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a continuation of the previous writing

I moved my legs out of the car. They grabbed my arms and helped me up and in the cottage. I was very ashamed. I knew that the fault was not mine but it seemed very humiliating.
We went straight to the toilet. Ilona lifted my coat and opened the back of the leather skirt zipper.
The skirt was tight because of the diaper but it still slid down. I lifted my legs one at a time so Ilona got it.
"Is the skirt clean?" I asked with concern. I was afraid the diaper would have leaked. Clean clothes are important to me.
Ilona examined the skirt and then folded it neatly aside.
"The skirt is perfectly clean and in good condition" she calmed me.

There was a long mirror in the wall. I saw myself in it.
Long, open black leathercoat, black boots and white diaper with grey tape around. It was a strange sight.
And also all my restraints and chains.
It was not a normal, every day outfit at the ski resort.

"Now we have a problem," Ilona said "Because now here is a doubt about your violent action, we have to act on it".
"We're taking you to your room now. You will stay there until we have decided how to continue, ”she said.
"What about a diaper?" I hurried ... I still kept the need to pee completely, only a small part is come in diaper.
"Don't worry about the diaper now, it works well". She said "you have bigger worries now."

They escort me out of the toilet and straight into my room.
"Go on your knees beside the bed," the man ordered. At the same time, he forced me down from my arm.
"Lift your hands on me!" He said. I did so and he opened my handcuffs. Ilona helped me take off the coat.
When the coat was gone, they immediately grabbed my hands and forced them behind my back. The man again locked the same rigid handcuffs on my wrists. Cuffs were so my hands came from opposite sides, they forced me to hold my hands folded almost transversely behind my back.I still had rigid gloves in my hands.
The man forced my head against the bed and locked the shortened chain in my collar.
Ilona watched me "You stay here now. We are in the next room. We eat and discuss what happened. We will also contact other members of the committee, we try to keep a quick meeting so we decided continuation ".

The man came back to me "because we can't trust you now, you also have to use ballgag. We don't want more attention".
He forced the gag into my mouth and locked it tightly.
I was so paralyzed that I didn't even try to stop it.
The last thing was when he pulled hood on my head. I was almost in the dark.
I heard the door shut and the sound of the lock.
I was alone.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I was alone in the darkness. My head rested on a soft bed, my knees were against a hard floor but it didn't bother.
The biggest problem was rigid handcuffs. I couldn't get my hands in a comfortable position. I was now happy that I had leather gloves, they protected my wrists even a little.
The diaper was disgusting. At first, the warm pee was now cool it felt uncomfortable. The Diaper wasn't even very wet, but I still hate it. I still needed a pee but I tried to avoid it. I felt like  I allready smelled urine, and the thought made me humiliated.

I was not afraid, I knew I was taken care of, the Committee took care of it.
Yet this was a great injustice, I didn't understand why the man did this ... He had to understand that I didn't try anything violent or banned!

I wasn't panic, on the contrary, I tried to relax even though it was difficult.
I am good  to adapt to situations, I tried to do it also now.

I tried to move my thoughts elsewhere. I thinking about grandma and what she said.
Now I also understood better why my family accepts my current life. It has sometimes felt strange.
They have certainly been worried and tried to do everything that I would be "normal".
I am also grateful for the fact that they did not accept any drug therapy for me.
It would have killed my original mind. It would have been sad because then I would no longer be me.
I laughed at the idea ... better to be locked than the drug drunked...

I was also wondering what Grandma said about my parents thinking about a home prison.
It would no doubt have changed my life and perhaps protect me from  unpleasant things I've been through.
But then they would have had to keep me captured all my life and it would not be understood by outsiders.
However, for a moment I tried my own "normal" life, and bitterly noticed that it was not for me. I'm glad that I'm alive after all that has happened.

I need strict limits, rules, and discipline. All restraints and procedures are a good addition to it. So I'm thinking.
Well ... I laughed, maybe my life would be a little easier, like right now.
I basically don't like pain and  humiliating things, but on the other hand ... it makes my sexual side wake up ...

Summary ... Tight discipline, rules, and routines with tools and devices give me a sense of security and a steady life.... and the pain together with humiliation gives me satisfaction, even in a sexual sense.

Obviously, I'm not an ordinary wife - material, I sighed to myself.

I tried to adapt and rest. Behind the door there was only a mild radio music sound.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

It was difficult to realize the time inside the dark hood. Radio sounds and musical songs helped a little in it.
Sometimes it even felt like I fell asleep for a moment. I was happy that the hood was lightweight material, easy to breathe through.
In the end, I woke and heard the sound of the door lock.

I heard when they entered the room. One of them sat on my bed next to my head.
I knew it was Ilona because I heard a gentle sound that comes from her leather pants inside the lining. It's a great sound.
She was so close that her thigh was against my head. I tried  smell the leather scent.
A "normal" person would be terrified in this situation but what do I do? ... I try to sniff my tormentors leather! I was disappointed when I couldn't find a scent.
Ilona's hand was on my head. She pressed my face against her thigh. She clearly knew what I was thinking and teasing me more.

"We have discussed what happened" She said calmly "We didn't reach all the members of the Committee. That is why the final decision has been shifted to the future ".
"However, we have to leave here and go back to the south" she told me "but first you have to eat something".

She took hood off my head. It was nice to see something again. She was holding a plate with food. It seemed to be a dose of lasagne.
She nodded with a man who opened my gag strap,  before the ball was taken out of my mouth she took hand paper and made sure my saliva did not lie down on the bed nor on my clothes. She wiped my corners of the mouth and jaw.
"Thanks," I said, it was nice while she took care of me accurately.
"Ok, now eat your food," she took a piece of lasagna with a fork and brought it close to my mouth. I was surprised. I thought they would open my handcuffs etc and I could eat myself next to the table.
"Can't I eat like normal?" I cried "I don't want to be fed like an animal!"
"I also want to go to the bathroom" I said resolutely "I want the diaper out!

Ilona slap my face ... with an open palm. Hit was not hard but it shocked me. She has never hit me before. The slap wasn't tough , it just surprised me.
"Listen now!" She said very firmly, "Because your violent behavior is still in progress, you will be treated accordingly". She looked at me seriously, "You can still influence how this goes. If you behave well then this is much easier for you!"
"The animals eat from the floor, I try to feed you like a human ... what do you want?" She said angry "I can also put the dish on the floor and you can try eat there!"

Surprising things like slap to face and anger got me completely locked. I was in shock.
She saw me crying. "Ok Princess, pull yourself together! Sometimes life is hard," she said cruelly.

"Unlock chain from bed" Ilona said to the man "The princess must get to the bathroom now".
The man removed the chain and was going to help me stand up.
"No!" she said "stay on your knees. Use them and go to the bathroom".
I was so upset that I couldn't even cry any more.
I fought myself up and went out of the room. I heard how my legcuffs and chain dragged against the floor.  Slowly, I finally got to the bathroom. My knees were like fire. There was a big pain in my hands behind my back. On the way I watered more on my diaper.

"I don't want ..." I tried to say but Ilona stopped me.
"Quiet now, your right to speak has been denied now," she said.
She went to the shower place, I saw that she still had my food plate in her hand.
If you want to know how the animals eat ..." she moved the lasagne from the plate straight to the floor "you can try it here and now!"
"No ..." I tried to refuse, but she stopped me again.
"You have to behave now" she said with great patience "You eat your food, then we take out the diaper, wash you and prepare you for the trip. Simply, right?"

Ilona tied my hair behind my head. I had no options. I tried to lean down but I didn't reach for food. My corset and back chain between the collar and waistchain prevented it.
"Oh, c'moon! Help her on the floor," Ilona said to the man and he helped me on my stomach floor, Lasagne was in front of my face.
"Quickly now, princess, eat your food," she order "at the same time you can think about which animal you are."
Lasagne was already cold, it had been for a long time. But it was soft and easy to eat. I could only imagine what I look like, lasagna has meat, cheese and tomato sauce and other ingredients that spread around my face.
Fortunately, the dose was not big and I ate it completely.
She poured some water on the floor and said, "lick the water and clean the floor. There's still tomato."
The floor was smooth and clean material, it certainly washed every day. Yet this all disgusts me. This is very inhumane and humiliating. But still I did it.

"Help her up," Ilona said and the man did so.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I was horribly looking!
My face and chest were full of lasagna, red-brown and messy.
New fine sweater was completely ruined!
Tears fell on my cheeks, making grooves in my brown red cheeks.
Diaper was swollen because more urine had come, Tapes were tight.

"Well..." Ilona was next to me and watched me "What animal?"
Although I felt very humiliated I laughed "absolutely some kind of lizard!"
She looked at me surprised, "I thought same!"
"There are a lot of things in lizards and you now. You eat in the ground on your stomach, you eat messy, you are stubborn and offensive ... And like you, the lizard can also live in captivity in a closed space for long time".
"Can I say something?" I asked
She nodded.
"Please, do not call me a princess," I said, "It is not fair to real princess'
"What are you then, how you need to be named? " she asked.
"I am a prisoner, Its my status ,I'm used to it"

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"OK ... prisoner" she said "now go over the toilet seat and sit on it".
The man still held my collar chain in his hand. He led me to the seat. The diaper weigh a thousand kilograms when I sit down...
"Now, very calm," Ilona said, "We will unlock your legcuffs now and we will take your boots off .. Make sure that your movements are very calm".
The man gave my collar chain leash to Ilona. She kept it tight. I was a little laughing secret ... what could I do? My hands are still handcuffed behind my back, I have restrictive gloves and the like.
The man opened my left ankle cuff and took off my boot, including sock. Then he locked cuff again, Next same to right leg. I sat quietly and I wonder why Ilona is not doing it. Maybe because she has a corset and that's why it would be difficult for her, I don't know.

She gave my chain leash again to the man and took a towel. She watered the towel and wiped my face. She used some soap and wiped my face again.
"Much better now" she smiled "But the sweater is ruined, it can't be cleaned".
She took the scissors and simply cut the sweater off.
My handcuffs not opened.

She took thin, disposable latex gloves and put them in her hands.
"Now the important question," she looked at me, "you've done your poop in diaper?"
I was deeply shocked by the question "No!I have not pooped, Why would I have done so? "
She raised her shoulders ... "I don't know, but I had to ask".
She moved the vertical chain behind me and cut  diaper tapes open.
My crotch got wonderful fresh air! it was a wonderful feeling.
She took the diaper and dropped it on the floor. It was a heavy plump. Also, my new panties were cut off, it was sad to.
"wow ... you really had a great need to pee" she said.
"Now I suggest you that if there is even a small need to make a poop so do it now."
It sounded strange. Why I will not itself be able to decide on the matter?
Subject disgusted me but I still asked, "Why so?"
"Is this enough to blame?" She said and showed me the buttpug in her hand. It wasn't super big or otherwise shocking. It was a pumpable model with a long hose and a hand pump.
OK ... actually it wasn't a big surprise to me. It was a familiar thing, so I knew the rectum should be as empty as possible. Especially when I have to sit for a long time.
...There I sat and tried to think about that whether I need to or not.
Eventually, I got a little stuff out of me, it was not easy.
"all done?" Ilona asked and I nodded.
She wiped me clean.
"Now go under the shower so we wash you," she said.
The man helped me stand.
She took a hand shower and watered and washed my crotch area and legs, My vagina and anal hole received a very careful handling.
"You like this, don't you?" she asked.I nodded.  There was no reason to lie.
Also legcuffs were cleaned at the same time. She did not water the upper body or the corset.
Eventually, She dried me carefully.

When I was carefully dried, he took a small plastic bag, there were four pieces of rectangular patch.
I knew what they are. They were related to the treatment of electric shock.
She put one pair on my thighs, close to the crotch. Other couple came to the rear, to my buttocks, close to the anus.
She used the tape and secured them.
I was very quiet ... I thought that there will be a hellish journey to back home.
She patiently connected the thin wires to the sensors, and also secured the joints with tape.
Next, she lubricated the butplug and pushed it in, gently but firmly. She pumped it into the air and I felt like it expanded inside me. She took off the air a little. "just testing" she smiled.
She took a new product again, she lifted it close to my face. It was a vibrating vagina egg. It looked like a normal egg but had an electrical cord. It was a beautiful object.
She touched my vagina. Her fingers were inside me.
"You really want this, I see it here" she showed me her wet fingers, they were watered by me.
I pushed my hips forward "I really want this!"
Se put the egg inside me, It easily slipped in, I almost suck it didn't really feel anything, I was a little disappointed.

The man treated my feet with lubricant.
"Now we trust you very much" she looked at me and said "we open your legcuffs. Do not disappoint us! "
"I'm not doing anything" I promised, I was already a bit excited.
The man opened my cuffs and immediately put the rubber pants on my feet. They were the same pants as yesterday. Very tight and thick.
When they were in the knees he stopped dressing.
It was time to put a diaper. I wouldn't have liked it.
"Prisoner ..." Ilona said patiently, "You know that the diaper includes travel, it is not negotiable.
So the diaper came around me and rubber pants all over. The electric wires came out of the pants from the top of the waist, right side.
It was disgusting, but even it seemed to stimulate me.

"Sit back in the seat" this time the seat was closed. Sitting was now more difficult because of the tight rubber pants.
I got my boots and legcuffs back.
"Now your hands" Ilona said and the man opened my handcuffs. It felt great!
But the joy was short,  man locked my hand to the front, normally parallel this time.
"Get up, lift your hand up in front of you and lean on the wall," she ordered.
I did, she came behind me and began to tighten  corset's cords.
"Nooo ..." I shouted "Corset was good now, if it's tighter then it's painful to sit and travel a long time!"
"prisoner! She said strictly" You need to behave well "she tightened the corset more. She also adjusted corset shoulder straps.
Now that the corset was tighter, the waistchain had to tighten.

"Now we can move into your room," she said.
Eventually I again seated my bed and the collar chain was locked in the bed end.
"Lift up your feet" ... I did so "get up" ... the skirt was dressed up on me.
Man stepped on my hobblechain and opened my handcuffs. I got a new shirt on me, it had buttons on the front as always.
Ilona took the gloves off my hand.
At the same time, however, she put my old mittens in my hands, she tied them firmly.
Eventually I was dressed in my coat and my normal standart handcuffs were locked in my wrists and then to waistchain.
"Now you're waiting here," Ilona said, "We pack the car and move you to it when we're ready."

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The corset felt very tight and uncomfortable. I was already used to being looser.
It was deliberately loose only during the visit to make me more comfortable, I thought ... now we're back to normal.
Rubber pants were uncomfortable. When I was standing, they were basically tolerable, but sitting in them was difficult.
When my waistchain was tightened, the vertical chain behind the back between the collar and waitchain seems to be shorter. It forces me upright.
It is fascinating how quickly a human mind adapts to change. I had a little looser time for a moment, a few hours, and I immediately got it. Now the return to normal seems difficult.
I was happy that I got my normal handcuffs. There is a chain link between them so I can move my wrists.
Rigid handcuffs are very effective, their use is very restrictive, especially behind the back. They are also awkward in front.
I was happy that the handcuffs were not now locked in the waist. I knew that it was happening inside the car.
I looked at my mittens, they were tightly tied again. they tightened my fingers tightly into the fist. It was frustrating.
I was thinking about the gloves I had before. They were beautiful, looked "normal" and feminine outward.
Strict mittens are more practical than beautiful gloves, I understand it.

When I sat, I felt my buttplug. Or actually I feel the hose that was connected to it. It also came out of my pants on the right side of the waist. The hand pump was somewhere outside.
Egg inside my vagina I didn't even notice.
Believe me, I know how much stuff you can put inside a person .I've seen it. People can smuggle incredible quantities of goods inside the body.

The door opened and they entered the room.
"Are you ready to go?" Ilona asked.
It was a funny question .. what could I have answered? I sat there like a dog waiting.
Man unlock my chain and took it in his hand. Ilona helped me stand. I already had a stiff feeling, I wonder what it is after many hours of driving?

I walked like Daisy Duck between them towards the car that was in front of the door.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We quickly went to the car, no one outside could notice anything special. There were no people near.
Again the same routines, the man locked my legcuffs on the car floor and Ilona sat beside me on the back seat, to the right.
"This time we do things the right way," Ilona said. Se put the seat 4 - point belt on me. This time shoulder belts too, not just waistbelt like last time.
The man opened my handcuffs so that the normal seat belt of the car was properly closed. Then he locked the cuffs again. This time he also locked them tightly into my waistchain.
Ilona had additional belts for me. She put one around my upper body so that my arms were under it. The belt tightened tightly above my elbows and held my arms tightly on the body. The second belt came around the legs above the knees.
I was trying to sit so that there would be a gap between the seat back and my pelvis, then the seat belt might not be so tight.
"Nice try!" Ilona said and pushed me into the seat, she tightened the belts tight.
The belts were so tight that I felt it was difficult for me to breathe. Already the corset seemed like that.
"This is ridiculous!" I was trying to say "This makes no sense!"
"That should have been done every time" she said strictly "So you couldn't have done anything stupid!"
She looked at me "Basically what happened is our fault, we secured you poorly and nasty things happened. It doesn't happen again!"
"Basically it would be good if you had a ballgag and a hood but it could be seen outside. We don't do it, at least right now "she continued.

Eventually we were ready to go on the road.
I was sure I'll be crazy before we get home.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We drove out of the area, We came to the village center and I saw the house again where grandma lives. We drove silently past it and I knew that I would never come back here again.
Ilona saw that I had difficulties to control myself, my tears flowed down my cheeks. She left me with my own thoughts for a moment, we were all quiet.

We had been driving for a while when we turned to a bigger road, towards the south and to Helsinki.
I was still sad and in my own thoughts.

Ilona turned to me and search electric wires to my waist, a jacket and a shirt underneath.
It was well planned that all the wires and also hand pump hose came out of the rubber trousers on the right side of my waist. They were now directly accessible to her.
"How are you?" she looked at me with concern.
I still had tears in her eyes but I chuckled lightly, "I am alive, I know it because I feel the pain and discomfort everywhere."
"It's good that you feel alive," she said with a thought "It is not worth giving too much power to sorrow, its time is later".
She had a device in her hand, I knew what it was ... It is a controller for an electric shock device. She searched for four thin electrical wires on my waist and connected them to the controller.
I was very tense, I was waiting for feeling electrical pulses, but nothing happened. She lowered the control to the seat.
She took my buttplug hand pump in her hand, she looked into it and said, "I'm not really sure about this. As you may have noticed, the hose between the plug and the pump is longer than normal, it is also a stronger material. That's why so because the hose makes a long distance for you inside the tight rubber pants. Normal thin tube can shrink under pressure and may not work well ".
I felt this thicker hose every moment under my pants, it weighed my skin. I had already wondered about that strange feeling. Now I know it.
"Functionality can only be tested in one way now" I said quietly.
Ilona smiled at me "It's nice you're always so curious and experimental!"
She pressed the hand pump twice lightly. I immediately felt something in my rectum. Nothing shocking, but now I know it works.
"It works fine..." I said quietly
Ilona took the last item from my waist. It was a vaginal egg controller. She put the power on and the egg exploded inside me! It shivered and shook vigorously, I got scared of its abruptness. I scream for the surprise.
"hmmm, ok. Maybe I have to learn to adjust this ..." Ilona said with a smile. She snap power off.

She looked at me with a smile, "We have planned a travel game for you. Because we have many hundred kilometers of driving distance, the game goes like this: The driver measures the distance. I put power on your equipment, every 20 km I increase the volume, etc. It increases or changes every time. After 100 km there is a short break and then everything starts again. Doesn't it sound funny? ”
It sounded different. I was tense in a special way, maybe also anxious about the idea.
They always manage to develop different things. It's a nice variation in my dull everyday life even though it's sometimes hard

I looked Ilonaa serious, "I know why you are doing this."
"We do what?" she asked with astonishment.
"This is all ... an accusation of bad behavior, violence etc. It gives you a reason to humiliate me in many ways and make my life unpleasant. Hard and harsh handling and now this ... extreme trip back home "I looked at her serious" You do it because I could think of something other than grandma's illness and future death....You give me a lot of thought and experience so I can overcome the shocking visit with grandma."
Ilona looked at me and listened quietly. When I was finished she said "Well ... that was an interesting theory!"
She turned to the driver and said "tell me when we can start first 100 km session!"

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"You can start whenever you like, I adjust the odometer start from the beginning," the man said.
"Ok, that's good" Ilona said and looked at me "5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... and 0!" She clicked  power on  of the vagina egg.
I felt something but not much. She had set the intensity much lower. I pretended that the vibration was tough allready now, I knew it would be strengthened many times.
She looked at me with great interest. She pumped the air into my buttplug ... one full press. I felt how the plug expanded. It was mild but it immediately affected how I felt the vibration of the egg. A small change may seem like a lot.
She still looked at me closely. She took the electric impulse control device and clicked on the power.
"Let's see ..." she said thoughtfully and set the frequency of the first channel and then the intensity. My buttocks woke up. She set the device so that I felt mild, rhythmic pulses.
"This is a good start!" Ilona smiled at me.

"While you're warming up in it, we can talk seriously about a few things." Ilona said.
"There will be some changes in the work of the committee, they will not affect your life much, but maybe you should know about them." she was serious.
Now I'm worried. I don't like the changes. My life is based on stability.
"My activities in the Committee will change in the future. I'm moving out of this country.I have a great project I handle. I'm going to do it in company's product development facilities in Germany". She told.
This information got my mind confused. Ilona rarely participated in my meeting and activity. She was usually very accurate and correct in matters relating to me. Maybe that's why I was used to trusting her. She's distant but she still takes care of every thing ... and now she's leaving!
I got a big emotional reaction. Tears came again in my eyes. We were silent for a long time.
"You can't leave," I said quietly. You're the leader of the Committee, you can't just leave.
Ilona chuckled softly, "I am not the head of the Committee. None of us are, all five members are equal. You might have thought that I am the leader because I try to be consistent at all times. We all need to remember our role in life. I have basically three different roles. I am a career woman, I have a family and then there is the Committee. I have to try to combine them all and sometimes it is difficult."
"Will move your family to Germany with you?" I asked.
She strictly looked at me, "I was just talking about roles. What is your role and status?"
I confused ... "a prisoner, I'm a prisoner," I said quietly.
"That's right," she said firmly, "you're just a prisoner, and the prisoner does not need to know anything of my or anyone other families!" She was clearly annoyed.

We were quiet again until the driver said "20 km".

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Ilona increased the vibration of the egg strength,
I noticed the change and I overdo it again.
She also increased the intensity of electrical impulses in my buttocks. It gave the feeling that the plug would move back and forth in response to each pulse. It was a strange feeling. Otherwise, she let everything be unchanged.
We were quiet for a long time.
Finally, I asked, "Will the Committee now have a new member in your place?"
Ilona was now much calmer "There will be no new member in the committee, I will stay there as before" she looked at me, "Nothing will change, I'm still involved in all matters that concern you".
She looked at me "... and no, my family will not go with me to Germany, they will stay here".
I felt to be sad, it is unfortunate that people face divorce and move away. I would not have wanted that for her it happens. I didn't know what to say ... and if I said something she could get nervous again. I was uncertain.
Ilona saw my look, she saw that I am sad. Then she smiled at me.
"You don't have to be sad about my life, there is no reason for it," she said, "I move at the end of the month and work there ends at the end of July. Then I'll come back here and everything will continue normally."
"My manager wants me to work there for four months, then I'll come back to my normal job. That's it" She even touched my thigh her hand "Don't worry too much, my family will visit there and I'll visit here. It's just a two-hour flight and a short ride."
I was very relieved. Nevertheless, they are like my family and I want that my close people to have the best possible life.
"The biggest change is that you won't see me as often as now," she said. "Because my family is important, I'm with them when I'm here. It is a priority now. , like other members of the Committee, I see you every day as online surveillance cameras so the thing doesn't change.
Only the physical meeting will be reduced."
I think that Ilona is quite rare anyway been involved in meetings and sessions. In many cases, there are only two male members in the O-sessions.
Ilona thinking, "It may be good that I take a little distance from you and your daily life. You've come too close to me. It's not your fault, I allowed it to happen and it's not a good thing. "She thought. "We have to remember our position and status ... you're a prisoner and I'm one who controls you. It is not good that I would be too friendly feelings for you. It messes things".
She looked at me again "and you have a friend in the Committee, she always defend you as a lion mother ".
I had noticed a change in Ilona, she was usually very hard and determined in my relation, now I had noticed the softness in her behavior.
She is also right about another woman in the committee.  I know that she defends me and will do everything so that I have be all right. But we have a particularly strong bond that I can always rely on.
It would also be nice if Ilona was my friend ... on the other hand, I also understand that it is impossible.

"20 km" said the man again.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Ilona again increased the vibration intensity of the egg.
Now it started to feel real, I didn't have to pretend any more. She loosened belt on my thighs, now I was able to move my legs a little. It helped the matter, vibrating egg became more tolerable.
She chuckled, "Unfortunately, this vibration model is just a basic volume control, it would be nice if I could also adjust the frequency."
"I can only imagine what it feels like, I myself have not tested it" she said with a thought "Maybe I have to test it sometimes".
"Maybe you can take it with you when you go to German," I suggested, "It can be a nice partner for lonely nights."
"True!" she laughed "It's also a cheap partner. This egg is ordered from Wish China and its price is ˆ 4.90 ... In fact, your buttplug is on the same order, it cost the same. The better hose cost more than the plug itself. Maybe you can give them user experiences after this, they can appreciate it!"
She pressed the hand pump again and I felt how the plug expanded slightly inside me.
"Hmmm ..." she thought, "Maybe this is one of the professional you more ... of cheap sex toys test dummy!"
"You already have a lot of activity ... your image and video editing, leather product design, writing ... and now sex toy test dummy. You are a real multi-talent!" Ilona and the man laughed.
I wasn't sure she was serious, I didn't know how to deal with it.
It is true that I have a lot of activities, I'm happy about it. Daily work is normal photo and video work. I think that I am good at it, and I am also almost always reachable online.
Leather design has now been a bit slower, the manufacturer has other jobs and I sometimes have to wait.
There would be a lot of writing as well, I'm annoyed by the fact that writing my memoirs is not progressing. Some authors have used my experiences and knowledge in their work. It's nice when I can help them.
"There is one thing you should focus more on" Ilona said "your CaptiveGirl Forum".
She looked at me "The only thing that works there  is your diary. Many of the topics are completely without care now. In my opinion, it is a betrayal of members, they want a working entity, "she was serious "You have to focus more on it. First anniversary is coming and would be nice if it worked better then! "
It's true, Forum has not worked well, it was due to the difficulties in downloading images.
... has it been a year of operation, I wondered. Time passes quickly. I need to focus better.

"20 km" the man said ... we drove fast, I thought!

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Ilona took the electric shock controller and switched on the  channel two. My crotch area woke up. I felt subdued itching, she added power and I felt it better now. She looked at my reaction and then added more strength.
She added vaginal vibration again, it started to feel wild.
The intensity of electric shocks in my buttocks was also added. I felt like I was moving up and down in the seat even though I knew it was impossible because of tight belts.
I was tightly seated and I felt uncomfortable. I felt like I was getting sexually aroused.
I desperately wanted to move!
"Can you take the belt off from around my arms, I feel very uncomfortable and I would like to move my arms a little," I I begged "It's so tight that it's hard for me to breathe! "
"You know that I will not take it away," Ilona said and looked at me with interest, "and I'm already loosen your thigh belt".
Ilona looked at me. She took two different gags out of her bag.
"We're driving on motorway now, no one bothering us. I give you the opportunity to choose" She showed me the gags.
One was my ordinary ball gag and the other was a gag with perhaps a bigger ball, the ball continued like a penis and went deeper into the throat.
It was familiar to me, I hated it. It filled my mouth badly and irritated my throat, it did not trigger the gag reflex but was always close to it. And it caused uncontrolled drooling.
"If you choose penisgag, I'll adjust your upper body belt looser. Otherwise, you will use your normal gag and belt will not be adjusted" she looked at me "It's your decision."

She was cruel! Normal ball gag doesn't give me problems. I'm very accustomed to using it.
But I wanted that belt would be more loose, it was now very uncomfortable, especially when electric shocks increased.
"Penisgag is very uncomfortable" I appeal "it causes a lot of spit and I feel like I'm vomiting! I mess up myself!"
"Gag teaches you to focus and control yourself" Ilona said patiently, "and you will not mess with yourself if you swallow your saliva."
"You have to adjust the belt looser," I said with determination. I felt like I couldn't stand it anymore. I knew it was impossible to swallow all the saliva, I'd mess with myself but I didn't care anymore. I wanted the belt out!
Ilona raised the penis gag close to my mouth. "How long? I asked quickly" How long should I keep it? "
"Not a long time" she said and put the gag on my lips.
I opened my mouth and she pushed gag gently into my mouth, she gave my throat to get used to the new intruder. She took it back so I had time to get used to. I got a gag reflex but I didn't vomit out. It was very unpleasant. also humiliating.
Gag pushed my tongue down, eventually staying inside my mouth completely. Ilona tied the strap behind my neck. She brutally tightened it so that the gag penetrated even deeper into my mouth.
I knew what it was like but still I got a panic attack. I couldn't swallow anything. I felt like I couldn't breathe!
Ilona had a hand towel and she patiently cleaned my mouth and chin.
"Calm now" she said calmly, "you know what this is going to do. When you focus, you can breathe through your nose quite well" She looked at me decisively, "You have to calm down, then I can adjust the belt looser, not before!"

It was very difficult for me to curb myself, I felt like she was cheating on me! She promised to adjust the belt if I take the penisgag ... now she says she can't do it before I calm down!
I was trying to curb my panic and irritation.
Because of the belt, I can't breathe and the gag prevents me from breathing also ... I should calm myself and focus on breathing through the nose but it felt overwhelming.
Basically, I have experience with this in the past. A similar situation. Then I lost my consciousness, and when I came to my mind, I breathed "normally".  I was relaxed and I could breathe well through my nose. Even then, the gag was not taken out of my mouth.
So I tried to relax, it was difficult but I knew I had no other option.
I finally managed to do that, sometimes it seemed that I lost my consciousness but it didn't happen, at least I didn't notice it.
I could breathe through the nose. I looked at the joy and tried to say something but it didn't work. Only vague sound came from somewhere.
Ilona wiped my face and chin, she smiled at me "You went far before you relaxed, it could have been easier":
I noticed now that the torso belt was looser now. Maybe I was a moment unconscious.
The looser belt did not really affect anything. I was still tight in the seat. But I was able to breathe slightly better.

"20 km" driver said.

"OK, are you ready for the first leg culmination" Ilona asked.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Ilona watched me and smiled thoughtfully.
"You just got the first orgasm, you may not even have noticed it in the middle of a panic but I see you enjoy it" she said, "Now we're raising it to a whole new level!"
She pumped more air into my buttplug, I felt how it expanded. It immediately changed the feeling of a vibrating egg in my vagina. It also made sitting more uncomfortable.
She added an electric shock stimulation in my bum. The plug's backward impression increased, it felt already painful.
Likewise, she added stimulation to my crotch area, she changed a different frequency and increased the intensity.
Next, she adjusted the vagina egg power.
"Unfortunately, the power of the egg is now maximum," she said disappointed, "We have to settle for this ... but don't worry, we can increase the electrical stimulation if it is necessary! "
I had already come crazy, I tried to cry and scream but the result was just splashing saliva and muffled noise.
I tried to fight against the belts, but it was hopeless. I was effectively attached to the seat.
Because my arm belt was looser now I was able to move my hands a little. But my wrists were effectively attached to my waist chain, they had very little movement. My tight mittens prevented the use of my fingers but still tried to do something.
I was hoping that I could have done something egg in the vagina but it was impossible.
The thigh belt was loose, I was able to move my legs a little. Very little but still.
My head moved without control, it was the only thing that was not limited.
Ilona pushed my head toward the headrest of the seat. She wiped the spit from my face and chin.
"You have to stop fighting," she said, "you hurt yourself when you do that."
"Sit back and enjoy riding," she said "I have to tie your head if you continue like that."
I tried to concentrate but again the head movement started again. It was the only thing I could do, I couldn't stop it!
"OK" said Ilona and took her own scarf. She tied it over my face to the headrest of the seat. Now my head was tightly tied, I couldn't move it.
I also felt how she tightened my thighs belt, very tight. It immediately affected the feeling in the vagina, the vibration now felt much stronger!
Finally, she tightened the belt around my upper body.
The real panic came again! now even stronger!
The scarf in front of my face was a thin fabric, but it still restricted breathing through my nose. In addition, it got wet in my saliva and became more and more difficult to breathe.
I was totally helpless even though I tried to fight my best.

Then it came ... massive orgasm, in many waves.
I no longer understood anything. All went black.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

When I was able to think again, I noticed that I didn't have a gag in my mouth anymore. Also the belts of the upper body and thighs were loosened.
No vibration or electrical impulses. I didn't feel buttplug though I knew it was still there.
I was exhausted and tired but also relaxed.
"You're really something ..." Ilona said and looked at me.
She lifted a bottle of water on my lips so I could drink. My mouth was very dry now ... maybe all my saliva had run out. My throat felt sore.
"You're getting used to the rougher and harder Orgasm sessions, where does the limit go? "she asked," Do you always need something new and harder to achieve the goal? "
I'm thinking, "It's not going to be so, every time it's different. It is also affected by emotion and other circumstances. Even if things do the same, I can feel everything different. This journey has been very important to me mentally. Yesterday's surprising start to the journey, a long and difficult trip here ... sauna and cold snow. I reached in the first orgasm already yesterday."
"Grandma's meeting was tough but at the same time it gave me a chance to let go of the thoughts. I am grateful to you." I continued "Then my alleged violence and the ensuing happens and humiliation, it was all well planned and made me forget my grief" I smiled tiredly "You surprised me."
Ilona looked at me seriously, "Maybe something had been planned in advance but still charge you the violence is still valid. We not planned it".

I didn't fully believe what she said. The happens and allegation of my attempts to do something violent were completely ridiculous. They need to understand it!
"That's the thing that needs to be dealt with thoroughly," she said, "because we can't arrange the committee meeting right away, you have to wait for it. Until then, you will remain under special surveillance and your restraints and control practices will also be added. We'll give the guards more instructions about it . At the same time we will return to the old behavior an the rules. They've been away for a long time, maybe it's the cause of your disobedience. You clearly need a discipline and a clear line of practice! "
I was very surprised and disappointed at the same time. Returning to the old rules makes my life much more difficult again.
I thought bitterly that now my guards are happy. They are empowered to make my life more difficult.
On the other hand, I thought it was only temporary, the Committee understands that this is a misunderstanding.
But now I have to endure the changes so things don't get worse ... If I do not manage myself now, it can affect the long time of my life.
"But why ..." I started but Ilona quickly interrupted me.
"What I just said ..." she said seriously "Your behavioral rules are valid from this moment, it also applies to speech and respect for others!"
I knew what that meant. I have to ask for permission if I want to say something, I always have to answer questions. I can't talk to them like before. That is, in my opinion, a foolish subjugation. But in a way I also understand the importance of discipline.
My tears came to my cheeks. The change came as suddenly, I couldn't wait for it even though she had already mentioned it before.
I liked the fact that she was kind to me, now she again changes everything.
I no longer had a good and relaxed feeling. I hated that I was tightly seated in the car seat. I hated that my legs were locked in the car floor. I didn't like my hands being locked firmly on my waist and I sat tightly on the 4-point harness.
And before all, I hated my rubber pants. they were very distressing, they felt cold but still my feet were sweaty ... and I think my diaper was wet.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We drove a long journey in silence.
I was annoyed and I was sad. There's been a lot of mood swings on the way and it's hard.
I wonder what the enhancement of security and special surveillance means in practice ... I already live a heavily controlled life.
I felt stressed but I didn't want to ask for permission to speak, I was silent.

"I think you have rested enough now" Ilona said, "We will start a new session, it is basically similar to the recent one."
She switched the electrical impulses on my crotch area. The frequency and rhythm were now different from the last one.
She pumped again air into my plug and I felt it swell.
"We can leave the vaginal egg first adjustments now so you don't have to pretend to me," she said, looking at me.
"It is a pity that you have all those clothes and outfits on you" she wondered "it would be nice if I could simultaneously manipulate you externally. Treat your clit and give manual processing ... But your diaper and rubber pants will prevent it, too, allready just a skirt is a problem."
I could feel the electrical impulses, they were now mostly annoying. But I knew where it was going, I was trying to gather strength for the future.

"Now we have a good time to think about how to improve your security, while at the same time it is important to ensure the security of guards and others under all circumstances" Ilona said, thinking "We are still shocked that you could act violently."
"I am not ..." I started but I remembered the rule "Ma'am, Sir ... I didn't try anything banned! I just tried to change position! You must believe me!"
Ilona looked at me thoughtfully, "I would like to believe you, but the thing has now progressed so far that it needs to be carefully studied and dealt with. You know the rules ... Just a quick move can be thought of as violent behavior."
"Now that the Committee is thinking about what has happened, we have to make sure that it does not happen again.That is why we need to think about additional ways to improve security. " Ilona looked ahead and thought.
"I will suggest that we add some chains that control you for daily use " She thought.
She looked at me "You don't have a collar chain used now in the daytime?"
I felt lousy.  Chain that comes from the top of the roof rail and locked in my collar hasn't been in use for a long time, She knows it because she sees me on the surveillance camera every day, why does she even ask it?
That chain was impractical, it weighed on my neck and it wasn't safe ... It wasn't enough up to the floor, so if I fell, it might have hurt me badly.
It initially was changed so that it was locked behind my waist but even that is now out of use.
The use of a chain / roof rail is somewhat impractical. If there is only one guard then it is justified, but two guards can work without it.

"You now have only one fixed chain  in  day-time  cell. A chain between the cell wall and your hobblechain. It's a good chain because it prevents you from reaching the cell door. Otherwise it won't limit you. I suggest that in the cell will also come a chain between the wall and your waist. It is locked on a wall, in a different place than another chain and behind your back to the waist. So it's as secure as possible" She looked at me, "and the chain between the roof rail and your collar will be introduced again."
This is all too much! Already one chain takes the weight of the truck and now they would be three! They are heavy steel chains! It's absurd. I was speechless.

"You need your hands because you work on a computer. We can still use handcuffs with a long chain. The chain runs behind your back. You will have a new steel belt for your waist. It is 4 to 5 cm wide and features O-ring sides.
The chain of handcuffs passes through the O-rings. This makes it easy for the guards to control your hands. The chain can be easily tightened and locked with one lock so that your hands are tight on your sides, against the O-rings.
However, the chain is so long that normal handcuffs can also be used in front, then a long chain behind you will prevent you from lifting your hands up. simple and easy."

She thought more about "Maybe other day routines must be reorganized as well. Your morning- and  evening activities, as well as toilet visits, are a risk. They need to be made safer.
That's why you have a shower three times a week, not every day like now. You also use a diaper so you  need only two toilets a day. "

I didn't say anything, I just cried silently.
She has planned everything carefully.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"There are also other issues in this regard need to think again," the driver said "For example, outdoor activities and its practices. It has many steps that can be made more secure."
Ilona switches the power on an egg in my vagina, vibration was quite hard at the beginning.
"Maybe we can make use of the cages that have been made for you," the man continued "Now they are not used, it would be good to use them".
"Good idea!" Ilona said in excitement, "Your contract are a few rights that we are committed to follow. For example, everyday outdoor activities, health and good food, the opportunity to work, clothing, etc ... they are the basics. But we can still tighten practices, outdoor cage is a good idea! "
She continued to think "If you are locked in a cage inside a building before leaving. There are wheels underneath the cage so you can be pushed out into the yard for an hour. You are always in maximum security and the work of the guard becomes easier.
Sounds like a good idea!"
"Cages can be used at the same time," the man said " prisoner is properly locked in a small Pichard cage and it's all inside a bigger cage. Then it's pushed out."
"In the yard, on the wall of the house,  can be installed the locking points so that the cage can be locked into the wall. Perhaps even more so that cages cannot be opened outside building in any case" he continued.

Inside car was quiet again, only the radio sound.
I thought ... All those plans seemed awful.
It would mean I couldn't walk outside, not even sitting on the bench. I would be forced on my knees inside a small cage.
If Pichard Cage had been in use, my hands and elbows would be sorely behind me and I would be tightly folded on my knees. It would be a very bad hour.
I was terrified of this plan but I was also surprised because I noticed that it somehow also aroused me.

Ilona switched the electric impulses on my buttocks, the same familiar pulse rhythm started pumping my buttocks again.
In my opinion, it was not enough time to go, but maybe I was wrong, it was hard for me to think sensibly.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"What does the prisoner think of these plans?" The man asked and looked at me through the mirror.
I didn't answer anything ... I didn't know what to say.
"You were asked a question!" Ilona said and looked at me.
I was very embarrassed and stressed out, "Sir, I do not know. I think that all of the plan is unnecessary because I did not do anything forbidden!".
They didn't care about my answer.
"Of course, we must also discuss with the guards" Ilona thought "They are experts in your daily life. They may also have practical ideas on how to increase your security and control".
I was sure the guards had some opinions. We are not friends, and I know that they think my life is too easy ... I'm like a princess, they often say. Now if their power is increased, my life is not easy. Tears came again on my cheeks.
Ilona saw that I was crying.
"You have to remember that the guards don't do anything arbitrary" she told me "All things carefully planned and they act as prescribed. They do as the Committee orders, nothing else. All this is just for safety, it is in everyone's interest. "
This all was  so absurd that I wanted to scream but still I was quiet, I was trembling with rage.
Ilona noticed my irritation and tightened my upper body belt. It seemed as terrible as last time but at the same time it gave me a strange feeling... It was like a tight hug that calmed me down.
She looked at me "Do you want to say something?" she asked.
I turned my head, I had nothing to say.
"Ok" she said and picked up the penisgag "Because you don't want to talk, you can take the gag again, open your mouth!" She ordered.
I didn't want it but I knew I had no choice. I swallowed and opened my mouth. She gently put the gag on my mouth, she let me get used to it and finally tightened the strap buckle tightly. I did it better than last time.
The car was moving steadily forward. The journey was still long.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The journey continued steadily. I tried to concentrate but it was difficult.
My thoughts about the future were cruising in my head. Thoughts were vague because I was also sexually aroused.
It was a very unreal situation.
I tried to think about what I am ... I'm a weird freak who enjoys sexual discomfort and irritation. At the same time, I also hate everything.
The saliva spilled from my mouth, it came to my jaw and dropped on my shirt, above the breast. I felt the shirt was wet. It disgusted me.
Ilona pumped more air into my buttplug, it expanded clearly, at the same time feeling of vagina egg vibration  increased.
I felt how my excitement grew all the time.
Ilona tightened the belt on my upper body, then on the thighs. I was completely stuck again and very close to orgasm.
I could see she took her scarf again. I was panicked and I thought that I do not need that I headscarf now, I'm calm, my head does not need to tie a scarf!
I tried to tell it to him but he didn't want to understand.
Finally, the scarf was tightly around my head and headrest, I felt my nose flattened under  already wet scarf.
I was trying to be calm but I was also very excited.
Eventually, I let the orgasm come. It came again in the waves. It wasn't as explosive as the first time, but still very strong.
I got an orgasm, I hoped the session would end but it didn't happen. She increased the vibrator's power and made me crazy again! I think she also made the power of electric shock stronger.
I was completely under her control and finally everything was dark again.
When I got back again I noticed that the scarf was gone. Gag was still in my mouth, it was uncomfortable but I had learned to accept it. I knew I could breathe.
Belts were still tight around me.

Ilona looked at me "OK, you're back here" she said "we have to buy fuel for the car. We go to the gas station, it's an automated station and we hope there's no other cars there.This car has lightly shaded glasses but you have to behave well. If someone outside looks at you, everything must look normal. Do you understand?"
I was very tired ... I nodded while I was wondering how I can look normal if I have a tight gag in my mouth?
My thought was useless because she took the gag out of my mouth. She used a scarf and wiped my face.
"Outside is already dim so I'm not worried" she said "but you have to be careful now!"
We arrived at the gas station, the automatic pump had no other cars.
The driver got out of the car and made a credit card payment. He came next to the car, took a gaspistol and started refueling.
A car came to our side. There was a family in the car, the mother sat in the front seat and the kids in the back seat. The man got out of the car and went to pay.
Ilona put the scarf on my hands so that the handcuffs can't be noticed.
"Don't look out" she ordered "look at me all the time, I want to see your eyes!"
I did, I understood why I had to do that. I could have the opportunity to attract attention but now it was impossible. I followed the commandments.
They were so close that I could hear the children's conversation!
It felt humiliating and tears came from my eyes, I continued to look at her.
The driver got refueled, he say a few words with another tanker and sat in the car.
"Eyes towards me all the time..." Ilona reminded me.
The driver started the car and drove off the refueling area.He sighed deeply and said, "It was quite exciting! I think I need a cigarette now".
"Not yet," Ilona said, "Now we will continue our journey normally and maybe we will stop at the next gas station, etc. Everything must look normal."

to be continued...



Diary report has long breaks.
I am sorry about that. I have had some difficulty writing it.
It is because of that my days is tiny changes, another reason is that I am focused to a writing project.

The writing project is with a working group. It is a very difficult job because it greatly touches my own life and has raised great spiritual feelings.
The story tells (surprise) kidnapping, imprisonment, bondage and slavery training but it also has a great and sad love story.
It has a different starting point than in my own life but very much the same things, so it's perhaps mentally hard for me.
One writer resigned from the group because he felt it was too heavy for me but I want to continue.
It hurts but at the same time it also liberating.
...Maybe this work fits my masochistic spirit ...

Anyway, I'll continue with the diary report that's in progress.
This was only an interim notice.


I wish a good and happy spring for everyone!



A new month, the beginning of June now.

I have had some difficulty maintaining the forum and diary.
Some of you know that I was accused of bad, even violent behavior.
It led to changes in my daytime routine and many other practices. That also limited my web activity.

Now (finally) the Committee has dealt with this issue and made a decision.
The Committee concluded that I had done nothing wrong, the whole thing was a misunderstanding that grew too big.

The waiting time for the solution has been very long, difficult and hard.

My prisoner's status rose to a new level. It wasn't "Max Security" as usual, it was "High Level Max Security".

It's very hard because I knew that I did not deserve it.

I was informed about the decision yesterday but the security level hasn't been lowered yet. I'm waiting for it.

I love to get back to my normal life and rhythm again.
High Level Max Security crushes human mind and health, I do not recommend it to anyone.

I missed many things because of that, but I hope I will get all the things back to work.

Thank you to everyone who contacted me during this terrible time.

I love you!

Miisa, prisoner



It happens again.

I have already told you the person who harass me continually.

There was a time when he is  was calm but now this disturbed man has come back again.

He has already sent me nearly 400 emails or other messages this year.

He demands that the Committee would arrange for him the same kind of life as I have.
Sometimes he demands that I go to him to Britain.
Sometimes he thinks the Committee should build a prison for him here (The Committee does not do such things).

Every day, many messages, his thought may change in every message.

He is a very disturbed, unstable man. His writings have become very aggressive.

I am blocked him my social network, but e-mails he sends several times a day.

The newest thing is that he threatens me because he makes a statement to the police and authorities about my lifestyle.
It's a ridiculous threat because we're not doing anything illegal.
Lawyers and authorities here already know about me and my life.
It has been found legal because this is a free country and this is my choice.

However, this unstable person greatly complicates my life.

I know the identity and residence of that aggressive man, but I would not want to make any official action against him.

This is very sad, what can I do?



I think you should keep writing. The committee should deal with this problem.



I will continue to write.
After a trip (whose report is not ready) I have had changes in my daily life.
My normal life and rhythm have not yet come back, everything has been more difficult.
This time has been a kind of "refresher instruction" of what is real max security,
I hope everything will return to normal soon.



After a long break I can continue to write my travel report.

a continuation of the previous writing

We continued our journey. The family at the gas station apparently hadn't noticed anything unusual.
I still understood the driver's reaction and tension, he really needed a cigarette break.

The car stopped at the next resting place and the driver got out of the car. He walked around the car with a cigarette in his hand.
I was tired. I was very satisfied with sex but it was very hard physically.

"You know John / Joanna Green?" Ilona suddenly asked me, "What kind of relationship do you have with him?"

JG-Leathers is a highly respected person in the fetish and bdsm world. I appreciate his life's work which is very large.

"Ma'am, we have no actual relationship," I said, "I know his writings and art, I admire them".
"Have you been in contact with him?" she asked.
"We've been discussing sometime long ago" I said "it was before I moved to my new place. You and the Committee know it. I understant that he also talked with the Committee".
I remembered that, JG-leathers had made a big impression on me. I felt he knew my thoughts. He also appreciated my life and did not question it in any way.
He travels around the world and he wanted to come to visit me too.
I was very excited about meeting him.
He talked to the Committee, I don't know exactly what happened.
Eventually I moved to a new location and my Max Security rules came into use.
Maybe because of this the visit never came, He didn't contact me anymore and I didn't dare to do it.
I don't know what happened between the Committee and him. Perhaps the Committee did not want us to be in touch.
It's sad, I liked him.

The driver sat in the car again and the journey continued.
Ilona told the driver about the topic of the discussion.
"You know his writings, what do you think of them?" Ilona asked me.

I'm thinking about that.
"I like several of his books, I can identify with the character of the books" I'm thinking "But the stories progress so that they become impossible. No one can live in such a controlled life as the main characters. That would be impossible."
"But there are a lot of the same elements in your life," the driver said. "You have contacts with normal life and the ordinary world but still your living environment is very similar to what JG-Leathers says in books."
I was wondering, he was right. I had never thought about it so closely.
At the same time, I was struck by a strange idea ... whether he, JG-Leathers; somehow involved in my life?
I thought more, I compared my life to his writings.
I found a lot of similarities, I had just considered them as stories and I could not combine them into my life.

Is he part of the Committee? Is he an advisor / expert to the committee? If so, does he see my surveillance cameras every moment? Who else can look at them?
Thousands of thoughts collided in my head, I was too tired now...

The idea that he would follow my life did not shock me, actually that thought seemed good and safe. As I said before, I liked him.

"Ma'am, sir ... I am now very confused," I said, "what am I supposed to think? Tell me, if he's involved in my life?"
Ilona did not reply, she focused on her mobile phone, she sent and received messages.
"Perhaps the thing is that we too have read those same stories" driver laughed "maybe we just have used some ready-made ideas for you".

Ilona looked at me, "I have now been in contact with the guards and some other peoples , they will make some changes and additions to your living environment even now. Everything is not enough time to get ready, the next few days made more".
I was shocked, I didn't understand why the changes were made. I cried and tried to ask it.
"You have to understand that we have to be extra careful" Ilona said "when there is a suspicion of dangerous / violent behavior, etc. we have to react".
"The blacksmith is now doing some things right now, we also have new things to make sure you sleep safely, for example, you get a new hood that is much more restrictive than the current ones. You have to remember that our purpose is not to hurt you. When you adapt to new restrictions, you will notice that everything is for your safety".

I didn't understand what this all meant.
Will my life be more like JG-Leather stories? Why did they talk about it now?
At the same time I felt how the vibrator in my vagina came alive again.
I was tired and I might not have wanted a new Orgasm session but at the same time I was excited about what I had heard.
I was ready for a new session ...

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Session proceeded as before, basically everything was the same, but now my mind and thoughts were confused.
I had many JG-Leathers stories in my mind: CHAINED CONVICT FOR LIFE (The Biography of Sabrina), Controlling Christine, Diblomatic Immunity, desired deep Slavery and many other stories.
The idea of them raised my excitement to a new level. It was very special!

Ilona said that there are changes in my living environment ... what does it mean?
We have an agreement that I have some "freedoms" in my life, that means being able to work online, an almost free social network online. Certain people can also visit me.
Many small things that mean a lot to me.
I can also use "normal" clothes even though leather clothing is a kind of uniform for me, I like it, it is also important to me.
But now that I think, I have troublesome rubber trousers forced to me ... diaper too. Is it my future? What else is coming?

The session continued step by step. I tested and I struggled against my restraints, it is abnormal to me. Usually I try to adapt to everything.

Finally, I was tightly tied, unable to move ... I had a horrible gag in my mouth, a wet scarf on my face ...
And I got an explosive, shaking and hot orgasm that seemed to take me to unconsciousness.

"wow ... ok" said Ilona and looked at me with interest "Now you really surpassed yourself, it's hard to imagine that anyone could do this better!

I was completely sweaty, I was shaking, my thought didn't work, I was really empty now.

And I was still tightly bound.

Ilona took the gag out of my mouth, the saliva flowed upon me, but I did not care.
"Can you adjust my restraints" I asked quietly "even a little?"
She wiped my face and said seriously, "I can't do it, you know it. But this was your last orgasm today. Now try to rest and calm yourself".

She gave me water. The car continued to travel steadily, I may have fallen asleep

to be continued...



A brief update

Some of peoples have asked if I'm okay.

Everything is basically alright even though I can say this has been a very unpleasant time.

Here is something big changes, I have a lot of new constraints.
This has been sort of a "retraining" and a reminder of who I really am ... my role and status.

I think that this takes time maybe the end of July. After that, I hope my normal routines return.

This thing first made me angry and sad, but as always, I got used to it.
Now I have a dream that everything will be back to normal.

During this time my restraints have been added a lot.
My clothes are uncomfortable and bad material.
Hygiene is reduced and even the food is different.
I can do my work online but I can't, for example, listen to music or watch movies.
Outdoor time is very strict, controlled and limited, it's like torture. My night time also.
My guard often said that I live like a princess... I'm definitely not a princess anymore.
Even Hannibal Lechter did not live in such strict supervision and prison.

When this is over, I learned my lesson and I live again in my normal life.



After a long break I can continue to write my travel report.

a continuation of the previous writing

I woke up again, maybe I was asleep, maybe not. I do not know.
My feeling was uncomfortable and anxious.

Ilona was still sitting next to me, the car went forward, the radio played soft music.
She dealt with the phone, read something and sent text messages, may have chatted with someone.
"oh, you're awake again" she said "welcome back" She gave me water.

"I have talked with some members of the Committee and informed your  guard's on the new rules and arrangements regarding you" She looked at me, "I have also spoken of what you told the guards behavior towards you. They know now that we do not accept arbitrary action".

I was horrified ... if my guards now know that I have complained about them ... If my position now becomes tighter, they will be able to punish me easily!

"Is there something you want to discuss?" Ilona asked.
"I didn't ..." I started but then I remembered the behavior rule "Ma'am, I haven't done anything wrong, I don't need any changes and tightening in my life, I'm not dangerous and I can behave, I ..."
Ilona raised her hand quickly and interrupted me, I was afraid she would hit me but it didn't happen.
"That topic has already been dealt with and cannot be changed. It will be dealt with when it's time and until your security level has been raised, you must accept it!" She was almost angry with me "By doing this you only make things even harder for you".

"Let's play mind game now ..." she said "you have sometimes said that amputation is the ultimate way to limit a prisoner" She looked at me with interest "Can you tell me what you think about it?"
This is horrible, I was very upset about this!
It is true that I have sometimes thought about it, I've even written about it a little bit.
At the same time, however, I noticed that it still interests me. Not really in reality, but the idea even makes me excited.
I thought for a long time, Ilona was very patient and waited.
"if a prisoner's legs are amputated, she can't run away ..." I said quietly "... if her hands are gone, she can't fight back."

The driver listened to us and asked "if the prisoner has no hands, do she need restraints anymore?"
The question was shocking! I noticed how frightened I was at the idea.
I knew the discussion was just general, but still I thought to myself in that situation. I need my hands! I work on them and love them even though they are often limited.
I also thought there was a wide variety of amputations.
If my fingers can be amputated, then the situation would be almost like I have now, mittens in my hands, or my arms can be completely removed ... or something in between.
Thoughts ran wild in my head.
"Answer his question," Ilnoa said.
I was still wondering what I was saying but eventually I was saying what I was thinking.
"Sir, Ma'am. Amputation does not prevent the use of restraints. Restraints are for everyone's safety and make the prisoner easy to control."
Ilona nodded approvingly "Can you reasoned it," she asked.
"Prisoners must have legirons. They reassure her and thus prevent stupid things from happening in advance."
I'm thinking "collar and waistbelt is a good thing for the prisoner's safety. Between them is a vertical chain behind the prisoner's back, it is easy for the guard to support and move the prisoner from one place to another."
"well-reasoned" driver said "what about the lockout policy ... can a prisoner be free in cell?"
I think again, "a prisoner must have chains that prevent her from reaching the cell door. It has a very great calming effect."

I felt a little insane because I felt excited about this thinking.

"What about feet?" the driver asked "What if  legs are amputated?"
"It makes the guard's job easier," I said, "a prisoner can be moved in a wheelchair if it's needed. Hands and torso attached to a chair. Hands can be released but still the prisoner is locked in a wheelchair ..."
The man looked at me through the mirror "So that would be a good arrangement for you too?"
I was upset again, I was stupid when I started talking about this.
"What about the cell and night time?" he asked.
"The prisoner must be secured and protected at all times and in all circumstances," I said quietly.
"It always means chained and locked in cell and night time to bed, "he said.

I felt very anxious now, I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

But the man continued, "what about the final scenario ... all the limbs are amputated. What would that be like then?"
"It wouldn't change the practice" I said quietly "Even then the prisoner should have a collar and maybe a waisbelt who could lock in the bed, wheelchair etc. It would be mainly for the prisoner's safety otherwise she could fall or something."
"Even then, there would have to be chains that prevent her from moving in cell, even if it was almost impossible physically. And she would have to be in a locked cell?"
"If she is a prisoner then yes" I answered quietly.

Inside the car was quiet, only the silent music was on the radio.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I kept my eyes closed, I was trying to sleep, or at least I tried seems to be sleeping.
I knew the terrifying topic of discussion was only theoretical, but it still excited me. Get excited scared me because it was abnormal, sick even to me.
Still, I thinking of different scenarios in my mind. I thought through things in great detail.

If there was a case for me to be amputated, I'd wish it was my legs. The movement of my feet is already limited so it would not be such a bad option.
Of course, it would be possible to remove one leg, but for some reason I think of both legs.

I still tried to think clearly.
An important factor would also be how high the amputation is made.

Even ankle / lower leg amputation prevents walking normally. In the case of only one foot, in a special case the prosthesis will "normalize" the situation. Then, by removing the prosthesis, the prisoner is effectively restricted. This would slow down the prisoner and make her easily manageable.
It would eliminate the use of leg restraints? I think not ... restraints / chain still needed in order to be sure that the prisoner is secured.

I thought to myself in this option. I could have an easy-to-use prosthesis for short transition walks. At the final site (eg my desk, bed) the prosthesis is removed, making my movement difficult. Still, one foot needs a legcuff that can be locked in a convenient place.

If both legs had lower amputation, the use of anklecuffs would be impossible.
Then it would be perhaps the shackles of the thighs ... it would require perhaps waistbelt which descend vertical chains down to the thighs, they would thigh bands at the correct height.
Between the thighs would be a short chain that would prevent their movement.
Of course, this type of shackle can be used anyway. It is also easy to hide under the skirt.
If both legs are  amputated, it is good if the prisoner is fastened to the chair during work. For example, This can be used waistbelt lock.
It's safety for the prisoner.
In this case, the prisoner's hands may be free to work, etc. Of course handcuffs and chains are used when needed, for example when moving from one place to another.
If the amputation is made higher, above the knee or even higher, I would think that a wheelchair is the best option.
The prisoner can then be locked in a wheelchair using belts or steel straps.
When the chair is in the correct position, the wheels can be locked so that the prisoner cannot use them or the chair can be locked to the floor.
With this mindset, I would be able to continue my daily work as a prisoner.

In my opinion, the far more terrifying idea is that my hands are gone.
Then I wouldn't be able to work. I can still imagine having all my lower restraints, corset, collar and my backchain.
I could stand, sit, walk for a little while ... but I couldn't do anything sensible because I wouldn't have hands ...
Actually, it's such a scary thing that I don't want to think about it.

But there's a worse scenario ... all the limbs amputated.

A prisoner would be like a vegetable ... locked in a bed or chair, inside a cell or cage.
She could do nothing but wait for  to be cared for and time to run out. That would be the maximum life sentence.

I am happy that all this is only a theoretical fantasy.
Now, at least I know all my limbs because of the long travel time that tortures them.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We turn off the highway, distance to home was left perhaps 30 km, slightly smaller, normal road.

I was amused when I thought of "home" ... But it is home for me, the place where I was safe.
Isn't that the attribute of home? There are many kinds of homes, my home is a prison.
Ilona looked at me, "I informed the guards on that we are coming after 20 min" she said, "They are waiting for you in the new security classification, you also get something to eat before evening routines begin with".
I just realized it was already evening ... the whole day had gone so I hadn't thought about time, it was already dark outside.
I was a little scared. I didn't know exactly what was going to happen when we arrived.
My life is based on routines and things that are almost always the same. Now there are changes going on and I was sure they wouldn't be nice.
I was also bothered by the fact that the guards knew I had complained about their behavior. I was sure they would secretly punish me for it.

"We haven't completed all the changes, the schedule was too fast," Ilona said, "within a few days everything is complete and you can begin to adjust to a higher level of security"
She looked at me seriously "we have also been discussing that now is the opportunity to have some sort of retraining at the same time ... You must always remember your position and status, so this time of investigation will also give you an opportunity to experience what a prisoner's life would be like with permanent stricter practices. "
I didn't fully understand what she was saying. Ilona saw my confused expression.
"You have lived a well-spoiled life inside your prison. You have also tried to influence yourself by manipulating the guards and the Committee" She was serious
"now we are spending this time so that you understand what your life would be like if everything was tougher and more uncomfortable."

I tried to concentrate, but I felt tears flow down my cheeks. I tried to hold back but eventually I burst into tears.
"I don't understand ..." I started but then stopped because it would be useless.
I assembled myself, it was difficult but in the end I said "My friend is coming to visit me, it has been agreed a long time ago, the Committee has approved it. Is it still possible?"
"It's not possible now," Ilona said seriously, "The visit must be rescheduled, it is possible if you have been found innocent.
But since you are retraining, a visit may be possible not earlier than August, perhaps September. It depends entirely on you your behavior "She continued," ... I'm sorry about this but it is necessary because of the training, you are now isolated from all physical meetings. Your internet behavior will also be changed so that you are mainly allowed to use it for online work only".

All that was devastating to hear, I felt shattered.

We turned out of the road. There was only 2 km of dirt road left and we were at home.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We arrived at the gate, it opened electronically as always.
I saw the guards standing in the yard waiting for us.
They looked like an ordinary couple standing on the yard of a house.

The outsider cannot foresee what is going on inside the house.
Car lights illuminated the yard, and there were other lights. The snow had almost thawed and the yard was wet and watery.
The house still looked like a beautiful, white brick, low building with a large garage and additional wing.
I liked the house already when I visited there for the first time. At that time I didn't know it was going to be my prison. Back then, there was no fence or electric gate around the yard.
The garage door was open, we drove straight in.
The guards followed and closed the doors.

The garage is well lit, inside there is a door from which we can enter directly into the house.
There is also another door, it looks stronger than the other. It's a steel door to my prison. In fact, it has double doors with access to the prison  lounge room.

The prison door looks very strong and has a built-in lock, but it also has an external lock latch and strong locks on display.
It's a very impressive door that matters a lot to me.
The female guard opens the prison door, while at the same time Ilona removes my extra belts from the car seat. The male guard unlock my leg irons vehicle floor.
Guards help me out of the car. They quickly grab hold of my arms and escort me in my prison lobby.
The female guard is a little shorter than the male but they are very strong, they also know the right technique. All I can do is obey.

They lead me to the lobby table. The woman removes my cuffs from the waist chain, she quickly locks them to the locking point on the table. They let go of my arms and move to my side.
The guard plans to move the chair behind me, but Ilona stops him.
"The prisoner doesn't need a chair now," Ilona said, "She's been sitting for a long time, now is a good time to stand."
My posture is not good, the table is too low and the anchor point so far away that I have to lean over the table.
Ilona looks at me, "the legcuffs need to be locked to the floor."
Guard uses a padlock and locks my hobblechain to the floor anchorage.
I have a very uncomfortable position, Ilona and others look at me with interest. It adds to my discomfort, it is also humiliating.
"Good," Ilona said, "The prisoner can wait here while we go inside the house to discuss practical issues".
Ilona smiled at me "As the prisoner can see, all the toys in the car trip are still on" she paused, I tried to look and saw that all the wires and airtube went in my coat pockets.
"... so we're putting equipment to work so that the prisoner's time is not too long, it's entertainment for you" Ilona looked at me
"and it may be a long time before you have the opportunity to do it next time ..."
She came and patiently pumped air into my buttplug, after that she launched a vagina egg and finally I felt the electric shocks start.

This time there was no warm-up, she adjusted everything to max power. I had a lot of trouble staying up, I wanted to move my legs but legcuff prevented it.
I was lying on the table but it was hard, my wrists were tightly chained, I still had mittens in my hands, I felt my anxious corset.
All my parts were like fire! They can't leave me here!

But I heard the door close ...

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I could not believe that this is true ... that this is really happening.

I was very tired. I hated my rubber pants, they made me feel very uncomfortable. My feet were sweaty but still they felt cold. I felt a tight rubber in every move. Fortunately, the diaper was dry, at least for the moment.

The legcuffs chain was locked to the floor. It does not usually harm because I normally sit next to the table. Now I didn't have chairs, I had to stand on my tired legs.
I did not get a good posture because my handcuffs were locked on the table. They were almost like being welded to a table.
I leaned on the table with my elbows, it helped a little but the table was too low, it made it difficult, especially when I had a corset.
I tried to get a better position by flexing my knees but it didn't work, my thighs hurt the edge of the table.
My fingers were useless because I still had my mittens tightly in my hands. I hate them!

And my vagina ... it was like a fire, it was no longer nice or exciting. It was torture.
The Buttplug inside me made it worse, the current standing position made the feeling very bad, as did the electrical impulses.
I felt like I had to defecate the plug but it was impossible because of the diaper and tight rubber pants.
I felt very uncomfortable! I was sure this would cause me permanent damages.
I don't know how long I was there, I cried and complained quietly, sometimes I cried loudly. I tried to struggle, the pain was too hard!
I tried to get the knee to the floor but it was impossible ...I couldn't make the situation any easier.

Eventually, I noticed that all four had returned to the room.
The guards stood nearby and looked at me with interest. A male member of the committee sat in a chair.
Ilona sat down on the edge of the table and looked at me.

Ilona touched my cheeks and my hair, I noticed she had leather gloves on her hands. I also noticed that my hair is wet with sweat, in fact my whole body was sweaty.
Ilona looked at me with concern "Don't fight so much" she said "The only result is that you hurt yourself more".
She stroked me reassuringly. I calmed down a bit, but at the same time, I felt sexually aroused again.
Ilona adjusted the force of the egg and the electrical impulses slightly lower.
"Can you listen to me?" she asked.
I tried to answer but the words didn't come out of my mouth, I just nodded at him.
"Good" she said "We have now dealt with some practical things about your routines. In the next few days, many things will change, as I said before, not everything is ready yet."
"Today the most important thing is that you are safe and secure under the new rules," she continued.
It was hard for me to concentrate but I understood what she was saying.

"Of course it is clear that during the investigation you will not be able to get Orgasm sessions after this ... so I hope you can enjoy this day" she smiled.

I was so tired events and orgasms last few days, so I thought that it is good to get a long pause ... if my pussy has not been damaged, it still needs a long time to recover back to normal.
So does my mind. It seemed to me that I have been torn to pieces.

Ilona stared at me quietly for a long time, Everyone looked at me.
Finally she raised his hands and said "See my new gloves" she put a hand in front of my face "You can smell the new leather aroma ... you like it, I know it ..."
They were beautiful gloves, black leather, and they smelled good.
She held a hand in front of my nose, the other hand on her thigh. I felt crazy but still I was just thinking about how beautiful the glove looks on her leatherpants.

"The reason I introduce gloves is that from now on, everyone who handles you will wear gloves."
I looked at the guards and they wore latex gloves.

"Guards usually wear latex gloves indoors and leather gloves outdoors and in special situations," Ilona said, "You don't have to experience human touch from now on, you are a prisoner, an object to handle."
Such a rule was once before but had been abandoned.
The rule doesn't look bad but it has a great mental impact, it really makes me feel worthless, I know it.

"But now ..." Ilona clapped her hands, "it's time for the last orgasm!"
She adjusted the electricity to the maximum again, it didn't feel good even though I was a little excited. She looked at me and moved behind me. I feel how she stroked my face with new leather gloves.

Suddenly she squeezed my nostrils, I couldn't breathe through my nose.
Next she closed my mouth with one hand, it came so fast that I was not prepared. I couldn't breathe!
She released my nose and I was able to breathe  again, I felt a strong leather aroma and it also excited me. I felt the orgasm coming ... I didn't fight against it.

She closed my nose again, I floated in the leather aroma and the feeling of orgasm, it shook my body.

to be continued...


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