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Prisoner braces etc

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I've been researching things today.
I have read prisoner reports regarding braces, corset etc but I may not have understood everything. I didn’t realize the scale of the matter and how restrictive they can be.
Now I have spent hours studying and I think they are a really good solution for controlling a prisoner even in the long run!

I added some pictures of the "braces and othopedic" topic but I also put few here.



Real Restraints wrote:

I've been researching things today.
I have read prisoner reports regarding braces, corset etc but I may not have understood everything. I didn’t realize the scale of the matter and how restrictive they can be.
Now I have spent hours studying and I think they are a really good solution for controlling a prisoner even in the long run!

I added some pictures of the "braces and othopedic" topic but I also put few here.

Your example of the images look a little different corset.
The corset in the pictures is intended to keep the spine straight, perhaps due to scoliosis, or after some spinal surgery. So it’s not a “full corset” like mine.
There is also no corset and braces combined in the pictures.

But, yes, good pictures as examples!



I really like these pictures of young women who have to wear leg braces and corsets.


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » General issues, suggestions » Prisoner braces etc