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Helping hand

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In my opinion, this is a very good forum.
Miisa (CG) has done a good job but she is perhaps a little busy at the moment. I hope it is temporary. I'm trying to help here and add some material of my own archives.
She has kept the forum tidy and simple. I try to respect her style in the forum.
I'm not trying to take over this forum, just help in a busy time.
This is the CaptiveGirl forum, and remains under the control of Miisa.



Harry C wrote:

In my opinion, this is a very good forum.
Miisa (CG) has done a good job but she is perhaps a little busy at the moment. I hope it is temporary. I'm trying to help here and add some material of my own archives.
She has kept the forum tidy and simple. I try to respect her style in the forum.
I'm not trying to take over this forum, just help in a busy time.
This is the CaptiveGirl forum, and remains under the control of Miisa.

Harry has done a good job here!
I have been busy and difficult times lately. It's great that there are people who want to help me.
It warms me, thank you very much!


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Forum Talk » Helping hand