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I am an American Dominant man from Illinois. I really enjoy your group. I would like to tell you that I really admire the way that you are living your Dream. I can’t imagine the amount of courage it took to get started in your prisoner life.
   I would like to find a female partner that dreams of being a prisoner. I have grown and evolved to crave the control of another human being, everything from what they wear to what they eat, and everything in between.
  I doubt that there are many people that want to give up that much control, but if there happens to be such a person I hope you will e-mail me. I am VERY serious!
I have a room in my basement that would make a very secure cell. I just need a prisoner!
   Keep living your dream!!!!



Hello and Welcome to the forum!

I do not know if I had the courage to start a prisoner's life .... maybe it was so that I did not have the courage to normal life.
Basically, a prisoner's life is easy, you just have to trust and give control to other people (which, of course, is also a big risk).

I'd love to hear more about your basement and your plan.

prisoner MK