I'm quite young and I've liked bondage for quite a bit, but what you're doing here is amazing and a little bit unbelievable. In the BDSM communities I know, there are always safewords and ways to get out, and consent is considered to be more important than anything else. The way you structured your whole life around inescapable imprisonment is amazing and a little bit scary, but I'm very glad you've found a way to live that you love. Cheers to many more years of captivity!
New and amazed
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Share22023-05-08 10:58:43
You are welcome to the forum!
People can make many kinds of decisions regarding their own lives.
Someone may decide to destroy their life with drugs, alcohol and/or tobacco. Someone else can live dangerously otherwise, for pleasure.
I like that my life is steady and very predictable. I don't like quick changes and surprises (this wish has not been fully realized lately).
People commit themselves to many kinds of things that are difficult to let go of, such as marriage, children, mortgage... all the pressures of "normal life".
It is often also very important to people how their life looks on the outside, and that can also be stressful.
I am happy that I have less of all these stressors.
Practices, routines and everything else gives stability to my life... although I understand that it might confuse some people.
Another, very important one is my sexuality point of view.
I simply feel that I need everything that belongs to my limited and controlled life. They give me satisfaction.
I know that I could probably live without daily practices, routines and discipline, but I don't want to try it.
My daily bondage and confinement restrictions are an important part of my life. It has been like that for almost 15 years.
I can say that I am addicted to this lifestyle.
Someone wise has said that if a dominant addiction is removed, another similar one will take its place.
I don't want to know what it would be for me.