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FanArt Fantasy (drawing and stories)

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I set up a new topic for the drawings made for us by one of my great Fan and friend.
He doesn’t want his name in public.

I like his art and stories.
The stories are inspired by me, says the artist.




Going to wedding anniversary (FanArt fantasy)
The prisoner’s parents have a wedding anniversary, they have been married for 30 years.
Prisoner has requested that she be allowed to visit the party.
The Committee has considered the matter and has taken the following decision:
Since the prisoner has been behaving impeccably for ten years, the prisoner can visit the party but it requires special arrangements.
- The prisoner must be restrained and under supervision at all times, at least a waistchain with sidecuffs, tight leather mittens. Leg irons and connectorchain are also required.
- Collar is visible at all times as a reminder of the prisoner's status.
- The prisoner must not touch anything and no one must touch the prisoner, the absolute safety distance is at least 1 meter.
- Additional restraints can be used if necessary but are not intended to humiliate the prisoner in front of other guests.
- even the slightest disturbance results in the prisoner being transported back to prison immediately. Otherwise the visiting time is 1 hour.

The prisoner has borrowed a beautiful party dress and shoes, she is happy and she is going to behave well!

Going to wedding anniversary (FanArt fantasy),2
Prisoner was transported to her parents' wedding anniversary.
There were a surprising number of guests at the party and therefore it was decided to raise the prisoner's security regulations.
Prisoner received stronger restraints and she was locked to the wall in the corner of the party room.
No one could come 2 meters closer to her.
It was very humiliating but still the prisoner was happy.
This was the only opportunity to see her beloved family and relatives.
She is perhaps the next decade in isolation in prison.

:) I like these drawings and the story. Thank You!



FanArt Fantasy 3

"This is a good day for the prisoner.
She's got a new dress. That is important for her because she has a meeting with the Committee. She also has new restraints.
The committee has received a proposal from the Ministry of Education. It suggests that the prisoner could be used in the teaching of young women.
A prisoner would go around schools, etc. to tell students that a crime is not a good thing.
The prisoner would give lectures on her life as a Max Security prisoner and then answer questions. The lecture would always be 45 to 50 minutes.

Prisoner is enthusiastic about the idea, it would give her a lot of new things in life.
She is excited about the forthcoming meeting with the Committee. She is going to negotiate a good deal for herself."

Wow ... this is exciting! I’m really looking forward to the sequel to the story.
A story with pictures is a great idea, especially when the drawings are unique, made for me. Thank you!



FanArt Fantasy 4

"Because prisoner may start a lecture tour, promotion pictures are needed.
She felt like a real photo model when a professional photographer took pictures of her. She really enjoyed it!
The prisoner would have liked the pictures without the restraints but that would not have been truthful.
Many pictures were taken, here is one example.
The committee was of the opinion that the pictures may be too good. They show that the prisoner is enjoying his life...
Pictures not yet published."



FanArt Fantasy 5

"The photographer is amazed at how prisoner is natural in all restraints, even with pain.
Prisoner enjoys being a model, she does a good job to the best of her ability.
Really seeing that she was born to be chained, it’s so natural for her!"



FanArt Fantasy 6

"The media has heard about the plan where the prisoner will give lectures in schools and the like.
It wants to know more about the prisoner, some promotional images have been leaked to the public and now people want to know more.
The beautiful prisoner is of interest to the general public."



FanArt fantasy 7

The media is excited about the possibility that they could bring the prisoner to the public eye!
A prisoner would be something different than normal celebrities trying to gain visibility at any cost.
The prisoner is a well-behaved, wise and good conversationalist. Not a useless gold digger.
She has also been invited to television talk shows, but the Committee is not excited about it.
The committee must meet to decide on this issue, which has unexpectedly come up.

The prisoner can only wait.



FanArt Fantasy 8

"Committee gave permission for the prisoner to give a lecture.
The topic of the lecture was a moral life and the prisoner showed an example by which a woman can be punished for an immoral life, for example a prostitute.
Prisoner was locked in a chastity belt chain. Beneath it were just skinny leggings. The chain was very tight and it felt uncomfortable every moment. The sound of the chains was also audible and noticeable.
She wished she could have worn a leather skirt that would have hidden all the chains ...
Balletboots hurt her legs but she had to stand throughout the lecture. It was a mixture of torture and shame".



FanArt Fantasy 9

First appearance on national television.
The prisoner was given a complete make-up and hairstyle. She also got new clothes for the performance. Beautiful leather clothes ... the manufacturer wants to be her public supporter because they believe in prisoner market power.
The prisoner sat as a guest on the talk show and answered even silly questions calmly. It was easy because there was no audience in the studio (Covid-19 regulations).
She received a lot of positive feedback about the performance and behavior.
She already has her own fan club that is growing all the time like an explosion.
Everyone wants a part of the new celebrity.



FanArt Fantasy 10

"Prisoner has exercise every day.
For many years she was locked in a cell 23 hours a day but now the practice has changed.
She walks (or light jogs) 5 km every day on the treadmill.
At first, she hated it but now it has become routine in which she looks forward to every day."



FanArt Fantasy 11

"Prisoner has a new personal guard.
As the prisoner is now much in public, the Committee decided that it was best for her guard / escort to be a woman.
The new guard is an experienced, former police / bodyguard. She is strict but very professional.
Prisoner is happy because they like the same things like fashion, etc.
Guard does not usually show her face in public."



FanArt Fantasy 12

"The most beautiful prisoner dress ever!" Wrote to the media when the prisoner attended an important evening party last weekend.
There were a lot of people at the party and the prisoner was happy that she was on a leash and under tight guard.
...After years of isolation, everything feels very scary.



FanArt Fantasy 13

"Perhaps the biggest change in the prisoner’s current life compared to the old one is that now she has to wait more in different places and even in public.
When she was isolated inside the cell 23 hours a day it was basically stress free once she got used to it. It can be called institutionalization.
Now she is being transported publicly to many new places. Many people see her and she cannot cover herself or hide.
A prisoner understands that it is an idea why she is appearing in public so that people understand that being a prisoner is not an easy life.
She is a cautionary example.

Sometimes it happens that the guard locks her in an awkward place, like now.
Prisoner has been waiting a long time for transportation away from the destination.
She is locked to the wall with two chains so she can't sit, just almost ... the chain is 30 cm too short!
She wants to think it’s a mistake, the guard was maybe just careless. She doesn't understand why the guard would want to humiliate her more?
Prisoner does not make a complaint because it could jeopardize the future of the entire project.
However, this life is better than total isolation."



FanArt Fantasy 14

"On the way to a radio interview.
Prisoner is happy that she can wear normal clothes in public.
Restraints can’t hide but that’s not a problem for her.
On the radio, the interviewer asked that not all those restraints are distracting and difficult .... even Hannibal Lechter was not so limited and controlled ...
The prisoner is so used to all the restraints that she doesn’t even think about them anymore, they are a constant part of her life."



FanArt Fantasy 15

"Prisoner was at a fashion show. She was surprised by the opportunity to attend the event.
She didn’t have the opportunity to attend the performance,, nor be normal audience.
She had her own place next to the wall, she was like a doll that was not allowed to approach. She introduced a beautiful leather dress and the audience was in love with it!"



FanArt Fantasy 16

"Prisoner M T is happy.
It is certain that her sentence will end in a month, on January 20, 2021.
She has been a high-level prisoner for exactly four years at the time.
The prisoner has decided that she will never be in the same situation again ..."



FanArt Fantasy 17

Transportation harness

Prisoner tested a new harness, They were designed and made for her. She was a little proud of them ... They were really made just for her and it flattered her.
The harness was made of leather with a kevlar profile sewn inside. Harness connected her chains from front and back, they felt comfortable to wear. The mere chains always moved and felt uncomfortable.
Basically there was nothing new in it, the prisoner still had steel restraints: Steelcollar, handcuffs and legcuffs and the chains that connect them.

New thing is that the leather harness keeps the chains close to her body tightly.
Front  steel chain descends down to her waist and from the handcuffs. Back  chain locks behind her back at the waist and eventually legcuffs the hobblechain.
Harness is locked behind the back with three locks. Leash chain is in the middle of the front, below the breasts, so it does not give weight to the collar.
Prisoner likes the idea that she could wear a long coat outdoors. Thus, it would be difficult for an outsider to notice that she has restraints.

Unfortunately authorities did not accept this harness model for use.
The authorities considered that the package was too light and too weak. In addition, it had no securing between the legs.
If harness is used to move a prisoner outdoors, in the vicinity of normal people, it must be safer and more secure, authorities decided.

The decision of the authorities annoys the prisoner but still she tries to smile.



FanArt Fantasy 18

Transport harness, version II

The next development version of the harness is also made of steel, kevlar and leather.
The hands are locked in a strong kevlar / leather tube that is firmly locked under the prisoner's chest. The arms are also locked so that the prisoner cannot spread her arms.
Steel collar becomes a chain that is locked to the chest and the tube of the hands.
Between the legs comes a tight crotch strap that holds the harness in place.
The thighs have straps that force the prisoner to take only small steps. The ankles have steel leg irons. The connecting chain is locked in place.

Harness is now safer than the first model. It effectively limits the use of hands.
The new crotch and thigh straps ensure that the prisoner cannot undress the harness himself under any circumstances.

Prisoner doesn’t like this model because it restrains a lot of her hands, it’s like a straitjacket! The extra straps are also nasty, the crotch strap is too tight and the thigh straps annoy the prisoner.

The O-ring at the lower end of the connecting chain is large and the hobblechain slides in it every step of the way. It makes a great "Chain Sound" that is heard everywhere a prisoner walks!

The authorities accept this whole but recommend the use of mittens and a leash in all situations.



FanArt Fantasy 19

The prisoner was a fashion photo shoot again. She really enjoys that opportunity.
The leather clothing manufacturer and photographer have fallen in love with the prisoner’s ability and skill to be a natural model.
Some customers like restraint additions in pictures, maybe it will become the next fashion and we can see restraints more in everyday use, maybe at fashion shows too ...?



FanArt Fantasy 20

There are people who don't understand why a prisoner is in public. They do not understand the teaching that a prisoner gives to young women, etc.
They think the prisoner should be locked in jail at all times, hidden from the public eye. More effectively punished.
Some even want to hurt the prisoner.

Therefore, the guarding of the prisoner has been intensified, now there are often two guards in use.
A guard who keeps the prisoner on a short leash and another who secures the prisoner's environment.

In the picture, the prisoner is transferred on the street. Her status was covered and restraints hidden under large clothes.
But not all restraints can be hidden.

The prisoner has a waist chain under a big coat. The wrists have cuffs that are locked through pockets to the waist chain. Legirons and collar / leash cannot be hidden so they are visible to everyone.
In some cases, a prisoner wears a gag under a mask



FanArt Fantasy 21

Lightweight restraints for internal transfers

Steel restraints are not always needed, in some cases a lighter restraint system can be used. As if the prisoner is under strict supervision and in a secured environment.
In this system is a harness hidden under the jacket, the prisoner's hands have mittens that are locked together behind the back. The arms are crossed in a strong leather tube like a straitjacket.
This solution is used when the goal is an unobtrusive but relatively safe transition in public.
The system is comfortable to use and can also be used on long journeys.
However, it must be remembered that the security level is only "normal".



FanArt Fantasy 22

Return to reality.
A prisoner sometimes has to wear normal prison coveralls, including in public.
Overalls emphasize her captivity even more than normal shackles.
Today she has a meeting with the authorities and has two guards with her.
Fortunately, the guards allow a long coat on her shoulders, it covers part of the chains.



FanArt Fantasy 23

A public place of shame
The open square has a place to lock dogs, bicycles and other things.
A prisoner can also be attached to it, so it also serves as a place of shame.
It is very humiliating, People passing by can watch and witness the shame of the prisoner and the prisoner will not be able to hide it.
Fortunately, the prisoner can dress well for this public humiliation.
She can only wait for the public presentation to be over.



FanArt Fantasy 24

No walking today
The prisoner has a guest meeting today.
This time, the prisoner will not be transported out of prison. She can meet a guest inside the prison's "therapy room". As a Covid-19, the safety distance is definitely at least 3 meters
The prisoner is matter-of-fact dressed in jeans, he even has beautiful high-heeled ankle boots.
While the prisoner is restrained and effectively locked to the wall, her beautiful ankle boots are also locked to her feet. Otherwise, they could be used as a weapon against guards and or a visitor.



I like "FanArt" drawings.
I tried to ask for the contact information of the draftsman but the prisoner does not give them, he wants to be unknown.
It's OK.

But I would like to ask if he can draw other female prisoners as well?
-Big plus size female prisoners in chains
-Pregnant prisoners
-other special groups

There are many types of prisoners, if they are doomed to shackles it would be great to see pictures of them!
Not just beautiful young prisoners like prisoner Karlsson.



BEP wrote:

I like "FanArt" drawings.
I tried to ask for the contact information of the draftsman but the prisoner does not give them, he wants to be unknown.
It's OK.

But I would like to ask if he can draw other female prisoners as well?
-Big plus size female prisoners in chains
-Pregnant prisoners
-other special groups

There are many types of prisoners, if they are doomed to shackles it would be great to see pictures of them!
Not just beautiful young prisoners like prisoner Karlsson.

:) It is true that I do not share contacts if they are not public.
Members trust me and I trust members.

You raised an interesting topic.
I, too, would be interested in such drawings and discussion on this subject.

The artist reads the forum so he gets informed from this discussion, maybe he’s interested as well.



FanArt Fantasy 25

Biker style
Prisoner dressed in Biker style during her school visit. Black short leather jacket and glossy black, skin-tight PVC pants. She looked like a credible biker girl.
The prisoner had her normal steel collar as well as a waistchain with sidecuffs.
She had two guards, as almost always today, one led her using a collar chain and the other was behind with another chain.
New legcuffs were ... or rather, they were like the historical Middle Ages. They had no hobblechain, it had been replaced by two short steel bars. It made walking difficult and slowed the prisoner.
The prisoner hated them. She also hated her PVC pants because they were hot and sweaty.



FanArt Fantasy 26

Street style
The prisoner is going to negotiate with the authorities. She would like more freedoms, as she now has her hands free.
Prisoner understands that her sentence included effective supervision and steel restraints but she would still like some freedoms so she could be more "feminine".
She doesn’t know exactly what she wants but she still hopes the authorities will understand her.



FanArt Fantasy 27

Prisoner had a negotiation with the authorities, or so the prisoner thought.
She wanted relief from some practices, such as having her hands free when she was in public, etc.
The prisoner accepted the use of restraints as they were part of her sentence but she thought the practices could be changed and adjusted.

Authorities listened to her.
After a few days, the prisoner received a decision:
The use of restraints will remain as before. Guards are advised to be very careful that the regulations are followed.
Authorities warn guards that a prisoner may try to manipulate them. Maybe the guards are too kind to her.
Authorities recommend that guards change periodically so that they do not befriend a prisoner.
In unclear situations, the recommendation is that the prisoner must use a gag.

Prisoner is very upset. The decision was not what she expected.
She still tries to smile and be brave.



FanArt Fantasy 28

Prisoner had a negotiation with the authorities, or so the prisoner thought.
She wanted relief from some practices, such as having her hands free when she was in public, etc.
The prisoner accepted the use of restraints as they were part of her sentence but she thought the practices could be changed and adjusted.

Authorities listened to her.
After a few days, the prisoner received a decision:
The use of restraints will remain as before. Guards are advised to be very careful that the regulations are followed.
Authorities warn guards that a prisoner may try to manipulate them. Maybe the guards are too kind to her.
Authorities recommend that guards change periodically so that they do not befriend a prisoner.
In unclear situations, the recommendation is that the prisoner must use a gag.

Prisoner is very upset. The decision was not what she expected.
She still tries to smile and be brave.


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » CaptiveGirl Diary » FanArt Fantasy (drawing and stories)