on the wall, it looked 90 degrees Celcius.
It was a pleasant temperature.
Ilona tied the neck rope to something behind me, I don't know where.
"The rope does not limit you," she said, "it's safe for you, now you can't drop on the floor".

They sat next to me, close to me but not too close.
When I slightly twisted the upper body, they were immediately careful.
"Excuse me," I said, "I'm just trying to adapt to the ropes better"
"Are the ropes too tight?" Ilona asked.
"No, they are well tolerated" I answered "only my thumbs do not like this, they get sore "
"Good that you can adapt. You understand that we have no choice but to tie you in this way "Ilona said" or of course we could use normal steel restraints but it would be very uncomfortable in a hot sauna. This is the only way for you to experience a sauna. "
"I do understand, and I am very grateful for this opportunity, I am grateful," I answered.
The man threw water on the hot stones of the furnace.
The water turned into a warm, humid water vapor which spread inside the sauna. It was like the heaven.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I really enjoy the warmth and humidity of the sauna. There was also a pleasantly dim lighting.
The situation had come as a quick surprise, but I greatly appreciated everything they did.
We talked freely, even joking and laughing. It was nice.
I even forgot that I am tied and bound. I was very relaxed. Also fatigue disappeared.
We also talked about where we are, the ski / tourist center.
There are downhill skiing areas, no big but comfortable for families. Normal nordic ski can also be enjoyed here. The area has a lake and also a larger public sauna next to it.
We laughed as we thought about what would happen if we went to a public sauna.
Bound and a heavily controlled woman in the public sauna are quite rare, even here.
... fortunately, almost every cottage has its own private sauna, like this one.

The advantage of a public sauna here is that it is very close to the lake. It's easy to go swimming.
It is also possible in winter, there is a big hole in the ice where it is possible to swim. It's very common here.

We talked about how healthy winter swimming is.
Rapid cold exposure also causes hormones to circulate: cortisol and endorphin secretion increases. Tissue cooling and cortisol together prevent pain sensation, and endorphins create a sense of pleasure.

The man also told the story about the time of his father training in the army: They were marching on the ice of the lake, almost -30 Celcius and the torrential wind ... very cold.
The team leader had inquired that who thinks it is too cold.
A few soldiers had raised their hands and the leader said "they will get warm".
They had made a hole in the ice and the men who had complained about the cold took off their clothes and went into the water.
The outside temperature was -30 Celcius (+ wind) but the water can only be zero Celcius so the water was much warmer than the cold air.
While the men were in the water, their comrades put a tent upright where they can dress again and then continue the march.
... Maybe this is one of the reasons why Finnish soldiers were good and tough fighters. Today it would not be possible, the Army is not like before.

Suddenly the man asked me what I think... would I like to experience the cold?
I laughed. I thought it was absolutely impossible for them to take me to the public place to "swim".
"Of course I would like to experience it!" I laughed.
They were quiet and looking at each other, then again at me.
I stopped laughing when I realized they had a plan.
"We can't take you to the lake but we can do something else," the man said with a smile "as you know, this is the last cottage in the area. Just behind the cottage is a dark forest. No one can see there. There's still a lot of snow there. You can swim in the snow! "

It was a surprise I didn't expect.
But we had just talked about the good things about winter swimming, the thought felt wild but it even fascinated me.
"Oh ... ok .." I wonder "do I have options?"
Now they laughed "you really have no options. Only that you do it by crying or without crying".
I thought it was great that I even have something I can choose ...

The man threw more water on the hot stones. hot water vapor struck us but it quickly became a pleasant heat.

The man got up and left the sauna, I and Ilona were still sitting inside and enjoying the heat.
Eventually the man came back, he had a ballgag in his hand.
"This is just a precaution," he said, "nobody sees us and the gag prevents anyone from hearing us"
"I am sure that I do not need it," I said. I wouldn't have wanted the ball in my mouth.
"We are also sure, but still you have to take it. As I said, it's a precaution  and it is not negotiated".
He came up in front of me and I opened my mouth. The black silicone ball went to my mouth, behind the teeth, like thousands of times before.
I put my head down and he fixed the buckle. Strictly as always.
Ilona stepped out of the sauna and returned for a moment.
He was wearing boots. I noticed now that the man also had shoes.
Ilona took my neck rope behind me and the man came and lift me to his shoulder.
He simply and quickly carried me out and behind the cottage to darkness.
The situation was just like a cheap horror movie.
I wasn't scared, I wasn't terrified. on the contrary, I had fun and I enjoyed every moment!
At first everything was dark but when my eyes got used I saw something ... There was a dug in the snow, like a grave!
It didn't look fun anymore.
He let me down, the snowy land was very cold.
I saw how our hot bodies lifted light mist.
Behind the back there was a thin light of the cottage and everything was really like horror in the movie.

Ilona had two felts, she put her own felt on her shoulders and gave the other to the man.
They were warm, not for me.
"Kneel down to the hole" man said.
There was no more fun for me, I didn't want to do it.
The man caught my neck rope and forced me to kneel. At the same time, he poured me down.
I was in the snow on my side and couldn't do anything, I was helpless.

"Go on your back" he ordered "go straight to the position".
I did that. I knew I had no choice.
The man took a light shovel somewhere. He put the snow on me. He started to bury me in the snow!
I got an uncontrolled panic attack but what can I do! I tried to lift my legs.
"Control yourself," the man said strongly, "If you can't control yourself, we will tie your leg like a frog. It takes a lot of time ... do you want it?"

Cold snow burned my hands, lower back, buttocks and legs but I tried to calm myself. I cried and tried to scream.
"Well ..." The man said "I knew that ballgag is a good idea".
He continued to throw snow on me. Eventually I was completely covered, only the face was visible.
When I calmed down, I felt the pain disappear.
It all seemed a little pleasant for a moment. I accepted that feeling even though I knew its dangerousness.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I wasn't there for a long time. Time seemed long, but in fact it was minutes.
But I already really feel how I relaxed. I felt like I could stay in it.
I no longer felt cold.
to death frostbite may feel like this, I think ...

"OK, enjoyment is enough now" the man said and pulled me from the rope to sit. He raised me up and back up on his shoulder.
We returned to the sauna. He put me up on the bench, on my belly and take ballgag off..
Ilona poured warm water over me. At first it didn't feel anything but then the heat of the sauna began to feel in my skin. It was stitched everywhere. Blood began to circulate again.
She checked my skin everywhere. She also tested my fingers, their sensitivity.
"Can you feel this," she asked and pinched my fingers and palm skin.
I felt it very well, now I felt the pain in my thumbs again.
Ilona checked my thumbs "yeap ... tight thumb tying was not a good thing, especially when they were under you. Next time we are wiser!"
"Can you now remove my thumbs ties now?" I asked.
"You must be able to withstand a little while longer," said Ilona "When we have washed and taken a shower, you get handcuffs and your thumbs are released, not before that".

They got up on the bench to sit. The bench was so short that I had to lift my legs so the man could sit on the bench.
Ilona sat on the other side of me. It was cramped. My head pressed her thigh.
"Oh ... crowded," she said, "turn to your side, back to the wall."
I tried and finally managed to do it. Ilona put my head on her lap, over the left thigh. My knees were bent so the man had room to sit.
It was very strange. My arm hurt but I did not want to move.
It was a unique moment in my life. I had a genuine contact with the human being without any sexual significance.
Ilona lowered her hand on my shoulder and threw water at the same time on hot stones.
The sweet warmth reached me and I could have fallen asleep. I didn't even feel the pain in my thumbs.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We were all quiet, we enjoyed the sauna and its moist heat.
The man's hand was on my feet. I felt like I was in good care.
Finally, the man got up, Ilona touched my cheek. Maybe I was even sleeping a little.

"It's time to wash and take a shower" Ilona said "We all have to sleep a little".
I would have liked to stay there, head to her warm lap but I knew it couldn't last long.

She helped me sit, then I realized how tired I was. I was like drugged.
The man carried me in the shower room.
I was on my knees again on the floor. Ilona watered me with a shower and washed my hair. Many times my head fell on her body but she didn't care, I did it deliberately because I wanted more touch.
She washed me efficiently, treated my hair and body. "If you have to pee, do it now" Then the shower was used again.
"You haven't eaten anything," she said, "do you want something?"
I was very tired and relaxed, almost asleep already.
"No thanks, I don't need anything" I said.

I was on my knees and waited when they washed in the shower.
I already got a little cool but she dried me with a soft towel. I was very pampered.
"Now we can move into the bedroom," she said, and they helped me stand.
They supported me and walked slowly forward. The rope between my ankles was very short.
Eventually we were in the bedroom and I sat on the bed.
The man removed my neck rope and replaced it with my normal steel collar. The chain was locked into the bed frame.

Ilona gave me a drink of water, it was a bottle with a drinking straw, I drank it with pleasure. Only then did I notice that I was very thirsty.
The man looked at my ropes "What do you think about tying?" he asked.
"It's a nice but at the same time very effective bonding style" I said "the rope material is also pleasant, even in a hot sauna. I can understand that in this way can be tied up for long periods of time. "
"...but my thumbs ... it's torture," I added.
"Thumb binding was just an additional security, it effectively prevented the use of fingers," the man explained the thing I already knew.
"We're doing this now," he said, turning me to bed on my stomach. He shortened my collar chain so I couldn't get up.
Next he took my handcuffs and put them on my tied wrists.
"Now when your hand is cuffed I can open the thumb binding." He worked with my thumbs "otherwise you're tied all night. Because this is a strange place we can't rely on your normal routine."
"Move your thumbs and fingers" Ilona said. She checked that everything was fine.
The movement of the thumbs gave me some pain but I think it's just temporary.

They also put my legcuffs on and locked them with a chain on the bed frame. Ankle ropes were not opened.
The ropes limited me more than the cuffs. Cuffs were just extra backup.
Eventually she put my night time ballgag in my mouth. It is slightly smaller than normal so it's easy to breathe with it.
Lastly, I got a hood on my head, it was a black, strong cloth. Not a normal leather hood. I would have liked a normal leather hood because it gives me a safe and tight feeling. This was apparently a "light travel hood".
They put a thick blanket on me.
"Good night" they said and left the room, I heard the door locked.
The room had lights on, as always, I saw it through the fabric.
It didn't bother me, I was already asleep.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"Hello sleepyhead" I woke up with a light voice and touch. Ilona woke me up.
She took the hood off my head. It was much easier than a normal tight leather hood.
I was very surprised that she woke me up, general, I'm awake long before the guards income.
I was sleeping really deep this time.
"Did you sleep well?" she asked.
I did not answer, I  wait that she will take ballgag out of my mouth.
She opened the gag buckle on my neck. I noticed now that the gag belt was looser than usual. Ball easily came out of my mouth. Corners of the mouth were less sensitive than usual the night after. It was a pleasant feeling.
"I slept very well, thank you for asking" I answered "what about your night?"
"Our night was very pleasant," she smiled, "the country air always makes good".

"Thank you for my gag was not too tight," I said, "it was a nice thing to do."
"well ... the gag strap was now too loose, I know it" she said "but there was a reason for that. We didn't want your face to show gag and hood traces when we visit your grandmother "
"How do you feel your binding now? It looks still good. You haven't moved at night". She examined the ropes and also tried my fingers. I still had a sense of fingers.

I was thinking ... I was asleep in a very deep sleep. Was it because I was very tired or was I tied tight?
Expertise and tight binding make me feel safe and secure,  it's like a long-lasting tight hug.  Maybe I needed it. At least I didn't worry about my grandmother all night.

"Stay there, we cut off the ropes and you get your hands free." Ilona said "well ... almost free, handcuffs will stay on your wrists".
The man came with scissors and he worked for a while with ropes.
I lay in peace, I was able to feel how the rope pressure was loosened and finally it was gone. Somehow it felt sad.
Eventually I was able to move my arms behind my back. They were rigid and produced a slight pain. The arms had been tied for a long time.
"You can move your hands but don't do any stupid sudden movements," the man said.
"You can't take a shower this morning, we don't have time for it," he said.
He unlock my legcuffs to bed frame. So also collar chain but he just adjust it longer and locked it again.
"Now you can get up and sit on the edge of the bed," he said, raising my arm.
The hand movement gave me pain and I breathed deeply.
Eventually I sat on the edge of the bed. My ankles were still tied.
Ilona brought me breakfast, tea, white bread and a glass of juice.
The man opened my handcuffs
"Now calm, you can enjoy your breakfast like a princess. Directly from your bed!"
It was really unusual.
According to normal routines, I eat a breakfast inside the day time cell. After morning activities and dressing.
Now I was naked and sitting in bed... It was very unusual.
Ilona  sitting next to me all the time.
She was a normal herself. Hair neatly, light makeup. Leather pants and casual wool sweater. Corset under all.

Next you will dress and we will visit your grandmother. After that we will come back here and get ready for our home journey.
"So I do not need a diaper and rubber pants grandma's house?" I said with happy.
She smiled "you don't need them this time, you're right".
It was great, I really disliked the idea that I had to dress them again.
"I don't need them on a long journey" I said quickly "you saw that I can survive the journey without them"
"We'll think about it later," she said.

I had already drunk a tea cup almost empty when I handed the cup to her. The cup slipped out of my fingers and the tea spilled down on her pants. It wasn't much but still ...
I was scared, normally this could be interpreted as an attack on the guard.
Ilona looked at me surprised, she saw that I was very scared.
"oh my ... you are clumsy now" she took a towel and wiped her pants leather.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"I'm really sorry!" I said frantically, "my hands are still numb and weak because they were bound for a long time," I tried to explain.
"I saw what happened," she said, "it was an accident, so can happen to anyone. Damage did not happened" She smiled.
"One more good thing about leather clothing ... it's easy to keep clean and tidy".
She became serious "I want to know why you were scared so much . As I said ... it was a clear accident".
I was perhaps a little ashamed of my reaction "I don't know, I just didn't want it to happen, everything is so well now".
"What if something happens to your normal day like this? "She wanted to know "how the guards do then? ".
I was puzzled and wondering how to give the answer.
"Usually it can't happen, it's impossible" I explained ". Daily routines and practices go so that such situations cannot happen".
"When the guards are close to me, they always behave like I am a hostile prisoner" I told " that is, all things are strictly and forcefully secured. "
"What happens if they think you are disobedient or badly behaved, maybe you make someone wrong?" she asked "They punish you immediately?"
Now I was really embarrassed. I didn't want to complain about the guards. If they were to know about it, it might worsen my life. They are my everyday life.
I had tears in my eyes, "They don't hit me, etc, nothing like that. Handling can be more cruel for some reason, handcuffs may be tighter than normal. Shackles connector chains can be shortened. Sometimes they don't let me eat. Sometimes there are times when the web connection is disconnected even though I need it in my work. Many small things..."
"I do not want to tell you these things," I cried, "if they get to know that I am complained, it may complicate my life."
Ilona looked at me tightly, she even touched my wet cheek. "You have to tell everything ... and they have to know we've heard you.
Your life includes a strict discipline, constraints, rules, and routines. It also includes strict people who do things by agreement.
It does not include a variable arbitrariness ".
She squeezed my hand "That is why the Committee has five members who decide on all your life. One or two people can't make decisions, it requires a majority. If you have to be punished, the decision is made by the Committee, no one else.
This is the thing that separates imprisonment from slavery. You are not a slave!"
She got up "so I think the committee and the guards have a serious discussion next week !.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

She gave me a toothbrush and a glass of water. "You can wash your teeth here, spit water in the tea cup".
I did that.

The man freed my feet, it felt good. The ropes were not tight, but they effectively limited my ankle movement, much more than normal legcuffs.
I got socks and boots, I put them on my feet.
Ilona gave me  panties, they were new and comfortable, almost luxurious. They were "grandma" style as always. It is a good thing. I also got panty protection.
I also got a new body tube and a bra. I had an atmosphere like Christmas, I was pampered.
Ilona smiled as she saw how happy I was.

I stood up and dressed. The collar chain was so long that it allowed it. It was well planned.

"Now turn and lift your hand up behind your neck" she ordered and put a corset on me. Corset was the same as yesterday, it wasn't new.
She tightened it calmly and tied it, I lowered my arm and she adjusted the shoulder straps.
I was waiting for extra tightening but it didn't come.
I was amazed when she said "that's it, you can turn".
The corset was much looser than usual.

Waistchain came to the narrowest part of my waistline. It was locked firmly behind my back.
Next, legcuffs, they were double-locked as always.
Between waistchain and legcuffs hobblechain became a vertical chain. It was also locked behind the back. The vertical chain was set to hold the hobblechain up, so it didn't hit the ground.

They helped me dress up in a skirt.
It was my normal, long black leather skirt. It effectively covered all my chains. I like it.
This was a normal practice for a long time at the beginning of my imprisonment but at some point became a silly rule change. The new rule required my chains to be always visible and thus checkable by the guards.

"Sit down" Ilona said and gave me a shirt. It wasn't like my normal shirt, it was a sweater with a high, double collar up to the chin.
He opened my collarchain and I put on a sweater on me, it was a very pleasant and warm feel. Chain locked again.

"Next, you'll get a surprise," Ilona said, "Our leather specialists have made new gloves for you!".
I was surprised and also happy because nothing is as unpleasant as the old tight mittens!
The gloves were black leather, they seemed to have all five fingers and looked beautiful!
" "Stretch out your hand to me" she said.
I did it and she put glove on my hand. The fingers were quite tight but not unpleasant. Gloves went over the wrist, they had a long zipper on the inside of the palm upwards.
When the zipper was closed the gloves looked very tight and elegant. Real ladylike gloves!
The specialty was that the fingers of the gloves were stiffened. I couldn't bend my fingers. they were totally useless!
Externally, the gloves were perfectly beautiful.
"What you like about new products!" she asked.
I looked at my hands, turned and looked at them, even smelling them ...the scent of the new leather was enchanting.
"They are beautiful masterpieces of craftsmanship!" I admired "... but also effectively limit, discreetly and effectively.
I could imagine there would be a market for such products! "
"Those are the first, secret prototypes," Ilona smiled "Who knows, maybe they will become version CaptiveGirl - collection"
I am proud that the first models were made for me!

The man brought my leather coat. I rose up, stand up, and he helped it on me. Rigid fingers seemed strange.
Next I got rigid handcuffs on my wrists. My rigid fingers were sticking straight ahead and it seemed strange. I would have liked to have my hands on my fist. I smiled ... I hated old style mittens but now I would have liked them... I still try to get used to new gloves.

"OK," the man said, "now we are ready to move into the car!"
"Toilet ..." I said.
The man looked at me with astonishment. He turned to look at Ilona who was also embarrassed.
"Sir ... I need to go to toilet before leaving" I said cautiously. "I haven't had the chance to do it today".
"Why didn't you say it before!" he said, I was afraid he would be angry.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I was stupid. But I was thinking all the time that they have carefully planned the whole action.
It would have been disrespectful to interrupt the chain of action.
I tried to explain it to them.
Stine laughed thinly "you are right, it was planned but our emotional moment made me forget it" She said, "As you can see, we are not routine handlers in your daily activities."
"Now you have been secured for a car trip, the trip is not long" she thought "but on the other hand, we don't know what kind of toilet your grandmother has. It would be a security risk to take you there".
"What kind of need do you have?" she asked "only pee or poo as well?".
"Right now there is no need" I answered "Maybe the sauna dried me so much that I don't feel the need to pee right now, but it is coming at some point".
"Hmmm, maybe you should have been wearing a diaper in this case," she said, "We can always learn something new".
"So we now have two options: you are trying to pee now or you are wearing a diaper for this visit. For your sake," Ilona thought.
"She already has all the restraints and clothes" the man said "the easiest way is to lift her skirt and dress the diaper for her. It can be secured using extra tape ".
I'm not excited about the idea.
"You're right, maybe it's better to do that," Ilona said.
She looked at me and said, "This is not your fault, but if you had told us before, we wouldn't have to do this."

It was unfair!
I am required to be disciplined and often restricted in speaking.
Now I have behaved well and done as they say. However, it happens.
I felt like this was a punishment... Shame punishment.
Ilona saw my look.
"C'moon ... this is not a bad thing, Diaper is just a backup. It doesn't even show up because the skirt hides it effectively. We use tape and pack it tightly" she said "it makes you feel confident throughout the visit! ".

The matter was closed. The debate ended.
Ilona went out of the room and brought a new diaper and tape.
"Stand stable"  man said, he was behind me and raised my coat and skirt high up.
"Spread your feet and lift your hands up".
I spread my feet as much as possible, legcuffs limiting them. I also try lift my hands but it was difficult because of the rigid handcuffs.
I would have been able to help them and stick to the skirt but it was impossible because of the gloves. I was like a doll who can't do anything.
Ilona opened the diaper and placed it around me.
She lifted the rear chain to get the diaper to settle. She fastened the diaper with its own tape attachment.
Next, he took dutch tape and secured the diaper to stay tight.
My lovely new panties were now under the diaper. It annoyed me.
"Now you can stand normally" she said and lowered my skirt.
The diaper was not very thick but still I was sure it would be clearly visible. The skirt feel tighter at that point.
It had a big emotional meaning to me.

The man sighed "Maybe we are now ready to move out and to the car?"

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The man left the room and went out. After a while he came back.
He took my arm and led me out. I saw he had moved the car very close to the house door. The distance was just a few steps. Car rear door was open and it was easy to sit sideways on the seat.
The car is relatively high so it's easy to get inside the car. He helped my shackled legs in the car.
Everything went quickly and discreetly, although there was no one in the yard who could have seen us.
He locked my legcuffs under the seat.
"Because the journey is short, we only use the extra waist belt now," The man said, "We trust you that everything is going well."
He locked my legcuffs under the seat.
Ilona was inside the car and placed a waist belt, I lifted my cuffed hands to make it easy. The belt was again very tight, it forced me to sit in good posture.
Finally came the car's own safety belt, it is not placed correctly because I had handcuffs. Handcuffs were not opened for this reason.

Ilona sat next to me.
"Now we are ready to go" she said "but first a few basic things".
"When we get there, I'll go first to your grandmother's apartment, we haven't visited there before so I have to check a few things before you can get in. If everything goes well we'll take you out of the car. We removed youd handcuffs, including gloves. The rest restraints stay on. They are hidden under your clothes and cannot be seen outside".
She spoke clearly and calmly, she wanted to be sure I understood everything.
"When we are inside the apartment, you are sitting in the place we are pointing to. You must also understand that no physical contact is allowed". She looked at me tightly, "Your grandmother knows these rules and she has accepted them. I'll remind her of them."
She finally added "Any kind of disorder lead to that the visit be suspended immediately. "
"Did you understand everything?" she asked.
I nodded and said, "Yes, I understood everything".

The car started moving, I looked out. I saw some happy people who were going to ski or otherwise enjoyed the outdoors. It was nice to watch them.
We drove a few kilometers and came to a quiet village. Car navigator showed the right house and he drove close to the door.

I was wondering how fast everything was progressing.

Yesterday at this time I had no idea that this would happen.
I had written a lot with Grandma,she knows exactly my life and we had already accepted that we would never see anymore.

And now I'm here.
I do not know how and when, but the Committee has been in contact with her and organized all this.
I understand that I haven't been told about it. It's a kind of security thing. I must never know things in advance so that I cannot arrange any unpleasant surprises for the Committee or the guards.
...I wouldn't do that, but I understand it's part of "prison rules", it always determines my life.

I wonder how sick granny is ... does she endure this visit? Cancer is a nasty disease, and it makes a person weak. She said she was not living for a long time, she's definitely very weak now.
I was uncomfortable and sad.

Ilona opened the door and left the car. She went in to the house.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I knew I should be happy about this opportunity but I was sad.
I decided to try to be brave and cheerful, so that Grandma will remain a good memory of me!
We sat in the car and waited, we didn't speak anything, it was normal. Radio played pop music.
Eventually I saw Ilona coming out of the building. She opened the door of the car and sat next to me.

"Second floor, no elevator," she said to the man.
She looked at me "We are changing the plan, handcuffs and gloves stay locked until we are in the apartment. The walk there is a longer than I thought so it is good to keep you secured throughout the time. "
I was horrified "Do I have to go in front of granny in handcuffs?" I had already liked the original plan where granny wouldn't see my handcuffs.
"There's no problem with it," she said, "I already told her that this is happening. It won't come as a surprise to her."
I wouldn't have liked it but there are no options.
Grandmother knows everything about my life anyway ... and she also reads my Diary.

"How did she look?" I asked, "Is she very sick? I wanted to know." Can she be upright or is she in bed? "
I had asked grandmother these things but she never gave an answer. I was nervous now.
I have seen cancer patients, they are pale, without hair due to a number of treatments etc. It is horrible.
I was trying to prepare to face her.
It might have been better if I didn't see her sick... It is very selfish thought...

"Do not worry now," Ilona said briskly, "Soon you will see for yourself and you can chat with her!"
She opened my seat  extra waist belt and also a normal seat belt.
Then se took a scarf from her neck and placed it on my ridig handcuffs on both sides.
The man opened the door and opened legcuffs lock from the car floor.
He helped me out of the car.
They came to me on both sides and tightly brought me in the door of the building.
Inside the hallway they pushed me against the wall, face to wall. The man held tight on my arm.
"We stay here," he said, and Ilona left to move the car to the parking lot.
We stand still in our place. From somewhere up I heard the sound of the door and the voice of the children.
Two children came down the stairs and maybe their mother. I didn't see them because my face was against the wall.
Children were happy and spoke and laughed at their mother.
The man squeezed my arm tightly, he tried to appear relaxed. The mother of the children greeted him and they passed us.
I'm wondering if we look strange ... surely so. Casual, "relaxed"  man with a rigid woman, woman with nose attached to a wall.

Eventually, Ilona came back.
They both took me on my arm, both sides. We walked in the hallway, then we got up the stairs.
I need very rarely get up the stairs but it went pretty well.
I was pleased that my vertical chain was locked in the middle of the legcuffs hobble. If it were typically on an O-ring where the hobble would go "free" it would give very much chain sounds on the stony stairs.
Now it was good though a bit more restrictive.

Eventually we were on the second floor. We found the door where is grandmother's name.
Ilona took the key from the jacket pocket. I was wondering but then I realized that she had taken the key with her on the first visit. No need to use the doorbell now and wait in the hallway.
She opened the door and we stepped in.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The wonderful scent of baking took us. That's  scent I remembered!
The smell of fresh coffee was also mixed with the smell.
Grandma stood in the kitchen, she looked healthy and in good shape. I was embarrassed. I almost cried.
She was dressed in jeans and a shirt, she also had a cardigan.
She had dark colored hair and make-up discreetly.

"Miisa!" she said happily "finally I can see you here! Welcome!" I would come to hug you but I know your rules. ” She still standing in the same place.
I was still speechless. I didn't know what to say.
We were still standing near the door, in a small hallway.
The man opened my handcuffs, he looked at me tightly and I nodded at him. I gave a non-verbal behavior promise.
He helped my coat.
The kitchen had a empty table next to a lonely chair.
Ilona moved the chair further and man brought me to the chair, I sat down. I was still very confused.

Ilona worked with my gloves and took them out. Now only realized how tight and restrictive they are.
Grandma looked at us with interest. We were all quiet.

"I thought that you are sick," I said quietly, "sick unto death".
"So I am" she replied, "I have not lied to you. I have a fast-moving cancer that leads to death.
It has spread so widely that I don't want treatments. It would be pointless" she looked at me sadly" your grandfather also had cancer, everyone trying to treat him in every way, but it only prolonged suffering. I don't want to experience it ".
" I have gotten prognosis that I am still for a moment, perhaps a few months almost normal but then comes the collapse that leads to rapid death," she said, "I want it to happen so".
I was very upset. I wanted to jump up and hug her but I couldn't do that.
Ilona stood very close to me and held her hand hard on my shoulder. So she reminded me of my position ... or she wanted to support me like that. I do not know.
"I know you understand me," Grandma said, "we are both very determined, you and me."

She turned and poured coffee into the cups. 3 cups of coffee and one mug of tea. She put the pastries on the plate. She showed with hand that the serving was ready. She didn't try to bring me anything.
Ilona took a mug of tea, she put one piece of pastry on the paper and brought it next to me on the table.
Plastic mug and no saucer for me. Grandma was well aware of my rules.
She also took the coffee herself and sat down on a chair farther.
She looked at me unhindered.
"You look beautiful and healthy" she smiled "the last photo I have about you is 5 or 6 years old".
She looked at my escorts, "it's easy to see that you are being taken care of her".
"We do our best, Mrs," Ilona answered politely.

Grandma watched my skirt and especially the boots.
I realized that maybe my legcuffs are on the floor now as I sit. I tried to change the position.
"Can you raise your skirt a little?" she asked.
I was very surprised, maybe even ashamed. I quickly looked at Ilona.
"I have heard and read all about your chains but I have never seen them... You've told me about them, now I want to see them. "
I felt my blush. This was a real surprise. I have written her a lot in my daily life, and she reads my public diary but this was still a bewildering surprise.
Ilona nodded to me and I lifted skirt up. Grandma was now able to see my shackled legs.
She looked at them with interest.
"The chain is longer than I imagined, it is a good thing," she said gravely, "It seems that the skirt restrict your movement more than a chain, the chain is only as backup."
"Are the other chains well? She asked" they are under clothing, I don't need to see them but I want to know ".
I was bothered, I wasn't thinking that I should talk to my grandmother about my restraints.
"And collar?" she asked "I understand that it is always visible, but now it is hidden."
I moved  shirt  collar so that the steel collar was visible.
"Back chain between collar and waistchain? She asked and I nodded.
"I have always wanted to know how  everything looks and now I've got to see them, thank you" She said serious "usually also handcuffs ... why not now?"
"In addition, I understand that you have to be extra and attachment chain, especially when you are not in your cell. "

This was awful. I didn't understand why she was talking about this!
I was almost panic and Ilona noticed it. She again lowered her hand on my shoulders.
"Madam, she now has a lighter restraints because we didn't want to upset you," Ilona said "We are two people to make sure that everything is going well".

"Do not get me wrong,"  grandmother said, "I think all of those things, handling and restraints is just too much," she looked at me, "but I have seen from the beginning that Miisa wants this and she needs it."
She sighed, "even as a child, she talked about the fact that she is a prisoner," she laughed, "when other children said that they will become astronauts, engineers, teachers, or something else, Miisa said that she will be a prisoner."
"There was a lot of discussion with the parents of Miisa, and Miisa was also under psychiatric observation, but no help was found."
Grandma recalled "there were also situations where she was in real danger because of selfbondage".
Grandma looked at me "many studies showed she was wiser and smarter than normal people on many issues but this problem could not be removed". She continued "No therapy helped. Drugs were not used, they would have changed her great mind too much".

I was very amazed at what she said. As a child, I remember some meetings with strange peoples with me. I didn't know about children's psychology.

Ilona took a cup of coffee and listened with great interest.

"I also remember the time when my son and his wife, Miisa's parents, wondered what they could do"
Grandma continued, "They wonder if they can arrange a kind of home prison for her. There would be locked room / cell and maybe some restraints needed. So Miisa would have been safe and could not hurt herself .
"Se could have gone to school but she would always have returned to her cell. Or home school might have been possible". Grandma looked at me again "but it wouldn't look good to the outside and the parents might have been in trouble". She sighed "We were all powerless, we could only be afraid that something was going wrong.
She looked at Ilona "So it happened, she met the wrong peoples and had to experience terrible things, years of horror". Grandma wept silently.
"But then you came and took her into custody, you saved her and I'm very grateful," she said, "that's why I'm interested in everything what belongs to her daily life. She must be all the time firmly under the control and supervision. I understand that even those all rules and restraints belong to it ".

Wow ... I didn't realize she was thinking so strongly about me. Confusing thoughts were cruising in my head, including dull memories.

We were all silent and I took a sip of tea, it was not hot anymore ..

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"That's enough memories' grandmother said briskly," next to future "

"I am not rich" she smiled "but also not poor. As you know, grandfather and I had a farm. I sold it and invested money.  I bought apartments in this village. They were not expensive because this small and secluded village. I own from this house 4 apartments and from the adjacent house 3. I rent apartments for tourists who come here to ski.
It's not an awesome business but it gives something ".
"I have the money I want to share before I die. When I give away a little to every loved one, money does not have to pay inheritance tax. Everybody wins " she laughed" except the state "This country has such a bad political leadership that it doesn't deserve my money!"

She continues "I want to give some of the money to the child you have given birth".
She looked at me." I know that I do not need to do it but I'm still his great-grandmother. I can do what I want with my money. You also get the same money as the grandchildren of the family".

I didn't want to talk about money. I don't even use the money myself.
"You can give money to him if you want, but he has great parents while he was not missing anything," I said, "You can talk to the Committee about my money. Or you can donate money directly to abused women. Maybe the former female prisoners would be a good donation destination".

"I think about it," she said, "I guessed in advance that you feel about it this way..."

She looked at the clock. "The clock is ticking ... I was told that this visit is a time to a maximum of one hour" She smiled at me but I saw in her eyes that she was already tired.

Ilona took my gloves, I stretched out my hand and she put them on me.
The man was standing in the background all the time. He didn't say a word. Now he came and helped the coat over me. He took the handcuffs.
"I know this is a strange request," Grandmother said "but can I?"
My escorts looked at each other, then the man nodded and gave the handcuffs to my grandmother.
She weighed the handcuffs in her hand and came to my front.
I stretched out my hand and she put the handcuffs on me. She carefully checked that the gloves are under Irons.
The handcuffs were immediately tight enough."These must be double locked so that they are safe," she said.
"I don't care about the rules now," she said and kiss me on the forehead.
She looked at my escorts and said, "Take good care of her."
Ilona gave a promise and hugged my grandmother.
The man opened the door and we stepped out of the apartment.

to be continued...



I will continue to write a travel report but I also want to tell you other things.

My facebook drama continues :) Now I'm banned for 30 days. The reason is the picture I had downloaded almost two years ago (then it was approved).
I have said already that this will lead to the fact that my account will be closed at some point, this is a witch hunt in my opinion ....
FB was important to me, there are a lot of my friends but I can't do anything about it.
It's sad but I can live without it when that situation comes.

Then a much nicer thing...

One of my good friend sent me his drawings.
I want to "publish" them here because they are fine art in my opinion.
Thanks to the artist!

In the future, there will be one awesome project, I have been invited to participate as an "expert".
I can't tell much more but the thing is related to movie script :)



a continuation of the previous writing

Same route back. We landed down the stairs. My escorts were on my sides and held my arms tight.
It was a good thing because walking down the stairs is harder than going up. I didn't want to crash and fall.
... I liked that they kept me tight, it felt good.
Near the outside door we were again waiting for Ilona to pick up the car.
I could have walked the car, it would have been nice but I know it would be impossible.

Ilona drove the car near the door, she got out of the car and opened the back door.
She came to us and they quickly brought me to the car.
I was like a royal, quick service ...
Because this was a familiar practice it was going very fast. I was secured again and locked ready for the trip.
If someone else had watched, he wouldn't have seen anything special.

We drove back to the ski resort. When we were in the area, the driver stopped the car in front of the shop / restaurant building. Ilona got out of the car and we went on a trip to the cottage. The trip was not long, a few hundred meters.
We sat in the car. I sat behind the driver. He moved the seat further back so that his foot more straight and took a relaxed position.He looked at me in the mirror.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yes sir," I replied formally, "The only thing is that I really need the toilet quickly." I hadn't even noticed the need for a pee before. Only when I was sitting in the car, I felt the pressure. Perhaps because of the tight waist belt
"I understand" the man said, "Ilona is shopping for food. When she comes, we can go into the cottage. Now we have to wait ".
Waiting was not the best option.  Now, when I let it in my mind so it felt very difficult to hold back any longer.
"Sir, I have a very hard time now  " I said "could we not go inside and straight to the toilet right now?"
"You know the rules," he said calmly, "I can't deal with you alone. That is why we have to wait for she to come here ”.
I started nervous "Why don't we wait for him in front of the shop?" I asked quickly, "If we had been there waiting, we might more quickly in the cottage!"
The man was still calm "Stop it. You have to behave!" He looked at me in the mirror, "Ilona wants to walk ... and the other reason is that we can't be in front of the shop because you behave badly, that's why we're hiding here and waiting."
"...It is dangerous and unhealthy if I need to hold a pee for a long time" I said quietly, like a little girl.
The man looked at me and laughed "that's a pretty dramatic show! It doesn't work now, you know it. You have a diaper. If you have to do it, trust it. It is your choice" He became serious" If you hadn't played a fool in the morning, if you had told us the toilet need in time, this would not happen now. Now no more a word! "

I was very frustrated. It was true that I was playing in the morning. I wanted to know how they work when they notice a mistake. But I thought I could handle the toilet thing anyway. I did not expect this silly diaper arrangement!

I tried to change my position, I moved my legs, the chains held the sound. At the same time, I lifted my handcuffed hands upward,  not so much  but my rigid fingers hit the driver's seat back.
The man jumped up and looked at me with astonishment.
"What are you doing! Lower your hands immediately and keep them down!"
I was scared, I hadn't meant anything but he had interpreted my movement totally wrong!
He moved his seat forward, I could no longer reach it.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We were quiet inside the car for a long time, only the sound of the radio sounded low.
I was terribly frightened. Basically, a man could think of my move as a hostile attack. Perhaps the simultaneous chain sound and hit the seat made him think so.
But it would be a stupid idea ... what could I have done?
I sit tight in the seat, I have feet locked in the floor and I have rigid handcuffs and gloves.
I really did not try anything stupid, he sure understands it.
I'll explain it to Ilona when she comes.

Finally I saw Ilona walking towards us, she had a bag in hand.
She walked normally for sure but I think it looked like a slow ... why she can not be rushed!

When she came close, the man opened the window and said "we have a situation here inside the car".
Ilona looked at me and then again the man.
"Wait, I'll get in." She said and stepped into the cottage door. She opened the door and went in. After a while she came back out. She left the cottage door open and came straight into the car, next to me.
She looked at me searchingly, then turned toward the man.
"I didn't do anything! It was a mistake ..." I began to explain but she lifted her hand and interrupted me.
She ignored me and looked at man questioningly.
"She tried to attack me," the man said, "She raised her hand and tried to do something".
"To do what?" Ilona asked "she is tightly seated, all restraints in use". She continued "it's impossible for her to even reach you!"
"I had moved the seat back, closer to her," he said quietly "She tried to take advantage of the opportunity!"
Ilona looked at the man with astonishment. She was going to say something but was silent. She just sighed deeply.
She looked at me "Did you try something?"
"I do not!" I screamed scared, "I tried to fix my position and my fingers accidentally hit his seat! I have trouble feeling because I have to get to empty myself! "
"Ok, we need to talk about this more," she said firmly, "but now we will move in the cottage ... and toilette"
The man came out of the car and unlock legcuffs from the car floor.
Ilona opened my seat belt. She also opened my tight waistbelt. Then something happened, The belt pressure was removed and I couldn't hold back. I felt how hot urine leaked into my diaper. I didn't want it!
I sat still in the seat and cried quietly "I wet myself" I was very ashamed.
"Oh ... ok" Ilona said "no worries, for that you use the diaper. Now we go in and we can wash you".

to be continued...


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