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Since you dropped in on my world Miisa.

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Thanks for dropping in on my work on Deviant Art today Miisa. I can see why the Restraint World project would be of interest to somebody such as yourself.

For those that don't know me, I'm a photographer with a passion for the non traditional bondage using almost anything except rope. Straitjackets, cuffs, armbinders, leather straps; you name is and I'll use it.

On DeviantArt I help run a group called RestraintWorld, dedicated to a fictional parallel universe to ours, where society has developed differently to ourselves. There, women wear restraints not as a sign of subserviance, but to signify their equality to men. It is a world where chivalry is not dead and a man holding a door open for a woman is expected and graciously accepted, not frowned upon. There is no need for feminism and technology has developed that makes the life for a woman whose hands are constantly restrained when outside the home as easy as possible.

My own profile on DA can be found at *

The Restraint World group, which has many examples of women wearing restraints in situations that would be usually found in such a society, can be found at *

*You have to be a member of DA and indicate that you are over 18 to view either.



Welcome to the forum!

I am admiring your photos, and Restraint World - group a very long time. I am a big fan!

I think you can understand my lifestyle even a little. :)

Nice to get you involved in the forum!



Thank you for the  welcome Miisa.

I certainly can understand a part of your lifestyle, and the motivation that you have for maintaining it.

I have been in touch online for several years with a young lady who has devoted her life to serving her husband and endures similar restrictions on her freedom, albeit she does have the advantage of a career as well, which gives her some respite on the more physical restrictions of chains and gags. The dressing restrictions and her chastity piercings still create a degree of control over her lifestyle even then. 

It has been a fascinating conversation, learning about her lifestyle, and one I hope will continue long into the future.


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Tell us who you are. Introduce yourself » Since you dropped in on my world Miisa.