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You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Collars » Overkill - Maxium Overkill punishment for prisoner joy to others

Overkill - Maxium Overkill punishment for prisoner joy to others

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Overkill... from germany from

Collar that fits to people who do not have much neck... 2cm but weight is 3kg … s-quot-2cm

Maxium overkill … kg-spezial
This collar is pure evil joy to some... weighs around 8.5kg

If you feel lonely, there is whole set

Since these are custom made to your measures, you can also ask additional things... like locking hasps for high security locks, that bolts only keep the collars and cuffs closed.

I had one collar that weighted with a lock 5.5kg... One did not want stay upright much. Just think if you are connected to roof and you can not lie down...



Very heavy collars look beautiful and effective, but you have to be careful when using them so that the prisoner doesn't get permanent problems.
The nerves and muscles of the neck can be damaged under heavy weight.
The sharp edges of the inner surface are also dangerous.

The problem is that a loose collar puts pressure on the clavicle and nerves.
In principle, a tight collar is better, but even that should not hinder breathing too much.

Sleeping is also difficult/impossible if the collar is too big and heavy.

Of course... in sadistic thinking, that may be the intention.

If a prisoner has been sentenced to death in captivity, a heavy, tight collar can be permanently installed and you can watch as the prisoner slowly withers away.



That is one of the reason the corners need to rounded up. Heavier collars are bitch to wear. I remember the one I had "loaned" since did not have Domme whom to play with it... 5kg... I could stand for while, but then one needs to lie down to take the weight off.

Metal collars for night need to be larger, since neck comes little bit bigger when you are laying down. Also the shape and size of the neck has effect. Like me, I pretty much have no neck, so 5cm or wider would be pain in the ass.

But, yes, I would need to get a good steel collar. the 2.9kg one is the one I have been drooling a lot. Ok, more than a lot but weight little bit scares me. But security wise, moving bolt and adding hole would needed adjustments they can do.

Metal, that I can not cut it myself, or cut the buckle... which happened in one escape, years ago...

I do have chain now, that can not be cut without powertools... and lock with similar fashion... waiting...


You are here » CaptiveGirl Forum » Collars » Overkill - Maxium Overkill punishment for prisoner joy to others