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The daily life of a prisoner

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I want to thank  prisoner for her patience.
She has listened to my thoughts regarding hard captivity and she has always managed to talk to me from different perspectives related to it.
I may have a very tough ideas about how prisoners should be punished and treated. I think a prisoner needs to feel discomfort all the time. This means living conditions, clothing, restraints, practices and all aspects of the areas.
Living in prison must feel like a punishment all the time!

Part of prisoner Karlsson’s life satisfies me very much. I am pleased that she is strictly secured at all times. But still, as she herself has said, she lives like a princess. Is that the right way to serve a prison sentence?
I understand in this case (prisoner Karlsson) that tightening could also mean restricting her web behavior. I don’t want to limit it in any way.
All we know about her behavior is what she tells us, but is that enough?
She has rules of conduct and speaking that she also apparently follows well. She has also said that the guards are not her friends. That's the only way. Their relationship must always be official and in accordance with the rules.
Inside the cells there is air conditioning and he goes outside in a shady place. I think it's like vacationing in a hotel!
I like the idea of a prisoner wearing something other than a light summer dress like now.
She has said that she does not like latex or rubber but maybe it would be a good material to make her feel the full time discomfort that is a part of a prisoner's life.
Restraints are also something I would like to talk about. Cell has a chance to lock up a prisoner of the three chains to the wall, floor and ceiling. That would be maximum security!
The prisoner has not used the gag for a long time, it is unfortunate. Gag means more than silencing the speech, it signals the control and humiliation also.

Readers and members, do not misunderstand me. I don’t want to give instructions on how to treat a prisoner. These are just my opinions.

I have discussed this with the prisoner, we often talk via email. I cannot have direct contact with the Committee but, as the prisoner has said, the Committee is reading this forum. I just wanted to share my thoughts and maybe open a discussion on the subject.



Its good to hear your views, i must say i share your thoughts on prison feeling like punishment at all times.

One day I hope I shall find someone who could help me experience that. Dress choice in my opinion should be agreed before the sentence starts, but after that, mandated on a daily basis by the prison staff. It would help enforce good behaviour in a punishment and reward scenario.




What fascinates me is that a prisoner is never completely free from restraints. The practices in her handling are very unambiguous, she usually explains them in great detail.
Prisoner accepts the routines just fine, she has years of practice in those practices. She does not fight against them.
Complete submission to the status of a prisoner. I appreciate it!


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