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Uploading images to the forum

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The forum has uploaded images on relevant topics. It’s great that I get help with that job!

I have been asked what kind of images can be uploaded to the CaptiveGirl Forum

There are simple rules for this:
- No child pictures or anything related (this is an absolute rule)
- no sexual intercourse.
- No photos with a fully displayed genitals
- This forum is not a porn site

It is recommended that the image source / author be mentioned in the images (if it is not otherwise visible). If it is not known, the description may be "unknown source".

Otherwise, the rules are free, however so that the images must be of good quality.

The forum administrator has the right to remove any inappropriate images. Decisions are not discussed.

Thank You



I want to thank one of the Forum members, "Real Restraints" has done a great job and diligently posted several pictures on our forum!

I'm also happy that he does it according to the rules I created (I've  deleted only a few of the pictures he posted ...).

I’ve had a little trouble with all my work so I’m happy that he wants to take responsibility for the forum.

Many thanks to him!


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Forum Talk » Uploading images to the forum