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We are the same, but different.

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Wow Miisa, I admire your dedication to your lifestyle. You are amazing.

I share with Miisa the prepubescent discovery of bondage and sexual awaking. It manifested differently for me - I don’t have prisoner inclination, but many things are if a similar theme.

We share bondage, control (being controlled, not neccessarily submissive) and a dedication to long term and permanent behavior modification in common.

I have many thoughts about what I have read here, but I will keep these to myself - there is no point revisiting the past - and I would not presume to fully understand when I still struggle to understand myself sometimes. I am the unreliable narrator of my unreliable memories.

I do look forward to joining the community here and adding to the conversation in the future.



You are very welcome to the Forum!



Dear Miisa,
Are you still in extreme, metal bondage, controlled by the committee, right up to the present.


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Tell us who you are. Introduce yourself » We are the same, but different.