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a continuation of the previous writing

The end result of satisfaction, pain, humiliation and everything else was great but also very grueling.
I was pleased that Ilona held tight to my head, otherwise it would drop to the table. I could have hurt myself.
She pressed leather gloves on my face for a long time, orgasm still shaking me.
After that, she still kept gloves close to my face, I liked it ... It's, in some sick way, my favorite scent.
I felt like a sweat, my clothes were wet. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling.
"my clothes need a perfect wash" i said quietly.
"Is that the first thing that comes to your mind?" Ilona laughed, but then became serious, "I have to remind you of the rules of behavior and speech, too."
"Ma'am, sorry. I was just thinking out loud, I wasn't supposed to talk anything" I said.

I felt Ilona's hand lightly on my back, It moved quietly, almost kindly and comforting.
"I understand your concern, clothing is important to you," she said.
"The good thing is that you have rubber pants underneath the skirt, the skirt has stayed clean and fresh," she said, ""though a long time sitting in a car has made wrinkles in it".
"Anyway," she continued, "You don't have to worry about your beautiful clothes. All your clothes will change.These existing clothes do not fit your new status as a prisoner of higher security. "
I was shocked, I couldn't understand what she was saying. I love my clothes, they are an important part of my identity.
"No more leather or fine clothes," said another Committee member.
I saw the guards, especially the female guard, smiling at me quietly. I remember how she once said to me that she does not understand why I have such fine clothes ... clothes which she can not afford.

The female guard came behind me, she opened my waist chain and lifted my coat. I felt as she opened my skirt's waistband and slid it down to the floor.
It had a great mental impact, it felt like my protection and identity was being stripped. I was no longer me.

"You don't have to worry" Ilona said "Your current clothes well maintained, they are washed and they retain their beauty. It is possible that one day you will be able to use them again.
Especially if the accusation against you is unfounded. Maybe you can go back to normal routine in a few months. ”Ilona said comfortably.
"What do you like about your rubber pants?" Another Committee member asked.
"Sir, I hate them!" I cried. I was terrified at the idea that I would wear rubber more every day.
"The committee has previously discussed that rubber would be the perfect material for a prisoner ... or latex. Thick, tight rubber would be a very punishing material. Even latex / rubber under normal clothing would be a good solution, as is today." The man meditated.
"Do you know an artist named Marty Martyr?" the man asked.
I know his work, he does digital art. Often the subject is women prisoners, dressed in colored latex uniforms, often orange, very tight. They also have strict restraints harness and cuff etc.
I think they are great fantasy works. They are also fun because they often feature members of the Kardashian family.
... But they are not real, they are only fantasy works!
"A lot of other things have been talked about in the committee," Ilona laughed.
There are other options, for example, neoprene can make many outfits for the prisoner, "the man continued.
"The problem right now is that the guards need a lot of work to get you dressed in the mornings and evenings."
I saw the guards seriously nodding their heads.
"Maybe we can create an outfit that a prisoner can wear for several days, 3 days or even a week without being removed," the man continued to think "then of course the restraints would be locked up all the time. The work of the guards would be greatly facilitated. "

I felt sick, I wanted to vomit but I did not do it.

The female guard rolled my rubber pants down to my knees. The fresh air made my skin scream, it had been without fresh air for a long time.
The male guard opened my right ankle legcuffs, He moved it to the left ankle so that the hobble chain was still closed on the floor. My right foot was free but he kept on it all the time.
He opened my boot zipper and took off the boot, including the sock. Finally the woman rolled the rubber pants off my right foot. The man was always holding on to me.
It was a bit amusing ... What could I have done ...? Trying to run away? I was still locked in the desk with one foot stuck on the floor. Of course I could try to kick them, but why would I. That would be stupid and useless.

The same thing happened with the other foot, eventually I was bare feet and the legcuffs were normally locked on the floor again. Also, the skirt was gone from the floor.
"Now," the female guard said, "We open your cuffs on your right wrist. Don't make any unnecessary moves. Let things happen."
Male guard took a tight grip on my arms. Woman opened the cuff and did the same like the legcuffs. My other wrist was "free" but the other was double locked to the table.
She opened my mitten and took it out, It felt awesome! It was difficult to move the fingers, they had been long squashed in a fist.

They didn't wait long when they did the same for the other hand.
"Listen carefully" The guard said "We will now open the cuff on your wrists, We will move the handcuffs so that they are between your collar and the table locking point":
He grabbed me by the neck and pressed towards the table, the woman opened the cuffs and moved them to my collar.
"Don't move your hands!"
The position was, if possible, worse than before, now I had to almost lie on the table and it was difficult because of the legcuffs.
"Move your arms slowly down, we will take the coat off you now" The female guard explained.
I moved my hands down, parallel to the body, the guards holding my wrists all the time. It all felt very exaggerated.

Finally the coat was taken off, Only then did I realize how hot I was.
"You can cut the shirt off," Ilona said.
It made me wonder why ruin a good shirt again but maybe it was easier to do so.
In the end, I only had a corset and tube under it. and of course the diaper as well .. I wasn't even sure if the diaper was dry or wet ...
Ilona would open the knots of my corset, she was working on lacing. She also opened shoulder straps. It all made me feel much better, I was able to breathe freely again!
"I'll be off now all strings, so it is easier to take off the corset, however, it goes for washing and maintenance now, maybe I also do something to change it".
Finally, she removed the corset from under me.
"Almost done," Ilona said and nodded to the guards.
The female guard moved the chair behind me, the man removed the cuff from my collar. He lifted me up and helped me to sit on the chair. I was very weak and tired.
I still had the chain behind my back, it was hanging loose because there was no waist chain now. The guard locked it in a chair behind my back, I had to sit upright.
He also locked handcuffs on my wrists.

My crotch was like fire but I didn't care, I was just tired ... very tired.
I was locked in a chair, I was locked in the floor, I was cuffed. And I was tired.
"We know you're tired," Ilona said, "Soon everything is over and you can rest."
The guard gave me a bread roll and a bottle of water, a light plastic bottle.
"Eat a little, then you can get to the toilet and bed in your own cell.
It seemed like a very good idea, I was really tired.

As I tried to eat Ilona was sitting in front of me, at the edge of the table.
"As we have said, not all changes have yet been made but we have added to your bed and cell some security issues so it has been taken care of. The remodeling in your other areas will continue immediately in the morning so you may need to be locked into the night time cell maybe longer than normal".
I heard what she said but I didn't care anymore, I was tired and everything was indifferent.

"Are you ready?" Ilona asked.
I nodded and she looked at the guards. The man opened the chain from my chair and helped me stand. Legcuffs were still locked on the floor. The woman did the same to my right hand and then locked the cuffs behind my back.

".... and now we can go to the toilet" Ilona said.
The guard removed the legcuffs from the floor. They grabbed me by the arms and led me to the toilet.
In the toilet, the male guard raised my hands so I had to bend down.
"Spread your feet," he said.
I did so and the woman opened my diaper, fresh air reached my crotch and it felt good.
The electron pads were removed, the woman pulled the cord and the egg came out of my vagina, I felt how tender it was.
They guided me to the toilet seat. Ilona was holding the Buttplug hose "squeezing it out" she said.
I did so, it wasn't difficult because the plug was now empty, there was no air inside. At the same time, I felt there was more to come.
I also defecated and made pee at the same time.
When I was done, the female guard washed and wiped my crotch. I realized I couldn't get a shower.
I felt very helpless.I couldn't brush my teeth, but I didn't complain, I didn't care, I wanted to get to sleep.

When I was dried I was shocked to find that I was getting a new diaper. I don't need it, I don't want it!
Ilona saw my reaction and said "like I said tomorrow is the day when you have to be in the night cell for longer, the diaper is just a precaution".

Eventually the guard escorted me to the night time cell.
I immediately noticed a new addition to the bed.
There was a new massive device on my bed at my ankles, it was a solid foot stock!
It was wide, 5 cm or more ... shiny metal, maybe aluminum with holes for my ankles. The gap between the openings was perhaps 30 cm.
Stock was in two parts, the lower part was attached to the bed frame and the upper part was hinged to the lower part. I also saw a locking system that made the device very secure.
Normally I have standard legcuffs at night, the bed has a chain that locks in the middle of the hobblechain. That chain is loose so I can change position, it only prevents me from getting out of bed.  But now ... that terrible stock stops my feet from moving completely!
"You get used to it quickly," Ilona said, "it will increase safety, now you can not walk in your sleep," she smiled.
It was really bad humor, I thought.
Even my old nighttime restraints were efficient, legcuffs, handcuffs behind my back, collarchain. I have been very secured as of now, I do not need this!

"Tonight, you're still wearing your standard hood," Ilona said, "You'll get something new and more effective tomorrow!"
I sat on the edge of the bed and the guard put the hood on my head, everything turned dark. She tightened it to fit.
I also felt like a tight wide leather belt was tightened around my waist, it was also abnormal.
"Now you can go to bed," Ilona said, "go to your stomach and put your feet in the right place."
I had no choice, I did. It was difficult and slow because of the handcuffs, the guard helped me.
Stock felt cold, I wondered if it could hurt my ankles. I heard metallic noises when it was locked. I was surprised when I noticed that the legcuffs were staying in my ankles, they were also locked in bed as normal.
I felt how my collar was locked by the end of the bed chain.
My cuffs were locked into the D-loop of the waist belt.
It was a practice that was gone long ago, now it is back. It is a very tedious practice, it restricts movement at night and gives difficulty sleeping because I cannot change position.
I was very disappointed with the change, I was also very tired. I just wanted to sleep.
"We are ready now" I heard Ilona's voice "Good night prisoner".
Someone put a blanket on me, it was a heavy blanket I like.

I heard the cell door close, I heard the lock sound. Then the next door lock ... and the next one ....

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I was in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I had no idea of the time.
I woke up in a weird pain in my hips, it felt bad and I didn't immediately realize what it was.
It was because I couldn't change position, my legs were like welded to the bed by the ankles.
When I tried to move, I noticed that the chain between my collar and bed was shorter than before.
I hadn't noticed before because I had fallen asleep quickly, now I noticed that the chain was so short that I was forced to lie very straight in bed.
Before, I was able to move a little and even change my position during the night. Now that possibility is blocked.
I even felt the panic rise in my mind. It is a little strange because I am very experienced in these matters ... or so I thought before.
Also the fact that my handcuffs were attached at the waist level behind my back added to the feeling of discomfort.
Handcuffs gave me pain in my wrists. Normally I can move my hands behind my back and find a relaxed posture for the night, now it was impossible because of the waist belt.

My ankles were a little painful, the edges of the stock holes were rounded but still they were pressing heavily on my ankles.
I tried to turn my ankles in the holes but there was not much space in them, in my opinion the holes were oval, the ankle can only be in one position. It was very restrictive.
Also, I felt my legcuffs. While stock holes were larger, legcuffs would prevent the release of the legs.
I had an uncomfortable feeling in my crotch, it had been going through a lot lately. I would have wanted to move my hips more, but it wasn't possible now.

The leather hood prevented me from seeing anything. There was nothing but black darkness.
The hood has holes at the nostrils, it doesn't stop breathing, but still I hear my own breath all the time. When I stay relaxed, all is well with the Hood.
Sometimes the hood might get so loose that I see light through the nostril hole but now it was laced tight and carefully.
But I knew, however, that inside the cell the lights were on. They always are.
They said that my living space is being modified today.
At least I haven't heard any noises of work yet, I inferred that it is night yet.
I have to try to sleep even though it is awkward now.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I sleep for short moments, I think. It was difficult to understand what time was.
It was very quiet, just a little air ventilation noise ... low hum.
The hardest problem was maybe handcuffs. They put a heavy weight on my wrists and caused pain.
I tried to hold on to my fingers, a kind of finger lock that made the posture better, then the cuff steel didn't press much into my wrist. But every time when I fell asleep, the grip loosened and I felt pain in my wrist again.
Actually, I missed my mittens now. They have strong leather wrist and they protect my wrists.
I was wondering if I could ask for them, or maybe some kind of wrist protection would be possible. Now the situation was close to torture.

My posture got worse and worse. The need to move is natural, now almost everything was effectively blocked.
I could turn my head but there was almost everything I could do.
The hood is familiar to me but now it was also uncomfortable.
Heavy blanket, however, reassured me, I felt that I am hiding and safe. The last few days have been very stressful.

Also, it annoyed me that I didn't know how long I had to be this way. Usually I know that morning routines start almost every time I wake up.
It's part of the institutionalization that happens, it gives security and peace. Now everything was new and uncertain again.

I don't know, maybe I slept again, but eventually I heard the door locks open. I listened quietly.
I heard the silent speech, I recognized the guard's voice, someone else was there. I also heard metallic noises. Working noises. I heard the sound of a drill, then the sounds of tools and chains.

I didn't recognize the other man's voice but I thought he was "Rolf", I knew Rolf is an iron blacksmith who made eg cages that are here. Surely he has done much more.

All the sounds were clear because my area is basically open space. Only perforated steel plates, iron mesh and bars separate them.
Only the lobby is closed, a separate space, I don't know what's going on there. Of course also the outdoor area too.

I felt the need to pee but I tried to hold it. Fortunately, I haven't drink much. I can still hold it. I hate the idea of a wet diaper.
My vagina wasn't very sore, it felt exhausted and tired but it wasn't bad. I had expected worse.
My butt also felt worn but luckily I didn't feel any major injuries.

I'm wondering if I'm trying to say something. I could tell that my position is almost unbearable.
But I don't think complaining will help anything. I was told that I will stay here as long as the modifications are made.

I was wondering what jobs I would have had today. Anyway, there is nothing I can do now, my customers will surely understand it.

I thought my clients, they are only a few and not many know how I live.
Actually, only one photographer knows about my real life. Others think I have a disability or illness that I never meet with them. Everything can be arranged via the web.
I do not know... Would they be my clients if they would know that I am the tightly-controlled prisoner...

I hope so because this can sometimes become public.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I tried to move my thoughts elsewhere, I tried to focus on other things but it was difficult.
Inside my head I saw what happened in the last few days.
It came on fast forward and was fragmented.

At the top was a car ride where I was tightly bound. Then the thought was a sauna session, it had surprised me positively. I remember how I enjoyed that intimate feeling when we were all naked in the sauna.
Included in thought was also humiliating things like it that I had to eat off the floor etc. It was strange to think of ... it was very humiliating and disappointing but it still excited me at the time.
I have never liked the use of diaper, it is understandable in some cases, such as car travel. It's just an extra security and doesn't need to be used, I understand it.
Rubber pants can add cleanliness but to me they always give me a nasty feeling. Especially tight rubber.

My thoughts shifted from rubber pants to other clothes ... what did they mean by the fact that my normal clothes can now be forgotten?
A male member of the committee talked about rubber or latex and neoprene.
The thought of it made me uncomfortable.
I know how uncomfortable rubber or latex is but what about neoprene? I've never tried it.
Neoprene is used eg in diving suits so it is a very insulating material.
Is neoprene a hot material to wear? It stretches and forms well on the body, but is it hot if it is worn for a long time? Several days as planned by a member of the Committee.

I didn't know what I was thinking and it made me nervous.
Maybe he was just teasing me ...
I was a little apprehensive, I did not fear the future because I know that I am safe but still my thoughts wandered.

I wouldn't have wanted to change, I was very happy with everything I had.

I was bitterly thinking that now the female guard is sure to be satisfied. She doesn't have to be jealous of my clothes anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the guard's voice from outside the cell.
"Prisoner" he said "report yourself!"
I thought for a moment what to say "Sir, I have a very uncomfortable feeling, I have to get moving" I finally said.
"I didn't ask how you felt," the guard said, "I just wanted you to greet us."
"Modifications are about to be completed, we're going to have a coffee break now and then come back," he said
"We'll bring you a new collar, then you can get out of bed."

New collar ...? I wondered. Why?
I have my collar, it is steel and works properly, it is part of me. I thought that if a new one came in, it would hardly be easier or more comfortable than this old one.
I didn't like the idea.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

Waiting was painful, I don't know how long I waited.
I was happy that I had drink the water just a little bit, I felt the need to pee but it was still not bad.
Immobility was disappointing, my legs and pelvis get strange cramps, I could not help them.

The biggest problem was my wrists. Now that I was awake I was able to use my fingers to hold the waistbelt D-ring behind my back (handcuff chain was locked into it). It relieved the pressure on the wrists. I really didn't want nerve damage to my wrists.
I had to focus on it all the time.

Finally I heard the sound of the door locks. Someone came in to my cell. I couldn't know who it was, I heard another voice speak. They were my guards.
"Prisoner, report," the man said
I was wondering about this new practice, I didn't know how to respond.
"Sir, Ma'am" I finally answered.
"Good" he replied "We will now take the hood off your head. Then we will introduce your new collar and its accessories".

I felt them unlock my current collar lock. It did not cause me much joy because I was, however, firmly locked in the bed.
Actually, I didn't even want the collar opened, the chain could come off but I didn't want to give up the collar because I didn't know what was coming. I was tense.
However, the collar was taken away, I did not say anything. I didn't know if I had permission to speak.

I felt how my hood strings were opened, I keep my eyes closed because I knew that when the hood is taken off, complete darkness becomes a clear light. I wanted to be prepared for it, I have experience with it.
It happened, I held my eyes for a long time and got used to the light. The guards waited patiently.
I was silent and watching the guards, I was still in bed on my stomach and I couldn't see well but there was something weird about them.

The man had a metal object in his hand, my new collar.
"As you can see, the new collar is a little different," he introduced, "the collar dimensions are about the same as before but there are significant changes in this new one."
He kept the collar in front of my eyes, I watching it ... I was even interested in it because it would become a part of me anyway.
The biggest difference was that the new version has two hinges, on each side. The old one only had one in my neck.N ew collar locks in the same way as the old one with an integrated lock on the front.
Other thing was that behind the new collar was a kind of U-profile welded onto the collar. It wasn't big, it was the same width as the collar. The U-shape was open away from the neck. Maybe 4 cm protruding. U had a big hole in each of the claws.
The inside edges of the U-profile were strongly rounded, and Collar was well-finished, beautiful and shiny. Very powerful object.
I did not understand the meaning of the U-part.
The woman had a few other items in her hand, also made of steel or other shiny material. They were some kind of rods. At one end there was a kind of lock, at the other end a padded rubber or similar handle.
He took one short rod, maybe 30 cm long, and presented it to me.
"As you can see, the rod has a lock mechanism that fits the collar U-piece. It is a quick lock that locks very firmly, it can only be unlocked with a special tool. The locking mechanism is operated by a strong spring. "
He clicked on the rod to catch collar, it was really fast. The rod could turn up and down but not sideways, it looked like a very strong entity.
He took the special key from his belt and removed the rod from the collar. It was very impressive.
"As you can see, we have a variety of rods for many uses. This short here is perhaps the most practical here for indoor use, but we can also use longer ones. There is also a chance for us to attach your handcuffs to it. It is a very effective way of controlling a prisoner. There are other things that are part of this system, you will get to know them later. "
"Now, lift your head so we can lock up your new collar," he commanded.

I was a little shocked by everything but at the same time I was a little proud. I have never seen a similar restraint system and in some sickly way it  flattered that it was made just for me.

I lifted my head as much as I could and he locked the collar in my neck.

I had the feeling that the new collar was tighter than the old one ... or maybe it was wider. I couldn't say for sure. Maybe it was just a feeling.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

"Someone on the Committee will interview you here when we are ready," the guard said, "now you have to get up."
Guards waited. At first, I was wondering that what they expect.  Finally I said "Yes, Sir."
The guard clicked a 30 cm rod on my neck. This  sounded harsh behind the ears.
I also heard them unlocking my hobblechani. I was no longer chained to bed.
I tried to move my legs but it was still impossible. They were still attached to the stock.
"Listen carefully," the female guard said, "We're opening the stock now, helping you sit on the edge of the bed. Don't move until we tell you."
I felt as she got closer, she grabbed my collar rod. At the same time she moved to the bed and lifted her knees on my back.
It was completely impossible for me to move.
My ankle stock opened, I tried to lift my ankles but they felt very heavy, hurting my thighs and hips.
The guard also held on to my feet.
What did they think ...? that I jump into the air like a spring and start fighting against them?
I would have laughed but I was too painful.

The man raised my legcuffs, my legs were stock above.
"Now slowly move your knees under you" He ordered.
It was hard, I felt like I couldn't even move my legs.
He grabbed me by the waistband and lifted it up. So I got my knees under me.
The woman stepped off my back. She still held on to a steel rod in my neck and pushed me down.
I was on my knees and very helpless. I still had my hands behind my back.
She moved the rod and lifted my collar up.
"Move your feet out from under you, sit on the edge of the bed." She ordered.
It was very difficult to do. Also, it was completely useless. I don't need such strict control!

Finally I sat on the edge of the bed.
Even though I felt pain, I felt a strange triumph. My diaper is still dry.
The woman still held the rod. The man took the other legcuffs and locked them between the hobble and the bed frame.
I was locked in bed again, but now I was sitting.
The woman loosened her grip, the rod now hanging loose in my neck.
Collar felt heavy and uncomfortable, it was much heavier than the old one. I think it was influenced by the weight of the rod. It felt every moment.

"Let's talk a little now," the woman said, "As we announced, Committee members will be here to question you, but we also need to discuss."
I was watching them, they were standing in front of me. Now I understood what was strange about them.
They wore kind of uniforms, black pants and a shirt, strong fabric, a shirt inside pants, a wide belt with supplies. Army type shoes.
They also wore latex or rubber gloves.
It even slightly amused me. Normally they had very normal clothes, just like anywhere. Even though I was amused, I still realized that something had changed, life is now more official prison life.

"We can't know what happened on your trip," the man said, "but we know your security level has been raised. Even we don't know what it all means, the Committee will tell us later".
They were looking at me.
"Anyway, there will be a lot of changes in our common life," he thought. "We are committed to this, this is our job."
"We've been told that you don't like our ways of dealing with you," the woman said, "It's a bad idea because we've followed the Committee's instructions.
There are many ways to interpret things and it is good that you have reported your doubts to the Committee. Now the Committee, we guards and you ... we all know the treatment. "
"Lifting of security level, the new guidelines and practices mean a lot of extra work for us," she looked at me, "But do not worry, we will not punish you. We just take care of that Committee's decisions are implemented".

I sat on the edge of the bed, legcuffs locked in the bed. I had my hands behind my back, locked at the waist. I had a new horrible device in my neck. I was very uncomfortable.
I was sure the guards would punish me more than the Committee had planned.
... and I'm innocent of everything ... this is terrible.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The woman tied my hair with a rubber band, a normal ponytail.
"We now want to show you a method that is allowed for the treatment of poorly behaved prisoner," the man said, "It encourages the prisoner to obey orders quickly."
He took out a plastic bag and some kind of elastic band from his pocket.
He quickly put a plastic bag on my head. Elastic band tightened it tight against my neck.
I was shocked and tried to fight it but it was useless.
"Listen carefully," the man said calmly, "As you can see, the plastic bag is relatively large, there is air inside now and it will be enough for you for a while."
"Now we help you stand, after that we move to the shower / toilet cell" he spoke very clearly.
I understood the purpose of the bag, now I have to obey and try to cope with the transition as quickly as possible.
Panic rising, the man bent over to open the cuff between the hobble and bed but he was very slow! I already wanted to go!
I was sure that he was delaying on purpose, he wanted that I spend my oxygen already before the move.
Finally the cuff was opened and they helped me stand, I immediately tried to walk forward but my legs were very weak. The rigid posture at night had done its job.
They grabbed me by the arms and quickly and efficiently almost carried me to another cell, the distance was not long but still I tried to walk on my feet faster.
Inside the plastic bag was breathing steam, I no longer saw properly. I felt the oxygen was very low. The bag tightened against my head and face every time I inhaled.

We came under the shower, no water came yet. They turned me back against the wall, I felt when the collar rod was fixed to the wall.
I was able to move a little up and down. When I moved down, I had to get closer to the wall at the same time, there was not much movement, only 30 cm.
My breathing was already difficult, I was terrified.
"Please ..." I begged "let me breathe!"
"Do you have anything to say, prisoner?" The man said loudly.
"Sir ... please, I can't breathe any longer" I tried to say.
The man came closer and opened an elastic band, Into the plastic bag came fresh air again, I was able to breathe again.
"Thank you Sir" I said gratefully.
"You don't have to thank us," he said, "Thank you for understanding the idea. This was just a demonstration of what can happen if you disobey us. This is not meant to be standard practice."

"Sir, what happens if the air runs out?" I asked.
"Then you will lose consciousness and the action will cease. We will let you breathe so that you can regain consciousness" the guards looked at me insensitively "Then the process will continue again until we reach our goal."
It is a very effective and relentless way to get a prisoner to obey. I felt submissive.

I could see that the wall hatch had the necessary supplies.

I saw a woman wearing a rubber apron. She also put on long gloves.
I knew that she protects itself from water, she does not want wetted clothes in the shower. I still felt like he was getting ready for some very dirty work ... I didn't want to think I was so dirty.

She opened my diaper and took it off "Wow, this is dry, you can be proud of yourself!"
She also removed my handcuffs from the waistbelt and took it off. It was leather and water would not be good for it. My hands were still handcuffed behind the back.

The man left the cell, he locked the door when he left.

"You have to pee? Shit too?" she asked.
"just a pee" I said.
"Do it now," she said and stepped back.
It was very humiliating! Of course they are, or at least one of them is always there when I'm toilett but normally I can sit and act in such a way as normal.

I had a great urge to urinate but it was still difficult, I was very humiliated. The situation was absurd ... I was standing there fixed on the wall, the woman in front of me in a rubber apron waiting for me to act.
I tried to bend my knees and squat but it was impossible, I could move very little.
"Ma'am, this is very humiliating!" I said "Can't I sit as normal?"
"It is not possible now," she said, "but you have the time ... I can not touch you now because I'm alone here. Under the new rules we need to always be two guards when dealing with you.
"My partner is now installing some supplies on your night cell," she told "we have to wait for him."

More supplies! This is total madness, I thought.
Eventually I got the urine to come out. It flowed uncomfortably to my thighs and legs. I could smell it. Still, it made my life easier.
The woman came a little closer and opened the shower water. Warm water ran from above me and flushed the urine off.
I wondered why she didn't open the water before ... maybe she just wanted to humiliate me.

Eventually the man came back inside the cell.
The woman took the water off and put the shampoo on my hair. She washed my hair carefully. Her rubber gloves felt strange in my hair.
Collar and steel rod effectively held my head in place. Occasionally the head movement gave pain to the neck as the collar was almost stationary.
Still, I enjoy it.

She rinsed off the shampoo, next she added conditioner.
Finally, she washed my face with a cleansing face water, it felt very refreshing.
I suddenly felt strange to be in good and feminine care.

The man came behind me and opened my left hand cuff.
"Now carefully" he said and moved my hands up from the front so that the wrists locked behind the collar. My arms were now folded forwards upwards.
Woman soaped me completely, she rubbed me with a sponge, any place.
I was like a statue being effectively maintained.
Finally she opened the water and it rinsed me perfectly. I felt myself clean.
The water shower stopped and I was still standing there. Woman dried me with a towel, it felt good and warm.

She took a fresh diaper "spread your legs," she ordered.
I didn't like the idea "Ma'am .. is it mandatory? I don't need it!"
"Yes," she replied, "the use of diaper is now in the rules. But of course you don't need to water it. It's just a precaution."
I spread my legs as much as I could. She put on the diaper and secured it with additional tape. I found it very humiliating.
The man put a leather belt on my waist again. He moved my hands behind my back again and locked the handcuffs to belt D-ring.

The man looked at me and asked "do we need a plastic bag?"
"No Sir, we don't need it" I answered quickly.
We moved back to my night time cell.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I saw the clothes and accessories neatly laid out on the bed.
In the wall, above the bed, was now a chain with a fastener to my collar. There was a similar chain next to the wall, where I dress.
The man forced me next to the wall and attached me to the wall chain.
I was locked in the same way as under the shower, but now I could maybe move a little bit better. She looked at me questioningly, "Because you don't want to answer, I think you want to."
The man locked my legcuffs hobble on the  floor.

"Your all new clothes haven't arrived yet," the woman said, "but luckily we already have something for you. You don't have to be without clothes."
I looked at the clothes that were on the bed. They were in a neat stack of gray material. Next to the bed were boots.
The boots were also gray, the biggest difference being that they had a very low heel. They were like work boots, they weren't feminine as before.
Even my former boots didn't have very high heels, max 6 cm, but I still felt feminine when wearing them.

The woman looked at me, "We have been instructed to maintain all your former clothes, maybe you still sometimes you can use them."
I was very upset, I loved my clothes, they were important to me and gave me a good feeling.
"or else ..." the woman said "I can wear your beautiful leather clothes, in the fall I can wear your skirts, you know I would like to do that" she smiled "Your long leather coat is also very useful!"
It was shocking to hear! My clothes are the only thing I own. I don't want to lose them. And I don't want him to use them!
I felt angry, I was uncomfortable ... why she teasing me this way!
"You can't do that" I said crying "They are my clothes, just mine!"

Just as a woman would not have heard me, she takes my new clothes to the bed and lift them up, presents them to me.
"Vinyl" she said, "easy to care for and clean-looking material, not as nice as leather but much cheaper".
The material looked stiff and rugged. When she moved  cloth, I heard the sound of plastic.
It was a dress, it looked tight. Long sleeves, tight neck opening that ended under the neck. Zipper at the back. It was a pretty tight line and ended maybe below the knees.
I looked at it and thought bitterly that my diaper could hardly fit into the dress.

"Do you want to try it?" she asked with a smile.
I looked at her, angry and disappointed, "I do not want to," I said firmly.
She looked at me questioningly, "Because you don't want to answer, I think you want to."
She opened the dress, the zipper was from top to bottom so the dress opened completely.

The man removed my handcuffs and took the waist bet off.
My hands were free but my collar and legcuffs were still locked. It would be foolish to try anything unnecessary.
"Just make only slow moves," the woman said, "you know how this goes ...".
"Stretch out your right hand," she said. The man held tight to my left arm. It seemed like a silly overreaction.

She put my hand inside the dress sleeve. I noticed there was no lining in the dress. The sleeve was very tight, the wrist had a zipper. There was also a loop at the end of the sleeve that rounded my thumb. I also noticed that there were two thick sections sewn around the wrist. When the zipper was closed, the sleeve was very tight.
Next came other hand.
"Fortunately, you have small breasts that you don't need a bra now," she said, laughing.
She was right, I don't necessarily need a bra. I wondered if I didn't have a corset now.
I thought I'd ask it but it was useless.

They said earlier that I would meet Committee members later today. I have a lot to talk about with Ilona. She organizes these stupid things right again.
The sleeves were now in my arms. the inside seemed to be hard. They tightened the dress around me and closed the zipper. The diaper fit inside.
Dress was not bad but the material annoyed me. It cried like crumpled paper all the time as I moved.

Next thing was the steel waistband, maybe 5 cm wide, it looked thick. Hinges on the sides, it locked in front. On the back of the hinges were two large solid O-rings. there were some small holes behind the back.
"Raise your hands, fingers behind your neck," the man ordered.
I did so even though it was very difficult, the sleeves were very strict and stiff.
The man put a band on my waist, it fit perfectly, maybe it was even too tight. Vinyl crumbled under it.

The man took the cuffs and locked them on my right wrist. Now I understood why the dress sleeve had two thick hoops sewn on, cuff snapped tight between them. He moved my hands behind my back and snapped the second cuff closed.
The inserts sewn on the sleeves felt ingenious, now the cuffs couldn't slide anywhere. And the cuff didn't have to be unnecessarily tight.

The zipper of the dress was opened at the bottom so that the legs had more room to move.
"Now you have to be careful" the man said "I will remove your legcuff, you will get socks and boots".
He opened my right leg cuff, a woman put a sock in my foot.
Then the boot, the boot had a zipper on the side. I saw that it had hoops sewn on it as well as on my wrists.
When the boot was on my feet, he put a new cuff on my ankle. I was shocked when I realized there was no chain in the new legcuffs, it was replaced by a steel bar!
The other leg was also treated.
The steel bar was perhaps 30 cm long. It felt horrible, I couldn't put my ankles together!
At the middle of the bar was a welded d-ring. I did not know its meaning.

When everything was ready, the woman closed the zipper of my dress again.
"Small detail" she said, "a dress zipper locked in with small padlocks. You may have noticed but the dress at the collar and at the bottom of the skirt is a thin steel cable to prevent taking off a dress".
"The same locks as well as the zipper, and steel cable" she smiled, "skirt steel cable also restrict the movement of your feet nicely!"

"You are now ready to move into the lobby! The woman said 'you will have a breakfast and then wait there until Committee members arrive'"

I thought it was really good that I could meet Ilona and other Committee members. This can't be right!

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

We moved out into the night time cell, first into the day cell and then into the lobby.
There were three strong locked doors on the way, though the distance was not very long.
Walking was very difficult and weird. The rigid steel bar legcuffs limited very much.
I was happy that legcuffs was not completely rigid, now, however, the bar moved in cuffs, it is easier for walking, otherwise it would be impossible.
Also, the boots seemed strange, they were very low, almost like I barefeet.
I also noticed that the modifications in the boots' ankles, the sewn on hoops, worked well.
I thought maybe there was some cushion underneath the cuffs, they felt almost comfortable!
There was still a steel rod in my neck, and the woman held it and led me forward. She kept me upright. The man followed beside us.
Collar felt uncomfortable. I was still happy that the rod was hinged on my collar. A completely rigid solution was a disaster.
Since my hands were behind my back, I have effectively controlled ... and I walked slowly like Daisy Duck.

We came in the lobby.
There was a heavy table in a normal place that was very familiar to me. There was also a heavy chair I knew.. I sat there almost every time I was inside the lobby.
It was a big heavy ascetic chair, high back, no padding. I was tied / locked to it many times.
They put me in a chair. There was an anchorage point on the floor for locking purposes. The man squatted under the table.
He took a new steel bar and fitted it through an O-ring that was welded to the center of my legcuff steelbar. He locked it on the floor. He locked the other end to the chair frame. Me and the chair were now effectively locked to the floor.
I don't know exactly but the rod on my neck must have some system that can be quickly locked into something solid. Maybe it's just a solid steel loop that can be used with a padlock. I hadn't looked closely.
in any case, my collar was now locked in the chair's back. All I could do was sit upright.
My hands were still tight behind my back and my feet locked on the floor. I was stuck.

Nobody said anything. Only steel sounds were heard when they locked me.
I was really curious about what was going on, everything seemed well planned.
I was amazed at how efficiently they were able to make changes at short notice.

Collar was uncomfortable, especially now that the rod was locked in a chair.
The rod attachment point in the chair might have been lower than my neck. As I tried to move forward, the front of the collar rose slightly up and pressed my throat. Maybe the best posture was trying to lean back, but then my neck hurt.
I had to try to keep the posture very stable but it was difficult and tiring, I missed my corset.

Diaper wasn't bad, actually it gave a pleasant softness because the chair otherwise was very hard.
The dress was very uncomfortable, it was tight and too hard material. Now it didn't make much noise because I was sitting tight in my seat.
I had never dressed in vinyl but I thought it was pleasantly soft material. Maybe it's different. Perhaps this is intentionally punishing material. Thicker and harder than usual.
The color of the dress was also depressingly gray. I like black and white but gray ... already it has a psychological effect on my mind. Fortunately, it is shiny, I laughed inward.

She brought breakfast to me on the table.
A bottle of water, a glass of juice, bread roll and apple pieces, some vitamin pills. My normal breakfast.
Only then did I realize how much hunger I had. I hadn't eaten properly in a long time, just drank some water.

I was locked in it, I couldn't do anything ... I thought that next there would be some kind of incomprehensible mental play where I was being bullied but it didn't happen. The man opened my right wrist handcuff and moved my hand to the front. He locked the handcuff again.
"Enjoy your breakfast," the woman said.
They sat beside the wall on a leather couch where committee members often sit.

Eating was very difficult.
I couldn't move my head, I had handcuffs.
Even chewing was difficult because of collar.
Drinking was almost impossible because I couldn't tilt my head as little as possible.
Swallowing was difficult.
I was sure the guards would enjoy the show I gave.
I messed up my dress. bread, water, and juice came upon it. I felt like a pig. It annoyed me.
"Don't worry, prisoner," the woman said, "your uniform will withstand your mess, it's easy to clean without you having to take it off. It's very practical!"
I knew she would appreciate my humiliation. she has always been jealous of my beautiful clothes and dress. Now she can enjoy.

Finally, I had eaten. Guard removed the supplies and with a short chain locked my handcuffs on the table.
I could now hold my hands on the table, but I could no longer lift them to my face or even hold them in my lap.

"Now you have to wait," he said, "Committee members will come at some point, until then you wait here."
Good ... I thought ... I'll wait. And when Ilona comes, I'll tell  all about this brutality. She doesn't accept it and she helps things get back to normal!

to be continued...



Oh, BEP leather manufacturer has just added new pictures to his web page!
For example, there is his latest "BEP luxury" - restraints set. … C_0861.JPG … nt+Set.JPG

It's a very nice set for bdsm play
Take a look at his other products as well!



a continuation of the previous writing

I sat and waited, I couldn't do anything else. I was able to move my legs very little, it was impossible to change position.
Collar forced me to sit upright, my back and abdominal muscles were like fire.
I couldn't help the position with my hands because they were locked on the table in front of me.
It was torture. I couldn't even know how long I had to wait.
The guards left the room, I was alone. It wasn't good for me to be. My dress was uncomfortable, even its seams caused pain in my arms.

This cannot continue like this. I thought that if now it's the moment when I'll use my three-month rule.

That would mean that after three months of probation I would be free ... What would it be like?
I had thought about this before, it was a very stressful idea.
I have been under control for a long time, I have not had to think of any matters falling within the normal living. I have become a well-trained machine.
I don't have to think.
They tell me what I do, how I dress, what I eat, when I do body functions. They decide everything. What if it were not so?
I've lived like this for more than ten years, it would be impossible to live if all would end. I need control and discipline.

Routines are important to me.
Now, in any case, routines are broken but still there is control. It's my safety.
... thoughts crept in my head, I was confused. I need to figure this out.
Ilona and the Committee must understand that all these changes are futile. I want to return to my former, normal rhythm of the day.
I became very determined, we are clearing up this stupid difficulty!

In the end, I heard the door lock opened. The door was behind my back, I couldn't see it. The door opened and people entered the room.
Man, a member of the Committee came before me, the table was between us.
He is a member who visits me to meet less frequently.
He put a laptop on the desk, he attached a separate camera to the laptop and turned it toward me.
Another member of the Committee also came to the table, he was the driver of a car trip yesterday. He had the package box in his hand, he put it on the table.
I heard the guards were somewhere behind me, I couldn't see them. They closed the door and locked it.

The man who came first was very serious, he looked at me quietly and at the same time turned power on his laptop.
"prisoner" he said and looked at me "Since not all Committee members are present, we will record this meeting so all members can see this later."
I was scared, this was so official and important that I didn't understand everything.
Also, I was shocked that Ilona was not there.
"Where's Ilona?" I asked.
"... First of all, you are a prisoner who is a strict behavioral rules," the man said.
"We might have to repeat them," the man said sternly. "First of all, you need to understand the rules of the speech. You can't talk to us without permission. It applies to all the people you deal with."
"I don't ..." I started, but he interrupted my speech angrily.
"Listen!" he commands me "You have to ask permission to speak, it always happens by starting with Sir or Ma'am, depending on who you want to talk to. If permission is denied, you will not be listened to. If you break the rule, we will use a gag or muzzle.

"If you have permission to speak, you do not always have to use it Sir or Ma'am prefix, it is enough that you behave respectfully. "
"You answer when you are asked, otherwise you ask permission to speak, simple, right?" The man asked.
I got tears in my eyes. This was horrible!
"Did you understand?" The man asked.
I tried to nod but it was difficult because collar "Sir, I understand" I said quietly.
"This rule applies in all cases. Committee members,  guards, occasional guests, potential doctors and other appointments" man said.
I realized that the speech rule also applies to visits. For example, if my friend, or my brother / another family member, visits here, even then I must respect the rule!
"Sir, Can I ask?" I said and the man nodded to me.
"If I have a guest here, even though my best friend whose visit has now been canceled ... but the next time when she can come, do I need to ask permission to talk to her?"
The man looked at me, "When you meet a visitor, there's always a guard near you who monitors your behavior. You ask permission to guard, he/she may prohibit you from speaking or interrupt the conversation at any time. "

"But it doesn't matter now," the man continued, "your appointments have been canceled and you have been isolated for the time being."
I thought to my prison colleague, I meet him every other month. Appointments are important to him and me.
"What about my prisoner colleague?" I asked
"Your meeting has been canceled," the man said, "In addition, he will be punished for your bad behavior."
This is horrible. His life is also getting harder for me, and I haven't even done anything wrong!
His prison life was already tight and harsh ... or maybe it was like my new rules now.
I was very sorry and I can't even explain to him.
"It's a so-called community punishment," the man said, "your stupidity also affects other people. Maybe it will encourage you to behave well!"
I could not understand all this cruelty!

"... and as for your question about Ma'am Ilona," the man looked at me, "you don't need to know who's working with you. You're not going to meet her in a long time!"
This information was devastating. Ilona told me she was leaving the country to work, but I didn't realize I couldn't see her before.
I was shocked by the knowledge ... who is now taking care of my well-being? Maybe another female member of the Committee invisibly, but I rarely see her.

"Now let's move on to other practical things," the man continued "Your behavior has raised the level of security. Your actions will be investigated and the Committee will then decide on further action. During the investigation, you are under maximum control ".
"This is also a good opportunity to re-educate you in discipline and order" The man looked at me tightly "We have realized that you need it!"
I was so upset that I didn't even try to say anything. I was innocent of everything!

"This all means more control and restraints" Man talked like a lecturer "you've noticed changes in your restraint routines, it's just the beginning. A lot of new things are coming but I can give you some examples. Your daytime cell has made some changes, the biggest thing is maybe from now on you have three different chains that are locked in a cell ".
The man looked at me and continued, "one chain you already know, it has been locked into your hobblechain. In the future it will be locked in the same way in your new legcuffs steelbar.
The other chain is locked to the back of the steelbelt at your waist. This chain is fixed on the wall at the height of your waist. The third chain come from the ceiling and it will be locked to your collar. All chains are sized so that you can sit and move a little inside the cell but you can't reach the door under any circumstances."
""You can work on a computer like before, it is your work and your rights dictated by the agreement" he continued.
"Is everything clear so far? "He asked.

Everything was very clear, I'm not stupid. I understand everything that is said to me. I had tears on my cheeks and I answered "Yes, Sir."
"Good" man said "Do you have something else to say or ask?"
I pondered and said fondly, "This dress is horrible, it's tight and very awkward, unfortunate material ... besides, I don't understand the use of diaper".
"The purpose of the dress is not to please you" the man explained "its purpose is to remind you of what you are. Diaper use does not mean you have to mess it up ... it is a precaution and moreover it works like a chastity belt, you cannot touch yourself " .
"You also get new clothes that fit your new life," the man continued, "You just have to wait."

"And now," the man said, "We're trying out an accessory for your restraints!"
Another man took a long piece of steel from the box, about 40 cm long. it was about 5 cm wide and maybe 5 mm thick. It was slightly bent. it had several holes. I didn't like it.
The  guard came behind me and removed the rod from my collar. The guards helped me stand.It was difficult because I couldn't move my legs.
At the end of the new steel part was a locking mechanism similar to a rod, the guard put a part in my back clicked it into the collar.
I still had handcuffs. She opened a handcuffs chain and removed it from the table. Guard bolted the steel part of my waistbelt. When it was attached, it forced me into a very upright position.
I looked at the members of the committee with horror.
The committee member looked at me with interest.
"This is not all," he said.
He looked like a new steel part, it was the same material as the previous one but it was bent to shape ... like two D-letters.
I knew what it was. The D shapes were for my wrists. When the steel part is bolted to the one behind my back, my wrists are sandwiched between them.
The guards opened my cuffs and worked for a while with the steel parts. They forced my arm into that awful instrument. I felt very well controlled. They let me down again.
The posture was horrible, it was completely straight and my arms were fully locked stiff, the elbows were 90 degrees and the wrists overlapped against my back.
I was happy that the collar was hinged to the steel behind my neck, otherwise everything would be unbearable hell.

"Now we take a little break, maybe 15 - 30 min" the man said "you can sit here and get used to your new restraints, after that we can continue".

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I sat quietly, I tried to turn but my upper body was completely stiff. I could only turn my head very little.
My hands were completely useless, my fingers were free but I couldn't use them, they were useless behind my back, palms out.
Forearm position forced my shoulder upright, a tedious and tight dress squeezed my upper body. Once again I was grateful that I don't have big breasts. The inside of the dress was already rubbing my nipples painfully.

My feet were tightly locked to the floor and chair. I laughed bitterly ... They had forgotten to lock my torso in a chair ...
Maybe it was unnecessary in their view. I wasn't going anywhere.

I noticed that I was thinking in a strange way.
Maybe my collar or torso should be locked to the back of the chair. That would be my safety.
Now, in principle, I could fall forward, if it did, I could do nothing but crash into the table. I would hurt my face or something.
Maybe they had thought about it, I couldn't see behind me, maybe there was some kind of chain assurance or something.
I didn't intend to test it.

I'm thinking of changes in my restraints.
The 3-point chain locking in the side cell seems familiar. It is similar to some JG-Leathers writings. I've read them and I am sure the Committee has read them as well.
Still, I can't help but think that they have an expert in developing these things.
It was an idea that, in all its madness, even flattered me.

The whole group came into the room again, I smelled the smell of cigarette and coffee. They had taken a good break. The other man had a big mug with him. He put it on the table.

The men returned to the same places behind the table.
The driver took a new steel object out of the box. He put it on the table.
"Is everything all right" another man asked me "What does your new restraints feel like now?"
"Sir, it's very heavy and restrictive," I replied, "the extra part behind my back makes it very heavy, I find it very difficult to tolerate."
"How are your hands?"
"The arms are basically ok, the position is not painful," I answered, "the steel around my wrists are well rounded and shaped, it is also so wide that the wrist can rest on it, the problem is the heavy weight and the back posture is very erect, it will feel tired me".
"The good thing is that the collar is hinged at the back," I went on, "if it was solid, this would be full hell."
The men looked at each other and laughed.
"That's why you're our favorite prisoner!" the man said "Despite the difficult situation, you can give clear and analytical feedback!"

Another man smiled "that's why we want to introduce you to another option for this restraint system".
He lifted a steel object and showed it to me. It was a bent steel bar, I recognized that it had the same attachment points as the part that now holds my hands behind my back.
The difference was that the rod shape was a large arch with solidly wide steel bands, two in the middle and two at the bottom. They were lockable.
I studied it with my eyes, then I realized what it is!
It is fixed behind my back and it keeps my arms locked in it, elbows almost together and wrists together.
It looked interesting but I still didn't like it.
"Our blacksmith, Rolf, has thought a lot about you," the man smiled.
"We do not try this now," the man said, "We just wanted to show it to you. It is perhaps the device that you can use the outdoor activities, it can be attached to the roof top terrace so that we do not need to worry about your fall".

"Next, you need a new night-time arrangements," the man said "What did you like last night"?
"I was very tired ... but I didn't like it," I said. "the new stock part on my ankles was horrible, it was hard, it hurt my ankles. It also caused pain in my legs and hips because i can't change the position" I complained "also the cuffs were bad, my wrists are still sore now, cuff locking the waist behind my back is unnecessary! "
"Your thing is not to evaluate what is unnecessary and what is not," the man said calmly.

The man looked at his partner "Maybe we can try to try to soften the stock ... maybe a layer of neoprene will help?"
Another man nodded, "We can try it.
"We can also do something about our wrists," he said, "we try mittens with a wide wrist restraint, it protects your wrist skin ... but for your sleeping position, we can't do anything now."

"One more thing for the sleeping arrangement," the man said and took the new thing out of the box.
I thought how many new things could be in the box ...
New thing was black leather, it was like empty football. It also had straps around it in many ways.

He held it in his hand and I realized what it was. It has a leather hood with extra cushioning on the ears and eyes. Two strong straps went around it horizontally, one above the eyes and the other at the mouth. However, there was a hole at the mouth, maybe 1 cm.
There was also a strap that rose from below the chin to the top of the head. There were cords behind the hood so it could be tightened tightly, the straps secured everything.
It was a beautiful entity even though it terrified me!

The man took something from the mug that was on the table. It was a u-shaped black object. He introduced it to me.
"This is a standard tooth protector, used for sports in martial arts and games. This is a model with protection for both upper and lower teeth".
He turned the object in front of my face" There has been some hot water in the mug which has now cooled down so the protector can put it in your mouth. When warm, the material is shaped by your teeth and jaw ".
"There's nothing to be afraid of, you see, there's a hole for breathing in between," he explained calmly.
"We put a toothprotector in your mouth and a hood on your head. Then we tighten the hood tightly so that everything forms together and you get used to the hood."
He pushed the object towards my mouth, I didn't want it. It terrified me.
"Don't make this difficult," the man said calmly, "the material cools and it hurts your teeth, we don't have time for this."
I had no choice, I opened my mouth.
The object in my mouth felt uncomfortable.
"squeeze your teeth together" the man ordered.
I noticed that now I couldn't get my teeth together, there was a gap and it felt strange.
"... and now comes darkness and silence ..." the man said and put a hood on my head.
The cords at the back had been loosened but still it felt very tight. He carefully placed the Hood and tightened the cords. The hood tightened effectively around my head.
I noticed that the hood was well designed and made, had a space on the nose, it didn't flatten painfully.
At the mouth, I felt that a tube or something was inserted between the teeth of hood opening. It placed hood in place.
Laces were tightened more, hood effectively rejected the hearing, it was very muted.
Finally, the leather straps were tightened around my head. One man held my head and the other tightened the straps. Jaws clenched tightly together.
It was a new and terrifying experience for me, the darkness was perfect, I only heard strange noises as they touched the hood.
Panic was difficult to breathe.
Finally, I realized that no one was touching me anymore.

I was alone in darkness and silence.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

I heard nothing ... just the noise inside my head, maybe my heart beats, maybe I imagined. I heard my own swallow. I didn't see anything, there was complete darkness.
I was a bit panicked and nervous, the situation was not pleasant.

I tried to focus on analytical thinking.
The hood was very tight but at the same time it felt comfortable.
I tried to breathe calmly. It was a surprise to notice that I could breathe through my nose too, it calmed me... maybe I wouldn't choke on this ...
The hood had looked awful, like I first thought, like an empty football but it was surprisingly comfortable around my head. It was well designed, tailored to the head. Maybe not just on me but on the woman anyway.
Eye area was well designed so that nothing pressed my eyes.
There was the same thing in the ears. I thought there were some cups inside the hood that protect the ears and eyes and are filled with some soft and absorbent material.
The nose had its own space and I was able to breathe. Limited but still. With each breath I was able to sense the strong scent of new leather.
There was a clear outer and inner layer on the hood, maybe there was still some damping material in between, it really separated me from the outside world effectively.
That's why the hood looked like empty football when I first saw it.

The object between my teeth was strange, it really locked my jaw. I couldn't move it at all. Oral breathing was strange because there was only a small hole available.
I thought that when I stay calm everything goes well.

I wasn't terrified or scared. I was interested in new things and practices.
I thought again that I had to be really crazy but I was happy that I had these kinds of personalized solutions that I could try.
The committee does a great job of trying and preparing new things for me. I have to be happy and proud of them!

The feeling of happiness and pride quickly went over, it was replaced by frustration.
I don't know how long I was in it.
Was I alone? Did everyone leave the room? Have they left me alone here?
Maybe they were in the room and stayed up to me ... I hope. I do not want anything unfortunate to happen.

I noticed a bad thing in the tooth protector. My tongue went in front of the hole between the teeth and prevented the passage of air. I had to focus on keeping my tongue in the lower part of the mouth, away from the hole, but every time when it happened I was scared when the air was blocked.
It wasn't really serious, I got a little air through my nose but it was still uncomfortable.
I thought what happens at night when I sleep. It was scary to think about it!

When the head is isolated and all senses are gone, it is very difficult to understand the balance of the body.
I had been sitting in good posture for a long time, I do not know the time but it felt long.
My back and abdominal muscles got tired and I felt like I was falling forward.
It was just a feeling I couldn't know for sure. In any case, I automatically tried to correct the position and lean myself backwards.
Immediately I felt like I was falling back too much. As a result, a new correction and eventually I waved like a helicopter, uncontrollably. I no longer knew what the right vertical position was!
The situation was horrible and I was panicking! It didn't help.
However, I tried to calm myself down. I thought if I crash now, I have no problem ... I can't hurt my head because it's inside soft football!

to be continued...



Over 20,000 wiews in my diary... that's pretty much!

Especially when I think I can't write ... readers must be really interested in my life so they can read such bad English :)

Thanks to everyone!
The journey continues, whether you like it or not ....



a continuation of the previous writing

I was like on a carousel even though I didn't move much. It was crazy, I almost feel sick.
I'm already thinking about what happens if I have to vomit ... the end result wouldn't be good.
However, I trusted the fact that they, the Committee and the guards, take care that nothing catastrophic does not happen.
... this is just a test, I thought.

I had to try to stop the swinging somehow, I tried to lean back but it was too scary, the back of the chair was too far away.
I was leaning forward carefully, I didn't care if I hit the table.
My locked feet didn't help at all. The steel-stiffened torso was heavy to move.
Suddenly my slow forward movement stopped, it was limited by something.
I deduced that between my collar and the back of the chair was something, maybe a chain ... or just a rope or a leather strap.
It was a great relief, I couldn't hit the table. I leaned forward and rested, the carousel movement stopped.
Probably I hadn't leaned much forward, but I was able to rest on it. Collar weighed a little in my throat, but I did not care. I was able to breathe well.
I reassured myself, everything is fine. I tried to breathe normally, if it can say so in this case.

Someone touched me on the shoulder, I got scared that because I was so focused on my own dark and dumb world.
I felt like I was helped to my normal sitting position again.
They opened leatherstraps around my hood, It was a great feeling to notice it. It took a while and I felt the lacing behind the hood open.
The hood was already open, I could hear again.
"Keep your eyes closed" the man said and finally the hood was taken off my head. It was awesome, I was able to breathe fresh air again!
I closed my eyes tightly, I could sense the bright light, I didn't want to open my eyes quickly.
"Open your mouth" the man ordered.
I did so, the jaw was a little stuck, but I could do it. Jaw joints were tender.
The man took the tooth guard out of my mouth. I moved my chin slowly. It felt weird, different like after the ballgag.

Finally I opened my eyes, the men were watching me closely.
"What it was like?" the man asked.
"Sir ... it was weird. Like wild riding even though I didn't even move much!" I answered.
"Scary ?, Restrictive ?, Did it hurt you? We want to hear your comment," the man said.
I was confused by his curiosity, though I understood it very well.
I thought for a moment.
"Sir, good things first ... The hood is very beautiful, it's well designed and well made. It's like made for me!" I started "The good thing was that I was able to breathe so well, though the leather aroma is very strong now".
"Bad things ..." I continued "... the tooth protectors are horrible, it forces my lower jaw in the wrong position and produces pain. Also, the hole in it is too small, I can accidentally block it and then I can't breathe through the mouth, it is scary".
The man took the tooth protectors in his hand and looked at them, turned and examined them.
"It is true that the protector force the jaw to a bad position, it is because there must be an air hole between them," he said, "but on the other hand a normal ballgag forces your jaw to open more."
"With a normal ballgag I can breathe better," I thought, "especially if it's not too big, or if it has big holes like my normal nighttime gag. And my tongue can't accidentally block holes."
The man was still looking at the protectors, "We may be able to enlarge the breathing hole a little, it will help ... Maybe we can also make some kind of tongue guard for this same object. It could prevent your tongue from blocking the hole. "
I was horrified, I didn't want any more tools in my mouth. He noticed it.
"A normal ballgag also pushes the tongue down," he said, "with this new device, you don't need a strap on your mouth corners at night. This is progress!"

I thought I might not like this kind progress ....

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing

The man put the tooth guards on the table.
"anyway ... forward" he said "Your work during the day. Nothing changes in principle, it will continue to normal after today. The only thing is that you have some additional restrictions but they do not affect the normal routine".
"As already said," he was looking at me, "you're chained to three different places inside your cell. You can sit normally at your desk and work. You can also stand and even walk inside the cell."
He showed the guards with his hand, "Guards have the right, if necessary, to restrict you more. That means locking your legs like now, it can also mean limiting the movement of your hands ... and many other things. It all depends on your behavior."

I was shocked, I may not have understood everything.
"Sir," I asked, "why all this? I'm already so far been strongly limited and controlled. Why all of this increase? It is totally unnecessary!"
The men looked at each other and then at me.
"You're committed to a restricted and controlled life, don't you?" The man asked.
I nodded, "I am committed to this but it all seems so disproportionate Now! All was well before this!"
"We understand that this is all a shock to you, but you have to understand that all of this is necessary for your behavior," the man said.
"But I have done nothing wrong!" I cried.
"Stop that" the man said sternly, "As we have said, the act will be studied and dealt with when the time comes. Until then, we will do so."

"The other purpose is that this time will serve as a disciplinary and retraining for you," the man explained again, "You are a good prisoner but you need a reminder of your position in this system."
"You don't have to think this is some extra punishment," he said, "everyone needs a reminder and training sometimes, your time is up. After that, you may be able to go back to your old routine, but you have to show us that you really deserve it!"

I had heard that before, I was warmed by the fact that maybe everything is the same again sometime, I just have to try hard to adjust now. Maybe I can handle this.
I thought maybe by the time Ilona comes back everything would be fine and well. The time would be only a few months. Beginning of summer.
I chose not to use the three month rule.

I am a model prisoner, I have always been.

to be continued...



Wow; that is quite the ordeal you're under! The night before last I was laced and buckled into a leatherette sensory-deprivation hood for nearly seven hours; my jaw felt sore from having my mouth around a plug gag for all that time....

The part about your visit to your grandmother was very poignant; I'm very happy that you were able to meet with her again.

I'll also add that your ladylike gloves which keep your fingers stiff sound elegant and fun; if ever your committee decidest to market them, I just might buy a pair to be used on myself!

Gag kisses!



FashionBoundGirl wrote:

Wow; that is quite the ordeal you're under! The night before last I was laced and buckled into a leatherette sensory-deprivation hood for nearly seven hours; my jaw felt sore from having my mouth around a plug gag for all that time....

The part about your visit to your grandmother was very poignant; I'm very happy that you were able to meet with her again.

I'll also add that your ladylike gloves which keep your fingers stiff sound elegant and fun; if ever your committee decidest to market them, I just might buy a pair to be used on myself!

Gag kisses!

I am also happy that I got to meet her one last time. It meant a lot to me even though it produced a bit of trouble in my life.

I think "stiff" gloves have already been made for some customers, I'm not sure.
They are beautiful but surprisingly restrictive. They can also be used in "normal" life, no one can know that your fingers are stiffened ...




It's been almost three months when I updated last time in my diary!

Now I can finally break the silence and write something.

First of all a very normal thing ... weather report:
The weather here is very special, has been a long time.
Now the sun shines in the open air and is nearly 10 degrees warm. That's weird because now it should be -20 degrees cold.
Nature is messed up, I saw in the yard how flowers are trying to grow like in spring! I also heard birds singing!
It's sad because I know at some point it's going to be very cold, how about nature when the snow isn't protecting it?
Not everyone is in balance right now. But I know that was the same thing here a hundred years ago, and sometimes in the 70s ... so I have no climate panic. Climate and weather always change from time to time, I think it's normal.

Finnish politicians are confused, they have become madness, they want us to be a model country to save the world from climate change.
I find it amusing, Finland is already producing less emissions than almost all countries. Although if Finland had replaced the empty hole of the world situation does not improve it.

The world is not saved by stopping cars and heating homes in Finland. Crazy ... but that's what they think.
They want to raise taxes so much that people can't use the car anymore. This results in people being unable to work.
Politicians are planning that all residents should live in cities that don't need their own car :) How stupid are they?

:) :)

Here was my statement this time, I promise I won't talk much about this anymore.

My life here has almost returned to normal, now when I got back the right to keep a diary of everything feels good!
I have been very limited but I'm still, because of the work, followed world events. I have not been completely isolated for a long time, you may have noticed that I have also updated the forum galleries here.

A doctor's visit is planned for me (also a dentist). It makes me a little nervous.
I don't think there is anything wrong with me, but I'm nervous about the meetings being outside this place.
It is always scary, because I'm already so institutionalized.
It's basically weird. Before I was always eager to get out, but now it's very scary.



Today here in the south was thin snow on the ground ... maybe winter will come here at some point.
This kind of cold and humid air is not very nice, even though I'm only an hour a day outdoors, it is a pity.
Maybe because I can't move much, I sometimes fantasize that I would be walking the streets, maybe in the center of Helsinki. That would be nice even though I know there's an even worse situation there ... The Cold Baltic Sea brings moist and cold air to the city. My dream also includes warm fur  :)
It would be nice to be somewhere else, say, somewhere in there where I was last on the way ... it was a nice trip (except the last part).

Even though I have a nice warm indoor, the same air conditioning as in the summer, I feel like the coldness here goes into my bones.
I am happy that I am able to get my normal clothes back. Latex rubber and vinyl etc are not my material even though I had to endure them last summer and fall.
Leather clothes make me happy :) They make me calm.

My future visit to the outside world will make me nervous.
It's good that I get dental care, maybe there's something to be corrected even though there's no big problem yet.
The dentist knows my rules and routines so I'm not worried about that.
I am more worried about a normal medical examination, I think it is done at a normal medical center, I do not want to attract attention.
A chained woman out there can be rare ...

I'm also annoyed that I don't know when this visit will take place. I understand the reason, it's a safety factor ... I could (in principle) tell the time and place to somebody and it could cause trouble for everyone, however, I would not do so.

Rules are rules and you can never be too careful ... I understand that.



I haven't had a steel collar since friday, it's very strange. I now have a leather collar with a lockable chain on the outside, it's not as tight as my normal steel collar.

Basically that's a good thing, but I still feel weird ... I feel like a dog or some other pet.
Steel collar is a sign that tells how I live. In a way, I'm proud of it, it's been part of me for so many years.

I don't know why my collar was changed. I tried to ask, but the guards didn't say anything.
I don't like sudden changes, they make me nervous.

..and finally the weather report: It's finally snowing! the yard was beautiful when I was outdoors.
I think the snow will disappear again soon but for a while I can enjoy it :)



Wow ... I'm under strict control in other ways too.

I was contacted by a person who has accurately recorded my activity here in the forum.
He is every day for a year marked up when I logged in to the forum and when I am logged out. He also wants to know what happens on days when I don't sign in to the forum (they are rare).

He suggests that I report every day on all my routines immediately. In personal discussions I am sometimes done so but not publicly.
There's so little happening in my life that it would be boring in the end.
I don't want to bore you.

In any case, I appreciate his actions, I am not disturbed by the fact that I am strictly supervised and monitored.
In some ways, I'm even proud of the fact that my life is of interest to some people.



I have my own steelcollar again.

It was replaced because the committee wanted to protect my neck skin before a medical examination.
I had a slightly looser leather collar for three days, so the steelcollar marks and skin redness disappeared by then.

So I had a doctor's examination today as well as a dentist.

The day was very exciting and different, it took all my energy.
I'll tell you more about it soon, but now I have to rest.



I promised to tell you about the day I had a visit with a doctor and a dentist.
I feel like the report is going to be very long, here's the first part:

I had been informed earlier that this day was coming but I did not know exactly when it would happen.
It's a security issue: I can't tell in advance when the visit will be, nor the destination.
I wouldn't do that but it's a safety principle, I understand it.

Basically, I knew it the night before because I didn't get my normal, tight nighttime hood. It was replaced by a loose cloth bag. I also had no gag in my mouth.
Also my steelcollar had been replaced with a slightly looser leather collar a few days earlier. It amazed me at first, but eventually I understood its purpose: The committee did not want me to have extra marks on the doctor's examination. It could raise unnecessary questions.

In the morning the guards came to my cell as always. I heard the steel door locks open, I also heard them talking to someone. I heard Ilona's voice.
I was pleased because when I realized she was coming on a trip to the outside world, it seemed like a nice idea. I was already afraid I had to travel only with the guards. I hated that idea.

The guards came in to my cell. They started our morning routines normally.
Blanket was taken off. The morning always feels cool on my naked skin, even though it is always pleasantly warm inside. I like my heavy and warm blanket.
They opened legcuffs by the bed side frames that keep my feet spread, normal legcuffs and hobblechain stayed locked as always.
Next, unlock the chain that goes over me and locks my handcuffs behind my back by both sides in bed.
The extra legcuffs and the aforementioned chain are totally useless in my opinion. They lock me tight in my bed on my stomach but I don't understand them.
I slept for years without them, just using basic cuffs and lock. I have never caused any problems but still these additions are used now. On the other hand, I'm happy that a fixed stock of my ankles are no longer in use, now I can even move a little at night, a few cm.
Then unlock the chains that lock my collar by the frame, on each side.

As I lay in bed, I hear how my hobblechain bedconnector is opened.
I'm now disconnected from the bed but I'm not moving.
I still have handcuffs behind my back, and legcuffs locked. I know that if I move, the guard will sit on me ... or kneel down on my lower back. It hurts, I don't want it. That's why I just wait without moving.

"Up and sit down" The guard commands and grabs my collar.
He "helps" me to sit on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor. The Legcuff chain makes a noise when it falls on the floor. The floor feels cold.
I still have my hands behind my back.
The guard opens my hood and takes it off, the bright light dazzling me like every morning.

I get used to the light and see Ilona behind the net wall. She is not inside the night time cell. It would be too cramped for all of us.
"Good morning Miisa" Ilona smiles. It's nice to see a smiling face inside the cell, the guards aren't smiling.
"Good morning," I reply gently.
I think it's nice to see Ilona, she left me in trouble and there was a time when I hated her but now it's different.
As always, she seemed admirable. Her style did not disappoint in my eyes, now a simple, brown sweater and black, jeans style leatherpants. Simple and functional, nothing too much.

She came closer, just behind the net wall and looked at me.
"You must have guessed today that you will have a medical check-up," She said. "You will also have a dental check-up, two hours with a trusted dentist."
She looked at me seriously, "We trust you very much now, the doctor's appointment is in the medical center, the doctor does not know how you live. We trust that you can behave well throughout the appointment. We have trained you for it."
She was silent for a moment and finally went on, "The dentist is well aware of your life so it is easier there. She has arranged that only she is there when we come, no assistant or other distractors."
"The day goes on now with your normal morning routines. Then I'll have breakfast with you and then we'll go by car" she smiled again "I'm going to enjoy my first coffee here today for a while, as the guards do the practical routines for you."

The guards grabbed my arms and helped me stand. Then they led me to the Shower / toilet.
We came to the toilet seat and I sat there. Guard locked the wall chain on my collar.
"Wait" said the woman, she had a small jar in her hand. "Spread your feet so I rinse your lower head, we'll take a urine sample for the doctor.
When it was done, she said "you know how this goes, first you pee a little, then we take a sample and then you can do whatever you want".
The guards moved a little farther and I emptied myself. They waited patiently until I was ready.
Woman took toilet paper from her thigh pocket and wiped me, I spread my legs for it. Everything was a routine, no speech needed.
The man unlocked my collar chain and they lifted me up, we moved under the shower. He held my collar and pulled it down. He stepped on my hobblechain.
"Now gently," the woman said, "we change rubbercuffs to your wrists, keep your hands behind your back all the time."
This was different than normal, I wondered but didn't say anything.
She opened my handcuffs and replaced them with a wider, rubbery cuff with a metal chain. She locked them behind my back and then lifted my wrists up. She locked the cuffs in a wall chain that normally locked behind my steelcollar.
The end result was that I was locked in a strappado position with my hands forced up back. However, the posture was not painful, just uncomfortable.
The man unlock my collar and took it off. He moved a little farther and let the woman start my washing.

She took a shower in her hand and sprayed water on me, watered my head and effectively treated my hair with one hand. It was easy because in the strappado position I was forced to lean forward.
I was happy that the cuffs were changed to rubber, now my wrists didn't get that much.
... I knew why they were exchanged- they didn't want to cuff marks on my wrists, they would be hard to explain to the doctor.
She took a shampoo from the accessory bag and rubbed it on my wet hair.
It felt good even though her handling was never particularly gentle. Finally she rinsed my hair again and treated it with conditioner. It smelled good.
She took soap in a damp cloth and carefully washed my upper body ... armpits, forearms, breasts, back ... it was easy because I was in a good position.
Normally I can usually wash myself, my steelcollar is then locked with a chain on the wall but now I didn't have a collar. I quietly thinking that, fortunately, this is not standard practice.

"Spread your legs" she commanded.
I did so even though it was difficult when I spread my legs my hands were in a more difficult position.
She opened my right  legcuff. "Spread more" she said sternly "we don't want to get any unwashed place. We don't want the doctor to be disappointed!"
She slap me in the buttock, I was surprised. The male guard laughed while looking at me. Basically they shouldn't do that but I didn't care, the slap was not hard, it even felt friendly. It suited the situation.
I spread my legs more. Finally, I was hanging by my hands, like an acrobat in a circus. Nose towards the floor.
"Now is good" the woman said and continued washing me.
"We haven't thought before but this would be a good position to shave you in. Now we don't have to do it but next time we might do it!" she said with delight at her invention.
She was right, shaving was done only few days ago.

I felt her slippery latex gloves handle soapy water in my crotch area. She washed me all too effectively. Her latex finger even went inside me, I hated it because it had nothing to do with sexuality, only humiliation.
She was playing with me and I hated it.
Finally she stopped and sprayed me with water to clean the soap and conditioner.
The man took a towel from the bag and gave it to the woman, she dried me. She was particularly careful about my crotch area again.
When she was ready, she ordered me to put my feet side by side again. I did so and she locked in my legcuffs again.
"We are not putting you on a collar now, you just have to obey orders so everything is going well". The man said.
He came next to me and removed the cuffs from the wall chain. My hands were still locked behind me and he held them up.
"Now we walk calmly back to the cell" he said and pushed me lightly forward.
The posture was tedious for walking. I was irritated by it that everything has to be always super secured.

The woman walked beside me and pressed my head lightly down, I couldn't look forward, only down. I felt very controlled.
inside the cell I knew Ilona was there even though I couldn't see her. I smell her perfume and the smell of light coffee. That combination felt good.
The guards led me to sit on the bed. Then they released their grip on me and I was able to look again.
Male guard looked at Ilona questioningly and raised a leather collar in her hand.
Ilona nodded to him and the man locked the collar in my neck, he also locked the long wallchain in it.

I looked at the wall, it was hanging clothing bag.
I looked at Ilona, many things were different from normal and it made me a little nervous.
"You haven't been in the outside world for over half a year, in fact for 9 months," Ilona said with a smile, "We want to make this day special for you and that's why I brought special clothes for this day."
I wasn't surprised, I was sure there was something humiliating, something that tells the outside world my prisoner status.
I almost started crying in advance.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

On the bed next to me was a smaller plastic bag. It featured the logo of a fashion store, it confused me.
At the same time, the guard released my hand. I slowly moved my hands to my lap, I have to be careful not to misinterpret my movements by the guards. My arms were tired of the strappado position anyway.
"You can look at what's inside the bag," Ilona said with a smile.
I took the bag and looked inside. There were a few packages, unopened packages. I took my first pack and looked ... Calvin Klein bra, nude bralette... like sportbra! The second set featured panties of the same color, the same Calvin Klein series.
I had seen commercials where Bella Hadid dresses in the same lingerie!

I looked at Ilona in astonishment, I couldn't stop the tears coming from my eyes.
"You've had a hard time for a long time," Ilona said and looked at me, "You have been retrained and your practical arrangements have changed a little bit. But you have taken a great attitude and adapted to it, we are proud of you!".
I was completely speechless, I couldn't say anything.
"We want this day to go well, and we want to spoil you a little," Ilona said with a smile, "But you have to understand that this is just the one day ... then everything will return. Security is still normal today."
"You can open packages" she laughed. I noticed that I was completely paralyzed. This was a really big surprise!
I opened the packs, took the bra in my hand and looked at it, smelled it and felt it with my fingers. same for panties.
My normal, everyday lingerie is functional and good quality too but this felt somehow so special.

Ilona nodded to the female guard and the guard came closer and was about to take the bra out of my hand, I was scared and didn't want to let them out!
"The guard will help you put on the bra," Ilona explained.
The security guard took the bra "stand up, face to wall" she ordered.
I got up and moved next to the wall, the wall chain between my collar and the wall is well dimensioned. Legcuffs hobble made a noise on the floor. Same everyday routine.
I slowly moved my hands and let the guard put on my bra.Bralette were fastened on the back.
For some reason everything felt really cool and I felt like something special.
Ilona followed things from behind the net wall. "next panties" she said.
The male guard grabbed the wall chain and the woman opened my legcuffs.
I was now almost without restraints, locked only in collar and wall chain. The man was ready, he could pull me down to the floor immediately if needed ... sometimes I used to laugh at that exaggeration but now it's just routine i don't even notice it anymore.
Female guard put the panty protector inside it. She gave them to me and I slowly wear them.
The new panties were very feminine compared to my normal panties. They weren't super sexy, they were well functioning normal panties but they still felt awesome!
I noticed that my breathing had accelerated.

Ilona followed me with interest "then in tights" she say.
The guard took the package and opened it, she gave it to me.
I haven't used tights for years, I was already eager to wear them!
They felt so good! They were pretty tight, even hard to wear but it gave a great feeling.
The woman took something out of a big bag hanging on the wall. Warm beige, buttoned blouse. It was a beautifully descending, fashionable creation.
Ilona looked at me and blouse "That is my shirt, I bought it from Italy. It's brand new and I hope you wear it carefully" she smiled "It's maybe a little too big for you but its a loose cut and looks good on you too".
The guard helped me put on the shirt. It was a dream light.

"Next comes the surprise," Ilona said happily, "You get to borrow my leather pants! As you know, I have a number of them, and I noticed how you always admire them. Today, you can experience self at their comfort".
Oh my ...! I was happy that I had panty protection, I might have released a few drops because I was so excited!
"Again ..." Ilona said, "they are my pants so they are a little loose you but the design is such that it is not a problem."
I put on leather pants, the inside lining of the pants glided nicely against the surface of the pantyhose.
Already it was very, very exciting!
The leather pants were, as Ilona said, tailored loose. They had a high waist, a fixed belt at the waist.  They were very classically feminine. The ankles had straps that tightened around the ankle. I had seen such fashion images.
These leather pants were almost the latest fashion!
I felt like something ... special!
As I moved my legs, I could feel the leather movement on my skin, I heard the sound of it. It excited me tremendously.
I was close to orgasm, didn't even dare to move much. I was already afraid of what would happen if I tried to walk!

I saw how the female guard looked at me. She was jealous, she was already jealous of my leather skirts and coat. How jealous is she now?
I don't know what she gets paid for, but I know she can never afford such clothes. It felt awesome!

The woman took the handcuffs, locked my hands behind my back and directed me to sit on the edge of the bed again.
She took out socks and shoes from the bag, shoes were trendy ankle boots, black with a low heel, maybe 4-5 cm, very chick.
I let her put them on my feet, I felt like a queen.
The female guard locked the legcuffs in my left leg, then she mounted the connectorchain big O-ring to hobblechain and locked the right leg cuff.
After that male guard released his hand on my collar chain.

The guard would push me lightly when I knew I had to get up.
Woman removed my left handcuff and moved my hands in front of me. She installed the connectorchain to handcuffs and locked it in my wrist again.
Connectorchain is sized so that when I hold my hands down, the chain is between my ankles. I can walk and stand normally, but I cannot lift my hands as very little.
As I sit down, I can lift my hands up and even touch my face if I want to.
The male removed my collarchain and they led me out of the cell.
Ilona looked at me with satisfaction "You look very businesslike, next we eat breakfast and do something for your hair".
We moved to the lobby, there was already a tray on the table with my breakfast.
I was brought to the chair, my hobble locked to the floor / chair, collar locked to the chair chain. Finally, a wide leather belt was fastened to my waist and locked behind the chair.
The woman took my handcuffs off and locked the connectorchain on the table.
I was very secured but my hands were free so I could eat.

Breakfast was very normal, juice, water, bread and salad / vegetables, a cup of tea.
Ilona sat across the table looking at me. She drank coffee quietly.
I had great trouble getting calm. New clothes and especially leather pants made me excited.
"I see you like your new clothes "Ilona smiled" your cheeks shine with enthusiasm ".
She was certainly right.
"Eat and enjoy breakfast in peace, we are in no hurry," she said.
After breakfast, we move to the car, the doctors are near Helsinki so the drive is about 50 minutes, " she explained. After the dentist, you still have an appointment at a nearby hotel. It doesn't take much time. "
Everything else was clear to me but I didn't understand what the appointment I was having, I was confused and Ilona saw it.
"You don't have to be excited about meeting, You meet two people who are interested in your life " Ilona explained " one of them is a psychology student, she wants to specialize in prison psychology. The other person is her professor / teacher. The student would like to make a thesis about you. They want to make sure you are the right and genuine person. "
I didn't know what I was thinking about this ... It was a little weird.
I rarely meet new people, there are many today. It felt a little scary.
And thesis about me ... as if I were some research animal!
I told Ilona my thoughts.

"You don't have to worry about the student "Ilona said" she is not interested in your daily life or your routines. She wants to study how you ended up in this life.
She is interested in your childhood, your bondage- and prison thoughts back then. She's is also interested in how all the violence and crimes you encountered affected you ... and of course why you have chosen such a life now".
I was very anxious now. I didn't like the idea. Also, I wondered how a single meeting can deal with such a big deal. I told Ilona it.
"This is just an introductory meeting" Ilona smiled "Then you decide whether you want to do it and the communication is done over the network, so no appointments. If you don't want to do it, no one will force you to do it. You decide."
I had already eaten breakfast. Ilona got up and came behind me. She put my hair on a ponytail. It felt good, she had no gloves.
I don't even remember when someone touched me without gloves ...

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

Ilona stood near me, almost on my skin. I smelled her perfume, she smelled so good.
Basically, by the rules, she couldn't have been so close to me because my hands were without restraints. She trusted me, it felt good too.
I didn't want to ruin this day.

"I was wondering if you need makeup or anything" Ilona said "But you don't, you are beautiful without makeup".
That consultation was confusing, in my opinion, I am not beautiful ... I'm a normal basic woman, I think. Funny thing was that I hadn't even thought about the makeup option.
Ilona took a cup of coffee,  half sitting on the table near me. I could have touched her, her thigh. I wanted to do that, but I didn't. It was a very emotional moment, she didn't even notice it.

"So, the day goes on as planned," she said to me in a conversational voice, "You get the jacket and we move into the car that is now in the garage, in the next room. We travel to Helsinki where we first meet the doctor.
He's the normal basic doctor who does a normal health check for you, no drama. I have given preliminary information which mentions that you have the mental problems of the past life. That's why you need a close escort. I'm also told that you have a special treatment for psychological problems. He is not a psychiatry doctor".

Great ... now the doctor considers me insane even before he meets me. But on the other hand, it explains why I can't be alone with the doctor.
I understand that the new doctor cannot immediately know the truth of my life. But I also don't understand why we need to go to the new doctor?

"You are undergoing a kind of fitness test," Ilona continued, "this is a perfectly normal procedure for almost every person who is working somewhere, Obtaining insurance requires it.
You have your own business so you need to have this kind of insurance".

Now, I basically understood why I needed to see this doctor. A normal routine for working people. Basically, I knew this but it was never done to me before.
Officially everything must be fine for me too, even though I live in a "secret"  private prison.

"So far everything clear?" Ilona ask and I nodded.
"From there we go to the dentist, the drive is maybe 15 min" he explained "The dentist is my friend and she knows something about your life, she has also read your diary. You don't have to stress.
She will check your teeth and dental hygiene, it has been a few years since your last dentist visit. Now everything is in order with one visit. "
"The time is set aside for 2 hours, it should be enough. Then again, a short car trip to a hotel where we meet the psychologist and his student," Ilona smiled, "and then back here. So, almost the whole day trip."

"Are you ready?" Ilona asked
I drank the last tip of the tea and nodded.

The female guard came closer, she brought my gloves. Rigid fingers again, they were not my favorite but I accepted them. I put my hands on her and she put them in my hands. The gloves were very tight and restrictive as they were designed. The guard closed the zipper tightly.
They were also very beautiful, I was strangely proud of the fact that I got to wear them. I am wearing them very rarely. Only once after a spring car trip, they still looked like new, and they still smelled like new leather.
I looked at my hands admiringly. They looked very small, tight and stiffened leather in a beautiful shape. The unfortunate side was that they effectively limited the use of fingers. The fingers were tight together, slightly bent, the thumb was below the palm. Very effective but also very beautiful.
I hated them but at the same time I loved them. They are made for me, only for me. I felt very special.

The guard gave me my jacket, he put it on the table. It was a stylish blazer, two-row buttons, black leather. I was reminded of Balmain-style fashion. It was the most beautiful jacket that I have seen!
I was surprised, I looked in amazement at Ilona.
"This is your day" Ilona smiled "I'll let you use my blazer today".
The male guard removed the leather belt from behind the chair and the female guard helped me stand. It would have been difficult for me, my legs were still chained/ locked on the floor and my hands were unusable because of the gloves.

Ilona took the blazer, she went behind me and helped me dress it up.
My tight gloves easily slid into the sleeves. The sleeves were tight, they even tapered towards the wrists.
Blazer lining felt wonderful! it slipped a dream lightly on me. The garment had the smell of Ilona, it was intoxicating and very feminine. Now I felt very special!

The female guard put a handcuff on my left wrist. she was very precise that the thickened edge of the glove was above the cuff. Thus, it was impossible to get the glove off without opening the cuff.
Next she unlock the connectorchain from the table and move the chain between the handcuffs. Then the same on the right wrist.
Now the connectorchain forces my hand down while I stand upright.
Guard removes my legcuffs floor lock. He grabs my arm and brings me towards the door.

We walk out the lobby door. We facing next steel door , the guard opens it and we are in a small hallway, next is the garage door, a fire-proof steel door, its locked.
The guard opens it and we are in the garage, the car is ready in front of us.  Guard opens the back door for me and I sit in the seat. first transversely, then I lift my legs and the guard helps me turn the seat properly. A familiar routine.
Guard locks of my legcuffs hobble under the seat. My left handcuff is opened briefly so that the car seat belt can be properly fitted. Then the handcuff is locked back.
The female guard is behind my seat, I feel the seat belt tighten and then lock in place, with no normal, adjusting movement.
Ilona get around the car and comes to sit next to me.
"We ordered a small change to the seat belt," she said, "it can now be locked so you stay stable throughout the journey. It's not very comfortable but it's better than your normal car harness. Especially now that I don't want my clothes wrinkled."
Finally, as I sat upright on the seat, the male guard locked the connectorchain between the handcuffs and legcuffs so that my hands were tightly forced down, almost between my legs.
I was now secured for the journey.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

The guards sat in the front seats of the car, the man in the driver's seat and the woman sitting next to him.
The garage door opened and the car drove backwards out of the garage.
I was excited, it was always nice to get out of the house. Of course, I am every day of my outdoor recreation time, but it's different. From the yard I can see only the fence and the distant trees in the woods ... and then my movement is very restricted.
Of course, I'm now strongly restricted also now but still this is different. A moving car allows me to see a lot of things around me.
To outsiders, if someone looked at me, I would be like any normal person, not a max secured prisoner.
We drove a narrow little road, the road would soon become bigger. I found it strange to watch the scenery, now it's mid-February, there should be a lot of snow in the ground but now it's not. The lawn is almost green. It's strange.

My seat belt was tight, it pressed against my left shoulder, especially as my hands were forced down. I tried to improve the position but it didn't change. I was very careful that my movements were careful. I had learned something from the last time.
"Is everything okay?" Ilona asked. She looked at me and put her hands on my thigh, she had gloves in her hand but it still felt good. Soothing.
"Basically, everything is fine," I replied, "I'm excited about it that I am able to get out. I also understand the importance of all this."
"I am super grateful for the fact that you gave me to wear these beautiful clothes, I do not expect such a surprise!" I said seriously, "But here's a psychic thing that's a bit difficult for me."
Ilona looked at me questioningly.
"Something about my past ..." I tried to explain, "As you know, for a long time I was in a close relationship with a Russian businessman. He pampered me with luxury items, expensive clothes and goods. With clothes like this. He knew I liked them, he imagined that when he gave me all this, I would do whatever he wanted. "
I was silent for a long time and thought, remembered things.
"He said that every Russian man's duty is to pamper the beautiful wife, I was not his wife, but I was in his women.  He owned me".  I told more  "boots and shoes from Europe, leather clothing and other luxury items around the world ... nothing was impossible. I never asked for anything, but he gave me more and more ... He imagined I liked it all."
I laughed bitterly "It's true that I liked them, I was stupid ... I didn't realize that everything would have a very high price".

Ilona listened to me quietly, I felt tears run out of me.
"Then came the time when I had to pay him all," I said quietly. "He forced me to commit crimes, he forced me to do it. When I tried to resist, they repeatedly beat me mentally and physically. They threatened to do harm to my loved ones. They blackmailed me and crushed my mind ".
"You know all that "I looked at Ilona" In the end, you and the Committee, saved me from hell. "
Ilona was shocked.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I do not think about it from that point of view! We were supposed to make you memorable day, reward you".
"I know" I said "All this is awesome and unexpected, you wouldn't have known what was going on in my injured mind."
Now, I already smiled "...and I enjoyed every minute of it now, I have already forgotten the unpleasant things!"
Ilona clenched my thigh with her hand, the touch felt good, especially after the emotional rush.
"One more thing," Ilona said, "This is the stupid thing I not thought of earlier ... The doctor's office is in the same area as the office where you were forced to work."
She looked at me with concern.
I already laughed "no harm, nothing can upset me anymore, I know you protect me!"

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

We drove for a long time, the car was quiet, even the radio was off.
We were already on the motorway en route to Helsinki. I was watching the scenery quietly. There was not much to see, brown and dark nature, trees without leaves. Everything looked dark and dirty. The scenery was like the once Chernobyl landscape, I am amused myself. I missed snow and light.

I moved my legs carefully back and forth sideways. I enjoyed the feeling of leather as it slid over my thighs. I was able to slightly press my hands down my crotch. I felt a little sexually aroused and it amused me.
I smiled, enjoyed the situation. This is my specialty, I really enjoyed the fact that I am in a controlled and efficient manner limited. It gives me unimaginable pleasure, especially as I know I'm safe. I don't want to be afraid.

Ilona looked at me with a smile "You really enjoy this, that you can feel the leather clothing on you".
"Leather pants give me a very special feeling now," I said with pleasure, "I don't think all people can understand it."
"Mmmm" Ilona said thoughtfully, "...and can you imagine... I have to experience the same thing almost every day when I wear leather pants!"
I smiled, I liked Ilona's sense of humor, rarely when she showed it. I am sure that we would be good friends if the situation would be different.
"I understand very well that you are using leather clothes," I smiled, "I am grateful that I am able to wear leather skirts etc. It does not give the same satisfaction than the pants but I understand that the skirt is much more practical in my daily routine."
"It's important that the material is genuine leather, Today can use a variety of leather qualities to make clothes "Ilona thought" I kind of understand the artificial materials too, but they don't give me the same feeling as genuine leather. "
"Leather breathes on you, it's warm in winter and cool in summer" Ilona meditated, "Fake materials do not achieve that feature, they are always uncomfortable to wear."
"Leather also gives dignity and a sense of quality" I sympathized with her.
"you understand me well" Ilona smiled.

We turned off the highway to the left, the ring road east direction.
This was a familiar road for me, I was transported  to the office every day using this road. There were some new transport centers and office buildings along the ring road. I was here in the last more than ten years ago, a lot of things can happen during that time.
I was surprised when we arrived at the airport intersection. The roads had undergone major changes.In the past there was a simple bridge but now there were many bridges that were bending over one another. As if somewhere in a big city.
The ring road on the other side is a large shopping mall, it was at some point in Finland's largest mall but I guess not anymore, I do not know.
Across the road was a hotel and many office buildings, we were going there. More office buildings had been built in ten years. It was interesting to note the development of the area.

"The trip went surprisingly well," Ilona said, "We have almost an hour before the doctor's appointment. We drive to the parking lot and wait in the car. We go in when the time is a few minutes, so we do not need to sit in the public lobby for a long time ".
The car drove to the parking lot and I saw the health station logo on the wall of the building. It felt silly for us to sit in the car for an hour and wait.
"Can I make a suggestion?" I asked quietly.
"Yes you can" Ilona looked at me questioningly.
"Can we drive the parking lot of the office where I worked?" I asked, "I already saw that building, it's very close. We don't have to get up from the car, I just want to look at it, remember things."
The driver looked at Ilona questioningly.
"Why not," She said, "but only at the rear of the car park, not close to the building."
The car quietly flew to another parking lot. I was looking at the building. It was a normal office building. Eight floors, canteen / cafe on ground floor. The building had many different office space. Big open-plan offices and small "studios" ... and everything in between.
Office I worked on was on the fourth floor, a very small office.

I closed my eyes and remembered.
The office was ascetically furnished, with a small open kitchen .. or actually there was just a high "bar table" coffee machine and microwave.
Massive black leather sofa with steel frame and two similar chairs. Glass table in front of the sofa, black and white carpet on the floor, similar large design on the wall.
On a high table was a laptop and a printer.
Very efficient and simple.

I was brought there every working day. Sometimes there were days when nothing happened. I was alone there. Nobody came, nobody even called. I just stood there and waited.

I was standing because I was not allowed to sit down.
My daily "uniform" was a tight leather pencil skirt or similar leather dress, usually a white collar shirt. I always wore hi-heels shoes or boots. I have steelcollar also that time.
Sitting was not allowed because then my skirt or dress would have wrinkles. My man didn't accept it. Shoes were strapped and often so that they could be locked with a small locks, as were the boots.
I wasn't always alone, sometimes he was there, or his partner ... "Wingman" as he said. Sometimes there were clients at the office but very rarely, then my job was to be a waitress and so on.

There was a surveillance camera on the roof of the office, I was always supervised even when I was alone.
Sometimes the courier brought packages from the airport, usually small packages, maybe book size or slightly larger, "spare parts" in general. I took them, and have signed for them, I was not allowed to open them .
Packages were also retrieved, they were generally smaller than received.
There were no packages every day, sometimes nothing happened. Sometimes the phone rang, I had to answer that the manager was not there and take a callback request.
...anyway, if someone called, usually he spoke russia, i didn't understand it.

The funniest thing  is that I was happy, I was proud of my work and my work clothes. I was even proud of having rules that I could follow.
I was cared for and loved in many ways. During that time, I imagined I had found my dream.

Then one day, everything collapsed ...

I cried when I remembered it, I asked that we drive it out of the parking lot.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

We drove quietly back to another parking lot. The car was very quiet. My reaction may have surprised everyone. I shake quietly, I too was surprised at how strongly I felt.
Ilona held her hand on my thigh, patting it soothingly. She took a paper handkerchief from her handbag. Then she held out her hand, facing the guards, and asked for the handcuffs key.
"I'm doing something special now," Ilona said, "I'll open your handcuffs, you'll get your hands free for a moment. You can dry your face and calm down."
She opened my handcuffs and took them off. I raised my hands a little higher, slowly and calmly.
She gave me a handkerchief. I still had stiff gloves on my hands. She did not take them off, I did not expect it, already  handcuffs removal was surprising.
I held the handkerchief clumsily between my hands. I needed both hands because my fingers were stiffened. I tried to dry my cheeks and eyes but I was very clumsy and helpless.
Finally Ilona helped me, she gently wiped my face.
"Good thing I'm not using makeup" I was trying to lighten the mood "if it was done to me it would be a mess now."
"So even someone decision is working today..." Ilona smiled.
"Do you want some water?" she asked and opened a bottle of water.
I  tried to take it between my hands but it was very difficult, I did not dare to squeeze it in the right way. I was afraid the bottle would drop and water me.
Gloves made drinking impossible.
In the end, Ilona took the bottle and tilted it in my mouth, I drank it gratefully. Crying makes me thirsty.

"The big moment is coming," Ilona said seriously.
  A male guard got out of the car. I thought we would all do it but he just came to open my legcuffs. He went back to the driver's seat and quietly drove to the front door of the building.
I was basically free of restrictions! Only the seat belt held me. It was a very shaking feeling.
"The three of us now get out of the car, you wait calmly until we are at the car door, then we open your door and you come out without drama," Ilona explained. "We walk together into the lobby of the building.
There we wait that driver to come with us as well"
."We go straight to the elevator and climb to the right floor. I'll take care of the registration, you and the guards will go straight to the ladies' room. There, the guard takes off your gloves and you can do your thing if it is necessary, I recommend it  "Ilona explained exactly" Did you understand everything? "
I nodded tensely, I felt nervous.

Ilona and the female security guard got out of the car and moved next to the car, near my door.
The security guard opened the door, I sidled to the bench and waited for the security guard to help me stand. It was a bit amusing, I acted as if I still had my steel restraints.
Finally we moved into the hall, the lobby of the building. My escorts were very close to me. It may have seemed weird if someone was watching us, but on the other hand, the viewer might think I had some physical disability and needed some mobility support.
In the lobby, we moved near the wall to wait for the driver.
"You don't have to walk so slowly now," Ilona said, "you walk like you had a short hobblechain between your legs. Also, you hold your hands as if they were handcuffed and locked to waistchain in front of you. It's not necessary now. Try to look normal."
I was astonished. I hadn't thought about the whole thing. Moving in restraints is normal for me, it has been so for many years.
"I try" I said quietly. For some reason I almost whispered. New surroundings, big lobby made me nervous. It was something different than my normal environment, small quiet rooms and cells.

A male security guard entered the lobby and we started walking towards the elevator.
I tried to take normal steps but it felt difficult, I was afraid I would stumble upon my hobblechain even though it didn't exist. I also had problems with my hands ... how do normal people walk? My memory did not have any idea about it!
Inside the elevator, I was looking at me from the big mirror on the wall.
Without a doubt, my clothes were stylish, fashionable and well represent with dignity. I could be so dressed in a fashion show, maybe not as a model but as a front- row guest!
However, I did not feel confident, I was very stressed.
Suddenly, I started to laugh nervously. I looked in the mirror at my hands. My gloves were beautiful, black shiny leather, but I think they looked like unnatural prosthetics, like some cheap movie.  Outside viewer might not think like that, she or he doesn't see anything strange at first glance.
In any case, i felt them as useless as cosmetic prosthetic hands. It was kind of a funny note.
I raised my hand higher but immediately the male guard grabbed me by the arm.
Again, I had forgotten that I was strictly supervised.

to be continued...



a continuation of the previous writing (Doctor visit)

The lift trip was fast. The third floor was not a long way to travel.
Lobby was big and wide, with light walls, black sofas and armchairs right here and there. Big and beautiful green plants too. Everything looked as comfortable as a private medical center should.
On the right was the reception desk, directly in front of the self-check-in. Ilona took card from her bag, I assumed it was my ID card. She went toward the self-service device, I didn't need to be there, just the card.
The guard would gently push me forward, toward the toilets on the left, behind the wall. We stopped in front of the toilet doors. Toilet for men,women and the disabled toilet.
Male guard opened the toilet for the disabled door and went inside.
"We wait here" the woman said quietly and held my arm. Man came out and nodded, the woman guided me in, she locked the door. The man was outside.
She guided me straight into the corner of the room, face toward the wall. My face almost hit the wall. I could smell the detergent on the wall. Hygiene is well maintained, thanks to the cleaners.
"Ok princess" the guard said "you know how this goes. Put your right hand behind your neck. Push your head so your forehead hits the wall".
I did so, I was now slightly leans forward toward the wall.
She grabbed my left hand and twisted it slightly backwards, behind my back. I felt her open the glove zip and pull it out of my hand. It felt great!
She still held my hand and moved it behind my neck. Next, the same for the other hand and finally my hands were without gloves.
Both hands were now behind my neck. I felt how the blood flow increased in them.
She grabbed my fingers with one hand and moved me to the toilet seat, the lid was closed so it was like a chair.
"Now you sit there quietly," she said, and released his grip, "you can now lower your hands, slowly."
I slowly lowered my arms to my lap. I felt the blood begin to circulate better now that my hands were below the heart. The skin on my hands was stinging and felt hot. I was surprised again how tight the gloves really are.
"When you are ready, you can stand up and open up the pants. Take them down and make your needs now that we are in the toilet," she said.
I tested my fingers. they still felt stiff and burning. It felt like every joint hurt when I tried to move it!
However, I got up and tried to open my belt, it was very difficult, I couldn't even feel my fingers yet! The guard looked at my attempt and sighed "Ok, hands behind your neck, I'll do it".
I lifted my hand and he quickly opened my belt and trouser button. She lowered my pantyhose and panties. She opened the lid of the seat and ordered me to sit.
"Thank you" I said and sat down and was going to lower my hands.
"Keep your hands up behind your neck, "she said," You can't even open your pants, where do you need your hands now? "
It was humiliating. I knew she didn't have to do it, but she wanted to show who was giving orders. She wanted to give me a little extra humiliation again.
I sat upright on the seat, hands behind my neck. I tried to spread my legs as much as possible. I didn't want the pants to fall to the floor. I wanted to protect them even though the floor looked very clean, this was not a men's toilet.
I didn't have the need to pee but I still wanted to do it. Finally, I felt the pee come on because my hands were behind my neck, I couldn't do anything so I felt a part of the pee run down my thighs. It was annoying.
When I was done, the guard wiped me out. She even damp paper cleaned up my thighs.
"You need to clean well," she said bitterly, "no one wants a princess who smells of pee. And of course we can't mess with your precious clothes."
It revealed to me something I knew before ... she was jealous of me!
"What do you think?" she asked "do your fingers work or do I need to help you again?
"I can try" I said quietly, I was annoyed by his attitude.
She nodded and I lowered my arms and slowly got up to stand.
I put on my clothes and managed to do it. Fingers are already operating in some way.
In the end, we were ready.
The guard opened the door. Ilona was waiting for us. When we returned to the lobby, I saw a male guard sitting near the elevator. He was securing and controlling my movement.
"Room 32" Ilona said and showed me a receipt from the self-service machine. "We have a few minutes."
We moved from the lobby to the small hallway. There were many reception rooms. Room 32 was almost down the hall. There were lighter chairs next to the door. I sat in the middle and the guard and Ilona by my sides. They were sitting so close that I almost laughed ... The corridor was almost empty, only the three of us sitting close together were very tight.

to be continued...


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